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3D GABA Imaging with High Spatial Resolution at 3T Using a Navigated MEGA-LASER MRSI Sequence

Body-Coil-Constrained Estimation (BoCCE): Joint Estimation of Signal and Coil Sensitivities from Weighted, Under-Sampled K-Space Measurements Using a Novel Sampling Strategy and Associated Reconstruction Algorithm

Author:Dylan Tisdall  

Session:Parallel Imaging  

High-Accuracy Off-Resonance Estimation from EPI, with Application to Volumetric Navigators (VNavs) Enabling Real-Time Motion and Frequency Correction

Improved GABA Editing at 3T with Real-Time Motion Correction, Shim Update and Reacquisition of MEGA-LASER

Multiple Echo and Inversion Time MPRAGE with Inner Loop GRAPPA Acceleration and Prospective Motion Correction for Minimally Distorted Multispectral Brain Morphometry