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DDC and a Estimates from the Stretched Exponential Model Are More Robust to Variations in B-Value Selection Than ADC Estimates, in a Cohort of 42 Cervical Tumours

Author:Jessica Winfield  Nandita deSouza  Veronica Morgan  David Collins  Matthew Orton  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 27 April 2017  

Session Time:13:00  

Session:Cancer Diffusion, Perfusion & Other  

Program Number:2900  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Longitudinal Assessment of Tumor Volume and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Patients on Active Surveillance: A Good Way of Monitoring Disease Progression?

Author:Veronica Morgan  Christopher Parker  Nandita deSouza  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 25 April 2017  

Session Time:16:15  

Session:Perfusion, Permeability & Diffusion in Cancer  

Program Number:4395  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 45  

Microenvironmental Changes in Prostatic Tissues in Relation to Tumor Growth in Low Risk Prostate Cancer

Author:Hugh Harvey  Veronica Morgan  Christopher Parker  Nandita deSouza  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 25 April 2017  

Session Time:17:15  

Session:General Cancer Including Preclinical  

Program Number:4508  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 44  

Supervised Machine-Learning Enables Segmentation and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Post-Treatment Changes in Multi-Parametric MRI of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma

Author:Matthew Blackledge  Jessica Winfield  Aisha Miah  Dirk Strauss  Khin Thway  Veronica Morgan  David Collins  Dow-Mu Koh  Martin Leach  Christina Messiou  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 27 April 2017  

Session Time:13:00  

Session:Cancer Treatment Response  

Program Number:1114  

Presentation Time:13:24  

Room Number:Room 310  

Computer Number: