Zhensen Chen1, Xihai Zhao1, Wouter Teeuwisse2, Bida Zhang3, Peter Koken4, Jouke Smink5, and Matthias J.P. van Osch2
1Certer for Biomedical Imaging Research, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2C. J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 3Philips Research China, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 4Innovative Technologies, Research Laboratories, Philips Technologie GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, 5Philips Healthcare, MR Clinical Science, Best, Netherlands
The pCASL perfusion sequence was modified to incorporate a labeling
efficiency measurement during the post-labeling delay. Our in vivo data showed
that the incorporated labeling efficiency measurement had no influence on SNR
of the perfusion measurements, with almost no additional time penalty. The
additional labeling efficiency measurement was demonstrated its ability to
identify severe underestimation of CBF caused by sub-optimal labeling, proofing
its clinical potential. Moreover, the measured labeling efficiency is
artery-specific, which is important because arteries may have different
labeling efficiency due to differences in flow velocity and/or off-resonance
efficiency (LabEff) is one of the most important parameters for CBF
quantification of ASL perfusion scans, although usually a constant value is
assumed in current clinical practice
1. However, LabEff may vary for
pCASL due to differences in flow velocity and off-resonance effects, indicating
the necessity to measure LabEff for each pCASL perfusion scan. Previously, a
method was proposed to measure LabEff by a fast, additional scan
However, even the limited additional time demanded by this LabEff scan would seriously
threaten its clinical acceptation. In this study, we propose a method that
integrates the LabEff-measurement into a normal pCASL scan without SNR-penalty.
Sequence: The combined perfusion&LabEff
sequence exploits time-encoded ASL by including an additional shorter labeling
block and a single-slice Look-locker EPI readout into the post-labeling delay
of a normal pCASL perfusion acquisition (without background suppression). This
enables the monitoring of blood signal in the large arteries directly after the
labeling. The two labeling blocks of the combined sequence are arranged in a
Hadamard-like encoding scheme (Fig. 1A). Three types of LabEff signal are
acquired: Control, Label and M0 (with pCASL RF switched off to measure the
equilibrium blood signal). A thin saturation slab (5mm) is applied 1mm above
the LabEff imaging slice and performed before each EPI readout, in order to saturate
signal from venous blood (Fig. 1B).
In vivo experiments: Five healthy volunteers (age
23-28y; 3m) were scanned at a 3T scanner (Philips Healthcare) after providing
written informed consent. They underwent the following scans: a separate
perfusion scan without background suppression and a separate LabEff scan (both
using pCASL flip angle (FA) of 21°), four combined perfusion&LabEff scans
using FAs of 8°, 15°, 21° and 25° respectively, brain M0 scan,
vessel-encoded pCASL scan for vascular territory mapping, 3D T1W, and a phase-contrast
(PC) quantitative flow scan at the location of labeling slab. All
non-vessel-encoded perfusion scans: labeling duration/PLD 1800/1800ms,
single-shot EPI, 19 slices, voxel size 3×3×6mm3, TR/TE 4209/9.6ms,
30 control-label pairs. All LabEff scans: labeling duration/PLD 600/7ms, voxel size
2×2×3mm3, 26 time points with interval of 39.7ms.
Postprocessing: Total GM CBF and
territorial GM CBF were calculated using the recommended model in ASL white
paper assuming a constant LabEff of 0.851. The ASL time signal of
LabEff scan was normalized wrt M0 signal and then used to calculate LabEff with
a previously proposed model2:¯α=12M0∫Vmax0α(ν)M(ν)dνASL(t)=∫Vmax0α(ν)M(ν)D(ν)E(ν,t)dνLabEff was calculated for all 4 arteries (i.e. RICA, LICA, RVA, LVA) and was also
simulated for a range of flow velocities3. The CBF and LabEff with
FAs of 8°, 15°, and 21° were normalized with their concurrent 25° ones, before
correlating CBFnorm with LabEffnorm.
Results and Discussion
The combined perfusion&LabEff sequence yielded similar CBF maps as
the separate scan except that the lower slices were affected due to the close
proximity of the LabEff imaging and saturation slab (Fig. 2). No significant
differences were found between the combined and the separate sequence with
regard to GM CBF (51.2±12.2 vs. 51.2±11.5ml/100g/min, p=0.99) and GM temporal-SNR
(1.03±0.21 vs. 0.98±0.18, p=0.15), indicating that the incorporated LabEff
sequence had little to no influence on the perfusion scan. However, LabEff
acquired with the combined sequence was significantly lower than the efficiency
from the separate LabEff scan (0.715±0.062 vs. 0.741±0.067, p=0.049). This may
be attributed to MT effects or imperfect Hadamard decoding due to the influence
of cardiac pulsations. The measured in vivo LabEff decreased sharply for the
lower FA’s (Fig. 3A). Besides, the relationship between in vivo LabEff and FA was
similar to simulation (Fig. 3B). There was a strong correlation between the
quantified CBF and LabEff data for the different FA’s (Fig. 4). In one subject
we found a remarkably lower CBF in the RICA- as compared to the LICA-territory.
This could largely be attributed to a lower labeling efficiency in the RICA. This
capability to distinguish true RICA-territory hypoperfusion from technical
failure due to sub-optimal labeling clearly demonstrates the clinical potential
of the proposed approach. Current limitations include: 1) No background
suppression was included; 2) A slight increase in total scan time occurred due
to the need of additional preparation phases.
demonstrated that LabEff could be measured simultaneously with perfusion
imaging by efficiently using the PLD of the pCASL sequence, with almost no
compromise on SNR of the perfusion images and almost no additional time cost.
The measured LabEff is artery-specific and could potentially be used for
calibration of territorial perfusion.
This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81271536).References
1. Alsop et al, MRM, 73(1) 2015; 2. Chen et al, ISMRM, abstract 2953,
2015; 3. Wu et al, MRM, 58(5) 2007.