Eddy Solomon1, Li Feng2, Benkert Thomas 3, Moritz Schneider 4, Kai Tobias Block1, Daniel K Sodickson1, and Hersh Chandarana1
1Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 3Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 4Radiology, University Hospital LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Despite recent advances in imaging
techniques, respiratory motion remains a major challenge in lung MRI. This work
explores ultrashort echo time (UTE) technique based on a stack-of-spirals
trajectory for lung MRI. To achieve motion-resolved and high-resolution
pulmonary MRI during free breathing, spiral arms were grouped into different
respiratory states based on self‐navigator signals. These data were
reconstructed with an eXtra-Dimensional (XD) compressed-sensing algorithm that
use self-calibrating GRAPPA operator gridding (GROG). The proposed
reconstruction pipeline enabled motion-compensated imaging revealing fine details
of pulmonary parenchymal anatomy.
Computed Tomography is currently the clinical
gold standard for assessing lung anatomy. To avoid ionizing radiation, MRI has been proposed as an alternative modality that can provide a simultaneous evaluation of pulmonary structure and function. However, lung
MRI can be challenging due to short T2* relaxation times in lung parenchyma, low proton
density, and substantial respiratory motion (1). This work explores lung MRI using
an ultrashort echo time (UTE) technique based on a stack-of-spirals trajectory
(2,3). The sequence uses variable-duration slice encoding to minimize T2*
decay, Cartesian sampling along Kz, and in-plane spiral sampling to reduce the
time needed for covering k-space. To achieve motion-resolved and high-resolution
pulmonary MRI during free breathing, spiral arms were grouped into different
respiratory states based on self‐navigator signals (4). These data were then reconstructed with an eXtra-Dimensional
(XD) compressed-sensing algorithm that used self-calibrating GRAPPA operator
gridding (GROG) (5) as an initial step, to avoid repetitive gridding/regridding operations during the iterative reconstruction
of the non-Cartesian data. The proposed reconstruction
pipeline was tested on 5 healthy volunteers, showing improved
motion-compensated imaging results as compared with conventional gridding.METHODS
All data were
acquired with a work-in-progress (WIP) Spiral UTE sequence on a 3T Prisma system
(Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) using a body coil array. All human
scans were performed under free-breathing conditions. Common imaging parameters
included TE/TR=0.05/3.7ms, spiral duration=1600 µs, 144 slices, 2000 spiral
views, no fat suppression, 1.3mm or 1.0mm isotropic resolution, and golden-angle
ordering of spiral arms. The sequence uses non-selective RF excitation.
Therefore, a coronal orientation was chosen to minimize the required number of
through-plane phase encoding steps. Two reconstruction techniques were
compared: (1) Standard gridding (NUFFT) without motion compensation, calculated
directly on the scanner, and (2) the combination of GROG and XD-GRASP reconstruction (referred to as GROG-XD-GRASP and is
described in the following subsection) implemented in Matlab (MathWorks,
Reconstruction: We aimed to extend the XD-GRASP approach
by incorporating GROG, specifically for spiral UTE data. Using the spiral
trajectory given by the machine, GROG reconstruction
was integrated as a preprocessing step shifting all spiral k- space points onto
a Cartesian grid. The k-space data reconstructed by GROG was then sorted according
to respiratory motion data extracted from center of k-space. Next, the XD-GRASP iterative reconstruction was
performed by solving the following
optimization problem:
\arg\min_\mathbf{d} ||\mathbf{F}\mathbf{C}\mathbf{d}- \mathbf{m}||_2^2+λ||\mathbf{T}\mathbf{d}||_1
where {F} is the FFT operator, {C} represents coil sensitivity maps, {d} is the image series to be reconstructed, {m} is the sorted k-space data (after GROG) and {T} is the sparsifying transform applied along the
respiratory dimension with a regularization parameter . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Spiral UTE data were binned into four
respiratory states from inspiration to expiration (Fig.1a) based on the respiratory signal derived from the center
of k-space. The subject
was instructed to breath deep and steady during the scan, so that changes in lung volume could clearly be noticed in the resulting
images. Next, the expiratory state was reconstructed by both the conventional
gridding method and the proposed method (Fig.1b). Images generated by gridding show
motion blurring (see yellow arrow) and provide less specific anatomical
details. A closer comparison of these methods in another volunteer with identical
spatial resolution show a clear advantage of the proposed motion-corrected reconstruction
(Fig. 2, left), revealing more structures of the parenchyma. These anatomical structures can be further appreciated
in the zoomed images (Fig. 2, right) of these regions.
Finally, a high-resolution coronal dataset with 1.0 mm isotropic spatial
resolution (Fig. 3) was binned into four respiratory states and motion‐resolved
inspiration (left) and expiration (right) states were reconstructed by the two
methods, demonstrating slightly finer anatomical details when using the
proposed reconstruction.CONCLUSION
This work shows that self-navigation and
motion-sorting enabled by spiral UTE imaging, combined with sparsity-based
reconstruction, can provide additional anatomical information of potential clinical
value. Moreover, when implemented with initial GROG operator to avoid
repetitive gridding operations, image reconstruction can be further accelerated. Acknowledgements
We acknowledge support from NIH grant P41
EB0171813 and R01 5R01EB018308.References
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