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Session Type:

Incorporation of Labeling Efficiency Measurement Into a Normal PCASL Perfusion Scan Without SNR-Penalty

Author:Zhensen Chen  Xihai Zhao  Wouter Teeuwisse  Bida Zhang  Peter Koken  Jouke Smink  Matthias van Osch  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, May 12, 2016  

Session:Arterial Spin Labeling  

Program Number:1009   

Presentation Time:17:48   

Room Number:Room 324-326   

Computer Number:

Increased Coronary Vessel Wall Thickness in Hyper IgE Syndrome Patients; Depiction by Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging and Pathological Correction

Author:Khaled Abd-Elmoniem  Nadine Ramos  Saami Yazdani  Ahmed Ghanem  Steven Holland  Alexandra Freeman  Ahmed Gharib  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, May 12, 2016  

Session:Atherosclerosis Imaging  

Program Number:0964   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Summit 1   

Computer Number:

An Indenting Abdominal Array for 2-Fold SNR Improvement in Pancreatic MRI

Author:Scott King  Jarod Matwiy  Calvin Bewsky  Hung-Yu Lin  Masoom Haider  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:Hepatobiliary 2: Pancreasbiliary  

Program Number:0531   

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Summit 2   

Computer Number:

Indication of Impaired Basal Cerebral Blood Flow and Reactive Capacity in Concussed Athletes Using Dual-Echo Pcasl

Author:Clarisse Mark  Alex Bhogal  Douglas Cook  Ingrid Johnsrude  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, May 12, 2016  

Session:TBI: Neurometabolic Consequences  

Program Number:0858   

Presentation Time:10:54   

Room Number:Hall 606   

Computer Number:

Indirectly-Detected and Spin-Amplified Heteronuclear MRS and MRI

Author:Chencai Wang  Chaohsiung Hsu  Stephanie Wolohan  Yung-Ya Lin  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, May 9, 2016  

Session:MRS Methods: What's New?  

Program Number:0019   

Presentation Time:11:21   

Room Number:Room 300-302   

Computer Number: