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GABA levels in children with Autism and typically developing children differentially relate to social gesture performance

Author:Nicolaas Puts  Ashley Harris  Georg Oeltzschner  Mark Mikkelsen  Stewart Mostofsky  Richard Edden  

Author Institution:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine  University of Calgary  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 20 June 2018  

Session Time:13:45  

Session:Pediatric Neuropathology & Neurodevelopmental Disorders  

Program Number:0852  

Presentation Time:15:33  

Room Number:W03/04  

Computer Number:

Multi-Step Frequency-and-Phase Correction for Multiplexed Edited MRS Data

Scan Duration, Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Sample Size Considerations in GABA-Edited MRS Studies

Author:Mark Mikkelsen  Rachelle Loo  Nicolaas Puts  Richard Edden  Ashley Harris  

Author Institution:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine  University of Calgary  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 19 June 2018  

Session Time:09:15  

Session:J-Difference-Edited MRS/MRSI  

Program Number:3975  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 65