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Diffusion & DCE in Chemotherapy Response

Author:Sungheon Gene Kim  

Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

Session Date:Sunday, 16 May 2021  

Topic:SMRT: MR in Oncology I  

Session Name:MR in Oncology I  

Program Number:

Room Session:SMRT Session  

Institution:Weill Cornell Medical College  

    Diffusion MRI study of chemoradiation treatment response in patients with HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinoma

    The Effect of the Scanner's Frequency Variation on Estimating the Fatty Acid Composition in Adipose Tissue

    Imaging the Tissue Microstructure

    Author:Sungheon Gene Kim  

    Session Type:Weekend Course  

    Session Date:Sunday, 16 May 2021  

    Topic:Multimodal Preclinical Imaging  

    Session Name:Multimodal Preclinical Imaging  

    Program Number:

    Room Session:Concurrent 3  

    Institution:Weill Cornell Medical College  

      Increased Saturated Fatty Acid Fraction in the Adipose Tissue Near Malignant Tumors in Breast Cancer Patients