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Author:Maria Yanez Lopez Anthony Price Emer Hughes Nicolaas Puts Richard Edden Grainne McAlonan Tomoki Arichi Enrico De Vita
Institution:Johns Hopkins School of Medicine King's College London Imperial College London Kennedy Krieger Institute
Session Type:Oral
Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020
Topic:Pediatric Innovations
Session Name:Pediatric High-End Potpourri
Program Number:0100
Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 3
Author:Serge Vasylechko Emer Hughes Joanna Allsop Matthew Fox Daniel Rueckert Jo Hajnal
Institution:Imperial College London King's College London
Program Number:0095
Author:Maximilian Pietsch Daan Christiaens Jana Hutter Lucilio Cordero-Grande Anthony Price Emer Hughes David Edwards Joseph Hajnal Serena Counsell J-Donald Tournier
Institution:King's College London KU Leuven
Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch
Session Name:Pediatric Head to Toe
Program Number:0077
Author:Elaine Green Emer Hughes Kathleen Colford Louise Dillon Joanna Allsop Laura McCabe Suzanne Hiscocks Lara Waite Anthony Price Jana Hutter Laurence Jackson Maria Murgasova-Kuklisova Joseph Hajnal Mary Rutherford
Institution:Kings College London
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:Pediatric: Fetal & Developmental Brain
Session Name:Pediatric Fetal
Program Number:4571
Room Live Q&A Session: