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Body imaging at 7T: Comparison of the transmit/receive performance of microstrip antennas and fractionated dipoles

Magnetization transfer enhanced functional contrast for short TE fMRI

Author:Jenni Schulz  Zahra Fazal  Riccardo Metere  José Marques  David Norris  

Institution:Radboud University Nijmegen  University Duisburg-Essen  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Novel Pulse Sequences and Reconstruction Techiques  

Session Name:RF Pulses & Pulse Sequences  

Program Number:0608  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 4  

On the successful implementation of a first homogenized multicenter online safety training for ultrahigh field MRI

UHF MRI at 14 T: Initial transmit performance analysis of 8-channel local RF arrays using fractionated dipoles