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Author:Edward Green James Korte Bahman Tahayori Yasmin Blunck Leigh Johnston
Institution:Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre University of Melbourne Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Center for Neuromodulation and Pain
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:Mitigating motion, artifacts and imperfections
Session Name:Measuring & Correcting System Imperfections
Program Number:3397
Room Live Q&A Session:
Author:James Korte Carlos Cardenas Tomas Kron Nicholas Hardcastle Jihong Wang Houda Bahig Baher Elgohari Laurence Court Clifton Fuller Sweet Ng
Institution:Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center The University of Melbourne University of Wollongong
Session Type:Oral
Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020
Topic:Cancer Imaging: Machine Learning & Advanced Imaging
Session Name:Cancer Imaging: Machine Learning
Program Number:0268
Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 5