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Author:Jeffry Alger Joseph O'Neill Lisa Kilpatrick Katherine Narr Guldamla Kalender Ronald Ly Shantanu Joshi Sandy Loo Mary O'Connor Jennifer Levitt
Institution:University of California, Los Angeles University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center NeuroSpectroScopics LLC
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:Pediatric: Fetal & Developmental Brain
Session Name:Pediatric Fetal
Program Number:4580
Room Live Q&A Session:
Author:Jeffry Alger Gaurav Sharma A. Dean Sherry Craig Malloy
Institution:University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center University of California, Los Angeles University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center Universiy of Texas at Dallas NeuroSpectroScopics LLC
Topic:Proton MRS and Other Nuclei MR
Session Name:X-Nuclei MRI & MRS & 31P, 13C, 19F, 17O & 2H
Program Number:2993