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DCE-MRI Assessment of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Early Prediction of Response and Evaluation of Residual Disease

Author:Alina Tudorica  Karen Oh  Kathleen Kemmer  Megan Troxell  Arpana Naik  Neda Jafarian  Yiyi Chen  Stephen Chui  Eric Goranson  Nicole Roy  Aneela Afzal  May Mishal  Megan Holtorf  Charles Springer  Xin Li  Wei Huang  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 25 April 2017  

Session Time:16:15  

Session:Cancer Treatment Response  

Program Number:4370  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 20  

Prediction of Individual Breast Tumor Therapeutic Response

Author:Jr., Charles Springer  Xin Li  Megan Troxell  Karen Oh  Arpana Naik  Kathleen Kemmer  Aneela Afzal  May Mishal  Alina Tudorica  Wei Huang  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 25 April 2017  

Session Time:16:15  

Session:Cancer Treatment Response  

Program Number:4367  

Presentation Time:

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 17