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Advanced methods for concurrent TMS/fMRI explain target engagement in 10Hz rTMS treatment

Author:Martin Tik  Michael Woletz  Anna-Lisa Schuler  Matic Princic  Allan Hummer  Christian Windischberger  

Institution:Medical University of Vienna  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Multimodal fMRI  

Session Name:Multimodal Imaging of Brain Function  

Program Number:1348  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 4  

Improved pre-surgical causal language mapping combining 3T and 7T fMRI with TMS and E-field modelling in a young tumour patient

Author:Anna-Lisa Schuler  Georg Widhalm  Michael Woletz  Martin Tik  Roland Fischer  Karl Rössler  Christian Windischberger  

Institution:Medical University of Vienna  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:fMRI: Multimodal & Preclinical  

Session Name:fMRI Multimodal 1  

Program Number:3931  

Room Live Q&A Session: