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Allysine-targeting gadolinium-based MRI probes for imaging lung fibrogenesis

Along-tract statistics of NODDI diffusion metrics to enhance MR tractography quantitative analysis in healthy controls and in patients with glioma

Alteration in 1H MRS metabolites in the rat spinal cord after experimental craniospinal irradiation

Author:Petra Hnilicová  Sona Bálentová  Dagmar Kalenská  Eva Hajtmanová  Peter Murín  Michal Bittšanský  Marian Adamkov  Ján Lehotský  Dušan Dobrota  

Institution:Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava  University Hospital Martin  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:17:00  

Session Name:MRS: Other  

Program Number:2293  

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 169  

Alteration in negative emotional regulation associated with childhood abuse: fMRI study

Alteration of blood flow in hepatic fibrosis: preliminary results

Author:JeongHee Yoon  Jeong Min Lee  Moon Jung Hwang  Hiroyuki Kabasawa  Joon Koo Han  

Institution:Ge Healthcare  GE Healthcare  Seoul National University Hospital  Seoul National University College of Medicine  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:13:45  

Session Name:Liver Fibrosis  

Program Number:1746  

Presentation Time:13:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 141  

Alteration of cerebrovascular response for COPD patients underwent non-invasive nerve stimulation treatment in nasal cavity

Author:Li Tieqiang  Jan-Erik Juto  Karin Sandek  Daniel Alamidi  

Institution:Capio S:t Göran  Karolinska University Hospital  The Royal Insititute of Technlogy  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:14:30  

Session Name:Neurovascular 2  

Program Number:2940  

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 119  

Alterations of structural anatomy and functional connectivity regarding hippocampus in obsessive–compulsive disorder

Alterations of the brain microstructure and corresponding functional connectivity in early blind adolescents with and without residual light perception

Alterations of White Matter Tracts in Suicidal and Non-suicidal Brain with Major Depressive Disorder

Author:Kaili Liang  Xuan Bu  Lianqing Zhang  Yanli Wang  Xinyu Hu  Lu Lu  Hailong Li  Xiaoxiao Hu  Shi Tang  Yingxue Gao  Xiaoqi Huang  

Institution:Sichuan University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:Psychoradiology: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety & More  

Program Number:2683  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 35  

Altered biochemical profiles in fetuses with congenital heart disease

Author:Subechhya Pradhan  Kushal Kapse  Gilbert Vezina  Mary Donofrio  Jessica Quistorff  Catherine Lopez  Nicole Simard  Catherine Limperopoulos  

Institution:Children's National Health System  George Washington Univeristy  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:MRS Clinical Application  

Program Number:2538  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 65  

Altered Brain Structure and Function Correlate with Disease Severity and Affective Disorders in Patients with Hemifacial Spasm

Author:Yuan Wang  Hui Xu  Chenguang Guo  Ming Zhang  

Institution:the first Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University  the first Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:Multimodal fMRI  

Program Number:3731  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 52  

Altered cerebellar functional connectivity in Parkinson’s disease

Author:Jason Langley  Daniel Huddleston  Xiaoping Hu  

Institution:Emory University  University of California Riverside  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Parkinson's Disease  

Program Number:2594  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 121  

Altered Claustral Functional Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Altered connectivity following olfaction fMRI in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A comparative study using two different odors

Author:Shefali Chaudhary  S Kumaran  Vinay Goyal  Priyanka Bhat  Ankita Sharma  Gauri Kaloiya  

Institution:All India Institute of Medical Sciences  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:fMRI: Applications  

Program Number:3801  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 122  

Altered Connectivity in the Large-Scale Brain Networks in Patients With Schizophrenia

Author:Yuan Zhou  


Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Bayesian Inference in MRI  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:08:55   

Room Number:Room 516AB  

Computer Number:

    Altered development of structural brain networks in young children with prenatal alcohol exposure

    Author:Xiangyu Long  Preeti Kar  Ben Gibbard  Catherine Lebel  

    Institution:University of Calgary  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Pediatrics: Fetal & Neonatal  

    Program Number:0631  

    Presentation Time:16:21   

    Room Number:Room 512A-H  

    Computer Number:

    Altered Effective Connectivity Anchored in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Cognitively Intact Elderly APOE e4 Carriers: A Preliminary Study

    Author:Xiao Luo  Kaicheng Li  Qingze Zeng  Peiyu Huang  Yong Zhang  Minming Zhang  

    Institution:GE Healthcare Shanghai  The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:14:30  

    Session Name:fMRI: Connectivity Methods  

    Program Number:3863  

    Presentation Time:14:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 9  

    Altered functional connectivity and spectroscopic metabolites related to treatment response in adolescents with bipolar disorder

    Author:Siyi Li  Wenjing Zhang  Bo Tao  Su Lui  

    Institution:West China Hospital of Sichuan University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Psychoradiology: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety & More  

    Program Number:2692  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 44  

    Altered Functional Connectivity during N-Back Task is Associated with Cognitive Deficits in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

    Author:Nai-Chi Chen  Chia-Feng Lu  Li-Chun Hsieh  Sho-Jen Cheng  Yu-Chieh Kao  Cheng-Yu Chen  

    Institution:Taipei Medical University  Taipei Medical University Hospital  National Yang-Ming University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Clinical Traumatic Brain Injury  

    Program Number:3009  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 16  

    Altered functional connectivity manifested by disrupted network modularity in chronic stroke patients

    Author:Xiaoyun Liang  Chia-Lin Koh  Chun-Hung Yeh  Alan Connelly  Leeanne Carey  

    Institution:Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health  La Trobe University  The University of Melbourne  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:14:30  

    Session Name:fMRI Connectivity Applications: Human  

    Program Number:3886  

    Presentation Time:14:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 32  

    Altered Functional Topological Properties of Brain Networks in Type-2 Diabetes with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment

    Author:Ying Xiong  Qiang Zhang  Shuchang Zhou  

    Institution:Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, HUST  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Alzheimer's & Related Dementia  

    Program Number:3184  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 20  

    Altered global white matter microstructure and structural brain connectivity in children born with extremely low birth weight

    Altered myocardial velocities and stress perfusion in heart transplant patients affected by coronary allograft vasculopathy

    Author:Roberto Sarnari  Muhannad Abbasi  Arif Jivan  Rahim Gulamali  Alexander Ruh  Julie Blaisdell  Brandon Benefield  Ryan Dolan  Kambiz Ghafourian  Jane Wilcox  Sadiya Khan  Esther Vorovich  Jonathan Rich  Allen Anderson  Clyde Yancy  James Carr  Daniel Lee  Michael Markl  

    Institution:Northwestern University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:17:00  

    Session Name:Cardiovascular Emerging Methods  

    Program Number:2186  

    Presentation Time:17:00   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 62  

    Altered topological organization in white matter connectome in Parkinson’s disease with and without rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

    Author:Tao Guo  Cheng Zhou  Xiaojun Guan  Xiaojun Xu  Minming Zhang  

    Institution:Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Brains: Functional & Dysfunctional  

    Program Number:3287  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 123  

    Altered topological organization of whole-brain functional network in patients with postherpetic neuralgia after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment

    Author:Zhizheng Zhuo  Qian Pei  Haiyun Li  

    Institution:Capital Medical University  Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  Xuanwu Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Brains: Functional & Dysfunctional  

    Program Number:3278  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 114  

    Altered topological properties of gray matter structural covariance networks inminimal hepatic encephalopathy

    Author:Tian-Xiu Zou  Hua-Jun Chen  

    Institution:Fujian Medical University Union Hospital  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Aging & Neurodegeneration (Other than AD)  

    Program Number:2787  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 140  

    Altered white matter microstructure correlates with cognitive functions in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder

    Altered white matter microstructure in anorexia nervosa: A voxel-based meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging

    Author:Simin Zhang  Weina Wang  Xiaorui Su  Huaiqiang Sun  Qiang Yue  Qiyong Gong  

    Institution:West China Hospital of Sichuan University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Psychoradiology: Schizophrenia, Psychosis, OCD & More  

    Program Number:2772  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 124  

    Alternative linear post-processing method for calculating viscoelastic parameters of the liver from multi-frequency MR elastograms.

    Author:Akira Yamada  Hayato Hayashihara  Yoshihiro Kitoh  Yasuo Adachi  Aya Shiobara  Yasunari Fujinaga  

    Institution:Shinshu University Hospital  Shinshu University School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Pitch: Liver: Brief but Impactful  

    Program Number:1034  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    Alternative linear post-processing method for calculating viscoelastic parameters of the liver from multi-frequency MR elastograms.

    Author:Akira Yamada  Hayato Hayashihara  Yoshihiro Kitoh  Yasuo Adachi  Aya Shiobara  Yasunari Fujinaga  

    Institution:Shinshu University Hospital  Shinshu University School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Poster: Liver: Brief but Impactful  

    Program Number:1034  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Plasma 30  

    Alternative Slice Acquisition Orders for High-Resolution MB-EPI PCASL Imaging with Background Suppression

    Author:Xiufeng Li  Dingxin Wang  Gregory Metzger  Essa Yacoub  Kamil Ugurbil  

    Institution:University of Minnesota  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:14:45  

    Session Name:Pseudo-Continuous & Velocity-Selective ASL  

    Program Number:4955  

    Presentation Time:14:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 62  

    Alters of brain iron deposition in Alzheimer's disease patients after cognitive training: A prospective study

    Alzheimer’s disease progressively weakens the face-processing network

    Author:Jie Huang  Paul Beach  Andrea Bozoki  David Zhu  

    Institution:Emory University School of Medicine  Michigan State University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Alzheimer's Disease: From Mice to People  

    Program Number:3063  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 72  

    Amid Proton Transfer-Weighted Imaging vs. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging vs. FDG-PET/CT: Capability for Management of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

    Author:Yoshiharu Ohno  Masao Yui  Takeshi Yoshikawa  Shinichiro Seki  Katsusuke Kyotani  Takamichi Murakami  

    Institution:Canon Medical Systems Corporation  Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine  Kobe University Hospital  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Cutting-Edge Advances in Cancer Imaging  

    Program Number:0195  

    Presentation Time:14:21   

    Room Number:Room 520A-F  

    Computer Number:

    Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging of uterine cervical cancer; prediction of histological findings

    Author:Keisuke Ishimatsu  Akihiro Nishie  Yukihisa Takayama  Yoshiki Asayama  Yasuhiro Ushijima  Daisuke Kakihara  Tomohiro Nakayama  Koichiro Morita  Seiichiro Takao  Osamu Togao  Yoshihiro Ohishi  Kenzo Sonoda  Jochen Keupp  Hiroshi Honda  

    Institution:Kyushu university  Philips Research  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Pitch: Cutting Edge CEST  

    Program Number:0147  

    Presentation Time:13:45   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging of uterine cervical cancer; prediction of histological findings

    Amide proton transfer (APT) MRI is a predictor of survival and progression in high-grade glioma patients

    Amide proton transfer imaging for rectal cancer: correlation with IVIM, DCE MRI and 18F-FDG-PET/CT

    Author:Yuichi Kumagae  Yoshihiko Fukukura  Hiroto Hakamada  Hiroaki Nagano  Jochen Keupp  Yuta Akamine  Takashi Yoshiura  

    Institution:Kagoshima University  Philips Electronics, Japan  Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies, Research Laboratories  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Emerging Technologies in Body Imaging  

    Program Number:1644  

    Presentation Time:13:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 36  

    Amide proton transfer in high grade glioma: Correlation with apparent diffusion coefficient, relative cerebral blood volume and pharmacokinetic imaging parameters

    Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted (APTw) MRI as a Marker for Risk Stratification of Overall Survival in Patients with Lower Grade Gliomas

    Amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in resting-state BOLD-fMRI is associated with cognitive decline in cerebral small vessel disease

    Amygdala dysfunction during negative emotional control in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: an fMRI study

    Amyloid- ß Associations with White Matter Integrity in Down Syndrome Assessed Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 11C-PiB Positron Emission Tomography

    An 8-channel transmit 32-channel receive 7T head coil for 1Tx and pTx scanner modes

    Author:Shajan Gunamony  Paul McElhinney  Sarah Allwood-Spiers  Gavin Paterson  Jozien Goense  

    Institution:NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde  University of Glasgow  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Pitch: Hot Topics in Engineering  

    Program Number:0572  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    An 8-channel transmit 32-channel receive 7T head coil for 1Tx and pTx scanner modes

    Author:Shajan Gunamony  Paul McElhinney  Sarah Allwood-Spiers  Gavin Paterson  Jozien Goense  

    Institution:NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde  University of Glasgow  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Poster: Hot Topics in Engineering  

    Program Number:0572  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Plasma 13  

    An 8Tx dipoles/32Rx loop coil array – Evaluation of fMRI performances in auditory cortices at 7T

    Author:Jérémie Clément  Sandra Da Costa  Rolf Gruetter  Özlem Ipek  

    Institution:Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne  King's College London  King's College London  Université de Lausanne  Université de Genève  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Pitch: Hot Topics in Engineering  

    Program Number:0566  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    An 8Tx dipoles/32Rx loop coil array – Evaluation of fMRI performances in auditory cortices at 7T