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Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Node Tissue: Correlation of Mean Diffusivities and Cellularity.

Author:Mariaulpa Sahalan  Aritrick Chatterjee  Nyoman Kurniawan  Gary Cowin  Laurence Gluch  Carl Power  Geoffrey Watson  Kevin Tay  Julie Fletcher  David Taylor  Roger Bourne  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 24 April 2017  

Session Time:14:45  

Session:Diffusion: Validation  

Program Number:3470  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 20  

Inverse Laplace Transform Analysis Using a Fast Multi-Echo TSE Sequence for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Author:Shiyang Wang  Harsh Agrawal  Milica Medved  Tatjana Antic  Ambereen Yousuf  Gregory Karczmar  Roger Bourne  Aytek Oto  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 26 April 2017  

Session Time:14:45  

Session:Body: Cancer  

Program Number:4947  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 102  

Validation of VERDICT MRI Using Fresh and Fixed Prostate Specimens with Aligned Histological Slices

Validation of VERDICT MRI Using Fresh and Fixed Prostate Specimens with Aligned Histological Slices

Why Is the Peripheral Zone of the Normal Human Prostate High in ADC Value and T2-Weighted Signal Intensity?