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Combining CEST and 1H MR Spectroscopy for simultaneous determination of metabolite concentrations and effects of magnetization exchange

Author:Maike Hoefemann  André Döring  Roland Kreis  

Institution:University of Bern  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Other Nuclei MRI and MRS to Study Metabolism  

Session Name:Simultaneous or Interleaved MRS & X-Nuclei  

Program Number:0490  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 5  

Diffusion-weighted MRS at short TE using a Connectom system: non-Gaussian metabolite diffusion and macromolecular signals in human brain

Investigation of potential effects of sleep on diffusion characteristics of metabolites and water: initial results