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Free-Breathing Radial Imaging using a Pilot-Tone RF Transmitter for Detection of Respiratory Motion

High resolution diffusion and perfusion MRI of normal, preeclamptic and growth-restricted mice models reveal clear fetoplacental differences

Author:Qingjia Bao  Eddy Solomon  Ron Hadas  Stefan Markovic  Odelia Chitrit  Maxime Yon  Michal Neeman  Lucio Frydman  

Institution:Weizmann Institute of Science  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Women's Imaging  

Session Name:Placenta  

Program Number:0585  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 3  

Motion-Corrected Pulmonary Imaging Using Spiral UTE Acquisition and Accelerated GROG-XD-GRASP Reconstruction

MP-RAVE: IR-Prepared T1-Weighted Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D GRE Imaging with Retrospective Motion Correction

SPEN for Diffusion MRI

Author:Eddy Solomon  

Institution:New York University  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Live Q&A Date:Sunday, 9 August 2020  

Topic:Diffusion: Encoding & Acquisition  

Session Name:Diffusion: Encoding & Acquisition  

Program Number:

Room Live Q&A Session:Sunday Parallel 1