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Author:Yury Koush Robin de Graaf Ron Kupers Laurence Dricot Maurice Ptito Kevin Behar Douglas Rothman Fahmeed Hyder
Institution:School of Optometry University of Copenhagen University of Louvain Yale University
Session Type:Oral
Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020
Topic:Multimodal fMRI
Session Name:Mechanisms of Resting-State fMRI
Program Number:1358
Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 4
Author:Yury Koush Robin de Graaf Peter Herman Douglas Rothman Fahmeed Hyder
Institution:Yale University
Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch
Topic:fMRI Physiology
Session Name:Probing Physiology with fMRI
Program Number:1118