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Assessment of placental microcirculation by joint analysis of flow compensated and non-flow compensated intravoxel incoherent motion data

Changes in placental oxygenation in subclinical uterine contractions in the third trimester

Author:Neele Dellschaft  Simon Shah  Christopher Bradley  Lopa Leach  Nia Jones  Richard Bowtell  Penny Gowland  

Institution:Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust  University of Nottingham  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4061  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 32  

Classification and prognosis of fetal hepatic hemangioendothelioma using MRI

Comparison of fetal lung diffusivity in cases of pulmonary hypoplasia to normative MRI data

Diffusion weighted imaging evaluation of cerebral changes in twin pregnancies with one fetus demise

Author:Ying Liu  Ran Huo  Huimin Xu  Zheng Wang  Huishu Yuan  

Institution:Peking University Third Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4058  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 29  

Feasibility of free-breathing T1-weighted 3D radial VIBE for fetal MRI in various anomalies

Fetal Brain Response to an Auditory Stimulus

Author:Estee Goldberg  Charles McKenzie  Barbra de Vrijer  Roy Eagleson  Sandrine de Ribaupierre  

Institution:Western University  Children’s Research Institute  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4075  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 46  

Fetal Brain-Heart-Placental Interactions with Acute Hypoxia Challenge in Genetic Mouse Models of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome with in utero 4D Dynamic MRI

Author:Anthony Christodoulou  George Gabriel  Cecilia Lo  Yijen Wu  

Institution:Cedars-Sinai Medical Center  University of Pittsburgh  Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4069  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 40  

Fetal cardiac 4D phase-contrast MRI using Doppler ultrasound gating to visualize fetal hemodynamics in utero: preliminary results

Author:Fabian Kording  Björn Schönnagel  Christian Ruprecht  Manuela Tavares de Sousa  Jin Yamamura  Daniel Giese  

Institution:University Hospital Cologne  University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4055  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 26  

Fetal dynamic phase-contrast angiography using Doppler ultrasound gating and comparison with Doppler ultrasound measurements

Author:Jin Yamamura  Fabian Kording  Roland Fischer  Gerhard Adam  Christian Ruprecht  Kai Fehrs  Manuela Tavares de Sousa  Björn Schönnagel  

Institution:NortHH Medical GmbH  University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf  UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4063  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 34  

Functional and Developmental Effects of Zika Virus Infection and Hydroxychloroquine Treatment in Mouse Placenta

Author:Kelsey Meinerz  Brooke Liang  James Quirk  Indira Mysorekar  Joel Garbow  

Institution:Washington University in St Louis  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4077  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 48  

Joint placental angiography with perfusion and apparent oxygenation mapping

Author:Laurence Jackson  Jana Hutter  Anthony Price  Alison Ho  Laura McCabe  Thomas Roberts  Maria Deprez  Lucy Chappell  Mary Rutherford  Enrico De Vita  Joseph Hajnal  

Institution:Kings College London  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4059  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 30  

Measurement of Uterine Artery and External Iliac Artery Pulse Wave Velocity using 4D Flow MRI

Author:Eileen Hwuang  Nadav Schwartz  Dylan Tisdall  John Detre  Walter Witschey  

Institution:University of Pennsylvania  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4065  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 36  

Multislice and Multidimensional Blood Flow Mapping in Fetal Congenital Heart Disease Using Highly Undersampled Phase-Contrast MRI

Author:Datta Singh Goolaub  Eric Schrauben  Davide Marini  Christopher Roy  Mike Seed  Christopher Macgowan  

Institution:Hospital for Sick Children  Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL)  University of Toronto  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4060  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 31  

Novel Nanoparticle-enhanced T1-Mapping Enables Estimation of Placental Fractional Blood Volume in a Pregnant Mouse Model

Author:Andrew Badachhape  Laxman Devkota  Igor Stupin  Mayank Srivastava  Prajwal Bhandari  Poonam Sarkar  Ketan Ghaghada  ERIC TANIFUM  Ananth Annapragada  

Institution:Baylor College of Medicine  Texas Children's Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4076  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 47  

Optimized High-Permittivity Pads Can Reduce SAR and Increase Transmit Field Homogeneity in Fetal Imaging at 3T

Author:Jeroen Gemert  Wyger Brink  Rob Remis  Andrew Webb  

Institution:Delft University of Technology  Leiden University Medical Center  Leiden University Medical Center  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4066  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 37  

Pattern Analysis of Placental Blood Flow Distribution using ASL MRI

Author:Eileen Hwuang  Nadav Schwartz  Walter Witschey  John Detre  Dylan Tisdall  

Institution:University of Pennsylvania  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4064  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 35  

Reliable assessment of apparent diffusion coefficient in normal and ventriculomegaly fetal brains

T1 and T2 mapping of the placenta and fetal brain with magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) during maternal hyperoxia

Author:Jeffrey Stout  Congyu Liao  Esra Abaci Turk  Borjan Gagoski  P. Grant  Lawrence Wald  Elfar Adalsteinsson  

Institution:Boston Children's Hospital  Massachusetts General Hospital  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4072  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 43  

The reduction of perfusion fraction in placenta increta --a pilot study of placental perfusion using IVIM MRI

Why MRI? Evaluating Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy.

Author:Elyssa Cohen  Frank Miller  Courtney Moreno  Thomas Estes  Pardeep Mittal  

Institution:Emory University School of Medicine  Feinberg School of Medicine  Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4074  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 45