Multi-parametric MRI enables non-invasive response assessment in heterogeneous soft-tissue sarcomas, but evaluation of post-treatment changes in MRI parameters requires segmentation of cellular tumour-tissue, which might be expected to respond to treatment, from necrotic/cystic regions and fat. Six supervised Machine-Learning methods were explored using a randomized cross-validation approach, from which a candidate method (automatic Kernel Density Estimation) was selected owing to its high validation accuracy and automatic selection of hyper-parameters. The automatic-KDE method enabled evaluation of post-radiotherapy changes in volumes and ADCs of each tumour component, and provided visual depiction of heterogeneous changes in multi-parametric MR-images.
Patients: 19 patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma were imaged before treatment, with written consent, as part of a prospective single-centre study. In 8 patients receiving pre-operative radiotherapy (50.4Gy in 28 fractions) another MR examination was performed 2-4 weeks after radiotherapy, before surgery; 11 patients were treated with surgery alone.
Imaging: Images were acquired using a 1.5T MR scanner (Aera, Siemens). Axial diffusion-weighted images (DWI, b-values=50,600,900 s/mm-2), Dixon-derived fat/water images, and T1-w images (17deg 3D FLASH) were acquired over the whole tumour volume. Maps of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fat-fraction (FF) were calculated from the DWI and Dixon images respectively. Four minutes after administration of Gd-based contrast agent (Dotarem, 0.2 ml/kg body-weight, 2 ml/sec), post-contrast T1-w images were acquired for estimation of enhancing fraction (EF=[Spost-Spre]/[Spost+Spre]).
Analysis: Four tissue classes were defined, reflecting the aim of segmenting cellular tumour (classes 1 and 2), which might be expected to respond to treatment, from necrotic/cystic regions (class 3) and fat (class 4), which would not be expected to respond. The cellular tumour was further separated into enhancing (class 1) and non-enhancing (class 2), which may have different biological behaviours.3 Training data were defined by placing square ROIs (2 cm2) in regions that exemplified each class, at locations far from visible boundaries (Figure 1). Training ROIs were drawn by a clinical scientist and checked by a consultant radiologist. Between 1 and 4 ROIs were placed in each tumour depending on the classes present, providing a total of 33 ROIs. One tumour containing all four classes was reserved as a test-case; the 4 ROIs from this patient were not used in the training set. Six machine-learning (ML) techniques were evaluated in this preliminary supervised classification exercise (Scikit-Learn4): Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM, radial basis function), Random Forest (RF), k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN), Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and Naïve-Bayes (NB). To ensure techniques were sensitive to novelties (pixels that do not represent any of the classes defined in this study), data for an additional 15 ROIs were synthesised by randomly sampling from a uniform distribution covering the intrinsic range of the parameters: EF∈[-100,100] (%), FF∈[0,100] (%), ADC∈[0,3] (10-3 s/mm2). A randomised cross-validation approach was employed to evaluate ML performance: Data from one ROI of each class was randomly selected without replacement to form a validation dataset. The ML method was then trained on the remaining ROIs and accuracy was evaluated on the validation set. This process was repeated 200 times to determine the accuracy distribution for a range of hyper-parameters; the optimal parameter gave the highest median validation accuracy. We also tested an automatic variant of the KDE method where bandwidths were selected using Silverman’s approximation5. Comparison between methods was achieved using a two-tailed Student’s t-test (p<0.05 for significance).
1. Canter R et al. Ann Surg Oncol 2010;17:2578-2584.
2. Roberge D et al. Radiother Oncol 2010;97:404-407.
3. Messiou C et al. Eur J Cancer 2016;56:37-44.
4. Pedregosa F et al. JMLR 2011;12:2825-2830.
5. Silverman B. Chapman & Hall 1986; isbn:0412246201
(a) Decision tree used to define classes 1 (water-based, low ADC, enhancing), 2 (water-based, low ADC, non-enhancing), 3 (water-based, high ADC), and 4 (fat). Classes 3 and 4 were not further divided as cystic/necrotic regions and fat do not enhance in post-Gd images. ADC is not evaluable in fat-suppressed DWI.
Right-hand side: images from one patient with a dedifferentiated liposarcoma showing examples of training ROIs positioned in regions corresponding to class 1 (anterior) and class 3 (posterior). Training ROIs (green squares, 2cm2) are shown on (b) fat fraction map, (c) ADC map, (d) enhancing fraction (EF) map.