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Assessing the origin of human alpha oscillations using laminar layer 7T fMRI-EEG

Comparing MRI and Doppler measures of resting Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the young and old

Author:Claire Burley  Susan Francis  Samuel Lucas  Karen Mullinger  

Institution:University of Birmingham  University of Nottingham  University of New South Wales  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:fMRI: Contrast & Physiology  

Session Name:fMRI Physiology 1  

Program Number:3840  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Introduction fMRI: Origin of the BOLD Signal

Author:Karen Mullinger  

Institution:University of Nottingham  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Live Q&A Date:Saturday, 8 August 2020  

Topic:Nuts & Bolts of fMRI & Its Clinical Applications  

Session Name:Nuts & Bolts of fMRI & Its Clinical Applications  

Program Number:

Room Live Q&A Session:Saturday Parallel 3