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Author:Madeleine Bullock David Abbott Graeme Jackson
Institution:Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health University of Melbourne
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:fMRI: Acquisition & Applications
Session Name:fMRI Acquisition 2
Program Number:3880
Room Live Q&A Session:
Author:Claire Kelly Deanne Thompson Sila Genc Jian Chen Joseph Yang Chris Adamson Richard Beare Marc Seal Jeanie Cheong Lex Doyle Peter Anderson
Institution:Murdoch Children's Research Institute Cardiff University Monash University The Royal Women’s Hospital The University of Melbourne The Royal Children's Hospital Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Session Type:Oral
Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020
Topic:Pediatric Neuro: Fetal to Adolescence
Session Name:Pediatric Neuro: Fetal/Newborn/Developmental
Program Number:0227
Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 3
Author:Remika Mito Robert Smith Thijs Dhollander Christopher Rowe Victor Villemagne Amy Brodtmann Alan Connelly
Institution:Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health University of Melbourne Austin Health
Topic:Aging Brains and Dementia
Session Name:Alzheimer's-Type Dementia
Program Number:1456