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Video-based head motion assessment for improved quantitative neuroanatomy studies

Author:Heath Pardoe  Allan George  Samantha Martin  Pablo Velasco  Orrin Devinsky  

Institution:New York University  NYU Langone Medical Center  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Motion Correction: Brain  

Program Number:4443  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 70  

Virtual Imaging Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Translation (VIGANIT): Deep Learning based Prediction of Diffusion-Weighted Images from T2-Weighted Brain MR Images

Author:Vidur Mahajan  Aravind Upadhyaya  Vasantha Kumar Venugopal  Abhishek Venkataram  Mukundhan Srinivasan  Murali Murugavel  Harsh Mahajan  

Institution:Mahajan Imaging  Nvidia  Triocula technologies  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:13:45  

Session Name:Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction: Optimised  

Program Number:4771  

Presentation Time:13:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 53  

Visualization and quantification of epiphyseal cartilage vasculature using quantitative susceptibility maps of pediatric knee specimens

Author:Kai Ludwig  John Strupp  Casey Johnson  Stefan Zbyn  Mikko Nissi  Ferenc Tóth  Kevin Shea  Cathy Carlson  Jutta Ellermann  

Institution:Stanford University  University of Minnesota  University of Eastern Finland  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:MSK Techniques & Development: Other MSK  

Program Number:1426  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 168  

Visualization of Brain Shift Corrected fMRI data for Intraoperative Brain Mapping

Author:Sanam Maknojia  Fred Tam  Sunit Das  Tom Schweizer  Simon Graham  

Institution:St. Michael's Hospital  Sunnybrook Research Institute  University of Toronto  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:14:30  

Session Name:Brain Tumors: Pre-Treatment  

Program Number:2849  

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 28  

Visualization of CSF flow of whole brain using 3D dynamic iMSDE SSFP

Visualization of gold fiducial markers in the prostate using phase-cycled bSSFP MRI for MR-only radiotherapy

Author:Yulia Shcherbakova  Stefano Mandija  Lambertus Bartels  Chrit Moonen  Cornelis van den Berg  

Institution:UMC Utrecht  Utrecht University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:14:45  

Session Name:Prostate MRI: Clinical Practice  

Program Number:1829  

Presentation Time:14:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 52  

Visualization of irregular CSF flow by dynamic iMSDE SSFP using acceleration- selective motion - sensitized gradient (AS-MSG)

Visualizing and understanding deep learning features for MRI motion artifact detection

Author:Irene Fantini  Letícia Rittner  Clarissa Yasuda  Roberto Lotufo  


Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Machine Learning Unleashed 2  

Program Number:0678  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Visualizing and understanding deep learning features for MRI motion artifact detection

Author:Irene Fantini  Letícia Rittner  Clarissa Yasuda  Roberto Lotufo  


Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Poster: Machine Learning Unleashed 2  

Program Number:0678  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 12  

Volumetric analysis of selected brain regions for multi-parametric diagnostic investigation of atrophic brain diseases - Comparison of different volumetric analysis methods

Author:Svea Seehafer  Olav Jansen  Thomas Lindner  

Institution:University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Campus Kiel  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Neuroanatomy: Seeing Is Believing  

Program Number:2642  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 169  

Volumetric Brain Analysis in Older HIV-positive and -negative Subjects using 7T MRI

Author:Mona Mohamed  Richard Skolasky  Andreia Faria  Peter Barker  Ned Sacktor  

Institution:Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:Neuroimaging: Flying High at 7T & Beyond  

Program Number:2806  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 160  

Volumetric Imaging of Myelin in Vivo using 3D Inversion-Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time Cones (3D IR-UTE-Cones) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Author:Ya-Jun Ma  Adam Searleman  Hyungseok Jang  Shu-Juan Fan  Jonathan Wong  Jody Corey-Bloom  Eric Chang  Jiang Du  

Institution:University of california, San Diego  VA San Diego Healthcare System  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:13:45  

Session Name:Pitch: Myelin Imaging in Sickness & Health  

Program Number:0113  

Presentation Time:13:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Volumetric Imaging of Myelin in Vivo using 3D Inversion-Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time Cones (3D IR-UTE-Cones) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Author:Ya-Jun Ma  Adam Searleman  Hyungseok Jang  Shu-Juan Fan  Jonathan Wong  Jody Corey-Bloom  Eric Chang  Jiang Du  

Institution:University of california, San Diego  VA San Diego Healthcare System  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:14:45  

Session Name:Poster: Myelin Imaging in Sickness & Health  

Program Number:0113  

Presentation Time:14:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 1  

Volumetric mapping of intra- and extracellular pH in glioma patients using 31P MRSI at 7 Tesla

Author:Andreas Korzowski  Nina Weinfurtner  Sebastian Mueller  Johannes Breitling  Steffen Goerke  Heinz-Peter Schlemmer  Mark Ladd  Daniel Paech  Peter Bachert  

Institution:German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:Pitch: Other Nuclei MR: Looking at Other Resonances  

Program Number:0485  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Volumetric mapping of intra- and extracellular pH in glioma patients using 31P MRSI at 7 Tesla

Voxel-based Analyses of SUVs and ADCs with a 18FDG-PET/MR System in Differentiating CNS Lymphomas from Glioblastomas

Voxel-Specific Modeling of Physiological Fluctuations in BOLD fMRI Signal

Author:Rong-Wen Tain  Shauna Stark  Samantha Rutledge  David Keator  Craig Stark  

Institution:University of California  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:13:30  

Session Name:fMRI Contrast Mechanisms & Signal Characteristics  

Program Number:3768  

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 89  

Voxel-wise comparison of CFD and 4DMR results in the cerebral venous outflow tract of a pulsatile tinnitus patient

Author:Evan Kao  Henrik Haraldsson  Megan Ballweber  Matthew Amans  David Saloner  


Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:16:00  

Session Name:Technical Advances in Flow Imaging  

Program Number:1975  

Presentation Time:16:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 25  

Voxelwise correlation between vascular parameters obtained with ASL and DSC as predictor of IDH-mutation status in non-enhancing glioma

Author:Esther Warnert  Fatih Incekara  Arnaud Vincent  Joost Schouten  Martin van den Bent  Pim French  Hendrikus Dubbink  Johan Kros  Juan-Antonio Hernandez-Tamames  Marion Smits  

Institution:Erasmus MC  Erasmus Medical Centre  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Pitch: Brain Tumor  

Program Number:0901  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Voxelwise correlation between vascular parameters obtained with ASL and DSC as predictor of IDH-mutation status in non-enhancing glioma

Author:Esther Warnert  Fatih Incekara  Arnaud Vincent  Joost Schouten  Martin van den Bent  Pim French  Hendrikus Dubbink  Johan Kros  Juan-Antonio Hernandez-Tamames  Marion Smits  

Institution:Erasmus MC  Erasmus Medical Centre  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:16:45  

Session Name:Poster: Brain Tumor  

Program Number:0901  

Presentation Time:16:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 11  

Vulnerable Networks in the Aging Mouse Brain

Author:Wenlin Wu  Robert Anderson  Serge Koudoro  Eleftherios Garyfallidis  David Dunson  Carol Colton  Alexandra Badea  

Institution:Duke Univ Medical Center  Duke University  Duke University Medical Center  University of Indiana  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:16:45  

Session Name:Experimental Model of CNS Disease: Structural/Diffusion  

Program Number:3233  

Presentation Time:16:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 69  

Water T2 is altered with hepatic lipid fraction at 3 Tesla

Water/fat separation for distortion-free EPI with point spread function encoding

Author:Zhangxuan Hu  Yishi Wang  Zijing Dong  Hua Guo  

Institution:Tsinghua University  Tsinghua University  Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Mix All Physical Properties with Water & Shake Well  

Program Number:0690  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Water/fat separation for distortion-free EPI with point spread function encoding

Author:Zhangxuan Hu  Yishi Wang  Zijing Dong  Hua Guo  

Institution:Tsinghua University  Tsinghua University  Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Poster: Mix All Physical Properties With Water & Shake Well  

Program Number:0690  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 25  

Water-fat separation in spiral readout acquisition for the liver using the convolutional neural network: an approach to reduce blurring artifacts

Author:Daiki Tamada  Ryoichi Kose  Katsumi Kose  Hiroshi Onishi  Utaroh Motosugi  

Institution:MRIsimulations Inc.  University of Yamanashi  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Artifacts, Implants & Corrections  

Program Number:4612  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 68  

Water-tunable Spiral Metamaterial Resonator for Radiofrequency Field Enhancement for Receive Coils at 1.5T

Author:Elizaveta Motovilova  Srikumar Sandeep  Michinao Hashimoto  Shao Ying Huang  

Institution:Singapore University of Technology and Design  National University of Singapore  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Dielectrics, Decoupling, Switching & Control  

Program Number:1578  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 145  

Wearable Seismocardiography as a Quick Screen for Thoracic Aorta Flow Abnormalities Necessitating 4D Flow MRI

Author:Ethan Johnson  J. Alex Heller  Daniel Gordon  Flori Garcia Vicente  Alex Barker  Mozziyar Etemadi  Michael Markl  

Institution:Northwestern University  University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:16:00  

Session Name:Technical Advances in Flow Imaging  

Program Number:1959  

Presentation Time:16:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 9  

Weekly T2’ and rOEF-mapping monitoring tumor oxygenation in patients with recurrent glioblastoma undergoing antiangiogenetic therapy


Author:Pia Maly Sundgren  

Institution:Lund University  Lund University  

Session Type:Plenary Session  

Session Date:Sunday, 12 May 2019  

Session Time:17:00  

Session Name:Lauterbur Lecture: My Life in Magnetic Resonance: Sense & Serendipity  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Please select an option below  

Computer Number:

    Welcome to the Jungle: Open-Source Software for DCE & DSC

    Author:Charlotte Debus  


    Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Open Source Initiative for Perfusion Imaging  

    Program Number:

    Presentation Time:14:20   

    Room Number:Room 513A-C  

    Computer Number:

      What are the consequences of ignoring non-Gaussian diffusion in models of convection-enhanced drug delivery to the human brain?

      Author:Eirini Messaritaki  S Umesh Rudrapatna  Najmus S Iqbal  Hannah Furby  Emma Yhnell  Claudia Metzler-Baddeley  William Gray  Derek Jones  

      Institution:Cardiff University  UCL  Australian Catholic University  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

      Session Time:09:15  

      Session Name:Microstructural Modelling & Mapping  

      Program Number:3535  

      Presentation Time:09:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 27  

      What Do We have & What Do We Need? - MRI in South America

      Author:Maria Otaduy  Claudia Leite  

      Institution:University of São Paulo  

      Session Type:Weekday Course  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

      Session Time:13:30  

      Session Name:Junior Fellows Symposium: MR from a Global Perspective: The Underrepresented Part of the MR Spectrum  

      Program Number:

      Presentation Time:14:10   

      Room Number:Room 710A  

      Computer Number:

      What Is Myelin & Why Is It Important to Image?

      Author:Samuel Ludwin  

      Institution:Queen's University  

      Session Type:Weekend Course  

      Session Date:Saturday, 11 May 2019  

      Session Time:13:30  

      Session Name:Myelin  

      Program Number:

      Presentation Time:13:30   

      Room Number:Room 516C-E  

      Computer Number:

        What perivascular spaces do to diffusion MRI?

        Author:Shi Jia Teo  Valerij Kiselev  Bibek Dhital  Marco Reisert  

        Institution:University Medical Centre Freiburg  University of Freiburg  

        Session Type:Digital Poster  

        Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

        Session Time:09:15  

        Session Name:Microstructural Modelling & Mapping  

        Program Number:3544  

        Presentation Time:09:15   

        Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

        Computer Number:Computer 36  

        What’s shape got to do with it? Exploring subcortical shape and volume alterations in youth with congenital heart disease

        When Stress Rules

        Author:Håkan Arheden  


        Session Type:Plenary Session  

        Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

        Session Time:10:30  

        Session Name:Presidential Lecture: When Stress Rules  

        Program Number:

        Presentation Time:10:30   

        Room Number:Plenary Hall - Room 517  

        Computer Number:

          When Will Non-k-Space-Based MRI Become a Clinical Reality?

          Author:Stephen Riederer  

          Institution:Mayo Clinic  Mayo Clinic  

          Session Type:Weekday Course  

          Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

          Session Time:15:45  

          Session Name:Non-Traditional Encoding Methods: To k-Space & Beyond  

          Program Number:

          Presentation Time:17:05   

          Room Number:Room 710B  

          Computer Number:

          White matter changes caused by mild traumatic brain injury in mice

          Author:Lisa Gazdzinski  Miranda Mellerup  Tong Wang  John Sled  Brian Nieman  Anne Wheeler  

          Institution:Hospital for Sick Children  University of Toronto  

          Session Type:Oral  

          Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Traumatic Brain Injury  

          Program Number:0079  

          Presentation Time:08:51   

          Room Number:Room 513D-F  

          Computer Number:

          White Matter Damage of Alzheimer’s Disease using Magnetization Transfer Imaging

          Author:Wenna Duan  Parshant Sehrawat  James Becker  Oscar Lopez  H. Gach  Weiying Dai  

          Institution:State University of New York at Binghamton  University of Pittsburgh  Washington University  

          Session Type:Oral  

          Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

          Session Time:15:45  

          Session Name:Dementia  

          Program Number:0625  

          Presentation Time:17:09   

          Room Number:Room 511BCEF  

          Computer Number:

          White matter fibrography of the extremely preterm brain: longitudinal connectome changes from childhood to adolescence.

          Author:Ryan McNaughton  Hernan Jara  Mina Botros  Baiyu Zhou  Stephan Anderson  Osamu Sakai  Edward Sung  Robert Joseph  Karl Kuban  Michael O'Shea  

          Institution:Boston University  Boston University Medical Center  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Medical Center  

          Session Type:Oral  

          Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Pediatrics: Image Acquisition  

          Program Number:0382  

          Presentation Time:08:39   

          Room Number:Room 510A-D  

          Computer Number:

          White matter Fractional Anisotropy measures in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Implications of differences in structural correlation with performance IQ measures and age. Results from EU- Autism Interventions data.

          Author:Robert Dallyn  Pedro Luque Laguna  Cate Davidson  EU-AIMS2 TRIALS Consortium  Declan Murphy  Flavio Dell'Acqua  

          Institution:King's College London  King's College London  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Diffusion: Neuro Applications  

          Program Number:3423  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 85  

          White matter hyperintensity burden is strongly associated with neuro-inflammation but not with amyloid deposition: a multimodal PET MR study

          Author:Hongyu An  Chunwei Ying  Yasheng Chen  Peter Kang  Jon Christensen  Qing Wang  Lisa Cash  Jin-Moo Lee  Andria Ford  Tammie Benzinger  

          Institution:Washington University in St. Louis  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

          Session Time:16:45  

          Session Name:Alzheimer's & Related Dementia  

          Program Number:3166  

          Presentation Time:16:45   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 2  

          White matter microstructural alterations in chronic, episodic, and aura migraine

          White Matter Microstructural Change Following Traumatic Brain Injury Assessed by Biophysical Modeling using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI

          Author:Ping-Hong Yeh  Chihwa Song  Cheng Guan Koay  Wei Liu  Grant Bonavia  John Ollinger  Gerard Riedy  

          Institution:National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE), Walter Reed National Military Medical Center  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

          Session Time:15:45  

          Session Name:Clinical Traumatic Brain Injury  

          Program Number:3011  

          Presentation Time:15:45   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 18  

          White matter microstructure changes as a function of time-of-day: a biomarker of accumulating sleep pressure?

          Author:Irene Voldsbekk  Daniel Roelfs  Atle Bjørnerud  Inge Groote  Ivan Maximov  

          Institution:Oslo University Hospital  

          Session Type:Oral  

          Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Novel Neuroimaging Techniques  

          Program Number:1042  

          Presentation Time:08:39   

          Room Number:Room 510A-D  

          Computer Number:

          White matter MS lesions effect on resting state fMRI analysis: should we lesion fill functional data?

          White matter parcellation test-retest reproducibility of diffusion MRI tractography fiber clustering

          Author:Fan Zhang  Ye Wu  Isaiah Norton  Yogesh Rathi  Alexandra Golby  Lauren O'Donnell  

          Institution:Harvard Medical School  Harvard Medical School  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Fiber Orientations & Tracking  

          Program Number:3365  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 27