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Comparison of T1/T2 values of white matter and deep gray matter between healthy controls and Parkinson’s disease patients using plug-and-play MRF

A tight-fit flexible high-impedance coil array for high-resolution imaging of small ex-vivo specimen using a human 7T scanner

Author:Koji Fujimoto  Bei Zhang  Shin-ichi Urayama  Atsushi Shima  Nobukatsu Sawamoto  Ryosuke Takahashi  Tomohisa Okada  Martijn Cloos  

Institution:Kyoto University  New York University School of Medicine  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:RF coils  

Session Name:RF Coils 1  

Program Number:4018  

Room Live Q&A Session: