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Free Breathing Self-Gated PC-MRI  with Pseudo Random Sampled Kt-Sparse-Sense

Author:Volker Herold  Patrick Winter  Philipp Mörchel  Fabian Gutjahr  Peter Jakob  

Session Type:Electronic Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:Top CV's  

Program Number:0466   

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theatre, Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Plasma 14   

Free-Breathing, Self-Navigated Isotropic 3-D CINE Imaging of the Whole Heart Using Cartesian Sampling

Author:Jens Wetzl  Felix Lugauer  Michaela Schmidt  Andreas Maier  Joachim Hornegger  Christoph Forman  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:CV Innovations  

Program Number:0411   

Presentation Time:14:06   

Room Number:Room 334-336   

Computer Number:

Frequency Shift Imaging (FSI) for Characterization of Cells Labeled with Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles

Author:Judy Alper  Priti Balchandani  Francois Fay  Hadrien Dyvorne  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:Pulse Sequences  

Program Number:3172   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Computer 2   

Frontal GABA Concentrations Predict Cognitive Function Beyond Age-Related Decline.

Author:Eric Porges  Adam Woods  Richard Edden  Nicolaas Puts  Ashley Harris  Amanda Garcia  Huaihou Chen  Damon Lamb  John Williamson  Ronald Cohen  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:The Aging Brain  

Program Number:3412   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Computer 9   

Frontal-Parietal Network Functional Connectivity Characterization in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by Using Independent Component Analysis

Author:Lin Wang  Chun-Qiang Lu  Shenghong Ju  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:fMRI Connectivity: The Methods  

Program Number:1653   

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number: