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Accelerating perfusion quantification using ASL-MRI with a neural network based forward model

Author:Yechuan Zhang  Michael Chappell  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, 18 May 2021  

Topic:Machine Learning for Quantitative Imaging  

Session Name:Machine Learning for Quantitative Imaging  

Program Number:0335  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:University of Nottingham  University of Oxford  

Leakage Correction of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC-) MRI for vessel size measurements in human glioma

Systematic investigation of the sensitivity of optimised pCASL protocols to macrovascular contamination

Author:Logan Xin Zhang  Michael Chappell  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Arterial Spin Labelling  

Session Name:Arterial Spin Labelling: Methods  

Program Number:2718  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:University of Oxford  University of Nottingham