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"Be Nice to Your Gradients!" Useful Gradient Modifications for SPI
(2+1)D-CAIPIRINHA Accelerated FID Based MRSI of the Brain at 7T
[14C]2-Deoxyglucose Autoradiography Confirms Metabolism Within Ischaemic Penumbra Identified by Two Complementary, PFC-Enhanced Dynamic MR Imaging Techniques
“Clustering and Rationing” of GD-Enhanced Voxels by Injection of Gd-Labelled RBC, a Tool to Quantify Functional Information from MR Images
“Domain Gauges”: A Reference System for Multivariate Profiling of Brain fMRI Activation Patterns Induced by Psychoactive Drugs in Rats
CT-Like 3D Isotropic Fat-Suppressed Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Enterography
Ex Vivo Diffusion MRI at Ultra-High Fields
Ex Vivo MR Microscopic Imaging Identifies Multiple Neuroanatomical Correlates of Functional Motor Deficits in a Rat Model of Bilirubin Encephalopathy
Ex-Vivo Cardiac Fibre Imaging Using Diffusion Tensor MRI and Optical Projection Tomography
In Vivo Assessment of Skeletal Muscle ATP Synthesis in Ob/Ob Mice
In Vivo Chemical Shift Imaging of 5-Fluorouracil and It’s Metabolites
In Vivo Overhauser-Enhanced MRI of Proteolytic Activity
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Human Intervertebral Disk: Preliminary Results
In Vivo {1H}-13C NMR Spectroscopy of the Human Calf on a 7-T Whole-Body MR Tomograph
In Vivo 1H MRS of Dynamic 13C Labeling of Glutamate and Glutamine
In Vivo 17O MR Imaging and Quantification of CMRO2, CBF and OEF in Human Visual Cortex at Rest and During Activation
In Vivo 31P MRS Study of Altered Intracellular NAD Content and NAD+/NADH Redox State in Hypoxic Brain
In Vivo 3D High Resolution Cardiac Diffusion Weighted MRI Using Motion Compensated Diffusion-Prepared Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Approach: Preliminary Application in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients
In Vivo 9.4T 1H MRS for Evaluation of Brain Metabolic Changes in the Ts65Dn Mouse Model for Down Syndrome
In Vivo Accelerated, Motion-Corrected Free-Breathing 3T Intravascular MRI
In Vivo Assement of Neurite Density in the Preterm Brain Using Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In Vivo Assessment of Diabetes-Induced Renal Oxidative Stress and Response to Therapy Using Hyperpolarized 13C Dehydroascorbate Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In Vivo Assessment of Initial Thymus Size and Age-Related Thymic Involution in a C57BL/6J Mouse Strain
In Vivo Assessment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Detection of Early Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy by Using Breath-Hold Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using a Spiral Trajectory
In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Selecting a B-Value and Acquiring the Reference Data
In Vivo Cardiac MRI Development for Studying Zebrafish Models of Myocardial Disease
In Vivo Cellular MRI Monitoring of FeO Labeled DC-Based Cancer Vaccine for Immunotherapeutic Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
In Vivo Cerebral Perfusion Territory and Watershed Zone Delineation in Healthy Volunteers Using ASL, DSC-, and DCE-MRI.
In Vivo Characterisation of Tumour Microstructure with VERDICT MRI
In Vivo Characterization of Morphological Changes in Prenatally Irradiated Mice Using MRI
In Vivo Comparison of Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) and Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI at 7T
In Vivo Compressed Sensing fMRI Using Conventional Gradient-Recalled Echo and EPI Sequences
In Vivo Detection of Reduced Purkinje Cell Fibers with Diffusion MRI Tractography in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
In Vivo Detection of Sexual Dimorphisms in the Brain of a Passerine Songbird, a Proof-Of-Principle Study
In Vivo Diffusion MRI at 7 Tesla
In Vivo Electrical Conductivity Tensor Images of Human Calf Using DT-MREIT
In Vivo Estimation of Axon Diameter in the Human Spinal Cord Using 300 MT/m Gradients
In Vivo Evaluation of Simultaneous MR-Electrophysiology in Large Animal Model.
In Vivo High Resolution MR Elastography of the Uterus and Cervix
In Vivo High Resolution Rat Spinal Cord Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 9.4T: A New Approach Based on Adiabatic Refocusing Pulses and Reduced FOV Multislice EPI
In Vivo High Resolution, Undistorted Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using DSDE-TFE
In Vivo High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging Shows Progressive Changes in Hippocampal Subfields After Status Epilepticus in Rat
In Vivo Hyperpolarized 13C MRS Using DPPH as Polarizing Agent
In Vivo Hyperpolarized 13C Chemical Shift Imaging Using Variable Flip Angle and Centric Phase Encoding of Stimulated Mouse Muscle
In Vivo Imaging of Tau Pathology Using Multi-Parametric Quantitative MRI
In Vivo Imaging of Tumor Physiological, Metabolic and Redox Changes in Response to the Anti-Angiogenic Agent Sunitinib: Longitudinal Assessment to Indentify the Transient Vascular Re-Normalization.
In Vivo Investigations of Accuracy and Precision of Fiber Orientations in Crossing Fibers in Spherical Deconvolution-Based HARDI Methods
In Vivo Measurement of the Myelin G-Ratio with Histological Validation
In Vivo MEMRI Brain Atlas for NOD/scid-?cnull Mouse Model of NeuroAIDS
In Vivo Molecular Imaging Using a Dual-Imaging Reporter Gene for Verifying the Role of HOXA Gene Subfamily in Gastric Cancer Development and Therapeutic Monitoring
In Vivo Monitoring of Caspase-3 Activity with MRI in Response to Different Treatment Modalities
In Vivo Monitoring of Liver Glycogen by Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging (GlycoCEST) in Live Mice
In Vivo Monitoring of Mucus Obstruction and Ventilation Malfunction in Mice by Combined 1H and Hyperpolarized 129Xe-Gas Lung MRI
In Vivo MR Computation of Whole Proximal Femur Mechanical Competence Using Micro-Finite Element Analysis Applied to High-Resolution 3T MRI of Proximal Femur Microarchitecture
In Vivo MR Imaging of Zebrafish with Focus on Cardiac Tissue
In Vivo MRI Effectively Monitors Onset and Progression of Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis in Free-Breathing Mice
In Vivo MRI Evidence of Cranial Nerve Inflammation After Corneal Damage
In Vivo MRSI Reconstruction by Low-Rank Component Analysis Using 3-D High-Resolution Field Inhomogeneity Mapping
In Vivo Observation of Time-Dependent Diffusion in White Matter in Humans
In Vivo Observations of Radiation Damping Effects from Tissue-Dissolved Hyperpolarized 129Xe
In Vivo Oscillating Gradient Diffusion MRI Provides Unique Microstructural Information in Normal and Hypoxic-Ischemic Injured Mouse Brains
In Vivo QSM in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease Reveals Magnetostatic Alterations in the Basal Ganglia and Beyond
In Vivo Quantification of Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core Using Contrast-Enhanced Three-Dimensional Vessel Wall Imaging
In Vivo Quantification of Myowater Anatomical Compartmentation with Proton T2-Relaxation Studies Using a Three Site Two Exchange (3S2X) Model
In Vivo Quantification of SPIO Nanoparticles for Cell Labeling Based on MR Phase Gradient Images
In Vivo Quantitative Cellular MR Imaging Guided by in Vitro Relaxation Parameter Measurements of Magnetic Labeled Cells
In Vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Mouse Brain at 9.4T: A New Contrast Mechanism to Investigate Genetic Models of Neurodegeneration
In Vivo Real Time Metabolic Imaging Using Frequency Selective BSSFP and Hyperpolarized Compounds
In Vivo Spectroscopic Imaging of Citrate in Gliomas at 3.0 T
In Vivo Spectroscopic Imaging of N-Acetyl-Aspartyl-Glutamate (NAAG) in Human Brain at 3.0 T: Reproducibility and Regional Variation Study
in Vivo Ultrafast Diffusion Imaging of Stroke at 21.1 T by Spatiotemporal Encoding
In-Vitro Detection of Apoptosis Using Oscillating and Pulsed Gradient Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In-Vivo 3D Magnetic Resonance Volumetric Analysis of Fetal Cerebellum: from Normal to Pathology (Unilateral Cerebellar Hypoplasia)
In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury Models of Contusion Injury and Focal Demyelination with Frequency Shift Mapping
In-Vivo Assessment of Multi-Component Relaxation of Articular Cartilage Using McRISE at 3.0T
In-Vivo Assessment of Multiple Water Components of Human Knee Menisci Using McDESPOT at 3.0T
In-Vivo Breast Microcalcification Detection Via Susceptibility Weighted Imaging at 7T
In-Vivo Detection of Dopamine in the Substantia Nigra Using 3D MRSI
In-Vivo Diffusion Q-Space Trajectory Imaging
In-Vivo Dual-Phase Cardiac DTI with 3D Strain Correction
In-Vivo Evaluation of Hepatic Function Using Dynamic Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MRI with a Dual-Input One Output Two-Compartment Pharmacokinetics Model
In-Vivo Longitudinal Relaxation Enhancements (LREs) of Central-Nervous-System Metabolites at 21.1 T Upon Stroke
In-Vivo Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Mouse Lungs Using a Zero Echo Time Sequence at 4.7 T – Initial Experience.
In-Vivo Mapping of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation(TDCS) of Human Brain Using MRI
In-Vivo Online Monitoring of Testosterone-Induced Neuroplasticity in a Seasonal Songbird
In-Vivo Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of De- And Re-Myelination in Cuprizone-Treated Mice and Correlation with Histology
In-Vivo Temperature Measurement Using ParaCEST MRI Contrast Agents at 9.4T
1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate at 7T Using Spectral-Spatial Pulses
1H MRS Detection of Glutamate Predicts Survival in Pediatric Medulloblastoma
1H MRS to Investigate the Hepatic Profile of GLUT2-/- Mice
1H/19F MRI of Histological Tumor Sections Using a Double Tunable Surface Coil
1H-[13C]-NMR Investigations of Glutamatergic and GABAergic Metabolism in Aluminium Chloride Model of Alzheimer's Disease
1H-[13C]-NMR Studies of Cerebral Metabolism in Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Model of Depression
1H-[13C]-NMR Study of Cerebral Energy Metabolism Under Sub-Acute Exposure of Aluminium Chloride in Mice: Implications for Dementia
13C MRS Measures the Regional Changes in Neuronal (Glu/GABA) and Astroglial Mitochondrial TCA Cycle and Neurotransmitter Cycling of the R6/2 Huntington’s Disease Mice
13C MRS of Human Brain at 7T Using Low Power Stochastic Proton Decoupling
19F MRI for Non-Invasive Imaging of Treatment Failure in Microencapsulated Pancreatic Cell Therapy
19F MRI of Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer (CACC) in a Murine Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
23Na Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) on a High-Density 3d-Cell Culture on Chip (3D-KITChip)
31P Birdcage Insert for an 8-Channel, Multi-Transmit, 1H Coil at 7T
31P MR Spectroscopy Shows PH-Changes in Recurrent Glioblastomas During Antiangiogenic Therapy
31P MRI of Human Teeth with Nuclear Overhause Effect Enhancement
31P MRS Reveals Post-Exercise Impacts on Energy Metabolism of Heart Failure Rats
31P MRSI of the Healthy Liver at 3T and 7T with AMESING-Boosted SNR
31P-MRS Reveals Biliary Phosphatidylcholine in the Liver
31P-MRSI at 7T in Parkinson's Disease
0.1-Hz Oscillation in fMRI BOLD Signals and Full-Band LFPs in Rat Cortex
1 Tesla Bench-Top MRI of a Mouse Model of Colorectal Carcinoma Metastasis in the Liver: Comparison with 9.4 Tesla
1.0T MR-Based Treatment Planning for Spinal Stereotactic Radiosurgery – Initial Case Study
10-Minute High-Resolution Whole-Brain T1 Mapping: A Comparison of Three Candidate Methods
13C MRS Detects TCA Down-Regulation in Mutant IDH1 Glioma Cells
13C MRS Shows That Mutant IDH1 Glioma Cells Alter Flux Through Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and Pyruvate Carboxylase
14 T NMR and 7 T MRI in Vitro Investigation of Cold Stimulation of Abdominal WAT, Inguinal WAT and BAT
14T Dual-Tuned RF Probes for 13C/1H MRI Using Common-Mode Differential-Mode (CMDM) Method
15T Ultrahigh Field Fast MR Fingerprinting with Optimized Trajectories
19F MRI for Evaluating ERK1 as a Factor Regulating Dendritic Cell Migration in High Grade Glioma
1D Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Along the Arcuate Fasiculus in the Human Brain at 7T
1H Functional MRS of the Rat Barrel Cortex and the Thalamus During Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation. Preliminary Investigation of the Metabolic Regulation of the Barrel Cortex by Glutamatergic and GABAergic Thalamocortical Inputs.
1H MRS as a Biomarker for Placental Insufficiency in the Growth Restricted Fetus
1H MRS for In Vivo Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Brain Tumors at 1.5T: A Numerical Simulation Study
1H-MRS Study in Investigating the Effect of Dioscorea Modified Pill to the Cognitive Impairment of Patients with VCIND
2D and 3D Multi-Contrast Black Blood Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging Applying DANTE Preparation
2D Imaging in a Lightweight Portable MRI Scanner Without Gradient Coils
2D L-COSY at 7T Detects Glutamate, Glutamine, Glutathione and GABA in Patients with Schizophrenia
2D-SENSE for Simultaneous Multi Slice Imaging
2D-SPIRiT Accelerated MRSI of the Brain Using Different Calibration Regions at 7T
2-Hydroxyglutarate Labeling from [U-13C]glucose in Human Glioma Cells
2-Shim or Not 2-Shim, That Is a Question in Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling.
3 Tesla Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of Normal Uterus in Young and Middle-Aged Women During the Menstrual Cycle: An Initial Study to Evaluate the Cyclic Changes of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Values
31P DWS of Different Muscles in the Lower Leg
31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Amide Proton Transfer-Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Based Probes for Intracellular pH Measurements at 7 Tesla
31P MRS Assessment of Hepatic Mitochondrial Toxicity in Rat
31P Wideband Inversion Transfer for Measuring ATP Synthesis Rates in Human Skeletal Muscle
35Cl and 23Na MRI of 9L Rat Glioma at 21.1 T
3D Vs. 2D Acquisition
3D Anatomical, Functional, and Blood Flow MRI of the Mouse Retina and Choroid with Balanced Steady State Free Precession
3D Arterial Spin Label Perfusion MR Imaging of Head and Neck Tumors: The Initial Results
3D B0-Adjusted and Sensitivity-Enhanced Spectral Localization by Imaging (BASE-SLIM) of Patients with Gliomas
3D Bio-Anatomical Imaging with High Isotropic Resolution for Musculoskeletal Applications
3D Blood Flow Characteristic in the Left and Right Atrium in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
3D Compressed Sensing CPMG with Group-Sparse Reconstruction for Myelin Water Imaging
3D Coronary Dark-Blood Interleaved with Gray-Blood (CDIG) MRI
3D Coronary MRA with 2D Beat-To-Beat Translational and Bin-To-Bin Affine Respiratory Motion Correction Using a Golden Radial Image Navigator
3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI of Atherosclerotic Plaques: Image Quality, Temporal Stability and Ex Vivo Validation in a Rabbit Model
3D Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MR Renography; Evaluation of Image Quality and Estimation of GFR Comparing Kwic and Flash Sequences
3D Dynamic Pituitary MR Imaging with Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results in Higher Acceleration (CAIPIRINHA)
3D EPI Phase Maps for Real Time EPI Distortion Correction
3D EPSI - Exploring the Potential of 3D Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate at 7 Tesla
3D Fast Spin-Echo Amide Proton Transfer MR with Intrinsic Field Homogeneity Correction for Neuro-Oncology Applications
3D Fractal Analysis of Pulmonary MRA Distinguishes Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients from Normal Volunteers
3D Free-Breathing, CINE Magnetization Transfer Imaging for Assessment of Whole-Heart Function and Great Vessels
3D GABA Imaging with High Spatial Resolution at 3T Using a Navigated MEGA-LASER MRSI Sequence
3D GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation (3D-GOOSE) Algorithm for Fat and Water Separation
3D Golden Angle Through-Time Radial GRAPPA with Self-Navigation for High Resolution 3D Abdominal Imaging
3D Gradient Echo MRE of the Liver with CLEAR Parallel Image Reconstruction
3D High Resolution Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 3T: Preliminary Application in Patients Undergoing Active Surveillance Protocol for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer
3D High Resolution L1-SPIRiT Reconstruction on Gadgetron Based Cloud
3D High Resolution MPRAGE Helps Identify Intraplaque Hemorrhage in Patients with Intracranial Atherosclerotic Diseases
3D Kat ARC Cine for Evaluating Cardiac Function on 3T
3D LGE Imaging of the LV Short Axis Stack Using Spiral Readouts at 3T
3D Locally Dependent Regularization of the Diffusion Tensor Using ICA and TGV
3D Metabolic Mapping in the Brain by 2D-GRAPPA Accelerated FID-CSI at 7T
3D Model for MR Image Contrast in the Annulus Fibrosus of the Intervertebral Disc
3D Modeling of Spatial Resolution Limitations in Contrast-Enhanced MRA Related to the Contrast Bolus Profile Using an Analysis of the Modulation Transfer Function
3D MR Imaging with the Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique: DYNAMITE MRI
3D MR Microscopy of Ex Vivo Retina Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
3D MR Spectroscopic Imaging of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Patients with Mutant IDH1 Glioma
3D Multimodal Spatial Fuzzy Segmentation of Intramuscular Connective and Adipose Tissue from Ultralow TE MR Images of Calf Muscle.
3D Printing of MRI Compatible Components: Why Every MRI Research Group Should Have a Low-Budget 3D Printer
3D Pulmonary Perfusion MRI with Radial Ultra-Short Echo Time and Spatial-Temporal Constrained Reconstruction
3D Quantification of Wall Shear Stress and Oscillatory Index Using Finite-Element Interpolations in 4D Flow MR Data of the Thoracic Aorta.
3D Radial GRE-EPI with Up to 8-Fold Acceleration for Functional Imaging at 9.4T
3D Radial Spin-Labeled MRA of the Extracranial Carotid Arteries: Optimization and Potential for Rapid Imaging
3D Registration of Background-Suppressed ASL Data Based on Brain Contours
3D Renal BOLD Imaging with a Prospectively Navigated Free Breathing Pulse Sequence
3D Shear Strain Analysis of Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle Based on Velocity Encoded and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data.
3D Structure Tensor Analysis of Light Microscopy Data for Validating Diffusion MRI
3D T1 and T2 Mapping of the Carotid Vessel Wall Using Variable a and Variable TE IMSDE Black-Blood Imaging
3D Texture Analysis of Heterogeneous MRI Data for the Characterisation of Childhood Brain Tumours
3D Thickness Maps Derived from Automated Segmentation of Knee Articular Cartilage at 1.5T; a Feasibility Study Using 3D FS DESS, 3D PD FS FSE and 2D PD FS FSE
3D UTE MRI Derived Porosity Index as a Practical Approach to Assess Cortical Bone Porosity in Human Subjects
3D Visualization of Quantitative T2 Relaxation Times in the Femoral Condylar Cartilage in Healthy and ACL-Injured Individuals
3D Whole-Heart Quantitative First-Pass Perfusion Imaging with a Stack-Of Spirals Trajectory
3D Wideband Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) MRI for Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
3D-Dictionary-Learning-CS Reconstruction of Radial 23Na-MRI-Data
3D-FSE Inner Volume Imaging Using 3D Selective Excitation
3D-Printed Geometric Distortion Correction Phantom for MRI
3D-QALAS: Full 3D Myocardial T1 and T2 Quantification in a Single Breath-Hold
3DREAM – a Three-Dimensional Variant of the DREAM Sequence
3T Coronary MRA with 100% Navigator Efficiency with 3D Self Navigation
3-T High B-Value 1000 to 10000 S/mm² Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging in Healthy Volunteers
4D Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Developing Mouse Kidney
4D Flow Analysis of Patients with Advanced Liver Cirrhosis: Correlation Between Clinical Parameters and Flow Parameters
4D Flow Assessment of Pulmonary Artery Flow and Wall Shear Stress in Adult Pulmonary Hypertension: Results from Two Institutions
4D Flow Imaging
4D Flow Imaging in the Aorta at 7T: Impact of Dynamic RF Shimming and Kt-Acceleration
4D Flow MRI for Intracranial Hemodynamic Assessment in Alzheimer’s Disease
4D Flow MRI to Quantify Cerebral Blood Flow During Environmental Challenges
4D Modeling of Infant Brain Growth in Down’s Syndrome and Controls from Longitudinal MRI
4D Phase-Contrast Un-Aliasing Using Both Phase and Magnitude
5D Echo-Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging of Cerebral Metabolites in HIV-Infected Youth: A Preliminary Study
7D Velocity Phase Imaging with Zoomed Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI Reveals Respiration Driven Motion in Brain and CSF
7Li-MRS Shows a Higher Lithium Brain Absorption in Remission of Bipolar Disorder
7T MRI and MR Spectroscopy of a Feline Model of Sandhoff Disease After AAV Gene Therapy
A 16-Channel Arterial Spin Labeling - Head Transceiver Array Combination for 7 Tesla
A 16-Channel Transceiver Array for 7 Tesla Equine Joint MRI
A 16-Element Receive Array for Human Cardiac 31P MR Spectroscopy at 7T
A 20 Channel Head/neck Array for Three Dimensional Arterial Wall Imaging at 3T
A 32ch Combined RF-Shim Brain Array for Efficient B0 Shimming and RF Reception at 3T
A 3D MR-Acquisition Scheme for Non-Rigid Bulk Motion Correction in Simultaneous PET-MR
A 3D Surface Based Correlation Analysis of the Putamen and Thalamus in Premature Neonates
A 3-Port Traveling-Wave Antenna in Combination with TIAMO for the Acquisition of Void-Free Brain Images at 9.4 Tesla
A 60-Channel Ex-Vivo Brain-Slice Coil Array for 3T Imaging
A 64-Channel Cardiac Receive-Only Phased Array Coil for Cardiac Imaging at 3T
A 7T 8 Channel Transmit-Receive Dipole Array for Head Imaging: Dipole Element and Coil Evaluation
A B1 Insensitive QMT Protocol
A Blunted Response to Dextro-Amphetamine in Recreational Dextro-Amphetamine Users Assessed Using [123I]IBZM SPECT and PCASL Based PhMRI.
A BOLD Effect on Different Calf Muscle Groups in Elderly Females
A BOLD-FMRI Study of Allodynic Pain Evoked by Green Laser Stimuli of Rats
A Bootstrap Approach to Detect Corrupted Volume in ASL Data
A BP ANNs Study on the Dynamics of Resting-State fMRI Functional Connectivity for the Depression
A Breathing Apparatus Providing Improved Control of FiO2 and FiCO2 for Calibrated fMRI
A Chaotic K-Space Trajectory for CS-MRI
A Circularly-Polarized Dual Litz RF Coil for High-Throughput Eight Whole Mouse Head Samples
A Clinical Perspective Into Early Stages of Neurodegerative Disease
A Clinically Applicable Scheme of MRI Trajectory Optimization for 3D Cartesian Acquisition
A Clinically Useful HTS Knee Coil for 0.35 T MRI
A Combination of Linear and Nonlinear GRAPPA with Variable Density Sampling
A Combined Acquisition of T1 and AxCaliber Can Link Between Axon Diameter and Myelination
A Combined Analysis of the Non-Gaussian Diffusion Methods in Monte Carlo Simulations, Anisotropic Fibre Phantoms, and in In Vivo Human Brain Tissues
A Combined High Spatial- And High Angular-Resolution Diffusion MRI Atlas of the Human Brainstem and Thalamus
A Comparative Study of 16 Tractography Algorithms for the Corticospinal Tract: Reproducibility and Subject-Specificity
A Comparative Study of the Uhrig Dynamic Decoupling (UDD) and CPMG Pulse Sequences
A Comparative Study of Two Partial Volume Estimation Methods with MP2RAGE Data at 3T
A Comparison of B1 Mapping Methods for T1 Mapping at 3T
A Comparison of BOLD FMRI, Electrophysiology, and Oxygen Signals in the Whisker Barrel Cortex of the Awake Rabbit
A Comparison of Iopromide and Iopamidol, Two AcidoCEST MRI Contrast Agents That Measure Tumor Extracellular PH
A Comparison of Isolating Amplifier Architectures
A Comparison of Short and Standard Exam Time Breast MR Studies
A Comparison of STEAM and TRSE Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Tracking Muscle Fibers
A Comparison of the Static and Dynamic Phase Correction Methods in Timeseries EPI with Parallel Imaging
A Comparison of Two Sequences for Spectral Imaging of 19F-Containing Emulsions
A Comparison Study of Imaging CBF Change in Transient MCAO Rat Brain with the SR-T1 Method and the CASL Technique
A Complete Neuroimaging Protocol with Optical Prospective Motion Correction
A Completely Wireless Current Sensor for RF Safety
A Concomitant Method to Unwrap Phase Images with Fringelines
A Crossing Fibre Phantom for Diffusion MRI Composed of Co-Electrospun Fibres
A Dedicated 3 Tesla Prostate Coil for Magnetic Resonance Elastography, Imaging, and Tracking
A Dedicated 64-Channel Cardiac Receive-Only Phased Array Coil: Initial Experience
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of White Matter Microstructure Concerning Suicidality in Major Depressive Disorder
A Diffusion Tensor MRI Study of Pediatric Patients with Severe Non-Traumatic Brain Injury
A Distributed Multichannel MRI Console Using Digital Optical Transmission
A Double-Row Transmit Array with Broadband Sheath-Wave Damping for 7T Human Head Imaging
A DTI Tractography Algorithm Derived from the Diffusion Equation and Quantum-Mechanical Correspondence: Method and Simulation
A Fast Algorithm for Rank and Edge Constrained Denoising of Magnitude Diffusion-Weighted Images
A Fast and Robust Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Mean Diffusivity and Mean Tensor Kurtosis
A Fast Method for 31P Localised MRS in Vivo
A Fast Method to Estimate SAR Distribution from Temperature Images Highly Affected by Noise
A Fast Optimal Method for Coil Sensitivity Estimation and Adaptive Coil Combination for Complex Images
A Feasibility Study of Diffusion MRI for Early Detection of Xenograft Models in Mice.
A Field Probe Transceiver System with Controllable RF Coupling and Decoupling
A Finite-Difference Model for the Analysis of Acoustic Noise Generated by Gradient Coil Switching
A Flexible Reduced Field of View Imaging Scheme for Single-Shot Spatiotemporally Encoded MRI
A Flexible Transceiver Array of Monolithic Transmission Line Resonators
A fMRI Graph Theory Study of the Effect of Gender and Aging on Topology of Functional Brain Networks
A Framework for Getting the Correct T2 Distribution from Multiple Echo Magnitude MRI Signal
A Framework for Joint Diffusion Modelling and Orientation Estimation
A Framework for MR Phase Reconstruction from Multi-Channel RF Coils
A Fully Automated and Robust Method of Extracting CSI Voxels from Precise Anatomical Locations: An Application to a Longitudinal ³¹P MRS Study
A Fully Integrated Automatic Tune and Match System for an 8-Channel Transmit/Receive Cardiac TEM Array at 7T: Initial Results in a Phantom and Volunteers
A Gaussian Process Based Method for Detecting and Correcting Dropout in Diffusion Imaging.
A General Hierarchical Mapping Framework (HMF) for Coil Compression
A General Numerical VERSE RF Pulse Design Framework
A Generalized Concept for Preamplifier Decoupling
A Golden Angle of 68.75° Improves Gradient Spoiling in Radial GRE
A GPU-Based Parallel Computing Framework for Accelerating Graph Theoretical Analyses
A Graph Cut Approach to Regularized Harmonic Estimation for Steady-State MR Elastography
A Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration Approach for Accurate Quantification of DCE-MRI in Characterizing Ovarian Cancers
A High Performance Cluster-Based Test for Subject- And Group-Level Analysis of Unsmoothed fMRI Data
A High-Resolution Cardiomyofiber Atlas of the C57BL/6 Murine Heart
A Hybrid Dielectric/birdcage Double Tuned Volume Resonator for High Field MRI
A Hybrid Multi-Spectral Approach for Near Metal Imaging: Combining the Best of Phase and Frequency Encoding
A Hybrid T1/T2*/PRF Pulse Sequence with Improved Spectral Resolution
A Joint Background Field Removal and Dipole Deconvolution Approach for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Liver
A K-Space Approach to Designing Multi-Dimensional Frequency Modulated Pulses for Spatiotemporal MRI
A Large Volume HEM Dielectric Resonator for Musculoskeletal Applications at Ultra High Field
A Longitudinal Study in Huntington’s Disease Reveals Differential Macro- And Micro-Structural Effects
A Longitudinal Study of the Corpus Callosum Size and Shape in Early Alzheimer’s Disease
A Low Carbohydrate and High Fat Diet Causes Excessive Myocardial Lipid Content.
A Low PET Attenuation Transmit-Receive Head Coil for Simultaneous PET and MR Spectroscopy
A Macaque Brain White Matter Atlas Based on Averaged High Resolution DTI
A Machine Learning Approach for Computer-Aided Detection of Cerebral Microbleed Using High-Order Shape Features
A Mathematical Model of Bloch NMR Flow Equation for Field Cycling Tissue Imaging
A MATLAB-Based Program for Post-Processing Across Multiple Platforms
A Method for Determining the Detection Limits and Sensitivity in a 19F MR Experiment
A Method for Evaluating the Similarity of HARDI-Based Fiber Tracking Methods
A Method for Macroscopic B0 Field Inhomogeneity Compensated SWI Using 3D Z-Shim Multi-Echo GRE
A Method for Quantifying Average Metabolite Concentrations in Anatomically-Defined Brain Regions
A Method for Reducing the Convolution Kernel Size Used in K-Space Channel Combination for Non-Cartesian Acquisitions
A Method for Subject-Specific Body Model Generation Using Affine and Non-Linear Transformations
A Method for Visualization of Parenchyma and Airspaces from 3D Ultra-Fast Balanced SSFP Imaging of the Lung at 1.5T
A Method to Calculate the Noise Factor of the Receive Coil Matching Network
A Method to Combine Multi NEX Diffusion Weighted Images Using Homomorphic Filter
A Method to Obtain High Resolution MRS Through Simultaneous Acquisition of IZQC and IDQC Signals Under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
A Methodological Study on DTI Indices: From Preprocessing to Analysis with Application to Multiple Sclerosis
A Model for Extra-Axonal Diffusion Spectra
A Model-Based Reconstruction Technique for Fast Dynamic T1 Mapping
A Model-Free Unsupervised Method to Cluster Brain Tissue Directly from DWI Volumes
A Monte Carlo Method for Overcoming the Edge Artifacts in MRI-Based Electrical Conductivity Mapping
A Motion-Robust Sequence for Combined Thermometry and T2-Mapping to Guide and Assess Tissue Damage During Thermal Therapies
A MRI-Based Framework for the Analysis of Aortic Morphometry: A First Application to Diastolic Dysfunction.
A Multi-Atlas and Label Fusion Approach for Patient-Specific MRI Based Skull Segmentation
A Multicenter MRI Protocol for the Evaluation and Quantification of Deep Vein Thrombosis
A Multi-Compartment Phantom for Controlled and Heterogeneous Conversion of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate to Lactate
A Multimodal Approach for Comprehensive Segmentation of the Substantia Nigra
A Navigated BSSFP Sequence for Volumetric Liver Respiratory Motion Measurement
A Network-Diffusion Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Estimating Both Disease's Progression and Foci
A New Algorithm to Estimate the Mean of a Group of Tract Bundles
A New Approach to Functional and Structural Connectivity in Human Brain Based on Anisotropic Correlations in Resting State MRI
A New Approach to Respiratory Motion Compensation for Steady-State Free Precession Cine Imaging
A New Binning Approach for 3D Motion Corrected Self-Navigated Whole-Heart Coronary MRA Using Independent Component Analysis of Individual Coils
A New Compression Format for Tractography Datasets Reconstructed from DMRI
A New Fat-Suppressed Spin-Echo Imaging Using Hyperbolic-Secant Pulses
A New Low Volume NMR Tube for in-Vitro Hyperpolarized 13C Experiments of Prostate Cancer Cell Suspensions
A New Magnet Design for Field Cycling OMRI
A New Method for MR Compatible Actuation: Solid Media Flexible Transmission
A New Model for Canonical Correlation Analysis with Spatial Constraints
A New Model-Based Intrinsic Connectivity Measure: Global Functional Connectivity
A New Perspective on the 4-Point Balanced Velocity-Encoding
A New Set-Up to Investigate Neurophysiological Effects of CO2-Induced Ocean Acidification on the Brain of Fish Via MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
A New Transducer-Free MR Elastography Method for Voxel-Based Mapping of Aortic Stiffness In Vivo
A New Way of Constructing Edge Weights of a Structural Connectivity Matrix by Considering Direct and Indirect Connections of the Fiber Tracts
A New, Highly Effective Slicewise Motion Correction for BOLD MRI: SLOMOCO
A Novel and Affordable DCE-MRI Phantom: Experimental Setup and Assessment of Reproducibility
A Novel and Affordable DCE-MRI Phantom: Prospective Assessment of DCE-MRI Breast Protocols
A Novel Approach for Fast MWF Quantification
A Novel Approach for Statistical Estimation of HARDI Diffusion Parameters from Rician and Non-Central Chi Magnitude Images
A Novel Approach to Tracer-Kinetic Modeling of (Macromolecular) Multi-Bolus DCE-MRI Data, Applied in a Murine Tumor Model
A Novel Biophysical Model That Characterizes the Distribution of Anisotropic Micro-Structural Environments with DWI (DIAMOND)
A Novel Design Approach for Planar Local Transmit/receive Antennas in 3T Spine Imaging
A Novel Gd-Sucrose Scaffold for Oral Administration in MR-Colonography at 7 T
A Novel Method for MRI Safe Lead Design
A Novel Method for Quantifying Inflammation of Sacroiliitis in Juvenile Arthritis
A Novel Method for Realistic DWI Data Generation
A Novel Method for Robust Automated Thresholding in Pre-Surgical fMRI Using a Single Functional Run.
A Novel Method for Robust Estimation of Group Functional Connectivity Based on a Joint Graphical Models Approach
A Novel Mouse Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment – a Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study
A Novel MR Compatible Indentation Setup to Study the Etiology of Pressure Ulcers and Related Deep Tissue Injury.
A Novel MR-Guided Radiotherapy System: Simulation and Experimental Validation
A Novel MRI Data Processing Strategy for the Reduction of Abdomen Motion Artifacts
A Novel MRI Technique for Assessing Collaterals in Acute Ischemic Stroke
A Novel Post-Processing Procedure to Sharpen the ODFs of Different HARDI Datasets by Using Super-CSD
A Novel Sequence to Simultaneously Measure R2, R2* and Perfusion
A Novel Spatial-Temporal Adaptive Technique for Reconstruction of Dynamic MRI Series
A Numerical Model of Manganese Distribution in Pancreatic Tissue from MeMRI Measurements
A Numerical Study Comparing Adult Body, Head and Knee Coils for Paediatric MRI
A Paradigm Shift in Rectal Cancer Treatment & the New Role of MRI
A Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing Combined Framework for Accelerating High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging Utilizing Inter-Image Correlation
A Parallelizable Multi-Threaded and Multi-Leveled Region-Growing Based Algorithm for Phase Correction in MRI
A Pathophysiological Wiring Defect in Epileptic Animals as Depicted by DTI Fiber Tracking
A PDE Approach for Automatic Thickness Estimation Using Partial Volume Classification
A Phase Constrained Reconstruction Method in Compressed Sensing
A Platform Independent Infrastructure for Real-Time MRS/MRI Data Streaming, Processing and Storage
A Preconditioned ADMM Strategy for Field-Corrected Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction
A Preliminary Study of Multi-B-Value DWI in Cervical Cancer with Different Pathological Features
A Preliminary Variability Study of Hyperpolarized 3He Specific Ventilation in Human
A Probabilistic Method for Unbiased Longitudinal Tractography with Application to Huntington's Disease
A Proof-Of-Concept Study Towards In Vivo Triglyceride Composition Determination by MR Spectroscopy at 3T, with Validation Against High-Resolution NMR
A Quantitative Technique for Assessing the Temporal Dynamics of Regional Specific Ventilation in Response to Methacholine Challenge in Asthma Using Oxygen Enhanced Proton MRI
A Quiet, Fast, High-Resolution Desktop MRI Capable of Imaging Solids
A Real Asymmetric Fourier Imaging (Real-AFI) with Preserving Phase Polarity for Inversion-Prepared Spin-Echo Based-Sequence
A Real Time Approach to Baseline Library Size Recommendations for Hybrid MB+R Thermometry
A Real-IR 3D T1-Weighted Black-Blood Imaging Technique Combining with White-Blood
A Realistic MR Compatible Thoracic Aortic Phantom to Study Coarctations Using Catheterization and Cine PC-MRI Sequences
A Region Growing Algorithm for Robust Kt-Points B1+ Homogenisation at 9.4T
A Repeatability Study of Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in the Head and Neck at 3T
A Reproducibility Study of Arterial Spin Labeling Based Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate
A Resistive Heating System for Homeothermic Maintenance in Small Animals.
A Resting-State Functional MRI Study in Violent Offenders with Schizophrenia
A Retrospective Multi-Site, Multi-Manufacturer Comparison of T1-Weighted Anatomical Brain Scans Using Tissue Classification
A Robust and Automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Detection Framework for Self-Navigated Radial MRI
A Robust and Fast SSFP Cine for the Evaluation of LV Function at 3T
A Robust and Low-Power Adiabatic T2 Preparation for Cardiovascular Imaging at High Magnetic Field
A Robust Automated Multi-Modality Registration Tool Applied to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
A Robust Free-Breathing Data Acquisition Method for Reduction of Respiratory Motion Artifacts
A Robust Guideline to Design a Split Gradient Coil for a Hybrid Linac-MRI Scanner
A Role for DCE MRI in Predicting Tumor Radiation Response
A Selective Ageing Effect on the Frontal Lobe Connections
A Self-Built Two Stage Stable Preamplifier for Small Coils
A Semi-Automatic Method to Segment Visceral, Subcutaneous and Total Fat in the Abdomen from MRI Data.
A Semi-Local Tractography Approach Using Neighborhood Information
A Serial Artificial Neural Network Model for TrueFISP Sequence Design
A Simple Method for Cusp Artifact Removal by Gradient Optimization
A Simple Point-Wise Formula for Double Excitation MREPT Suitable for Reconstructing Boundaries
A Simulation Based Validation of a PTx Pulse Design Strategy Using Implant-Friendly Modes for Patients with DBS Implants
A Simulation Study of the Flexible TWIST View Sharing Impact on the Breast DCE MRI
A Single Point, Echo Time Independent Water/fat Separation Method
A Spatially Constrained Temporally Adapted CBF Quantification Method for Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Perfusion MRI
A Standard MRI Approach to Assess High-Grade Glioma Response: Review the Essentials and Pitfalls of RANO Criteria
A Standardization Phantom for Quantitative Perfusion with Arterial Spin Labeling
A Statistical Analysis to Determine Significant Within-Subject Changes of BOLD MRI Cerebrovascular Reactivity to CO2
A Statistical Model of Hepatic Blood Flow: Application to Normal and Fibrotic Livers
A Statistical Study of Head Models for Local SAR Simulation
A Structured MRI Phantom with the Magnetic Susceptibility of Air
A Study of Lactobionic Acid Coated GdEuO3 Nanoparticles as MRI-FI Dual Imaging Agent
A Study on T1? Mapping of Healthy and Fibrotic Human Liver
A Subspace Approach to High-Resolution Spectroscopic Imaging: In Vivo Experimental Results
A Survey on the Effect of Antioxidant and Metabolism Modifiers on Lung Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C NMR
A Susceptibility Matched Endorectal Coil Design Suited for the MRS Examination of the Rectal Wall
A Synthetic Generator of Myocardial Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent MRI Timeseries with Structural Sparse Decomposition Modeling
A System for Calibrated Measurements of RF Electromagnetic Fields Inside a Clinical MR Scanner
A System for Real-Time MRI-Guided Transperineal Interventions
A Target-Field Design of Open Multi-Purpose Coil for Musculoskeletal MR Imaging at 3T
A Technique to Eliminate Artifacts in 3D Fast Spin Echo Imaging
A Theranostic Approach Based on the Use of a Dual Boron/Gd Agent to Improve the Efficacy of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in the Pulmonary Metastasis Treatment.
A Three-Layered Coil Arrangement for Sodium Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4T
A Traveling-Wave Approach to Acoustic Noise Reduction in MR Gradient Coils
A Two-Compartment Model with Automatic Time Interval Selection for Estimation of GFR Using DCE-MRI in Cohort of 28 Survivors of Unilateral Wilms’ Tumor
A Variable Diameter Resonator for High Field Proton and Sodium Musculoskeletal MRI
A Whole Body Conduction Cooled MRI Magnet Design for Ultra-High Field Strength of 7T
A Whole Brain Approach of Multimodal Neuroimaging Techniques for In Vivo Investigation of Brain Tissue Changes in Alzheimer's Disease
A Wireless Digital Capacitor Module for Tuning Receive Coil Arrays
A Wirelessly Programmable Implant Coil for Increased NMR Signal Sensitivity at Multiple Frequencies
Abdominal Imaging at 3T with Fat Suppressed PSIF Using Fat Water Separation
Aberrant Myocardial Sheetlet Orientation in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Detected Using In Vivo Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Aberrant Resting-State Functional Connectivity in a Genetic Rat Model of Depression
Abnormal Cortical and Thalamic Development in Children with Borderline Intellectual Functioning
Abnormal Grey Matter Volume Correlates with Executive Dysfunction in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Abnormal Intrinsic Brain Activity in Temporomandibular Disorder with Centric Relation-Maximum Intercuspation Discrepancy: A Resting State Functional MRI Study
Abnormal Iron Levels in the Brain of Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Patients: A Study Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Abnormal Postprandial Response of Ascending Colon Volume in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhoea
Abnormal WM Microstructural Trajectories of Autistic Children from 2 to 7 Years of Age
Abnormalities in Brain Structure and Biochemistry Associated with mdx Mice Measured by in Vivo MRI and High Resolution Localized 1H MRS
Abnormalities of Cingulate Cortex in Antipsychotic-Naïve Chronic Schizophrenia
Abnormalities of the Attentional Network Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Pediatric Patients: A fMRI Study
Abnormalities of the Brain Functional Connectome in Pediatric Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Absolute Quantification of Brain Metabolites in Small MRS Voxels
Absolute Quantification of CBF on Rodent Brain with D2O as Tracer of 1H MRI
Absolute Quantitation of Metabolites in Human Prostate Cancer Biopsies by HR-MAS 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Absolute Quantitative Spectroscopy Through Internal Water Referencing with a One-Minute RRAMSC
Absolute Temperature Measurement of QC Diffusion Phantoms Via Low Bandwidth EPI
Accelerated In Vivo 3D Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging Using Dynamic Compressed Sensing
Accelerated In Vivo 3D Pseudo-Continuous ASL with Balanced Steady State Free Precession Using K-T FOCUSS
Accelerated 3D EPI Using 2D Blipped-CAIPI for High Temporal And/or Spatial Resolution
Accelerated 3D RARE for Positional Weight-Bearing MRI of ACJ Bone Fixation with Metal Implants
Accelerated 4D Flow Imaging Using Randomly Undersampled Echo Planer Imaging with Compressed-Sensing Reconstruction
Accelerated CEST-MRI of In Vivo Human Brain Using Compressed Sensing at 3T: A Pilot Study
Accelerated Cine DENSE Using Variable Density Spirals and Compressed Sensing with Parallel Imaging
Accelerated Delayed Enhancement Imaging with Through-Time Radial GRAPPA
Accelerated Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging in Prostate Cancer: Nonlinear Reconstruction Using Total Variation and Maximum Entropy
Accelerated EPRI Using Partial Fourier Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Accelerated First-Pass Perfusion MRI Using BLOSM: Evaluation Using Dynamic Simulations and Patient Datasets with Prominent Respiratory Motion
Accelerated Human Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Accelerated in Vivo Mapping of T2 Relaxation from Radially Undersampled Datasets Using Compressed Sensing and Model-Based Reconstruction
Accelerated Lung MRI Using Low-Rank Decomposition: A Prospective and Simulation Study
Accelerated Model-Based Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Temperature Mapping Using Echo-Based GRAPPA Reconstruction
Accelerated MPIO-Labeled Cell Imaging in the Heart
Accelerated MRSI Using Randomly Undersampled Spiral-Based K-Space Trajectories
Accelerated Multiplexed-EPI with PSF-Based Distortion Correction at 9.4T
Accelerated Post-Processing of MR Fingerprinting Data Using Partial Signal Library Construction
Accelerated Quantitative Single Point EPR Imaging Using Model-Based Compressed Sensing
Accelerated Radial Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using a Multi-Echo Stimulated Echo Diffusion Sequence
Accelerated Spiral Gridding Reconstruction Using Vectorization
Accelerated T2 Prime Mapping Using Dynamic Compressed Sensing with Patch-Based Low-Rank Penalty
Accelerated T2* Measurements in Human Meniscus Using Projection Reconstruction with Data Sharing from Adjacent Echo
Accelerated Time Resolved Multi-Band Radial MRI
Accelerated Time-Resolved Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Mice Models
Accelerated Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Blipped CAIPIRINHA Based Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition
Accelerating 3D Spiral MR Thermometry with the Kalman Filter
Accelerating Diffusion Kurtosis Acquisition Using SIR and Model-Based Reconstruction
Accelerating Fat Fraction Measurements in Muscular Dystrophy Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Accelerating MR Elastography with Sparse Sampling and Low-Rank Reconstruction
Accelerating MRI Data Analysis by Using Matlab Toolboxes and Linux Cluster
Accelerating SENSE-Type MR Image Reconstruction Algorithms with Incremental Gradients
Accelerating T1-Rho Cartilage Imaging Using K-T ISD with Locally-Adapted Thresholding and JSENSE
Acceleration of Perfusion MRI Using Adaptive Artificial Sparsity
Accounting for Arterial Transit Delays Is Crucial for Identifying Functional Connectivity Networks: A Resting-State fMRI Study of the Default Mode Network in Moyamoya Disease Patients
Accuracies of the Laplacian Based Phase Processing Methods
Accuracy and Precision Analysis in Spectral Fitting - A Lesson Learned from ProFit
Accuracy and Precision of Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion During Baseline and Hypercapnia: A Head-To-Head Comparison with 15O H2O Positron Emission Tomography
Accuracy and Reliability of ASL Perfusion in Evaluating Neurodegenerative Disease: Voxel-Wise and Cortical-Regional Comparison with 18F-FDG PET
Accuracy of Hepatic Fibrosis Staging Using T2-WI and Texture Analysis
Accuracy of HISTO-Based Liver Fat Quantification at Different Field Strengths
Accuracy of Liver Fat Quantification by CT, MRI and US: a Prospective Comparison with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
Accuracy of MR Elastography (MRE)-Determined Liver Shear Stiffness for the Diagnosis of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Advanced Fibrosis in Adults with Known or Suspected Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Accuracy of Multiparametric MRI for Mapping Prostate Cancer by Gleason Score
Accuracy of Non-Contrast MRI for the Evaluation of Appendicitis
Accuracy of Texture Analysis to Detect Hepatic Fibrosis on T1 Weighted Contrast Enhanced MR
Accuracy of Tissue Heterogeneity Corrected MRI-Based Treatment Planning in Brain Radiation Therapy
Accuracy of VIBE and TSE for High Resolution Imaging of the Mandibular Nerve
Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility Comparison of T1 Mapping Sequences
Accurate and Fast Longitudinal RF Magnetic Field Profiling for 7T Traveling-Wave MRI Systems
Accurate and Reliable PC-MRI Sequence to Investigate Complex Dynamic of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid in the Brain.
Accurate EM Modelling of a Not-Fully Accessible RF Body Coil at 3T for Quantitative SAR Investigations
Accurate Measurement of Intervertebral Disc Height Loss Demonstrates the Threshold of Major Pathological Changes During the Course of Degeneration
Accurate Measurement of MRI Gradient Characteristics
Accurate Mouse Kidney Morphology with Glomerulus-Targeted Contrast Agents
Accurate PET Reconstruction for PET/MR Scanners Using Synthetic CT
Accurate T2 Mapping with Sparisty and Linear Predictability Filtering
Accurate Temperature Measurements in the Presence of Field Inhomogeneities
Achieving 3D CINE from Free Breathing Multi-Slice 2D Acquisitions Via Simultaneous Groupwise Manifold Alignment
Achieving Greater SPEED with Iterations Between Object and K-Space
Acoustic Noise Optimized Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI)
Acoustic Noise Reduction in PD- And T1-Weighted TSE-Imaging
Acoustic Radiation Contrast in Magnetic Resonance to Visualize Viscoelastic Properties in Human Breast - Preparation of Clinical Trial
Acquired Resistance to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Human Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cells (HNSCC) and Xenografts Is Associated with an Altered Metabolic Phenotype
Acquired Resistance to Sunitinib Is Not Associated with Rescue Angiogenesis in 786-O Renal Cell Carcinoma Xenografts
Acquisition and Processing Pipeline for Multi-Contrast fMRI Multi-Echo SMS (MESMS) GE-EPI at 7T
Acquisition of Basal and Evoked Potential CBF Response During Hyperbaric Exposure
Acquisition of Numerical, Objective Information on the Perfusion Territory Area Using T-Test Based Perfusion Area Measurement from Multiple Time Points Territorial Arterial Spin Labeling (TASL)
Acqusition Methods for fMRI at 7 Tesla
Activation Induced BOLD and CBF Responses Upon Acetazolamide Administration: Implications for Inferring Neurovascular and Metabolic Coupling in Patients with Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity
Active Optical-Based Decoupling Circuit for Receiver Endoluminal Coil
Actively Shielded Bias Magnetic Field Tuning Coil for Optically Pumped Atomic Magnetometer Toward Direct MR Signal Detection in Ultra-Low Field MRI
Acute Assessment of Radiofrequency Ablation Cardiac Lesions by Non-Contrast MRI
Acute Changes in Cellular-Interstitial Water Exchange Rate in DB-1 Melanoma Xenografts After Lonidamine Administration as a Marker of Tumor Energetics and Ion Transport
Acute DKI Alterations in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with and Without Eventual Symptomatic Improvement
Acute Lesion Topography Relationship with Clinical Admission Symptoms and Long-Term Functional Outcomes in Stroke Patients
Acute Stroke Triage & Management: Clinical Perspective
Acute Stroke Triage & Management: Physics Perspective
Acute Stroke Triage & Management: Radiological Perspective
Adaptive Coil Combination Using a Body Coil Scan as Phase Reference
Adaptive Head Array
Adaptive Motion Correction of Single-Voxel Spectroscopy with Real-Time Frequency Correction at 3 T and 7 T
Adaptive Registration of Varying Contrast-Weighted Images for Improved Tissue Characterization (ARCTIC): Application to T1 Mapping
Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Resolution for Accelerated (ASTRA) DCEMRI Driven by Pharmacokinetic Modelling
Adaptive Steady State Triggering Adds Confidence to the Thoracic ECG-Gated Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography
Adaptive Therapy: A Novel Cancer Treatment Regimen Using MRI.
ADC Histogram Analysis: Investigation of Treatment Response and Survival in Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Prepared Ultrashort Echo Time (IR-UTE) Imaging of Cortical Bone: Effects of Inversion Time and Undersampling
Adjusted Nonlinear Registration in Spatial Normalization for Real-Time fMRI
Adnexal Masses
Adnexal Masses: 5 Imaging Pearls
Advanced Analysis of USPIO Injection in Normal Volunteers
Advanced Assessment of Liver Diseases with Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Mouse Models
advanced Heart Tissue Phantom as a Reference for MRI Sequence Evaluation
Advanced MR Imaging and Spectroscopy of Traumatic Brain Injury: What Is the Potential?
Advanced MR Imaging Technique of Brain Tumor : Technical Point and Clinical Application
Advanced Quantitative MRI of Bone Structure & Mechanics
Advanced Respiratory Navigator Strategies for 4D Flow MRI
Advancing the Clinical Utility of MRI with Online Quantitative Analysis: Application to Brain Tissue Classification in Multiple Sclerosis
Advantage/disadvantage of MR Guidance
Affective Context Affects the Response of the Fusiform Gyrus: fMRI Investigations of the Face Processing Network in Adolescence
Age and Gender - Related Changes in the Normal Human Brain Using Hybrid Diffusion Imaging (HYDI) with Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) Analysis
Age Dependence of 1H MRS Metabolite Profiles in the Prostate at 1.5T and 3T
Age Dependence of Brain Bioenergetics in Bipolar Disorder
Age Dependence of the Metabolite Diffusion Tensor in Human Brain Using Proton-Echo-Planar-Spectroscopic-Imaging
Age Effect on Development of Eighteen Segmented Callosal Fibers: A Study Using a Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Template and Tract-Based Statistical Analysis
Age Related Changes in Diffusion Tensor Indices in the Medial and Lateral Gastrocnemius.
Age-Associated Changes in Triceps Surae Muscle Composition and Plantarflexor Strength – an MR Imaging Based Study with Ultra-Short Echo-Time (UTE) and Fat-Water Quantification of Connective, Adipose and Contractile Tissues.
Age-Dependent Changes in Alveolar Microstructure of Healthy Adults by In Vivo Lung Morphometry with Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI
Age-Dependent Changes in the Histograms of ADC Values
Age-Dependent Decrease of Capillary Density in ArcAbeta Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis Detected with Relaxation Rate Shift Index Q Mapping at 9.4T Using a Cryoprobe
Age-Dependent Diffusion and Perfusion Normal Values in Gray Matter Brain Structures in Children
Agent Delivery
Age-Related Abnormalities of White Matter Tracts in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study Using Whole Brain Tract-Specific Analysis
Age-Related Change of Brain Activation During Virtual Performance of Combined Operation Task Is Most Detected at Task Switching Timing – an ER-FMRI Study
Age-Related Changes of Prostate Peripheral Zone in Normal Adults£ºEvaluation by DTI
Age-Related Changes of the Bound Pool Fraction in White Matter
Age-Related Hypermetabolism in the Human Brain
Age-Related Increased R2 and R2* in the C57BL/6J Mouse Basal Ganglia Correlated with Elevated Iron Levels Measured by Synchrotron-Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence
Aggressiveness Biomarker for Prostate Cancer in ADC-T2W MR Feature Space
Aging in Deep Gray Matter Revealed by Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Aging in White Matter Revealed by Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Aging-Related Reduction in Physiological Signal Contribution to Resting State fMRI
Agreement of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- And 6-Echo MRI-PDFF with MRS-PDFF in 580 Adults with Known or Suspected Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Airflow Modulation Due to the Cardiac Cycle in Healthy Subjects
Aligning MRI & Histology
All-In-One Interventional MR Elastography (MRE) System Dedicated to MR-Guided Percutaneous Procedures
Alteration of Developmental Trajectory of Temporal Lobe Grey Matter in ADHD Boys
Alteration of Molecular Neurochemistry: MRI-Guided Delivery of Viral Vectors to the Primate Amygdala
Alteration of White Matter Networks in Unilateral Mesial Temporal Sclerosis Identified by the Whole Brain Tract-Based Automatic Analysis
Alteration of White Matter Tract Integrity in Adults with ADHD as Compared to Healthy Adults: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study Using Whole Brain Tract-Based Automatic Analysis
Alterations in Cardiac-Correlated Brain BOLD Signal in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
Alterations in Cerebral Physiology in Women Suffering from Anorexia Nervosa
Alterations in Cerebrovascular Reactivity Across the Adult Lifespan: A 4-Year Follow-Up
Alterations of GABA Levels in Premenstrual Syndrome Women: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study.
Altered Anterior Cingulate Chemistry, Blood Flow, and Functional Connectivity in Schizophrenia
Altered Axonal Integrity of Lower Limb Motor Tracts in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A DTI Biomarker for Differentiating Lumbar-Drainage Responders from Non-Responders
Altered Brain Connectivity During Abstinence in a Rat Model of Alcoholism Investigated with MEMRI and rsfMRI
Altered Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Its Restoration with Interferon Beta Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis
Altered Choline Phospholipid Metabolism in Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Tumor Xenografts
Altered Cingulate Functional Circuits in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder Revealed by Resting-State fMRI
Altered Coupling in Triple Networks Under Parkinson's Disease
Altered Fatty Acid Profile of Periprostatic Adipose Tissue in Prostate Cancer Patients: An MR Spectroscopic Study
Altered Functional Connectivity in the Brain Default-Mode Network of Earthquake Survivors
Altered Functional Connectivity of Rhesus Brain During Increasing Levels of Sevoflurane: A Resting-State fMRI Study on 3T
Altered Global and Regional Brain Mean Kurtosis in Recently-Diagnosed Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Altered Magnetic Susceptibility in White Matter After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Altered Microstructural Connectivity of the Superior and Middle Cerebellar Peduncles Are Related to Motor Dysfunction in Children with Diffuse Periventricular Leucomalacia Born Preterm: A DTI Tractography Study
Altered Microstructure of Normal Appearing White Matter in Multiple Sclerosis: Association with Neurological Disability
Altered Resting-State Connectivity of Hippocampus with Default Mode Network in Type 2 Diabetes
Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Cerebellum in Parkinson's Disease
Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Insular System in Chronic Cocaine Users
Altered Sensorimotor Network of Resting State fMRI in Leukoaraiosis
Altered Structural Brain Networks in Children with Asperger Syndrome: A DTI-Based Connectome Study
Altered Structural Connectivity in Preterm Children: Network-Based Statistical Analysis
Altered White Matter Tract Integrity as a Potential Endophenotype of Schizophrenia: A Sibling Study Using Automatic Tract-Specific Analysis of the Whole Brain
AMESING and BINEPT 31P MRS at 7T Distinguishes Glycerophosphatidylcholine from Glycerophosphocholine
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Brain Infection in Children
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Stroke with Corrections for Relaxation and MT Effects
Amide Proton Transfer (APT)-MRI Signal as a Biomarker for Assessment of Glioma Response to Radiotherapy
Amide Proton Transfer and 3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in Grading Cerebral Gliomas
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in Grading Diffuse Gliomas: Comparison with Contrast-Enhanced and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of the Head and Neck at 3T: A Feasibility Study and Preliminary Results
Amplitude-Modulated Continuous Wave Excitation
Amyloid Plaques Detection by MRI: Comparison of Five Mouse Models of Amyloidosis
An In-Vivo 1H MRS Study of Metabolic Correlation in IDH1 Vs. IDH2 Mutated Gliomas
An 8 Channel Transceiver Phased Array Coil Combined with a Surgical Robot for an MR Assisted Robotic Surgery.
An 8 Channel Transmit Receive Sodium & Nested 8 Channel Transmit Receive Proton Coil for 3.0 T Brain Imaging
An 8-Channel Integrated Balun Phased Array (IBPA) for Small Anatomical Features
An Accurate and Precise New Method for Measuring Kurtosis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion
An Active Decoupled HTS Film Coil for 1.5T MRI
An Adaptive Phase Recovery Method for 4D Phase-Contrast MRI
An Algorithm for Fast and Accurate T2* Mapping Based on Auto-Regression on Linear Operations (ARLO) of Data
An Alternative Approach for the Automatic Prediction of Therapy Response from MRI Data Sets in Small Cohorts of Experimental High Grade Gliomas
An Analytic Description of Factors Affecting MOLLI’s Accuracy Using a Time-Weighted Average Model of T1 Relaxation
An Artifact-Free Imaging Protocol for the Mapping of Cerebrovascular Reactivity.
An Artifacts Reducing Approach for Fat-Water Separation in Spatiotemporally Encoded Single-Shot MRI
An Automated Post Processing Analysis to Increase Detectability of Cerebral Blood Flow Arterial Spin Labeling Images in the Presence of Head Motion
An Automatic Guinea Pig Brain Extraction Method
An Average Image of Myeloarchitecture in Common Marmoset Monkeys (Callithrix Jacchus)
An Easily Controllable Spread Spectrum Using Chirp Radio Frequency Pulse and Its Application in Compressed Sensing MRI
An Efficient Algorithm for Volumetric Measurement of Left Ventricle Using Real Time Cines
An Eight-Channel Transmit/receive Phased-Array Head Coil with an ICE Decoupling Method at 7T
An Electromagnetic-Simulation Based Investigation of the Dielectric Padding Approach for Head Imaging at 7 T
An Estimate of Gd-DOTA Diffusivity in Blood by Direct NMR Diffusion Measurement of Its Hydrodynamic Analogue Ga-DOTA
An Exploratory Pilot Study Into the Correlation of MRI Perfusion, Diffusion Parameters and 18F-FDG PET Metabolic Parameters in Primary Head and Neck Cancer
An Extended Fast Spin-Echo Triple-Echo Dixon Technique with Flexible Echo Separations
An Extended Matrix Method for Analysis of Restricted Diffusion in Multi-Compartment Tissue with Semi-Permeable Nuclear Membranes
An fMRI Study of a Written Version of Phoneme Fluency Task: Distinct Role of LPFG and Confirmation of Cerebellar Activity
An Improved Algorithm for Trajectory Correction in Radial MRI
An Improved Arterial Model for QUASAR ASL That Permits Estimation of Arterial Flow Speed
An Improved Gradient Echo Myelin Water Imaging Using a Frequency Offset Model and Early Echoes
An Improved Method for Self-Gated Cardiac T1 Mapping in Mice
An Information Theoretic Approach to Optimal Q-Space Sampling
An Interleaved Multi-Shot Scheme Involving Self-Refocused Single-Scan SPEN That Is Immune to In-Plane Movement and Phase Shifts
An Interleaved Opposing Monopole Transmit-Receive Array for 7T Brain Imaging
An Inverse Approach to MR-EPT Reconstruction
An Investigation Into the Formation and Histology of Focal Basal Ganglia Mineralization with Quantitative MRI
An Investigation of Brain Neurite Density and Dispersion in Multiple Sclerosis Using Single Shell Diffusion Imaging
An Investigation of Functional Connectivity in the Cognitive Control Network in Prodromal Huntington's Disease
An Investigation of Microstructural Tissue Damage in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Neurological and Psychiatric Symptoms Using Diffusion Weighted Spectroscopy (DWS) at 7T
An Iterative Self-Navigation Approach to Improve Image Quality in Subjects with Irregular Breathing in Whole Heart Coronary MRA.
An MRI Compatible Surface Scanner
An MR-PET Phantom for Studies of the Male Pelvis
An Optimized 8-Channel Helmet Array for Head Imaging at 6.5 MT
An Optimized Setup for Simultaneous EEG-FMRI at Ultra-High Field in a Head-Only 7T Scanner
An Optimized Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Pipeline in Longitudinally Monitoring the Dynamic of White Matter Reorganization in Primate Ischemic Stroke Model
An RF Spoil Regime for Steady-State DREAM B1+ Mapping
An SSFP Signal Equation with Finite RF Pulses and Exchanging Water Pools
An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach to Ultra High Field MRS in Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Analogy of Phase-Constrained Parallel MRI Formulations
Analysis and Design of Higher-Order Motion-Compensated Diffusion Encoding Schemes for In Vivo Cardiac DTI
Analysis and Optimization of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging Considering the Effect of Non-Exchanging Component
Analysis of Gain and Noise Relationship in RF Feedback Power Amplifier Linearization for Use at 1.5T MRI
Analysis of Group ICA Functional Connectivity of Task-Driven FMRI: Application to Language Processes in Adults with Auditory Deprivation
Analysis of Hemodynamic Parameters for Symptomatic Marfan Syndrome Patients by Phase-Contrast MRI
Analysis of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer Applied in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Analysis of Multiparametric Microvascular MRI in Tumor Patients Using a Model-Based Cluster Approach.
Analysis of Normal Appearing White Matter of Multiple Sclerosis by Tensor-Based Two-Compartment Model of Water Diffusion
Analysis of Proton MRSI Metabolites with Improved Tissue Segmentation at 7T
Analysis of Resting State Sub-Networks from High-Dimensional ICA: Disconnections in Alzheimer's Disease
Analysis of Structural Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease Using Graph Theory Analysis
Analysis of the Cumulant Expansion Terms of the Diffusion-Weighted MRI Signal in the Human Brain
Analysis of the Generalized Fractional Anisotropy in Regions of Fiber Crossings: a Simulation Study
Analysis of Three-Dimensional Liver Deformation Under Free Breathing Based on Branching Structure of Potral Vein for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery
Analytical Three-Point Water-Fat Imaging with Multi-Peak Fat Model
Analyzing the Association Between Brain Network Topological Parameters and Intellectual Performance
Anatomical Accuracy of Diffusion MRI Tractography: Testing the Fundamental Limits
Anatomical Connections of the Visual Word Form Area
Anatomical Location and Multi-Features Based Computer Aided Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds on MR Images
Anatomical Priors to Improve Global Tractography
Anatomical Structure Correlated with Control Performance for an Electroencephalography-Based Brain-Computer Interface: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Anatomically Detailed Human Head Phantom for MR Testing Purposes
Anatomically Matched MRS Voxel Reveal NAA Concentration Differences Between Cortical Gray and Corpus Callosum White Matter in the Mouse Brain
Anatomically Weighted 2nd Order Total Variation Reconstruction of 23Na MRI Using 1H Prior Information
Anisotropic and Isotropic MPG Comparison for Better Depiction of Pyramidal Tract in the Patients
Anisotropic Conductivity Tensor Imaging Using a Combination of MREIT and DTI
Anisotropic Power Maps: A Diffusion Contrast to Reveal Low Anisotropy Tissues from HARDI Data.
Anisotropy, Compartmentalization, and Anomalous Diffusion of Intracellular Metabolites in the Axons and Glia of the Human Brain at 7T
Ankle: Joint & Impingement
Ankle: Tendon & Ligament
Anterior Cingulate Glutamate Concentrations as a Window to Study Impact of Inflammation on Behavior
Anthranilic Acid Analogues as Uncommonly Shifted HYdrogen Bonded (U SHY) Diamagnetic CEST (DiaCEST) MRI Contrast Agents Based on the N-H Exchange
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Follow-Up in Mice Brain Glioma Model with P04000, a New Molecular Imaging Avb3-Nanoemulsion of Iron Oxide.
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in a Murine Liver Cancer: Complementary Assessment with MR-Elastography and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Anti-Fouling Poly Ethylene Glycol Based Copolymer Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Probes for Reducing Non-Specific Uptake and Improving Cell Targeting
Aortic Compliance Evaluation in 291 Normal Studies
Aortic Elasticity Measured by MRI Is Decreased During Exercise in Young Adults.
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Potential Surrogate Marker for Ki-67 Index in Mucinous Breast Carcinoma: Comparison with Invasive Carcinoma of No Special Type
Apparent Exchange Rate (AXR) Mapping in Diffusion MRI: An In Vivo Test-Retest Study and Analysis of Statistical Power.
Apparent Exchange Rate (AXR) Mapping Using Diffusion MRI: An in Vitro and In Vivo Feasibility Study on Breast Cancer
Apparent Fibre Density (AFD) Analysis Reveals Decreases in Axonal Density in the White Matter Pathways of Patients with Grey Matter Heterotopia
Apparent Fibre Density Abnormalities in Adolescents Born Extremely Preterm: Moving Beyond the Diffusion Tensor
Apparent Indices in the Rat Brain by Angular Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRI at Finite Mixing Time Collected with Different Experimental Conditions
Appearant B1+ Asymmetry in Symmetric Objects at High Fields
Applicability of Real Time Imaging for Assessing Left-Ventricular Function in Patients with Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction at 3T.
Application of a Biodegradable, Macrocyclic, Polydisulfide-Based Contrast Agent for Monitoring Tumor Angiogenesis Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Application of a Fussed Lasso Logistic Regression Classifier to the Study of Corpus Callosum Thickness in Early Alzheimer's Disease
Application of a SAGE Sequence During Isometric Contractions in Skeletal Muscle
Application of Breath-Hold Spiral Tissue Phase Velocity Mapping in a DCM Patient
Application of Compressed-Sensing-Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging in Patients with Brain Tumors
Application of Fast Imaging Techniques: Compressed Sensing
Application of Fast Imaging Techniques: Parallel Imaging
Application of Fast Imaging Techniques: Real Time
Application of FLORET to UTE Imaging
Application of Highly Accelerated Cartesian Phase Contrast Imaging Using Compressed Sensing and Iterative Reconstruction to Real-Time and Vector Encoded Flow Imaging
Application of K-T FASTER for Rank-Constrained Acceleration of In Vivo fMRI Data
Application of Low-Rank Matrix-Completion Reconstruction Combined with Segmentation and Parallel Imaging in Lower Extremities Perfusion Imaging
Application of Multi-Shell NODDI in Multiple Sclerosis
Application of Prospective Cardio-Respiratory Gating for Simultaneous Quantitative DCE-MRI of Multiple Mammary Tumours in the Mouse.
Application of SLIM-MRE on an In-Vivo Murine Model
Application of Stretched-Exponentional Model of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Grading Astrocytoma and Its Correlation with Astrocytoma Proliferative Activity
Applications of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Neurovascular Disease
Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Prognosis of Fetal Neuropathology
Applications of Perfusion MRI
Applications of Ultra-High Field to Study Human Brain Function
Approach to Characterize Magnetic Inhomogenities for Development of MRI Sequences Near Metallic Prostheses
Approaching Ultimate SNR: Comparison of Composite and Surface Coil Arrays
APT-CEST and NOE Imaging of C6 Glioma Cell Cultures at 7T
Are Blood Flow Measurements by Means of Transcranial Doppler Valid Under Different Levels of End-Tidal CO2? a High Resolution MRI Study at 7 Tesla of the Middle Cerebral Artery Diameter Under Hypo- And Hypercapnic Conditions
Are Respiratory Triggered Diffusion Weighted Acquisitions of the Liver Effective at Eliminating Respiratory Motion?
Area at Risk Identified by T2 Mapping Is Influenced by the Severity of the Initial Ischemic Insult in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Array RF Transmitter for 7T MRI of the Spine Based on Dipole Antennas
Arterial Compliance of the Middle Cerebral Artery Measured with Short Inversion Time Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling
Arterial Spin Labeling
Arterial Spin Labeling and Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Early Kidney Changes in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Patients
Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.
Arterial Spin Labeling Using 3D Spiral TSE with a Distributed Spiral-In/Out Trajectory
Arterial Spin Labeling with Simultaneous Multi- Slice EPI Compared to EPI and 3D GRASE
Arterial Spin Labelling Characterization of Cerebral Perfusion During Normal Maturation from Late Childhood Into Adulthood: Normal ‘reference Range’ Values
Arterial Transit Time-Corrected Renal Blood Flow Measurement by Pulsed Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI: A Feasibility and Validation Study in Healthy Volunteers
Artifact Correction Based on Diffusion Coefficient
Artifact Correction in Temporal Bone Imaging with GS-BSSFP
Artifact Identification & Elimination Game Show - Niendorf
Artifact Identification & Elimination Game Show - Seiberlich
Artifact Reduction in Time-Of-Flight Imaging at 7 T Using Temporally Resolved Compressed Sensing
Artifact-Free Non-ECG-Gated First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MRI: Continuous Acquisition for All-Systolic Imaging
Artifacts in the Segmentation-Based Attenuation Correction of MR/PET and Their Impact on PET Quantification
Artifacts to Artefacts: Causes & Cures from Clinical Perspective
Ascorbic Acid Enhances Pyruvate Dehydrogenate Flux in Isolated Perfused Rat Lungs
ASL and BOLD MRI Measurements in Human Kidneys
ASL Perfusion MRI in Hypothermia Treated Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Assesment for Lymph Node Metastases: New MR Agents & Techniques
Assesment of Late-Onset Iugr in the Fetal Brain Using 1H-MRS
Assessing Activation Induced Changes in Creatine Kinase Activity in the Human Brain Using 31P Spectroscopy with Magnetisation Transfer
Assessing and Reducing the B1 Dependence of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer
Assessing Brain System Dysfunction in Amnesic Mild Cognitve Impairment Through MRI-Based Connectomics
Assessing Breast Cancer Response with DCE-MRI: Are Signal Intensity/time Curves Adequate?
Assessing Different Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Quantification Methods in Hyper-Acute Stroke Patients
Assessing Microstructural Substrates of White Matter Abnormalities Using NODDI - Application to a Metabolic Disease
Assessing Myeloma Bone Disease with Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging (WB-DWI): Comparison with X-Ray Skeletal Survey (SS) and Laboratory Estimates of Disease Burden
Assessing Portal Vein Contribution on Hepatic Perfusion Based on Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Assessing Test-Retest Reliability of Quantitative Tractography Based on Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Assessing the “Possible Intracardiac Mass”: Methodological Imaging and Interpretation of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Findings
Assessing the Diagnostic Power of a Hybrid Combination of Hyperpolarized 3He MRI Derived ADC, Specific Ventilation and Alveolar Oxygen Tension in COPDs
Assessing the Effects of Decreasing Temporal Resolution on Pharmacokinetic Analysis Using a Local Vascular Input Finction
Assessing the Performance of Homodyne Combined with 2-Point Dixon Reconstruction
Assessing Vascular Reactivity with Resting-State BOLD Signal Fluctuations: A Clinically Practical Alternative to the Breath-Hold Challenge
Assessing White Matter Microstructure in Regions with Different Myelin Architecture
Assessment and Quantification of Aortic Stenosis Hemodynamics with 4D Flow: Comparison with Doppler Echocardiography
Assessment of Acute Inflammatory Liver Injury in a Rat CCl4 Model Using Metabolic Imaging of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Assessment of an in Vitro Animal Model for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Using MR Elastography
Assessment of Aortic Stenosis Severity Using Bayesian Multipoint Phase-Contrast MRI
Assessment of Aquaporins Function in Stages of Liver Fibrosis Using Multi-B Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Assessment of Bevacizumab Treatment Response in High Grade Gliomas Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM): A Comparison with Multi-Echo DSC-MRI
Assessment of Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue and Glucose Metabolism in a Whole Body MR/PET System: Distribution Patterns and Correlation with Anthropometric Data
Assessment of Brain Damage and Plasticity in the Visual System After Early Occipital Injury: Comparison of FDG-PET with Diffusion MRI Tractography
Assessment of Brain Iron Deficiency in Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 7T
Assessment of Cardiac Time Intervals Using High Temporal Resolution Real-Time Spiral Phase Contrast with UNFOLD-SENSE
Assessment of Cholinergic Synaptic Transmission Modulation in the Mouse Brain Using Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (RsfMRI)
Assessment of Compressed Sensing for High Resolution in Vivo Mouse Cardiac 23Na Chemical Shift Imaging
Assessment of Cortical Phase Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients at 3T Using T2*-Weighted Imaging.
Assessment of Cystic Fibrosis in Pediatric Subjects Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI: Regional Mapping of Gas Uptake by Lung Tissue and Blood
Assessment of Diabetic Skeletal Muscle Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopy
Assessment of Diastolic Dysfunction in Hypertensive Patients Using Full-Cycle Cine DENSE
Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturation from Diffusion Weighted MRI at 3T
Assessment of Hernia Mesh Shrinkage Using Fourier Analysis of Susceptibility Gradients
Assessment of High Spatial Resolution 3D T2W Fat Nulled Images: A Comparison with 2D T2W Fat Sat Images
Assessment of Human Articular Cartilage Using Novel Quantitative MRI Relaxation Parameters with Correlation to Histology and Biomechanical Properties
Assessment of Inflammatory Component in the Mono-Iodoacetate (MIA) Model of Osteoarthritis by MRI
Assessment of Inner Volume Imaging Technique for Renal Tissue Characterization by IVIM and DTI at 3 T
Assessment of Intrahepatic Lipid Composition During Calorie Restriction and Exercise Intervention in Diet Induced Obese Rats by MRS
Assessment of Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Vascularity in Renal Masses with Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI at 3T
Assessment of Iron Overload in the Liver with MRI T2*. The Effects of the Analysis Technique on T2* Estimation
Assessment of Longitudinal Changes in Contractile Function Using DENSE in Patients with Myocardial Infarction
Assessment of Longitudinal Changes in Placental Transverse Relaxation Time in Normal Murine Pregnancy Using Compartmental Analysis
Assessment of Macromolecular and Metabolic Alterations During Normal Brain Aging in the Dark Agouti Rat Using 1H MRS at 17.2 Tesla
Assessment of McDESPOT Precision Using Constrained Estimation
Assessment of Metabolic Abnormalities from the Cerebellar Region of the Brain of a Canine Model of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS I) Using In Vivo 1H MRS
Assessment of Miniaturized RF Traps for RF Heating Reduction and Reception Coil Sensitivity Profile Restoration
Assessment of Pancreatic Islets Using Optical Projection Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Assessment of Renal Allograft Function Early After Transplantation with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Assessment of Renal Inflammatory Cell Infiltration in a Murine ANCA-Induced Glomerulonephritis Model by 19F-MRI
Assessment of Reproducibility in Whole-Heart Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography
Assessment of Reproducibility of IVIM Based Perfusion Fraction and Diffusion Coefficient in the Pancreas
Assessment of Response to Anti-Angiogenic Targeted Therapy in Pulmonary Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma R2 Value as a Predictive Biomarker
Assessment of Scan-Rescan Variability in DCE-MRI Parameters Using Multiple Models
Assessment of the Pancreatic Shear Stiffness in Healthy Volunteers with MR Elastography
Assessment of the Response of Colorectal Tumours to Imatinib Mesylate Therapy Using Carbogen and Hypercapnia Gas Challenges
Assessment of the Size Window of Tumor Vascular Permeability Using Dextran-Based CEST MRI
Assessment of the Tumor Type-Specific Microenvironment – Lactate, Vascularity, Hypoxia, Extracellular PH
Assessment of the Tumoral Microenvironment in the Development of a Glioblastoma Rat Model by In Vivo MRI and Ex Vivo HRMAS
Assessment of Tumor Aggressiveness Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow and Its Correlation with Histopathologic Features in Warthin Tumors and Pleomorphic Adenomas of the Salivary Gland Using Pulsed-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Images
Assessment of Tumor Physiological Changes Following Hypo-Fractionated SBRT Using Multi-Parametric MRI
Assessment of Water Diffusion Compartmentation in the Non-Human Primate Brain
Assessment of White Matter Tract Integrity Metrics in Cuprizone-Induced White Matter Degeneration with Diffusion MRI
Assessment of Whole Brain Temperature in Brain Injuries by 3D Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
Association Between CVR Impairment and Cortical Thinning in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Association Between Mother’s Depression and Children’s Hippocampal Shape Analyzed Using Non-Rigid Registration
Association of Embolic Stroke Territory with Aortic Arch Retrograde Flow in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke
Associations of Glutamate, Membrane Phospholipid and High Energy Metabolism – a Combined 1H- And 31P-MR Spectroscopic Imaging Study
Associations of Resting-State fMRI Functional Connectivity with Flow-BOLD Coupling and Regional Vasculature
Assumed AIFs in DCE-MRI: Which Performs Best for Assessing Breast Cancer Response?
Asymmetric Magnetization Transfer Effects for Perfusion Imaging in Transient Ischemic Brain Tissue in Rats
Asymmetric Two-Dimensional Spatially Selective Excitation in Echo-Planar Imaging
Athero-Preventive Hemodynamic Changes of the Abdominal Aorta After Mild Leg Stretch & Bend Exercise Assessed with 3D Cine Phase Contrast MRI
Atlas of White-Matter Tracts in the Human Spinal Cord
ATLES: AuTomatic Labeling Efficiency EStimation
Atomic/Molecular Origin and Physics Description of Magnetic Susceptibility: Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Superparamagnetism.
ATP Signaling Plays a Key Role in the BOLD Response
Attenuation Correction for Flexible MRI Coils Using the Ultra-Short Echo Time Sequence in MR/PET Imaging
Attenuation Correction for PET/MR Using Continuous Pseudo-CT Derived from MR T1w and Population CT Images
Attenuation of Signal from Multiple Tissue Types with Singleshot Inversion Recovery Radial Steady State Imaging
Atypical BOLD fMRI Response Is Co-Localized with Abnormal Resting Perfusion in Patients with Arteriovenous Malformations
Atypical Language Lateralization in Adult Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients: fMRI Study Using Statistical Threshold and Spatial Masking
Auditory fMRI Study of Frequency-Modulation Direction Selectivity in the Rat Subcortex
Auditory GABA Concentration Is Related to Auditory Gamma-Band Power in Normal Controls and in Autism
Auditory Midbrain Encoding of Ultrahigh Frequency Sound
Auto-Calibrated Multiband Imaging
Automated 4D Flow Whole Vessel Segmentation and Quantification Using Centerline Extraction
Automated Analysis of MR Perfusion Images Using a Vascular Territory Based Approach
Automated Analysis of Three-Dimensional Mandibular Movement Using Multi-Section Dynamic MRI
Automated and Subject-Specific Coil Selection for Respiratory Self-Navigation in Coronary MRA
Automated Arterial Input Function Detection in Ascending Aorta for Breast DCE-MRI
Automated Brain Extraction in Fetal MRI by Multi-Atlas Fusion Strategy: Study on Healthy and Pathological Subjects.
Automated Classification of ICA Networks from Resting State fMRI Using Machine Learning Framework
Automated Correction Method Allowing Phase-Based Detection of Contrast Enhancement in DCE-MRI
Automated Design of Time-Optimal SWIRLS-Like Trajectory Additionally Optimized for Sampling Uniformity
Automated Detection of Brain Regions Associated with Post-Stroke Depression: A Hypothesis
Automated Detection of the Arterial Phase in TRACER Reconstructed Dynamic 3D Contrast Enhanced Liver Imaging
Automated Extraction of Fiber Bundles for Population Studies
Automated Fat and Muscle Quantification in the Thigh and Calf
Automated Gradient Conversion Algorithm for Acoustic-Noise Reduction in MRI
Automated Kinetic Modeling of Perfusion and Metabolism Based on Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13 C Data with Open-Source SIVIC Software
Automated Lesion Detection from Multimodal Brain MRI Using Markov Random Fields and Random Forest
Automated Lesion Segmentation in a Marmoset Model of Multiple Sclerosis Via Subtraction MRI
Automated Organ Detection in Water-Fat Separated Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Automated Quantification of Diffuse White Matter Abnormalities in Very Preterm Infants Predicts Language and Cognitive Development at Two Years of Age
Automated Segmentation of Bone with Single Zero-Echo Time Imaging
Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Brain Lesions at 7T
Automated Segmentation of Substantia Nigra - Improved Reliability for Multiparametric MR Measurements
Automated Segmentation of the Human Amygdala Using High Angular Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) and Spectral K-Means Clustering
Automated Tract Based Analysis of Diffusion Properties in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Automated Volumetric Fat Quantification of Adipose Tissue in Mice
Automated Whole-Brain N-Acetylaspartate 1H MR Spectroscopic Quantification
Automatic and Quantitative Assessment of Total and Regional Muscle Tissue Volume Using Multi-Atlas Segmentation
Automatic Artifact Detection and Image Quality Assessment for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Automatic Bone Segmentation for Shoulder MRI Using Statistical Shape Models
Automatic Brain Segmentation Using Fractional Signal Modelling of a Multiple Flip-Angle Spoiled Gradient-Recalled Echo Acquisition
Automatic Detection of Spatiotemporal Propagating Patterns in BOLD fMRI of the Rats Using an ICA Based Approach
Automatic Gradient Delay Correction Using Center-Acquisition-At-Partial-Ramp Imaging (CAPRI)
Automatic Identification of ADHD and Atusim Based on ICA and SVM Using Resting State fMRI
Automatic Intracranial 3D Wall Shear Stress Vessel Segmentation and Localization
Automatic Matching of Transmit Arrays with Optically Controlled Capacitors
Automatic Resting State Network Decomposition Using ICA and Classification in a Clinical Population
Automatic Resting-State fMRI Independent Component Classification Using Support Vector Machines
Automatic Segmentation of Tendons in Human Skeletal Muscles Using DTI Tractography Derived Tract-Density Maps
Automatic Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei with STEPS Label Fusion
Automatic Segmentation of Vessels for MR Determination of Intracranial Pressure
Automatic Segmentation Pipeline for Patient-Specific MRI Tissue Models
Automatic Selection of Anterior Floating Coil Array Based on Lipid Layer Signal Analysis
Automatic Two Stage Classification and Segmentation of Ischemic Stroke Lesions in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Automatically Tuned and Matched RF Transceive Head Coil at 7T
Automation System Based on Piezoelectric Motor for Tuning and Matching Miniature Monolithic NMR Coils
Automimmune Disease of the Pancreas & Bile Ducts
Average Probabilistic Brain Atlases for Post-Mortem Newborn and Fetal Populations and Application to Tissue Segmentation
Averaged-BOSS: Feasibility Study and Preliminary Results
Axon Diameter Distribution (ADD) Mapping of Porcine Spinal Cord Using D-PFG MRI
Axonal Transport Rate Decreased at the Onset of Optic Neuritis in EAE Mice
B0 Drift and Respiratory Motion Correction by Dual-Echo Susceptibility Correction (DESC)
B1 Homogenization and Local SAR Reduction Using B1-Control Receive Array Coil at 3T
B1-Correction of Isolated, Spillover-Corrected CEST-Effects at 7 T
B0 Fluctuations Within the Human Spinal Cord During Respiration at 7.0 Tesla
B1+ and B0 Corrected High Resolution Whole Brain T1-Mapping at High Field in a Clinically Acceptable Scan Time
B1+ Distortion by Residual Currents in Decoupled Receive Arrays
B1+-Based SAR Assessment Using a Birdcage Coil at 7 Tesla: Experimental Evaluation Using Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
B1-Shimming & Parallel Transmission
Backflow Variability Shows Importance of MR Monitoring of CED Infusions
Background Field Removal at the Boundary
Background Field Removal by Solving the Laplacian Boundary Value Problem
Balancing a 500 Mm Central Gap Split Gradient Coil for a Hybrid MRI-Linac Scanner.
Ballistocardiogram Artifact Removal with a Reference Layer and Standard EEG Cap
Basal Ganglia-Cortical Structural Connectivity in Huntington’s Disease
Baseline Occipital Perfusion Inversely Correlates with GABA After Accounting for Arterial Arrival Time Discrepancies
Basic Neuroscience: fMRI Studies of Sensory Systems
Basic Strategies on Body MRI: Pulse Sequences
Basics of Relaxation & Agents
Basics of Transmission Lines and Power Transfer
Bayesian Estimation of Cerebral Perfusion Using a Reduced Contrast-Dose Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion at 3.0T
Bayesian Estimation of Signal Amplitude from Magnitude Data
Bayesian Estimation of the Axonal Diffusion Coefficients in Brain White Matter
Bayesian Segmentation of Dual-Echo UTE Images for PET/MR Attenuation Correction
Bayesian Shrinkage as an Alternative to Spatial Smoothing for Multi-Echo BOLD fMRI
BBB Breakdown Due to Axonal Degeneration: A Potential Confounding Factor for MS Diagnosis
Beat-Specific Estimate of PVC-Compromised Cardiac Function Via Non-Gated Free-Breathing MRI
Behavioral Relevance of the Temporal Dynamics of the Functional Brain Connectome
Bent Electric Dipoles: A Novel Coil Design Inspired by the Ideal Current Pattern for Central SNR at 7 Tesla
Beta Oxidation of Octanoate by Diverse Human Primary and Metastatic Brain Malignancies in an Orthotopic Transplant Model
Beta-Blocker Therapy Alters 3D Wall Shear Stress in the Ascending Aorta of Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Beyond Edema: Myocardial T2 in Chronic Myocardial Infarction Swine
Beyond Histopathologic Prognostication: Can DCE-MRI Improve Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk Prediction?
Bias and Instability in Graph Theoretical Analyses of Neuroimaging Data
Bias and Precision of Three Different DCE-MRI Analysis Software Packages: A Comparison Using Simulated Data
Bicarbonate as a Theragnostic CEST Agent for Glioma Models
Biexponential Modeling of Diffusion in Stroma and Epithelium of Prostate Tissue
Biexponentially Weighted and Triple Quantum Filtered 35Cl Imaging of the Human Brain
Bilateral Auditory Cortex Ablation Alters the Tonotopic Organizaiton of the Inferior Colliculus
Bilateral Breast Imaging Using Split-Symmetric Parallel Transmission
Bilateral Functional Connectivity for Complex Finger Movements Declines as Aging: An fMRI and SEM Exploration
Bilateral Shimming of the Breast at 7T
Biomarkers to Estimate the Time of Onset of Cerebral Ischemia
Biophysical Abnormalities in Fronto-Striato-Thalamic Circuits in Type 2 Diabetes Revealed by Magnetization Transfer Imaging
BirdcageBuilder Mobile: New Functionality and Portability for a Standard MR Engineering Tool
Biventricular Strain Analysis at 1.5T and 3.0T Cardiac MR Imaging: A Comparison of Derived Strain Values by Field Strength and Temporal Resolution.
Black Blood CINE Imaging of Common Carotid Artery
Black-Blood Vessel Wall Imaging Using SLR Designed Velocity Selective RF Pulse
Blind Multichannel Deconvolution for Estimation of a Parametric AIF in DCE-MRI of Mice
Bloch Equation in the Rotating Frame, Multidimensional Excitation
Bloch-Torrey Equation & Diffusion Imaging (DWI, DTI, Q-Space Imaging)
Blood Flow Velocity and Pulsatility Analysis of Cerebral Small Perforating Arteries with 7 Tesla Quantitative Flow MRI.
Blood Oxygenation of Human Fetal Brain in the Second and Third Trimester
Blood T1 Value Measurement in the Left and Right Ventricles and Aorta Using Postcontrast Look-Locker MR Imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T: Influence of Location, Heart Rate, Ejection Fraction, and Valvular Regurgitation
Blood Volume Flow Rates of Vessels in Healthy Human Cerebral Vasculature
Blood Volume Fraction Imaging of the Human Lung Using a ECG-Synchronized STEAM-Prepared HASTE Sequence
Blood Volume Functional MRI of the Mouse Whole Brain
Blood-Brain Barrier Stabilization Effects of Agmatine Assessed by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in a Rat Model of Transient Cerebral Ischemia
Body Composition Volumetry by Whole-Body Water-Fat Separated MRI
Body Models of Big People for MRI Safety Assessment
Body Perfusion Imaging
Body: Cancer
Body: Liver Disease
Body-Coil-Constrained Estimation (BoCCE): Joint Estimation of Signal and Coil Sensitivities from Weighted, Under-Sampled K-Space Measurements Using a Novel Sampling Strategy and Associated Reconstruction Algorithm
BOLD Alterations in Schizophrenia: Spectral Changes in Resting-State fMRI Signal
BOLD Evoked Response During Hyperbaric Conditions
BOLD fMRI and FcMRI in the Pediatric Brachial Plexus Injury Population: Evaluating Cortical Plasticity
BOLD MRI of Lower Extremity Muscles : Venous Insufficiency Is Affecting BOLD Signal
BOLD MRI of the Kidneys Under Water Loading at 7 Tesla Using Parallel Transmission and RF Shimming of Individual Slices
BOLD Response to Forepaw Stimulation in Rats Exposed to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia
BOLD-Based Characterization of Relative Oxygen Extraction Fraction in Patients with Ischemia
Bolus Arrival Time Extraction Using Super Temporal Resolution Analysis of DCE
Bolus Tracking for Improved Metabolic Imaging of Hyperpolarised Compounds
Bolus-Tracking ASL Using 3D Center-Out EPI Trajectories in Steady-State
Bone Infection
Bone Marrow Abnormalities
Bone Marrow DCE-MRI Prediction of Acute Leukemia Response to Therapy
Bone Marrow T2* Values in Healthy Subjects: Reproducibility and Normal Values
Bone Metastases Response to Therapy: MRI Vs. Nuclear Medicine
Bone Mineral and Matrix Densities Measured by Solid-State 1H and 31P MRI
Boosting SNR with an Internal Antenna and External Antennas in the Human Cervix Uteri in TSE at 7T.
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as Ultrasmall Nanoparticles Carrier: Application to MRI Contrast Agents
Box Shaped Monopole Antenna for RF Excitation at 9.4T MRI
Boys with Comorbid ADHD and RD Show Increasing Disengagement with Age During a Sustained Attention Task
Brachial Plexus Imaging
Brain Activation and Paralimbic-Limbic Cortex Functional Connectivity During Human Slow Wave Sleep: An fMRI Study
Brain Activity in Ateles Geoffroyi: Resting-State fMRI of Working Memory in Medial Prefrontal Cortex.
Brain Blood Volume Assessment Using DCE in Comparison to DSC Methods
Brain Changes on DTI and ASL in Patient with Vitamin B12 Deficiency While on Therapy
Brain Connectivity Mapping Based on Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Comparison to fMRI Using Combined PET/MR
Brain Differences in Toddlers at Risk of ASD
Brain Diffussivity and Neurochemical Changes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Pilot Correlation Study
Brain High-Energy Phosphates and Creatine Kinase Synthesis Rate Under Graded Isoflurane Anesthesia: An in Vivo 31P Magnetization Transfer Study at 11.7 Tesla
Brain Hyperactivation Related to Working Memory in Medication-Naive Boys with Non-Comorbid ADHD
Brain Imaging Results Identify Structural and Vascular Abnormalities in Type 2 Diabetic Adults Compared to Hypertensive Controls
Brain Imaging with 7T Vs. 9.4T: A Direct Comparison of MR Parameters and SNR
Brain Imaging with a Dedicated Asymmetric Head-Only Gradient Coil Without Peripheral Nerve Stimulation at 500 T/m/s
Brain Iron Accumulation in First Episode of Mania
Brain Iron Content and Smoking History in Healthy Older Individuals
Brain MRI Fingerprinting
Brain Network Dysfunction in Young Athletes with Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome
Brain Network Efficiency Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Network Analysis Using 7-Tesla Diffusion MRI
Brain Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism by Simultaneous FDG-PET/MR-ASL in Patients with Cognitive Disorders: Initial Experience.
Brain Perfusion Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Brain Redox Imaging Using Nitroxide Contrast Agents and Blood-Brain Barrier Function in Methamphetamine-Treated Mice
Brain Temperatures During Therapeutic Hypothermia of Birth Asphyxia Are Significantly Different in Patients with Poor Outcome Versus Patients with Mild to Moderate Injury
Brain Templates for Neonates with Congenital Heart Defects: Preliminary Results from an International Consortium
Brain Tissue Types Resolved Using Spherical Deconvolution of Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI Data
Brain Tumor Hypercellularity Detected in Diffusion Restricted Voxels Outside Contrast Enhancement in Six Human Brains Examined Ex-Vivo
Brain Tumor Oxygen Saturation Mapping with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Corrected by a Local Hematocrit Mapping Assessed by Nuclear Imaging
Brain Tumors: Clinical Perspective
Brain Tumors: Physics Perspective
Brain Tumors: Radiologic Persepctive
Brain Volume Variations in Postmenopausal Women: A Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) Study
Brain White Matter Involvement in OPA1-Dominant Optic Atrophy and Leber's Hereditary Optic Atrophy: A DTI Study
Brain Without Anatomy: Construction and Comparison of Fully Network-Driven Diffusion MRI Connectomes
Brainstem Cerebral Blood Flow in Women with Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
BRANDI: Bayesian Regularisation of Advanced Neurological Diffusion Imaging
Break-Out Groups to Work on Exercises and Regroup to Go Over Solution Approaches - Grissom
Break-Out Groups to Work on Exercises and Regroup to Go Over Solution Approaches - Ibrahim
Breast Cancer Assessment Based on Perfusion Dependence in Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Different Monoexponential Fitting Schemes
Breast Cancer Heterogeneity Via Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Histogram Analysis: Correlation with Prognostic Factors
Breast Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3 and 7 Tesla: Comparison Study
Breast Dynamic MR Features Including Texture Analysis Associated with Pathologic Prognostic Factors in Triple Negative Breast Cancers.
Breast PET/MRI Correlations Between SUVmax, ADCmin, Tumor Markers and Systemic Disease
Breast-MRI at 3T and 7T in Patients and Healthy Volunteers: Diagnostic Accuracy, SNR and B1+-Homogeneity.
Breath-Holding Cools the Human Brain
Broadband Multi-Channel Optical Interface for On-Coil Switch-Mode RF Amplification
Bronchodilatation Effect on Lung Function of Asthma Patients Measured by Static and Dynamic 3He MRI: First Results of Clinical Trial
Brown Adipose Tissue with Low Fat Content in Newborns with Hypothermia
Building a Computational Model of a Transmit Body Coil: Considerations for RF Safety.
Building Individualized 3D Anatomic Model Based on Prostate MRI for Hypothermia Bioheat Simulation
Caffeine Alters the Integration of Relay and Attention-Associated Areas in the Functional Connectivity of the Visual Cortex
CAIPIRINHA-DIXON-TWIST-VIBE-Based Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast Imaging for High Temporal and Spatial Resolution: Scanning Time Optimization
Calculating G-Factor Maps from PROPELLER SENSE Reconstruction
Calculation of 10g Average SAR Via Inversion of the Heat Equation Using MRI Thermometry and Thermal Property Measurements
Calibrated Diffusion Phantom for 7T MRI
Calibrated MRI in Patients with Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease.
Calibration and Quality Assurance for Optical Prospective Motion Correction Using Active Markers
Calibration for Parallel MRI Using Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Calibration Reduction for Through-Time Radial GRAPPA by Weights Compression
Caloric Restriction Impedes Age-Related Decline of Neuronal Function and Energy Demand
Can 3D PCASL Be Another Predictor to Evaluate the Collateral Perfusion in Patients with Severe Intracranial Arterial Stenosis?
Can ADC and Mean Diffusivity Derived from DWI and DTI Be Used Interchangeably in Patients with Glioblastoma?
Can Cortical Spreading Depolarization Serve as a Marker for Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) Toxicity for Stroke Treatment?
Can Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Detect Antihormonal Resistance in Patients with Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases?
Can Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Replace the Conventional DWI Combined with DCE in Clinical Detection of Prostate Cancer?
Can Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reflect the Aggressiveness of Endometrial Cancer?
Can NMR Metabolomics Play a Role in Nutritional Healthcare?
Can Reduced Phase Field of View Diffusion Weighted Imaging Increase Diagnostic Confidence When Imaging the Female Pelvis?
Capsaicin Induced Central Neuronal Sensitization in the MIA Model of OA Pain
Carbon Ion Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer:
Carboxy-Silane Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: A Convenient Platform for Cellular and Small Animal Imaging
Carcinosarcoma of the Uterus: MR Findings Including Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and In-Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy
Cardiac Cine MRI for Mice with Myocardial Infarction Using 3D Self-Gated Radial Gradient Echo
Cardiac Diffusion MRI Beyond DTI
Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Adaptive Anisotropic Gaussian Filtering to Reduce Acquisition Time
Cardiac ECV Is More Robust Than Post-Contrast Cardiac T1 for Evaluating Temporal Changes in Left Ventricular Fibrosis
Cardiac Function Analysis in Multi-Cycle Real-Time MRI
Cardiac Gating Calibration by the MR Septal Scout
Cardiac Lipid Accumulation and Hypertrophy in a Murine Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Cardiac MR Elastography: Estimation of Myocardial Stiffness Throughout Cardiac Cycle as a Function of Age
Cardiac Multi-Contrast CINE: Real-Time Inversion-Recovery Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging with Compressed-Sensing and Motion-Propagation
Cardioprotective Effects of MPTP Inhibition on Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Perfused Rat Heart
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Radial and Circumferential Strain: Comparison Between SSFP Feature Tracking, MRI Tagging, and Speckle Tracking Echocardiography
Carnitine Supplementation Creates a Cardiac Reserve of Free Carnitine to Enable Buffering of Excess Acetyl Units
Carnosine at 7T: Quantification and Relaxation Times in M. Gastrocnemius
Carotid Multicontrast Atherosclerosis Characterization (MATCH) in a Single Scan: Technical Development and Preliminary Validation
Cartesian Feedback Configuration with Direct RF Signal Injection for Power Amplifier Linearization at 1.5T MRI
Cartilage Repair & Management
Case Study: 2D L-COSY of Low-Grade Gliomas at 7T
Catching Physiological Noise: Comparison of DRIFTER in Image and k-Space
Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase Val108/158Met Genotype Influences the Striatum Volume in Healthy Subjects: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study at 3T MRI.
Catheter Coil Design Using Transmission Line Resonators for Endovascular MR Imaging
Catheter-Mounted Expandable Loop (CAMEL) Balloon RF Coil for High-Resolution Intracardiac MR Imaging
Catheters for MR-EP
CBF-Based Modular Architecture Derived from ASL MRI
CBV-Based Resting-State FMRI: Detecting Intrinsic Brain Activity Using Whole Brain 3D-VASO Imaging
Cell Labeling & Tracking
Cellular Size Distributions Revealed by Non-Uniform Oscillating-Gradient Spin-Echo (NOGSE) MRI
Center-Acquisition-At-Partial-Ramp Imaging (CAPRI) Compared to Ultra-Short Echo-Time (UTE) Imaging for Diagnosis of Dental Demineralization
Cerebellar 1H-MR Spectroscopy and DWI Study in Patients with Friedreich’S Ataxia
Cerebellar Connectomics Provide New Biomarkers in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebellar Functional Connectivity in Patients with Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebral Abnormalities in the Gray Matter Volumes and Metabolite Concentration in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Voxel-Based Mormphometry and 1H-MRS
Cerebral Angiography in Rats: Comparison of 1H TOF-MRA, SPIO Enhancement and Hyperpolarized 13C BSSFP
Cerebral Arterial Blood Quantification with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition
Cerebral Blood Flow Change in Late-Life Depression: An ASL MRI Study.
Cerebral Blood Flow Changes Related to Pain Intensity in Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis
Cerebral Blood Flow Deficits in the Tc1 Mouse Model of Down’s Syndrome
Cerebral Blood Flow MRI and CBF fMRI of Rat Brain Up to 50x38x1000µm
Cerebral Blood Flow Using PCASL MRI and Phase Contrast Angiography in a Large Cohort
Cerebral Blood Flow, Vascular Reactivity and Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Aging.
Cerebral Blood Volume Contribution to the Functional T1? in the Human Brain
Cerebral Blood Volume Imaging Using DANTE-Based Flow Suppression
Cerebral Dominance of Phonological Awareness in Developmental Dyslexia
Cerebral Metabolite Biomarkers of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Blood Glucose Measures, and Cognitive Decline
Cerebral Microinfarcts Determined at 7T MRI Are Associated with a Thin Fibrous Cap in Ipsilateral Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque
Cerebral Perfusion Imaging
Cerebral Phosphorus Metabolites Profiling of Parkinson’s Disease Patients at 7T
Cerebral Tissue Contrast Is Mostly Preserved in Low SAR Inversion Recovery MRI for Parkinson’s Patients with Deep Brain Stimulators
Cerebral Vascular Reactivity Assessment Using the SR-T1 Method in Normal and MCAO Rat Brain
Cerebral Vascular Reactivity Impairment Contributes to Functional Connectivity Loss in the Transient MCAO Rat Brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Outflow Tracked with Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI in Cynomolgus Monkeys
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Brain Matter Repartition in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Cerebrovascular Reactivity as Objective Markers of Hemodynamic Compromise: A Pilot Study
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Quantification in Patients with Intracranial Stenosis Before and After Surgical Revascularization
CEST Imaging of Cancer
CEST Imaging of Human Breast Cancer Cells
CEST Imaging with Phase Cycled Rectangular RF Preparation Pulse: Analytical Solution, Simulation and Phantom Study
CEST-MRI Detects Metabolite Levels for Monitoring Breast Cancer Cell Aggressiveness
Changes in "Pseudo T2" Correlate with Brain Volume Changes Induced by Dehydration and Rehydration: Toward Detection and Correction of Edema Effects on Brain Atrophy Measurements
Changes in Anatomical and Functional Connectivity Related to Lower Hippocampal Volume
Changes in Arterial Arrival Time (AAT) and Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) with Hypercarbia and Hypercarbic Hyperoxia
Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow Following Successful Psychotherapy Combined with Cortisol Treatment in Spider Phobia
Changes in Cerebral Physiology with Ageing Assessed by Respiratory-Calibrated MRI
Changes in Choline Level and Lipid Profile in Rat Liver During Lipid Infusion Measured by Dynamic Proton MRS
Changes in Epithelium, Stroma, and Lumen Space Predict ADC Changes with Prostate Cancer Gleason Grade
Changes in Functional Connectivity During Propofol Anesthesia as Evaluated with Intrinsic Connectivity Distribution
Changes in Global Small Bowel Motility in Response to Inflammation in Crohn’s Disease
Changes in Gray Matter Volumes Induced by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Drug-Resistant Major Depression
Changes in Intra-Renal Oxygenation by BOLD MRI as an Early Marker of Iodinated Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Changes in Muscle Mitochondrial Energetics In Vivo and Physical Fitness in Operable Rectal Cancer Patients Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy – an Observational Pilot Study
Changes in Resting-State fMRI Activity During Salicylate-Induced Tinnitus and Sound Stimulation
Changes in the Medial and Lateral Gastrocnemius Fiber Architecture with Age.
Changes in Tumor Perfusion and Oxygenation Following CA4P Administration
Changes of Brain Activities and Metabolites in the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Changes of Leg- And Hand-Related Corticospinal Tract Volumes During Brain Development
Changes Over Time of Brain Perfusion and Cerebral Vasoreactivity After Stroke: Preliminary Results
Characteristics of Contrast Enhancement on Brain Tumors Measured by T1-CUBE and 3DFSPGR Imaging
Characterization and Reduction of Cardiac- And Respiratory- Induced Noise as a Function of the Sampling Rate (TR) in fMRI
Characterization of a 60-Minute MCAO Using Immunohistochemical Evaluation in Conjunction with MRI
Characterization of a Dielectric Phantom for High-Field MRI Applications
Characterization of Age-Dependent Brain Atrophy in Presymptomatic YAC128 Huntington Disease Mice
Characterization of Autocalibration Methods for Accelerated EPI Reconstructions Using GRAPPA
Characterization of Cardiac Function in Naïve Non-Human Primates Using Strain and Flow Based MRI Biomarkers: A Test-Retest Reproducibility and Inter-Animal Variability Study
Characterization of Diffusion Complexity in Prostate Tissue with a Stretched Biexponential Model
Characterization of Intrinsic Susceptibility Gradients Using R1? Dispersion
Characterization of Late Gadolinium Enhancement Heterogeneity in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using Quantitative Texture Analysis
Characterization of Metabolic Response to Ischemia in Skeletal Muscle of Non-Obese Early Stage Type 2 Diabetic Rats by In Vivo 31P MRS and BOLD MRI
Characterization of Renal Lesions
Characterization of the Gray Matter in Spinal Cords of Long Evans Shaker Rats by Double-Pulsed-Field Gradient MRI
Characterization of Water Transportation Via Aquaporin Using Tri-Exponential Model in Cerebral Infarction and Parkinson's Disease - Preliminary Study
Characterizing Electrical Interactions of Tissue with Time-Varying Gradient Fields: Simulations and Measurements
Characterizing Human Brain Microstructure with Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI
Characterizing Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Neonatal Brain Development Using Volume-Surface Analysis
Characterizing Temporal Variations of Functional Connectivity in Resting-State
Characterizing the Inherent and Noise-Induced Errors in Actual Flip Angle Imaging
Characterizing the Microstructural and Architectural Organization of Healthy Kidney Tissue Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Fiber Tractography and Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion.
Characterizing White Matter Pathways of the Living Rat Brain by Tractometry
Checks and Balances: Using 129Xe as a Self-Reporting Probe of Sample Homogeneity in Solid Mixtures
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) and Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) in Blood
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging of the Molecular Progression of Neuronal Loss in a Parkinson's Disease Rat Model
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MR Imaging of Parkinson's Disease at 3 Tesla
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer: The Promise
Chemical Shift Enhanced Acquisition of In Vivo Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolism in 9.4T
Chemical Shift Optimized Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (CsQSM)
Chemotherapy Resistant, Dormant Glioblastoma Cells Exhibit High Rates of Oxidative Metabolism
Choosing Tractography Parameters to Improve Connectivity Mapping
Choroid Plexus: Functional and Structural Changes in Healthy Subjects in Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease
Chronic Exposure to Lead Impairs Neuronal Metabolism in Mouse Brain: A 1H-[13C]-NMR Study
Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy in the Developing and Adult Rat Brain: An In Vivo Non-Invasive and Longitudinal Metabolic Investigation Using 1H MRS, DTI and Immunohistochemistry
Chronic High Altitude Induced Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Changes in Rat Hippocampus
Chronic Myocardial Infarctions Can Be Reliably Characterized Using Contrast-Free T1 Mapping at 3T
Chronic Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Increases in GABAergic Neurotransmission in Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Rat Model: 1H-NMR Spectroscopy Study at 11.7 T
Chronological Cardiac MRI Assessment of Circumferential and Longitudinal Strain Following Mechanical Obstruction of Coronary Microvessels in Pre-Existing Infarct
Cine Cardiac Viability Imaging by Image Fusion of MRI Tagging and Delayed Hyper-Enhancement Images
Cine DENSE Strain Imaging of the Right Ventricle: Initial Experience in Heart Failure
Cine MRI Evaluation of Intestinal Motility in Neonates: A Feasibility Study
Circular Tagging with Concentric Data Acquisition: Can We Go Real-Time?
Cirrhotic Liver & HCC
Cirrhotic Liver: What Is That Nodule?
Classification of Tumor Components Based on DCE and DSC Data in Patients with Glioblastoma
Classification Tree Approach to Validate and Improve Quantitative DCE-MRI Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: Analysis of Multicenter Data
Clinical Application of 7T MRI for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery and Postoperative Programming
Clinical Application of Susceptibility Imaging in Brain: Presentation and Discussion of 24 Different Pathology.
Clinical Applications
Clinical Applications
Clinical Applicationsof FMRI: From Presurgical Planning to Functional Connectivity
Clinical Benefits of Resting-State Networks Identification Using High-Temporal Resolution fMRI Sequence
Clinical Decision Rules for Detection of Cartilage Degradation Based on Univariate MR Parameter Analysis
Clinical Effectiveness of Three Noninvasive Methods for Detecting Hepatic Fibrosis
Clinical Evaluation of Fast T2-Corrected MR Spectroscopy Compared to Multi-Point 3D Dixon for Hepatic Lipid and Iron Quantification
Clinical Evaluation of Transurethral MR-HIFU for the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer
Clinical Experience in Body MR-PET
Clinical Experience: MRI Assessment of Cartilage
Clinical Feasibility of a Stimulated Echo Based Diffusion Sequence and Correlation Between T1rho and Diffusion Values
Clinical Feasibility of CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST (CDT)-Volume-Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination (VIBE) for Breast DCE-MRI
Clinical Feasibility of Distortion Corrected Diffusion-Weighted (DW) Images of Human Cervix
Clinical Imaging of Osteoporosis
Clinical Implementation of Slice Accelerated EPI-DSC MR Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Clinical Implementation of the Linear Reference Region Model for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Clinical Indications for EP Procedures
Clinical Investigation of Whole Brain Myelin Water Fraction Imaging in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Clinical Needs in Traumatic Brain Injury: How Can Imaging Help?
Clinical Relevance of EPI Distortion Correction in Presurgical fMRI at 7T
Clinical Success & Failures at 3T & Above
Clinical Trials: MRI Staging of Rectal Cancer
Clinical Values of IFIR 4D MRA in Evaluation of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation
Clinically Feasible NODDI Characterization of Brain Tumor in 5.5 Minutes Using Multiband EPI at 7T
Clinician Applications & Challenge in Europe
Clinician Applications & Challenge in the USA
Clustering of Contrast Estimate Patterns of fMRI to Untangle Genotypic Effects on Whole Brain Networks
CMR Acceleration Using Iterative K-T-Sparse SENSE Reconstruction
CMR: Unique Steps Into the Tissue/Microstructure
CNS Aneurysms & Vascular Malformations: Physics Persepctive
CNS Aneurysms & Vascular Malformations: Radiologic Persepctive
CNS Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
CODE (COncurrent Dephasing and Excitation) MRI of Human Lung at 3T
Coexistence of Enhanced and Reduced Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cognition Decline and Cortical Thickness Change in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Cognitive Effects of Breast Cancer Therapies: Univariate and Multivariate Analyses of Brain Connectivity
Cognitive Reserve in Multiple Sclerosis Modulates Hippocampal Functional Connectivity and Protects from Memory Deficits
Coil Evaluation Metrics
Coil Ringdown Suppression by Broadband Forward Compensation
Coils, RF Shimming & SAR
Collagen Fibers Mediate Water Diffusion and Anisotropy in Breast Tumors
Collapsed FatNav - A 3D Motion Navigator Using the Chemical Saturation RF-Pulse
Combination Normobaric Oxygen and Methylene Blue Treatment Delays the Progression of Ischemic Penumbra Into Infarct and Promotes Behavioral Recovery
Combination of a 13C Cryoprobe with Hyperpolarization Allows Real Time Observation of Pyruvate Carboxylation in the Perfused Mouse Heart
Combination of a Radial Sequence for In Vivo DTI of Articular Cartialge with an Iterative Model-Based Reconstruction
Combined Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging, and Golden-Angle Radial Sampling for High Spatiotemporal Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Prostate
Combined DWI and DCE-MRI of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation of Perfusion and Diffusion Parameters. Initial Experience.
Combined Effects of Albumin and Manganese on 1H Relaxation Rates of ACSF
Combined Evaluation of 18F-FDG PET Metabolic Parameters and MRI Perfusion Parameters for the Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Osteosarcoma
Combined fMRI of the Human Brain and the Cervical Spinal Cord to Investigate Pain Processing
Combined Gadoxetic Acid and Gadofosveset Enhanced Liver MRI: A Feasibility and Parameter Optimization Study
Combined Imaging of Cl- and Na+ at 7 Tesla: First Results in Brain Tumors
Combined Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Breast Tumor Hypoxia
Combined MRI and TCD to Assess Association Between Different Vulnerable Plaque Features in Stroke Patients
Combined MR-Xray Suites: An Essential Pre-Requisite for MR-EP?
Combined NODDI and QMT for Full-Brain G-Ratio Mapping with Complex Subvoxel Microstructure
Combined Segmentation and Sequential Registration Method for Artifact Removal in ADC Maps in Liver
Combined Sequence for Integrated 2D LGE Imaging and T1 Mapping in a Single-Scan
Combined T2-Preparation and 2D "Pencil Beam" Inner Volume Selection, Applied to Accelerated Reduced Field of View Coronary MRA
Combined T2-Prep and Outer Volume Suppression Preparation Sequence for Coronary Angiography
Combined Transmit-Only Asymmetric Birdcage and Receive-Only Endorectal Surface RF Coils
Combined Unsupervised-Supervised Classification of Multiparametric PET/MRI Imaging Data of the Prostate
Combined Use of Arterial Spin Labeling and MRS to Determine the Severity of Injury in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy
Combined Use of Diffusion MRI and Visual Evoked Potentials to Assess Visual Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis.
Combining Bimodal Optogenetic Control with BOLD fMRI for Causal Analysis of the Cortico-Thalamic Circuitry
Combining fMRI with Optical Ca2+ Recordings to Define the Impact of Brain States on BOLD
Combining HARDI Datasets with More Than One B–Value Improves Diffusion MRI-Based Cortical Parcellation
Combining MRI with PET for Partial Volume Correction Improves Image-Derived Input Functions in Mice
Combining Multi-Centre Conventional and Diffusion MR Texture for the Characterisation of Childhood Brain Tumours
Common Agent Synthesis
Common and Uncommon Mimics of Primary Liver Cancers: MRI Characteristics, Differentiating Features and Histopathological Correlation
Common-Information Enhanced SPIRiT for High Resolution VDS DWI Reconstruction
Comparative Analysis of Continuous Table and Fixed Table Acquisition Methods: Effects on Fat Suppression and Time Efficiency for Single-Shot T2-Weighted Imaging
Comparative Analysis of Cortical Activation Associated to Voluntary and Electrically-Evoked Contractions
Comparative Analysis of Predictive Capability of 3D Non-Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MRI, 3D Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MRI, Quantitatively Assessed Thin-Section CT, and Perfusion Scan for Postoperative Lung Function in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Comparative Assessment of Carotid and Vertebral Arteries by FSE IDEAL Black Blood Sequence with and Without Diffusion Preparation: A Low Refocusing Flip Angle and Strong T1-Weighted Approach
Comparative Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3T Und 7T for the Evaluation of Diffuse Axonal Injuries
Comparative Study of Four Widely Used Classifiers for Prostate Cancer Detection with Multi-Parametric MRI
Comparing 2D and 3D Magnetic Resonance Elastography Techniques in a Clinical Setting: Initial Experiences
Comparing 3D-QALAS with MOLLI and Multi-Echo for In-Vivo Myocardial T1 and T2 Quantification
Comparing Diffusion-Weighted MRI Signals from Ordered and Disordered Microstructures
Comparing FreeSurfer with Manual Segmentation in the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus of 7 Year Old Children
Comparing Functional Contrast and Pattern Information Across fMRI Resolutions
Comparing Group Sparse Reconstruction of 4D EP-COSI Data with Compressed Sensing, Total Variation, and Maximum Entropy Reconstruction
Comparing the Microvascular Specificity of the 3 T and 7 T BOLD Response
Comparing the Relative Effect of Input Parameter Errors on the Accuracy of the Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Tofts’ Model.
Comparison and Reproducibility of Atlas-Based Brain Parcellation Methods
Comparison Between 7T T2* and 3T MTR in the in Vivo Human Cortex.
Comparison Between Cartesian and Spiral MR Flow Imaging of Stenotic Flow.
Comparison Between CBF Difference of ASL and Parameters of DSC-MRI in the Ischemia Disease
Comparison Between Discrete and Continuous Propagator Indices from Cartesian Q-Space DSI Sampling
Comparison Between Magnitude and Direction of 4D Phase Contrast MRI Based and Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Wall Shear Stress Calculations in Healthy Carotid Bifurcations
Comparison Between Single-Shot Diffusion Weighted Methodologies at 3 and 7 Tesla on Brain Volunteers
Comparison Between Spectroscopy Based Fat Quantification and Two Imaging Based Water-Fat Separation Methods for the Diagnosis of Diffuse Liver Disease
Comparison of In Vivo 3D Flow Characteristics to Realistic in Vitro Models with Flexible and Rigid Vessel Wall
Comparison of 2D Iterative Frame Based and 3D Direct Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Accelerated Phosphorus MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Human Brain
Comparison of 3D UTE- And CT-Based Phase Aberration Correction for Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery
Comparison of 3DQRS and VCG Approaches for MR Gating in 1.5T, 3T & 7T MRIs
Comparison of 3T and 14T MRI in a Rat Antigen-Induced Arthritis Model.
Comparison of a Short-TE Whole Brain MR Spectroscopic Imaging to Single Voxel Spectroscopy for Measurement of Metabolite Concentrations in Human Brain
Comparison of Accelerated T1-Weighted Whole-Brain Structural Imaging Protocols
Comparison of ADC and FA in EPI- And SSFP-Based Stimulated Echo Diffusion of the Human Myocardium
Comparison of AIF Determination Methods and Gadolinium Contrast Agents for Quantitative Pulmonary Perfusion
Comparison of an Inflatable Single Loop and Rigid Dual Channel Endorectal Coil for Prostate Imaging at 3T.
Comparison of Analog and Digital Transceiver Systems for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Comparison of Biexponentially Weighted and Double-Echo Sodium Imaging
Comparison of BOLD Censoring Motion Metrics When You Know the Motion (SimPACE)
Comparison of Breathhold Versus PACE Triggering in Renal BOLD MRI
3He MRI Techniques'>Comparison of Calculated Specific Ventilation Using the 'Wash-In' and 'Wash-Out' Hyperpolarized 3He MRI Techniques
Comparison of Cardiac Diffusion Tensor and Generalized Q-Sampling MRI
Comparison of CBF Augmentation with Diamox Challenge Using Arterial Spin Labeling and Xenon CT in Moyamoya Disease
Comparison of Contrast Concentration Conversion Methods for Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI in the Thin Vessel Wall: T1 Mapping Is Not Worthwhile by Introducing More Variance
Comparison of Different Fitting Algorithms for Analysis of High B-Value Prostate Diffusion Imaging
Comparison of Different Motion Correction Methods for PROPELLER MRI
Comparison of Digital Subtraction Angiography with 3D High-Resolution MR Vessel Wall Imaging for the Evaluation of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Stenosis and Plaque Distribution
Comparison of Distributed Parameter and Fermi Modelling of Cardiac MR Perfusion with CT Perfusion in Coronary Artery Disease Versus Invasive Coronary Angiography
Comparison of Efficacy of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Detection of Occult Brain Damages in Neuromyelitis Optica and Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison of Extended Point Spread Function and Reverse Gradient Polarity Distortion Corrections in Quantification of DW EPI at UHF
Comparison of Fat Content Measured by MRI Water-Fat Separation, MR Spectroscopy and Chemical Analysis on Salmon
Comparison of Fetal Blood Flow Measured at 1.5T and 3.0T Using Phase Contrast MR and Metric Optimized Gating: Preliminary Results
Comparison of Fitting Methods and B Value Sampling Strategies for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Breast Cancer
Comparison of FOCUS and Conventional DWI for Evaluation of Intra-Pelvic Tumor
Comparison of Free-Breathing Radial 3D T1 VIBE to Standard Breath-Hold 3D T1 VIBE During Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging After Gadoxetic Acid Injection for Image Quality and HCC Detection
Comparison of Global Multiple Breath Washout Measured at the Mouth to Imaging Multiple Breath Washout in Healthy Subjects and CF Patients.
Comparison of Gradient- And Spin-Echo DSC PWI Image Sequences for Determination of Contrast Agent Leakage Effects
Comparison of GRAPPA Acquisition Methods for Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Comparison of GRAPPA, SPIRiT and ESPIRiT for the Acceleration of Model-Based PRF Temperature Mapping
Comparison of Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MR and Tc-99m DTPA Aerosol Lung Ventilation Imaging in Patients with COPD and Asthma
Comparison of Image-Based and Reconstruction-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Techniques for 3D Whole-Heart MRI
Comparison of K-T SPIRiT and K-T GRAPPA for Accelerating Cardiac DCE and CINE MRI
Comparison of Logan Plot Analysis and Nested Model Selection Technique for MR Estimation of Distribution Volume in Human Brain Tumor at 3Tesla
Comparison of Manually Selected Arterial Input Function and Standard Radiological Arterial Input Function in MR Estimation of Permeability Parameters Using Model Selection Approach
Comparison of Marketed Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents Relaxivities on Clinical MR Scanner at 1.5T, 3T and 7T in Water and Plasma for a Large Range of Physiological Concentrations
Comparison of MR Elastography Inversion Methods on High-Resolution Measurements in the Human Brain
Comparison of MRI Tumour Diameter and Volume Changes with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Values in Prediction of Pathological Response Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT)
Comparison of NAA Dynamics in Task-Activated Motor Cortex in the Norm and Schizophrenia
Comparison of N-Acetyl Aspartate and Polyethylene Glycol as Chemical Shift Reference Standards for Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Thermometry
Comparison of Neuromelanin MRI with FP-CIT SPECT in Parkinson Disease
Comparison of Non-Rigid Motion Compensated Reconstructions for 3D Abdominal MRI
Comparison of Normalized T1 and Pulmonary Blood Flow Assessments in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease
Comparison of Patient-Specific and Fixed Arterial Input Functions for Assessing Treatment Response at DCE-MRI
Comparison of Phase-Contrast MRI and Arterial Tonometry Pulse Wave Velocity Quantification in Young and Old Healthy Subjects
Comparison of Plaque Imaging and Luminal Stenosis to Discriminate Clinical Presentation in Middle Cerebral Artery Disease
Comparison of Positive Contrast Techniques for the MRI Visualization of Iron-Loaded Mesh Implants in Humans
Comparison of Power Spectrum in Resting Brain Networks of Human and Rat Using Seed Regions and Independent Component Analysis
Comparison of Pulmonary 1H Non-Contrast and Hyperpolarized 3He MRI Ventilation Abnormalities in Bronchiectasis and COPD
Comparison of Quantitative Heterogeneity of Brain Tumors from Diffusion MR Versus Histological Tumour Grade: A Preliminary Study
Comparison of Quantitative T2 Mapping Techniques for Articular Cartilage
Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Accelerated Cardiac MR Stress Perfusion with Radial Sampling After Physiological Exercise
Comparison of Regional Ventilation Defect Distribution Between Oxygen-Enhanced and Hyperpolarized He-3 MRI
Comparison of RF Resonators Using Microstrip for Human Head at 3T
Comparison of Semi-LASER Localized Brain MRS at 3T and 7T Using 32-Channel Head Coils
Comparison of Serum Liver Function Tests and Liver R2* Measurements Before and After Gadoxetic Acid
Comparison of Single- And Multi-Echo PRF-Shift Thermometry and Method for Penalized-Likelihood Multi-Echo Temperature Reconstruction
Comparison of Single-Modal and Multi-Modal VBM Database Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Comparison of Standardized and Normalized RCBV to Differentiate Astrocytic Brain Tumors
Comparison of Standardized Uptake Values in Normal Structures and Breast Cancer Metastases Using PET/CT and PET/MRI
Comparison of Steady-State and Spin-Echo DWI Based on Morphological Assessment of Breast Lesions
Comparison of Susceptibility-Weighted-Imaging Determined Vessel Diameters to Histological Measures
Comparison of Systematic and MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Targeted Prostate Biopsies in Men with No Prior Biopsies
Comparison of T1, T2 and PDFF Measured by 1H MR Spectroscopy with Histologic Fibrosis Stage.
Comparison of the Accuracy Between Manual and Computerized Anatomical Delineation Techniques in Ex-Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Mouse Brain.
Comparison of the Repeatability of GABA-Edited Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with and Without Macromolecule Suppression
Comparison of the Value of DWI Based on Monoexponential and Stretched Exponential Model in Differential Diagnosis Between Benign and Malignant Lesions of Breast
Comparison of Three Different Microstrip Transmit Elements for Use in Multichannel Tx/Rx Body Coils at 7 Tesla
Comparison of Three Putative MR Myelin Markers in Multiple Sclerosis Subjects and Healthy Controls
Comparison of Transit Delay Sensitivity Between Pseudo-Continuous ASL, Pulsed ASL and Velocity-Selective ASL
Comparison of TRUST, Projection-Based T2 Imaging with Susceptometry-Based Oximetry for the Quantification of Venous Oxygen Saturation
Comparison of US and MR Measurement of Amniotic Fluid Volume at 28-32 Weeks
Comparison of UTE, PETRA and SPI Sequences in MRI of Ancient Remains
Comparison of Velocity and Acceleration Selective Arterial Spin Labeling with 15O H2O Positron Emission Tomography.
Comparison of Water R2 Spectroscopy Measures in the Liver at 1.5T and 3T
Comparison of White Matter and Gray Matter Macromolecule Resonances Between 3 and 7 Tesla
Comparisons of Canine ECV Measurements by CMR at 3T: IR- Vs. SR-Based Cardiac T1 Mapping and Bolus Injection Vs. Slow Infusion of Contrast Agent
Compartmentation in the Myocardium: On the Fate of Exogenous Versus Glycolytically Derived Pyruvate
Compensating for Metabolite Dynamics in 13C Chemical Shift Separation
Compensation for Thermally-Induced Loads on PET Detectors from MR Stimulus in Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging
Complementary Poisson-Disc Sampling
Complete Functional Assessment of the Mouse Heart with One-Minute Acquisition
Complete or Partial Flow Compensation for Improved Arterial Depiction in Multi-Echo Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Complex Interactions of Physiological Noise and Acceleration on TSNR in 3D EPI
Complex Interplay Between Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity in Acallosal BTBR T+tf/J Mice
Comprehensive Analysis of Parallel Transmission Local SAR Errors Introduced by an Assumed Uniform Density Distribution
Comprehensive Analysis of Total Cavo-Pulmonary Connection Hemodynamics with In Vivo and in Vitro 4D Flow MRI and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Comprehensive Cardiac MRI: Clinical
Comprehensive Cardiac MRI: Technical
Comprehensive Coronary Artery Imaging at 7.0 T: Proof of Feasibility
Comprehensive Geometric Distortion Correction for Diffusion Tensor Imaging at Ultra-High Field
Comprehensive Hemodynamic Evaluation of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease with 4D Flow MR Imaging
Comprehensive Human Fetal Hemodynamic Assessment by Phase Contrast MRI and MR Oximetry
Comprehensive RF Safety Concept for Parallel Transmission MR
Comprehensive Structure/function MRI of Cystic Fibrosis
Comprehensive Vascular MRI: Clinical
Comprehensive Vascular MRI: Technical
Compressed Sensing
Compressed Sensing 4D Flow Reconstruction Using Divergence-Free Wavelet Transform
Compressed Sensing Acceleration of Bone Imaging Using a 0.3 T Open Compact MRI for Skeletal Age Assessment
Compressed Sensing Based Echo Planar 3D Mrsi Using Short Echo Time: A Pilot Evaluation Using a Prostate Phantom
Compressed Sensing Based J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Compressed Sensing for Fast Acquisition
Compressed Sensing MRI Exploiting Complementary Dual Decomposition
Compressed Sensing Reconstructed Radial BSSFP with Asymmetric Views for Free-Breathing Cardiac Cine MRI
Compressed Sensing Undersampling Strategies for Accelerating 3D Cine MRI in Mouse Hearts
Compressed Sensing with Self-Validation
Compression Effects in Breast MR Elastography
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Guided by 3D PC-MRI Data
Computational Model of Restricted Diffusion for NMR Studies of Sickle Cell Disease
Computed Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging for Prostate Cancer Detection: Optimization of B-Value Combinations for Generating High B-Value Images.
Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Breast Lesions Based on IVIM and Non Gaussian Diffusion MRI
Computing ADC for Higher b-Value Using Log-Linear Relationship Between ADC and b-Value
Computing Average Cortical Profiles at 3 Tesla
Concurrent ASL and BOLD fMRI of Working Memory in Typically Developing Population
Conduct Disorder and Callous Unemotional Traits Are Related to the Microstructure of the Dorsal Default-Mode Network
Conductivity Effects on RF Surface Coils Used for MR-Guided HIFU of the Prostate
Cone of Uncertainty Assessment in Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Comparison Between Spin Echo and Stimulated Echo Sequences
Connected WM Lesions Are Associated with Reduced Cortical Thickness in Long-Standing Multiple Sclerosis
Connectivity Based Segmentation of the Periaqueductal Grey Matter in Humans with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Connectivity Increase in Reward-Related Brain Regions in Patients with Congenital Lipodystrophy: A Longitudinal Study with Leptin-Substitution Treatment
Connectivity of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex in ADHD Children Patients.
Connectivity Studies in Large Populations
Consensus Between Pipelines in Whole-Brain Structural Connectivity Networks
Considerations in P-Space Susceptibility Tensor Imaging: K-Space Truncation Effect, T2* Dependence, and 3T/7T Comparison
Consistency Checks for Partial Volume Correction of ASL Perfusion Maps
Constrained Source Space Imaging: Rapid Point Measurement of fMRI Paramaters
Constrained Source Space Spectroscopy: Multivoxel Spectroscopy Without a Gradient Readout
Constructing Structural Connectivity in Rat Brain Based on Inter-Regional Gray Matter Volume Covariations
Construction and Use of a Micro Resolution Phantom for Small Bore MRI
Construction of a 2-Channel Transmit/Receive Neck Array for Carotid Artery Vessel Wall Imaging at 7 Tesla
Construction of Dual Tuned Coil
Construction of Dual Tuned Coil- Stara
Construction of Dual Tuned Coil- Tiberi
Construction of Ground-Truth Data for Head Motion Correction in Diffusion MRI
Continuous Moving Bed MRI with Golden Angle Radial Sampling .
Continuous Theta-Burst Stimulation Induces Changes in Functional Connectivity During Rest
Continuous Vibration Single Shot Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Fast Wave Image Acquisition
Continuously Moving Table Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using an Adaptive Gradient Reversal Technique
Contralateral Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Pathways with Prominent Involvement of Associative Areas in Humans In Vivo
Contrast Agent Use in the Age of NSF
Contrast Agents
Contrast Agents
Contrast Agents with Chelated Lanthanoid Ions for 19F MR Imaging
Contrast Enhanced Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging Using DANTE Preparation
Contrast Enhanced Functional Imaging of the Liver
COntrast Manipulating MIXed Kspace COMMIX CAPRI / UTE for Ultra Short T2* Mapping Using Multiple Echo Times Within a Single K-Space Data Set
Contrast/SNR Optimization for the Imaging of Cationized-Ferritin Labeled Glomeruli at 9.4T
Contrast-Enhanced and Non-Contrast-Enhanced Renal Vessel Imaging at 7 Tesla
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography of the Upper Limbs in Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema: An Exploratory Study.
Contrast-Enhanced MR Features of Triple-Negative Breast Carcinomas (TNBC) Associated with High Histological Grade
Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted Fat-Suppressed Imaging of the Head and Neck Using a Dual-Echo Dixon Technique
Contributions of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neural Activities to BOLD and CBV fMRI
Contributions to Susceptibility from Iron and Demyelination in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Controlling for White Matter Hyperintensities in Cross-Sectional Voxel-Wise Diffusion MRI Studies of Aging
Convection Enhanced Delivery of Toca 511 Into Recurrent GBM Under Real-Time MR Guidance
Conventional 2D-EPI or Segmented 3D-EPI? a Temporal SNR Study at 3 and 7 Tesla
Convergent and Divergent Dynamic Functional Connectivity Patterns Between Patients with Refractory and Nonrefractory Major Depressive Disorders
Copper Ions Responsive Bimodal (Optical/MRI) Contrast Agent for Cellular Imaging
Co-Registered EPR and MRI of the Mouse Head Indicates Detailed Distributions of Piperidine Nitroxides
Co-Registration of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Co-Registration of Synchrotron Radiation-MicroCT and Micro-MRI Images: A New Method for the Complete Characterization of Newly-Formed Bone
Coronal Whole Body Diffusion Imaging with 2D Spatially Selective Excitation (FOCUS)
Coronary Angiography: The Promise
Coronary MRA Angiography at 3T: Fat Suppression Versus Water-Fat Separation
Coronary Wall Thickening in HIV-Infected Youth in Association with Antiviral Therapy Using Time-Resolved DIR MRI (TRAPD)
Correcting for B1 Inhomogeneities in Post-Mortem DWSSFP Human Brain Data at 7T Using Multiple Flip Angles
Correcting Myelin Water Fraction for T2 Changes Caused by Varying Phosphate Buffer Concentration in Aldehyde Fixed Spinal Cord Tissue
Correction for Heart Rate Bias of Post-Contrast Myocardial T1 Values Derived Using MOLLI Sequence
Correction for the Oblique Focus in MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Essential Tremor
Correction of 2D RF Pulses
Correction of B0 Field Fluctuations in the Breast at 7 Tesla by Fitting a Dipole Field to Field Probe Data – a Simulation Study
Correction of B0 Phase Errors for Spiral-In/Spiral-Out Acquisitions
Correction of Bolus Dispersion in the Quantification of Perfusion and Haemodynamics Using DSC-MRI
Correction of Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging Using Quadratic Phase-Modulated RF Pulse Excitation and Iterative Reconstruction
Correction of Fast Motion by Field Monitoring in the Head Frame of Reference
Correction of Off-Resonance Distortions in In-Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Correlating Multi-Parametric MRI with Gleason Score in Human Prostate Cancer
Correlating Tumor Viscosity with Hypoxia
Correlation Between in Vivo and ex Vivo MRI of Mouse Mammary Glands with Regards to Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and T2 Values
Correlation Between Cardiovascular T1? MRI, Histology and Future Ventricular Remodeling in Ischemic Heart Disease.
Correlation Between Cine-Derived Strain and Late Gadolinium Enhancement in the Left Atrium
Correlation of 16.4T Mouse Models with Serial Blockface and Immunohistochemical Imaging
Correlation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Measures with Memory Dysfunction Scores in Hypothyroid Patients
Correlation of DTI Measures with Neuropsychological Scores in HIV-Seropositive Children
Correlation of Electric Conductivity with Prognostic Factors in Invasive Breast Cancer
Correlation of Emotional-Behavioral Outcomes and White Matter Alterations in VLBW Adolescents Without Overt Disability
Correlation of GABA Levels and Motor Performance in Parkinson’s Disease
Correlation of Glucose Metabolism and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Malignant Disease Evaluated with Simultaneous Hybrid PET/MRI
Correlation of Magnetization Transfer (MT) and Diffusion MRI in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
Correlation of Morphological Score (VIMATS) with Sodium MRI in Patients with Painful Achilles Tendon
Correlation of MRI and Externally Visible Findings by External Fiducial Markers
Correlation of Percent Breast Density with Background Parenchymal Enhancement Measured in MRI
Correlation of Quantitative MRI and Histology of Surgical Specimens in Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy
Correlation of T1-Weighted Gradient Echo (GRE) Signal Intensity and Decreased Exocrine Function in Suspected Early Chronic Pancreatitis
Correlation of Three Dimensional Mammographic Density (Quantra) and Breast Density Acquired Using 3D MRI
Correlations Between BOLD and Neurochemical Responses Measured in the Human Visual Cortex at 7T
Correlations Between Different Sources of Contrast at 9.4T: Diffusion vs. Susceptibility
Correlations Between Diffusion-Weighted and Clinical Parameters in Uncompensated Vestibular Patients - A Pilot Study.
Correlations Between PET and Resting State fMRI of Default Network Using Simultaneous PET/MR: Preliminary Results
Correlations of Structural and Functional Connectivity Alterations in Primary Motor Cortex in a Macaque Model of Ischemic Stroke
Cortical Bone Perfusion Assessment Using Inversion Recovery Ultrashort TE Imaging
cortical Inhibition Deficits in Recent Onset PTSD After a Single Prolonged Trauma Exposure
Cortical Maturation in the Preterm Period Revealed Using a Multi-Component Diffusion-Weighted MR Model.
Cortical Parcellation Based on DTI Connectivity--Validation in the Squirrel Monkey Brain
Cortical Pathology Is Associated to Proximal Underlying White Matte Injury in Multiple Sclerosis: A Multimodal 7T and 3T MRI Study Using Surface Based and Tract Based Analysis.
Cortical Phase Shifts in Healthy Aging at 7 Tesla
Cortical Phase Shifts in Subjective Cognitive Impairment at 7 Tesla
Cortical Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging Abnormalities in a Macaque Model of NeuroAIDS
Cortical Thickness Correlates with Symptoms in Adolescents Newly Diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Corticospinal Tract Degeneration Correlates with Clinical Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Cortico-Striatal-Thalamic Network Functional Connectivity in Hemiparkinsonism
Co-Transplantation of Encapsulated Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves the Viability of Human Islet Xenografts in a Mouse Model of Type I Diabetes
Couple Electromagnetic and Neuronal Dynamics Simulation of Gradient Coil Switching Induced Nerve Stimulation
CPU, GPU and MIC Performance: A Comparison of Modern Reconstruction Hardware
Creatine Metabolism Disorder Leads to Structural and Physiological Abnormalities in the Brain of Creatine Transporter KO Mice.
Crimp and Macrocrimp Behavior in Human Tendons with Ultra-High and High Field MRI
cr-MREPT Using Multichannel Receive Coil
Cross-Relaxation Parameters in Cortical Bone from Combined VFA-UTE and Off-Resonance Saturation
Cross-Scale Self-Similarity Super-Resolution of Single MRI Slice-Stacks
Cross-Sectional Relationships Between Muscle ATP Synthesis, Ambulatory Performance, and Age: Initial Findings from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging (BLSA)
Cross-Validation of Magnetic Resonance Elastography by Continuous Acoustic Vibration and Ultrasound Elastography by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse: A Phantom Study
Cryoablation of Malignant Liver Tumors Under MRI-Guidance: Retrospective Study
CSF Contamination Contributes to Apparent Microstructural Alterations in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
CS-SENSE Phase Contrast Imaging of the Right Pulmonary Artery
Current Limited Superconducting RF Coils
Current-Controlled Alternating Steady State Free Precession for Rapid Conductivity Mapping
Curvelets, a New Sparse Domain for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
CV: Coronary Artery Disease
Cylindrical Encoding in MRI
Cystic Pancreatic Lesions
Dark Rim Artifacts from Motion in Highly Accelerated 3D Cardiac Perfusion Imaging
Data-Driven Analysis of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Reveals Regional Vascular Impairment in Individuals with Multiple Systemic Risk Factors
Data-Driven Cartesian Sampling Design for Compressed Sensing MRI
DCE-MRI and DWI Are Sensitive to Vascular Changes in Renal Cell Carcinoma Following Sunitinib Therapy
DCE-MRI and PET Imaging as a Predictive and Prognostic Biomarker in Osteosarcoma
DCE-MRI and T2* Measurement in Women with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Treated with Dexamathasone
DCE-MRI Before and After Induction Chemotherapy in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
DCE-MRI of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Perfusion Quantification with Tofts Model Vs. Shutter-Speed Model. Initial Experience.
Deactivation of the Default Mode Network Is Associated with Resting-State Glutamate and GABA
Dead Time Reduction with a Variable Rate Broadband Receiver – Applications to Zero Echo Time Imaging
Dealing with Motion: Gating, Triggering, & Sampling
Dealing with Susceptibility (R/L, L/R)
Deblurring in View Angle Tilting Imaging
Decoding Functional MRI Data Using SPFM and Temporal ICA: A Validation Study
Decomposing Cerebral Blood Flow MRI Into Functional and Structural Components
Decoupled RF-Pulse Phase Sensitive B1 Mapping
Decrease in Intracranial Vascular Compliance Is Associated with Cerebral Hypoperfusion
Decreased Apparent Fibre Density in Dravet Syndrome
Decreased Cerebral Blood Flow and Co2 Reactivity in Healthy Aging: A Pulsed ASL Study
Decreased Functional Connectivity Between the Mediodorsal Thalamus and Default Mode Network in Disorders of Consciousness
Decreased Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in First-Episode Drug-NaÏve Major Depressive Disorder
Decreased Magnetic Susceptibility in Mouse Brains with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Decreased Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortical Networks Correlates with Deficient Visual Working Memory Performance in Adult Macaques with Neonatal Hippocampal Lesion
Decreasing False Positives and Negatives from Spatiotemporal Processing of fMRI
Dedicated Safety Issues
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Comparison of MR Direct Thrombus Imaging and Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA
Default Mode Network (DMN) Activity During Olfactory Processing
Degeneration of Functional and Structural Connection Between the Two Hemispheres in AD and MCI
Delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI Reveals Nanotherapy-Induced Normalization of the Vessel Wall Endothelium in Atherosclerotic Mice
Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (DGEMRIC) Is Superior to T1rho-Mapping in Measuring Cartilage Sulphated Glycosaminoglycan Content: Preliminary Results of an In-Vivo Validation Study Using an Ex-Vivo Reference Standard for Cartilage Sul
Delayed Hepatic Signal Recovery on Ferucarbotran-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Images in a Rat Model with Regional Liver Irradiation
Delineating Malignant and Normal Tissue in Prostate Cancer Using DCE-MRI Modeling to Quantify Perfusion, Capillary Permeability and Dispersion
Dementia: Clinical Perspective
Dementia: Physics Perspective
Dementia: Radiologic Persepctive
Demonstration of Differentially Degenerated Corpus Callosam in Patients with Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury: With a Premise of Cortical-Callosal Relationship
Demonstration of Fast Diffusion Kurtosis MRI for Imaging Acute Ischemic Stroke Diffusion/kurtosis Lesion Mismatch
Demonstration of the Collagenous Components of Peripheral Nerve with Short and Ultrashort TE (UTE) Pulse Sequences.
Demonstration of the Root Ligaments of the Meniscus of the Knee Using a 3D UTE Cones Subtraction Sequence with and Without Contrast Enhancement
Demonstration of Whole Body DWI Characterisation of Tumour Heterogeneity for Serial Response Assessment.
Dendrimersomes: A New Vesicular Nanoplatform for Theranostic Applications
Deoxyhemoglobin and Hypercapnia Based fMRI Calibration Methods
Dependence of Quantitative MRI Indices on Age, Gender, and BMI in Healthy Thigh Muscles
Depiction of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions with Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging at 7T
Depiction of Vessel Pathology in Stroke Imaging at 7.0T Using Non-Contrast MPRAGE
Derivable High Spin Fe(III) and Mn(II) Phosphonate Scaffolds for Molecular MRI
Derivation and Evaluation of Amygdalo-Prefrontal Connections in Humans and Monkeys Using Diffusion Tractography
Design and Application of a Nested Multi-Channel Sodium/Proton Knee Array at 3T
Design and Decoupling of a Parallel Transmit Head Coil at 7T Using Magnetic Walls
Design and Implementation of Flexible Printed Receive Coils Arrays
Design and Testing of a 9-Channel Phased Array Coil for Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment of the Abdominal Region in Large Animal Models.
Design Methods for Magnetic Resonance Based Field Monitoring Devices
Design of a 24-Mesh Inductive Birdcage for Imaging of the Head at 500 MHz
Design of a 96-Channel Bilateral Prone Breast Array for High Performance Parallel MRI
Design of a Detachable Rat Head Coil for MRI-Guided Stereotaxic Interventions
Design of a Robust Decoupling Matrix for High Field Parallel Transmit Arrays
Design of a Spin Echo Sequence for Fourier Decomposition Pulmonary MRI at 3T
Design of a Variable-Rate Selective Dual-Band FOCI Pulse for Spin Labeling
Design of Flanged RF Shield for Mitigation of RF and Gradient Coil Interactions
Design of Multi-Channel Switching System for Matrix Coils
Design of Novel Synthetic Antiferromagnets for Nano-RF Reporters for Single Cell Tracking
Design of Parallel Transmission Pulses in the Presence of RF Errors
Design, Construction and Initial Evaluation of a Folded Insertable Head Gradient Coil
Designing Biplanar Gradient Coils with Minimum Power Dissipation for NMR Microscopy
Designing Tissue-Specific Variable Flip Angle for Improved 3D Turbo-Spin-Echo Imaging of the Prostate at 3T MRI.
Detailing Myocardial Microstructure in the Ex Vivo Rat Heart Using High Isotropic Spatial Resolution Susceptibility Weighted MRI and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Detailing the Relation Between Renal T2* and Renal Tissue PO2 Using a Hybrid and Integrated Approach of Parametric MRI and Invasive Physiological Measurements (MR-PHYSIOL)
Detecting CA-Lys-TFA – a Synthetized Novel Trifluorinated Bile Acid in Murine Gallbladder Using in Vivo 19F MRI
Detecting Rapid Organ Motion Using a Hybrid MR-Ultrasound Setup and Bayesian Data Processing
Detection and Grading of Prostate Cancer Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Kurtosis Versus ADC
Detection and Grading of Prostate Cancer Using Model-Based Spectral Fitting
Detection and Validation of Localized Chronic Iron Deposition Within Non-Reperfused Myocardial Infarctions
Detection of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose in Tissues by T1? Relaxometry
Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate and Metabolic Changes Associated with IDH1 and IDH2 Mutants Using NMR Spectroscopy
Detection of Acute Response to Proteasome Inhibitor Treatment in Mouse Colorectal Tumour Models Using Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Detection of Altered Adipose Tissue Composition in Breast Cancer Patients Using MR Spectroscopy
Detection of Cerebral NAD+ by in Vivo 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Detection of Demyelination in Multiple Sclerosis Using Analysis of T2* Relaxation at 7T
Detection of Demyelination of the Sensory and Motor Cortex in a Mild EAE Mouse Model Using Diffusion Weighted MRI
Detection of Epileptogenic Zone and Its Dynamics by Database-Approach of Resting-State BOLD-Based fMRI in Brain Cloud
Detection of Extracellular Matrix Degradation in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration by Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (DW-MRS)
Detection of GABA, Aspartate and Glutathione in the Human Spinal Cord
Detection of Glutamate, Glutamine, and Glutathione by RF Suppression and TE Optimization at 7T
Detection of Hepatic Glycogen by 1D ISIS Localized 13C MRS at 7T.
Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Combining Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in Pretransplant Patients: Emphasis on the Severity of Liver Cirrhosis
Detection of Human Neuronal Currents with Phase MRI
Detection of Hyperpolarized [5-13C]-Glutamine in Brain
Detection of Infarcted and Arrhythmogenic Myocardium with DTI Tractography and Electroanatomical Voltage Mapping
Detection of Intracellular Lipid in Adrenal Adenomas - A Direct Intra-Individual Comparison of Chemical Shift Imaging of Adrenal Lesions Imaged at Both 1.5T and 3T.
Detection of Metabolic Changes in SCC Tumor by MTOR Inhibition Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MRI
Detection of Metabolite Changes in Response to a Varying Visual Stimulation Paradigm Using Short TE 1H MRS at 7T
Detection of Prostate Tumor Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Acetate
Detection of Transgene Expression Using Hyperpolarized 13C Urea and Diffusion-Weighted MRS
Determinants and Consequences of Brain Atrophy, Disability, Demyelination, Remyelination and Neuronal Loss in an MS Model
Determination of In-Vivo Temperature Rise and Gradient Induced Voltage During MRI of Cut Sacral Neuromodulation Leads
Determination of Age-Related Regional Pulse Wave Velocity with 4D Flow MRI
Determination of CMRO2 Changes During Hyperbaric Exposure
Determination of Diffusive and Transport Processes of Hyperpolarized [1,1,2,2-D4, 1-13C]-Choline in the Rat Kidney
Determination of the Myocardial Extracellular Volume Using an Ultra-Fast T1 Quantification Sequence: Implications for Differentiation of Myocardial Damage
Determination of Trigger Delays for Strain Independent Cardiac Diffusion Measurements Based on Automated Segmentation of Cine Images
Deuterium Prolonged Relaxation Reveals the Macromolecular Content in MRI
Developing 3D Wavefield Renal MR Elastography: Primary Hyperoxaluria Pilot Study
Developing a Nanobiosensor for Non-Invasive Visualization of the AKT Signaling Pathways
Developing New Metrics for Comparison of Diffusion Propagators
Developing Pan-Cancer Targeting MRI Contrast Agents That Self-Assemble in Malignant Tumors
Development and Evaluation of a Solid Endorectal Coil for 7 Tesla
Development and Evaluation of a UTE-Based Method for Attenuation Correction in MR-PET Neurologic Studies
Development and Evaluation of Labeled Islet Cells Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and DNA Hybridization
Development and Optimisation of Resting State FcMRI in the Mouse Brain at 9.4T
Development of a Clinical Protocol for Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Brain
Development of a Hindered-Diffusion-Dominant DTI Phantom Made of Polyethylene Fibers: Comparison with a Restricted-Diffusion Phantom.
Development of a Magnetohydrodynamically Driven Actuator for Use in MRI
Development of a Mucin4-Targeting SPIO Contrast Agent for Effective Detection of Pancreatic Tumor Cells in Vitro and In Vivo
Development of a Novel 2DRF Pulse Sequence to Achieve Improved Localization in Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging
Development of a Novel Combined Tibial and Femoral Bone Registration Method for Reliable Quantification of MR-Based Knee Joint Kinematics
Development of a Surface-Switching Theranostic Lipid-PLGA Hybrid Nanoparticle Platform
Development of an Isolated MR-Compatible Working Pig Heart Setup for Structural and Functional Analysis of Cardiac Diseases
Development of an MRI Method for Awake Mouse Imaging Using Soft Immobilization and a Fast MR Acquisition Procedure
Development of Cortical Hubs in Childhood and Adolescence: A Graph Theoretical Analysis in fMRI
Development of Interhemispheric Visual Integration: A DCM Study
Development of Visual Cortex in Infants
Developmental Trajectories of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Healthy Children
Diagnosis of Diastolic Dysfunction by Shear Wave Amplitudes Measured in Cardiac MR Elastography
Diagnosis of Liver Hemangioma: Novel Application of Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI in Conjunction with Flow-Sensitive Black Blood Technique
Diagnostic Accuracy of Acute Cholecystitis Using MRCP and Clinical Relevance.
Diagnostic Challenge: Paraduodenal Pancreatitis: MR Imaging Characteristics, Differential Diagnosis and Histopathological Correlation
Diagnostic Performance of a 3D FSE T2 and T1rho Sequence for Quantitative Mapping of Articular Cartilage Composition for the Detection of Morphological Internal Knee Derangements
Diastolic Dysfunction Is Closely Associated with Myocardial Steatosis in Women at Risk for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Diastolic Dysfunction Is Temporally Dissociated from Myocardial Steatosis
Dietary Nitrate Does Not Induce Hypoxia Dependent Augmented Oxygen Delivery in Skeletal Muscle in Young Healthy Subjects.
Differences in Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Posterior Circulation Territories Obtained with BOLD and ASL MRI Using Hypercapnic Challenges
Differences in Diffusional Changes of the Optic Pathways Between Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Using Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Differences in Ktrans and Ve Parameters of Gluteal and Deep Pelvic Muscles
Differences in Resting State fMRI in Rat Under Five Different Anesthetics
Differences in the Brain of Irradiated Mice Investigated with White Matter Imaging Techniques
Different Patterns of White Matter and Grey Matter Involvement Account for Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease
Different Responses to Acute Administration of a New 5-HT7 Receptor Agonist as a Function of Adolescent Pre-Treatment: A PhMRI Study
Different Spatial Distribution Between GCB and Non-GCB PCNSL Revealed by MR Group Analysis of 100 Cases.
Differential Involvement of GABA and Glx in fMRI Activation of Visual Cortex in Patients with Optical Neuritis
Differential Approach to Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Without Background Field Removal
Differential Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Recurrence and Radiation Necrosis Using MR Spectroscopy
Differential Diagnosis of Chest Lesions: Values of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Differential Diagnosis of MELAS and Ischemic Stroke Using 3D Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Differential Involvement of Cortical and Cerebellar Areas Using Dominant and Non Dominant Hands
Differential Motion in Orbital and Global Layers of Extraocular Muscles Measured by Tagged MRI at 7T
Differentiating Benign from Malignant Disease on MRI
Differentiating Injured and Normal Lungs by the Ratiometric Analysis of Hyperpolarized-13C-NMR Data
Differentiating Microbleeds from Plaque in Alzheimers Disease
Differentiating Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Using Myelin Water Imaging and Paired Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Differentiating Neural and Vascular Effects of Caffeine in Resting State Connectivity Study
Differentiating Neuronal and Non-Neuronal Contributions in BOLD Signal Using Multimodal Recordings and Multi-Echo EPI
Differentiating Radiation Effect and Necrosis from Tumor with Measures of Normalized and Standardized Relative Cerebral Blood Volume
Differentiation of Brown Adipose Tissue Using Manganese Enhanced MRI
Differentiation of Early-Stage Parkinsonisms Using Diffusion Kurtosis/Tensor Imaging
Differentiation of Hypointensity Nodules on Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Hepatobiliary Phase MRI Using Non-Balanced Spin-Echo SSFP (T2FFE)
Differentiation of Malignant from Benign Focal Splenic Lesions: Added Value of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Differentiation of True Progression and Pseudoprogression by Use of Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging in Glioblastoma Treated with Radiation Therapy and Concomitant Temozolomide
Differentiation of White-Matter Differences Across Sub-Clinical Psychotic Experiences Using Diffusion Tensor and Quantitative Relaxometry Imaging
Differing Patterns of White Matter Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders Versus Sensory Processing Disorders
Diffuse Liver Disease
Diffusion & Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Diffusion Abnormalities in the Spinal Cord Grey Matter Relates to Disability in Relapse-Onset Multiple Sclerosis
Diffusion Analysis
Diffusion and Perfusion Coefficients Changes of Prostate Cancer After Endocrine Therapy: Using DWI Biexponential Model
Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging in Repeated Concussion
Diffusion Basics
Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI) and Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) Detect Axonal Pathologies with Decreased Axonal Transport in Optic Nerves of DBA/2J Mice
Diffusion Characteristic of Infused Acetate in the Rat Brain In Vivo
Diffusion Gradient Calibration in DSI Using a Cyclooctane Phantom
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Based Tractography
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Differentiation Among Grade I-II, Grade III and Grade IV Gliomas
Diffusion Kurtosis Metrics as Biomarkers of Microstructural Development: A Comparative Study of a Group of Children and a Group of Adults
Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Monitors Intramyocellular Lipid Droplet Size In Vivo
Diffusion Modeling in Brain Cell Geometries Parameterized According to Morphometric Statistics
Diffusion MR of Auditory and Language Pathways in Children with 16p11.2 Deletions and Duplications
Diffusion MRI and In-Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy Study of the Differentiation of Malignant Breast Tissue of Breast Cancer Patients and the Normal Breast Tissue of Healthy Lactating Women Volunteers
Diffusion MRI in Crohn's Disease: Comparison with Fecal Calprotectin and MR-Enterography
Diffusion MRI Measurement of Muscle Fiber Size and Sarcolemma Permeability in Normal Skeletal Muscle Growth
Diffusion MRI with Q-Vector Magic Angle Spinning (QMAS) Disentangles Effects of Micro-Anisotropy and Orientation Dispersion
Diffusion of Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles Into Articular Cartilage
Diffusion Sensitized Ophthalmic MRI Free of Distortion Using Multi-Shot RARE at 3 T and 7 T
Diffusion Tensor and Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Tumor Margin in a Rat C6 Glioma Model
Diffusion Tensor Imaging / Tractography
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Bootstrap Metrics Differentially Predict Memory Among Older Adults
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Detects Demyelination and Axonal Injury in Mouse Spinal Cord
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Detects the Spatial Variation in Fiber Angle and Lamellar Number in Intact Human Discs
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Distinguishes Between Collegiate Football Players with and Without Concussion
Diffusion Tensor Imaging for White Matter Alterations in Chronic Cocaine Dependents
Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Bulbar and Limb-Onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Blast Induced Traumatic Brain Injury in Rodent Model
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Cervical Spinal Cord a 3T : Normal Values of Radial, Axial, Mean Diffusivity and Fractional Anisotropy in Anterior Horn, Dorsal Funiculus and Pyramidal Tract at Each Cervical Level
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Human Brains In-Vivo at 3 Tesla with Very High Spatial Resolution: 0.85mm X 0.85mm X 0.85 Mm
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Rat Brains Following Long-Term Passive Acoustic Exposure at Moderate Sound Pressure Level
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Breast: Hormonal Regulation
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Kidneys: Functional Assessment in the Renal Artery Stenosis
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Reveals White Matter Damage in the Optic Nerves of Alzheimer’s Patients
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Studies Support Pre-Symptomatic Degeneration of Selective Axonal Fibers in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).
Diffusion Tensor Imaging with 1mm Isotropic Resolution Using a Dual-Echo Steady-State Method at 3T
Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Based Histogram Analysis for Detection and Quantification of Low-Grade Gliomas Structural Changes During Chemotherapy
Diffusion Tensor MRI and Tractography of the Sacral Plexus in Children with Spina Bifida
Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Entire Human Heart in Vivo with Blipped-CAIPI and Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition
Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Remodeled Living Heart in Multiple Mechanical States: First Experiments in a Rat Model of Chronic Myocardial Infarction
Diffusion Tensor Tractography Reveals Disrupted Topological Efficiency in White Matter Structural Networks in Adolescents with Internet Addiction
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of In-Vivo Heart with 2nd Moment Nulling Diffusion Gradient
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Kidneys in Freely Breathing Infants Using Multidirectional Scanning
Diffusion Weighted MR Derived Apparent Diffusion Co-Efficient Values as a Biomarker for Treatment Response in Breast Cancer
Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging of the Extrahepatic Abdomen & Pelvis
Diffusion Weighted MRI for Radiotherapy Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer – Treatment Response Assessment Using Different Segmentation Methods
Diffusion Weighted MRI of Moving Subjects Based on Motion-Induced Random Oversampling
Diffusion: The Tracts Less Travelled
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Indicating Various Tissue of Glioblastoma; Voxel-By-Voxel Study
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging of White Matter and Gray Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis: Combined Use with Double Inversion Recovery
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging of White Matter in the Aging Brain
Diffusion-Weighted 3D Multi-Slab EPI for Clinical Imaging
Diffusion-Weighted HR-MAS of Biopsies to Obtain Separated Fat-Free Metabolite and Lipid Spectra. a Feasibility Study.
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Detects Early Progression of Renal Fibrosis in a Murine Model of Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Prostate Cancer Using Statistical Model Based on a Gamma Distribution
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Sellar Region: A Comparison Study of BLADE Sequence and Single-Shot Echo Planar Imaging Sequence
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Spine Using Readout-Segmented EPI and Local B0 Shimming
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging with Multiple B Values: Which Parameters and Assessment Methods Are Best for Quantitative Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules?
Diffusion-Weighted MRI as a Biomarker in Uncompensated Vestibular Patients - Preliminary Results.
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Evaluation of the Variability of Overall Disease Burden Assessment Methods
Diffusion-Weighted MRI Using Different b-Value Combinations for the Evaluation of Treatment Results After Volumetric MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Uterine Fibroids
Diffusion-Weighted SSFP at 7T
Diffusion-Weighted STEAM MRS to Measure Fat Unsaturation in Regions with Low Fat Content
Diffusion-Weighted, Readout-Segmented EPI with Synthesized T2- And T2*-Weighted Images
Dilated Perivascular Spaces in the Basal Ganglia Are a Biomarker of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in a Very Elderly Dementia Population
Diminishing GABAA Alpha5 Receptor Mediated Inhibition Rescues Hippocampal Perfusion Deficit in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome
Direct & Accelerated Parameter Mapping Using the Unscented Kalman Filter
Direct 31P Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applying the Nuclear Overhauser Effect
Direct Cerebral 17O-MRI at a Clinical Field Strenght of 3 Tesla Using a Tx/Rx Head Coil
Direct Comparison of Integrated PET-MRI and PET-CT FDG Quantification in the Dementia Population
Direct Detection of Myelin Using Zero-Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging in Lamb Spinal Cord
Direct Evaluation of MR-Derived Attenuation Correction Maps for PET/MR of the Mouse Myocardium
Direct Imaging of Tumor Cellularity Using Restriction Spectrum Imaging in a Xenograft Mouse GBM Model
Direct Native-Space Fiber Bundle Alignment for Group Comparisons
Direct Reconstruction of the Average Diffusion Propagator with Simultaneous Compressed-Sensing-Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging and Image Denoising by Means of Total Generalized Variation Regularization
Direct SAR Mapping by Thermoacoustic Imaging: A Feasibility Study
Direct Virtual Coil for Fat Fraction Quantification
Disc Degeneration: Classification of Disc Disease
Disc Location Dependence of the Proteoglycan (PG) T2 Value in Human Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
Discontinuity Preserving Convex Image Registration Model for MRI of the Lung
Discrepant Resting-State Brain Activity in Geriatric Depression and Depressed Parkinson¡¯s Disease: A Resting-State fMRI Study
Discrete Shearlets as a Sparsifying Transform in a Split Bregman Reconstruction of Low-Rank Plus Sparse Component from Undersampled (K, T)-Space Small Bowel Data
Discrete Wavelet Analysis of Longitudinal Resting State fMRI in Mild TBI Patients
Diseases of Connectivity
Disentangling Physiological and Task Related Information in Fast Multiband Data Using Temporal ICA
Displacement Field Normalization in MR-Elastography: Phantom Validation and in Vivo Application
Disrupted Effective Connectivity in First-Episode Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Disrupted Intra- And Extra- Amygdaloid Effective Connectivity in Presence of Early Life Stress
Disrupted Modular Organization and Abnormal Topological Properties of the ACC in Abstinent Alcohol Dependent Patients to Alcohol-Cue Reactivity
Dissociation Pattern in Resting-State Default Mode Network Connectivity in Type II Diabetes Patients
Dissolved Hyperpolarised 129Xe as a Probe of Lung Function in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Systemic Sclerosis
Distal Cerebral Arterial Pulsatility Using 4D Flow MRI
Distant Effects of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: A Weekly Follow-Up
Distinct BOLD fMRI Responses of Capsaicin-Induced Thermal Sensation Reveal Pain-Related Brain Activation in Non-Human Primate
Distinct BOLD Laminar Profiles Elicited by Retino-Cortical and Inter-Hemispheric Sources in Human Early Visual Cortex
Distinction Between Non-Advanced and Advanced Liver Fibrosis: Comparison Between MR DCE Imaging and T2-Corrected IVIM at 3.0T.
Distinguishing Magnetic Nanoparticles by R2/r1
Distortion Correction in DW-EPI Using an Extended PSF Method with a Reversed Gradient Approach
Distortion of MOLLI Estimates of Myocardial T1 from Fatty Infiltration
Distributed Computing on Gadgetron: A New Paradigm for MRI Reconstruction
Distribution of Sodium Concentration in Brain Using Sodium MRI and Double Inversion Recovery Proton MRI
Diurnal Variation of Portal Hemodynamics with 4D Flow MRI
DMN Functional Connectivity Changes Previous to Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
Do DTI Reproducibility Studies Agree? a Meta-Analysis.
Does Caffeine Ingestion Alter Brain Metabolism?
Does Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) of BOLD fMRI Data Benefit from Higher Resolution at 7T?
Does Phase Contrast MRI Provide the Mean Velocity of the Spins Within a Voxel?
Does Prestructural, Asymptomatic Cartilage Degeneration Occur in Early FAI? a T1rho Study.
Does Temporal Regularization Lead to Systematic Underestimation of Ejection Fraction?
Does the Grade Hotspot Match the Volume Hotspot? a 3-D Model Reconstructed Using Template Prostate Mapping Biopsies from the MRC PROMIS Trial
Does the Presence of Micro-Vasculature Alter the Dispersion Properties of Shear Waves? a Rat Aortic Ring Model at Multiple Frequencies Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography.
Does White Matter, Grey Matter or Lesion Multi-Component Relaxation Differ Between Neuromyelitis Optica and Multiple Sclerosis Brain?
Dorzolamide Restores Choroidal Blood Flow in the DBA/2J Mouse Model of Glaucoma
Dose-Dependent Influence of Short-Term Binge Ethanol Intoxication on Cerebral Neurochemical Changes in Rats Detected by Ex Vivo 1H NMR Spectroscopy
DOTAlaP: Single Amino Acid Gd Complex with Accelerated Water Exchange Rate Leads to Increased Relaxivity at Higher Fields
Double Background Suppression in Quiescent Inflow Single-Shot Imaging at 3T
Double Pulse Encoding
Double-PFG Filtered Diffusion Tensors
Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRI at Long Mixing Time of Global Hypoxia
Double-Resonant 13C/1H Coil System for {1H} 13C in Vivo NMR Spectroscopy on a 7-T Whole-Body MR Tomograph
DRESS-Localized Dynamic 31P-MRS of the Exercising Human Gastrocnemius Muscle at 7T
Drug Dissolution: Investigation of Different Fluor Containing Substances Using 19F-MRI
DSC-MRI Measures of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume (RCBV) as a Prognostic Marker for Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Recurrent Glioblastoma: Results from the ACRIN 6677/RTOG 0625 Multi-Center Trial
DSI 101: Better ODFs for Free!
DTI and Quantitative Histological Correlation of Diffuse Fibrosis in Failing Hearts
DTI Fibre Tracking: Beyond the Main Eigenvector
Dual Biomarker CEST-MRI Evaluates Tumor pH and Vascular Perfusion in an Orthotopic Ovarian Cancer Model
Dual Compartmental Fitting of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in Early Ischemic Stroke
Dual Contrast Vessel Wall MRI Using Phase Sensitive Polarity Maps
Dual Echo Balanced SSFP for Positive Contrast of Passive Nitinol Devices in MRI-Guided Cardiovascular Interventions
Dual Echo Based Referenceless Thermometry for MRgFUS Applications
Dual Language Pathways Associate with Attention and Language Deficits in High-Functioning Autism: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) Study
Dual Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Fluorescent Imaging (FI) Agents : Ultrasmall Mixed Lanthanide Oxide Nanoparticles
Dual Manganese- And Gadolinium-Enhanced Cardiac MRI Delineates the Peri-Infarct Region in Patients with Severe Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
Dual Registration of Abdominal Motion in Free-Breathing Data Sets Acquired Using Dynamic MRI
Dual Tuned Proton/Lithium RF Array Development; Feasibility Study at 7T MRI
Dual Vessel Labeling Scheme for Non-Contrast Time-Resolved MR Angiography
Dual-Energy Computed Tomography (DECT) for Characetrizing Tissue Iron Overload. Comparison to MRI T2*
Dual-Vendor Comparison of Arterial Spin Labeling with Same Labeling and Readout Modules
DWI Gradient Optimization for Large Spatial Coverage
DWI of Breast at 3T: Effects of Fibroglandular Tissue Composition and Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Patients with Malignant and Benign Lesions
DWI-Thermometry Study on Differences by Imaging Conditions of LV Temperature Measurements and Its Temperature Changes by Tympanic Temperature
DW-MP-SWIFT for High Spatial Resolution Diffusion Weighted Breast MRI
Dynamic 3D Compressed Sensing MR of Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate and Urea in Prostate Cancer Models
Dynamic Changes of Myocardial Salvage Index After Reperfusion: A Rat Study at 7T
Dynamic Changes of Resting State Networks Depict Short-Term Plasticity of the Brain
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE)-MRI and Circulating Angiogenic Factors for Monitoring of Antiangiogenic Effect of Bevacizumab in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging Transit Times Are Independently Associated with RV Volume and Invasive Prognostic Markers in Pulmonary Hypertension
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Perfusion Quantification of Patellofemoral Joint Tissues
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI/MRA
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Perfusion in a Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO) Mouse Model
Dynamic Correction of Geometric Distortions in EPI: "CURED"
Dynamic Emotional Memory Network in Aging Brain
Dynamic Estimation of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen from BOLD and Flow Signals
Dynamic Evolution of Atrophy After Traumatic Brain Injury
Dynamic FPET/fMRI of the Human Visual System
Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MRS in a Spontaneous Mouse Model of Thymic Lymphoma
Dynamic KT-Points: A New Concept to Improve T2-Weighted Imaging at 7T
Dynamic Modelling of Layer Specific Cortical Temperature for Quantitative fMRI
Dynamic MRI Reconstruction Using Low-Rank Plus Sparse Model with Optimal Rank Regularized Eigen-Shrinkage
Dynamic MRS of Hyperpolarized 1-13C Pyruvate in Brain Tumor Afflicted Mice Treated with Temozolomide
Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique (DYNAMITE) Shimmed EPI of the Rat Brain at 11.7 Tesla
Dynamic Network Analysis of Resting-State Effective Connectivity Based on Multiband fMRI Data
Dynamic Noise Reduction in MRI
Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI of Cerebrospinal Fluid: IR FASE Vs. FASE
Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI Vs. Quantitative Thin-Section CT: Capability for Pulmonary Functional Loss Assessment and Clinical Stage Classification in Asthmatics
Dynamic Property of Network Centrality Revealed with Resting-State fMRI of Healthy Human Brain
Dynamic Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Awake Animals
Dynamic Simultaneous T1 and T2* Weighted 3D Dual-Echo Imaging with Compressed Sensing: Potential Advancement to Simultaneous DCE and DSC Imaging
Dynamic Slice-Optimized Shimming in Continuous Moving Bed MRI
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Weighted Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: A Follow-Up Study
Dynamic T1-Quantification in Small Rodents: A Retrospective Approach with Variable Temporal Resolution
Dynamic Thalamus Parcellation Based on Resting-State fMRI Data
Dynamic Ultrafast 2D Exchange Spectroscopy (EXSY) of Hyperpolarized Substrates
Dynamic Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
Dynamics of Functional and Effective Brain Connectivity Better Predicts Disease State Compared to Traditional Static Connectivity
Dynamics of Tract Level Diffusion Kurtosis Metrics of Perinatal Brain White Matter from 32 to 40 Gestational Weeks
Dyslipidemia and Hypertension as Cerebral Blood Flow Predictors in the CRESCENDO Cohort of Elderly Subjects.
Dystonia Related Disease Pattern Using ICA and Resting State fMRI
Early Assessment of Sequential Combined Therapy with Radiation and Sorafenib for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Quantitative Perfusion and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Pilot Study
Early Brain Tumor Detection by Fixed-Point Spin Dynamics and Active-Feedback MR Imaging
Early Detection of Smoking-Induced Pulmonary Alterations Using Hyperpolarized 3He MRI Derived Alveolar Partial Pressure of Oxygen
Early Detection of Subtle Neurodegeneration in Non-Cognitively Impaired HIV Patients Using TBSS and VBM
Early Evidence of Disease Onset by In Vivo MRI in a Model of ALS
Early High B-Value Diffusion MRI of the Preterm Infant Brain Highlights Radial Organisation of the Developing Cortex
Early Responses of Breast Cancer Patients to Chemotherapy with and Without Anti-Angiogenic Pre-Treatment Monitored by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Early Therapy Evaluation of Sunitinib for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Using Quantitative Perfusion and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Pilot Study
Earth-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Investigating Magnetic Nanoparticle Contrast in Ex Vivo Liver
Easily Implementable Water Signal Scaling for 3D 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging in the Human Brain
ECF: Clinical Needs
ECF: Research Promises
ECF: Technical Foundations
ECG/Navigator-Free 4D Whole-Heart Coronary MRA with Simultaneous Visualization of Cardiac Function and Anatomy
Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Based Temperature Calibration at 7T and 3T for Whole Brain Temperature Measurement in Rodents and Humans
Echo-Planar Spectroscopic 13C and 31P NMR Imaging of Human Calf Muscle in Vivo on a Whole–body 7-T MR Tomograph
Echo-Planar Susceptibility Mapping
Echo-Train Pulse Sequences: EPI, RARE & Beyond
Eddy Current Correction in Diffusion-Weighted STEAM MRS in the Presence of Water and Fat Peaks
Effect of Affected / Unaffected Eye Viewing on Visual Cortex GABA - fMRI Correlation in Patients with Optical Neuritis
Effect of Anesthesia on Renal R2* Measured by BOLD MRI
Effect of Anisotropic Smoothing on DT-MRI-Based Fiber Tractography in the Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle
Effect of Cabozantinib on Ktrans and Ve Values in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Effect of Caloric and Non-Caloric Sweeteners on Liver Lipid Metabolism in Rats
Effect of Chemoradiation on Cervical Cancer Tumor Oxygenation, Using Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) MRI
Effect of Chronic Administration of ß-Hydroxybutyrate in Spontaneously Epileptic kcna1-Null Mice Measured with Manganese Enhanced MRI (MEMRI)
Effect of C-Myc Expression on Cellular-Interstitial Water Exchange Kinetics: Conditional Transgenic Mouse Breast Cancer Model
Effect of Diffusion Time on Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters in Abdominal Organs
Effect of Dilution of Different Gadolinium Agents on Signal Intensity at 1.5 Tesla: Implications for Direct MR Arthrography
Effect of Embedding Media on Post-Mortem MRI of Formalin-Fixed Brain Tissue at 7.0 T
Effect of Fat Deposition in the Liver on Multi-Parametric Quantitative Values at 3.0T MRI
Effect of High Fat/High Fructose Diet on Canine Model Using Quantitative Fat Water MRI
Effect of Iodinated Contrast Medium in Diabetic Rat Kidney as Evaluated by BOLD MRI
Effect of K-Space Weighted Image Contrast with Golden-Angle View Ordering on Diagnostic Accuracy for Lesion Discrimination
Effect of LV Pacing Lead Position and Presence of Ventricular Dyssynchrony on Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: a CMR Study
Effect of Magnetization Transfer on Myelin Water Fraction Estimation by Steady-State Techniques
Effect of Main Pulmonary Artery Dilation and Stiffness on Right Ventricular Volume Overload and Function in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Effect of Mutation Location on Duchenne Brain Morphology
Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Cerebrovascular Health in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Effect of Pantethine on Ovarian Tumor Progression and Choline Metabolism
Effect of Physical Exercise on Cerebral Antioxidant Status in Older Adults
Effect of PKM2 Activator and 2-Deoxyglucose Treatments on Cancer Metabolism Measured In Vivo by Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopic Imaging
Effect of Rosuvastatin Therapy on the Adventitial Perfusion of Carotid Plaque with Intraplaque Hemorrhage: A Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging Study
Effect of Scanner and Head Coil on Diffusion MRI Measures of the Brain
Effect of Secretin Stimulation in Healthy Volunteers at 3T: Comparison of Mono- And Biexponential (IVIM) Models in Pancreas Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Effect of Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity on the Relationship Between Neuronal Activity, BOLD, CMRO2 and CMRGlc Studied by Metabolic Modeling of Neuron-Glia Interaction
Effect of Single Ischemic Lesion on Cortical Networks
Effect of Spatial Smoothing and Cardiac Gating on Physiological Noise in Spinal Cord fMRI
Effect of Temperature Increase from RF Energy on Metabolic Rate Observed During MR/PET
Effect of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy on Language Function Revealed by fMRI
Effect of Weight Loss on Fatty Acid Composition of Visceral and Subcutaneous (Deep and Superficial) Adipose Tissues
Effective Connectivity Analysis of Visual-Motor Network in Patients with Schizophrenia
Effective Data Sharing Method for Extreme Cartesian Undersampling in MRF
Effective In-Plane Distortion Correction for 3DGRASE ASL Acquisitions
Effects of APOE-e4, Age and HIV on Glial Metabolite and Cognitive Deficits
Effects of COMT Val158Met Polymorphism on Resting State Brain Connectivity in HIV Infection and Aging
Effects of Acute and Chronic Dichloroacetate Treatment on Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate Metabolism, Necrosis and Tumor Volume in P22 Sarcoma Bearing BDIX Rats
Effects of Age and Smoking on Endothelial Function Assessed by Quantitative MRI in the Peripheral and Central Vasculature
Effects of B-Value and SNR in Preclinical Cardiac Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Effects of Chronic Ocular Hypertension and Hypotensive Drug Treatment on Ocular Physiology and Biotransport Using Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI
Effects of Chronic Ocular Hypertension on Microstructural Integrity of the Visual System Using Diffusion Tensor MRI
Effects of Computation Methods, Median Filtering and Rician Noise Removal on Diffusional Kurtosis and Tensor Imaging Metrics In Vivo
Effects of Co-Planar Element Shielding on Array Performance at 7T
Effects of Craniosynostosis on Cerebral Blood Flow
Effects of Duration of the Diffusion-Encoding Gradient (?) And/or Diffusion Time Interval (?) in Diffusion Weighted MRI: Assessing ADC and Kurtosis in Human Brain
Effects of Fiber Curvature on Anisotropic Inversions in Waveguide Elastography
Effects of Gradient Nonlinearity Correction on DTI ADC and FA Measurements for Assessing Breast Cancer Treatment Response
Effects of High-Permittivity Materials on Absolute RF Coil Performance as a Function of B0 and Object Size
Effects of Hormonal Contraception on the Default Mode Network: A Resting-State MRI Study
Effects of Lisdexamfetamine on Prefrontal Brain Activation, Glutamate Concentration and Executive Function in Menopausal Women with Memory Complaints: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Crossover Study at 7T
Effects of Model Inaccuracies in Model Predictive Filtering MRTI
Effects of NMR Invisible Oriented Perturbers on Signal Phase
Effects of Pre-Reperfusion NBO Administration in Experimental Ischemic Stroke
Effects of Propofol Anesthesia and Sex on Cerebral Blood Flow
Effects of Realistic Vascular Networks Anisotropy on MR Microvascular Imaging
Effects of Residual Oxygen Molecule on BOLD Signal: MRI Study Using Spontaneously Breathing Brain Stroke Model
Effects of SPREAD on Proton MRSI Spectra of Human Calf Muscle
Effects of Temporal Resolution on Granger Causality Analysis in Auditory-Motor fMRI
Effects of the Load Size on the Maximum Local SAR at 7T
Effects of Tissue Structure on Magnetic Susceptibility Contrast
Effects of Trabectedine on Tumour Growth and Metabolism in Preclinical Models of HER-2 Overexpressing Ovarian Cancer
Effects of Working Memory Training on Cognition and White Matter Microstructure: Does Brain Training Work?
Efficient Axon Diameter Distribution Recovery with Long Diffusion Time
Efficient Brain Conductivity and Permittivity Mapping Using a Zero TE (ZTE) Acquisition
Efficient Cardiac MR Gating with Silicon ECG Holder
Efficient Imaging Parameters for Quantitative 3D T1rho Mapping of the Brain
Efficient Measurement of Liver T1, T2 and PDFF by Multi-TR, Multi-TE Single Breath-Hold 1H MR Spectroscopy.
Eigen Matrix Approach in Coupled-Circuit Numerical Simulation of Eddy Currents in MRI Systems
e-Incubator: MRI Compatible Mini-Incubator
Elastic Net Formulation for MRI Reconstruction
Elbow & Wrist
Electrical Characteristics of Chronic Iron-Laden Myocardial Infarcts: Initial Study in Canine Hearts
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for In Vivo Measurement of Tumour Extracellular PH- The Effect of X-Ray Irradiation
Electro-Optic RF Magnetic Resonance Signal Based on a Ti:LiNbO3 Waveguide
Electrophysiological Correlate of fMRI Resting-State Networks in Macaques
Elevated ATP Synthase and Creatine Kinase Activities in Human Visual Cortex During Visual Stimulation: a 31P NMR Magnetization Transfer Study at 7T
Elevated Glutamate Levels in the Visual Cortex of Patients with Migraine Detected at 7 Tesla
EM and Thermal Validation of a Numerical Elliptical Birdcage at 3T in the Presence of a Long Conductive Wire
Emerging MRI Biomarkers of Obesity and Diabetes: Technical Challenges, Solutions & Future Directions
Emerging Techniques for Investigating Bone Tumors
EMF Exposure and Temperature Increase of Anatomical Pregnant Women Models Within a 3T RF Shimmed Birdcage.
Employing Wideband Gradient-Echo MRI to Map the Functional Activation in Rat Somatosensory Cortex with Enhanced Spatial Resolution
En Route to Clinical Ultrahigh Field Musculoskeletal MR Using Multi-Purpose Transceiver RF Modules for Spine Und Shoulder Imaging at 7.0 T.
En Route to Probing Human Myocardial Microstructure In Vivo Using Susceptibility Based MRI at 7.0 T
En Route to Ultrahigh Field Cardiac MR in Patients: RF Safety Assessment of Intracoronary Stents at 7.0 T Using Numerical Simulations and E-Field Measurements
Encoding Chemical Shift with Rabi Modulated Continuous Wave Excitation
Encoding Methods for B1+ Mapping in Parallel Transmission Systems at Ultra High Field
Encoding of Sound Frequency and Location in Human Subcortical Structures
Endoluminal MRI Coils for Mice Rectal Wall Assessment
Enforcing Divergence Free to Velocity Data from 4D Flow MR Images
Enhanced 129Xe Hyper-CEST Efficiency Using PK11195 Functionalized Cryptophane-A
Enhanced Contrast of Ischemic Stroke Lesions in Non-Gaussian Diffusion Imaging
Enhanced Contrast of Punctuate Paramagnetic Structures Through Zero-Padding
Enhanced DC Self-Navigator with Multi-Slice Signal Combination Method
Enhanced Detection of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Using Magnetization Transfer and Double Inversion Recovery
Enhanced Functional Connectivity of the Precuneus in Propofol Sedation
Enhanced Kinetic Analysis of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Metabolism in Cancer Cells Identifies a Compensatory Pathway Supplied by Glutamine
Enhanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Spatial Navigation Networks After Targeted Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Enhanced Slice Resolution by Staggered Acquisitions with Z-Deblurring
Enhanced Tissue Classification of Acute Ischemic Diffusion Kurtosis Lesion with Intrinsic Kurtosis Heterogeneity Correction
Enhancement Mode GaN on Silicon (EGaN® FETs) for Coil Detuning
Enhancing Image Contrast in Human Brain by Voxel Spread Function Method
Enhancing Quantitation Precision in Multiecho Spectroscopic Imaging
Entropy and Higher Order Moment Analysis of Pixel DCE-MRI Parameters for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Entropy of T2-Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Uterine Leiomyoma in Prediction of Leiomyoma Volume Reduction Following Uterine Artery Embolization
EPI Distortion Correction for Quantitative Imaging of the Mouse Brain at Ultrahigh Magnetic Field
EPI Distortion Correction Using Highly Under-Sampled Point-Spread Function Estimation Based on Finite Rate of Innovation
EPI Tissue Segmentation Maps Based on Multiple-Echo EPI with Parallel Imaging for the Reduction of Multicomparison Issues in fMRI
Epidemiologic Studies: Cardiac MRI in Thalasemia
Epilepsy: Clinical Perspective
Epilepsy: Physics Perspective
Epilepsy: Radiologic Persepctive
Equilibrium Model for Magnetic Resonance Grading of Hippocampal Sclerosis in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Error in the Reproducibility of Volume Measurements in Patients with Stable Intracranial Aneurysms Imaged at 1.5T & 3T
Error Quantification in Relaxivity Rate Change (?) Due to Systematic Errors in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Studies
Errors Associated with Followup Measurments of ADC in Assessing Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Erythropoietin Improves Cerebral Malaria Outcome in Mice by Attenuating Brain Edema and Enhancing Perfusion
ESPReSSo: A Compressed Sensing Partial K-Space Acquisition and Reconstruction
Establishing a Method of 23Na - Imaging After Blood Brain Barrier Disruption
Establishing a Reference of Iron Deposition in Human Brain Deep Grey Matter Nuclei Using Susceptibility Mapping
Establishing Biomarkers of Gas-Transfer Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe Dissolved-Phase Spectroscopy in Healthy Volunteers and Subjects with Pulmonary Fibrosis
Estimating Fluctuations in the Rate of Cerebral Oxygen Consumption Associated with Resting State Networks
Estimating T1 from Multichannel Variable Flip Angle SPGR Sequences with Graph Cuts
Estimating Test-Retest Reliability in Functional MR Imaging: Three-State Independence Model
Estimating the Influence of Magnetization Transfer Effects on Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification in Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Estimating the Physiological Response Functions in Resting-State BOLD: The Effect of Acquisition Speed
Estimation of Brain Perfusion Using Flow-Compensated Intravoxel Incoherence Motion MRI: A Simulation Study
Estimation of R1 Changes from Dual Bolus DCE-MRI in Vestibular Schwannomas and Meningiomas of Patients Undergoing Treatment of Bevacizumab
Estimation of Shear Modulus in Heart Phantom Using FE-Simulated and MRE-Measured Displacements
Estimation of the Arterial Input Function Using Accelerated Dual-Contrast EPIK: A Multi-Modality MR-PET Study
Estimation of the True Arterial Input Function Using a Physiological Model in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Estimation of Transvalvular Flow Jet Angle Using 4D Flow MRI and Flow Jet Shear Layer Detection
Eulerian Video Magnification for Heart Pulse Measurements in MRI Scanners
Evaluate Myocardial Function for Patient with Marfan Syndrome by Using Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluating Both “Normal” and “Ectopic” Cardiac Cycles in Patients with Arrhythmias Using Free-Breathing Compressed Sensing MRI with Physiological Motion Synchronization
Evaluating Effective Connectivity in Auditory-Motor fMRI Using Dynamic Granger Causality Analysis
Evaluating Placental Growth in Normal Murine Pregnancy Using Tissue-Similarity-Mapping and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluating Structural Brain Networks Based on Their Performance in Predicting Functional Connectivity
Evaluating the Accuracy of Diffusion Models at Multiple B-Values with Cross-Validation
Evaluating the Diagnostic Performance of Computed Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Detection of Breast Cancer
Evaluating the Efficiency of Concentric Rings Trajectory for Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopic Imaging
Evaluating the Variability of Local and Distant Functional Connectivity Fluctuation in Task-Free Human Brains
Evaluating Variability in Quantitative Breast MRI Using Novel Phantom
Evaluating Water Selective DWI of the Breast: A Test-Retest Study
Evaluation of 2D L-COSY to Study Lipid Composition in Mouse Fatty Liver at 7T
Evaluation of 3D Deformable Registration to Improve Subtracted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Liver Images for Characterization of Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Evaluation of a Collagen-Gel Based Cartilage Repair Method Using Zonal Variation in T2-Mapping and DGEMRIC
Evaluation of a Multi-Modal Passive and Active Tracking Approach for Real-Time Automatic Scan Plane Alignment in Interventional MRI
Evaluation of a Multiparametric QBOLD (MqBOLD) and Cerebrovascular Reserve in Patients with Severe Intracranial Arterial Stenosis : A Comparison Study
Evaluation of a Selective Homonuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence Transfer CSI (SelMQC-CSI) Sequence for Lactate Measurement in Abdominal Tumours
Evaluation of a Ultra High Dielectric Constant (UHDC) Package for Enhanced Cervical Spine Imaging
Evaluation of Advanced Monopolar and Bipolar Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 3T
Evaluation of an MR Compatible Head Fixation Device Using a Custom-Made 3D Printed Frame in Combination with a Thermoplastic Head Mask
Evaluation of an Novel RFID-Based Navigation System for MRI-Guided Interventions and Surgery
Evaluation of an Optimized Post-Processing Tool for 4D Flow MRI Data Analysis in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Aortic Stenosis, Aortic Insufficiency, and Aortic Aneurysm
Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Plaques in Acute Ischemic Stroke of Middle Cerebral Artery Territory Using High-Resolution Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging
Evaluation of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Plaque Distribution by 3D High Resolution MR Vessel Wall Imaging and Semi-Automatic Analysis Tool
Evaluation of Bone Quality in Calcanei of Young and Postmenopausal Women Through ADC Measurement
Evaluation of Brain Complexity in Psychiatric Patients Using Fractal Geometry
Evaluation of Cardiac Function in Cancer Patients by Wall Motion Kinetics Using Cine Cardiac MRI: A Feasability Study
Evaluation of Cardiac Perfusion: Research Promises
Evaluation of Cardiac Perfusion: Technical Foundations
Evaluation of Chemoresistance on Human GBM by Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging in Mice
Evaluation of Contrast Agent Dispersion in Cerebral Arteries Using CFD Simulations: Influence on CBF Quantification
Evaluation of Diffusion Acquisition and Tractography Methods for Neurosurgical Planning Systems
Evaluation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Hypomyelinated Mouse Models
Evaluation of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Reconstruction with Trained Dictionaries Use of 3T MR
Evaluation of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging as a Prognostic Biomarker in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer with Bone Metastases
Evaluation of Dixon Based Soft Tissue and Bone Classification in the Pelvis for MR-Only-Based Radiation Therapy Planning
Evaluation of Dynamic Off-Resonance Correction of Respiratory Instability in MRI Signals for High-Order Spherical Harmonic Basis Set and Multivariate Modeling of Respiratory Sources
Evaluation of Efficacy of Ketamine for the Treatment of Depression Like Phenotype in Mouse Model: A 1H-[13C]-NMR Study
Evaluation of Electric Fields Induced in the Patient During Body Rotations in the Static Magnetic Field of a MRI-LINAC System
Evaluation of Extended and Shielded Monopole Antenna Array (ESMA) at 7T
Evaluation of Flow and Permeability Weighting in the Volume Transfer Constant Obtained by DCE-MRI Using Contrast Media with Different Molecular Sizes
Evaluation of Hepatic Fat Fraction Measured by MRI and Plasma Lipoprotein Levels in High-Fat Diet Fed Non-Human Primate
Evaluation of ICE and Capacitive Decoupling Methods Using in 8-Channel Loop Array Coils at 7T
Evaluation of Impact Factors in the Regeneration Process of Hematomas in the Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue
Evaluation of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function with Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Three-Dimensional Volume Tracking of Mitral Annulus Motion
Evaluation of Lesion Severity in Transient MCAO Rat Brain During Early Reperfusion Using Combined Cerebral Vascular Reactivity and Diffusion Imaging
Evaluation of Mitral Inflow in a Rat Model of Aortic Stenosis Using Phase Contrast MRI
Evaluation of MR Accuracy in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response Assessment in Patients Showing Change of Biomarker Status
Evaluation of MR Compatibility of a SiPM-Based PET Scanner for Simultaneous PET/MR Studies Operating at Animal 7-T MR Scanner
Evaluation of MT Asymmetry Under Spin-Lock Condition in Rabbit Disc and Bovine Cartilage
Evaluation of Multiband EPI Acquisitions for Resting State fMRI
Evaluation of Multi-Section Resistive Tapered Stripline (RTS) Lead Wires to Reduce SAR Near Implanted DBS Electrodes During MRI
Evaluation of New Software for Cartilage Thickness Estimation in Knee MR Images with Severe Metallic Artefact
Evaluation of Non Contrast Enhanced MRA in Patients with PVD
Evaluation of Parametric Response Map (PRM) as an Imaging Biomarker in the Study of a Cell Therapy in Stroke
Evaluation of Patients of the Cerebral Vasculature: Comparison with Silenz MRA and 3D TOF MRA.
Evaluation of pH and Vascular Perfusion in a Lung Fibrosis Mouse Model Using Respiration Gated AcidoCEST MRI
Evaluation of Point Spread Function and Functional Sensitivity of 3D-GRASE and 2D Spin-Echo EPI for Sub-Millimeter-Resolution fMRI at 7 T
Evaluation of Radio-Frequency Field Mapping Methods for Quantitative Sodium MRI at 3 Tesla
Evaluation of Respiration-Induced Magnetic Field Disturbance Correction of MR Thermometry in Volunteers and in Patients for MR-HIFU Ablation of Breast Cancer: The Effects of Conscious Sedation
Evaluation of Sensitivity of Fat Fraction Measurement to Fat Spectral Model Precalibration
Evaluation of Single Breath Hold 3D Cardiac Cine MRI Using Kat-ARC in Patients and Healthy Volunteers on 1.5T
Evaluation of Spiral Imaging Variants for High-Resolution fMRI in Human Superior Colliculus
Evaluation of Split Renal Function on Obstructive Hydronephrosis Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced - Magnetic Resonance Renography
Evaluation of the BOLD Signal in Response to CO2 or O2 in JIA Patients at 3T: A Pilot Study
Evaluation of the Changes in Renal Artery Flow in Patients with Cirrhotic Liver Disease Pre and Post Meal in Comparison to Healthy Subjects
Evaluation of the Effect of Intra-Voxel Contrast Agent Diffusion on Quantitative DCE-MRI
Evaluation of the Feasibility to Use Novel Tissue Engineered Grafts for Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluation of the GAG Content of Articular Cartilage in the Knee Joint Using GagCEST: Correlation to the Gold-Standard with Multicompartmental Biochemically Analyzed GAG Content
Evaluation of the Integration of Silk Fibroin Ligament-Like Tissue Into the Bone After ACL Reconstruction of the Sheep Model, Using 7Tesla MR Imaging.
Evaluation of the Novel SPIO GEH121333 for Monitoring Changes in Tumor Vascularity and Vascular Permeability After Anti-Angiogenic Treatment Using Susceptibility Contrast and T1-Mapping
Evaluation of the Reversibility of the Binding Between a Targeted CA and Its Receptor by in Vitro Micro-MRI
Evaluation of the Temporal Variation of Diffusion and Micro-Perfusion in Cisplatin Induced Rodent Renal Fibrosis Models Using Multi-B Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging
Evaluation of Tumor Oxygenation in Response to an Indole-Based Vascular Disrupting Agent Using 19F MRI
Evaluation of Vascular Transfer Constants Using Dynamic T1-Mapping During Contrast Agent Administration
Evaluation of Vastus Lateralis Muscle Fat Fraction Measured by Two-Point Dixon Water-Fat Imaging and 1H-MRS
Event-Related Dynamics of Glutamate and BOLD Signal at 3 T in a Repetition Suppression Paradigm
Evidence for a Cerebral Blood Flow Post-Stimulus Undershoot Contributing to the BOLD Undershoot
Evidence for Caution in DCE-MRI Assessment of Response to Antiangiogenic Therapy Using the Reference Tissue Method
Evidence for Sensitivity Adjustment in the Auditory Cortex During Audio-Visual Cross-Modal fMRI
Evidence for the Detection of Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy in Human Brain Gray Matter In Vivo
Evidence of a Topographical and Inflammatory Brain Response in Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type-1-Associated Myelopathy (HAM)
Evidence of Brain Damage in Neuro Asymptomatic HIV Positive Subjects Kept on Immune Surveillance – a DTI Study
Evidence of Intra-Patient and Inter-Patient Heterogeneity in the Microvasular Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
Evidence of Non-Normal Distributions in Brain Imaging Data from Normal Subjects: Implications for Diagnosis of Disease
Evolution of Fractional Anisotrophic Changes in an Animal Model of Ischemic Stroke: Relative Contribution of Anisotropic Versus Magnitude Diffusivity
Examination of Gradient-Induced Frequency Drift on GABA-Edited MRS
Examination of Tensor Estimation Methods for Cervical Spinal Cord DTI in Pediatric Subjects with Spinal Cord Injury and Typically Developing Subjects
Examining the Distribution of the Local Pulse Wave Velocity in Mice Using a K-T BLAST QA-Method
Example Based Brain MRI Synthesis
Exchange and T2-Relaxation Effects in Double Pulsed Field Gradient Experiments
Exchange-Induced Relaxations in the Presence of Fictitious Fields
EXCI-CEST: Exploiting Pharmaceutical Excipients as Safe MRI-CEST Contrast Agents
Excitation Performance and SAR Control with Z-Stacked Body RF Coil Arrays in Parallel Transmission at 3T
Exercise-Related Changes in Hippocampal and White Matter Structures: A Longitudinal MRI and Serum Marker Study
Exotic Phase Cycling in Ultra-Short TE Spectroscopy
Experience in Imaging Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Implants at 7T
Experience with Q-Ball Language Tracking in Brain Tumor Patients
Experimental Considerations for OGSE of Anisotropic Tissue
Experimental Electric Field and Dielectric Tissue Property Mapping Using a Regularized CSI-EPT Reconstruction Method
Experimental Evaluation of In Vivo MREIT Conductivity Image of Human Musculoskeletal Tissues
Experimental Investigations on Gradient Coil Induced Magnet Heating in MRI System
Experimental Validation of a 3D MR-Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging Simulation Algorithm
Experimental Validation of Modal Gradient Coil Design Methodologies
Experimentally Estimated Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion at a Large Range of B-Values
Exploration of Change of T2* of Metastatic and Normal Cervical Lymph Nodes Caused by 100% Oxygen Breathing
Exploration of Resting State Networks in Human Cervical Spinal Cord
Exploring Amyloid-Associated Cerebral Vasculopathy in an Aged Nonhuman Primate Model by Multiparametric MRI
Exploring Energy Metabolism in Zebrafish Brain: A 1H-[13C]-NMR Study
Exploring Metabolism in Cancer Through MRS
Exploring Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Cerebral Blood Flow of Perinatal Human Brains with Arterial Spin Labeling
Exploring the Biomechanical Properties of Brain Malignancies and Their Pathological Determinants with Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Exploring the Diffusivity Changes of Diffuse Excessive High Signal Intensity (DEHSI) in Preterm Neonates by Using Two-Compartment White Matter Model Based on DKI
Exploring the Inherent CEST MRI Signal of Anticancer Drug Gemcitabine
Exploring the Laminar Components of the Human Cortex Using Ultra-High Resolution Inversion Recovery and Diffusion
Exploring the Mechanism of Emotional Imagery in Adolescence with fMRI
Exploring the Pulse Artefact in EEG Recordings at 9.4 T Magnetic Field
eXtended – Time Resolved Angiography Using InfLow Subtraction (X-TRAILS)
Extending the Sensitivity of a Transmit/receive Radiofrequency Coil with Dielectric Materials at 7 T
Extracellular Sodium MRI, a Non-Invasive Endogenous Marker for Tumoral Response to Photodynamic Therapy Associated with Nitroglycerin.
Extracting Arterial to Portal Hepatic Flow Ratio Using High Frame Rate Gd MRI
Extracting MRI Sequence Response Kernels from Generalized Extended Phase Graph Simulations
Extramural Depth of Tumor Invasion at Thin-Section MR in Rectal Cancer: Associating with Prognostic Factors and ADC Value
Extravascular Extracellular Space Fraction Measurement by DSC-MRI: A Theoretical Study
Extremely Slow Water Diffusion in Rodent Brain as a Intracellular Biomarker for Aging
Face and Body Selective Regions of the Marmoset Extrastriate Visual Cortex
Factors Affecting ADC Measures in Breast Cancer Patients
Failure of Connectivity Modulation During an Attentional Task in Children with Epilepsy Is Not Explained Fully by Interictal Activity
Fast 1H-MRSI of the Prostate with GOIA-SLASER Localization and Spiral Acquisition
FAST 31P Measurements of the Creatine Kinase Synthesis Rate at 11.7T
Fast 2D Harmonic Filtering of MRI Phase; Application to Discriminating Cerebral Microbleeds in a Multicenter Clinical Dataset
Fast 2D Imaging for Distortion Correction Near Metal Implants
Fast 3D Free-Breathing Abdominal Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
Fast 3D Isotropic High Spatial Resolution MRI of Peripheral Vessel Wall at 3T
Fast and Accurate Brain Tissue Segmentation with Polarity Categorization (POLCAT)
Fast and Fully Automatic Differentiation of Patients with Idiopathic Parkinsonian Syndrome and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Using T1-Weighted MRI Datasets
Fast and Perfectly Registered Multi-Contrast Whole Body MRI in a Single Run for PET/MR Imaging
Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal K-Space Trajectories
Fast and Robust Detection of the Optimal Number of Fascicles in Diffusion Images Using Model Averaging Theory
Fast and Robust Measurement of Microstructural Dimensions Using Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy
Fast and Simple Patch-Based Sparse Reconstruction Exploiting Local Image Correlations
Fast B1-Insensitive T2 Relaxometry of the Human Brain at High to Ultra-High Fields
Fast Calculation of Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in Arbitrary Slice Orientation
Fast Double-Echo EPI Pulse Sequence for Thermal Focal Spot Localization During MR-Guided Regional Hyperthermia Treatment
Fast Dynamic Whole-Brain-Coverage MR Thermometry Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Echo Planar Imaging for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Fast Electromagnetic Analysis of Transmit RF Coils Based on Accelerated Integral Equation Methods
Fast Free-Breathing Cardiac Function Assessment with Automated Segmentation Using Motion-Corrected 2D Multi-Slice SSFP
Fast High-Resolution J-Resolved Correlation Spectroscopy in Inhomogeneous Fields
Fast High-Resolution Whole-Brain Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping Using a Minimal Number of Source Images
Fast Interactive Segmentation of Skeletal Muscles in MRI
Fast Local SAR Simulation by Domain-Decomposition
Fast Low-SAR B0-Mapping Along Projections at High Field Using Two-Dimensional RF Pulses
Fast Method for Parametric System Identification of Gradient Systems
Fast Method to Compute the Electromagnetic Field Inside a Model of the Human Head Surrounded by a Dielectric Pad
Fast Motion-Compensated ODF Reconstruction from Under-Sampled Multi-Channel Multi-Shot Non-Cartesian Diffusion Imaging Data at High Angular and Spatial Resolution
Fast Non-Cartesian L1-SPIRiT with Field Inhomogeneity Correction
Fast Reconstruction for Regularized Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Fast SEMAC by Separation of On-Resonance and Off-Resonance Signals
Fast Shimming Strategy Using Intermediate Space Conversion
Fast Single-Shot Three-Dimensional K-Space Acquisition (Free Factor) with Balanced Turbo Field-Echo Imaging for Visualization of the Thoracic Duct.
Fast T1-Weighted Spin-Echo Imaging with Fat Water Separation Using a Spiral Readout
Fast Three-Dimensional Black-Blood MR Imaging for Carotid Artery Intra-Plaque Haemorrhage Using DANTE-Prepared FLASH (3D-DASH)
Fast Three-Dimensional T2-Weighted Imaging with Transition Into Driven Equilibrium Balanced SSFP at 3T
Fast Variable Inversion-Recovery Time EPI for Anatomical Reference and Quantitative T1 Mapping
Fast Water Suppression for High Resolution MRSI by Frequency Selective Spokes Pulses at 7T
Fast Whole-Body Temperature Estimation for Real-Time MRI Safety Assurance
Fast, Free-Breathing 3D T2 Mapping at 3T in 5 Min for Whole-Heart Myocardial BOLD MRI
Faster Feedback Field Control Using Shim Pre-Emphasis
Faster Imaging for MEG-MRI
Faster MRI Imaging of Perianal Fistulas Through a Limited Sequence Protocol Based on High-Resolution Free-Breathing Post-Contrast Imaging, with Comparison to Standard Care
Faster Pediatric MRI
Faster SPEED Imaging with Ghost Location Information from Central K-Space
Fat & Iron
Fat Compostion Determination Via Combined 13C And 1H MRS at Ultra High Field
Fat Quantification in Back Muscles with Low Lipid Content: A Comparison of SVS, CSI and Dixon Measurements
Fat Quantification in Chronic Liver Disease Patients with 3D Multi-Echo GRE Dixon at 1.5 T: Comparison with T2 Corrected Spectroscopy
Fat Quantification with an Interleaved Bipolar Acquisition
Fat Suppressed Modified Cross Relaxation Imaging of Articular Cartilage Using MaTS: Magnetization Transfer Subtraction
Fat Suppression Using Random Encoding Pulse Sequences
Fat-Constrained Reconstruction of 18F FDG Accumulation in an Integrated PET/MR System Using MR Dixon Imaging
Fat-Saturated T2-Weighted Imaging with Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction (SEMAC) at 3T
Fat-Signal Fraction Quantification of Paravertebral Muscle Using T2*-Corrected Multi-Echo Dixon Technique
Fat-Suppressed Alternating-SSFP for Whole-Brain fMRI Using a Short Spatial-Spectral Pulse
Fat-Water Separated Myocardial T1 Imaging of the Right Ventricle with IDEAL-T1 Saturation Recovery Gradient Echo Imaging
Fat-Water Separation in a Rapid Quantitative Mapping Sequence
Fat-Water Separation in the Abdomen During Free-Breathing by Using Stack-Of-Star (SOS) 3D Radial TrueFISP Imaging
Feasibility and Preliminary Experience of Quantitative T2* Mapping at 3.0 T for Detection and Assessment of Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow, Oxygen Extraction and VO2 with Dynamic Exercise Using MRI
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profile Quantification in the Human Hippocampus at 3T
Feasibility and Reproducibility of R2* Measurement Under Oxygen and Carbogen Challenge in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma at 1.5 T and 3T
Feasibility of In-Vivo High-Resolution MRI of Hippocampus Substructures at 7 T
Feasibility of 10-Minute Delayed Hepatocyte Phase Imaging with 30° Flip Angle in Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI for Detection of Liver Metastases, Compared to 20-Minute Delayed Hepatocyte Phase Imaging with Standard 10° Flip Angle.
Feasibility of Accurately Determining Cell Number by 19F MRI and the Impact of Cellular Rejection, Inflammation and Transfer of Label
Feasibility of Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Rodent Glioblastoma Model at 3T Clinical Scanner
Feasibility of an Automatic Software for Medial Temporal Structures Resected Patients
Feasibility of Applying Dual Injection DCE-MRI Technique in Liver Study
Feasibility of Applying MB EPI PCASL for High-Resolution Whole Brain Perfusion Imaging at 7T
Feasibility of Detecting Spinal Instability in a Goat Spine Segment Using MR Elastography
Feasibility of Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Feasibility of Entire Cardiac MRI Examinations During Free Breathing Using GRICS Motion Correction
Feasibility of Free-Breathing Whole Heart Coronary MRA in Less Than 3 Minutes Using Combination of Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging and a 3D Radial Phyllotaxis Trajectory
Feasibility of Gesture-Based Control of MRI-Guided Interventional Procedures
Feasibility of High Throughput – High Performance 1H MRS in Baby-Mice
Feasibility of High-Resolution MR Imaging for the Diagnosis of Arterial Dissection Involving the Intracranial Vertebrobasilar System
Feasibility of Hip Prosthesis Imaging at 3T
Feasibility of MR-Guided Needle-Directed Intratumoral HoMS Delivery for Localized Radiation Therapy in a Large Tumor-Model
Feasibility of MRI-Based Polymer Gel Dosimetry Using Parallel RF Transmission with Multiple RF Source
Feasibility of Noninvasive Quantitative Measurements of Intrarenal R(2) ' in Humans Using an Asymmetric Spin Echo Echo Planar Imaging Sequence.
Feasibility of Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) in Femoral Artery Imaging
Feasibility of Using Magnetic Resonance-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) to Perform Ablative and Hyperthermia Interventions in the Neck Area: A Preliminary in Vivo Study.
Feasibility of Volume Pulsation Measurements of Intracranial Aneurysms Using High-Resolution 7T MRI Images.
Feasibility of Whole Heart DTI and IVIM with a 15 Minute Acquisition Protocol
Feasibility Study of Parallel Image-Acquisition in CW-EPR Imaging
Feedback Field Control Improves the Accuracy of T2* Mapping at 7T
Feedback Field Control in 3D T2* Imaging at 7T
Ferumoxytol Enhanced Steady-State MRI Reveals Renal Blood Volume Decrease During Aortic Occlusion
Ferumoxytol Labeling of Human Neural Progenitor Cells for Tracking with MRI in the Porcine Spinal Cord
Fiber Tractography Using Slice Accelerated High-Angular-Resolution Diffusion Imaging
Fibrosis: Elastography & DWI
FID-Guided Retrospective Motion Correction Based on Autofocusing
Field Assessment for Matrix Gradient Coils Using SVD
Field Dependency of Parahydrogen Induced Hyperpolarization (PHIP) of 1H and 19F in Earth’s Magnetic Field
Field Drift Compensation for MR Thermometry Using Independent Field Probe Measurements
Field Monitoring & System Calibration
Field Perturbations Due to Hollow Spheres with Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibility
Field-Corrected Imaging for Sparsely-Sampled fMRI by Exploiting Low-Rank Spatiotemporal Structure
FIESTA-Flex : Removing Banding Artifacts and Allowing Flexible Contrast in FIESTA
Final Gleason Score Prediction Using Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machine Based on Preoperative Multiparametric MR Imaging of Prostate Cancer at 3T
Finding Significant Prostate Cancer
Finding the Ideal IDEAL Acquisition Scheme for Multi-Echo UTE Imaging
First Clinical Experience Using Fluorine-19 MRI to Track Immunotherapeutic Dendritic Cells in Colorectal Cancer Patients
First HR-MAS MRS Slice-Localized Spectroscopy (S.L.S.) and (Frequency/space) C.S.I. of Living Drosophila.
First Promising Results Using Ultra-Short Echo Time MR Imaging for Bone Tumor Diagnosis
First Steps Towards Multiparametric Prostate MRI at 7T
First-Pass Coronary MR Angiography Using a Spiral-Ring Trajectory
Fixel-Based Morphometry: Whole-Brain White Matter Morphometry in the Presence of Crossing Fibres
Flexible Temporal Reconstruction of Continuously Acquired Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Acquisition for Simultaneous Perfusion and Morphologic Imaging of the Abdomen
Flip Angle Inhomogeneity Constrained PTx Pulse Design for Minimum Peak Local SAR
Flip Angle Modulation in Single Shot Fast Spin Echo Imaging Greatly Increases Speed with Little Change in Diagnostic Image Quality
Floating Slice Whole-Body MRI Using a Continuous Moving Bed, Golden Angle Radial Acquisition, and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
FLORET Sodium MRI of Articular Cartilage in the Knee Joint at 7T
Flow and Permeability Estimation from DCE Data: 2-Compartment Exchange and Tofts Models Comparison
Flow Characteristics in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Relatives Compared to Normal Controls Using 4D Flow MRI
Flow Contrast Without Using Exogenous Agent
Flow Imaging: Advanced Techniques
Flow Imaging: Clinical Needs
Flow Imaging: Principles & Applications
Flow Quantification in Portal Hypertension
Flow-Independent Subtractive Non-Contrast Enhanced MRA Using Flow Insensitive and Sensitive SSFP-Echo
Flow-Induced Phase Effects in Non-Subtractive Fat-Water Separated MRA
Fluctuating Equilibrium MR-ARFI
Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) with Readout-Segmented (Rs)-EPI
Fluorescein - PEI Surface Functionalized Gd2O3 Nanoparticles for Dual Imaging
fMRI & Tractography for Clinical Applications
fMRI Acquisition Strategies
FMRI Analysis
fMRI Analysis Methods: Classics and New Trends'
FMRI Basics
fMRI of Cerebrovascular Reserve in Patients with Severe Intracranial Arterial Stenosis
fMRI Resting State Is a Valid Substitute of Traditional Task-Related fMRI in Pre-Surgical Mapping?
FMRI Using Non-Gaussian ?-Stretched Exponential Maps
fMRI: How to Find Activation & Influence Significance
Focal Liver Lesions in the Non-Cirrhotic Liver
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia: Classification and Mimics, MR Imaging Findings Correlating with Histopathology
Focal Thalamic Degeneration Is Involved in PC/PCC DIsconnection and Cognitive Deficits of Early Alzheimer's Disease
Focus on ASL in Cancer
Focus on DCE-MRI in Breast Cancer
Focus on DWI in Cancer
Focus on MRS in Cancer
Folded Cortical Orientation Influences the Amplitude of BOLD-FMRI: Evidence from Simulations and Experimental Data
Foot & Ankle
Foregoing Anesthesia Entirely: Resting-State Functional MRI of Completely Awake Rats
Foreground Field Removal Improves Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Fornix Shows a Unique Pattern of Microstructural Alteration and a Relationship to Network Efficiency in Healthy Ageing
Four Channel Transceiver Array for Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Human Visual Cortex at 9.4 T
Four Element Endorectal Array Coil for Improved Sensitivity in Human Prostate Imaging
Four-Dimensional Spectral-Spatial Fat Saturation Pulse Design at 3T
Fourier Spectrum Tensor Imaging Based Assessment of Neuronal Architecture - A Simulation Study
Fractional Anisotropy Changes of White Matter Infarction and Hypoperfusion in Patients with Hyperacute Stroke: A Voxel-Based Analysis Using DTI and DSC Perfusion
Fractional Anisotropy in Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging at 3-T MR for Detection of Patients with Depression and Comorbid Hypertension in Depression
Frame-By-Frame 1H MRS for In Vivo Pancreatic Fat Quantification
Free Breathing (FB) Motion Corrected (MOCO) SSFP Delayed Enhanced Imaging of Left Ventricular Scar in Patients with Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy.
Free Breathing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3D MRI with Resolved Respiratory Motion
Free Breathing Dynamic Contrast MR Imaging of the Pancreas and Liver with Navigator Technique
Free Breathing Three-Dimensional Steady-State Free Procession (SSFP) Non-Contrast Enhanced Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography at 3T: Comparison to Gradient-Echo Sequence
Free-Breathing 2D Myocardial T1 Mapping
Free-Breathing 3D Isotropic Whole Chest Non-Contrast MRA Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging and a 3D Radial Phyllotaxis Trajectory: A Feasibility Study
Free-Breathing Abdominal IVIM Imaging
Free-Breathing Cardiac 3D Cine MRI at 3T Using Golden-Ratio Cartesian Radial Sampling and Variable Flip Angle
Free-Breathing Cardiac DTI with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation
Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using Respiratory Binning
Free-Breathing Myocardial T2* Mapping Using Single-Shot GRE-EPI and Automatic Non-Rigid Motion Correction
Free-Breathing Quantification of Liver Proton Density Fat-Fraction
Free-Breathing T2 Weighted Liver Imaging Using Retrospective Motion Compensation
Free-Breathing Volumetric Abdominal MRI with a Modified Helical BSSFP-Sequence
Free-Breathing Whole Heart CINE Imaging with Inversion Recovery Prepared SSFP Sequence: Feasibility for Myocardium Viability Assessment
Frequency Correspondence Between fMRI and EEG Signals Before and After Sleep
Frequency Encoding by Bloch-Siegert Shift
Frequency Specificity of Regional Homogeneity in the Resting-State Human Brain
Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI) of Peripheral Arteries: Interobserver and Intraobserver Reproducibility Study
From Bloch Equation to MR Contrasts:, Relaxation & Physical Bases of Tissue Contrast
From Diffusion Weighting to the Diffusion Tensor Indices
From Minutes to Hours: Extending the T1 of Xe-129 DNP in the Solid-State
Frontal Lobe Interhemispheric Connectivity Changes Associated with a Season of High School Football
Full-Brain Blood Volume, Oxygenation and Hematocrit Imaging Using T1 and T2 Prepared Velocity Selective Labeling
Fully Automated Estimation of Brain Volumes in Post-Mortem Newborns and Fetuses
Fully Automated Processing of Multi-Echo Spectroscopy Data for Liver Fat Quantification
Fully Exploiting the PILS Effect for High Performance Joint Imaging: Benefits of Coil Arrays with S/I Sensitivity
Functional Analysis of Thoracic Stent Grafts After Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR)
Functional and Anatomical Changes of Somatosensory Cortex in Rats Recovering from Severe Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Brain Injury
Functional and Structural Alterations Induced by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Social Anxiety Disorder
Functional ASL at 9.4 T – a Comparison Between Balanced SSFP and GRE-EPI Readout
Functional Assessment of Hypopituitarism: Novel Perfusion Criteria Using Radial-VIBE Sequence with GRASP Technique
Functional Brain Imaging Using T1rho Dispersion
Functional Connectivity Changes as Detected by Resting-State Functional MRI: Three Cases of Patients with Focal Cerebellar Lesions
Functional Connectivity Differences in Full-Term and Preterm at Term Equivalent Age Newborns.
Functional Connectivity Hubs in the Conscious Marmoset Monkey
Functional Connectivity of Consolidated Memory Circuits in Rabbit After Trace Eyeblink Conditioning
Functional Connectivity of DMN Is Underestimated Due to Signal Loss in Parahippocampal Regions and Its Remedy
Functional Connectivity of Intrinsic Networks in Monkey Spinal Cord Revealed by Resting State BOLD Signals at 9.4T
Functional Connectivity of the Primary Olfactory Cortex Is Decreased in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Functional Connectivity Related to Recovery in Gait Performance Through Robot-Assistive Rehabilitation of Chronic Gait Impairment
Functional Correlates of Impaired Working Memory in MS Patients: A Multicentre Study
Functional Diffusion Mapping (FDM) for Quantitative DW-MRI to Predict Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Functional Hippocampal Networks Changes in Relation to Spatial Learning in Hemispherectomized Rats
Functional Lung MRI for Non-Invasive Monitoring of Regional Effects of Inhaled Hypertonic Saline in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Rat Central Auditory System Following Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Brain Cortex Remodeling in a Rat Model of Chronic Multiple Sclerosis
Functional MR Cholangiography
Functional MRI and Deep-Brain Stimulation: Impact from Distortion Artifacts
Functional MRI in Stroke Patients Following Brain-Computer Interface-Assisted Motor Imagery Rehabilitation
Functional MRI of the Visual Pathway in Conscious, Awake Marmosets
Functional MRI Reveals the Reliable Brain Modulation Effect Induced by Focused Ultrasound
Functional Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Comparison with BOLD and PET
Functional Relevance of Cortical Diffusion Alterations in Multiple Sclerosis
Functional Relevance of White Matter Degradation in Multiple Sclerosis: A Tract-Based Spatial Meta-Analysis
Functional Spectroscopic Imaging: Mapping Glutamate Levels in the Mouse Brain During Electrical Stimulation of the Hind Paw
Functional Target Localization for Neurosurgery: Task-Based fMRI Versus Resting State fMRI Study
Functionally Constrained Tractography: Improved Diffusion MRI-Based Fiber Tractography Using Functional Information
Functional-Structural Relationship in the Cervical Spinal Cord: Application to Multiple Sclerosis
Fundamentals of Image Reconstruction - Beatty
Fundamentals of Image Reconstruction - Hansen
Further Evidence for Arterial Spin Labeling Measurement of White Matter Perfusion Using a Multi-Delay Vessel-Encoded Approach
Fusion of Magnitude and Phase Images and Its Applications in Ultra-Short TE MR Imaging
GABA and Glutamate in Schizophrenia: A 7T 1H-MRS Study
GABA Concentration Predicts Perceptual Learning Ability After Repetitive Electrical Stimulation
GABA Correlates Differently with fMRI Activation Volume and BOLD Signal in Noisy Datasets
GABA Editing at 3T and 7T Compared
GABA, Glutamate and Intellectual Ability
GABAergic Effect on Resting-State Functional Connectivity
,N'',N'''-1,4,7-Triacetic Acid (DO3A) Conjugate of Tranexamates: A Quest for a Liver-Specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contras'>Gadolinium Complex of 1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N'',N'''-1,4,7-Triacetic Acid (DO3A) Conjugate of Tranexamates: A Quest for a Liver-Specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contras
Gadoxetate Contrast Kinetics Are Altered in Rat Liver by a Peptide Deformylase Inhibitor Known to Induce Phospholipidosis
Gadoxetate-Enhanced MRI in Rats with Liver Cirrhosis: Comparison Between Functional Liver Parameters Obtained with Deconvolution Analysis and Compartmental Models as Markers of Hepatocyte Transporter Expression
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging Criteria for the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on ¡°hypervascularity in the Arterial Phase and Washout in the Later Phase¡±: Which Later Phase Should Be Chosen?
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging for T-Staging of Gallbladder Carcinoma: Emphasis on Liver Invasion
gagCEST MRI: A Potential Biomarker for Post-Surgery Follow-Up of Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Gallium Maltolate Inhibits Angiogenesis in Brain Tumor Xenograft Model
Gas Flow Measurement Using 19F-MRI During Constant and Oscillating Flow
Gated Compensation of Motion-Induced Phase Error in 3D for Multi-Shot Diffusion Acquisitions
Gaussian Process Classification of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment from Resting State fMRI
Gd-Complexes of DO3A-Benzothiazole Conjugate for MRI Theragnostic Agents
Gd-Enhanced MRI After Therapeutic Ferumoxytol for Iron Deficiency Anemia - An In-Vitro Study for Optimal Contrast Timing and Dose Determination.
Gender Specific Effects on the Development of White Matter Tracts After Preterm Birth
Gender-Specific Templates of T1, T2 and McDESPOT Myelin Water Fraction Map Spanning Early Childhood
Generalized Central Volume Principle for Recirculation with Contrast Elimination
Generalized Factor Analysis of Dynamic MR Urography
generalized Measure to Assess Gradient Coil Performance
Generating Positive Contrast from Magnetic Nanoparticles Using a SubShortTE Method with Conventional Spin Echo Sequences
Generating Quantitative pH Maps in Hyper-Acute Stroke Patients Using Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging
Generating Quantitative Susceptibility Maps from 3D Interleaved Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Data.
Generating T2- And T1-Weighted Images Using Radial T-One Sensitive and Insensitive Steady State Imaging (RA-TOSSI)
Generation of Multicolor/multiparametric MRI-CEST Maps of Murine Tumor by Using YbHPDO3A and Dy-Loaded Red Blood Cells.
Generation of Proton-Density- And T2-Weighted Images with and Without Fluid Suppression from a Single Radial Turbo Spin Echo Acquisition
Genetic Association with Prefrontal Glutathione Deficit: A Preliminary 3T 1H MRS Study in Early Psychosis
Geometric Distortion in Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Prostate – Contributing Factors and Strategies for Improvement
Geometrically Undistorted Imaging of Orthopedic Implants Using Compressed Sensing Accelerated Phase Encoded Imaging
Geometric-Decomposition Coil Compression for Real-Time Simultaneous MultiSlice EPI Reconstruction at High MultiBand Factors
Glial-Specific Inhibition of TCA Cycle in Rat, by 1H MRS and 13C MRS
Glioblastoma Vessels Abnormality Quantification in TOF-MRA
Global and Regional Brain Concentration of Intra- And Extra- Cellular Sodium in MS: A 7 Tesla MRI Study
Global Effect of Focal Ischemic Stroke Revealed by Regional Homogeneity with BOLD fMRI
Global Tractography of Multi-Shell HARDI Data
Globally Correlated Brain Signals Using Resting State Arterial Spin Labeling
Glucan Particles as a New Platform for MRI Visualization of Inflammatory Process
GluCEST Imaging of Tumor Protease Activity
Glutamate and GABA Imaging at 7 Tesla
Glutamate and GABA in Children with ADHD and Complex Motor Stereotypies: A 7T ¹H MRS Study
Glutamate Concentration Is Directly Correlated with Alpha Power Attenuation from Eyes Closed to Eyes Open in Human Occipital Lobe
Glutamatergic Changes Detected Upon Functional Activation with a Stroop Task in Healthy Controls and in Subjects with Schizophrenia
Glutamatergic Dysfunction in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Adults with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
Glutamine Is the Main Source of 2-HG Production in IDH1 Mutant Glioma Cells
gpuNUFFT - An Open Source GPU Library for 3D Regridding with Direct Matlab Interface
Gradient Blips in the Slice Direction Improve the Flexibility of Simultaneous fMRI Acquisitions of Distributed Brain Regions
Gradient Coils
Gradient Echo Imaging
Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging in Studying Neonatal Brain Development: Preliminary Results
Gradient Interactions
Gradient-Enhanced Effectively Decoupled INEPT (GREEDI)
Gradient-Modulated SWIFT for SAR Reduction and Controlled Short-T2* Sensitivity
Gradients: What Can They Do?
Graph Analyses of the Network Connectivity Changes During Propofol-Induced Sedation and Unconsciousness
Graph Network Measures of Brain Connectivity and Its Relation with Behavior and Cognitive Performance in Preterm-Born 6 Years-Old Children
Graph Theoretical Analysis of Resting-State Functional MRI Reveals Widespread Disconnection in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Graph-Based Fibre Tractography Computing Shortest Paths Between Regions of Interest
GRAPPA-Based Simultaneous Multislice Reconstruction Using Concentric Ring K-Space
Gravitational Distribution Gradient of Inert Fluorinated Gases in Human Lungs Using 19F Ultra-Short Echo Time MRI
Gray and White Matter Abnormalities in Patients with Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy
Gray Matter Damage & Dysfunction in MS
Gray Matter Demyelination and Remyelination Detected with Multimodal Quantitative Analysis at 11.7T in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis.
GRE Reference Scan for Robust Reconstruction of High Resolution Slice and In-Plane Accelerated 2D GE EPI at 7T
Greedy NNLS: Fiber Orientation Distribution from Non-Negatively Constrained Sparse Recovery
Grid Structure of Brain Pathways – Validation and the Character of Turns
Gross Structure of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity in the Human Cervical Spinal Cord
Group Level Comparison of Normalization Templates in Children's fMRI Study
Group Studies of Diffusion Data: Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Challenges
GWAS Studies of Imaging Phenotypes
Handling Missing DCE Data in Prostate Cancer Detection Using Multiparametric MRI
Haptic Guidance Platform for MR-Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Therapy
Harnessing Embedded Linux and Python for Stand-Alone MRI Applications
HARPERELA Phase Processing for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
HASTE Imaging with Externally Optimized Skewed Saturation Pulses for Fetal Imaging at 3T - Initial Results
Heart Rate Adaptive Inversion Preparation and Fat Suppression for Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Heating of Bilateral Hip Prostheses in a Human Body Model Induced by a Multi-Axis Gradient Coil Set
Helix Antennas: Approaching the Target from a Different Angle
Hematoma Evolution Measured by Quantitative MRI
Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy and Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Predictors and Neuroplastic Changes
Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Hippocampus of Birds Assessed with rsfMRI
Hemispherical Asymmetry Contributes to Preserved Language Abilities in Alcohol Dependents: A Combined 1H MRS and VBM Approach
Hemodynamic Abnormalities Reflected by Low Diastolic Wall Shear Stress and High OSI as Potential Determinants of Lower Abdominal Aortic Atherosclerosis
Hemodynamic Evaluation of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations with Combined 4D Flow and Perfusion MRI
Hemodynamic Evaluation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI with High Temporal Resolution: Comparison with Dynamic CT During Hepatic Arteriography
Hemodynamic Fingerprinting of Altered 3D Blood Characteristics in Aortic Disease
Hemodynamic Variations and the Direction of Ophthalmic Artery Flow in Patients with Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Before and After Stenting: A DSC MRI Study
Hemodynamics in a Cerebral Aneurysm Model Treated with Different Flow Diverting Stent Configurations: Assessment Using Highly Accelerated Dual-Velocity Encoded 3D Phase-Contrast MRI
Hemorrhagic Lesions and Its Clinical Correlation Based on Venous and Arterial Damage in Traumatic Brain Injury
Hepatic Cholesterol Ester Accumulation in Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency: Non-Invasive Identification and Treatment Monitoring by Magnetic Resonance
Hepatic Energy Levels Are Not Altered by Fructose Feeding in Mice
Hepatic MR Elastography by Using Optimized Flexible Drivers
Hepatic Parenchymal Visibility and ADC Quantification on Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 3T: Influence of Age, Gender and Iron Content in Normal Subjects
Heritability of White Matter (WM) Fibres Based on Fibre Orientation Distribution (FOD) Measurements on Hardi Data
Heterogeneity of Tumor Vasculature and Antiangiogenic Intervention by MR Angiography and DCE-MRI Investigation
Heterogeneous Structural Connectivity of Default Mode Network in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Hexameric Mn(II)-EDTA Complex as Contrast Agent for High Field MR Imaging
Hierarchical Network Analysis: Is Activity in Node a Necessary or Sufficient for Activity in Node B?
High Angularly Resolved Diffusion Imaging with Accelerated Multi-Shot Acquisition and Compressed Sensing
High Cellularity Subvolume in Glioblastoma Identified by High B-Value Diffusion Weighted Images
High Concentration Gadolinium-Based Contrast Reagent Transverse Relaxivities in ex Vivo Physiologic Whole Blood and Plasma at 1.5T and 3.0T
High Field / High Resolution Spine MR
High Field Imaging
High Field Imaging Techniques for MRA
High Field MRI: What Are the Special Safety Risks at Higher Fields?
High Field MRS Is More Sensitive to Progression of Neurodegeneration Than Clinical Decline in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 (SCA1)
High Framerate Positive Contrast Needle Tracking: Compressed Sensing and View-Sharing Accelerated Co-RASOR Reconstruction
High Order Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Breast Cancer Differentiation
High Quality 7T MRI of Atherosclerotic Plaque in the Significantly Stenosed Carotid Artery
High Resolution Ex-Vivo Imaging of a Rodent Kidney with a Portable MR-Scanner at 0.5 Tesla: Initial Results in Relation to State of the Art Techniques
High Resolution 1H NMR Spectroscopy Reveals Acute Changes in Hippocampal Metabolic Physiology in a Mouse Model for Cranial Irradiation
High Resolution Anatomical and T1/T2 Relaxometry Maps of the Human Eye in a Clinically-Feasible Protocol
High Resolution Assessment of Viscoelastic Properties of Intracranial Tumors by Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography
High Resolution Bilateral Hip Joint Imaging at 7 Tesla
High Resolution Cine of the Heart at 3T with Free Breathing Cine-GRICS
High Resolution DCE MRI of the Pituitary Gland Using Radial K Space Aquisition with Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
High Resolution Diffusion Imaging of the Brain Stem for Non-Gaussian Diffusion Analysis at High B-Values
High Resolution Diffusion MRI of the Unfixed Post Mortem Brain
High Resolution Double Resonant 1H/19F RF Coil for Small Rodent MRI and MRS at 3T
High Resolution fMRI Reveals Laminar Specific Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Non-Human Primates
High Resolution HARDI of Early Embryonic Mouse Brain Development
High Resolution Hyperpolarized 13C Urea MRI Renography
High Resolution Imaging of Hippocampal Internal Architecture Using HR-MICRA at 3T
High Resolution Imaging of Peripheral Arteries with 3D Quiescent-Interval Single-Shot (QISS) Non-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography
High Resolution Imaging of pH in an Isolated Perfused Rat with Hyperpolarized Bicarbonate Produced Via Chemical Reaction
High Resolution Imaging of the Deep Cerebellar Nuclei at 7Tesla
High Resolution Inner Volume Imaging of Human Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: Impact and Limits of Parallel Acquisition
High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Glioblastoma Multiforme
High Resolution Mapping of Intravascular Water Molecule Lifetime in the Rhesus Macaque Brain
High Resolution Mechanical Imaging of the Human Kidney
High Resolution MRI and High Sensitive 31P MRS of Axillary Lymph Nodes at 7T
High Resolution MRI for Functional Evaluation of the Parotid Glands Following Continuous Stimulation.
High Resolution MRI of the Mouse Mammary Gland
High Resolution MRI of the Sellar Structures Via Transsphenoidal Placement of a Dedicated Interventional Pituitary Coil: Development and Cadaveric Testing.
High Resolution Neuro-Imaging with Reduced SAR Using Radial GRASE
High Resolution Non-Gadolinium CEMRA in Renal Failure: Initial Results in Pediatric Patients at 3.0T
High Resolution OGSE DTI of Ex Vivo Mouse Brain to Investigate the Frequency-Dependence of the Apparent Diffusion Tensor in Cerebellar White Matter
High Resolution Qualitative and Quantitative MR Imaging of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint at 11.7T and 3.0T with Anatomic and Histologic Correlation
High Resolution Respiratory Self-Gated Golden Angle Cardiac MRI: Comparison of Self-Gating Methods in Combination with K-T SPARSE SENSE
High Resolution Rodent Cochlea Imaging on a 3T Clinical Magnet
High Resolution T1?-Mapping in Human Wrist Cartilage with a SAR and SENSE Optimized Coil at 7T
High Resolution T1 Mapping of the Full Brain with a Modified DESPOT1-HIFI Approach at 7T
High Resolution Three Dimensional Morphometry and Nasal Air Flow of the Mammalian Nose from Multi-Modal Imaging
High Resolution Variable-Density 3D Cones Coronary MRA
High Resolution Whole Brain Diffusion Imagining at 7T for the Human Connectome Project
High Resolution, Motion Corrected Mapping of Macromolecular Proton Fraction (MPF) in Clinically Acceptable Time Using 3D Undersampled Radials
High SNR Bilateral Breast MRI with a Dual Transmit, 26-Channel Receive RF Coil with Simultaneous 31P CSI at 7 Tesla
High Spatial Resolution DTI Sequence for Characterizing Breast Tumor Early Treatment Response: Comparison to Standard DTI Sequence
High Spatial Resolution Ophthalmic MRI at 7.0 Tesla in Healthy Subjects and in Patients with Intraocular Masses
High Spatiotemporal Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Small Bowel in Active Crohn's Terminal Ileitis Using Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging, and Golden-Angle Radial Sampling
High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Prostate Utilizing Differential Subsampling with Cartesian Ordering (DISCO)
High Speed MR Fingerprinting at 6.5 mT
High Temporal Resolution Aortic Input Function Extraction from DCE-MRI Datasets Using Temporally Neighboring K-Space Samples
High Temporal Resolution Black Blood Vessel Wall Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) Using Fast Imaging Methods
High Throughput Screening of Contrast Agents by Ultrafast CEST Imaging
High-Accuracy Off-Resonance Estimation from EPI, with Application to Volumetric Navigators (VNavs) Enabling Real-Time Motion and Frequency Correction
High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography of Emerging Cerebellar Pathways from Newborns to Young Adults
Higher Anisotropy in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging at Longer Diffusion Times
Higher Order Correction of Eddy Current Distortion in Diffusion Weighted Echo Planar Images.
Higher Order Diffusion Models & Methods: Going Beyond the Diffusion Tensor
Higher Striatal GABA Relates to a More Serial and Efficient Mode of Action Cascading and Stronger Attentional Gating in Airplane Pilots
Highest Cross-Hemisphere Correlations of Resting-State fMRI in the Awake Macaque Exhibit High Correspondence to the Pattern of Callosal Synaptic Connections
Highly Accelerated 3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Partial Separability Model and Jsense
Highly Accelerated 4D Flow Using Spiral Sampling and Dynamic Compressed Sensing for Flow Quantification in Abdominal Vessels
Highly Accelerated Cardiac Cine Imaging Using a Combination of K-T Group Sparse and SPIRiT
Highly Accelerated Cine DENSE MRI with K-T SPARSE SENSE
Highly Accelerated Dynamic Parallel MRI Exploiting Constrained State-Space Model with Low Rank and Sparsity
Highly Accelerated Free-Breathing 4D Cardiac Imaging with CIRCUS Acquisition
Highly Accelerated Free-Breathing ECG-Triggered Contrast-Enhanced Pulmonary Vein Angiography with Isotropic Spatial Resolution
Highly Accelerated Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of the Renal Arteries Featuring Sparse, Incoherent Sampling and L1-Regularized Iterative SENSE
Highly Accelerated Phase Contrast Imaging Using Compressed Sensing and Iterative Reconstruction for High Resolution Short Breathhold Flow Acquisitions
Highly Efficient Xe-129 DNP in the Frozen State Via Pellet Formation
Highly Reseolved Imaging of Hyperpolarized Helium-3 Ventilation Dynamics Using Fast 3-D UTE and K-T PCA
Highly-Accelerated Real-Time T2-Weighted Imaging with Radial GRAPPA and Low-Latency GPU Reconstruction
High-Permittivity Materials Can Improve Global Performance and Safety of Close-Fitting Arrays
High-Permittivity Thin Dielectric Pad Improves Peripheral Non-Contrast MRA at 3T
High-Power T/R Switches with 350 Ns Rise Time for Zero Echo Time Imaging
High-Quality and High-Throughput Interleaved Diffusion Weighted EPI Enabled by Multi-Band Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding (MUSE) and Adaptive Partial Fourier Reconstruction
High-Quality Free-Breathing Abdominal MR Imaging Enabled by Repeated K-T-Subsampling and Artifact-Minimization (ReKAM)
High-Quality Multi-Contrast Susceptibility-Weighted Venography Using Tissue-Dependent Denoising Method
High-Resolution 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Whole Fish, Fish Eggs and Fish Muscles Via Intermolecular Multiple-Quantum Coherence
High-Resolution 2D MRI of 1H and 13C Hyperpolarized Contrast Agents at 0.0475 T
High-Resolution 3D Diffusion MRI: Detection of Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core in Plaques Without Contrast Media
High-Resolution 7T MRI and MRSI in Patients with Suspected Mesial Temporal Epilepsy
High-Resolution Adult Zebrafish Brain Model
High-Resolution Brain Imaging in Mice with Acute and Chronic Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of the Human Kidneys Using a Free-Breathing Multi-Slice Targeted-FOV Approach
High-Resolution Diffusion Weighted MRI Enabled by Multiplexed Sensitivity-Encoding Using Projection on Convex Set (POCSMUSE)
High-Resolution fMRI in Humans: What Is the Limit?
High-Resolution Free Induction Decay Proton MRSI in the Human Brain at 9.4 T
High-Resolution Heteronuclear NMR Spectroscopy Based on Spatial Encoding and Coherence Transfer
High-Resolution Localized 2D J-Resolved Spectroscopy for Biological Tissues
High-Resolution Metabolic Imaging of Human Breast Cancer
High-Resolution Metabolic Neuroimaging
High-Resolution MR Angiography at 7T: Detection of Perforating Arteries of the Anterior Communicating and Distal Middle Cerebral Arteries
High-Resolution MRI of Hyperpolarized Propane at 4.7 T and 0.0475 T
High-Resolution Multi-Parametric Characterization of Atherosclerotic Lesions with 3T Intravascular MRI
High-Resolution Perfusion-Weighted Imaging Without Tagging Pulses
High-Resolution Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Post-Mortem Marmoset Brain
High-Resolution Whole-Heart Contrast-Enhanced Coronary MRA in 5 Minutes with Self-Navigation and 100% Gating Efficiency
High-Resolution Zero Echo Time Lung Imaging
High-Resolution, Single-Point, Quantitative Magnetization Transfer (QMT) of the Human Spinal Cord: Application and Validation in Patients with MS
High-Speed RF Modulation System for 32 Parallel Transmission Channels at 7T
Hip T1rho and T2 Relaxation Times in Individuals with and Without Cartilage Lesions
Hip: Extra-Articular Injuries
Hip: Intra-Articular Injuries
Hippocampal Atrophy in Major Depression – Rather a Function of Childhood Maltreatment?
Hippocampal Disconnection Predicts Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Hippocampal Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Memory Impairment
Hippocampal Shape Analysis in Adult Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: the Effect of Cranial Radiotherapy
Hippocampal Surface Dentation Characteristics Through Sub-Pixel Segmentation
Hippocampus Is Sensitive to Hypoxia Ischemia in Neonatal Rat: An in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
Histogram Analysis of Diffusion Metrics in Evaluation of Brain Tumors: Clinical Applications
Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM)-MRI and FDG-PET Parameters in Breast Cancer Patients
Histogram Analysis of Saturation Time Dependent Amide Proton Transfer MRI in Brain Metastases
Histological Correlation of Manganese Enhanced MRI in the Demyelinating Disease Model Brain.
Histological Relationship with High-Resolution Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in the Cerebral Cortex
Histology & Molecular Biology Techniques
Histopathology of Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on New IASLC/ATS/ERS Classification: Prognostic Stratification with Functional and Metabolic Imaging Biomarkers
Homodyne Reconstruction for Single-Echo Dixon Imaging
Homogeneous Neuroimaging at 7 Tesla with Short Tailored Radiofrequency Pulses Using High Permittivity Dielectric Bags
Hotelling Observer Efficiency Image Quality Metric for Compressed Sensing MRI
Hot-Spot 19F Imaging of Stem Cell Transplantation Into the Intrathecal Space in a Large Animal Model
How Do We Construct a Connectome?
How Does Renal Function Change with Nephrectomy? Initial Experience Using Renal Blood Flow Measured by Arterial Spin Labelling MRI Combined with 51Cr-EDTA Filtration (GFR) to Calculate Renal Filtration Fraction
How Important Is the Effect of Lesion In-Painting on Regional Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis?
How Magnetic Susceptibility Affects MR Signal Phase in Biological Tissues (Brain).
How Should Tractography Go Forward? a Tractometer Evaluation of Local Reconstruction and Tracking
How the Cleaning of Resting State fMRI Data Affects the Detection of Functional Connectivity Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease
How to Detect HP Agents: Pulse Sequences
How to Hyperpolarize Agents
How to Perform Best ODF Reconstruction from the Human Connectome Project Sampling Scheme?
How to Use HP Agents
HP-13C-NMR Detects the Alternation of LDH Kinetics and Redox State Induced by Metabolite Modulation
HR-MAS MRS for Cancer Metabolomics
HS8 Saturation Pulse Train for First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging at 7T
Hub Identification in Dynamic Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network
Human Brain Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) : Optimized Set-Up for Clinical Investigation
Human Post-Mortem Brain Phantom as a Standardization Model for Multicentre MRI Studies
Hybrid Digital Phase-Locked Loop and Moving Average Filtering Improves SNR in Spatio-Temporal Field Monitoring
Hybrid Frequency Encoding/water Relaxation Method for Detecting Exchangeable Solute Protons with Increased Sensitivity and Specificity
Hybrid Inverse/FDTD Computational Electromagnetic Methodology and Its Potential Application in MR RF Field Design
Hybrid PET/MRI for Evaluation of Nodal Disease in Lymphoma
Hybrid PET/MRI Incorporating Dynamic 18F-FDG PET Imaging: Correlation with Biopsy Findings-Preliminary Observations
Hybrid PET/MRI of Prostate Cancer: Comparison of Kinetic Activity of 18F-FDG and Gadolinium-Chelate Using Simultaneous Multimodality Dynamic Imaging
Hybrid Structure Design for Implants: Dramatic Reduction of the Metal Artifacts
Hypercapnia Effects on Spontaneous Low Frequency Fluctuations Using rs-fMRI
Hyperintensity in the Cerebral Venous Systems on 3D TOF MRA: Better Understanding of the Mechanism Using Dynamic Head and Neck MRA
Hyperoxygenation in Combination with Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Identifies Vascular Lesions in a Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Hyperpolarization of a Bisfluorinated Phenylalanine Derivative Using PHIP and Examination of the Interaction with ß-Cyclodextrin
Hyperpolarized [1,3-13C2]ethyl Acetoacetate Is a Novel Diagnostic Metabolic Marker of Liver Cancer.
Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Glutamate: A Surrogate Marker of IDH1 Mutational Status in Glioblastoma
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]acetate Kinetics and Metabolism in Translational Animal Model: Cardiac Real-Time Detection of Metabolic Flux of [13C]acetyl-Carnitine in Pigs
Hyperpolarized [2-13C]-D-Fructose Uptake and Metabolism in Brain Tissue
Hyperpolarized 13C-Acetate for the Detection of Metabolic Response of the Heart to a Stress Protocol
Hyperpolarized 13C Lactate as a Substrate for In Vivo Metabolic Studies in Skeletal Muscle
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Metabolism in a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer
Hyperpolarized Gas MRI of the Pediatric Lung
Hyperpolarized Ketone Body Metabolism in the Perfused Rat Heart
Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Allows Early Detection of Lactate in Real-Time Metabolism of Acute Liver Failure Rats
Hypoglycemia Activation of Cerebral Blood Flow Is Mediated by Glucose Transporter Isoform 2: An In Vivo CASL Study
Hypoperfusion of Thalami Is Correlated with Disability in MS Patients - A Statistical Mapping Analysis of Whole Brain Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Hypoperfusion Signature in Healthy Subjects in Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease
Hypoxia Accelerated Metabolic Alterations in the Diabetic Kidney Assessed with Hyperpolarized MRS
Hypoxia and HIF Silencing Dysregulates Total Choline, CD44 Expression, and Metastatic Burden in MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancers
Identification of Arterio-Venous Shunts by Vessel Architectural Imaging Reveals Mechanisms of Vascular Normalization During Anti-Angiogenic Therapy
Identification of Early Stage Glioblastoma Multiform in Rats by Multi-Parametric MR Imaging Techniques: Preliminary Results
Identification of Systematic Differences Between Different Methods for Extracting Pulse Wave Velocity with 4D Flow MRI
Identification of Whole Brain Correlation Patterns Between Resting-State fMRI Signal Amplitude and EEG Vigilance in Eyes-Closed and Eyes-Open Conditions
Identifying Intracellular Sperm Metabolites Using HR MAS NMR
Identifying Regions of Abnormal Wall Shear Stress in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valves
Identifying Schizophrenia Using Whole-Brain Different Imaging Modalities Via a Multivariate Pattern Analysis
Il Gatto Sta Ingrassando: Novel Connectivity Tools and Additions in AFNI-FATCAT
Illustration of the Impact of Tuning Configuration on 7T RF Coil Simulations
Image Based Correction of Radial Trajectory Shifts
Image Co-Registration for Respiratory Triggered and Non-Triggered DTI of the Transplanted Kidney
Image Domain Segmented Diffusion Imaging Using a 2D Excitation RF Pulse for Distortion Reduction
Image Entropy-Based Phase Correction for Closely-Spaced Slices in Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Image Quality Characterization in Time-Resolved 3D CE-MRA
Image Quality Evaluation of Real-Time Cardiac Images Reconstructed Using Linear and Golden Angle Through-Time Radial GRAPPA
Image Quality Improvement Via Phase Correction for Travelling Wave MRI at 3T
Image Registration Framework for Pixelwise Comparison of Ex Vivo MRI and Histology in Rat Model of Contusion Spinal Cord Injury
Image-Based Conductivity and Permittivity Mapping with RF Receiver Arrays
Image-Based Estimation Method for Field Inhomogeneity Map in Brain EPI Image
Image-Guided Pro-Angiogenic Therapy in Diabetic Stroke Mouse Model with a Multi-Modal Nanoprobe
Imaging and Visualization of Cardiac Muscle Microstructure in Rats Using High-Resolution MRI
Imaging Astrocyte Reactivity Using GluCEST
Imaging Battery for Brain Quantification
Imaging Biomarkers of Cell Death: A Comparison Between Viscoelasticity and ADC in an Orthotopic Breast Cancer Xenograft Model
Imaging Brain Microenvironments of Glial Restricted Precursor Cells in Injectable Growth-Factor Supplemented Hydrogels Using CEST MRI
Imaging Challenges at 3T and Above
Imaging Electric Conductivity and Conductivity Anisotropy Via Eddy Currents Induced by Pulsed Field Gradients
Imaging Glomeruli in a Clinical MRI System at 3 T
Imaging Gray Matter in Human Brainstem In Vivo by High Spatial Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging at 7 Tesla
Imaging Hyperpolarized 129Xe Uptake in Pulmonary Barrier and Red Blood Cells Using a 3D Radial 1-Point Dixon Approach: Results in Healthy Volunteers and Subjects with Pulmonary Fibrosis
Imaging in a Rotating Frame: MRI Without B0 Gradients
Imaging Liver Fibrosis and Response to Rapamycin Therapy
Imaging Microstructure: Application of Oscillating Gradient Diffusion Sequences on a 3T Clinical MRI Scanner
Imaging Oculomotor Subsystems in the Cerebellum at 7 Tesla
Imaging of Endolymphatic Hydrops in 10 Minutes: A New Strategy for Dramatic Scan-Time Reduction
Imaging of Structural and Functional Changes in Early Stage CF with 3He MRI, 1H MRI and CT
Imaging of the Moving Wrist Using Rapid Undersampled K-Space Acquisition with Iterative Reconstruction
Imaging of the Red and White Zones of the Meniscus Using a 3D Cones (UTE) Subtraction Pulse Sequence
Imaging of Tumor Metabolism: A Longitudinal Study of Tumor Response to Therapies Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate.
Imaging T1, T2 and Proton Density with Minimum Possible Acquisitions
Imaging Temperature Changes in Cortical Bone Using Ultrashort Echo-Time MRI
Imaging the ‘Dis-Connectome’: Using Resting-State fMRI to Study Perfusion and Connectivity Deficits in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Imaging the Cortical Myelination Pattern and Its Correlation with Clinical Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Imaging the Developing Brain at the Bedside: A Comparison of Diffuse Optical Tomography and Functional MRI
Imaging the Human Brainstem at 7 Tesla Using Multi-Modal Echo-Planar Imaging
Imaging the Microstructure of the Developing Cerebral Cortex in the Mouse Embryo with Diffusion MR Microscopy
Imaging Tumor Hypoxia
Imaging Vitreous Oxygen Tension with Modified Look-Locker T1 Measurement
Imaging with Full Static Tissue Suppression for 3D Volume Rendered (VR) Intracranial Angiography: Application of DANTE-Prepared FLASH (3D-DASH) to Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Imatinib Reduces Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in a Transient Occlusion-Reperfusion Rodent Model: A DCE-MRI Study
Impact of Coupling in Tx-Array Coil Design for Transmit SENSE at 3T
Impact of Different Mental States on Low-Frequency Functional Fluctuation
Impact of Hypertension and Aging on Resting State BOLD Response to Heart Rate Variation
Impact of Inversion-Recovery Fat Suppression on Hepatic R2* Quantitation in Transfusional Siderosis.
Impact of Positional Difference on the Measurement of Breast Density in MRI
Impact of Simulated Lesions on Communicability Metrics of the Brain Structural Network
Impact of Spectra Quality on GABA Quantitation with 1H-MEGA-PRESS Sequence
Impact of the Connective Tissue Matrix in the Myocardium on the Restriction of Water Revealed with Diffusion Tensor MRI of a Decellularized Human Heart
Impact of Tissue Porosity in DCE-MRI: A Numerical Simulation Study
Impacts of Single Carrier Wideband Gradient-Echo Sequence in BOLD Contrast
Impaired Synaptic Pruning Produces Long-Range Functional Connectivity Deficits in the Mouse Brain
Impaired Venous Return Due to Right Ventricular Diastolic Stiffness in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Impaired White Matter Development in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants with Previous Brain Hemorrhage
Implementation of a Self-Refocused Adiabatic Spin Echo Pulse-Pair Modulated Using the Power Independent of the Number of Slices (PINS) Technique for Simultaneous B1-Insensitive Multi-Slice Imaging
Implementation of Low-Cost, Instructional Tabletop MRI Scanners
Implications of Dielectric Pads on Dual-Transmit SAR Behaviour
Implications of Unequal Interstitium and Plasma Contrast Reagent Relaxivities in Pharmacokinetic Analysis of DCE-MRI
Importance of High Temporal Resolution in Peak Flow Velocity Quantification by Phase-Contrast Imaging
Improve Image Homogeneity of High-Resolution DWI
Improved 3D MRSI on Rat Brain in Situ with Multicoil Shimming
Improved Algorithm for 3D Non-Contrast Pulmonary MRA
Improved Angular Resolution at Low B-Values in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Through Radial Acquisition in Q-Space
Improved B1 Homogeneity and Reduced Transmit Power with 4-Channel Regional RF Shimming for Breast Imaging at 3 T
Improved Blind Compressed Sensing for Dynamic MRI Reconstruction
Improved Brain Energy Metabolism in AßPP-PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Upon Treatment with Ayurvedic Amalaki Rasayana: A 1H-[13C]-NMR Study
Improved CBF Quantification with Flow-Adaptive Model Function for Multiphase PCASL – a Monte Carlo Simulation Study
Improved Confidence in IVIM Diffusion Metrics from ‘post-Navigator’ Registration of Individual Coronal Signal Average Images in Abdominal DW-MRI
Improved Cortical Boundary Registration for Locally Distorted fMRI
Improved Deep Gray Matter Segmentation Using Anatomical Information from Quantitative Susceptibility Maps
Improved Delineation of Blood Vessels in Fingers with High-Resolution Non-Contrast-Enhanced Time-Of-Flight MR Angiography
Improved Detection of BOLD-Like Independent Components with Multi-Echo Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisitions and Multi-Echo ICA
Improved Detection of Hypervascularized Liver Lesions Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1w-3D-Fs-GRE with Multiple Arterial Subphases
Improved Detection of Phase Unwrapping Errors in 3D Tagged Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
Improved Dual White Matter and CSF Suppression Using MP-NRAGE
Improved Dynamic 3D Spiral CSI with Interleaved Spectral Band Excitation for Metabolic Imaging of Hyperpolarized [2-13C]pyruvate
Improved EPI at 7T with Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique (DYNAMITE) Shimming
Improved Estimation of Renal Perfusion with Multiple Inversion-Time Acquisitions in Arterial Spin Labeling
Improved Fast Multi-Station Water-Fat Imaging at 3T
Improved Fat Suppression Homogeneity of MDIXON TSE Total Spine Imaging Compared to SPIR Fat Saturation for Post-Contrast T1-Weighted Imaging at 3.0T
Improved GABA Editing at 3T with Real-Time Motion Correction, Shim Update and Reacquisition of MEGA-LASER
Improved Ghost-Correction in Multi-Shot EPI Using PLACE and GESTE
Improved Identification of MS Disease-Relevant Changes in Gray and White Matter Using Susceptibility-Based Ultra-High Field MRI
Improved K-T GRAPPA for Phase Contrast Cine MRI by Using Modified Artificial Sparsity
Improved Lesion Visualization Using B-Value Maps Based on Thresholded DWI Images
Improved Magnetically Induced Torque Measurement for MRI Safety Testing
Improved Method and Technique for Monitoring SAR in Transmit Coils and Arrays
Improved Microstructural Characterisation of T2-Hyperintense Lesions by Combining Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI and Myelin Water Imaging
Improved Motion Correction Using Interleaved B=0 Volumes and B-Vector Correction in DTI
Improved Myocardial Contrast Using Novel Complementary Radial MR Tagging Technique
Improved Off-Resonance Phase Behavior Using a Phase-Inverted Adiabatic Half Passage Pulse for 13C MRS in Humans at 7T
Improved Oxidative Metabolism and Cellular Redox State Following Sodium or Ethyl Pyruvate Supplementation After Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury
Improved Reconstruction of Free-Breathing Abdominal PROPELLER MRI: A Preliminary Study
Improved Semi-Automated Pulse Wave Velocity Analysis in the Thoracic Aorta Using 4D Flow MRI
Improved SIENAX Assessment of WM and GM Volumes
Improved SNAP with Mask-Based Venous Flow Suppression
Improved SNR at 7T for Non-Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Perfusion Imaging Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Improved Spatial and Temporal Resolution Black-Blood Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Carotid Artery Wall MRI Using Compressed Sensing
Improved Spatial Resolution and Post-Processing for Myocardial Blood Flow Quantification in Humans Using Steady-Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling
Improved Spiral First-Pass Perfusion Imaging with Motion-Corrected Compressed Sensing
Improved Subcortical Segmentation Using Multiple MR Modalities
Improved Surface Coil Performance at Any Depth in a Lossy Sphere with a Dielectric Disc
Improved Survival in a Metastatic Brain Tumour Model with Combined Focused Ultrasound and Targeted Natural Killer Cells
Improved Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging of Reperfusion Intramyocardial Hemorrhage with Multiple-Echo Image Combination
Improved T2* Assessment in Liver Iron Overload by 2D Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering
Improved Temperature Reconstruction for Multiple-Echo SPGR
Improved Throughput of Hyperpolarized Substrates by 1H ? 13C Cross-Polarization DNP
Improved Tractography of Post Mortem Human Brain at 7T Using DWSSFP
Improved Visualization of Cartilage Canals Using Semi-Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Improvement and Evaluation in PET Performance of 16-Channel Receive Anterior Array Coils for 3T Simultaneous PET/MR Scanner
Improvement of Parallel Imaging Using High Permittivity Material (HPM) - Demonstration with Liver Imaging at 3T
Improvement of Renal Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging with Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging at 3T
Improvement of Spatial Resolution in Calculated Magnetic Field Perturbations Induced by Low Magnetic Susceptibility Devices for the MRI Image Simulator
Improvement of Visualization of Cardiac Wall in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using Cardiac Triggering and Acceleration Motion Correction
Improvements of RF Field Transmission and Detection Sensitivity for 31P MRS with Ultra High Dielectric Constant (UHDC) Material at 7.0 T
Improvements on Extraction of Glutamate and Glutamine from GABA Editing Spectra at 3 Tesla
Improvements to Time-SLIP Imaging of CSF Flow
Improving 4D PCASL Angiography by Combining Hadamard Time-Encoding with Look-Locker Readout
Improving Accuracy of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Edge-Weighted L1 Regularisation
Improving Bladder Cancer Staging by Using Quantitative DCE-MRI with K-Means Clustering
Improving Central Transmit Efficiency and Homogeneity Using Interleaved Shielded Dielectric Discs and Coil Elements in a 4-Element Transmit/receive Array at 7 T
Improving Detection Specificity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) Using the SWIFT Sequence with Long T2 Suppression
Improving Fiber Orientation Estimation in Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Under Non-White Matter Partial Volume Effects
Improving Image Quality of Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI with 3D Radial Acquisition and Accurate K-Space Trajectory Measurements
Improving Perfusion Quantification in Arterial Spin Labeling for Delayed Arrival Times by Using Optimized Acquisition Schemes
Improving Sensitivity and Specificity for RS fMRI Using Multiband Multi-Echo EPI at 7T
Improving Single Shot Acquisitions with Fast Rotary Nonlinear Spatial Encoding
Improving the Accuracy of 2D Phase Unwrapping Using a Triplanar Approach.
Improving the Detection of White Matter Lesions in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis with Super-Resolution
Improving the Spatial Resolution of Whole-Head Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging Using Partition-Encoding Gradient Blips
Improving the Specificity of R2' to Mesoscopic Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity by Compensating for Through-Slice Magnetic Field Gradients During Image Acquisition.
Improving Water-Fat Separation Using Object-Based Information of the B0 Field Inhomogeneity
In Vitro Micro-Imaging Investigation of Osteoporotic and Osteoarthritis Femoral Specimens by Means of Internal Magnetic Field Gradient (IMFG)
In Vivo 1H MRS Detection of Choline Compounds in Pancreas of MEN1 Knock-Out Mice
In Vivo 13C MRS in the Mouse Brain at 14.1 T and Metabolic Flux Quantification During Infusion of [1,6-13C2] Glucose
In Vivo Characterization of Inflammation by Combined [11C]-PBR28 PET Imaging and 7 Tesla MRI in Multiple Sclerosis
In Vivo Measurements of Acute Pain Induced Changes of GABA+ and Glx in the Brain by Using Functional 1H-MEGA-PRESS MR Spectroscopy
In Vivo Quantification of Blood Water R1 Change During Hypercarbic Hyperoxia
In Vivo T2* Effect on Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation Using Reference Tissue Arterial Input Function at 7T
In-Bore Broadband Array Receivers with Optical Transmission
In-Bore Oxygenator Designed for Physiological Maintenance of Slice and Cell Culture Preparations Employed in MR Microscopy Studies
Incoherence Parameter Analysis for Optimized Compressed Sensing with Nonlinear Encoding Gradients
Incorporation of Rician Noise in the Analysis of Biexponential Transverse Relaxation in Cartilage Using a Multiple Gradient Echo Sequence at 3T and 7T
Increase in Sensitivity and Signal Stability in 17O MRI Using a Cryogenic RF Probe
Increase in SNR of 370 % for 31P MR Spectroscopy by Adiabatic Multi-Echo Polarization Transfer and Adiabatic Multi-Echo Direct Detection in One Repetition Time
Increase of Fractional Anisotropy in Contralateral Thalamic Motor Nucleus in MCA Stroke Using Tract-Based Segmentation Method
Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Leakage in Alzheimer’s Disease Detected with Dual Time-Resolution Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Increased Gray Matter Density in Parallel with Increased Connectivity in Parkinson Disease
Increased Grey Matter Transit Times Are Associated with White Matter Hyper Intensities
Increased IVIM Perfusion Contrast in the Brain with T2 Magnetization Preparation
Increased Microstructural Damage in the Normal Appearing White Matter Appears to Distinguish SPMS from RRMS
Increased Midbrain Iron Deposition in Parkinson’s Disease Measured by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Increased Thalamic GABA and Decreased Glutamate-Glutamine in Chronic Manganese-Exposed Metal Workers and Manganism Patients
Increasing Parallel Imaging Performance and Correcting Field Inhomogeneity Artifact in MS-CAIPIRINHA Using View Angle Tilting Technique (CAIPI-VAT)
Independent Active Decoupling Circuit for RX Coil on MR Systems Without Active Decoupling Capabilities (0.2T) or with Connecting Issues (3T).
Independent Component Analysis Based Identification and Pharmaco-Kinetic-Modeling of Prostate Tumor DCE-MRI Concentration Data
Independent Component Analysis for Assessing Tissue at Risk of Infarction in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Independent Component Analysis of DTI Metrics in Multiple Sclerosis
Independent Component Analysis with Ball-Stick Model Tractography to Solve an Intra-Voxel Crossing Fiber Problem in Clinical DTI Data
Indirect MRI Detection of Myelin Water Based on Water Exchange Properties
Infarct Size and Extracellular Matrix Remodelling Quantification Using an Elastin Specific Contrast Agent (ESMA) in a Model of Permanent Coronary Ligation
Inferring Axon Diameter Sizes Using Monte Carlo Simulations and Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Sequences
Inferring Millisecond-Scale Functional Connectivity from Tissue Microstructure
Inflammatory Hepatic Adenomas: Characterization with Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI
Influence of Coil Channel Phasing on the Quality of Prostate Spectroscopy
Influence of Collimator Insertion on Eddy Currents for Different Resistivities of Tungsten
Influence of Deep-Region RF Hyperthermia System on B1+ Field of 1.5T MR Scanner: A Simulation Study
Influence of Head Posture and PC-MRI Arterial Flow on ASL CBF Measurements in Children
Influence of Magnetic Susceptibility on Absolute Temperature as Measured Directly from the Water/fat Frequency Shift.
Influence of Patient Motion in Bone Tissue Maps Obtained with Ultra-Short Echo Time MR
Influence of Phospholipid Enriched 19F Nanoparticles on Fluorine Uptake in Dendritic Cells
Influence of Post Diffusion Tensor Image Processing on FA Measure of Myocardial Infarction in Porcine Model
Influence of Respiration-Induced Signal Variations on the Quantification of Pulmonary Perfusion Parameters in Free-Breathing MRI
Influence of Uterine Artery Blood Flow and Abdominal Aortic Hemodynamics: Implications for Sex Dependent AAA Development
Information Criteria Weighted Parameter Estimates in DCE-MRI
Inherent Correction of Rigid-Body Motion in Fast Spin-Echo Imaging
Inhibitory Functioning in Fear Extinction: GABA and BOLD Responses
Inhomogeneity Insensitive MSDE (I2MSDE)
Inhomogeneity of Signal Intensity Is a Potential Source for BOLD Signal Inaccuracy in Ultra-High Field fMRI
Initial Application of Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) in Brain Development of Preterm Infants and Evaluation of DKI in Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Initial Clinical Experience with a Radiation Oncology Dedicated Open 1.0T MR-Simulation
Initial Evaluation of Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease at 7 T
Initial Evaluation of the Utility of Ferumoxytol for MR Runoffs
Initial Experience of 7T MRSI with 2-Channel Multi-Transmit
Initial Experience with BOLD Imaging of the Kidneys at 7T
Initial Experience with SPIral Non Selective (SPINS) RF Pulses for Homogeneous Excitation at 7T
Initial Experience: Combination of MR Pharmacokinetic Modeling and FDG Uptake Using Simultaneous Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and PET Imaging
Initial Performance of the Diffusive Quantitative Imaging Phantom (DQIP): Thermal and SNR Characteristics Using a Clinical Protocol
Inline Generation of Tagline Density Maps for Radial Strain Quantification from Circular MR Tagging
Innovative Method for the Detection of T1 Agents with MTC
Insight Into the Labeling Mechanism of Acceleration Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Instantaneous Signal Loss Simulation (InSiL) – an Improved Algorithm for Myocardial T1 Mapping Using the MOLLI Sequence
Integral Equations Based Modeling Approach to Dielectric Shimming
Integrated Image Reconstruction and Gradient Nonlinearity Correction
Integrated PET/MR: Phantom Studies Towards Radiotracer Dose Reduction
Integrated Phantom Analysis of Perfusion, Diffusion, and Fluctuation MRI
Integrated RF/Shim Coil Array for Parallel Reception and Localized B0 Shimming in the Human Brain at 3T
Integrating Principal Component Analysis and Dictionary Learning with Coherence Constraint for Fast T1? Mapping
Integration of an Inductive Driven Axially Split Quadrature Volume Coil with MRgFUS System for Treatment of Human Brain
Integration of PET/MR Hybrid Imaging Into Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning
Intensity Normalization for Improved MR Images Analysis
Interactive Hip Joint Cartilage Segmentation
Interactive Visualization of 4D Coronary MRI with Prolonged Acquisition Window: GPU-Accelerated Flexible Gridding Reconstruction for Lag-Free Performance
Interethnic Differences in Fatty Acid Composition of Deep Subcutaneous Abdominal Adipose Tissue
Interleaved EPI Based fMRI Improved by Integration of Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding (MUSE) and Simultaneous Multi-Band Imaging
Interleaved Imaging and Frequency-Selective Spectroscopic Acquisition for in Vivo Pyruvate Polarization Monitoring
Interleaved Magnetic Steering and MR Imaging of USPIO Particles in One Dimension: Early Results
Interleaved Variable Density Sampling for Combined Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and MRA of the Liver
Intermodality Image Guided MRI Super-Resolution
Internalization of Dopamine Receptors Imaged In Vivo by Simultaneous PET/fMRI
Interobserver Agreement in Relative Liver Lesion Signal Intensity on Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging with Gadoxetic Acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)
Interoperator Dependence of Subject Specific CFD Modeling of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics at the Craniocervical Junction
Interpretation of Conventional APT Contrast in Tumor and Ischemic Tissue
Interpretation of Diffusion MRI Data Using a Gamma Distribution Model
Interpreting Your MR Images Using Molecular Biology
Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability of CineFSE Carotid Measurements
Inter-Regional Differences in Brain Response Delay to End-Tidal CO2 Estimated from Resting-State fMRI
Interrelationships Between 3T-MRI-, 64-Section-MDCT-, and Micro-CT-Derived Trabecular Bone Structure Parameters: A Study in Cadavers
Inter-Vendor Reproducibility of Arterial Spin Labeling Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements at 3T
Interventional MR Guided DBS in Pediatric Dystonia: Technical and Clinical Outcomes
Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Changes in Solute Transport Mechanisms in Disc Endplates Studied by DCE-MRI
Intra and Cross-Modal Negative BOLD Responses in Grey Matter Regions and Large Draining Veins Under Contrast-Varying Visual Stimulation
Intracellular pH Measurement by AACID-CEST MRI at 9.4T: Imaging Brain Tumor-Selective Acidification by Lonidamine
Intracellular Redox State Quantification by 31P MRS Measurement of NADH and NAD+ Content During Ischemia/Reperfusion in Perfused Rat Heart
Intracellular Sodium Imaging in the Brain Via Short-T2 Component in Bound Sodium
Intracerebral Drug Delivery Treatment Using a Regularly-Structured Biodegradable Gel for Slow-Release of Gadolinium-Containing Nano-Micelles in a Glioblastoma Model
Intracranial Vessel Wall Abnormalities in Young Stroke Patients at 7.0 Tesla MRI
Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging with Simultaneous Blood and CSF Suppression
Intralesional Vein Shrinking in Multiple Sclerosis Lacks in Severeness -Preliminary Results from a 7T MRI Study
Intransal Administration of Neuroactive Peptides Elicits Robust fMRI Responses in the Mouse Brain
Intraoperative Assessment of Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity During Tumor Resection with BOLD fMRI
Intraorbital Vascular Malformations: Treatment with MRI-Guided Sclerotherapy
Intraplaque Hemorrhage Detected by High Resolution 3D T1-SPACE in Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease
Intratracheal Administration of Gd-Based Nanoparticles: An Effective Approach for MRI Detection and Follow-Up of Lung Tumor
Intratracheal Administration of Ultra-Small Gd-Based Nanoparticles: a New Protocol for Brain Tumor Targeting
Intra-Tumoral Heterogeneity in Tumor Vascularity Correlates with ADC Quantification in Renal Masses
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MR Imaging of Degenerated Intervertebral Lumbar Disks: An Initial Experience
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Analysis of Abdominal Organs: Computation of Base Values in a Large Cohort of B57Bl/10 Mice
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Benign Meningiomas in Brain: Preliminary Study
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging of Renal Tumors: Subtype Differentiation Using Voxel-Based Histogram Analysis
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging Shows Lower Pure Molecular Diffusion, Lower Diffusion Fraction Linked to Microcirculation, and Lower Perfusion-Related Diffusion in Fibrotic Livers with a Severity Correlated Manner
IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for the Characterization of Uterine Fibroids Before MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for Tumor Subtype Differentiation in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI of the Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas: Characterization and Histopathological Correlations
Intrinsic Diffusion Sensitivity of the BSSFP Signal: Influence of Strong Phase Encoding Gradients on Image SNR
Intrinsic Motion Correction for Radial Cardiac T2 Mapping Through Alternating T2 Preparation Duration
Intrinsic RsfMRI Connectivity Networks in the Human Spinal Cord
Introduction of Global Specific Ventilation as a Reference for Specific Ventilation Derived by Fourier Decomposition MRI
Inverse Laplace Transform Analysis of the DWI MRI Signal in Prostate and Bladder
Inverse Relationship of Internal Jugular Vein Narrowing and Increased Brain Volumes Is Mitigated by Age in Healthy Individuals
Inverse RF Array Head Coil Design for MRI-LINAC System
Inverse Z-Spectrum Analysis for Clean NOE and Amide CEST-MRI – Application to Human Glioma
INVERSION: A Robust Method for Co-Registration of MPRAGE and Diffusion MRI Images
Inversion-Recovery-Prepared Sliding Interleaved Cylinder (SLINCY) Imaging
Investigating BOLD Signal Properties Under Targeted Hyperoxic Combined with Progressive Hypercapnia at 7T
Investigating Brain Energetics During and After Rat Whole Brain Occlusion
Investigating Interactions Between a TMS System and a Novel MR Device for Concurrent TMS/fMRI Experiments
Investigating Longitudinal Changes in Fractional Anisotropy in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Different Registration Methods
Investigating Longitudinal Metabolite Changes Associated with Epileptogenesis In Vivo in a Rat Model of Interictal Spiking Using ¹H MRS at 7 Tesla
Investigating MRI Biomarkers as Indicators of Early Treatment Response in a Triple Negative Model of Breast Cancer
Investigating Possible fMRI Responses in the Median Nerve During Wrist Stimulation by Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Investigating the Coherence Between Brain Structural and Functional Networks at Multiple Scales
Investigating the Effect of Spectral Linewidth on Metabolite Measurement Bias in Short-TE MRS
Investigating the Electrophysiological Fingerprints of Spontaneous fMRI Activity
Investigating the Field-Dependence of the Davis Model: Calibrated fMRI at 1.5, 3 and 7 Tesla
Investigating the Long-Term Effects of Systemic Chemotherapy on Brain White Matter Using Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI and Myelin Water Imaging
Investigating the Neural Basis of the Default Mode Network Using Blind Hemodynamic Deconvolution of Resting State fMRI Data
Investigating the Reproducibility on the Quantification of £^-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) in Visual Cortex
Investigating the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the BOLD and the Non-BOLD Response Across Cortical Layers in Awake Marmosets
Investigating White Matter Degeneration in Healthy Aging by Combining Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy in the Human Corpus Callosum at 7 T
Investigating White Matter Microstructural Changes During Demyelination Using GRE Phase and R2*
Investigation of a Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) in an in Vitro Model System Using 4D-Phase Contrast MRI
Investigation of Age-Related Changes in Blood Oxygenation Level Dependency Signals During the Visuospatial N-Back Using Functional MRI
Investigation of Angiogenesis Following CART Peptide Treatment in Transient Ischemic Rat Stroke Model Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Investigation of Artificial Increase of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) Due to Truncation Artifact in DTI Data and Compensation Using Total Variation Constrained Data Extrapolation
Investigation of Cell Membrane Transport and Compartmentalisation of Hyperpolarised Metabolites Using a GdDO3A Relaxation Agent
Investigation of Different RF Coil Safety Assessment Techniques: E-Field Measurements, EM Field Simulations and MR Thermometry
Investigation of Flow Instabilities in Branch Pulmonary Arteries After Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Investigation of Intrahepatic Fat and Liver Glycogen in Diet Induced Fatty Liver Disease Model
Investigation of Longitudinal Neurodevelopment Using Quantitative MRI
Investigation of Microscopic Functional Specificity Using Multi-Echo-Train EPI
Investigation of Normal Brain Aging in Rodent Experimental Model by DTI, Volumetry and Localized Proton Spectroscopy
Investigation of Number of Direction Selection for Joint Reconstruction in Multiple-Direction Diffusion Imaging
Investigation of Patient Positioning and MRE Driver Placement on Cardiac MR Elastography
Investigation of Relationship Between Free-Water T1 and Age in Human Cortical Bone Employing Short-TE 1H-MRI at 1.5T
Investigation of Susceptibility Contrast in Grey and White Matter Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Investigation of the Effect of Eddy Current Artefacts in UTE-Derived PET Attenuation Maps on PET Reconstruction
Investigation of the Influence of Residual 1H Dipole-Dipole Couplings on Magnetization Transfer Ratio Maps of Porcine Menisci
Investigation of Vertical Translatability of Awake Pharmacological MRI in Non-Human Primate - A Buprenorphine Challenge Study
Investigation of Weighted Fits Applied to Compartment Models of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Investigation of White Matter Characteristics Using Interslice Magnetization Transfer Ratio and Asymmetry at High Field
Investigations of Upper Airway Obstruction Pattern in Sleep Apnea Benefit from Real-Time 3D MRI
Invisible Dense-Array EEG Net for Simultaneous EEG-PET/MR Imaging
In-Vivo 1H MRS Shows Increased Liver Choline Levels in Hepatitis C Viral Infection
In-Vivo 37Cl Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 Tesla
In-Vivo Tracking of 19F-Labeled Natural Killer Cells with MRI in Lymphoid Tumor Model
Iron Accumulation Is a Rare Feature in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Is a “one Size Fits All” Many-Element Bore-Lining Remote Body Array Feasible for Routine Imaging?
Is Automatic Analysis of Multicontrast MRI Ready for Clinical Studies on Plaque Tissue Composition?
Is Bound Water a Surrogate for Collagen Matrix Density? Insights from 1H Zero Echo-Time MRI
Is Heart Rate Variability a Hidden Factor in Resting-State Functional Connectivity?
Is Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis an Independent Disease Entity? – an Ultrahigh Field MRI Lesion Analysis
Is R1 of Lipids Related to PO2? Lessons from Two Tumor Models
Is the Gaussian Phase Approximation Valid for the Blood Compartment in IVIM Imaging?
Is the Rate of Change in Fractional Anisotropy with Age Constant Within White Matter Tracts? a Study of Two Segments of the Cingulum Bundle
Is the Reaction-Diffusion Equation an Accurate Model of C6 Glioma Growth?
Is Your System Calibrated? MRI Gradient System Calibration for Pre-Clinical Imaging
Isolation of CEST Contrasts from Asymmetric MT Effects in a Human Brain
Isotropic and Anisotropic Measures of Anomalous Diffusion in Chronic Stroke Subjects
Isotropic Cardiac MR Functional Imaging with 3D Variable Density Spiral and Non-Cartesian Through-Time GRAPPA
Iterative Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Using Forward Model Based on MR Multi-Parameter
Iterative Field Map Extraction for Spiral Water-Fat Imaging
Iterative Optimization Method for Accelerated Acquisition and Parameter Estimation in Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging
IVA to Detect Spatial Map Differences Between Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls
IVIM DWI of the Liver: Inter-Platform Variability Between 1.5T and 3T
IVIM Perfusion Fraction in Acute Stroke: Initial Clinical Experience
IVIM-DTI of Healthy Human Liver
Joint Design of Continuous Excitation K-Space Trajectory and RF Pulse for 3D Tailored Excitation
Joint Estimation of Precontrast T1 and DCE-MRI Perfusion and Permeability Parameters Significantly Improves Precision of Parameter Estimates
Joint Field Map and Metabolite Image Reconstruction Framework for Hyperpolarized 13C Spiral CSI
Joint K-Q Space Compressed Sensing for Accelerated Multi-Shell Acquisition and Reconstruction of the Diffusion Signal and Ensemble Average Propagator
Joint Multi-Coil and Low-Rank Constraints for Accelerating fMRI Data Acquisition Using K-T FASTER
Joint Multi-Shift and Magnitude Least Squares (MsMLS) Algorithm for Time Efficient Low SAR and Low Peak RF Pulse Design
Joint Reconstruction of DCE Abdominal Images
Joint Water-Fat Separation and Deblurring with Spiral In-Out Sampling
Jointly-Processing Fast Spin-Echo Triple-Echo Dixon Images with a Two-Point Dixon Phase Correction Algorithm
Kidney Segmentation in DCE-MRI Based on Curvelet Transform and Snake Model
Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate with Arbitrary RF Flip Angles in Cancer
K-Means Clustering of Multi-Parametric MRI Data for Improved Classification of Articular Cartilage Degeneration
Knee: Menisus & Cartilage
Knee: Ligaments & Tendons
Knowledge-Based Automatic Slice-Alignment Method in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Aortic Valve Evaluation: Comparison with Inter-Observer Error
k-SPIRiT: Non-Cartesian SPIRiT Image Reconstruction with Automatic Trajectory Error Compensation
k-T ESPIRiT for Accelerating Proton Resonance Frequency Shift MR Temperature Mapping
K-T FOCUSS in Real-Time Imaging of the Soft Palate for Speech Assessment
K-T PCA GROWL: Sequential Combination of Partially Parallel Imaging and K-T PCA
k-T Reconstruction of Undersampled Wavelet-Space for Real-Time Free-Breathing Cardiac Imaging
k-T-Calibration Improves Continuous Field Monitoring for Image Reconstruction
k-T-EPI: K-T-Undersampled EPI Acquisition and Reconstruction in Cerebral Perfusion
Kurtosis: A Potential Imaging Marker in Depression?
Lack of Dystrophin Results in Abnormal Cerebral Water Exchange and Perfusion In Vivo
Lactate Detection in Non-Enhancing Brain of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme Using Selective Multiple Quantum Filtered CSI
Ladder-Design Volume Coil with Good Uniformity and Signal to Noise for Hyperpolarised 13C Investigations of Animals on a 3T Clinical System
Laminar Features of Cortical Natural Sound Processing in Humans
Laminar Profile of Intracortical Resting-State Functional Connectivity
Laminar-Resolution BOLD and CBV fMRI Responding to Layer-Specific Neural Modulations in the Olfactory Bulb
Laplace Beltrami Based Quantification of Cortical Gyrification in the Fetal Brain
Large Matrix Acquisition of a Chemically Fixed Human Embryo for Construction of a 3D Anatomical Database
Large-Scale Studies: Zen & the Art of Data Maintenance
Large-Signal Characterization of Coupled RF Amplifiers for Parallel Transmit
Latency Time Variability Hinders ASL fMRI Analyses
Late-Onset Depression and the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influence the Functional Connectivity of Hippocampus: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study
Lateralisation of the Connections Between Broca's Area and the Pre-SMA in Relation to Handedness
Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Intrinsic Property of Water Diffusion in Fornix Crus
Learning Microstructure Parameters from Diffusion-Weighted MRI Using Random Forests
Legal Majority Age Determination from MR Images of the Radius Bone
Lesion Effects on Cerebellar Peduncles DTI Metrics in MS Patients
Less Dynamic Functional Brain Network in Schizophrenia
Leukoencephalopathy in Acute CO Intoxication: Diffusion Kurtosis Versus Diffusivity
Limitations in Biexponential Fitting of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Inversion-Recovery Data to Differentiate Between Cell Compartmental NMR Signals
Limits of Liver Fat Quantification in the Presence of Severe Iron Overload
Linewidth Constraints in Matlab AMARES Using Per-Metabolite T2 and Per-Voxel ?B0
Linkage of Vertebral Bone Marrow Fat Content with Biomechanical Strength and Trabecular Bone Structure Parameters
Lipid Deregulation in Women Carrying the BRCA Mutations: Non Invasive Evaluation by Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy
Lipid Suppression for Brain MRI and MRSI by Means of a Dedicated Crusher Coil
Literacy and the Arcuate Fasciculus
Lithium Effect on Functional Networks of HIV Infected Individuals as Revealed by Generalized Partial Directed Coherence Measures.
Liver Biopsy, MRS and MRI Fat Fraction Quantification in Patients Presenting Fat and Iron Overload
Liver Iron Content Measurement Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Liver Lesions in Cancer Patients: What Are They?
Liver R2* Dependence on Liver Storage Iron in Highly Iron Overloaded Patients: Comparing 1.5 T to 3 T
Liver T2* Measurements: The Best Curve Fitting Model for ROI Based Method and Pixel Based Method .
Local and Global SAR Constrained Large Tip Angle 3D Kt Points Parallel Transmit Pulse Design at 7 T
Local Brain Connectivity Dynamics Using a Graph-Theoretical Approach
Local Coil Versus Conventional Body Coil Transmission for Cardiac MR: B1+ Efficiency Improvements and Enhanced Blood Myocardium Contrast for 2D CINE SSFP Imaging at 3T
Local Refinement for Automatic Probe Detection in 3T MRI
Local Resolution Adaptation for Curved Slice Echo Planar Imaging
Local Signal Recovery in Clinical FLASH Imaging with Parallel Transmission
Local TX and RX Shimming for Improved Conductivity Imaging
Local Vascular Input Function for Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Prostate Cancer
Localised In Vivo Measurement of GABA and Glutamate in the Rat Brain at 4.7T
Localization and Tracking with RF Coils That Are Optically Detuned by the Control of an MR Compatible Manipulator
Localized Blood Brain Barrier Opening of the Macaque Brain Using a High Frequency Multielement Focused Ultrasound Transducer Array and Microbubbles
Localized Spectroscopy Without J-Modulation at Ultra High Field
Localized, Non-Invasive In Vivo Measurement of Enzymatic Activity Using MAD-STEAM HP 13C MRSI
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Post-Chemoradiotherapy Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Histogram Analysis for Predicting a Complete Response
Location of Brain Tumor Intersecting White Matter Tracts Predicts Survival Prior to Therapy
Logistic Regression of Multiparametric MR for Glioma Grading
Long Echo MRS Thermometry of Childhood Brain Tumours
Long Term 7 Tesla MRI and Behavioral Study on Status-Epilepticus Induced Neurodegeneration in Rat and Possible Neuroprotective Treatment
Longitudinal Analysis of Brain Network Reorganization in Preterm IUGR Children at 1, 6 and 9 Years of Age
Longitudinal Changes in Glutamate in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy Measured by GluCEST
Longitudinal Comparison of the “default Mode” Deactivations in Adolescents Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine
Longitudinal DTI Reveals Presymptomatic White Matter Changes in YAC128 Mouse Model of Huntington Disease
Longitudinal DTI Study in Parkinson's Disease
Longitudinal Functional Connectivity Changes in Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion: Correlation with Diffusion, T2 and Behavioral Outcomes
Longitudinal Functional Connectivity Changes in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Correlation with Diffusion, T2 and Behavioral Outcomes
Longitudinal Functional MRI of Novel Tongue Strength Tasks: Before and After Partial Glossectomy in Tongue Cancer Patients
Longitudinal Generalized Q-Sampling MRI Evaluation in Rabbit Brain After Cerebral Hemisphere Radiation Exposure
Longitudinal Imaging of Cerebral Microhemorrhages Using Qualitative and Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging in Military Service Members with Traumatic Brain Injury
Longitudinal Imaging of the Preterm Brain: White Matter Multi-Component T2 Relaxometry and MR Spectroscopy
Longitudinal Measurement of CBF and CBV Using Arterial Spin Labeling and Steady State Contrast Enhancement fMRI
Longitudinal Microstructural White Matter Changes in a Transient Focal Ischemic Stroke Rat Model Using a Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) Method
Longitudinal Mixed-Effect Model Analysis of the Association Between Global and Tissue Specific Brain Atrophy and Lesion Accumulation in Patients with CIS
Longitudinal Monitoring of Metabolic Alterations in Cuprizone Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis Using 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Longitudinal Monitoring of Transverse Relaxation Time Changes in the Corpus Callosum of a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Longitudinal Patterns of Diffusion Measures in Children Treated for B-Cell Lymphoma
Longitudinal Relaxation Time and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Human Carotid Plaque at 3T: Phantom Validation and Histological Comparison
Longitudinal Study of Pulmonary Ventilation with 3He MRI in Asthma Patients
Longitudinal TBSS Study of Preterm and at Term Newborns
Longitudinal Texture Changes to UTE-T2* Following ACL Reconstruction
Longitudinal Variation of Fibroglandular Tissue and Background Parenchymal Enhancement on Breast MRI in High-Risk Women: A Quantitative Assessment
Long-T2 Suppression with Low Flip-Angle B-SSFP Ultra-Short TE (LA-BUTE)
Long-Term Alterations of Brain NAA, Cho and Cr in Extremely Preterm Adolescents Are Associated with Cognition
Long-Term Reproducibility of GABA Levels in the Occipital Cortex of Healthy Volunteers
Lonidamine Sensitizes Human Breast Cancer Xenografts to Doxorubicin Via Metabolic Modulations
LORAKS: Low-Rank Modeling of Local k-Space Neighborhoods
Low- And High-Grade Bladder Cancer Determination Via Human Serum-Based Metabolomics Approach
Low Field MRI for the Detection of Acute Knee Injuries Shows Good Diagnostic Accuracy and Interobserver Agreement
Low Power Adiabatic Inversion for Arterial Spin Labeling
Low Rank SENSE: A Robust Reconstruction Method for MS-EPI Based High Spatial Resolution DWI
Lower Glutathione (GSH) Concentration in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex of Healthy Human Elders Measured at 7 T
Lowering the B1 Threshold for BEAR B1 Mapping
Low-Frequency Oscillations Characterize Motor Network Plasticity Abnormalities in Patients with Brain Gliomas
Lumbosacral Plexus Imaging
Lung Tumor Tracking with Simulated Navigator Echoes
LV Hemodynamic Performance Quantification at Basal and Mid-Ventricular Level in Mice with Heart Failure
Lymphoma Spectrum Disorders of the Central Nervous System
Macromolecule Suppressed GABA Editing Using Spectral Spatial RF Pulses
Magic Angle Enhanced MR Microscopy of Fibrous Structures in Normotensive and Hypertensive Eyes Using T2, T2* and T1rho MRI
Magnetic Carrier for Hyperpolarized 13C Sample Transfer from DNP Polarizer to MR Scanner
Magnetic Force Estimation Around MRI Magnets
Magnetic Forces on Medical Implants
Magnetic Nanoparticles Extracted from Magnetotactic Bacteria as Contrast Agents for MRI
Magnetic Resonance Arthrographic Visualization of Surgical Classification of Rotator Cuff Tear
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) for Measurement of Muscle Stiffness of the Shoulder: Feasibility with a 3T MR Imaging System
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Cysts and Fluid Filled Cavities
Magnetic Resonance Elastography with a Wireless Synchronization Pneumatic Vibration System
Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Multiple Myeloma at 3.0 Tesla: How Do Bone Marrow Plasma Cell Percentage and Selection of Protocols Affect Lesion Conspicuity?
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) for Rapid Quantitative Abdominal Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Trajectory Optimization
Magnetic Resonance Histology: Cool Images- But Who Cares?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Relaxometry: Assessment of Reproducibility Between Magnetic Resonance Scanners at 1.5T
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Under Pressure – MRI in Basic Barometrical Research
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Excess Cardiac Iron in Thalassemia Major: When to Initiate?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7T Enables the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of the Adaptive Response of the Contralateral Kidney Following Nephrectomy in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in a Dual Taper, Modular Total Hip Arthroplasty
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Entheses of the Foot at 11.7T
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pulleys of the Flexor Tendons of the Toes at 11.7T
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Viscosupplementations: A Preliminary Report
Magnetic Resonance in MiGTOFU Trial
Magnetic Resonance Metabolic Profiling of Breast Cancer Tissue Obtained with Core Needle Biopsy for Predicting Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Fixed Breast Tissue
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of the Drosophila Brain at 10 Micron Isotropic Resolution
Magnetic Resonance Queckenstedtfs Test: A Preliminary Results
Magnetic Resonance Rheology of the Human Brain
Magnetic Susceptibilities of Iron Rich Gray Matter Nuclei Are Negatively Correlated with Various Brain Functions in Healthy Adults
Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of the Myocardium
Magnetic Susceptibility Contrast Variations in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesions Observed at 7T
Ex-Vivo QSM-Pathology Investigation in a Community Cohort'>Magnetic Susceptibility in Subcortical Gray Matter Is Associated with Alzheimer's Pathology: An Ex-Vivo QSM-Pathology Investigation in a Community Cohort
Magnetization Prepared DREAM for Fast Flow-Robust B1+ Mapping
Magnetization Transfer Effect in the Lung Parenchyma: Dependence on the Presence of the Blood Signal
Magnetization Transfer from Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (IhMT): Effect of MT Asymmetry on the IhMT Signal
Magnetization Transfer from Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (IhMT): Field Strength Dependency
Magnetization Transfer from Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (IhMT): Improved SC Imaging Using ECG Synchronization
Magnetization Transfer from Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (IhMT): Qualitative Evaluation of IhMT Specificity Toward Myelinated Structures
Magnetization Transfer from Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (IhMT): Sequence Optimization
Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) with a Periodic MT Pulse and Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Acquisition for Imaging White Matter Disease
Magnetization Transfer Ratio Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: Superior Selectivity of 3D Balanced Steady State Free Precession in Comparison to 2D Gradient Echo
Magnetization Transfer Saturation Per TR (MTsat) Better Discriminates Normal-Appearing White Matter Than Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) in Multiple Sclerosis
Magnetohydrodynamic Effects in MRI Studies of Ionic-Current Phantoms: Dependence on Field Strength and Conductivity
Major Sources of Phase Contrast in Brain.
Manganese Enhanced MRI Assay of Spinal Cord Functional Connectivity
Manganese Induced Changes in Thalamic GABA Levels Influence Cognitive and Motor Performance
Manganese(II)-Block Copolymer Complexes and Their Use for MRI of Biological Processes
Manganese-Enhanced MRI Combined with Acoustic Startle Reflex Testing Would Be Useful as an Imaging Biomarker for Tinnitus
Manifold Learning Based ECG-Free Free Breathing Cardiac MRI for Highly Accelerated CINE
Manipulator-Mounted Optical/NMR Dual-Modality Probe for Multimodality Scanning in MR Guided and Robot-Assisted Interventions
Manual Segmentation Qualification Platform for the EADC-ADNI Harmonized Protocol for Hippocampal Segmentation Project
Mapping Activation in the Human Brainstem at 7 T with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Using RASER and SSBA
Mapping and Correcting Respiration-Induced Field Changes in the Brain Using Fluorine Field Probes
Mapping Blood Flow & Tissue Oxygenation with MRI: Insights from Other Modalities
Mapping Blood Volume Fraction and Vessel Size Index at Steady-State: Impact of Contrast Agent Dose and Spin-Echo Time
Mapping Gd-DOTA Leakage Kinetics in Experimental Cerebral Malaria
Mapping Gray Matter Structural Integrity in Adults Perinatally Infected with HIV
Mapping Hepatic Blood Oxygenation Based on Quantitative BOLD
Mapping Higher-Order Brain Function and Resting-State Networks with Diffuse Optical Tomography
Mapping Hippocampal Connectivity of the Live Mouse Brain with Localized High Resolution HARDI
Mapping Mean Axon Diameters Using Diffusion MRI with Oscillating Gradients
Mapping of Relative Vessel Sizes in fMRI with SAGE
Mapping the Creatine Kinase Reaction Rate in Muscles of the Lower Leg Using Progressive Saturation 31P-MRI at 3.0 T.
Mapping the Distinct Single-Vessel Vascular Contribution to BOLD and CBV fMRI
Mapping the Dynamic Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flow and BOLD Fluctuations: Implications for Quantitative fMRI
Mapping the Genomic Influence of a Single Chromosome on the Alterations of Functional Connectivity Before and After Somatosensory Stimulation Using fMRI and fcMRI
Mapping the Presurgical Neuroanatomical Correlates of Postoperative Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Mapping the Resting State Functional Connectivity in the GPR88 KO Mouse Brain
Mapping the Tonotopic Organization of Auditory Cortex in Awake Marmoset Using fMRI
Mapping the Unidirectional Pi-To-ATP Fluxes in Muscles of the Lower Leg by Using Progressive Saturation 31P-MRI with PCr Suppression at 7.0 T
Marker of Disease Progression in Patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Using 2D MRSI
MARTINI and GRAPPA - When Speed Is Taste
MASSIVE: Multiple Acquisitions for Standardization of Structural Imaging Validation and Evaluation
Mathematical Models of Colorectal Tumour Microstructure Informed by Oscillating Gradients Diffusion MRI
MAVRIC-SL with 3x2 Parallel Imaging and a Hexagonally Sampled Calibration Region
Maximally Spaced Projection Sequencing for Uniform Acquisition of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging Projections
Maximizing Tissue Contrast in MRI Using RAFFn Preparation with SWIFT and Spin Echo Readouts
Maximum Entropy Reconstructed Echo Planar Based Spectroscopic Imaging and Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Prostate Cancer
Maxwell Equations & EM Modeling
Mean Apparent Propagator MRI to Determine the Spatio-Temporal Trajectory of Cortical Microstructure Abnormalities Following Controlled Cortical Impact in the Mouse.
Mean Diffusivity Measurement in Gray Matter: A Potential Image-Based Biomarker of MCI and AD
Measurement and Correction of Gradient Nonlinearity by Spherical Harmonic Fitting Using the ADNI Phantom
Measurement of a High-Temporal Resolution Arterial Input Function from MR Projections: Extension to Radial Acquisition to Compensate for Local Tissue Enhancement
Measurement of Axon Diameter and Axon Density of the Corticospinal Tract in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus by Q-Space Imaging
Measurement of Distinctive Features of Cortical Spreading Depolarizations with Different MRI Contrasts
Measurement of Lactate Concentrations in the Breast Mammary Tumors Using Selective Multiple Quantum Coherence Editing Sequence at 4.7T
Measurement of Lagrangian Strain and Eulerian Flow in the Abdomen Using Continuously Single Shot Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Measurement of Morphological Biomarkers Using Highly Under-Sampled k-Space Data Without Image Reconstruction: Application in Left-Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume Assessment
Measurement of Pulmonary Perfusion and Gas Exchange Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe in a Rodent Model of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury
Measurement of T2 and T2* in Spin Echo Single Point EPR Imaging Using a Single Acquisition Method
Measurement of the Myelin-To-Axon Diameter G-Ratio in Very-Preterm Infants Using Multi-Modal MRI
Measurement of Trabecular Bone Quality In Vivo Using Decay Due to Diffusion in the Internal Field (DDIF) MRI
Measurement of White Matter Maturation in the Preterm Brain Using NODDI.
Measurement Sequence for Quantitative Phase-Based Arterial Input Function for Bolus Tracking Perfusion Imaging
Measurements and Modeling of Hyperpolarized 1-13C in the Perfused Lung in Relation to Organ Redox State
Measurements of Glutamatergic Pathway in Patients with Schizophrenia Using 7T MRSI
Measuring In Vivo Myocardial Substrate Competition Using Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance
Measuring Absolute CMRO2 Using Asymmetric Spin Echo and Hyperoxic Calibrated BOLD
Measuring Changes in Arterial and Venous Cerebral Blood Volume in Human Brain at 7T
Measuring Dynamic Changes in Liver Perfusion and Blood Flow Following a Meal Challenge
Measuring Human Glomerular Morphology and Pathology with MRI
Measuring Polarization Using Asymmetry of Hyperpolarized [1,2-13C]Pyr Doublets
Measuring Response to Novel Therapies: Thinking Differently
Measuring RF Currents Induced in Implants Using B1+ Maps
Measuring the Effects of Aging and Gender on Regional Brain Shear Stiffness in Healthy Volunteers with MR Elastography
Measuring the Spatial Magnetic Field Gradients Within a Scanner Bore
Measuring the Z-Spectrum at Various Saturation Powers Simultaneously: Development of a Look Locker- MT Sequence
Measuring Tumor Metabolism in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas (DIPG) Using Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MR Spectroscopic Imaging
Measuring Vascular Reactivity with Breath-Holds After Stroke: Implications for fMRI Study Interpretation
Medial Temporal Lobe Hypointense Foci in Alzheimer’s Disease Reflects Accumulation of Iron-Containing Microglia.
Medication with Stimulants Modifies the Mean Diffusivity in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A DTI Study
MEMRI of Diabetic Retinas During Light and Dark Adaptation at 11.7T
MEMRI Reflects Human Neuropathology in a Murine Model of NeuroAIDS
Metabogenomics in Cancer
Metabolic Aberrations Underlying Impaired Abstract Reasoning Abilities in Chronic Alcoholism: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging Study
Metabolic Adaptations in Muscle After Short Bout Exposure to Recreational Football: An Intervention Study in Sedentary Pre-Menopausal Women.
Metabolic Alterations in Rat Brain Due to Chronic High Altitude Stress: A 1H-MRS Study
Metabolic Analysis of Slowly Cycling Melanoma Cells
Metabolic Changes in a Rat Glioma Model After Anti-Angiogenic Treatment Measured by MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate
Metabolic Characterization of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in Response to NAC Treatment
Metabolic Characterization of Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Metabolic Confinements in Normal and Stroked CNS In Vivo Revealed by Localized Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRS at 21.1 T
Metabolic Flux Analysis of Acetylcarnitine Turnover and Mitochondrial Oxidation of [2-13C]acetate in Rat Skeletal Muscle In Vivo Measured by 13C MRS
Metabolic Profile of Human Breast Tissues Studied by In-Vitro NMR Spectroscopy
Metabolic Profiling of Urinary Bladder Carcinoma Tissues by HRMAS NMR Spectroscopy
Metabolic Reprograming in IDH Mutant Glioma Cells
Metabolic Response to a Neuroinflammatory Challenge in a Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Metabolic Subgrouping of Breast Cancer Using HR MAS MRS and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis; Correlation with Molecular Subtypes
Metabolism of Hyperperfused Tissue After Stroke Reperfusion Therapy.
Metabolism of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate to Plasma Glucose in the Rat Liver
Metabolite Changes of Insular Cortices in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Metabolite Concentration Changes in the Human Auditory Cortex Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (FMRS) at 7 Tesla
Metabolite Profiling and Metabonomic Approaches of Fecal Extracts from Patients with Chronic Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Cancer Based on 9.4T NMR Spectroscopy and Pattern Recognition
Metabolite Profiling of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells with 1H NMR Identifies a-Aminoadipic Acid, Product of the Activity of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ALDH7A1, as Putative Biomarker of Tumor Aggressiveness
Metabolite Proton T1 Relaxation Times in the Rat Brain In Vivo at 17.2 Tesla
Metabolite Proton T2 Relaxation Times in the Rat Brain In Vivo at 17.2 Tesla
Metabolomic Imaging for Human Prostate Cancer Detection Using MR Spectroscopy at 7-T
Metabolomic Predictors of Malignancy in IDH-Mutant Gliomas Using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Metabonomics of Celiac Disease by In-Vitro Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Blood Plasma
Metamaterial Cell for B1+ Field Manipulation at 9.4T MRI
Method for B0 Off-Resonance Mapping by Non-Iterative Correction of Phase Errors
Method for Correcting Respiratory Artefacts in Parallel-Accelerated First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Method of Transforming Brain Spectroscopic Waterline Data Into Standard Brain Space (Analyzing Functional MRS in FSL)
Methods for 3D Treatment Envelope Evaluation in Transcranial MRgFUS
Methods for Comparing Fiber Orientation Distribution (FOD) Functions Based on Histology and Diffusion MRI
Methods for Myelin Water Imaging
Methylene Blue Treatment Delays the Progression of Ischemic Penumbra Into Infarct
Micro Resonant Marker for Endovascular Catheter Tracking in Interventional MRI: In Vitro Imaging at 3T
Microfabricated High-Moment Iron Particles for In Vivo Cell Tracking
Micro-Imaging of Finger Tendons In Vivo Using a Dedicated Solenoidal Finger Coil at 7 T
MicroMR Imaging of Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in a Unilateral Ureteric Obstruction Model
Microscopic Validation Delayed Contrast Enhanced 3D Inversion Recovery (IR) Gradient Echo MRI in Beating and Non-Beating Swine Hearts
Microstructural Abnormalities Related to the Chronification of Osteoarthritic Pain: A DTI Study
microstructural Brain Abnormalities in Patients with Major Earthquake-Induced Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Microstructural Characterisation of Normal and Malignant Human Prostate Tissue with VERDICT-MRI
Microstructural Characterization of the Infarct Border Zone in Humans with In Vivo Diffusion Tensor MRI and “Gray-Zone” Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Microstructural Development of Human Brain Cerebral Cortex from Early 3rd Trimester to Around the Birth with Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Microstructural Development of the Corpus Callosum ‘catches Up’ Between Term and 7 Years in Children Born <30 Weeks’ Gestation or <1250 G
Microvascular Obstruction Inhibits Infarct Healing and Enhances Compensatory Ventricular Hypertrophy: Experimental Cardiac MRI Study
Microvascular Obstruction Is Associated with Greater Extracellular Matrix Remodelling in the Remote Myocardium After Infarction: A T1-Mapping Study
Minimum Intensity Snake Algorithm (MISA) for Segmenting Brain Tissues in MR TBE Images
Mitigate B1+ Inhomogeneity by the Combination of RF Shimming and B1+ Remapping Using Nonlinear Gradient Coils
Mitigating Eddy Current Distortions
MM-Suppressed GABA Measurements Correlate More Strongly with Behavior Than MM-Contaminated GABA+ Measurements
Mn-Enhanced MRI for Early Tumor Detection and In Vivo Growth Rate Analysis in a Mouse Medulloblastoma Model
MNI-Poly-AMU Average Anatomical Template for Automatic Spinal Cord Measurements
MOBILE Allows a Follow-Up of Brain Oxygen Variations During a 100% 02 Breathing
Mode of Variation in Brain Structure Identifies Network Linking Protracted Development, Early Degeneration and Vulnerability to Disease
Model Independent Method on Modified DCE-MRI Perfusion Data for Exploring Area and Grade of Gliomas
Model-Based DTI Reconstruction with Sparsity Constraints on the Diffusion Tensor
Model-Based Neuroanatomy: Tractography Validation, White-Matter Connections and Geometrical Organization
Model-Free Phase Processing of Multi-Gradient-Echo Images at 9.4T
Model-Free Spatial Intensity Non-Uniformity Correction Algorithm for MR Images
Model-Free Spectral Fat Analysis Based on Ultra-Dense Echo Sampling Using a Singular Value Decomposition Matrix Pencil Method
Modeling Cancer in MR Studies: Cells & Animals
Modeling Dynamic Contrast-Enhancement (DCE)
Modeling Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC)
Modeling Focal Cortical Dysplasia Lesions Using Diffusion of Gadolinium-DTPA in Gel Phantoms
Modeling PIN Diode Temperature Rise in High Induced Current MR Receive Coils
Modeling Structure & Physiology from MRI Data: How to See the Invisible
Modeling Structure with Relaxation: T1 & T1rho
Modeling Structure with Relaxation: T2
Modeling the Hemodynamic Response in Stimulus-Evoked Mouse fMRI
Modeling Tissue Microstructure & Morphology (Lung)
Models of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Pulmonary Hypertension from Pulse Wave Analysis of MRI Measurements in the Main Pulmonary Artery
Moderate Protein Content Does Not Influence on DWI-Thermometry: Temperature-Controlled Artificial CSF Phantom Study
Modes of Shear Waves in Brain MR Elastography
Modular and Versatile Multi-Row Transmit Array Based on a Novel Decoupled Coil Element Design
Modular Organization of Mouse Brain Functional Connectivity
Modulated Closed Form Solution for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Modulating Activity in the Olfactory Bulb Leads to Reversible Changes in Size and Alter Migration of New Neurons
Modulation of Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Motor Network by Transcranial Pulsed Current Stimulation (TPCS)
Modulation of the Abdominal Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue by Fat Storage-Inducing Transmembrane (FIT) Proteins - An Imaging Study
Molecular Biology Has Your Back — Validating MEMRI Transport Data
Molecular Imaging Applications
Molecular Imaging of Cervical Cancer with Multiparametric 18FDG/18FMISO PET-MRI at 3Tesla: A Feasibility Study
Molecular Imaging of Fibrotic Remodeling and Functional Microcirculation Using a Novel MT/CEST Encoded Steady State Cardiac Cine MRI Pulse Sequence.
Molecular MRI and DCE-US to Evaluate Anti-Angiogenic Therapies in Kidney Tumor Xenografts
Molecular MRI Detection of the Brain Development in Normal Children with Magnetization Transfer (MT) and Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging
Molecular Signaling Pathway Intervention of Fibrotic Alterations of Myo-Architecture of Rabbit External Anal Sphincter Muscle Following Surgical Myotomy – a DTI Fiber Tracking Study.
Monitoring Bone Remodeling Following MR-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound on MRI and CT in a Swine Model
Monitoring Extracelluar PH, Spatial Heterogeneity and Contrast Agent Uptake in Lymphoma Tumor Growth with AcidoCEST MRI
Monitoring Local Heating Around an Interventional MRI Probe with RF Radiometry
Monitoring Low-Risk Prostate Cancer with Diffusion-Weighted MRI: ADC and Its Relationship to Growth Rate
Monitoring Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Over a Period of Five Years Using MR Frequency Shift Imaging
Monitoring of Endothelial Permeability and Plaque Progression in a Rabbit Model of Atherothrombosis Using an Albumin-Binding MR Contrast Agent
Monitoring of Glioblastoma Response to a Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI and 1H MRS
Monitoring of Rat Liver Regeneration Following Portal Vein Ligation Using MR Volumetry and Hepatic Arterial Spin Labelling
Monitoring Re-Cellularization of Acellularized Organs with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and T2W-MRI
Monitoring Response to Drug-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles in a Mia PaCa-2 Pancreatic Tumor Model with T2 and Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Monitoring the Accumulation of Natural Fruit-Derived DiaCEST Liposomes in B16 Melanoma
Monitoring the Efficacy and Retention of Collagen I-Matrigel for Treating Myocardial Infarction
Monitoring Therapeutic Effect of a Vascular Disrupting Agent: Correlation Between Perfusion Parameters Derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Monitoring Tissue-Engineered Graft Oxygenation In Vivo by Fluorine-19 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Monitoring Treatment Response
Monitoring Tumor Response to the Direct or Indirect Targeting of Choline
Monitoring Vascular Permeability and Remodelling Following Endothelial Injury in a Murine Model Using an MR Albumin Binding Contrast Agent
Monopole-Drive for RF Ablation at 64 MHz
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Effect of Fat Spatial Distribution in Trabecular Bone Marrow on the DDIF MR Signal
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Diffusion MRI with Realistic Voxel Sizes
More Accurate Estimation in Prostate Volume Achieved by Optimized Single Slab 3D SPACE Compared with 2D-TSE: A Quantitative Study Based on the Radical Prostatectomy Specimens.
More Frequent Cognitive Activity in Late Life Is Associated with Higher Brain Microstructural Integrity in Non-Demented Older Adults
More Severe Atrophy of Basal Nuclei in Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Compared to Alzheimer’s Disease
Morphologic MRI Findings Related to New Pain Development Over a Period of 4 Years – Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Morphological and Quantitative Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Short T2 Components in White Matter of the Brain
Motion and Eddy-Current Correction in High B-Value Diffusion MRI: Systematic Registration Errors and How to Avoid Them
Motion Artefact Correction in Quantitative MRI (QMRI) by Linear Relaxometry Modelling
Motion Compensated Dynamic Imaging Without Explicit Motion Estimation
Motion Corrected 3D Liver Undersampled MRI
Motion Corrected Radial MP-NRAGE
Motion Corrected Sparse SENSE for Highly Accelerated Multi Slice Cardiac CINE
Motion Correction for Free-Breathing Whole Heart T1 Mapping at 3 Tesla
Motion Correction in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using Intermediate Pseudo-Trace-Weighted Images
Motion Correction in Post-Injection Dynamic Cardiac T1-Mapping: Preliminary Results
Motion Correction of EPI Sequences Using Their Intrinsic High-Frequency Content
Motion Correction of High Temporal 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Pancreatic Cancer - Preliminary Results
Motion Detection for 3D Radial Balanced SSFP Sequences
Motion Effects During Single-Shot Acquisition
Motion Insensitive ACS Acquisition Method for In-Plane and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Accelerated EPI
Motion Sensitivity in MR Fingerprinting
Motion-Compensated EM PET Reconstruction for Simultaneous PET/MR Exams
Motion-Correction Techniques
Motion-Guided Low-Rank Plus Sparse (L+S) Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Dynamic MRI
Motor and Cognitive Processing Networks Show Increased Manganese Accumulation in Metal Workers
Mouse Model of ADA Deficiency Shows Similar Brain Abnormalities as Human Patients.
MOWHARP: Multi-Oriented Windowed HARP Reconstruction for Robust Strain Imaging
MP2RAGE in Mice
MP3 Your A1! How Frequent Headphone-Usage Shapes Your Auditory Cortex
MPgCG: An Iterative RF Pulse Design Method for Excitation Using Nonlinear Gradient Fields
MPI Meets MRI: A First MPI/MRI Hybrid Scanner
MR and the Metastatic Lymph Node
MR Artifact Reduction for Dental Alloys Using MAVERIC Sequences
MR Based Evaluation of Subcutaneous, Visceral and Intermuscular Adipose Tissue as Markers for Metabolic Disorders
MR Cholangiography: From 2D to 4D Imaging
MR Connectomics Identifies a Distributed Subnetwork Lesioned in Schizophrenia
MR Elastography for the Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Does Histological Necroinflammation Influence the Measurement of Liver Stiffness?
MR Elastography of MPTP-Induced Parkinson’s Disease in the Mouse
MR Elastography Using SS-SE-EPI with Reduced FOV for Kidney: Preliminary Study.
MR Endoscopy Vs EUS: A Comparison
MR Enterography to Assess Disease Activity in Crohn's Disease
MR Estimation of Permeability Parameters in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Studies Using Model Averaging Technique and Nested Model Selection Method
MR Fingerprinting : Fat-Water Separation Imaging
MR Fingerprinting Using FISP
MR Flow Imaging Reveals Unique Flow Patterns Linked to Different Leaflet Fusions with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
MR Gravimetry (MRG) of the Lung
MR Guided Focused Ultrasound: New Clinical Applications
MR Image Reconstruction Exploiting Nonlinear Transforms
MR Imaging & Spectroscopy of the Influence of Insulin Resistance
MR Imaging of Brain Deformation During Mild Angular Acceleration, Referenced to Brain Anatomy and Microstructure
MR Imaging of Cerebral Oxygen Extraction & Metabolism
MR Imaging of Parkinson Disease: Conventional and Advanced Techniques
MR Imaging of Protein Folding Employing Nuclear–Overhauser–mediated Saturation Transfer
MR Imaging of Traumatic Brain Injury: Current Clinical Practice
MR Imaging of Water and Fat in Cortical Bone: Comparison Between the SWIFT and FSE Sequences
MR Microscopy and DTI of Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures
MR Molecular Imaging of Breast Cancer Metastases with Peptide Targeted Tripod Macrocyclic Gd(III) Chelates
MR Proton Spectroscopy Study in Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy
MR Quantification: An Automated Self-Normalization Technique to Reduce Variability in Functional Maps.
MR Quantitative Pulmonary Perfusion Imaging in 2-Year Old Children After Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair -Comparison Between High Temporal and High Spatial Resolution-
MR Safety of Magneto-Inductive Receivers
MR Safety Testing of Devices: How to Separate the Good from the Bad & the Ugly
MR Safety: Where Do the Risks Come From?
MR Spectroscopy Suggests Hyperexcitability, Neuronal Injury, Inflammation and a Physiological Imbalance of Bioenergetics in White Matter of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
MR Spectroscopy: The Promise
MR Supports Therapeutic Effects of Corticosteroids in 5-7 Year Old Boys with DMD
MR T2 Values of the Knee Cartilage and Meniscus in Chronic Kidney Disease
MR Tagging Based Cardiac-Induced Liver Deformation Analysis in Murine Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
MR Thermometry in Depth
MR Thermometry of Frozen Tissue Using Signal Intensity: A Feasibility Study at 11.7T
MRA: Clinical Needs
MRA: Contrast Enhanced Techniques
MRA: Non-Contrast Enhanced Techniques
MR-ARFI for Characterizing Transcranial FUS in the Rat Model
MR-Based Attenuation Correction Utilizing Multi-Echo Flyback UTE IDEAL.
MR-Based Modeling of Interventions in Basilar Artery Aneurysms
MR-Compatible Normobaric Gas Mixer for Hypercapnic Vasoreactivity Studies on Humans
MR-Guided Focal Laser Ablation for Prostate Cancer Followed by Radical Prostatectomy: Validation of Ablation Volume
MR-Guided HIFU: Technical Overview
MR-Guided Prostate Hyperthermia with a Commercial Endorectal HIFU Ablation Array
MR-Guided Sclerotherapy of Low-Flow Vascular Malformations Using T2-Weighted Interrupted BSSFP (T2W-ISSFP): Comparison of Pulse Sequences for Visualization and Needle Guidance
MRI Acquisition and Analysis Protocol for In Vivo Grey Matter and White Matter Cross-Sectional Area Measurements in the Lumbo-Sacral Enlargement at 3T
MRI Applications in Substance Abuse
MRI as a Complementary Tool in Motion Management for Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Thoracic Tumors
MRI at 7 T Correlates Therapy-Induced Alterations in T2 Heterogeneity, ADC and Tumor Volume in Ewing’s Sarcoma Xenografts
MRI Based Noninvasively Differentiation Between Aggregated and Dispersed Liver Iron In Vivo: A Feasibility Study
MRI Colonic Stress Test for Differentiating Different Subtypes of Constipation
MRI Compatible Wireless Power Transfer System
MRI Demonstrates a Decrease in Myocardial Infarct Healing and Increase in Compensatory Ventricular Hypertrophy Following Mechanical Microvascular Obstruction
MRI Detection and Histological Correlates of the Dependence of Brain Damage on Recovery Time Between Recurrent Mild Strokes.
MRI Detection of Pial and Subpial Abnormalities in the Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord
MRI Diffusion Histogram Analysis in Paediatric Optic Pathway Tumours with and Without Neurofibromatosis
MRI Evaluation of a Peptide-Coated Nanoparticle as a Potential Therapy Against Preclinical Brain Metastatic Breast Cancer
MRI Evaluation of Coronary Versus Systemic Endothelial Function in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
MRI Evaluation of the Relationship Between R2, R2*, and Tissue Iron in the Human Basal Ganglia
MRI for Visualization of Coronary Vein Branches Used for Pacemaker Lead Implantation
MRI Gradient Field-Induced Heating and Its Frequency Dependency for Different Materials
MRI Guidance of Doxorubicin Release from Liposomes Stimulated by Pulsed Low Intensity Non-Focused Ultrasound in an Experimental Tumor Model
MRI Guided Drug Delivery Targeting Glioma Using Inteleukin-13 Conjugated Liposome (IL-13-Liposome)
MRI Guided HIFU of Visceral Fat: Effect of Heating on T2 Relaxation of Fat
MRI Guided Percutaneous Catheter-Based High Intensity Ultrasound Thermal Ablation in Swine Muscle and Kidneys.
MRI in Post-Menopausal Bleeding
MRI Measured Brain and Spinal Cord Atrophy Differ Between Mouse Strains in a Murine Model of MS
MRI Measures of Cortical Bone Water Concentration: Dependence on Age and Pore Volume Fraction
MRI Morphological and Quantitative Evaluation of Knee Allograft Repair at 3, 6 and 9 Months Post-Op: Early Surveillance Demonstrates Nascent Physiological Incorporation of Allograft Material in Pain Free Patients
MRI of Cardiac Function and Apoptosis in Fas Ligand Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure
MRI of CNS Inflammation
MRI of Common Bone Tumors
MRI of Myocardial Infarction with Vasovist: A Potential Marker for Permeability in MI
MRI of Perianal Fistulase?t?
MRI of the Lung to Monitoring Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Patients with Pulmonary Exacerbation
MRI Parameters as Predictive Factors of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Progression
MRI Provides More Accurate Renal Motion Estimation Than 4D-CT for Radiation Treatment Planning in Young Children
MRI Quantification of Diffusion and Perfusion in Bone Marrow by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and Non-Negative Least Square (NNLS) Analysis.
MRI Reconstruction by Learning the Dictionary of Spatialfrequency-Bands Correlation: A Novel Algorithm Integratable with PI and CS to Further Push Acceleration
MRI Relaxometry Correlation Against Iron in Alzheimer’s Disease
MRI Relaxometry to Assess the Tension State of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament In Vivo
MRI Safety and Cardiac Pacemakers/ICDs
MRI Safety Events: Lessons Learned
MRI Signal Texture Parameters Within Human Intervertebral Discs as Biomarkers of Spine Pathologies and Severities
MRI Tracking of Transplanted Cell Viability and Function Using a Multimodal Quadruple Fusion Gene Reporter
MRI Validation of a Transcriptional Cascade Propagation Model in FSHD Muscular Dystrophy
MRI/X-Ray Fusion for Overlay Guidance During Congenital Heart Disease Catheterization Procedures
MRI-Based Quantification of the CMRO2 Response to Apnea in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
MRI-Based Simulation of Central Brain Atrophy for Evaluation of Brain Atrophy Measurement Methods
MRI-Based Treatment Simulation and Patient Setup for Radiation Therapy of Brain Cancer
MRI-Compatible Exercise Device for Use in Cardiac Stress Tests
MRI-Guided and Monitored Laser Ablation for Renal Malignancy: a Step Toward Moving Interventional MRI Technology to Mainstream Usage?
MR-PET/HIFU/Hybrid Technologies
MR-Rheology - A Feasibility Study with Phantoms
MRS and Diffusion MRI of the Spinal Cord in Friedreich’s Ataxia
MRS in Early Stage Psychosis: Dependence on Tissue Fraction Correction
MR-Thermometry with a Flexible Micro-Coil Detector During a Nd:YAG Laser Ablation on a Gel-Phantom
MR-Volumetry of the Liver and the Spleen in Correlation to Liver Iron Concentration Determined by MRI-R2* and Biosusceptometry
MRXCAT: Realistic Numerical Phantoms for Cardiac MRI
MS Diagnosis Is Predicted at Initial Clinical Presentation by Venocentric Lesions Detected with 3T SWI
MSK: Arthritis
MTC Free APT and RNOE-CEST Images of Human Brain at 7T
Multi Echo GRE for Thermal Imaging
Multi Gradient and Spin-Echo Radial Acquisition for Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI
Multi Physics Modeling of Eddy Current Vibration Damping in MRI Systems
Multi Planar Reconstruction Technique for MR-Endoscope System Based on Scope Tip Tracking with Gradient Field Sensor
Multi Slice-Group Slice-Accelerated Breast Diffusion MR Imaging on 3T
Multi-Atlas Label Propagation for Accurate Anatomical Segmentation of Rat Brain Images
Multiband Acquisitions for Clinically-Feasible 3-T MRI Track Density Imaging to Parcellate Thalamic Nuclei for Functional Neurosurgery
Multiband Echo-Shifted (MESH) EPI for Improved Acquisition Efficiency of T2* Weighted EPI
Multiband EPI in Brain Functional Mapping – an fMRI Study with Rhyme Judgment Tasks
Multiband Excitation
Multiband RF Excitation for Accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Presence of Metal
Multiband Slice Accelerated TSE for High Resolution Knee Imaging
Multiband Slice Accelerated TSE: Clinical Applications in Brain Imaging
Multiband Spin- And Gradient-Echo (SAGE) fMRI
Multiband-Accelerated Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Abdominal Organs: Initial Experiences
Multi-Band-Multi-Spoke PTX RF Pulse Design in the Heart at 7 Tesla: Towards Faster, Uniform Contrast Cardiac CINE Imaging
Multi-Centre Reproducibility of Diffusion MRI Parameters for Clinical Sequences in the Brain
Multi-Channel Array Safety Simulations Validated with Field and Temperature Measurements
Multi-Component T2* Mapping in the Calf Muscle During Plantar Flexion Using a Multi-Echo Radial GRE Sequence
Multi-Component Fitting of T2* Relaxation in White Matter at 3 and 7 Tesla
Multi-Component T2 Analysis of Articular Cartilage in Osteoarthritis Patients Using McDESPOT at 3.0T
Multi-Component Transverse Relaxation in Egg Yolk: Relaxations Times, Relative Amplitudes and Spectral Assignments
Multi-Contrast Inversion-Recovery EPI (MI-EPI) Functional MRI at 7 T
Multicontrats MRI Improved the Clinico-Radiological Correlation in Early Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Minor Deficits
Multi-Dimensional Susceptibility Conditioned RF Pulse (SCOPE) Design: A Spokes Approach
Multi-Direction Excitation for Magnetic Resonance Elastography to Increase the Fidelity of Mechanical Properties
Multi-Echo fMRI Atlas of Seed-Based Functional Connectivity with Power Analysis
Multi-Echo SE- Vs. Multi GRE-Derived Myelin Water Fraction Imaging at 3 T
Multi-Echo Simultaneous Multi-Slice FMRI: Reliable High-Dimensional Decomposition and Unbiased Component Classification
Multiexponential T2 and Quantitative Magnetization Transfer in Rodent Brain Models of Hypomyelination
Multifunctional GdNPs; from Probe Design to Imaging Targeting of Cancer
Multimodal Fitting of Diffusion MRI Data for Assessing the Inflammatory/microvascularity Relationship in a Glioma Rat Model
Multimodal Imaging Analysis in the Assessment of Gray and White Matter Damage in Multiple Sclerosis
Multimodal Imaging Brain Connectivity Analysis Toolbox
Multimodal Imaging Classification of ADHD: Brain Functional Connectivity and Cortical Thickness
Multimodal MRI and NIRS Measurement of CMRO2 in Grey Matter
Multi-Modal Neuroimaging and Spectroscopy of Mild and Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries in Rodent Model
Multimodal PET-MRS Investigation of Glutamate-Dependent Neuroreceptor Plasticity in the Healthy Human Brain
Multimodality Imaging End-Points on MTOR and HSP Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer: A Pre-Clinical PET/MRI/MRS Study
Multimodality Tissue Tracking Algorithm of Myocardial Strain: Initial Validation with Tagged MRI
Multimodity Imaging in Multiple Myeloma with an Emphasis on Whole Body MRI
Multinuclear (19F + 1H) High-Resolution Intravascular MRI of Perfluorooctyl Bromide (PFOB) Microcapsules at 3T
Multi-Nuclear MR Imaging of Ventilation and Perfusion Distribution Response to Bronchodilator in Asthma
Multi-Nutrient Diet Increases Cerebral Blood Flow and Functional Connectivity in ApoE4 and Wildtype Mice
Multiparametric 3T Prostate MRI in Patients with Elevated PSA and No Previous Biopsy
Multiparametric Analysis Using PCASL, IVIM and DKI for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Multiparametric Assessment of Prostate
Multi-Parametric Assessment of Vascular Reactivity in Peripheral Artery Disease
Multiparametric Characterization of the Sex Differences in a High-Grade Glioma Rat Model by In Vivo Magnetic Resonance and Post-Mortem Analysis.
Multi-Parametric Classification of Inflammatory Myopathies at 3.0 T
Multiparametric Functional 1H-Lung MRI Using a Free-Breathing 3D Twisted Projection Imaging Sequence
Multiparametric Functional MRI for Assessment of Acute Renal Allograft Rejection in Mice – Correlation with Renal Histology and the Composition of T-Cell Infiltrates
Multiparametric Functional MRI for Assessment of Delayed Renal Allograft Function
Multiparametric MR Imaging for the Assessment of Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness at 3 Tesla
Multi-Parametric MRI Assessment of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Mice
Multi-Parametric MRI Characterization of Methylene Blue Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Multiparametric MRI Characterization of NBO Treatment Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Multiparametric MRI Detection and Prediction of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer.
Multiparametric MRI Mapping of Oxygen Delivery and Hypoxia in Renal 786-O-R Murine Xenografts
Multiparametric MRI to Differentiate High-Risk from Low-Risk Prostate Cancer
Multiparametric Prostate MRI - Correlation of Imaging Findings with MRI-Guided Biopsy Results
Multi-Parametric QBOLD Approach for Robust Oxygen Extraction Fraction Quantification in Clinical Use
Multiparametric Therapy Study of the Goat Cartilage After Inducing Osteoarthritis
Multiparametric Tumor Clustering for Predicting Recurrent Glioblastoma: Comparison with Single Parametric Diffusion and Perfusion Analyses
Multiparametric Whole Body MRI in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases – Total Tumour Volume, ADC and Fat Fraction Parameters Reproducibility
Multiparametrical Diffusion Tensor Imaging for the Detection of Anaplastic Transformation of Low-Grade Gliomas
Multi-Phase Passband Cine SSFP: An fMRI Technique with Excellent Spatiotemporal Resolution at 7 Tesla
MultiPINS: PINS + MultiBand Hybrid RF Pulse with Reduced SAR for SMS Imaging at Ultra High Field Strength
Multi-Planar Reference-Less PRFS Thermometry Using a Linear Spectral Decomposition of the Background Phase on a Base of Spatial Spherical Harmonics
Multiplatform Reproducibility of 3D Carotid Vessel Wall MRI
Multiple Echo and Inversion Time MPRAGE with Inner Loop GRAPPA Acceleration and Prospective Motion Correction for Minimally Distorted Multispectral Brain Morphometry
Multiple Quantum Coherence, Editing & Multidimensional NMR
Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Fingerprint Using Multicontrast MRI
Multipole Anisotropy Measured by STI in the P-Space Is Not an Artifact of Zero Filling
Multi-Pool CEST Imaging of Glioblastoma at 7 T
Multiscale Total Variation Registration for MRI Guided Interventions
Multishot for High Spatial Resolution
Multisite DTI of the Spinal Cord with Integrated Template and White Matter Atlas Processing Pipeline
Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor Reproducibility of R2* Relaxometry on an SPIO Phantom at 1.5T and 3T
Multislab Multiband 3D Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography for Improved Contrast and Reduced Acquisition Time
Multislice Acquisition with Incoherent Aliasing (MICA)
Multi-Slice Imaging of the Abdomen During Free Breathing Using a Radial Self-Gating Technique
Multi-Slice Ultrafast Spatiotemporal Encoding (SPEN) MRI by New Two Dimensional Excitation Pulses
Multi-Tuned Coils
Multivariate Patterns of Age-Associated Microstructural Change Measured by Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Multi-Vendor GABA-Edited MRS
Multivoxel Proton Spectroscopy for Non-Invasive MR Thermometry: Phantom Comparison of PRESS and SemiLASER-Localized Chemical Shift Imaging for Temperature Monitoring
Murine Cardiac Imaging Methods at 4.7T
Muscle-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Bone Marrow Perfusion Study
Mutual Information Weighted Graphs for Resting State Functional Connectivity in fMRI Data
Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) Imaging Using Flip Angle Mapping and a Dual Channel Transmit Coil at 3T
Myelin Water Fraction Change Within White Matter Lesions May Predict Conversion of Clinically Isolated Syndrome to Definite Multiple Sclerosis
Myelin Water Fraction of the Whole Brain: 3D GRASE MWI Vs. 3D ViSTa MWI
Myelin Water Imaging from Spin-Echo and Steady-State Techniques on Fixed Brain
Myelin Water Imaging Using Direct Visualization of Short Transverse Relaxation Time Component (ViSTa) at 7T
Myelin Water-Weighted Imaging
Myocardial ASL with Improved Sensitivity to MBF Using Parallel Imaging
Myocardial Fibrosis by CMR LGE in a Large Cohort of Pediatric Thalassemia Major Patients
Myocardial Function and Remodeling in a Baboon Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Myocardial Function: Beyond Systolic Dysfunction
Myocardial Infarction Alters Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DCE) Curve Shapes as Well as Peak Enhancement: a Study Using Plots of Myocardial Vs. Blood Longitudinal Relaxation Rates
Myocardial Metabolism
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using Transient-Phase Spiral-In/Out SSFP
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with an Interleaved Multi-Slice Acquisition for Steady-State Readout Without Saturation Preparation or Gating
Myocardial T2* Mapping Free of Distortion Using Susceptibility Weighted RARE Imaging at 7 Tesla
Myocardial T1 and Extracellular Volume Fraction Related to Cardiac Functional Parameters in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Modified Look-Locker Imaging Study
Myocardial T1 Mapping at 3T by Sampling Inversion Recovery with Real Time Turboflash
Myocardial T1 Mapping with a Saturation Recovery Method Using Composite RF Pulse - Preliminary Study
Myocardial Tissue Characterization (T1, T2, T2*, Quantitative T1-Mapping)
NAA Spectroscopy Correlates with Intra-Axonal Compartment Parameters from Diffusion MRI
nanoPARCEL Probe : Soft Nanoparticles Containing MRI and Fluorescence Imaging Probes
Nano-Thermometer with Thermo-Sensitive Polymer Grafted USPIOs Behaving as Positive Contrast Agents in Low-Field MRI
Narrowband Phased Array Preamplifier Design Using an Integrated SAW Filter
Nasal MOG Ameliorates MRI Brain Pathology in Progressive EAE
Natural Abundance in Vivo 17O Measurements at 9.4T
Naturalistic fMRI of Clinical Computerized Paired Associate Learning Test with Visual Feedback of Hand Position
Nature-Inspired Nanoformulations for Contrast-Enhanced In Vivo MR Imaging of Macrophages
Near-Field Management During MR-HIFU Ablation in Highly Perfused Organs
Near-Magnet Power Amplifier with Built-In Coil Current Sensing
Neonatal Asymmetry Between Preterm and Term Neonates:An MRI Structural Network Study
Neonatal CNS Ischemia: Physics Persepctive
Neonatal CNS Ischemia: Radiologic Persepctive
Network Discovery with FMRI: Analytic Choices & Their Implications
Neural Activation Differences Between Viewing Rural and Urban Images
Neural Correlates of Habitual Expressive-Suppression in Trauma-Exposed Individuals
Neural Mechanisms of Brain Plasticity with Cognitive Training in Healthy Seniors
Neural Mechanisms of Imaginary Pushing an Object in Different Spatial Directions: An fMRI Study
Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) Adds Biophysical Insight of White Matter Microstructural Injury in Neonatal Encephalopathy
Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) to Investigate Tau Pathology in a TG4510 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s
Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging of the Cervical Cord In Vivo
Neuro: Stroke
Neuroadaptation to Single Traumatic Stressor Revealed by Resting-State fMRI in Awake Rats
Neuroanatomical Mechanism on Sexual Arousal in Connection with Sexual Hormone Levels: A Comparative Study of Postoperative MTF Transsexuals with Premenopausal and Menopausal Women
Neuroanatomy Reveals Radiation-Induced Memory Deficits in Mice
Neurochemical Changes in Scopolamine Induced Memory Impairment in the Mouse Are Detectable by In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Neurochemical Profile Differentiation of Glioma Induced by Cancer Stem Cells Expressing WIF1: A 1H-MRS Longitudinal Study at 14.1T
Neurochemical Profiling and Volumetric MRI in the Murine Model of Hurler Syndrome (MPS IH)
Neurodegeneration in Preclinical Stages of Parkinson's Disease
Neurofunctional and Neurochemical Endophenotypes in Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Investigated by fMRI and MRS
Neuroimaging Studies of Brain Connectivity, Microstructure and Function
Neuroimaging with INSIDIR: Integrated Single Inversion and Double Inversion Recovery
Neuroinflammation in Chronic Sports-Related Repetitive Brain Trauma
Neuromyelitis Optica Spinal Cord Has Increased T1 and Decreased Myelin Water Fraction
Neuronal Current MRI: The Effect of Neuronal Oscillations
Neuropathologic Correlates of Brain White Matter Hyperintensity Volume Measured with Ex-Vivo MRI.
Neuropathologic Correlates of Regional Brain Volumes Assessed with Ex-Vivo MRI.
Neuroprotective Effect of Lactoferrin Following Inflammatory Injury in the Developing Rat Brain Assessed by High-Field 1H-MR Spectroscopy
Neuroprotective Effects of Erythropoietin on White Matter Development in Preterm Infants Investigated with Tract Based Spatial Statistics
Neuroprotective Effects of Methylene Blue in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Neurotoxic Aspects of Tungusten Alloy Based Heavy Metals in Rat Brain: A DTI Study
Neurovascular Coupling, Revisited
New & Emerging Techniques: MRI in Patients with Devices
New & Emerging Techniques: MR-PET
New & Emerging Techniques: Myocardial Diffusion
New Cardiac and Breathing Monitoring Tool in MRI.
New Data Processing Pathway for Automatic Detection of Vascular Territories and Source Vessel Locations Using Random VEASL
New Emerging Techniques
New Insights Into Rabbit Brain Development with Generalized Q-Sampling MRI
New Magnetic Nanoparticle for Kidney Function
New Matching Networks for Coil and Preamplifier
New Model and Confirmatory Measurement of the BOLD Hemodynamic Response Function
New MR Thermometry Approach to Follow Small Temperature Variation: In-Vivo Validation on the Anesthetized Baboon’s Brain at 7T
New Pulse Sequence Combining Diffusion MRI and MR Elastography (DMRE)
New Strategy of Improving the Image Quality of Respiratory-Gated Projection Acquisition Using 3D K-Space Spiral Trajectory
New Tools for Amyloid Plaques Detection by MRI: Gadolinium-VHH Antibody Conjugates
NIBIB New Horizons: "MRI in an Era of Multi-Scale Neuroscience: Where Do We Go from Here"
Nigral Iron Deposition in LRRK2 and Parkin Mutation Carriers Using R2* Relaxometry
Nigrostriatal Pathway Evaluation with Diffusion MRI and Three-Dimensional Histological Analysis in a Monkey Model of Parkinson's Disease
NIH Experience
Nitroxoline Induces Apoptosis and Slows Glioma Growth In Vivo
NMR Based Biomarkers to Study Aging Related Changes in the Human Quadriceps
NMR Based Metabolomic Approach to Study System Responses of Rat to Tungsten Exposure in Multiple Biological Matrices
NMR Characterization of Cylinder Radii Distributions Using a SHORE-Based Regularization Method
NMR Phytometabolomics for Chemosensory Signatures
NMR Signal Acquisition in the Doubly Tilted Rotating Frame
NMR Spectroscopy Identifies Two Subtypes with Different Metabolic Profiles in Stem-Like Cells from Glioblastoma Multiforme
No Reversal of Ketamine-Induced Functional Connectivity Changes in the Rat Brain After Acute Dosing of Antipsychotics
Nodal Centrality of the Resting State Functional Network in the Differentiation of Schizophrenia Using a Support Vector Machine
NODDI Performs Better Than DTI in Brain Tumors with Vasogenic Edema
NODDI with Dispersion Anisotropy
NOE-CEST and Amine–proton Exchange Imaging of Mouse Brain with Suppression of MTC Effects
Noise Estimation in Spiral Imaging
Noise Reduction in CP-SSFP Myocardial BOLD Images: Deformable Image Registration and Temporal Averaging
Noise Reduction of Impulse Response Function of the Encoding Fields Calculation
Noise Variance of an RF Receive Array Reflects Respiratory Motion: A Novel Respiratory Motion Predictor
Non Central Chi Estimation of Multi-Compartment Models Improves Model Selection by Reducing Overfitting
Non Contrast Enhanced MRA of the Supra-Aortic Arteries with Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Non ECG-Triggered Self-Navigated 3D Radial Whole-Heart Cine MRI with High Spatial Resolution for Simultaneous Multi-Phase Coronary and Functional Imaging.
Non Invasive Estimation of Tissue Viscoelasticity from Broad-Band Mechanical Excitation Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Non Invasive Quantification of Ectopic Fat Content: Flexibility with Bariatric Surgery Induced Weight Loss
Non Local Spatial and Angular Matching : A New Denoising Technique for Diffusion MRI
Non Proton MR
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) & Cardiovascular Disease
Non-Cartesian K-Space Sampling
Non-Cartesian Navigation for Subspace 3D Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Non-Cartesian Retrospective Reconstruction of Cardiac Motion in Patients with Severe Arrhythmia
Noncontact Physiological Measurements Using Video Recording Inside an MRI Scanner
Non-Contrast Assessment Microvascular Blood Flow Fraction to Evaluate Treatment Efficiency of MR Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) Surgery of Uterine Fibroids
Non-Contrast Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Detection of Synovitis Using DESS
Non-Contrast Mapping of Arterial Delay and Functional Connectivity Using Resting-State Functional MRI: A Study in Moyamoya Patients
Noncontrast MRA of Abdominopelvic Arteries Using Quadruple Inversion-Recovery Preconditioning and 3D Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging at 3T
Non-Contrast MRA Using Magnetization Transfer (MT) Preparation with a Zero Echo-Time (ZTE) Acquisition
Non-Contrast MRI Characterization of Thrombus Composition and Susceptibility to Thrombolysis in a Mouse Model of Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Non-Contrast Myocardial Fibrosis Imaging Using MT-Weighted Balanced Steady State Free Precession MRI
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Free-Breathing Lung Imaging Using High-Speed MRI Data Acquisition and Phase Dispersion Analysis
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of the Thoracic Central Veins
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Arteriography with Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession Sequence and Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulses: Comparison of Imaging with Flow-In and Modified Flow-Out Methods
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Pulmonary MR Angiography Based on ECG-Gated 3D Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP) Technique: Influence of Tag Pulse Position for Separation of Pulmonary Arteriogram and Pulmonary Venogram
Non-ECG-Triggered Perfusion Imaging with Integrated T1 Mapping for Quantifying Myocardial Blood Flow
Nonenhanced Evaluation of the Peripheral Arteries Using Quiescent-Inflow Single-Shot with Arterial Spin Labeling (QISS ASL) MR Angiography
Non-Enhanced MR Angiography of the Lower Extremity Arteries at 7T: Correction of Saturation Pulse Artifacts
Non-Gaussian Diffusion in Complex Systems: Results in Bone Marrow Samples
Non-Invasive In Vivo Measurements of Inertial Forces in Muscle Using Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Noninvasive Assessment of Cardiomyocyte Breadth from Extracellular Volume Fraction with MRI
Noninvasive Assessment of Myocardial Fibrosis Using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) T1rho-Mapping Techniques in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Hemodialysis Patients
Noninvasive Evaluation of Electrical Conductivity of the Normal Brain and Brain Tumors
Non-Invasive Imaging Biomarkers of Tumor Response to XL184 Therapy
Noninvasive Imaging of Angiogenesis with a a?ß3 Integrin-Targeted Multi-Modality Nanoprobe in Myocardial Infarction Model
Non-Invasive Imaging of Deep Venous Thrombi by 19F MRI Using Targeted Perfluorcarbon Nanoemulsions
Non-Invasive Investigation of Exocrine Pancreatic Function Using Cine Dynamic MRCP with a Spatially Selective Inversion-Recovery (IR) Pulse
Non-Invasive Measurement of Cellular Membrane pH Gradient in Brain Tumors Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Bicarbonate MSRI and CEST Imaging
Non-Invasive MR Oxygen Mapping of Primary Central Nervous System Tumors
Noninvasive MRI of Tissue Redox State Based on Endogenous Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Contrast
Non-Invasively Quantitative Measurements of Intrarenal Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) in Rabbits with Unilateral Renal Artery Stenosis Using MRI
Non-Linear Correction of 3D R2* Maps with Fast Through-Plane Gradient Mapping Computation
Nonlinear-Phase Multiband 90°-180° RF Pair with Reduced Peak Power
Non-Resonance 16-Element Transceiver Array for Human Head Imaging at 7T
Nonrigid 3D+t Image Registration for Temporal Averaging in Multiphase Coronary MR Angiography
Nonrigid Autofocus Motion Correction for Coronary MR Angiography with a 3D Cones Trajectory
Non-Rigid Continuous Motion Correction in Abdominal Imaging
Non-Rigid-Registration of Breast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data: Comparison and Evaluation of B-Splines and Symmetric Diffeomorphic Normalization Based Methods
Non-Subtraction Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography at 3T Using IVD Sampling, Parallel Imaging and 2-Pt Dixon
Nootropics Prevent the Effect of Scopolamine in an PhMRI Provocation Model
Normal and Pathologically Altered In Vivo 3D Aortic Wall Shear Stress Maps
Normal Range and Reproducibility of Multi-Frequency MR Rheology of Healthy Liver at 3.0T MRI
Normalization of White Matter Intensity on T1-Weighted Images of Patients with Acquired Central Nervous System Demyelination
Normalizing Cerebrovascular Reactivity Map Via Concomitant CO2 and O2 Challenge
Normative Modeling of Early Brain Maturation from Longitudinal DTI Reveals Twin-Singleton Differences
Normobaric Oxygen Treatment Worsens Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Not All Brain Regions Are Created Equal: Insights from Longitudinal Imaging of Early Postnatal Mouse Brain Development.
Nottingham Experience
Novel Acquisition Scheme for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Based on Compressed-Sensing Accelerated DSI Yielding Superior Image Quality
Novel Intervention for Acute Migraine Headache Investigated by BOLD fMRI
Novel MRI Indicators of Cerebrovascular Compliance in Response to Cardiac Pressure Wave
Novel Quantitative Magnetization Transfer (QMT) of the Human Optic Nerve In Vivo.
Novel RF-Coil Assembly to Simultaneously Investigate fMRI and Electrophysiology in Non-Human Primates in a Large Bore Vertical Magnet
Novel Sampling Strategies for Sparse MR Image Reconstruction
Novel Upper Airway Compliance Measurement Using Dynamic Golden-Angle Radial FLASH
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) Mediated Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging at 7 Tesla in Glioblastoma Patients
Numerical Analysis of a Four Channel Array with Intrinsically Dual Tuned Single Element Antennas Providing a Congener Resonant Behavior for Combined 23Na/1H MRI at 7T
Numerical Simulations of RF Heating for Infants Within MR Body Coil
Nyquist Ghosting Correction for Simultaneous Multislice Echo Planar Imaging
Observation of Brain Development in Neonates/infants Using Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Observation of Regional Variations of Conductivity in In-Vivo Human Brain
Observation of Time-Dependent Transverse Relaxation Rate Due to Mesoscopic Magnetic Structure
Observing Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Short Term Neuron Activity After Transcranial Focused-Ultrasound Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening in Small Animal
Obtaining B1 Distributions by Encoding in B1 Instead of Image Space
Occupational Manganese Exposure Levels Correlate with Brain GABA Levels
Odorant Stimulation Manganese Enhanced MRI for Olfactory Pathway After Intranasal Manganese Administration
Off-Resonance Artifact Reduction Methods for Imaging with Electrodes
Off-Resonance Correction in PROPELLER Using Dixon Water-Fat Separation
Off-Resonance Correction of 23Na Spiral Trajectories Based on a 1H B0-Map at 7T
On Conductivity, Permittivity, Apparent Diffusion Coefficients and Their Use as Cancer Markers at MRI Frequencies
On Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging in the Presence of Pathological Plasma-Protein Concentrations
On the Age Effect of the BOLD Signal in Rat fMRI Using Electrical Mystacial Stimulation
On the Application of Simultaneous Dual Contrast Weighting Using Double Echo 2in1-RARE in Healthy Subjects and Multiple Sclerosis Patients
On the Confounding Effect of Temperature on Chemical Shift-Encoded Fat Quantification
On the Correction of Cable Losses for In-Situ Subject-Specific Global Q Matrix Calibration
On the Effect of Fat Suppression Via Chemically Selective Saturation (CHESS) Pulses on R2* Measurements in Patients with Transfusional Iron Overload
On the E-Field Construction/deconstruction and B1+ Efficiency/Homogeneity with Transmit Array Eigen Modes
On the Feasibility of Hybrid Acquisition in SPACE
On the Feasibility of Overcoming Frequency Encoding Limitations Near Metal Implants with Broadband Single-Point Imaging on Clinical MR Systems
On the Lorentzian Versus Gaussian Character of Time Domain Spin Echo Signals Sampled Via Gradient Echoes: Implications for Iron Deposition Analyses
On the Need for T2* Correction in Quantitative Water-Fat Imaging of Skeletal Muscle
On the Origins of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Contrast in Tumors at 9.4T
On the Quantification of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Using Phase-Contrast MRI
On the Repeatability and Required Sample Sizes of GABA-MRS Experiments.
On the Role of Physiological Fluctuations in Quantitative Gradient Echo MRI
On the Use of the Two-Pool Model to Improve the Accuracy of Axon Calibration
On Variant Strategies to Solve the Magnitude Least Squares Optimization Problem in Parallel Transmission RF Pulse Design and Under Strict SAR and Power Constraints
Online SAR Measurement Error in High Resolution Slice Accelerated 2D EPI
Opposite Neural Trajectories of Apolipoprotein E e4 and e2 Alleles with Aging Associate with Different Risks of Alzheimer's Disease
Optical Imaging
Optical Motion Tracking with Two Markers for Robust Prospective Motion Correction
Optical Power Transmission Can Help to Build Receive Coils Without Coaxial Cables
Optimal Auto-Calibration Kernel Estimation Using Double Adaptive Weights
Optimal Control in Fast Exchange ParaCEST
Optimal Decision Tree for Classification of Benign and Malignant Ovarian Masses Based on DCE-MRI Quantitative Parameters Employing Hierarchical Clustering Approach
Optimal Measurement of Arterial Input Function in MR Renography Using Saturation Recovery
Optimal MRI Sampling and Binning for Online 4D Retrospective Respiratory Motion Analysis of the Abdomen
Optimal Oxygen Concentration for Hyperpolarized Xenon Brain MRI
Optimal Reconstruction Using Receive Arrays for Hyperpolarized 13C Cardiac Imaging at 3T
Optimal Scan Time for Reproducible GABA Measurements
Optimal Sequence Weighting for 3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging
Optimal Trajectory Design for Higher-Dimensional Encoding
Optimal Unbiased Steady-State Relaxometry with Phase-Cycled Variable Flip Angle (PCVFA) by Automatic Computation of the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound
Optimisation of Acquisition Time for a Dual Calibrated fMRI Protocol to Measure Absolute CMRO2
Optimisation of Asymmetric Adiabatic Pulses for Single Voxel Metabolite Cycled 1H-MRS in the Human Brain at 9.4 Tesla
Optimisation of Time-Resolved Angiography with Stochastic Trajectories (TWIST) for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Head and Neck Cancer
Optimised Encoding Scheme for Vessel-Encoded Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling
Optimised Segmentation Scheme for High-Resolution Multi-Shot 3D-GRASE PCASL with Improved Point Spread Function
Optimization of 3D Turbo GluCEST MRI of Healthy Brain at 7T
Optimization of 7 T YBCO Coils for In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo MRI of Small Animals; Assessment of Achievable SNR Gain
Optimization of a Fast Diffusion Estimation Two-Compartment Model for Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Optimization of a Four Channel Phased Array Coil for Rat Lung Imaging at 7 T
Optimization of a Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Sequence at 7T with Phased Array Coils
Optimization of Amplitude-Modulated Pulses for Bloch-Siegert Based B1 Mapping
Optimization of B1 Field Homogeneity Along the Longitudinal Direction for 7T MTL Resonators by Using a Multi-Row Design
Optimization of Fast K-Space Trajectories for 3D Spatially Selective Parallel Excitations
Optimization of Flip Angle and TR Schedules for MR Fingerprinting
Optimization of Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MP-RAGE) at 7T
Optimization of Phase Map for Simultaneous Dual-Frequency MR-Based Conductivity Imaging
Optimization of Post Contrast T1 Mapping Time for Diagnostic Assessment of Myocardial Amyloid
Optimization of ROI Transposition for Atlas-Based Analysis of MRI Quantitative Metrics in Neuroimaging Studies
Optimization of Short-TE Phase Contrast Flow Quantification
Optimize the Sampling of Volumetric Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging
Optimized k-T Sampling for Combined Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Optimized Dark-Blood Imaging for Evaluation of the Aorta and Subclavian Arteries in Patients with Giant Cell Arteritis
Optimized Encapsulation of Neural Tissue for SE and EPI Imaging
Optimized Fast Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (FSNAP) Imaging for Intracranial Arteries
Optimized Fast Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (FSNAP) Imaging with Low-Resolution Reference Scan for Carotid Artery
Optimized fMRI Pulse Sequence for Simultaneous EEG-FMRI: Spiral Pseudo REal TIme (SpRETI)
Optimized Pediatric Suite with Head Array Adjustable for Patients 0-5 Yrs of Age
Optimized Refocusing Flip Angles for Efficient Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo Imaging
Optimized Sampling Time Selection for the Saturation Curve for Myocardial T1 Mapping
Optimized Strategies for 19F MRI of Human Lungs and Comparison of UTE and Gradient Echo Imaging
Optimized Threshold Selection for Automatic Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage Detection in Magnetization-Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient-Echo (MP-RAGE) MRI with Histology Validation
Optimized Two-Element Coil-Array for Cardiac Imaging in Mice at 9.4 T
Optimizing B-Value Distribution for IVIM Imaging Using Adjusted Weighting Factors
Optimizing CAIPIRINHA Multi-Band Acquisition Scheme for 2D Multi-Slice Experiments in the Abdomen
Optimizing Contrast Administration for MRA
Optimizing MR Acquisition Time for Dynamic Pituitary Gland Evaluation Utilizing GRASP
Optimizing Navigator Flip Angle for Free-Breathing Fat-Fraction and R2* Quantification of the Liver
Optimizing Q-Space Sampling Density for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Optimizing Single Component DESPOT Using a Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Framework
Optimizing the Location of the 13C Inversion Pulse in a Modified INEPT Sequence: Illustration with 13C3 Glutamate
Optogenetic Control of Hemodynamic Response in Rat Somatosensory Cortex - fMRI and Optical Study
Optogenetic Manipulation of VTA Dopaminergic Neurons and Global Patterns of Functional Neural Connectivity
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas Invasive to the Mandible: Evaluation with Thin Cross-Sectional Multiplanar Reconstruction MR Images Using 3D Sequences on a 3T Scanner
Orientation Mapping in Visual Areas at Ultra High Field
Orientation-Dependent Rendering of Diffusion Fiber Tractography Streamlines for Improved Visualization of Complex Tissue Organization
Oscillating Gradient Acq.
Oscillating Gradient Diffusion MRI in the Ex-Vivo Prostate to Assess ADC Behavior at Small Diffusion Times
Oscillating Gradient Diffusion MRI Reveals Frequency-Dependent Contrasts in Cellular Layers of the Human Cerebellum
Oscillating Gradient Spin-Echo (OGSE) DTI Yields Mechanistic Insights in Human Stroke
O-Space Turbo Spin Echo Imaging
OSSARTE: An Open-Source Software for SAR and Temperature Estimation
Osteoid Osteoma: Magnetic Resonance Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Entirely Non-Invasive Treatment. a Prospective Developmental Study.
Other Contrast: Polarization Transfer, Chemical Exchange, & Magnetization Transfer
Overdiscrete Correction of B0 Inhomogeneity in Accelerated 1H FID-MRSI at 7T
Overhauser-Enhanced MRI as a Non Invasive Probe of BBB Breakdown and Redox State Following Ischemia/reperfusion
Overhauser-Enhanced MRI with SENSE Acceleration in the Johnson Noise Dominated Regime
Overproof GRAPPA: Exploiting the Natural Sparsity of Fat Images for 64-Times Accelerated Motion Navigators (FatNavs)
Oxygen Extraction Fraction Measurement Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Patients with Chronic Cerebral Ischemia: Comparison with Positron Emission Tomography
Oxygenation Responses to an Autonomic Challenge in the Elderly Estimated with the Means of Quantitative FMRI. Is the White Matter at Risk of Hypoxic Injury?
Oxygen-Dependence of T1 in Lung Tissue as Observed in Isolated, Ventilated Porcine Lung Phantoms
Oxygen-Enhanced MRI of the Lung
Oxygen-Enhanced T1-Mapping MRI of the Lung in Patients with Chronic Lung-Allograft Dysfunction
Pancreas Fat Via Dual-Echo MDIXON Imaging Shows That Intracellular Fat Does Not Accumulate Within the Pancreas of Healthy and T2DM Subjects
Parallel Image Reconstruction
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Imaging for Sliding Interleaved Cylinder (SLINCY) Acquisition
Parallel Reconstruction Using Patch Based K-Space Dictionary Learning
Parallel Transmission Approach for 7T Based on Optically Controlled On-Coil CMCD Amplifiers
Parallel Transmit Pulse Design
Parallel-Transmission-Enabled 3D T2-Weighted Imaging of the Human Brain at 7 Tesla
Paramagnetic Ions and R2 and R2*map: A Preliminary Postmortem Brain Study
Parametric Event Related fMRI to Investigate Non-Linear BOLD Effects in Motor Task
Parametric Mapping of Renal T2* Demonstrates Beneficial Effect of Epoxyeicosatrienoic Acid for Preventing Acute Kidney Injury
Parametric Representation, Variability Analysis and Atlas Construction of the Mouse Myocardial Fiber Structure
Parametric Response Maps of Perfusion MRI May Identify Recurrent Glioblastomas Responsive to Bevacizumab and Irinotecan
PARASHIFT Contrast Agents - A New Approach for Molecular Imaging by MRI
Parcellating Brain Cortical Regions at Multiple Levels of Granularity Using the Weighted K-Means Algorithm
Parcellation Based Network Analysis
Parenchyma Spin Labeling of Cerebral Intracranial Venous Using Time-SLIP
Parietal White Matter Lesions Increase the Risk of Conversion to AD in Patients with Amnestic MCI and Higher Levels Cognitive Reserve.
Partial Least Squares Regression of Dynamic Functional Connectivity and EEG Reveals the Epileptic Network Activity
Partial Preservation of White Matter in a Murine Model of Niemann-Pick Type C Disease with Therapeutic Intervention: An Ex Vivo DTI Study
Partial Volume Correction for 23Na MRI of Human Brain
Partial Volume Correction of 1H Brain CSI by Grid Shifting (PANGS)
Partial Volume Correction of 3D GRASE ASL Images Using T1 Maps Acquired with the Same Readout Scheme
Patch Based Low Rank Constrained Reconstruction for Diffusion MRI
Patch-Based Dictionaries for Parallel MRI Reconstruction
Patch-Based Reconstruction of Undersampled Images (PROUD) for Sub-Second Frame Rate 4D Contrast Enhanced Liver Imaging
Pathological Substrate of MRI-Derived Cortical Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis
Patient Centered Registration and Analysis of Diffusion MRI for Robust Detection of Spatially Varying Microstructural Changes
Patient Motion: Small Annoyance or Call to Action?
Patient-Reported Outcomes Are Associated with Cartilage T1? and T2 Quantification and Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS) After Acute ACL Injuries
Pattern Recognition Classification of Weighted MR Images of OARSI Scored Human Articular Cartilage at 3T
Patterns of Collateralization in Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Posterior Circulation
Patterns of Regional Gray Matter and White Matter Atrophy in “Cortical Multiple Sclerosis”
Patterns of Tissue Injury Detected by DTI Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
PCr Recovery Rates of Gastrocnemius Medialis and Soleus Muscles at Various Exercise Levels
Pediatric ALL: Characterization of WM Damage and Associated Risk Factors
PEG-Masked Ferritin-Based Multifunctional Nanoparticles in Melanoma Murine Model
Pelvic Floor MRI
Pelvis & Hip
Peptide-Based MRI Contrast Agent and Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe for Intratumoral Legumain Detection
Perfluorocarbon Lung Clearance Evaluated with Dual-Nuclei 19F and 1H MRI in the Context of Total Liquid Ventilation
Perforant Pathway Tracking in Human Temporal Lobe Ex Vivo Tissue.
Performance Bounds for Diffusion MRI Models of Tissue Microstructure
Performance Comparison of a Form Fitted Coil Array Vs. a Quadrature Birdcage Coil for 31P MRS Studies in the Human Calf at 7T
Performance of Multiple Types of Numerical MR Simulation Using MRiLab
Perfusion and Vascular Response as Early Markers in a Bigenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Perfusion Based Functional Connectivity in Autism Reveals Hypo-Perfusion and Altered Connectivity of the Default Mode Network Associated with Increased Symptom Severity
Perfusion Changes Associated with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training Targeting Motor Cortex
Perfusion: Brain & Body
Perfusion: ASL Basics & Analysis
Perfusion: DSC & DCE Basics & Analysis
Perfusion: Finding Flow
Peripheral Nerve Imaging
Perivascular Spaces in MS Patients at 7 Tesla MRI: A Marker of Neurodegeneration?
Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier Predicts Conversion from Optic Neuritis to Clinically Definite Multiple Sclerosis
Perturbed CO2 Reactivity Within and Beyond the Impact Area Following Hyperacute Mild TBI
PET/MR Technologists Challenges from a MRI Technologist
PET/MR Technologists Challenges from a Nuclear Medicine Technologist Point of View
PET/MR Technology Challenges & Comparison of Systems
PET/MRI and PET/CT in Follow-Up of Head and Neck Cancer Patients
PET-MRI of the Upper Abdomen: Comparison of Two Different Post Gadolinium T1-Weighted Sequences. Preliminary Observations
PFG Filter for Oscillating Gradient Diffusion Measurements
pH Dependence of GagCEST at 7T
pH in Cancer
Phantom Results with a Matrix Shim Coil
Phantom Validation of Temperature Mapping Using Fat-Water MRI with Explicit Fitting of Water Peak Location
Phantomas: A Flexible Software Library to Simulate Diffusion MR Phantoms
Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Gadodiamide’s Diffusion Through the Focused-Ultrasound Blood-Brain Barrier Opening in Non-Human Primates In Vivo Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Differentiating Benign and Malignant Spinal Tumors Measured by DCE-MRI
Pharmacokinetic Analysis of DCE-MRI Data from Lumbar Spine Reveals Pathologic Changes in Intervertebral Disc Endplates and Subchondral Bone
Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Longitudinal DceMRI Scans for Assessment of Tumour Growth
Pharmacological MRI with T1 Contrast Agents
Pharmakokinetic Modeling and Quantification of the Liver Function Using DCE-MRI with Contrast Agent Gd-EOB-DTPA
Phase Coherent Multi-Channel Synthesizer of Transmit Pulses at Larmor Frequencies Up to 512 MHz
Phase Contrast at Ultra-High Field - Establishing the Imaging Workflow
Phase Contrast MRI with Flow Compensation View Sharing (FCVS)
Phase Corrected Bipolar Gradients in Multiecho Gradient Echo Sequences for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Phase Correction for 3D Fast Spin Echo Imaging with Compressed Sensing
Phase Cycling for Semi-Laser Single Voxel Spectroscopy
Phase Distribution of White Matter Using Phase Difference Enhanced MRI
Phase Encoded Acquisition with Compressed SEnsing
Phase Image Artifact Reduction Through Interpolation
Phase Sensitive Dixon Inversion Recovery Imaging
Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Imaging of the Spinal Cord in Clinical Scan Times
Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery in Post Mortem Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord: Shades of Grey and White
Phase-Based Contrast Agent Quantification Using Statistical Modelling
Phase-Contrast Cine MR Imaging of Pulmonary Artery to Assess Outcome of Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Phase-Contrast MR Imaging Reveals Age-Associated Differences in Plantarflexor Fascicle and Aponeurosis Behavior in Isometric Contractions
Phase-Sensitive Image Reconstruction
Phenotypic and Functional Assessment of Magnetically Labeled Pig Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Phenotyping Assay of Neuropathic Pain Models Using Selective Stimulation for Peripheral Nerve Fibers
PHIP of Valproic Acid and Related Structures
pH-Nanosensors for Monitoring the Cell Fate After Transplantation Into Diabetic Mice Using CEST MRI
Phospholipid and High-Energy Phosphate Levels in Multiple Brain Regions in Alzheimer’s Disease: A 3D 31P-MRSI Study
Phospholipid Metabolism, But Not Energy Metabolism Is Affected by Expression of the Multidrug Resistance Transporter ABCB5 in G3361 Melanoma Stem Cells
pH-Sensitive MR Imaging Without Dependence on Labile Proton Concentration
pH-Sensitive Nanoparticle for Delivery of Lonidamine to Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Preliminary 31P MRS Study
Physics of Therapeutic Ultrasound
Physiologic Noise at 7T: PESTICA for 3T Obtains Signals for Pulse and Respiration at Ultra-High Field
Physiological and System-Induced Field Fluctuations in EPI Time Series In Vivo
Physiological Bile Flow in the Extrahepatic Bile Duct: Evaluation with Cine-Dynamic MR Cholangiopancreatography and a Spatially Selective Inversion-Recovery Pulse
Physiological Noise Reduction for Multi-Inversion Time ASL
Physiology & Relevance of Cerebrovascular Reserve
Pilot Data on Inter-Centre and Inter-Vendor Comparison of MOLLI and ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Variants at 3T
PI-RADS and Gleason Scores: Are They Correlated? Experience in 298 Patients
Pitfalls & Challenges
Pituitary Stalk Compression by Dorsum Sellae and Growth Disorders.
Pixel-By-Pixel Based Discrimination of Inflammation Using Multi-Parametric MRI
Pixel-Wise Multi-Parametric Assessment of Prostate Cancer from Co-Registered Regions of Pathologically Defined Disease.
Planning an MR Suite: What Can Be Done to Ensure MR Safety?
Plasma Metabolomics in Childhood Obesity Using 1H NMR
Plasticity of the Human Visual Pathways Formed by Ocular Gene Therapy
P-LORAKS: Low-Rank Modeling of Local k-Space Neighborhoods with Parallel Imaging Data
Plug and Play Parallel Transmission at 7 and 9.4 Tesla Based on Principles from MR Fingerprinting
PNS-Optimal Gradient Waveform Design
POCS-ICE: POCS Based Inherent Correction of Phase Errors for Multi-Shot Spiral DWI
Polarity-Corrected TI Prep Tool for Delayed-Enhancement MR Imaging and T1 Mapping
Polarized Multi-Channel Transmit MRI to Reduce B1-Shading Near Metal Implants
Poly(I:C) Treatment in a Spontaneous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mouse Model
Pontine Hyperintensities Are a Sensitive Indicator of Small Vessel Disease in Elderly Patients with Dementia
Poor Gadoxetate Disodium Hepatobiliary Enhancement in MRI of Patients with Cirrhosis: Factors for Prediction
Population-Based Parameterization of the Oxygen Input Function (OIF) for Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI
Portal Vein Contribution to Hepatic Perfusion Estimated Using a Triple Inversion Recovery ASL Technique
Positive Allosteric Modulation of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subtype 5 Modulates Dopaminergic Brain Circuits
Possible Compensatory Plasticity of Anterior Thalamic Nucleus to Memory Impairment in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Patients Manifested as Increased Anisotropy and Fiber Density
Post-Contractile Blood-Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) Contrast in Skeletal Muscle at 7T
Post-Contrast Inversion Recovery Self-Navigated 3D Whole-Heart MRI for Combined Coronary Tree and Scar Tissue Visualization
Post-Contrast Myocardial T1 Is More Sensitive and Precise Than Partition Coefficient/ECV to Cardiovascular Disease: Phantom and Human Validation
Postherpetic Neuralgia Alters Small-World Brain Functional Networks
Postmortal DWI of the Liver in Comparison with In Vivo Data
Postmortem MRI to Guide Pathological Localization: Individualized, 3D-Printed Cutting Boxes for Fixed Brains
Postoperative Brain Tumor Resting State and Task fMRI Study for Radiotherapy Planning
Postprandial Ectopic Lipid Storage Observed After a Single Meal: No Influence of Additional Protein Content
Post-Processing of Diffusion-Weighted MR Data Lowers the Accuracy of the Weighted Linear Least Squares Estimator
Potential Hemodynamic Biomarkers of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Measured with an Aid of Three-Dimensional Cine Phase Contrast MR Imaging
Power Balance Considerations for RF Transmit Coil Arrays
Power-Law Multi-Frequency MRE Reconstruction
Practical Considerations for Toroidal Transceive Interventional Device Visualization
Practical Requirements for Bi-Exponential T2* Fitting in Achilles Tendon Measured by Variable Echo Time Sequence
Pre- And Postprandial Arterial and Portal Venous Liver Perfusion Using Selective Spin Labeling MRI with Look-Locker Read-Out
Precision and Accuracy of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI: Applicability in Well-Perfused Tissues
Precision of Two-Compartment Exchange Model Parameter Estimates: Dependence on Tissue Physiology
Predicting Final Infarct Volume at One Week Post Ischemic Stroke: Recanalization and Baseline Infarct Volume Are Important Parameters for Early Infarct Estimation
Predicting Myelin Content from Functional Connectivity in the Developing Brain
Predicting Stroke Severity with Structural Connectivity Network Disruption as Measured with the Network Modification (NeMo) Tool
Predicting Symptomatic Outcome in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with Support Vector Machines: A 1H-MRS Study
Predicting the Quantitative Accuracy of In-Vivo ADC Using an Ice-Water Phantom
Predicting Topographic Patterns of Future Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease Using Network Diffusion Model
Predicting Treatment Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Using Mean ADCs and Functional Diffusion Maps
Predicting Whole Bone Strength in Radii Using MRI Measurements of Bound and Pore Water
Prediction of Complex MR Signals of a Single Vein: Potential Advancement to Measurement of Venous Oxygen Saturation and Diameter
Prediction of Progression Free Survival in High Grade Gliomas Using Pre-Operative MR
Prediction of Time Between CIS Onset and Clinical Conversion to MS Using Random Forests
Prediction of Tissue Recovery in Chronic Stroke Using Adaptive Models and Acute MR Information
Prediction of Treatment Response Using Texture Analysis on Pharmacokinetic Maps of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
Predictive Filtering for Improved Robustness in Prospective Motion Correction
Preferably Large Fiber Damage in the Corpus Callosum of Progressive MS Compared with Relapsing MS and Controls
Preliminary Application of In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Weighted MRI at 3T in Chronic Myocardial Infarction Porcine Model
Preliminary Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in De Novo Parkinson Disease: Diagnostic Utility of Histogram Analysis
Preliminary Evaluation of Compress Sensing Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI
Preliminary Evidence of a Vascular Normalization Biomarker in Trastuzumab-Treated HER2+ Breast Cancer
Preliminary Evidence of Pronounced Thinning in the Cortex of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Boys with a Comorbid Reading Disability
Preliminary Investigation of Ultrashort T2* in Healthy Cervical Cord Grey Matter and White Matter In Vivo at 3T
Preliminary Investigations of Colonic Motility from Cine MRI; Use of Registration Techniques for Quantitative Analysis
Preliminary Lung Density Measurements with a Portable Low-Filed System
Preliminary Multi-Modal Image Analysis in Epilepsy Using Simultaneous PET/MR
Preliminary Results of Evaluating Feasibility of T1 SPACE to Detect Intracranial Atherosclerosis
Preliminary Results of Metabolic-Flow Relationship in Primary Cervical Cancer: Correlation of Combined PET/Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Preliminary Results on Measuring Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Using Oscillating Diffusion Gradients
Preliminary Study of Cerebral NAD Metabolism and Redox State in Parkinson’s Patients
Preliminary Study on Motion Correction in Model-Based MR Thermometry
Preliminary Study on Structural Brain Network Topology in Chronic Knee OA Pain
Preoperative Assessment of Mandibular Invasion with SWIFT
Preoperative Imaging in Patients Undergoing Trachelectomy for Cervical Cancer: Validation of Endovaginal T2- With Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 3.0T
Prephased O-Space Imaging for Reduction of Asymmetrical Local K-Space Coverage
Pre-Pubertal Clozapine Administration Prevents Post-Pubertal Emergence of Brain Structural Pathology in an Animal Model of Schizophrenia
Presence of AVA in High Frequency Oscillations of the Perfusion fMRI Resting State Signal
Pressure Gradient Measurement in the Coronary Artery Using View-Shared (VS) 4D PC-MRI: Towards Noninvasive Quantification of Fractional Flow Reserve
Presurgical Brain Mapping: fMRI and DTI
Presurgical Brain Mapping: Resting State MRI
Pre-Symptomatic Degeneration and Dysmyelination of Axons in a Huntington’s Mouse Model Revealed by Diffusion Tensor MRI
Presymptomatic Imaging in ALS
Preventing Visual Field Deficits from Neurosurgery Using Intraoperative MRI
Principal Component Directed Partial Least Squares Analysis for Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Canine Breast Cancer: HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy-Based Metabolomic Study
Prior Baseline Thermometry for Improved Thermal Dose Prediction in MRgFUS of Soft Tissue Tumors
Prior Data Assisted Compressed Sensing - A Novel Strategy for Real Time Dynamic MRI
Prior Feeding of Fat Modulates the Cortical Response to Fat in the Mouth in Humans
Prior-Based Initialization for Automated Analysis of 3D MRE
Probabilistic Atlas-Based Generation of Continuous-Valued Attenuation Correction Maps for Hybrid MR-PET Imaging
Probabilistic Cerebral Vascular Territory Atlases
Probabilistic Flow Connectivity Mapping with 4D Flow MRI Data for the Assessment of Blood Mixing in Fontan Circulation
Probabilistic Mapping of Brain Connectivity in the IIT Human Brain Atlas
Probing Cancer Metabolism with Hyperpolarized 5-13C-Glutamine
Probing Energy Metabolism in the Ischemic Rat Heart with Hyperpolarized 13C MRS
Probing Internal-Gradient-Distribution-Tensors (IGDT) by Non-Uniform Oscillating-Gradient Spin-Echo (NOGSE) MRI: A New Approach to Map Orientations in Biological Tissues
Probing Lung Microstructure with Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging
Probing Myocardial Blood Oxygenation Reserve of Canines with Controlled Hypercapnia Using T2-Prepared BOLD MR
Probing the Vitality of Yeast Suspensions by Double Diffusion Weighted MRI
Probing White Matter Microstructure at High Spatial Resolution Combining CHARMED Protocol Optimization and a High Performance Gradient Set
Problems in MR That Need Quantum Mechanics: The Density Matrix Approach
Prognostic CMR Parameters for Heart Failure and Arrhythmias in Large Cohort of Well Treated Thalassemia Major Patients
Prognostic Significance of Late Gadolinium Enhancement Patterns in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension
Progression of Whole Mouse Brain Formaldehyde Fixation by T2 and ADC Maps
Projection Distribution of 3D UTE Sequences for Sodium MRI with Anisotropic Resolution and Uniform Sampling
Pronounced Visibility of Cerebral Venous Vasculature in Small Vessel Disease; a Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Study
Proof of Concept for 3D ICones: Single Petal, Rosette-Like Sampling with a Tight TR Constraint
Propylene Glycol: Are Levels Observed in Brain MRS Solely Related to Dosing?
Prospective Head Motion Correction in 3D FLASH Using EPI-Based Volumetric Navigators (VNavs)
Prospective Intraindividual Comparison Between Highly Accelerated Breath Hold Non-Contrast ECG-Gated Balanced Steady State Free Precession MRA and ECG-Gated CT Angiography
Prospective Motion Correction of 3D EPI Data for Functional MRI Using Optical Tracking.
Prospective Motion Correction with EPI Volume Navigators for Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging
Prospective Optical Motion Correction for 3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling
Prospective Phase Correction for Diffusion-Weighted SSFP Imaging In Vivo
Prospective Study of Changes in Regional Brain Myelin Content After Concussion
Prospective Study of White Matter Diffusion Tensor Properties in Concussed and Non-Concussed Ice Hockey Players
Prospective Study on Radiculopathy: Incremental Value of MR Neurography Over Non-Contributory Spine MRI
Prospects for Rapid CMRO2 Quantification with Interleaved TRUST, Susceptometry-Based Oximetry, and Phase-Contrast MRI
Prostate Cancer Detection from Contrast Enhanced T1 Time Course Without Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Prostate Cancer Detection of Multifocal Tumors on 3T Multi-Parametric MR Imaging: Correlation with Histopathology
Prostate Cancer Localization by Magnetic Resonance Dispersion Imaging
Prostate Cancer Localization with a Multiparametric MR Approach (PCaMAP): Separating PCa from Benign Tissue in a Multi-Center Study
Prostate MRI : Comparison of Generalized Autocalibrating Partial Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA) -Accelerated Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) and Single-Shot EPI in Clinical Application of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3 T
Protocol Combining Advanced and Functional MRI with Neuropsychological Evaluation for Patient-Tailored Therapy Decision and Treatment of Brain Masses
Proton Diffusion Tensor Spectroscopy of Metabolites in Human Muscle In Vivo
Proton MR Spectroscopy of the Thalamus in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Proton Relaxation Times of Human Prostate Metabolites at 3 T
Proton T2 Measurement of Lactate in Brain Tumors at 3T
Prototype 8-Channel Parallel Transmit Body Array in a Clinical 3T System
Pseudo Extravasation Rate Constant of Dynamic Susceptibility Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Determined from Pharmacokinetic First Principles
pTX Spoke RF Pulses for Cardiac MRI at 7T: A New Design Robust Against Respiration Induced Errors, Based on a Virtual Simultaneous Exhale-And-Inhale Calilbration Scan
PTX-RSI at 7T: Fast In-Vivo Brain Spectroscopic Imaging at UHF Using an 8-Channel Parallel Transmit System, a Shim Gradient Insert Coil and Rosette Trajectories.
Pulmonary Functional MRI to Phenotype COPD and Evaluate Treatment Efficacy: Intermediate Endpoints and Predictors of Efficacy When Conventional Endpoints Fail?
Pulmonary MRA for Pulmonary Embolus Detection
Pulmonary MRA: Differentiation of Pulmonary Embolism from Gibbs Artifact
Pulmonary MRI in Neonatal Medicine
Pulmonary Perfusion
Pulmonary Ultra-Short Echo-Time (UTE) Two-Dimensional Radial Acquisition with Compressed Sensing: Preliminary Quantitative Results with Comparison to Thoracic CT
Pulsatile Motion Suppression Using Cine Fast Spin Echo and Non-Linear Image Reconstruction
Pulsatility Artifact Suppression Using Slice-Selective Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (MSDE): A Feasibility Study
Pulse Sequence Modules I: (IR, DE, Spatial SAT, & Chem SAT)
Pulse Sequence Modules II: (Tagging, Labeling, Diffusion Sensitization, & MT)
Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling in 2-Year-Old Children with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair and Occlusion of the Right Common Carotid Artery After Neonatal ECMO Therapy: Quantitative Cerebral Perfusion Imaging at 3.0 T
Pulsed-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI with Multiple Post-Labeling Delay in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Feasibility and Initial Results of a Comparative Study with Parametric Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Purely Endogenous Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate Solutions for Metabolic Study in Glioblastoma Rat Models
Putamen Radial Diffusivity Is an Independent Predictor of Prion Disease Severity
Pyruvate Decarboxylase as a Reporter Gene for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI)
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Activation Normalises Carbohydrate Metabolism and Diastolic Function in the Diabetic Heart
Pyruvate to Lactate Metabolism with Age in Normal Mice Measured by Hyperpolarized 13C
QQ Quantification Analysis of DCE-MRI for Osteosarcoma
Q-Space & Microstructure
Q-Space Signal Reconstruction from Sparse Samples
Quadrimodal Localisation of Epileptic Focus Using Simultaneous EEG, MRI and PET Imaging
Qualitative and Quantitative Effects of Gadoxetate Disodium on DWI/ADC in a Healthy, Liver Donor Population
Quality Assurance for Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using ACR Phantom: Comparative Analysis with 6, 15 and 32 Directions at 1.5T and 3.0T MRI Systems
Quality Assurance for Multi-Center DTI Trial at 3T
Quantification Myelin Mapping Through Short T1 Component Filtering Linear Combination Using Multi Flip Angle SPGR Data
Quantification of 2HG Metabolite in Human Glioma Tissues by NMR and Mass Spectrometry
Quantification of 3D Arterial and Portal Venous Blood Flow Distribution in Liver Cirrhosis Patients Using 4D Flow MRI
Quantification of Abdominal Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue Using a 3D CAIPIRINHA DIXON VIBE Acquisition and Automated Segmentation
Quantification of Aortic Stiffness Across the Cardiac Cycle Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Reproducibility Study
Quantification of CBF Changes in the Human Brain During Moderate Exercise with PCASL
Quantification of Cerebral Arterial and Venous Blood T1 During Hyperoxia and Hypercapnia
Quantification of Cerebral Perfusion Using Dynamic Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Quantification of Chemical-Shift Apparent Diffusion Coefficients (ADC) of Fat and Water Signals Using Interleaved EPI Based IDEAL Method and Multiplexed Parallel Image Reconstruction: Application to Studies of Parotid Glands
Quantification of CPMG Relaxation Rate in MRI of Lung Tissue
Quantification of Dendritic Cells Entering the Lymph Nodes in Mice Using 19-F MRI
Quantification of Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis and Its Association with Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Diastolic Heart Failure Using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Quantification of Energy Loss in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using 4D Flow MRI
Quantification of GABA in the Grey Matter in Multiple Sclerosis
Quantification of Gastric Secretion, Mixing and Emptying Within Single Breath Hold
Quantification of Gastrointestinal Liquid Volumes Following a 240 ML Dose of Water
Quantification of Imperfect Phase Cycling in Multi-Band Imaging: Mathematical Model and Proof of Principle
Quantification of Intragastric Fat Distribution Using IDEAL
Quantification of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in a Large Animal Model Using MRI
Quantification of Liver Perfusion MRI with a Time-Signal Curve Fitting Method
Quantification of Liver Steatosis in Morbidly Obese Patients: Comparative Performance of Low-Field Open MRI and Steatotest
Quantification of L-Type Calcium Channel Activity by Manganese-Enhanced MRI in Murine Hearts In Vivo
Quantification of Lung Microstructure in Asthma Using a 3He Fractional Diffusion Approach
Quantification of Macromolecular Albumin-Gd-DTPA Contrast Using 3D Cardiac T1 Mapping in Normal Myocardium
Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion: A Study of the Number of Readouts Required for a Radial Acquisition with TV-Constrained Reconstruction
Quantification of Scar Tissue Formed Around Cranial Bone Grafts, and Its Reduction by Parathyroid Hormone Therapy
Quantification of Sodium in Healthy Cervical Cord Using Prior Knowledge
Quantification of Subtle Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in White Matter Using DCE-MRI
Quantification of the Cerebellar Lobe Volumes Using a 2D T2 TSE PROPELLER Sequence: Reliability Analysis.
Quantification of the Cerebral Microvasculature Using High-Resolution BOLD-Based Vessel Size Imaging at 3 Tesla
Quantification of the Contributions to Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Contrast
Quantification of Total Adipose Tissue in Fetal Guinea Pigs Subjected to Suboptimal in Utero Conditions Using Water-Fat MRI
Quantification of Triglyceride Fatty Acid Composition in the Fatty Liver, Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissues with 3.0T MRI.
Quantification of Voxel-Wise Total Tract Density: Addressing the Problems Associated with Track-Count Mapping
Quantification of Wall Shear Stress Using Finite-Element Interpolations in Multidimensional Phase Contrast MR Data of the Thoracic Aorta
Quantified Estimates of Artifact Regions Near Metal-On-Poly and And Metal-On-Metal Hip Replacements at 1.5T and 3T
Quantified pH Imaging with Hyperpolarized 13C-Bicarbonate
Quantify LV Rotational Mechanics in Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy Using MR Tagging
Quantify Renal ASL Data with Arterial Input Function (AIF) Sampled from Renal Artery
Quantifying In-Vivo Changes in Myofiber Diameter Due to Muscular Atrophy with Time-Dependent Diffusion MRI
Quantifying Cerebral Haemodynamics and Maximum Potential Oxygen Delivery in Patients with Chronic Ischemia Using DSC Perfusion MRI
Quantifying Intrinsic Susceptibility Variations and Exchange Processes by T1? Dispersion in Blood
Quantifying Non-Invasive MRI Parameters with Angiogenesis and Cellular Infiltration to Characterize Collagen-Sponge Remodeling
Quantifying the Contribution of White Matter Microstructure to Frequency Contrast in Gradient Echo MRI
Quantifying Uncertainty in Kinetic Modelling Parameters of Hyperpolarized Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Data Through the Applicaton of Bayesian Inference Fitting Techniques
Quantifying Variability in DCEMRI of the Breast Between 1.5T and 3T
Quantitative 19F MRI and CT Tracking of Microencapsulated Stem Cells in a Rabbit Peripheral Arterial Disease Model
Quantitative 3D Evaluation of White Matter Degeneration in Rat Spinal Cord Following Dorsal Column Transection Using Frequency Shift Mapping
Quantitative 3D Myocardial Perfusion Imaging at High Dose with Accurate Arterial Input Function Assessment
Quantitative Analysis of DCE-MRI Parameters Ktrans and VL in Intracranial Aneurysms
Quantitative Analysis of Dyssynchrony Using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tagging Imaging in Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Quantitative Analysis of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) in Glaucoma Using 7.0T MRI
Quantitative Analysis of Vortex Flow Patterns in 4D Flow Measurements
Quantitative and Diffusion MR Imaging as a New Method to Assess Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear
Quantitative Assessment of Bowel Motility in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Organic Small Bowel Disease Using MR Cine -Initial Experiences
Quantitative Assessment of Global Small Bowel Motility in Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction and Controls: A Preliminary Study
Quantitative Assessment of Glucose Metabolism in Rat Brains Using In Vivo Deuterium Magnetic Resonance
Quantitative Assessment of Microstructure Properties of Human Corpus Callosum Using Parametric T1 and Myelin Imaging
Quantitative Assessment of Neurochemical Profiles in Rat Hippocampus After Short-Term Binge Ethanol Intoxication, Determined Using Ex Vivo 1H High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy
Quantitative Assessment of Quadrant Breast Density Using 3D MRI
Quantitative Assessment of Renal T2* Heterogeneity with Minkowski Functionals for the Detection of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
Quantitative Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Pulmonary Arterial Regurgitation After Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Quantitative Assessment of Splenic Hemodynamics at 4D Flow MRI in the Evaluation of Thrombocytopenia: A Pilot Study in Cirrhotic Patients with Portal Hypertension
Quantitative Assessment of the Cortical Vessel Sign After Mechanical Stroke Treatment
Quantitative Assessment of the Substantia Nigra, Red and Subthalamic Nuclei in Parkinson’s Disease Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Quantitative Cardiac Imaging (Perfusion, PC-MRI, Regional Wall Motion)
Quantitative Carotid MR/PET Imaging: Comparisons to PET/CT and Clinical Evaluation of MR-Attenuation Correction Versus CT-Attenuation Correction in MR/PET Emission Data
Quantitative Cerebral Water Content Changes After CSF Removal in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Preliminary Analysis Using MRI at 3 T
Quantitative Comparison of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Volume Segmentation on MR Images Acquired with Body and Phase Array Coils.
Quantitative Comparison of Hepatic Fat Fraction in Type 2 Diabetes with Triple-Echo Gradient Echo MRI and Proton MRS
Quantitative Comparison of Localized in Vivo Hepatic 31P MRS at 7T.
Quantitative DCE-MRI Assessment of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Quantitative DTI Tractography of Prostate Gland in Prostate Cancer Patients
Quantitative Evaluation Measures for Assessment of Motion Registration Efficacy in Dynamic Contrast Imaging
Quantitative Evaluation of Biophysical Models of the Diffusion with In Vivo Data by Assessment of the Generalization Error
Quantitative Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging Techniques for Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer
Quantitative Evaluation of Image-Based Distortion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Breast
Quantitative Evaluation of the Short-Lived Eddy Currents in Shield Boxes of the Novel MRI Head Coil Integrated with PET Detectors
Quantitative Evaluation of Two Marker Fixation Systems for Prospective Motion Correction
Quantitative Flow Imaging in the Human Umbilical Vessels In-Utero Using Non-Triggered Phase Contrast MRI
Quantitative Gadolinium-Based Aerosol Deposition and Dynamics in Healthy Rat Lung by UTE-MRI
Quantitative Imaging Network Demonstration of ADC Nonlinearity Bias in Multi-Center Trials
Quantitative Imaging of White Matter Damage
Quantitative Intra-Tumoral Susceptibility Signal in Grading Brain Astrocytomas with Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Quantitative Liver Function Analysis Using T1 Mapping with Fast Multi-Slice B1 Correction on Hepatocyte-Specific Contrast Enhanced MR
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Human Sciatic Nerve at 3 Tesla
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Rodent Glioma Using Selective Inversion Recovery
Quantitative MR Imaging Method
Quantitative MRI of Osteoarthritis for Multicenter Trials: Standardization Between Different Centers and Manufacturers
Quantitative MT Provides Evidence for Neuroinflammation in the Brain Following Interferon-a Treatment
Quantitative NMR Imaging in Pompe Patients to Monitor the Progression of Skeletal Muscle Alterations Without and with Enzyme Substitution Therapy
Quantitative NMRI and NMRS Indices Identify Augmented Disease Progression After Loss of Ambulation in Forearms of Boys with Duchenne Muscle Dystrophy
Quantitative Perfusion and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: A Pilot Study
Quantitative Perfusion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Before and After Y-90 Radioembolization Using a MR Angiographic Technique with Multi-Echo and Radial K-Space Sampling
Quantitative Perfusion with Hyperpolarized 13C-Tert-Butanol: Correlation Against ASL and Quantitative Immunohistopathology
Quantitative Properties (Water Content, Relaxometry, MT) of the Post Mortem Brain: A Baseline for Normal Tissue
Quantitative Relaxation Time and Susceptibility Mapping of Thrombus
Quantitative Relaxometry Reveals the Early Involvement of Rostral White Matter Tracts in a Murine Model of Cerebral Malaria
Quantitative Signal Analysis in the Dipole Field of a Single Vessel
Quantitative Skeletal Muscle NMR Imaging of Juvenile Dermatomyositis Patients
Quantitative Study of Longitudinal Relaxation Rate Change in the Transient MCAO Rat Brain
Quantitative Study of TX/RX-Efficiency of X-Nuclear MRS/MRI at High/Ultrahigh Field
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in ß-Amyloid-PET-Confirmed Alzheimers Disease at 7T
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Spatial Laplace Regularization
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Basal Ganglia of Parkinson’s Patients
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Huntington’s Disease at 7 Tesla
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Intracranial Hemorrhage: Clinical Results and Numerical Simulation
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Intracranial Hemorrhages at Different Stages
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping to Assess Iron Levels in Rat Brain Tumors
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with a Combination of Different Regularization Parameters
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: High Resolution Imaging of the Dentate Nucleus at High Field Strength (7T)
Quantitative T1rho Mapping of Bipolar Disorder: Basal Differences in Euthymia
Quantitative T2* MRI for Bone Marrow Iron Overload Assessment in a Large Cohort of Thalassemia Major Patients.
Quantitative Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Reveals Collateral Blood Flow in Hyper-Acute Stroke Patients
Quantitative VTE-T2* Imaging of the Hip Labrum
Quantum Mechanical Description of NMR : From Wave Function to Bloch Equation
Quiet Short Echo Time Gradient Echo MRI
Quiet SWI Versus Conventional SWI: Radiological Evaluation in Pediatric Patients
R1? (1/T1?) Dispersion Measurement in Knee Cartilage at 3T
R2* Magnetic Resonance in the Evaluation of Cardiac Iron
R2* of Water and Fat in Hepatic Iron Overload: Implications for R2*-Corrected Fat Quantification
RADcommunicator, an IPad Application for PI-RADS Reporting of Prostate Multiparametric MRI
Radial and Circumferential Strain Using Feature Tracking from Cine SSFP Imaging with Compressed Sensing at Rest and with MRI Exercise Ergometry
Radial CAIPI-CS for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Cardiac Perfusion Imaging
Radial Versus Cartesian Sampling for Physiological Stress CMR Perfusion: A Head-To-Head Comparison
Radiation Damping in a Detuned Probe by the Bloch-Kirchhoff Equations
Radiation-Induced Myocardial Injury Visualized by LGE-MRI
Radiative Antennas & Travelling Waves
Radio-Frequency Cardiography Using a Balanced 300MHz Loop Resonator: Ventricular Volume Changes Influence Resonator Efficiency at 7T
Radiofrequency Heating During Body Imaging in a 3T Body Coil and Patient Safety
Radio-Frequency Pulse Design in Parallel Transmission Under Strict Temperature Constraints
Radiological Evaluation of Quiet T1-Weighted PETRA in Comparison with Routine Brain MPRAGE in Pediatric Patients
Radiomics Analysis of Multi-Parametric MRI in Human Brain Tumours
Randomized Golden Ratio Sampling for Highly Accelerated Dynamic Imaging
Rangoli Undersampling Library (RUSL) for K-Space Trajectory Design to Combine Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Accelerated MRI
Ranking Diffusion MRI Models for Fibre Dispersion Using In Vivo Human Brain Data
Rapamycin Restores Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Brain Barrier Integrity in APOE4 Carriers
Rapid in Vivo ADC Mapping of Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolites on a Clinical 3T MR Scanner
Rapid 2D Variable Flip Angle (VFA) T1 Mapping Using Sharp Slice Profiles
Rapid and Accurate T2 Mapping from Multi Spin Echo Data Using Bloch-Simulation-Based Reconstruction
Rapid and Robust Whole Brain Myelin Water Mapping in 6.5 Minutes: Validation and Clinical Feasibility
Rapid DCE-MRI Parameter Generation Using Principal Component Analysis and Clustering
Rapid Dynamic Temperature / T1 / T2* Assessment: A Method with Potential for Monitoring Drug Delivery.
Rapid Increase of Marrow Fat Content and Decrease of Marrow Perfusion in Females Underwent Bilateral Oophorectomy: An Magnetic Resonance Based Longitudinal Study of Lumbar Vertebra
Rapid Non-Contrast Enhanced 4D DMRA Using Golden Angle Radial Acquisition and KWIC Reconstruction at 7T
Rapid PROPELLER-CEST Encoding with Background Asymmetry Subtraction for Ultrafast Z-Spectrum Acquisition
Rapid Pulmonary Proton ZTE Imaging in the Mouse
Rapid QSM Acquisition with Wave-CAIPI
Rapid R2 Mapping: A Comparison Between Ultrafast SE-SS-PARSE and FSE
Rapid Real-Time Cardiac MRI Exploiting Synchronized Cardio-Respiratory Sparsity
Rapid, Direct Measurement of Bulk RF Power Deposition Using Free Induction Decay Acquisitions
RARE Sequence Optimization Parameters for 19F MRI Studies of Labeled Neuronal Stem Cells at 11.7 T
Rate of FLAIR Signal Evolution Depends on Depth of Ischemia and Time: Predicting Ischemia Age
Read-Out Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Evaluating Head and Neck Region
Readout-Segmented Diffusion Tensor Imaging (RS-DTI) Acceleration Using Simultaneously Acquired Slices
Real Time Changes of Phase Contrast of Gray Matter and White Matter Between in Vivo and in Situ Postmortem Rat Brain
Realization of a Synergistic Passive and Active Shimming System to Optimize B0 Field Homogeneity in Micro MR Imaging
Real-Time Active-Tracking of Metallic Needles During MR-Guided Radiation Therapy: From Concept to the First Human Trial
Real-Time Assessment of the Effect of Acute and Chronic Hypoxia on Cardiac Metabolism in the Control and Diabetic Rat: An in Vivo Study
Real-Time Automatic Tracking with a Dedicated 3D Hall-Effect Integrated Circuit for MRI-Guided Interventions
Real-Time Cardiac MRI Using Manifold Sensing
Real-Time Distortion Correction of Spiral MRI Using the Gradient System Impulse Response Function
Real-Time Field Control for Enhanced Temporal SNR in fMRI Time Series
Real-Time Imaging Plane Control Using Tip Tracking Coils and Motion Prediction
Real-Time Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Inertial Cavitationon on Microbubbles by Gradient Echo MRI
Real-Time Motion Correction for T1rho Mapping of Human Brain
Real-Time MRI of Oropharyngeal Swallowing Function: Initial Clinical Results
Real-Time Multi-Parametric Thermal Therapy Monitoring: GPU Versus CPU
Real-Time Phase Contrast Cardiovascular Flow Imaging with Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraints
Real-Time Quantitative Monitoring of Percutaneous MRI-Guided Cryoablation of Renal Cancer
Real-Time Tracking of Temperature, T1 and T2* During the Onset of Thermal Damage in Ex Vivo and In Vivo Rabbit Thigh Muscle
Receive Arrays & Circuitry
Reception Sensitivity Inhomogeneity Correction at Ultra High Field Using a Fast Gradient Echo Sequence
Recipes of Diffusion Measurements with Oscillating Gradients
Reconciling the Discrepancy Between Theory and Observed Hyperpolarized 129Xe Polarizer Performance
Reconstructing 3D Dynamics Based on Complementary 2D Acquisitions: A Preliminary Case Study on Speech Imaging
Reconstructing Resting State Brain Networks from High-Resolution EEG
Reconstruction of 3D T2-Weighted Brain Volumes from 2D High-Resolution Sequences
Reconstruction of Carbon-13 Metabolic MR Images Using Constrained Optimisation
Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian K-Space Data
Recording BOLD, ASL and CBV fMRI Responses to Epileptic Spikes in Rats
Redox State Imaging in a Mouse Model of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Reduced Blurring in 3D Fast Spin Echo Through Joint Temporal ESPIRiT Reconstruction
Reduced Concentrations of GABA and NAA in the Thalamus of Patients with Juvenile Myoclonus Epilepsy
Reduced Cortical Connectivity in Excised Rat Brain with Thyroid Hormone Deficiency
Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion with 2D Echo-Planar RF Excitation and Multiband Refocusing for Extended Slice Coverage and Robust Fat Suppression
Reduced FOV
Reduced FOV Excitation Using a SPSP Pulse and a Static Second-Order Shim Gradient
Reduced FOV Velocity Mapping by Complex Subtraction Unfolding
Reduced Fractional Anisotropy in Ageing: Is It Driven by Changes in Tissue Microstructure or by Partial Volume Effects?
Reduced GABA Concentration in Children with Tourette's Syndrome Is Linked to Sensory Impairments and Tic Severity
Reduced Heating of Implanted Electrical Conductors Using Parallel Radiofrequency Transmission
Reduced Intracellular Mobility Underlies Manganese Relaxivity in Mouse Brain in Vivo: MRI at 2.35 and 9.4 T
Reduced Magnetization Transfer in Gray and White Matter in the Developing Fmr1 Knockout Mouse
Reduced Scan Time 3D FLAIR Using Modulated Repetition and Inversion Time
Reduced Spontaneous Neural Activity in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction:A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.
Reduced-FOV Lumbar Spine T1? MR Imaging Using High-Low EP-2DRF Excitation Pulse
Reducing Blurring Artifacts in 3D-GRASE ASL by Integrating New Acquisition and Analysis Strategies
Reducing Respiratory Motion Artifacts in Fast 2D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Liver Using Structural Similarity
Reducing Susceptibility-Induced Signal Loss in Echo Planar Imaging Using a Shim Insert Coil at 7T: Implication for BOLD fMRI
Reducing the Error: Regional Effects of HRF Basis Functions on EEG-Microstate Informed fMRI
Reducing View-Sharing Artifacts in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Compressed Sensing
Reduction of (1-13C)-Dehydroascorbic Acid to (1-13C)-Ascorbic Acid Is Not Correlated to Glutathione in a Treatment Response Model of Murine Lymphoma in Vivo
Reduction of Cardiac Motion-Related Effects on Liver Diffusion Imaging
Reduction of Device Artifacts Using Wideband Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) MRI for Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices: A Two-Center Study
Reference Aided Imaging of Rat Tumor Dielectric Properties at 3.0T
Referenceless Reconstruction of Spatiotemporally-Encoded Imaging Data
Refined Balanced Steady-State Free Precession in Breath-Hold Coronary MRA at 3.0T
Refocusing Flip Angle Map Constrained Fitting for Indirect Echo Compensated T2 Mapping
Region Adaptive Motion Compensated Dynamic CS for Cardiac Perfusion Imaging
Region and Frequency Dependent Coupling Between Resting-State Power and Task Induced Activity
Regional Analysis of DTI-FA in Milder TBI
Regional Brain Volume Changes Correlate with Functional Differences Between APOE-E4+ and APOE-E4-
Regional Cerebral Blood Volume (RCBV) Bias Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) in an Animal Study
Regional Change in DTI Parameters Due to Scanner Upgrade: Effects on TBSS and ROI Analysis
Regional Correlation Between PCASL Perfusion and PiB-PET in Familial Alzheimer's Disease
Regional Differences and Age-Related Changes of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in Vertebral Bone Marrow of Healthy Adult.
Regional Differences in the 7T BOLD-CVR Response to Ramped Hypercapnic Stimulus Suggest Pressure/Flow Dependent Signal Properties
Regional Differences in Viscoelasticity in Normal and Inflamed Mouse Brain
Regional EEG Theta Increase Enhances fMRI Activity Findings in a Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Study During Auditory Hallucinations in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients
Regional Faraday Shielding for Improved Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MRI
Regional Frank-Starling Relations in Infarcted Swine Via Dynamic Real-Time MRI
Regional Hippocampal Involvement in Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis: A Radial Mapping MR Study
Regional Increases of Cortical Thickness in Untreated, First-Episode Major Depressive Disorder
Regional Mapping of Gas Uptake by Lung Tissue and Blood in Subjects with Asthma Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI
Regional Metabolism During Healthy Aging in Mice Brain: A 1H-[13C]-NMR Study
Regional Microstructure and Volume Abnormalities in the Corpus Callosum of Neonates with Transposition of the Great Artery Undergoing Cardiopulmonary by Pass Surgery.
Regional Myocardial Contractility in Thalassemia Major by Magnetic Resonance Tagging
Regional Quantification of Cerebral Venous Oxygenation from MRI Susceptibility Mapping During Hypercapnia
Regional Quantification of Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis Using 3D Single-Breath CSI
Regional Transverse Relaxation Alterations in the APP/PS1/Tau Alzheimer’s Disease Transgenic Mouse Model Following Diet Induced Iron Loading
Regional Variations of GABA, Glutamate, Glutamine and NAAG in the Human Brain, as Measured by 1H MRS at 7T In Vivo
Regional White Matter Disruption Within the Corpus Callosum in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment Single and Multiple Domain
Region-Specific Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Streptozotocin-Induced T1DM Rats Revealed by in Vivo 1H-MRS
Region-Specific Microstructure of Cortical Areas Revealed with High Angular Resolution Diffusion MR Microimaging
Registration of Breast MRI with Breast Ultrasound for Surgical Planning of Breast Conserving Surgery: A Feasibility Study
Registration-Based Motion Correction in Time-Series Studies of Bone Microarchitecture and Mechanics
Regression & Prediction
Regression Based Pseudo-CT Creation from Multimodal Images for PET Attenuation Correction in Hybrid PET-MRI
Regularized, Joint Estimation of T1 and M0 Maps
Relating Cognitive Adverse Events of Antiepileptic Drugs to Functional Network Efficiency
Relating Resting-State fMRI and EEG Brain Connectivity Across Frequency Bands
Relation of 4D Flow MRI of Ophthalmic Artery to Cerebral Vascular Reactivity Estimated with SPECT in Patients with Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion
Relationship Between Cerebral Ventricles Dilatation and Cerebrospinal Fluid Oscillations
Relationship Between Cortical Folding Pattern and Brain Network Characteristics
Relationship Between Diaphragmatic Motion and Heart Motion During Prolonged Breath-Hold
Relationship Between MR Visible Metabolites, MR Imaging Parameters and Quantitative Histopathology in Prostate Cancer
Relationship Between Neuromelanin-Weighted MRI Contrast and PET Radiotracer Binding to Dopamine Transporter in Substantia Nigra
Relationship of High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor MRI Measures of the Cingulum Bundle with Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis
Relative Sensitivities of CT, FLAIR and SWI in TBI with Persistent Symptoms
Relative Signal Loss from Fat Using In- And Out-Of-Phase Images for Indicating Renal Health
Relaxation Measurements in Brain Tissue at Field Strengths Between 0.35T and 9.4T
Relaxation Time Calculations Using an Inversion-Recovery Steady-State Free-Precession (IR-SSFP) Sequence — a Comparison of Single and Dual Acquisition Methods
Relaxometry and Contrast Optimization for Laryngeal Imaging at 3 Tesla
Relaxometry of Bacterially Derived Organelles: A Novel Class of MRI Contrast Agent for Cell Labeling and Tracking
Relevance of Respiratory Gating for Proton Lung MRI
Reliability and Sensitivity of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI in Measuring Cerebral Perfusion
Reliability of Resting Brain Networks in BOLD and ASL fMRI Across Time and Platforms
Reliable Analysis of Tract-Specific Multiparametric MR Data Via Automated Isolation of Nigro-Striatal Tract
Reliable and Robust RF Safety Assessment of Transmit Array Coils at Ultrahigh Fields
Reliable Differentiation of Multiple Sclerosis Sub-Types by Serum NMR Metabolomic Analysis
Remote Effect of Acute Ischemic Stroke Revealed by Microstructure and Fiber Density Analysis
Remote Ischaemic Post Conditioning Is Neuroprotective in White Matter in a Piglet Model of Perinatal Asphyxia: An MRS and Immunohistochemistry Study
Remotely Induced Cerebral Strain for Enhanced Safety and Acceptance of MR Elastography of the Brain
Removal of Arterial Vessels Contribution for Improved Quantification of Normalized Venous Volume in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Removal of Nuisance Lipid Signals from Limited k-Space Data in 1H MRSI of the Brain
Removing Instantaneous Correlations Between BOLD fMRI Time Series to Improve Connectivity Estimation
Renal Perfusion by ASL Is Associated with GFR in Long-Term Survivors of Wilms’ Tumor
Renal Perfusion Imaging with Pseudo-Continuous Arterial-Spin Labelling (PCASL) at 3.0T: Repeatability in Healthy Volunteers.
Repair of Vascular Defects Using MR Radio Frequency Coagulation
Repeatability and Reproducibility of Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.
Repeatability and Variability of Pre-Clinical Hepatic Arterial Spin Labelling
Repeatability Investigation and Radiologic Assessment of Reduced Field of View DWI on Thyroid Glands
Repeatability of 4D Flow MRI Quantification of Venous and Arterial Flow in the Abdomen
Repeatability of DCE-MRI Parameters in a Paediatric Oncology Population
Repeatability of Diffusion-Weighted MRI Parameters in a Paediatric Oncology Population
Repeatability of Geometrically Corrected DWI Scans for Treatment Response Monitoring in Oesophageal Cancer
Repeatability of Whole-Body T1 Mapping Using B1 Corrected T1 MDIXON Imaging
Repeatibility of M, BOLD, CBF and CMRO2 for Cognitive Tasks at 7 Tesla
Replacing Individual Baluns with Quarter Wavelength Baluns in Multi-Channel Arrays
Reporter Genes
Reproducibility and Consistency of the Fast 3D-MERGE Imaging Using CS Reconstruction
Reproducibility and Diffusion Direction Dependence of Helium-3 Lung Morphometry
Reproducibility and Normal Values of Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy Measures and Their Variation in Healthy Volunteers
Reproducibility and Regional Variation of Metabolites in Human Brain, as Measured by 1H MRS at 3T
Reproducibility and Sensitivity of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging in Longitudinal Assessment of Spinal Cord Injuries of Monkey
Reproducibility of In Vivo Bound and Pore Water Imaging of Cortical Bone
Reproducibility of in Vivo Inner and Outer Cortical Magnetisation Transfer Ratio Measurements
Reproducibility of 2-Hydroxyglutarate Spectroscopic Imaging in IDH-Mutated Glioma Patients at 3.0 T In Vivo
Reproducibility of BOLD and CBF Responses to Fixed Step Changes in Inspired O2/CO2 Using Dual-Echo PCASL
Reproducibility of DESPOT1&2 at 3.0T
Reproducibility of Diffusion Weighted MRI Under Active Breathing Coordinator Control
Reproducibility of Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging for Rectum In Vivo
Reproducibility of High-Resolution T1? Mapping of Human Knee Cartilage at 7T
Reproducibility of M, CMRO2 and OEF Measurements Using QUO2 MRI and Dual-Echo PCASL
Reproducibility of Resting State Functional Connectivity Maps Derived from ASL CBF Data and Concurrent BOLD
Reproducibility of Resting-State fMRI Data in Rats Across Three Months
Reproducibility of Self-Gated Cardiac Functional MRI in Mice @ 11.7T
Reproducibility of the 1D-ISIS Localized ST Experiment for Hepatic Pi-To-ATP Reaction Rate Measurement at 7T
Reproducibility of the Structural Connectome and Other Open Challenges
Research Applications
Research Applications
Resolution Improvement in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Denser Sampling of Spatial Dipole Field
Resolution Improvement of 3D DCE-MRI Using Dynamic CS with Patch-Based Non-Convex Low Rank Penalty
Resolving Multiple Fiber Crossings with High b-Value and High Angular Resolution q-Ball Imaging
Resolving Myelin and Axonal Properties Within the Same Voxel in Presence of Crossing Fibers by Combining Inversion Recovery and Diffusion Acquisitions
Resolving the Anatomic Variability of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord: A Solution to Facilitate Advanced Neural Imaging.
Respiratory Displacement-Dependent Weighting of the Center of K-Space for Improved Image Quality in Self-Navigated Golden Angle 3D Radial Whole-Heart Coronary MRA
Respiratory Motion Based Dynamic Keyhole Reconstruction for Real-Time Thoracic MRI
Respiratory Phase-Resolved 3D MRI with Isotropic High Spatial Resolution: Determination of the Average Breathing Motion Pattern for Abdominal Radiotherapy Planning
Respiratory Volume Over Time Effects in Resting-State Gradient-Echo and Spin-Echo EPI BOLD
Respiratory-Resolved Fat-Suppressed Cardiac Cine MRI
Response to NAC: MRI Test of Choice?
Resting Acetylcarnitine Concentration in Skeletal Muscle, as Measured with Long TE 1H-MRS, Is Associated with Insulin Sensitivity
Resting State Connectivity in the Teleost Fish: An Exploratory Study
Resting State fMRI in the Moving Fetus: A Robust Framework for Motion and Spin History Correction.
Resting State Functional Connectivity in a Triple-Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: Preliminary Results
Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Human Cervical Spinal Cord at 7 Tesla: Preliminary Results Across Healthy Controls
Resting State Networks Detection, the Importance of High Temporal Resolution: A Comparison Study Between 2D-EPI, SMS 2D-EPI and 3D-EPI-CAIPI Acquisitions
Resting State Neural Network in Monolateral and Bilateral Tinnitus
Resting-State Analysis Reveals Frontoparietal Network Connectivity Changes in Children After Short-Term Abacus Trainingt
Resting-State Cerebral Blood Flow and Functional Connectivity in Focal Epilepsy as Assessed by Arterial Spin Labeling
Resting-State fMRI with 3rd-Order Dynamic Shim Updating (DSU) and Dynamic F0 Determination
Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Fronto-Striatal Networks During Abstinence Predicts Cocaine Consumption After Relapse: Results from a fMRI Study on Awake Non-Human Primates
Resting-State Functional Hubs at Multiple Frequencies Revealed by MR-Encephalography
Resting-State Functional MRI for Evaluation of Brain Development from Childhood to Young Adulthood
Restoration of Interhemispheric Resting-State fMRI Connectivity After Patrial Corpus Callosotomy Via Intrahemispheric Reorganization
Rethinking Correlation in the Brain: A Resting-State fMRI Study on the Progression of Cognitive Decline
Retrospective Motion Correction of T2* Maps Improves Interpretability of Brain Pathologies
Retrospective Reconstruction of Cardiac Cine Images from Golden-Ratio-Radial MRI Using 1D Navigators
Retrospective Reproducibility Analysis of Standard MRI Parameters Across Three Pre-Clinical Mouse Tumour Xenograft Models
Retrospective Strategy for Reducing Respiratory Motion Artifacts in Renal Perfusion Imaging with Arterial Spin Labeling
Retrospectively Gated CINE 23Na Imaging of the Heart at 7.0 T Using Density-Adapted 3D Projection Reconstruction
Re-Use of Subject-Specific AIFs Are Warranted in Longitudinal DCE-MRI
Revisiting Two Exchangeable Proton Environments in Human Grey and White Matter Using Free and Restricted Exchangeable Proton (FREP) Imaging
RF Coils for Hybrid Systems
RF Field Enhancement at 0.5T to 1.5T with Ultra High Dielectric Constant Material (UHDC)
RF Field Generation, Coupling, Traveling Wave Transmission
RF Field Transmission: B1-Field Non-Uniformity, & SAR.
RF Heating of Gold Cup and Conductive Plastic Electrodes During Simultaneous MRI and EEG
RF Interactions
RF Modelling
RF Power Amps
RF Preamps & Receive Chain Architecture
RF Pulse Design for Low SAR Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) Excitation Using Optimal Control
RF Pulse Design Using Linear and Nonlinear Gradient Fields: A Multi-Dimensional K-Space Approach
RF Pulses Designs: From Basics to the State-Of-The-Art
RF Safety Evaluation for Neonatal MRI at 3T
RF Safety Evaluation of Different Configurations of High-Permittivity Pads Used to Improve Imaging of the Cerebellum at 7 Tesla
RF Shimming in an MRgFUS Brain Transducer with a High Permittivity Material
RF Volume & Surface Coils for MR Imaging
Rician-Noise Based R2* Estimation for Severe Hepatic Iron Overload: Simulation, Phantom, and Early Clinical Experience
Right Heart Evaluation & Pulmonary Hypertension
Right Ventricular Myocardial T1 and Extracellular Volume Fraction (ECV) Measurements Using High Resolution ANGIE T1 Mapping
Rising PSA in the Treated Prostate Gland
RO Extended FOV SENSE/GRAPPA for Multiband Imaging with FOV Shift
Robust 2D Diffusion Weighted Chemical Shift Imaging (DW-CSI) of the Human Brain at 7T
Robust 3D SPACE Imaging Freely Stopped by Patient Motion
Robust Adiabatic T2 Preparation for Fast Whole Brain Spiral Myelin Water Imaging at 3 Tesla
Robust and Fast Quantification of CBF Measures for Multiphase PCASL Using Bayesian Nonlinear Model Fitting
Robust and Fast T1 Mapping by Slab-Selective Inversion Recovery Turboflash
Robust and Fully-Automated Atrophy Measure for Multiple Sclerosis Disease
Robust Automated Navigator Tracker Positioning for MRI Liver Scans
Robust Automated Tractography of the Brain Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Robust B1-Insensitive Whole-Brain T1 Mapping with 3-TI MP-RAGE: Validation and Acquisition Strategy
Robust BOLD Activation Outside Visual and Motor Cortex During a Simple Visual and Motor Task Detected by Whole-Brain T2-Prepared Spin-Echo (SE) BOLD fMRI at 7T
Robust Cardiac BOLD MRI Using an FMRI-Like Approach with Repeated Stress Paradigms
Robust Correlation Between Volume Based Connectivity and Functional Connectivity in Rat Brain
Robust Diffusion-Weighted Single-Shot MRI Can Resolve Major Mice Placental Compartments
Robust Estimation with Suppressed Image Blurring for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Using Selective Spatial Smoothing Filter
Robust Kalman Filter Based Incremental Activation Detection for Real-Time fMRI
Robust Partial Fourier Parallel Imaging Using ESPIRiT and Virtual Conjugate Coils
Robust Retrobulbar MRA Using BORR Pulse for Fat Suppression
Robust Single-Shot Hyperpolarized 13C Spectroscopic Imaging Utilizing Incoherent K-T Spiral Sampling and Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Robust Whole-Brain Blood Tracking from 4D Flow Using Displacement Corrected Probabilistic Streamlines
Robust, Accurate and Automated Normalization of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling Brain Images
ROICS-PI:Combination of Region of Interest Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Arbitrary K-Space Trajectories to Achieve Highly Accelerated MRI
Role of Birdcage Volume Resonators for High-Resolution Wrist Imaging at High and Ultra-High Fields
Role of Choline Kinase and Ethanolamine Kinase Isoforms in Modulating Phosphoethanolamine Levels in Breast Cancer Cells
Role of Diffusion MRI in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Assessment of Nuclear Grade
Role of Efficient Treatment Guidance Using Volume Transfer Constant (Ktrans) Maps from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Volumetric MR-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Role of Hypoxia in Aggressive Prostate Cancer – a Hyperpolarized 13C MR Study
Role of Lymphatic Endothelial Cells in Prostate Cancer Cell Invasion in Tumor Microenvironments
Role of R2* with BOLD MRI in the Staging of Prostate Cancer
Rotating Field Gradient (RFG) Diffusion MRI for Mapping 3D Orientation Distribution Functions (ODFs) in the Human Brain
Rotating Field Gradient (RFG) MR for Direct Measurement of the Diffusion Orientation Distribution Function (DODF)
Rotating Frame Relaxation Imaging of Prostate Cancer: A Feasibility Study
Rotating Frame Relaxation Measurements in Prostate Cancer Model
Rotating RF Coil (RRFC) for Flip Angle and Specific Absorption Rate Management Applications at 7T MRI
Rotating Sample Acquisition in Ultra-Low-Field MRI
Rotating Short-Axis EPI “blades” as Veering Diffusion Gradient Directions with Composite Reconstruction (RSA)
Rotation Angle Optimization for a K-Space Segmented 4D Radial Stack-Of-Stars Acquisition
Rotation-Invariant Measures for Population Study in HARDI
Routine Clinical Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity in Patients with Atherosclerotic and Non-Atherosclerotic Intracranial Stenosis Using Carbogen MRI
Routine MRI to Screen for Breast Cancer?
rsfMRI and 1H MRS in Sub-Chronic Phencyclidine (PCP) Rat Model of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia. a Longitudinal Study to Assess Prevention of Cognitive Impairment Deficit
rsfMRI of the Human Spinal Cord: Technical Challenges, Solutions and Reproducibility
Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of a Novel Graphene-Based Nanoparticles as an MRI Blood Pool Agent
Safety of Tattoos in MRI: An Interim Report on a Prospective Study
SALSAS: Spectral Spatial Excitation Combined with Z-Shimming to Mitigate Through-Plane Signal Loss in Single-Slice and Multiband Gradient Echo Imaging
Same Day 1.5T Vs 3T Reproducibility of Liver Proton Density Fat Fractions in Obese Patients
Sampling Pattern Design for 2D Compressed Sensing Using a Multilevel Variable-Density Spiral Trajectory
SAR Characterisation for Parallel Transmission MRI – Comparison Between Modelling Different Decoupling Regimes
SAR Optimised Local B1+ Shimming for Cardiac Imaging at 3T – a Multi-Model Study
SAR Reduction in Deep Brain Stimulation Patients Using Parallel Transmission
Scan Time Acceleration by Using Multi-Contrast Keyhole Imaging (McK) for the Identification of (Acute) Apical Periodontitis
Scan-Rescan Reproducibility of Parallel Transmission Based Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Brain Tumors
Scantime Optimized 3D Radial Ultra-Short Echo Time Imaging for Breathhold Examinations
Screening the Patient: How to Deal with the Individual Subject
Seasonal Changes in the Auditory Network of Female Starling Assessed with rsfMRI
Secretin Augmented MRCP
Seed Dependence of the Anti-Correlations Between the Default-Mode Network and Task-Positive Network
Seed Regions and Independent Component Analysis of Resting State Brain Functional Connectivity in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease
Seemingly Inconsistency Between Damaged White Matter Structure and Increased Functional Connectivity in Cingulum: Initial Response of Brain Plasticity to Trauma
Segmentation and Visualization of Brain and Lung Volumes in Fetal MRI Using Active Contours and Morphological Operators
Segmentation Methods and Lesion Masking Influence Spatial Normalization and the Detection of Task-Related Activity. on Behalf of He HERMES Study Group
Segmentation of Anterior Thalamic Nucleus in DTI Study: Comparison of CSD-Based Method and Conventional DT Model
Segmentation of Fetal Pericerebral Spaces Based on Reconstructed High-Resolution MRI
Segmentation of Renal Structures in Distortion Corrected Diffusion-Weighted Echo-Planar Images Based on Anatomical FSE and GRE Images
Segmentation of Small Veins Using 3D Isotropic SW Images at 7T
Segmentation-Based MRI Templates for Pre-Term and Full-Term Newborns
Segmented TOF MRA with Reduced Venous Saturation Pulses to Decrease SAR at 3T and 7T
Selection of Irradiation Parameters to Minimize Asymmetric Magnetization Transfer and NOE Contributions in CEST
Selective Acidification and De-Energization of A2780 Ovarian Cancer Xenografts Using Lonidamine: A Preliminary 1H and 31P MRS Study
Selective ASL Delineates Borderzone Territories in Patients with Stenosis of the Middle Cerebral Artery
Selective Detection of Chemical Exchange Specific R1? by ITIP GagCEST
Selective Imaging of Bound Water in Cortical Bone with Inversion Recovery Prepared Ultrashort Echo Time Sequences
Selective MRA for Portal Venography Using Beam Saturation Pulse
Selective Myelin Water Suppression by Direct Saturation
Self Correction of Blood Flow Effect for Brain-Fluctuation MRI
Self/other Discrimination in Schizophrenia: Functional MRI Study.
Self-Calibrated Gradient Delay Correction for Golden Angle Radial MRI
Self-Calibrated Phase-Contrast Correction of Nonlinear Background Phase in Quantitative Cardiac Imaging
Self-Feeding MUSE: A Method for High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Robust Phase Variation Estimation
Self-Gated Cardiac Cine MRI of the Rat on a Clinical 3T MRI System
Self-Gated Fat-Suppressed Cardiac Cine MRI
Self-Organizing Map Kinetic Features as Prognostic Markers for Classifying Gene Expression Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence
Self-Regulation of Amygdala Activation with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback in Combat-Related PTSD
Self-Regulation of RACC Activation in Patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia:A Preliminary Study Using Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback
Self-Regulation of the Thalamus with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Enhances Correlation of Thalamic BOLD Activity and EEG Alpha Rhythm
Semantic Access by Dual-Route Model During Visual Word Processing
Semi-Automated Application for Kidney Motion Correction and Filtration Analysis in MR Renography
Semi-Automated DTI Measurement of the Brachial Plexus Using Tracts of Interest
Semi-Automatic Segmentation Analysis of Adipose Tissue in Thigh and Lower Leg to Assess the Fat Infiltration in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Semi-Automation of Myocardial Tissue Phase Mapping Segmentation and Analysis
Semi-Continuous Regularized Multi-Exponential Fitting Model for Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Liver
Semi-Joint Reconstruction for Diffusion MRI Denoising Imposing Similarity of Edges in Similar Diffusion-Weighted Images
semi-LASER 1H MR Spectroscopy at 7T in Human Brain: Metabolite Quantification Incorporating Subject-Specific Macromolecule Removal
Semi-Quantification of Fatty Degeneration Within Supraspinatus Muscle by Using 2-Point Dixon Technique at 3.0-T MRI
Sensing of Birdcage Rung Currents for Detection of Anomalous Loading
Sensitivity and Specificity of Prostate Tumor Discrimination by IVIM Approximation
Sensitivity and Specificity to Quantify Changes in Human Brain Glutathione and Ascorbate Concentrations Using Short Echo-Time 1H MRS at 3 T and 7 T
Sensitivity Assessment Comparison of Slice Accelerated Diffusion EPI Vs. SSEPI for C-Spine Applications at 3T
Sensitivity Encoding for Fast MR Spectroscopic Imaging Water Reference Acquisition
Sensitivity of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Imaging to Pharmacologically Induced Changes in the Rat Kidneys
Sensitivity of Magnetic Susceptibility to White Matter Health in Cerebral Palsy
Sensitivity of Modulated Refocusing Flip Angle Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo to Impulsive Cardiac-Like Motion
Sensitivity of Multicomponent Driven Equilibrium Single Observation of T1 and T2 (McDESPOT) to Magic Angle Effects in Bovine Articular Cartilage at 3.0T
Sensitivity of Ultra-High Field MRS to Recovery from Neurodegeneration in a Conditional Mouse Model: A Multi-Modal Investigation with Histology, Behavioral Testing and Quantitative PCR
Separation and Quantitative Assessment of Mobile Lipid and Lactate Level by Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (DW-MRS)
Separation of BOLD and Non-BOLD Drifts in Multi-Echo fMRI
Sequencial Abnormal Events in High-Temperature Superconducting MRI Magnet
Sequential and Time-Lapse MRI Monitoring of Peripheral Macrophage Recruitment and Migration in Mouse Brain
Serial and 2 TE-Acquisition 23Na MRI for Assessment of Therapy Response in Pediatric Glioma
Serial Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury in Monkeys by Multi-Parametric MRI at 9.4T
Serial Changes in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Serial Imaging of Physiological and Metabolic Changes in Response to Radiotherapy with Tumor-Bearing Mice
Serial Observations and Correlation of Combined Sacroiliitis and Apophyseal Joint Inflammation in Patients with Enthesitis Related Arthritis.
Serial Perfusion Imaging Using Arterial Spin Labeling in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Serial PH-Weighted Imaging Using Amide Proton Transfer in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Serum Metabolic Signature in an Animal Model of Binge Eating by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Setting Up an MR Suite for EP
Sex Differences in Structural and Functional Network Topology Are Present at Birth: A Multi-Modal Graph Theory Study
Shannon Entropy Method Applied to fMRI Data Series During Evoked and Resting State Activity
Shaped Fat Saturation with 2D Spatially Selective Multi-Frequency RF Pulse Design in Parallel Transmission
Shaped Saturation with RF Power Efficient 2D Spatially Selective Spiral Design in Parallel Transmission
Shear Wave Speed and Attenuation as Surrogate Imaging Biomarkers for the Quantification of Liver Fibrosis and Inflammation
Shell Versus Solid Geometry of MS Lesions on Phase and QSM
Shimming: Fields, Coils & Control
Short- And Long-Term Reproducibility of PCASL Brain Perfusion Imaging at 3T
Short Duration of AcPAS Treatment Accelerates MEMRI Signal Decline But Not Manganese Washout
Shorter Term Aerobic Exercise Improves Brain Perfusion, Cognition, and Cardiovascular Fitness in Aging
Should Beginners Revisit the “Ancient and Honourable Art of Shimming” at High Fields?
Shoulder: Instability & Labrum
Shoulder: Rotator Cuff & Impingement
Shrinking Microfabricated Multispectral MRI Contrast Agents to the Nanoscale
SIFT2: Enabling Dense Quantitative Assessment of Brain White Matter Connectivity Using Streamlines Tractography
Signal Detection, Reciprocity & SNR
Signal Intensity Ratio Between Liver and Muscle Reference in Highly Iron Overloaded Patients: Comparing 1.5 T to 3 T
Signal Model Consistency Analysis of Different Protocols and Spectral Models in Multi Gradient Echo Liver PDFF and R2* Quantification
Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Exchange Effects on Myelin Water Fraction Estimations from Spin-Echo and Steady-State Techniques
Signal-To-Noise Ratio Gain at 3T Using a Thin Layer of High-Permittivity Material Inside Enclosing Receive Arrays
Signal-To-Noise Ratio Improvement for MR Proton Spectroscopy at 3T Using a Ultra High Dielectric Constant (UHDC) Material Sleeve
Signal-To-Noise Ratio of Perfusion Mapping Using Multiphase Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin-Labeling MRI
Significant Influences of Loading on T1 in Sub-Tissue Zones of Canine Articular Cartilage in Experimental OA
Significant MRI Scanner Model Related Differences in Hemodynamic Imaging: A Secondary Analysis of 174 Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Studies from the MR RESCUE Clinical Trial
Simple, Accurate, Whole-Brain White Matter Segmentation in 3 Seconds
Simplified Model for Gd-EOB-DTPA DCE-MRI Liver Function Analysis
Simplified Simultaneous Determination of CEST Agent Concentration and Exchange Rate
Simplifying MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Experiments by Using the Water Bath as an Intrinsic High Mode Dielectric Resonator.
Simulated DW-MRI Brain Data Sets for Quantitative Evaluation of Estimated Fiber Orientations
Simulating Variable RF Power Pre-Saturation Schemes to Enhance CEST Contrast for Exchangeable Protons Near 1.0 Ppm
Simulation Analysis of Region-Of-Interest Measurement Errors on Parameter Maps Derived from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and T1 Mapping of Small Volume Breast Cancer
Simulation of BOLD Sensitivity of Single-Shot Multi-Echo EPI Versus Sample-Induced Susceptibility Gradients
Simulation of Diffusion Changes in Different Pathologies After Traumatic Brain Injury
Simulation of Optical Breast Density Measurements Using Structured Light Illumination in a Patient-Specific Anatomical Breast Model Built from 3D MRI-Segmented Breast Density
Simulation of Respiration-Induced B0 Shifts in the Heart
Simultaneous 19F MR Imaging at Different Resonance Frequencies Using Multi Chemical Shift Selective RARE
Simultaneous 19F/1H MR Molecular Imaging of Neovascularization in Pulmonary Inflammation
Simultaneous Acquisition of MR Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging and Proton Resonance Shift Thermometry with 3D Multi-Contrast Pulse Sequence
Simultaneous Acquisition of Perfusion Maps and 4D MR Angiography by Means of Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Simultaneous Acquisition of the 3D Displacement Vector in Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the In Vivo Human Brain
Simultaneous Acquisition of Water and Metabolites Using Multi-Coil Sensitivities for Proton Chemical Shift Imaging Thermometry
Simultaneous Correction of Motion-Induced Artifacts and Diffusion-Encoding Corruption in Multishot Diffusion Tensor EPI
Simultaneous Deep-Local Hyperthermia and 1.5T MR Imaging – an Experimental Systems Interactions Study
Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Metal Ions Using a Single 19F-ICEST Probe
Simultaneous Determination of Electrical Properties and Proton Density in a Generalized Gradient-Based Electrical Properties Tomography
Simultaneous Fat Saturation and Magnetization Transfer Preparation with Steady-State Incoherent Sequences
Simultaneous Fat, Water and T2* Mapping of Trabecular Bone and Comparison with High Resolution MRI in the Hip
Simultaneous FPET and fMRI for Assessing Dynamic Neurovascular and Neurometabolic Changes
Simultaneous Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate and Urea Perfusion Parameterizations in Cancer
Simultaneous Imaging of Conductivity and Susceptibility Using Double-Echo UTE Sequence
Simultaneous Intracranial EEG-FMRI of a Seizure
Simultaneous Measurement of Microvascular and Macrovascular Blood Flow and Oxygenation in the Leg
Simultaneous Measurement of PH, Lactate and Acetyl-Carnitine in Skeletal Muscle at 7T
Simultaneous Measurement of Total Water Content and Myelin Water Fraction at 3T: Validation in Phantoms and Results from In Vivo Human Brain
Simultaneous Model Estimation and Image Reconstruction (SMEIR) to Improve Multi B-Value Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Simultaneous Monitoring of Cardiac and Respiratory Signals Using a Markerless Optical System
Simultaneous MR-PET Reconstruction Using Multi Sensor Compressed Sensing and Joint Sparsity
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging of Multiple Metabolites Using Spectral-Spatial Excitation for Hyperpolarized 13C Experiments
Simultaneous Nyquist Ghost and Geometric Distortion Correction Based on Reversed Readout Strategy in EPI
Simultaneous Quantification of Oxygen Extraction Fraction, Vessel Radius and Cerebral Blood Volume by Respiratory-Calibrated MRI
Simultaneous Quantification of Permeability and Perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Simultaneous Quantification of T1, T2, Fat Fraction and Off Resonance Frequency Using Phase Sweep SSFP
Simultaneous T1, T2, Diffusion and Proton Density Quantification with MR Fingerprinting
Simultaneous T1 and PRF MR Thermometry: Optimization of Flip Angles
Simultaneous T1 and T2* Weighted 3D Anatomical Imaging Using a Dual-Echo Sequence
Simultaneous Use of Linear and Nonlinear Gradients as Independent K-Space Variables for RF Excitation
Simultaneous Whole-Brain T1 and Flip Angle Mapping with MP3RAGE
Simultaneously Measuring Glycogen and Lipid Levels Using Localized CEST Spectroscopy at 3T
Simultaneously Resolve Haemodynamic Response Function and Activation Response by Rank-Constrained Optimization
Simutaneous Measurement of Pharmacokinetic Model Parameters and T1/B1 Using Active Contrast Encoding MRI
Single and Multiple Coaxial Inputs to Excite a Cylindrical Waveguide for Traveling Wave MRI at 21.1 T
Single and Multiple Shell Sampling Design in DMRI Using Spherical Code and Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Single Beat Approach to Left Ventricular Diastolic Chamber Stiffness Independent of Relaxation Time Constant Tau
Single Breath-Hold 3D Cardiac T1 Mapping
Single Breath-Hold Renal Artery Blood Flow Measurements Using Spiral PCMR with R-R Interval Averaging
Single Configuration of Coil and High-Permittivity Material Improves Performance for a Wide Range of Subjects
Single Echo MRAV with Inversed Vessel-Tissue Contrast
Single Line Multiple Echo Diffusion Tensor Acquisition Technique: Feasibility of Dynamic Diffusion Tensor Parameters in a Flow Phantom and In Vivo Muscle Tissue on a 3T Clinical Scanner
Single Subject Diffusion Analysis: ROI, Histogram, Tractography
Single Subject VBM Analysis
Single Voxel Localization for Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopy
Single-Artery Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with Off-Resonance Correction
Single–shell Diffusion MRI NODDI with In Vivo Cervical Cord Data
Single-Shot Acquisition of [1-13C]Pyruvate and Lactate on a 3T Clinical Scanner
Single-Shot and Readout Segmented EPI: Geometric Fidelity of 3T Prostate DWI
Single-Shot Isotropic Diffusion Weighting with Eddy Current Compensation
Single-Shot Lactate Editing Using Foci-Laser and a Multiple Quantum Filter
Single-Step Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Total Generalized Variation and 3D EPI
Singular Value Decomposition for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting in the Time Domain
Siting the System
Size, ADC and T2 Signal- A Reproducibility Study of Parametric Measurements for Classification of Nodal Disease in Paediatric Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Skeletal Muscle Metabolism Measured by Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopy
Skeletal Muscle pH Time Course Predicts Water T2* During Repeated Exercise
Skin and Proximity Effects Analysis in Split Gradient Coils
Skin Effect Estimation Accuracy in FDTD Coil Simulations
Slab Registration as a First Step Towards Hippocampus Subparts High Resolution Imaging at 7T
Slab Segmented Edge-Preserving QSM Method
Slab-Wise Parallel Transmit Multiband RF Pulse Design for Simultaneous Multislice Imaging with Volumetric Coverage
Sleep and Wakefulness Affect GABA Levels in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Slice Accelerated Gradient-Echo Spin-Echo Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Imaging with Blipped CAIPI for Increased Slice Coverage
Slice Accelerated Spin and Gradient Echo (SAGE) Perfusion Imaging
Slice-Accelerated Inversion Recovery T1 Mapping
Slice-By-Slice Prospective Hardware Motion Correction in EPI and Simultaneous Multislice Sequences
Slice-Localized Soft-Gating for Non-Rigid Motion Correction in Free-Breathing 3D Cartesian MRI
Slice-Specific Frequencies Can Reduce Ghosting Artifacts in T2*-Weighted Single-Shot EPI with GRAPPA
Slice-Specific Navigator Correction for Multiband Imaging
Slice-Wise Nyquist Ghost Correction for Slice-Accelerated EPI
Sliding Time of Flight (TOF) Using a Tornado Filter
Sliding-Slab 3D TSE Imaging with a Spiral-In/Out Readout
Small-Tip Fast Recovery (STFR) Imaging Using Spectrally Tailored Pulse
Smart QRS Detection Using Wavelet Transform for ECGs Acquired Inside MR Scanner
Smoking Influences White Matter Alterations in Clinically Isolated Syndrome as Revealed by DTI
Snapshot MR-OEF for Simultaneous Imaging of Tissue Oxygenation and CVR
SNR and CNR Comparison of Single-Echo Dixon and Subtraction Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography
SNR Comparison Between CSI and Spectral-Spatial EPI Acquisitions for Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging
SNR Enhancement by Free Local Resonators for Traveling Wave MRI
SNR Measurement on Single Images of Phantom Using Wavelet Transforms
Sodium (23Na) MR Imaging in Pediatric Astrocytomas
Sodium B1 Mapping at 9.4 T
Sodium Imaging in the Brain
Sodium MRI of Articular Cartilage with Improved SNR Using Coherent SSFP Imaging at 7T
Sodium MRI of Cartilage Repair Tissue in the Ankle Joint at 7T
Sodium, CEST and T2* of Human Achilles Tendon in Subjects After Ciprofloxacin Treatment
Software Pipeline for Thickness Profile Based Morphological Analysis of the Midsagittal Section of the Corpus Callosum
Soluble Gd(III)DOTA Adducts with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Novel Contrast Agents for Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Solvent Effects of Hyperpolarization Drugs Using Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE)
Sorted Compressed Sensing in MRI
Sources of Errors in Pharmacokinetic Analysis of DCE-MRI
Sparse Dynamic MRI of the Temporomandibular Joint
Sparse Dynamic MRI with an Adaptive Temporal Sparsity Prior for Cardiovascular Imaging
Sparse Isotropic Q-Space Sampling Distribution for Compressed Sensing in DSI
Sparse Parametric Imaging for Direct Parameter Measurement: Theory and Phantom Experiments
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Soft Tissue Heating in MR-HIFU Treatment of Bone Metastasis
Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Sporadic Signal Voids in Incoherent Motion Sensitive Examinations of Musculature in the Lower Leg
Spatial and Voxel-Wise Evaluation of Eigenvector Stability Within the Human Calf at 3T
Spatial Dynamics Separates Higher Order from Primary Resting State Networks
Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis of DCE- And DW-MRI Using the Logistic Ridge Regression to Predict Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy
Spatial Normalization Can Morph RF Coils Into Geometries Optimized for FcMRI Studies in Specific Brain Regions
Spatial Resolution in Rotating Spatial Encoding Magnetic Field MRI (RSEM-MRI)
Spatial Variability in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Myocardial T2-Mapping
Spatially Coupled Functional and Vascular Networks
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Antral Peristaltic Contractions Using MRI
Spatiotemporal Characterization of Neurodegeneration in the Visual System Upon Acute and Chronic Optic Neuropathies Using Diffusion Tensor MRI
Spatiotemporal Encoding Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Breast: Comparison with SE-EPI-Based Methodology
Spatiotemporally Encoded Single-Shot MRI Based on De-Convolution Reconstruction on 3.0 T Human Scanner
Special Safety Requirements for EP Procedures
Specific Alveolar Macrophage Targeting in LPS-Induced COPD Animal Model Using a Free-Breathing Noninvasive MR Imaging Protocol Coupled with the Use of Antibody-Conjugated SPIO Nanoparticles
Specificity of Multimodal Molecular MR and US Imaging Applied to Kidney Tumor Xenografts
Specificity of the Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer Approach to Myelinated Tissues
Spectral Alignment Improves GABA Measures in Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Spectrally Selective Imaging of Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate with Multi-Echo, Multi-Phase Advance Balanced Steady State Free Precession
Spectroscopic Localization by Simultaneous Acquisition of the Double-Spin and Stimulated Echoes
Spillover, MT and R1 Corrected Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging in Ischemic Stroke
Spin Echo Imaging
Spin Echoes in the Weak Dephasing Regime
Spin Gymnastics 1
Spin Labeling MRI with Look-Locker Readout for Improved Portal Venous Perfusion Quantification
Spinal Applications of Diffusion MRI
Spinal Cord Imaging in MS
Spinal Cord Imaging with Demodulated BSSFP
Spine MRI Artifacts: Emerging Solutions
Spin-Lock MRI of Glucose and Deoxyglucose Concentration Changes in Brain
Spiral CG Deblurring and Fat-Water Separation Using a Multi-Peak Fat Model
Spline-Based Temperature Probe Registration for MRThermometry Validation in Head and Neck Hyperthermia Phantoms
Spoiled & Balanced Gradient-Echo Sequences
Spontaneous Activity in the Delta Band Drives the Resting State MRI (RsMRI) Signal: A Combined RsMRI and Electrophysiological Study in Rat Whisker Barrel Cortex
Spontaneous Signal Fluctuations in Intrinsic Networks
Stability Test of Near-Magnet Power Amplifier
Stack-Of-Spirals CAIPIRINHA Trajectory for Rapid Volumetric Imaging
Staging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: MR Vs CT
Standard Compared to Optimized MDIXON Liver Fat Fraction Imaging
Static and Dynamic Non-Contrast Enhanced MRA
Static Field Interactions
Static Magnetic Field: Magnetic Field (In)Homogeneity, Effects of Susceptibility, Demagnetizing Field, & Lorentz Sphere
Static Shim Optimization of 7T Dual Row Arrays
Statistical Analysis of Structural and Functional Connectivity Networks in Patients with Severe Brain Injury
Statistical Evaluation of MRS Line Shapes - A New Paradigm for Quantitative Analysis of Tissue Heterogeneity
Statistical Modeling to Assess the Impact of Cortical Parameters on Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis.
Steady-State Functional MRI Using Spoiled Small-Tip Fast Recovery (STFR) Imaging
Steady-State Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging of Creatine in Human Calf Muscle Followed by Spillover Correction Evaluation
Steady-State Susceptibility Contrast MRI Detects Early Anti-Angiogenic Effects of a Novel Biomimetic Peptide in a Human Breast Cancer Model
STEAM-MiTiS: A New Spectral Editing Method for the Detection of Scalar Coupled Metabolites and Its Application for the Detection of Glutamate at 7T
STI Suite: A Software Package for Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging
Strategies for Improved Correction of EPI Distortions in Diffusion MRI with Blip-Up Blip-Down Acquisitions
Stretched Type Adiabatic Pulse with Flexible TSL Setting for Estimation of Liver Function
Structural and Functional Evolution of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Linear Regression Modeling
Structural and Metabolic Measurements in Rett Patients with MECP2 Mutation
Structural and Vascular Changes in Rats Exposed to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia
Structural Brain Changes After Rotarod Training in Mice
Structural Brain Network Augmentation Via Kirchhoff’s Laws
Structural Covariance Brain Networks in Preterm and Term Neonates
Structural Deficits of Mirror Neuron System in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Structural Graph Analysis of Left and Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Structural MRI Corrrelates of Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Multi Center Study
Structural MRI Measures Can Be Affected by Brain Activity During Image Acquisition
Structural, Metabolic and Functional Relationships Between the Eye and the Brain in Glaucoma Using Multimodal MRI and Optical Coherence Tomography
Structure Specific Analysis of White and Gray Matter in the Rat Brain After Exposure to Chronic Stress
Structured Networks Observed in Resting fMRI “noise”
Studies in Epilepsy Patients Using Simultaneous PET/MR: Preliminary Results
Study of Cerebral Venous Density in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Susceptibility Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Study of Chronological Effects of Iodinated Contrast Medium on Intrarenal Water Molecular Diffusion by Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Study of the Linearity in BOLD Response in Spinal fMRI
Studying Brain Function with Task-Free FMRIT
Studying Glioblastoma Progression in a Rat Model of Human Glioma Initiating Cells Using 1H MRS and DTI
Studying the Interplay Between Atherosclerosis and Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Murine Model Using an Elastin-Binding Contrast Agent
Sub-30ms Real-Time, Free-Breathing Cardiac Cine with VISTA Sampling and SPIRiT Reconstruction: A Comparison with Conventional Segmented Cine
Sub-5 Nm Ultrafine Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Imaging: Novel Contrast and Improved Tumor Uptake
Subcortical Auditory Information Processing After Bilateral Auditory Cortex Ablation
Subcortical Glutamate Increase Suggestive of Glial Toxicity in Depressed Patients with High Inflammation
Subdivision of the Occipital Lobes with Tractography
Subjective Assessment of Sensations Experienced by 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Subjective Quality Assessment of Under-Sampled Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging MRI Reconstructions
Subject-Motion Correction in HARDI Acquisitions: Choices and Consequences
Subject-Specific Multi-Rx Data Combination Using Two-Stage Optimization for Phase-Based EPT
Sub-Millimeter Conventional fMRI at 3T with Dense, Shape-Optimized 32-Channel Posterior Head Coil
Sub-Millimeter Imaging of Brain-Free Water for Rapid Volume Assessment in Atrophic Brains
Sub-Regional Hippocampus Glutamate Changes in a Mouse Model of Tau Pathology Measured by GluCEST
Substructural Topographic Map of the Interhemispheric-Cortices Connectivity in Neonate Boys and Girls.
Subtraction MR Venography from Time-Resolved MR Angiography; Comparison with Phase-Contrast MR Venography and Contrast-Enhanced MR Venography
Subtypes of Nucleus Accumbens Activations for Anticipation of Gains and Losses in Healthy and Depressed Subjects
Successful Body Imaging at 7 Tesla: The Fractionated Dipole Antenna
Super-Resolution MRI Reconstruction in Image, Frequency, and Wavelet Domains
Super-Resolution Multi-Fascicle Imaging Reveals the Presence of Both Radial and Tangential Diffusion in the Mature Cortex Using a Clinical Scanner.
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of 4D Neonatal Cardiac MRI Using Coupled Dictionary Learning
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Diffusion Parameters from Multi-Oriented Diffusion Weighted Images
Supervised Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Based Classification of Multiparametric MR Imaging of Gliomas at 3T
Suppression of Unwanted Resonances in Hyperpolarized MR Studies with Neat [1-13C]lactic Acid
Survival from Brain Metastasis of Breast Cancer Is Inversely Correlated with Hyperpolarized 1-13C Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio: Preliminary Study in Nude Mouse Model.
Susceptibility and Relaxation Tensor Properties of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions at 3T
Susceptibility Blooming Effect: Quantifying Spatial Resolution Dependence
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Susceptibility-Based Positive-Contrast MRI for Brachytherapy Seed Identification
Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Using Unbalanced Steady-State Free Precession Gradient-Echo Imaging with Multiple Echoes
Sustained Hypoxia Attenuates CBF and BOLD Activation in Visual Cortex
SWIFT Positive Contrast Technique for Rat Knee Bone Imaging at 14 T
Switching & Sensing
Sympathetic Renal Denervation Using MR Guided Focused Ultrasound in a Porcine Model: A Feasibility Study
Synaptic Amyloid Beta Affects Neural Conductivity But May Not Lead to Pre-Synaptic Axonal Degeneration
Synchronous 1H and 23Na Dual-Nuclear MRI on a Clinical MRI System, Equipped with a Time-Shared Second Transmit Channel
Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Layered Hybrid Gold-Iron Oxide Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles.
Synthetic LGE Derived from Cardiac T1 Mapping for Simultaneous Assessment of Focal and Diffuse Cardiac Fibrosis
System Imbalance of Activated External Awareness Yet Deactivated Internal Awareness in the Vegetative State Detected by Resting State fMRI
System Integration & Console
Systematic Study of Signal Models for Fat Quantification at 3T Using Chemical Shift Imaging
Systems Engineering of the MR Front End
T1 relaxation Measurements in the Mouse Brain n Vivo Using Variable Flip Angle - UTE with a Cryo-Coil at 9.4 T
T1 and T2 Relaxation Times of the Human Calf at 7 Tesla
T1 Measurement of the Myelin Water Fraction
T1? Mapping for the Evaluation of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Tumor Treatment
T2 Mapping and Single Voxel 1H-MRS Detect Skeletal Muscle Involvement in Young Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
T2 Quantification Using Only T2-Weighted and Proton Density Weighted Fast Spin Echo Images
T2 Relaxation Times of 18 Brain Metabolites Determined in 83 Healthy Volunteers in Vivo
T2* from Fat-Water MRI Is Sensitive to Local Adipose Tissue Inflammatory Changes in a Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse Model at 15T
T1 Mapping in the Breast, with a Bloch-Siegert Correction for Variation in Transmitted B1.
T1 Mapping of the Whole Liver in a Single Breath Hold at 3 T
T1 Mapping on Gadoxetate Disodium Enhanced MRI in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
T1 Rho and ADC Mapping of Brain Tumors and Tumor-Related Edema
T1? Imaging Demonstrates Inflammatory Changes in Disc Endplates That Were Not Visible in T1 or T2 Weighted Images
T1-Weighted DCE-MRI May Be Used to Visualize Different Components of RF Ablation Injury in the Myocardium
T1? Relaxation of the Liver; a New Biochemical Marker of Liver Function in Patients with Diffuse Liver Disease
T2 Mapping for the Detection of Myocardial Edema in Patients with Acute Myocarditis
T2* Correction Using B0 Mapping for Renal BOLD Quantification
T2* Value Change of Hoffa's Fat Pad with Histologic Correlation in a Rat Model of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection
T2/T1 Ratio Z-Scores as a Quantitative Metric for Multiple Sclerosis
T2-Based Temperature Monitoring in Abdominal Fat During HIFU Treatment of Patients with Uterine Fibroids
T2-Relaxometry for Myelin Water Fraction Estimation Using a Mixture of Wald Distributions
T2-Weighted 4D-MRI with Combined Phase and Amplitude Sorting
Tabletop Magnetic Resonance Elastography for the Measurement of Viscoelastic Properties in Soft Tissue Micro Samples
Tailored RF Pulse Design Method for CPMG Sequences
Tailored Techniques for Biliary & Pancreatic Imaging
Targeted Agents
Targeted Molecular Imaging Contrast Agents: The Challenge
Targeted Molecular Imaging Contrast Agents: The Promise
Targeted MRI In Vivo by Hyperpolarized Silicon Nanoparticles
Targeting Choline Phospholipid Metabolism: GDPD5 and GDPD6 Silencing Decreases Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation and Invasion
Targeting Radiation-Induced Neuroinflammation Using ICAM-MPIO
Taub: A Metabolic Neuroimaging Biomarker
Taui, a Metabolic Imaging Biomarker for Myocardium
Technical Advances
Technical Aspects
Technical Challanging
Technical Challenges & Opportunities of MR-PET: An Overview
Technical Developments: Brain MRI in Stroke
Technical Factors
Technical Factors
Techniques in Cerebrovascular Reserve
Temperature and Fixation Correction for Postmortem MRI of the Brain
Temperature- And Frequency-Dependent Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues for Intense Heating During MRI
Temperature Map Reconstruction Directly from K-Space with Compensation for Heating-Induced Geometric Distortions
Temperature Mapping in Human Brown Adipose Tissue Using Fat-Water MRI with Explicit Fitting of Water Peak Location
Temperature Measurements of Deep Brain Stimulator Lead Tip in Phantom with MR Body Coil RF Transmit
Temperature Sensitivity of the Triglyceride Fat Spectral Model for Dixon Based Fat Fraction Quantification
Temperature Simulations for the Inverse Boundary Element Gradient Coil Design Method
Temperature-Controlled Isotropic Diffusion Phantom with Wide Range of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients for Multicenter Assessment of Scanner Repeatability and Reproducibility
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Baseline Myocardial BOLD Signal Intensity in Cardiac Phase-Resolved BOLD MRI: A Potentially Revealing Insight Into Dynamic Changes in Myocardial Oxygenation
Temporal Change of Bloody Fluid with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and T1-/ T2-Relaxation Time in a Phantom Study.
Temporal Changes in Regional Atrophy in a Large, Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Cohort
Temporal Dynamics of the Default Network: Evidence from High-Temporal-Resolution Resting-State fMRI
Temporal Reliability of Functional Lateralization of Resting-State Language Network
Temporal Variations in the Resting-State fMRI Global Signal Amplitude Are Correlated with Time-Varying Measures of Network Topology Parameters and EEG Vigilance
Tensor Based Morphometry to Evaluate Longitudinal Changes in the Femoral Cartilage of Subjects with Osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI).
Testing Models of Neurodegenerative Spread Via Regional Atrophy and Its Slope
Test-Retest Reliability of Whole Brain Myelin Water Fraction Analysis Using a Spatially Constrained Multi-Gaussian Algorithm on Spiral T2 Relaxometry Data at 3 Tesla
Tetra-Manganese Polyoxometalates: A New Candidate Contrast Agent for MRI
Textural Entropy May Help Identify Significant Tumour Within the Prostatic Transition Zone on MP-MRI
Texture Analysis of 3T High Resolution T2 Weighted Images in Ovarian Cystadenoma Versus Borderline Tumour.
Texture Analysis of Muscle 3-Point Dixon Fat-Fraction: Changes Over 1 Year
Texture Analysis Using Run Length Matrices in MRI of Breast Cancer
Texture and Depth Processing in Early, Late Blind and Sighted Controls by Haptic Stimulus: An fMRI Study
Texture and Regression Tree Analysis in the Characterisation of Ovarian Lesions
Thalamic Activation During Verbal Encoding Is Related to Episodic Memory in MS
Thalamic Dysfunction Is Associated with Fatigue in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Graph Theory Study
Thalamic Segmentation and Validation with Diffusion-Weighted MRI
The Acupuncture Stimulation of Tai Chong (Liv3) and Hegu (Li4) Increase the Default Mode Network Activity in Alzheimer's Disease
The Additively Deactivated Regions During a Motor Task in Intracranial Tumor Patients Show Modulations of Functional Connectivity Within the Default Mode Network
The Alternation of Functional Motor Network in the Profession Fighter Populations.
The Amine CEST Feature as a Biomarker of Apoptosis
The Amygdalar Driving Effects for Overeating in Prader-Willi Syndrome
The Angular Dependence of T1? Relaxation in Normal and Abnormal Patellae with Histological Correlation
The Anisotropic Component of Diffusion Improves Visualisation of Fiber Tracts in the Presence of Oedema
The Application of Functional Challenge Tasks in Moyamoya Patients
The Application Value of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Grading of Meningiomas
The Arterial Response Function: A New Concept Demonstrated in a Simulation Study Investigating the Influence of the Injection Rate on the Quantification of Plasma Flow
The B=0 Dependence of Diffusion-Based Functional MRI Signals to Measure Neuronal Activations
The Best of Both Worlds: Improved Rapid Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) by Combining Closed-Form L2 Regularization with SDI
The Circular Dipole
The Clinical Impact of MRI for Assessment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue
The Comparison of Diffusion and Perfusion Characteristics Among the Different Types of Uterine Fibroids Based on T2WIs: An Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI Study
The Dependency of Cerebral Blood Flow on End-Tidal CO2 Pressure
The Detection of the Stenotic Lesion in Proximal Internal Carotid Artery Using Black Blood Imaging with CUBE T1 in Comparison of MRA with 3D TOF.
The Difference of Neural Correlates of Text Comprehension Between with and Without Picture: fMRI Study
The Differential Progression of Functional and Structural Connectivity in a Mouse Model of Demyelination and Remyelination
The Duration and Extent of Effects of Neuronavigated Low-Frequency RTMS to Primary Motor Cortex Using fMRI in Healthy Subjects
The Dynamically Changing Default-Mode Network After Concussion in Sports: A Resting-State fMRI and DTI Integration Study
The Effect of 2D Excitation Profile on T1 Measurement Accuracy Using the Variable Flip Angle Method
The Effect of Aminooxyacetate on Metabolism of Breast Cancer Cells
The Effect of Anchoring of MR Scanners to Prevent Earthquake Hazards – an Analysis of the Damages to the 602 MR Scanners in Great East Japan Earthquake
The Effect of Bolus Dispersion in Semi-Quantitative and Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Myocardial Perfusion MRI: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation Study on Influencing Factors
The Effect of Brain Tumors on Local SAR Levels at 7T
The Effect of B-Value on ADC Values in a Rat U87 Brain Tumor Model
The Effect of Cardiac Phase on Liver Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
The Effect of Choline Kinase-a Inhibition on Lipid Metabolism of Breast Cancer Cells
The Effect of Diffusion in the Extracellular Space on Double-PFG Measurements of Axon Size: Insights from Monte-Carlo Simulations
The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Relaxation Rates of Blood Plasma
The Effect of Dopaminergic Drugs on Reward Prediction Error and Novelty Processing in ADHD
The Effect of Echo Time Sampling on B0 Field Map Estimation for QSM of Liver Iron Overload
The Effect of Hypoxia on Cerebral Arterial Calibre and Flow Velocity - An MRI Study
The Effect of Hypoxia on Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
The Effect of Intravenous Gadolinium on Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: Evaluation of Brain Tumors
The Effect of Left Hemispherotomy Surgery in Patient with Rasmussen’s Syndrome Using fMRI a Case Study
The Effect of Loading Nascent HDL with Gadolinium Phospholipids in the Structural Stability of the Particles
The Effect of Maternal Substance Abuse on Fetal Brain Growth
The Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Vascularization of an Artificial Transplant Cell Site Studied by DCE-MR and Bioluminescence Imaging
The Effect of Phase Cross-Contamination by Partial Central K-Space in Cine Phase Contrast MRI
The Effect of Renal Denervation on Renal Oxygenation as Measured on BOLD MRI
The Effect of ROI Size and Analysis Technique on IVIM Parameters in the Liver
The Effect of Spatial Registration Algorithm on Detection of White Matter Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis: A TBSS Study.
The Effect of Spinning Rate Variation on Lipid Resonances in HR-MAS Spectra of Brain and Muscle Biopsies
The Effect of Varying Diffusion-Encoding Gradient Strength and Separation on Measured Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and T2 of Prostate
The Effect of Very Low B-Values on the IVIM-Derived Pseudodiffusion Parameter in the Liver
The End-Tidal CO2 Response Function in Resting-State BOLD fMRI
The Evolution of Short-Term Plasticity in the Rat Hippocampus
The Exchange Pathways of NOE-CEST as Revealed by NMR Study
The Expression of Normal Motor-Related Functional Pattern Using fMRI and PET in Sporadic Dystonia
The Feasibility of Asymmetrical Loopless Antennas for Therapeutic Ultrasound Catheter Cardiac Ablation Therapies
The Feasibility of Combined Magnetic Resonance Thermometry and Multiphysics Simulation to Evaluate RF Induced Heating of Metallic Devices
The Feasibility of Predicting Temperature Increase Through Local SAR Estimation Via Electrical Properties Tomography: A Phantom Study at 7T
The Gray-White Contrast in Spin-Echo Imaging at 7 T
The Helium Pump Artifact in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI Does Not Affect ERP Signal-To-Noise or Topological Consistency.
The High Negative Predictive Value to Pre-Operative MRI in Grade I Endometrial Cancer in the Clinical Setting.
The Human-Compatible Magnet
The Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Cardiac Function and Stress Response
The Impact of Dixon Water-Fat Separation on Motion Correction in PROPELLER MRI
The Impact of Gradient Strength on in Vivo Diffusion MRI Estimates of Axon Diameter
The Impact of Lung Disease on the Compartment-Specific Uptake of Hyperpolarized 129Xe
The Impact of Physiological Artifact Correction on Task fMRI Group Comparison
The Importance of Angular Dispersion in Physiological Modeling of Transverse Diffusion Signal Decay
The Importance of Consistent RF Spoiling for MRI Based Liver Iron Content Determination with Signal Intensity Ratios – Preliminary Data
The Importance of Correcting for B0-Drift-Induced Global Signal Decrease in Diffusion MRI
The Influence of Bold-fMRI (GRE-EPI) on MEGA-PRESS Measurements of GABA Concentrations
The Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Brain Functional Homotopy Using Resting-State fMRI
The Influence of Computational Strategy on Prediction of MRI-Based Mechanical Stress in Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques: Comparison of 2D Structure-Only, 3D Structure-Only, One-Way and Fully Coupled FSI Analyses
The Influence of Inflammation and Fibrosis on Multifrequency and Monofrequency MR Elastography Parameters: A Study in 47 Patients with Chronic Viral Hepatitis
The Influence of Temperature on Polymer Gel Radiation Dosimetry with MRI
The Interaction of APOE Genotype by Age in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study
The Intracellular Water Preexchange Lifetime of Neurons and Astrocytes Are Different and Decrease Rapidly Under Oxygen-Glucose-Deprivation Conditions
The ISMRM Raw Data Format
The Loopole Antenna: Capturing Magnetic and Electric Dipole Fields with a Single Structure to Improve Transmit and Receive Performance
The Measurement of the Characteristics of the Metabolic Syndrome and the Effect of a Targeted Treatment of Rosiglitazone
The Meniscal Repair Assessment Score (MERAS) – a New MRI Scoring Tool for Evaluation of the Healing Success After Primary Meniscus Refixation – Preliminary Results
The Morphometry Research of Auditory Speech Cortex in Bilateral Cerebral Hemisphere for Preschool Children on Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)
The MRI of Darwin: The Brain Catalogue
The Neural Correlates of Celebrity Power on Car Favorableness; fMRI Study
The Neural Mechanisms in Relation to Transfer Effects of Intensive Shooting Training to Enhanced Visuospatial Working Memory
The Obesity Epidemic & Its Impact on Health
The Optimization of B1 Insensitive T1 Weighted MP2RAGE Sequence at High Field.
The Origin That Darkens the Deep Region of Articular Cartilage in MRI When Loaded at the Magic Angle
The Pant Leg Area Sum Index: New Pulmonary MRA Metric for the Determination of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
The Performance of NODDI Estimation Using a Common 2-Shell Protocol
The Perfusion Bias in Lumbar Vertibra by One Slice of DCE-MRI Measurement
The Phase and Magnetization Transfer Characteristics of a Novel Myelin Water Imaging Method (ViSTa)
The Physical Basis of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer
The Physician's Expectations for Human UHF
The Physicist's View of UHF of Humans
The Post-Treatment Brain: Diffusion & Arterial Spin Labeling Techniques
The Post-Treatment Brain: Perfusion & Permeability
The Potential Advantage of High Resolution In Vivo 31P-MRS in the Assessment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The Preservation State of Ethanol-Fixated Historic Brain Specimens Revealed by Quantitative MRI
The Presymptomatic Phase of Huntington Disease
The Prognostic Value of Pre-Treatment Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Endometrial Cancer
The Relation Between Free-Water, Atrophy and Microstructural Pathologies in Retired NFL Players – a Combined Diffusion MRI and MRS Study
The Relation of Brain Matter Volume and Myo-Inositol to Gamma-Glutamyltransferase and BMI in Patients with Alcohol Dependence and Healthy Control Subjects
The Relationship Between MRI and Histology in a Rat Model of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
The Relationship Between the Quantitative Pharmacokinetic Parameters of DCE-MRI and the Types of Uterine Fibroids Based on T2WIs
The Relationship of Neuroimaging Measures to Dementia Status and Cognition in Older Adults with Down Syndrome
The Repeatability of the Magnetic Resonance Elastography Derived Stiffness Value in the Liver
The Reproducibility of Diffusion Tensor Imaging on Brain Connectivity Measures Between Cortical Regions Using Probabilistic Tractography
The Response to Chemotherapy of Mesothelioma Tumours as Assessed by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: First Impressions
The Role of Breakfast on Cognitive Function in Adolescents-An fMRI Study
The Role of Cerebral Oedema in the Development of Acute Mountain Sickness: A MRI Study
The Role of Fronto-Parietal Networks in Mental Imagery
The Role of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging in Characterizing Atypical Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Dynamic CT Studies
The Role of Multiparametric MRI in Contemporary Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer
The Role of Predictive Algorithm Selection on the Accuracy of MRI-Based Prediction of Tissue Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke
The Signature of Protein Unfolding in CEST Imaging in Vitro
The Spectrum of Cortical Microinfarcts; a Post-Mortem Classification Study with 7Tesla MRI
The Subthalamic Microlesion in Parkinson's Disease: Investigating Electrode Insertion-Related Connectivity Differences Using Resting-State fMRI
The Susceptibility Blooming Effect at High Field MR: Quantitative Evaluation of Its Dark Glow Dependence
The Temporal Evolution of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Ischemic Stroke
The Transfer Constant Ktrans in Glioblastomas Is Limited by Permeability and Not Perfusion
The Ultimate SNR and SAR in Realistic Body Models
The Usefulness of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value for the Differentiation Between Ovarian Polypoid Endometriosis and Ovarian Endometrioma with Malignant Tumor
The Validity of a Free Breathing Motion Corrected Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Sequence in the Detection of Delayed Myocardial Enhancement at 3T.
The Value of Severe Liver Iron Overload to Predict Cardiac Iron Level
The Variation of MAP-MRI –derived Parameters Along White Matter Fiber Pathways in the Human Brain
The Vascular Steal Phenomenon Is an Incomplete Contributor to Negative Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Patients with Symptomatic Intracranial Stenosis
The Viscoelastic Response of the Human Brain to Functional Activation Detected by Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Theoretical and Experimental Benefits of Multi-Band (MB) EPI for PCASL Brain Imaging
Theoretical Framework for MR Fingerprinting with ASL: Simultaneous Quantification of CBF, Transit Time, and T1
Theranostic Probes for Cancer Imaging
Therapeutic Effect and fMRI Study on the Acupuncture Combined with Language Rehabilitation to Aphasia Patients from Brain Stroke
Therapeutic Ultrasound Devices
Thermal Responses of MRI Contrasts in Ex Vivo Tumor and Muscle Tissue
Thermal T1 Measurements for Frequently Used 13C Hyperpolarization Agents at Clinically Available Field Strengths
Thermosensitive Biodegradable Hydrogels for Sustained Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins: MRI-Based Monitoring of in Vitro and In Vivo Protein Release
Thoracic Aorta 3D Wall Shear Stress as a Marker of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease in Pediatric Patients
Three Dimensional Quantitative Myelin Water Imaging Using Direct Visualization of Short Transverse Relaxation Time Component (ViSTa)
Three-Dimensional Diffusion-Prepared Balanced Steady-State Free Precession with Variable Flip Angle Scheme
Three-Dimensional Image Co-Registration of Mono- And Multinuclear MRI Data of Articular Cartilage
Three-Dimensional Late Gadolinium Enhancement with Adaptive Inversion Time
Three-Dimensional Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord
Three-Dimensional Morphological Features for Detection of Degeneration in the PCL from Magnetic Resonance Images at 3T: A Feasibility Study
Three-Dimensional MRI-Based Statistical Shape Model of the Knee in Patients with ACL Injuries
Three-Dimensional Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) 3.0T MRI for Imaging Kidney Stones
Three-Nearest-Neighbor Alignment for Smooth ESPIRiT Maps
Time Course Study on Glucose Metabolism in Mice by Spectroscopic Imaging with 2D Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence
Time Dependent Treatment Outcomes of NBO in Experimental Ischemic Stroke
Time Efficient and Robust Perfusion Measurement Using Walsh-Reordered Time Encoded PCASL
Time Resolved MR Angiography in Patients with MS, Their Healthy Siblings and Unrelated Controls.
Time-Effective MRI-Based Quantification of Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) in Morbidly Adipose Patients
Time-Efficient Diffusion-Weighted Black Blood Imaging Based on IMSDE
Time-Efficient Interleaved 23Na and 1H Acquisition at 7T
Time-Of-Flight with Sparse Undersampling (TOFu): Towards Practical MR Applications of the Compressed Sensing
Time-Resolved Dixon MR Angiography of Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease at 3.0 T
Time-Resolved Non-Contrast Fresh Blood Imaging MRA Using Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Time-SLIP MR Hepatic Arteriography Using 3T-MRI
Time-SLIP with Pencil Beam Pulse for Observing CSF Flow Dynamics
Time-To-Peak of T2*-Weighted Signal Change of Oxygen Challenge as a Biomarker of Penumbra
Tinnitus Is Associated with Hyperactivity in the Frontal Lobe and Reduced Activity in the Auditory Cortex
Tissue and Vascular Contributions to Diffusion fMRI in Rat Inferior Colliculus Using Quadratic Exponential Kurtosis Model
Tissue Characterization of Gliomas: Initial Clinical Experience with Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Tissue Characterization: Clinical Needs
Tissue Characterization: Parametric Mapping
Tissue Characterization: Research Promises
Tissue Outcome in Areas Surrounding the Impact Site in Traumatic Brain Injury
Tissue Outcome Prediction in Ischaemic Stroke with Diffusion, Perfusion and pH Sensitive CEST Imaging at Three Different Time Points
Tissue Phase Mapping Analysis of IKr-Blocker E4031 Effects on Mechanical Cardiac Function in Transgenic Long-QT Syndrome Type 1 Rabbits
Tissue Phase Mapping Using Single Breath-Hold 4D PCMR
Tissue-Specific Variable Flip Angle of 3D Turbo-Spin Echo on 3.0T System: Optimized with Individual T1 and T2 Value for Prostate.
To Differentiate Glutamine from Glutamate in Hepatic Encephalopathy by Two-Dimensional (2D) Localized Correlated Spectroscopy (L-Cosy) Combined with Profit Quantitation
To Investigate the Hemodynamic Response Function Alterations in Hypercapnia Using Visual Stimulus fMRI
Top Down Influence on the Visual Cortex of the Blind During Auditory Sensory Substitution
Topological Features of Structural Brain Networks in Sub-Clinical Psychosis Revealed by Graph Theoretical Analysis of Tractography Data
Torque and Translational Force Considerations for Ferromagnetic Shells in MR Imaging
Total Liver Fat Quantification Using a 3D Respiratory Self-Gating Technique
Total Sodium Quantification of the Cervical Cord in Multiple Sclerosis
Total Variation-Regularized Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Multi-Shell Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Touch NMR: An NMR Data Processing Application for Mobile Device
Toward 10.5T MRI
Toward an MRI Estimate of Tumor Interstitial Pressure: Porosity in the Tumor Rim
Toward B1 Estimation Using Coil Locators
Toward Distinguishing Radiation Effects from Tumor Regrowth in an Irradiated Glioma Model
Toward Field Independent Quantitative MRS
Toward Gradient Systems with Really Identical Gradient Coils
Toward Quantitative Biomarkers of Cervical Structural Health: Development of MRI Tools for In-Vivo Mechanical Property Measurement.
Toward Robust, Clinically-Practical Single-Breathhold 3D Cardiac Cine MRI with High Acceleration and Rapid Online Reconstruction
Towards 3D Dynamic MRI of the Lung Using Blind Compressed Sensing
Towards a Vascular Model of Layer Specific Activation
Towards Clinical Implementation of IVIM Analysis in Brain Tumors: Influence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Contamination on the Perfusion Fraction
Towards Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancers by CA19-9 Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles and Active Feedback MR
Towards Improved Characterization of Brain Tumors by 23Na-MR Neuroimaging at 7 Tesla
Towards Metabolic Profiling of the Neurocircuitry of Mood: Small-Voxel, Non-Water-Suppressed 1H-MRS in the Nucleus Accumbens, Amygdala and Cingulate Cortex at 3T
Towards Minimizing Tractography Errors and Quantifying Fiber Crossing Ratios
Towards MRI-Based Measurement of Tissue Oxygen Content
Towards Pathoneurochemical Profiling of Multiple Sclerosis: Single-Session Measurement of Glutathione, GABA and Glutamate with MR Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Towards Pooling of Neurochemical Profiles Obtained in the Human Brain at 3 T in a Multi-Site Setting
Towards Quantification of the Brain's Sheet Structure: Evaluation of the Discrete Lie Bracket
Towards Quantitative T2- And ADC-Mapping in Prostate Using Diffusion Weighted 3D DESS MRI
Towards Robust Breath-Held 3D Abdominal DCE Imaging
Towards Understanding the Anisotropy of Magnetization Transfer Parameters in Human White Matter
Towards µMRS Using High-Resolution Magic-Angle Coil Spinning: Application to Brain Metabolism
Tracer-Kinetic Field Analysis in DCE-MRI and DSC-MRI: The Reconstruction Problem
Tracer-Kinetic Field Analysis in DCE-MRI and DSC-MRI: Theory and Examples
Track Density Imaging for High Resolution Diffusion Tractography in the Prostate with and Without Tumor
Tracking a 6F Catheter Under MRI Using a Controllable Susceptibility Device: A New Tracking Mechanism.
Tracking Cell Transplants In Vivo Using a Dual Modality MRI/bioluminescence Tomography Platform
Tracking Discrete Off-Resonance Markers with Three Spokes (TrackDOTS) – a New Motion Tracking Methodology
Tracking Disease Progression in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Longitudinal Changes in Quantitative MR Measures
Tracking Tissue Oxygenation Status and Response Using Diffusion-Weighted Functional MRI
Tract Based Spatial Statistic Reveals No Differences in White Matter Microstructural Organisation Between Carriers and Non-Carriers of the ApoE e4 and e2 Alleles in Young Healthy Adolescents
Tract-Based Assessment of the Subcortical Motor Network Plasticity After Stroke
Tract-Based Atlas for Automatic Analysis of Magnetic Susceptibility in Human Brain White Matter
Tract-Based Quantitative Analysis of Myelin and Axonal Remodeling in the Uninjured Motor Network After Stroke
Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Data in Very Preterm 7 Year-Olds
Tract-Based Spatial Statistics of Diffusion MRI in Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Tractography of Richardson-Lucy Spherical Deconvolution Under Rician Noise of Sparse Multiple Q-Shell Diffusion Imaging
Tractography of the Trigeminal Nerve Using 7T MRI
Tract-Specific Q-Space Imaging of the Cervical Cord Demonstrates Early Axonal Damage in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Train Velocity Encoded Phase Contrast MR Imaging for Pulsatile Velocity Analysis with Improved Temporal Resolution and Velocity-To-Noise Ratio
Training Labels for Hippocampal Segmentation Based on the EADC-ADNIi Harmonized Hippocampal Protocol
Tranceive Phased Array with High Transmit Performance for Human Brain Application at 9.4 T
Trans-Catheter Perfusion MRI for Image-Guided Intraarterial Delivery of Therapeutic Agents to Target-Specific Brain Regions
Transcranial Application of Manganese Chloride Enables Neuronal Tract Tracing Using MEMRI
Transcytolemmal Water-Exchange Slows in Infarcted Myocardium
Transforming Grids to Shells and Vice Versa: An Evaluation of Interpolation Methods in Diffusion MRI Q- And B-Space
Transient Permeability/ Perfusion Change During Microbubble-Facilitated Focused Ultrasound Blood-Brain Barrier Opening: A Small-Animal Observation
Translational Implementation of Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Brain Oxygen Mapping in Acute (72 Hours) Ischemic Stroke Patients
Translational MRI/MRS of Cancer
Transmit Arrays & Circuitry
Transmit Field Fitting at 9.4 T Using Analytical Solutions to Maxwell's Equations
Transmit/receive Array for Prostate Imaging with Fully Flexible Dipole Antennas
Transmitted Power from a Tx/Rx Birdcage Coil to Nearby Conductors in Air and in Gel
Transperineal In-Bore 3T MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy in Active Surveillance Patients: Higher Prevalence of Anteriorly Located Positive Prostate Cancer Targets
Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Biopsy: Effect on Natural History of Multi-Parametric MRI Signal and Derived Quantitative Parameters
Transsynaptic Effect on Degeneration of Callosal Motor Fibers in Patients with Stroke Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Transverse Relaxation Amplified by Chemical Exchange (TRACE): A New Method for Mapping Molecular Integrity of Cartilage
Transverse Relaxation and Volumetric Neural Changes in the H67D HFE High Iron Mouse Model
Transverse Relaxation Rate (R2) Dependence on Interecho Time (2t) in Gene-Based Iron-Labeled Cells
Transverse Relaxometry for Brain Iron: Comparison of Seven Approaches
Trauma & Sports Related Injuries
Treated Head & Neck Cancer: Scar Vs. Recurrence?
Treated Pelvis:Scar Vs. Recurrence?
Treatment of Uterine Fibroids with MR-Guided HIFU
Trial-Wise Investigation of Cerebral Blood Volume Change in Human Brain at 7T
Triexponential Function Analysis on Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
Tumor Metabolism: Glucose, Glutamine & Lipids
Tumor Physiology
Tumor Progression Mapping: An Intuitive Visualization of Glioblastoma Progression in MR Follow-Ups
Tumor Vasculature
Tumor-Specific Expression and Detection of a CEST Reporter Gene
Two Dimensional Radial Pulmonary Ultra-Short Time 1H MRI: Reproducibility in COPD and Bronchiectasis
Two Hour-Sustained Brain Activation in the Anesthetized Rat
Two-Component Low Q-Space Diffusion MRI in Evaluation of Spinal Cord in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis In Vivo: A Feasibility Study
Two-Voxel Hadamard Encoded Semi-LASER Spectroscopy for in Vivo MRS at Ultra-High Field
Two-Voxel Spectroscopy with Dynamic B0 Shimming and Flip Angles at Ultra High Field
Type Discrimination of Calcifications Using High-Pass Filtered Phase Images of Multiple Fast Field Echo Sequence
UCEPR: Ultrafast Localized CEST Spectroscopy with PRESS
Ultra Fast Gradient Echo (GRE), Balanced Gradient Echo (BGRE) and Ultra Fast Spin Echo (SE) PET/MRI Vs. PET/CT in Abdominopelvic Oncological Lesions – Initial Clinical Results
Ultra High Dielectric Constant (UHDC) Head Insert at 3T for Dramatic Reduction of SAR and B1+ Inhomogeneity
Ultra High Field MR Spectroscopy of the Striatum in the Human Brain: On the Relation Between Striatal Metabolites and Performance on a Search Step Task
Ultra High Resolution Imaging of Rodent Cochlea Using a Composite Gradient System on a 3T Clinical MRI
Ultra Low Dose Free Breathing Quantitative Renal Perfusion and Filtration Using 3D Through-Time Radial GRAPPA
Ultrafast In Vivo Imaging by SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) for Bruker MRI Systems
Ultrafast 129Xe Hyper-CEST
Ultra-Fast B1+ Mapping Allows Speeding Up RF Shimming in Body MRI at 3T
Ultrafast Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding
Ultrafast Fetal MR Imaging Using Interpolated Compressed Sensing
Ultra-Fast fMRI Using MREG Improves Subject Specific Extraction of Resting State Networks
Ultrafast High-Resolution Spectroscopy with Asymmetrical Gradients Under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Ultrafast Imaging
Ultra-High Field in MS: Is There a Role?
Ultra-High Field Optimization of the Double Inversion Recovery (DIR) Sequence: Gray Matter Imaging at 7T
Ultra-High Resolution In-Vivo 7.0T Structural Imaging of the Human Endfolial Pathway
Ultrahigh-Field Quantitative MR Imaging of Ex Vivo Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaques
Ultrashort and Short T2 Signal Detection in Cartilage and Meniscus: How Low Do We Need to Go?
Ultra-Short Detection Time Imaging of the Curing of Composites for Dental Care Using Parameter Selective T2* MR-Microimaging on a Human UHF-Scanner
Ultra-Short Echo Imaging of Cyclically Loaded Rabbit Patellar Tendon
Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Contrast in Multiple Sclerosis
Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis
Ultra-Short Echo Time 3D Radial Retrospective Self-Gated Navigator for Lung Motion Correction
Ultra-Short Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rabbit Flexor Tendons in an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Model
Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging of Cortical Bone
Ultra-Short Echo-Time MRI Distinguishes Ischemia/reperfusion Injury from Acute Rejection in a Mouse Lung Transplantation Model
Ultrasmall Gadolinium Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles as MRI Contrast Agent
uNBIASED - A Fully Automated Model-Free fMRI Analysis Method Based on Response Reproducibility
Underestimation Error in Estimating ‘True’ Local SAR in Perfused Tissues in High and Ultra-High Field MRI
Under-Gapped SWIFT
Underlying Mechanisms of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Changes in the Stroke Rat Brain Revealed Via Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging and Histological Examinations
Understanding Gradients from an EM Perspective: (Gradient Linearity, Eddy Currents, Maxwell Terms, & Peripheral Nerve Stimulation)
Understanding the Heterogeneity of Brain Metastases from Breast Cancer: Lessons from New Models and Experimental Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Understanding the Vascular Effect on Resting-State FMRI: A Multi-Modality Approach
Understanding White Matter Pathology Through Correlating Longitudinal and Quantitative MRI Metrics Weekly in the Cuprizone Mouse Model of Demyelination
Undulating and Crossing Axons in the Corpus Callosum May Explain the Overestimation of Axon Diameters with ActiveAx
Ungated Cardiac-Phase-Resolved First-Pass MRI for Concurrent Imaging of Myocardial Function and Perfusion at Peak Stress
Ungated Quiescent-Inflow Single-Shot (UnQISS) for Nonenhanced MRA of Peripheral Arterial Disease
Unified Segmentation at 7T
Uniformity and Symmetry Considerations in Sampling Designs for 3D Radial MRI
Universal Breast Phantom for Quantitative MRI
Universal Shape Interpolation Using the Radon Transform
Unravel Neurochemical Contributions to Hemodynamic Responses Using Simultaneous PET/MRI
Unsupervised Ischemia Detection at Rest with CP-BOLD Cardiac MRI: A Simulation Study Employing Independent Component Analysis
Update on Contrast Agents for Body MRI
Updating Shim Dynamically During Diffusion Tensor Imaging Acquisition
Upper Limb Muscle Fat-Water Quantification in Non-Ambulant Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Use of a Neural Mass Model to Investigate the Disruption of Functional Brain Networks by Simulated Focal Lesions
Use of Adaptive Diffusion Filters to Estimate In-Vivo Conductivity Images from B1+ Maps
Use of BOLD MRI to Study Muscle Microvascular Function & Dysfunction
Use of DW Imaging as an Adjunct to Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Breast Cancer at 3T
Use of L1-Norm Solution to Impose Spatial Smoothness Constraints in Quantitative T2 Relaxometry
Use of the Median Image Mitigates Effects of Respiratory Motion in Abdominal Diffusion Imaging
Usefulness of a 3D Dual-Flip-Angle T1 Mapping Technique Pre and Post Gadoxetic Acid Administration for the Assessment of Diffuse Liver Disease
Usefulness of Histogram Analysis for the Investigation of Tumour Heterogeneity
Usefulness of Three-Pool Lorentzian Model in Estimating APT Effect and Parameterizing Spectral Curve Shape
Usefulness of Vessel Selective 4D-MR Angiography for Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformation
Using 31P-MRS to Explore the Effects of Iron Deficiency on Murine Skeletal Muscle Function and Metabolism During Exercise
Using 3T MRI to Characterize the Early Lesion of Carotid Vessel Wall in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Subclinical Atherosclerosis.
Using Advanced MR Techniques to Investigate Traumatic Brain Injury
Using CEST to Detect Glycogen-Depleting Exercise-Induced Changes In Vivo
Using Dual Calibrated fMRI to Detect CBF Related Changes in OEF During Hyperventilation
Using Edge Voxel Information to Improve Motion Regression for Rs-FMRI Connectivity Studies
Using Flow Models to Study the Effects of Bolus Timing on CE-MRA Images
Using Gradient Waveforms Derived from Music in MR Fingerprinting (MRF) to Increase Patient Comfort in MRI
Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI to Quantify Differences in Regional Ventilation in Older Versus Younger Asthmatics
Using MR Frequency Shifts to Differentiate MS Lesion Pathologies
Using MRI to Characterize Lymphatic Structure and Function Without Exogenous Contrast Agents
Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation to Accelerate CEST Imaging
Using Spherical Harmonic Functions for Residual Bootstrap Analysis of HARDI
Using Structural Connectivity Graph Analysis to Predict Cognitive Decline in Patients After Carotid Endarterectomy
Using T2/T2* - Contrast to Characterize Kidney Function During a Waterload Examination: Initial Results at 3 Tesla
Using the ADNI1 Data Set to Assess the Back-To-Back Reproducibility of Brain Volumetrics
Using Wholebrain, High Temporal Resolution, 3D-EPI-CAIPI to Observe Multisensory Interaction in Primary Sensory Cortices
USPIO Enhanced MRI in NAFLD; a Feasibility and Proof of Concept Study
UTE MR Morphology and Histopathology of the Osteochondral Junction of the Knee
UTE MR Morphology of Cartilaginous Endplates Adjacent to Vertebral Endplate Lesions in Human Lumbar Spine
UTE-Based Reflection Point Analysis for Early Diagnosis of Infected Cardiac Valves in Mice
Utility of MR Elastography in Staging of Liver Fibrosis Among Asia Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Utility of Non Contrast 3D Volumetric Time-Resolved MRA Combining Multiple Phase FAIR (CINEMA-FAIR) as a Diagnostic Tool for Intracranial AVM and AVF in Comparison with CE-DMRA
Utility of Real-Time Field Control in T2* Imaging at 7T
V/Q Imaging of the Human Lung Measured at 1.5T by a Single Acquisition Technique and Tested by the Gravitational Effect
V1a Antagonism Normalizes a Social Brain Network in Valproate Rat Model of Autism Revealed by Functional MRI
Validation of a 2D Spinal Cord Probabilistic Atlas. Application to FA Measurement and VBM Study of the GM Atrophy Occurring with Age
Validation of a Cardiovascular MRI Protocol for Combined Assessment of Contrast-Enhanced Whole Body Angiography and Cardiac Function Within a Single Examination
Validation of a Multiple-Echo DSC-MRI Approach with T1 and T2* Leakage Correction for Brain Tumor Perfusion Imaging
Validation of a PET-Derived Respiratory Signal by Comparison with an MRI Pencil-Beam Navigator Signal in Simultaneous PET/MR
Validation of a Tract-Based Automatic Analysis by Comparison with Manual Tractography
Validation of APT as a Measure of pH by 31P in a Piglet Model of HIE
Validation of Automatic Voxel Positioning for MRS at 7T
Validation of Cortical Thickness/Volume Data from Multi-Echo MPRAGE Scans with Variable Acceleration in Young and Elderly Populations
Validation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Determining Muscle Pennation with Ultrasound
Validation of High Temporal Resolution Spiral Phase Velocity Mapping of Coronary Artery Blood Flow Against Doppler Flowire
Validation of Mean Apparent Propagator MRI
Validation of MRI Mn Concentration Mapping in the Rat Brain
Validation of Oxygenation and Perfusion Sensitive MRI Methods in Healthy Brain and Brain Tumor in Mice by Invasive Micro Probe Measurements.
Validation of the Temporal Signal Change Caused by Acupuncture Stimulation with Multi-Band Acquisition .
Validation of Tissue Characterization in Mixed Voxels Using MR Fingerprinting
Validations of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Excised Human Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Lesions and in Mice
Validity of Skeletal Age Assessment Based on Phalanges Using a Portable MRI
Value of Star Map for Assessing Cystic Ovarian Tumors
Variability in Activated Volume Using Canonical HRF or Individual HRF
Variable Bandwidth Turbo Spin-Echo Dixon Imaging
Variable Density 2D Spiral Excitation with Self Compressed Sensing
Variable Flip Angle 3D-GRASE for Increased Spatial Coverage and Improved Point Spread Function in High Resolution fMRI at 7T
Variable Flip Angles and Echo Train Lengths in Segmented 3D-EPI at 3 and 7 Tesla
Variable Temporal Resolution Reconstruction for Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel DCE-MRI
Variable-Rate Design of Quieter Slice-Select Pulses
Variance in MRI Scanner Temporal Stability and TSNR for Functional MRI on Clinical Systems
Variation in Skeletal Muscle and Liver Glycogen Concentration During Normal Daily Eating in Type 2 Diabetes
Variation in Thermal Maps During RF Heating Due to Variation in Electrical Conductivity in TEM Coil at 298 MHz
Variations in DCE-MRI Assessment of Breast Cancer Therapy Response: A Multicenter Data Analysis Challenge
Variations in Intra- And Extracellular Water Component Differentiation Using Intrathecal and Subcutaneous Injections of Manganese Chloride
Vascular Fingerprinting in Rat Brain Tumors
Vasospasm and Phlebectasia Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Vastly Undersampled Time-Resolved TOF MR Angiography in Mice with a Prospective 3D Radial Double Golden Angle Approach.
Velocity-Selective Inversion Prepared Arterial Spin Labeling for 3D Whole-Brain Perfusion Measurment
Ventricular Inefficiency in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Assessed with 4D Flow MRI
Ventricular-Function Assessment with Online Post-Processing of Real-Time Free-Breathing Radial GRAPPA Images
Verbal Memory Function, Glutamate, and Cerebral Blood Flow in Older Adults with Schizophrenia
Verification of Impaired Vasoreactivity in Subjects with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Post-Hoc Analysis of Visual-Stimulus fMRI
Vertebral Fat Deposition with Normal Aging: Quantitative Analysis with IDEAL IQ at 3T
Very Low Field Imaging of Laser-Polarized Noble Gases
Very Rapid 4D Compressed Sensing MR for Lung Imaging During Forced Expiration
Vessel Wall Changes in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Compared to Controls: A Preliminary MR Imaging Study in Carotid Artery
Vessel Wall Imaging
Vessel Wall Imaging: Thinking Outside the Lumen
Vessel-Specific Mapping of Cerebral Venous Oxygenation of Small Veins
View-Sharing and Compressed Sensing in Two-Point Dixon-Based DCE-MRI
Virtual Phantom MRI: A Novel Quantitation Method. Temporal Stability and Spatial Linearity Validation.
Virtual Tissue Electrical Properties: A New Concept for Fast, Robust Local SAR Estimation Based on B1 Measurement
Visual Identification of Brown Adipose Tissue in Adult Humans Using Dixon MRI
Visualization of Aortic Root Vortex and Aortic Flow for Symptomatic Marfan Syndrome Patients by Phase-Contrast MRI
Visualization of Arteries and Veins Using Carbogen-Challenged Dual-Echo MRA (CD-MRA)
Visualization of Human Brainstem Substructures Using Gray Matter Nulling 3D-MPRAGE at 7Tesla
Visualization of Intra-Thalamic Anatomy with White-Matter-Nulled MPRAGE at 7T
Visualization of Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve Using Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3T: Preliminary Experience in Healthy Male Volunteers.
Visualizing Complex White Matter Anatomy in the Live Monkey at 3T Using Super-Resolution Track Density Imaging
Visualizing Connectomes Elucidated from Dimensionality Reduction in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment (CAVE2™)
Visualizing Intrathalamic Structures with Combined Use of MPRAGE and SWI at 7T
Visual-Motor Connectivity Relates to Autism Trait Severity
Volume Interpolated Breathhold Examination (VIBE) and Software-Assisted MR-Guided RFA for the Treatment of Malignant Liver Tumors: Initial Clinical Results
Volume of Interest and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histograms Analysis in Patients with Mucosal Malignant Melanoma of the Head and Neck
Volume-Based Vs. Voxel-Based Brain Morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
Volume-Selective Thin Slice Thickness EPI for Whole Brain fMRI: Comparison with Z-Shimming EPI
Volumetric Analysis of Cingulum in Retired NFL Players: Its Relationship with NFL Experience and Subjects’ Cognitive and Functional Performance
Volumetric Assessment of Fetal Organ Development Using Whole-Body 3D-True-FISP
Volumetric Breast Density Quantification from 2D Mamographies Compared with Breast MRI
Volumetric Changes of Subcortical Nuclei in Mild Cognitive Impairment Converter: A Longitudinal MRI Study
Volumetric Morphometry and Multivariate Pattern Analysis of White Matter Architecture in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Volumetric Phase Contrast Imaging of the Hepatic Vasculature
Volumetric Spectroscopic Imaging of GBM Radiation Treatment Volumes
Volumetric T1 Mapping of Liver Parenchyma at 3 T: Diagnosing Liver Cirrhosis
Voxel Anisotropy in Carotid MRI: Impact on Fibrous Cap Thickness and Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core Size Measurements of Atherosclerotic Plaques
Voxel Based Morphometry and TBSS in PSP and MSA
Voxel-Based Comparison of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and FDG-PET in Head-And-Neck Cancer
Voxel-Based Morphometery to Detect the Effect of APOE on Brain Grey Matter Changes in Parkinson’s Disease
Voxel-Based Morphometry of Brain Changes in Oromandibular Dystonia
Voxel-Based Quantitative MRI in Multiple Sclerosis
Voxelwise Statistical Analysis for Normal Controls Vs. Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
Wall Shear Stress Quantification and Reproducibility Using Variable VENC 4D Phase Contrast MRI in the Aorta
Water Chemical Shift in Childhood Brain Tumours at Low Echo Times: What Are We Measuring?
Water Fat Separated MRI During Cooling-Reheating for the Estimation of Brown Fat Amount and Activity
Water Fat Separation from a Single Spatiotemporally Encoded Echo Using K-Space Peaking and Joint Regularized Estimation
Water Fat Separation with Multiple-Acquisition BSSFP
Water or Fat Selective 3D-BSSFP Imaging Combined with Banding Artifact Correction for MSK Imaging at 3T
Water or Fat Selective 3D-BSSFP Imaging Combined with Banding Artifact Correction on Small-Animal at 7T
Water Relaxation Parameters and the State of Coagulation of a Protein for Vascular Repair
Water Unsuppressed 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate
Waveguide Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Left Ventricle in a Pressure Varying Model
Wavelet Analysis of Liver Fibrosis
Wavelet Based Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Resting-State fMRI
Wavelet-Based Partial Volume Effect Correction for Simultaneous MR/PET of the Carotid Arteries.
Wavelet-Space Parallel Imaging for Fast MRI
Waves as Biosensor for Microarchitecture
Weaker Brain Dynamics During Sustained Working Memory Task: Perspectives from Co-Activation Patterns
Web-Interactive Sharing of Medical Images and Processing Algorithms: The WISDM Framework
Weekly Scanning of a Normal Control Over Four Years
What a Radiologist Needs to Know: Evaluation of Hematospermia with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What Are We Trying to Learn from the Connectome?
What Do We Gain from Multiple Q-Shell Acquistions in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging?
What Does (Multipole) Fourier Tensor Imaging Tell Us? – a Simulation Study
What Does Non-Exponential Diffusion-Weighted Signal Decay Reveal About Myocellular Barriers?
What Explains Gray Matter Atrophy in Long-Standing Multiple Sclerosis?
What Is Autism and How Is the Brain Involved?
What Is Perfusion, & How Is It Measured?
What Is the Ideal Labeling Duration for Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling?
What Is Txmax, Anyway?
What New Do We Learn with Myelin Water Fraction in Infant White Matter Bundles in Comparison with Other MRI Parameters?
What Role Can Neuroimaging Play in Autism Research/Diagnosis?
What You See Is Not What You Get: BOLD Signal Increases with Age in Children May Be the Result of Increased Neuronal-Vascular Coupling and Not Increased Neuronal Activity
What’s Under the Hood: Understanding the Correlates and Applications of MRI in Glioblastoma
Which Is the Impact of the Coil Track Width and Frequency Over a Split Gradient Coil Performance?
Which One Is Most Accurate and Has Highest Precision? - A Comprehensive Analysis of T2(*) Estimation Techniques
Which Parameters Are Optimal? - A Comprehensive Numerical Analysis of Background Phase Correction with SHARP
White Matter Abnormalities Are Associated with Cognitive Dysfunction in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
White Matter Abnormalities in Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia: Potential Link with Oxygen Desaturation
White Matter Abnormalities in Males with Suppressed HIV-Infection on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Compared to Representative Controls
White Matter Abnormalities in Mesocorticolimbic Network of Drug Naïve ADHD Children by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
White Matter Abnormalities in Schizophrenia: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study Using Whole Brain Tract-Specific Analysis
White Matter Abnormality in Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder
White Matter and Grey Matter Magnetisation Transfer Measurements in the Lumbo-Sacral Enlargement: A Pilot Study with the Use of Radial Acquisition Profile at 3T
White Matter Damage in MCI Converters and Non Converters to AD: A Longitudinal Study Using Probabilistic Tractography
White Matter Development in Preterm Infants at Term Equivalent Age: Assessment Using
White Matter Hyperintensities and Physical Activity in People at Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
White Matter Hyperintensities as a Confounder in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Analysis of Elderly Cohorts
White Matter Impairment in Depression and Hypertension: A Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Study at 3-T MR
White Matter Lesions Account for Apathy Symptoms in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Voxel Based Lesion Symptom Mapping Study
White Matter Microstructure in Moderate and Late Preterm Infants Assessed Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
White Matter Perfusion Measurement Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling – a Comparison with Pulsed ASL and Pseudo-Continuous ASL
White Matter Tract Atlas on NTU-DSI-122 Template
White Matter Tract Integrity in Clinically Isolated Syndrome and Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Is Related to Lesional Load
Whole Body 18FDG-PET/MRI as Compared with 18FDG-PET/CT in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Whole Body DWI
Whole Body PET-MRI in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type I: Preliminary Observations of Image Quality and Artifacts
Whole Body Radiation Induced Early Delayed Changes in Mice Brain: Behavioral Evaluation and 1H MRS Study
Whole Body RF Coil Design for a Simultaneous PET-MR System
Whole Brain Cerebral Flow Territory Mapping Using Vessel Selective Dynamic Arterial Spin Labeling Within 30 Seconds
Whole Brain fMRI in 370ms: Exploring the Benefits of High Temporal Resolution 3D-EPI-CAIPI
Whole Brain Functional Connectivity in Clinically Isolated Syndrome with Normal Conventional Brain MRI: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study
Whole Brain Perfusion Using Dynamic PCASL with Multiband Look-Locker EPI
Whole Brain Single Shot Diffusion Weighted EPI at 7 Tesla Using Parallel Transmit Multislice Multiband RF Pulses
Whole Heart Free-Breathing Extracellular Volume Mapping at 3.0 Tesla
Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted MRI with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping for Monitoring Multiple Myeloma
Whole-Body Dixon for Skeletal Muscle Fat Fraction Quantification in Neuromuscular Disorders
Whole-Body Imaging of Adipose Tissues in Mouse at 9.4T
Whole-Body MRI Vs. Co-Registered Whole-Body FDG-PET with MRI (PET/MRI) Vs. Integrated FDG-PET/CT: Capability of Clinical Stage and Operability Assessments in Non-Small Cell Carcinoma
Whole-Body UTE-MDixon: A Potential One-Scan Solution for PET/MR Attenuation Correction and Localization
Whole-Brain Distortion-Free Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Using Multiband Turbo-FLASH at 3 and 7T
Whole-Brain High-Resolution ASL at 3T
Whole-Brain Perfusion Measurements at 7T Using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Multi-Echo Echo Planar Imaging
Whole-Gland MRI-Guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation of Low-Risk Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Results from a Multi-Center Phase I Clinical Trial
Whole-Heart MR Angiography Using Image-Based Navigation in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Whole-Heart Myocardial BOLD MRI with Adenosine Stress Using Fast Free-Breathing 3D T2 Mapping: a Validation Study in Canines
Why Do Dipole Antennas Work? a Comparison to Loop Coils as a Function of Element Size
Widespread Brain Changes in Patients with Advanced Glaucoma
Widespread Disruption of White Matter Myelin Revealed from a Relatively Large Scale of Bipolar DTI Study
Will Field Shifts Due to Head Rotation Compromise Motion Correction?
Wireless MR Active Marker Based PET Motion Correction in Simultaneous Brain MR-PET
Working Memory Deficit in Children Treated for Cerebellar Medullobastoma: An fMRI Study
Worst-Case Analysis of RF-Induced Heating During MRI Scanning in a Generic Multi-Component Orthopedic Medical Implant Applying the Design of Experiment Method (DoE)
Wrist & Hand
Yes, It Is Exciting, But Where Are the "Killer Apps"?
Z Spectral Analysis of Gliomas at 7T: A Human In-Vivo Study
Zero TE Bone Imaging
ZOOM and Non-ZOOM Spinal Cord Diffusion Tensor Imaging Protocols for Multi-Centre Studies
Zoomed Cardiac CINE-MRI Using Nonlinear Phase Preparation
Zoomed EPI Using Parallel Transmission for Tractography of the Prostate Gland Without an Endorectal Coil: A Feasibility Study.
Z-Stacked RF Array Design Enhances Parallel Transmit Multiband RF Performance in Whole Brain Simultaneous Multislice Imaging at 7T
ZTE Imaging with T1 Contrast
ZTE MRI Enables Imaging of Egyptian Mummy: A Comparison to CT and THz Imaging
a-Fucose Increased in the Brain of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Patients with Inflammation at Onset Recorded by 2D L-COSY
Aakazawa, Kentaro
Aaslid, Rune
Ababneh, Riad
Abaei, Alireza
Abaei, Maryam
Abastado, Jean-Pierre
Abbas, Zaheer
Abbasi, Mahdi
Abboud, Hanna E.
Abd-Elmoniem, Khaled Z.
Abdeen, Rhys
Abdel-Aziz, Khaled
Abdelnour, Farras
Abdelwahab, Mohammed
Abdesselam, Inès
Abdoli, Sherwin
Abdulkadir, Ahmed
Abdulla, Susanne
Abdullah, Osama
Abe, Hiroyuki
Abe, Takashi
Abele, Travis
Abernethy, L
Abernethy, L.
Abiri, Benjamin
Abla, Adib
Abolmaesumi, Purang
Abou-Khalil, Bassel
Abou-Khousa, Mohammed A.
Aboussouan, Eric
Abramowitz, Matthew
Abramson, Richard G.
Abramson, Vandana
Absil, Julie
Absinta, Martina
Abuelhaija, Ashraf
Abächerli, Roger
Acar, Omer
Acevedo-Bolton, Gabriel
Achard, Sophie
Achawal, Shailendra
Achiche, Sofiane
Achten, Eric L.J.
Acikel, Volkan
Acker, Till
Ackerman, Jerome
Ackerman, Joseph J.H.
Ackerman Jr., Joseph
Ackerstaff, Ellen
Ackley, Elena
Acosta, Oscar
Acosta-Cabronero, Julio
Adalsteinsson, Elfar
Adam, Gerhard
Adamson, Christopher
Adamson, Erin
Adany, Peter
Adanyeguh, Isaac M.
Addeman, Bryan T.
Addy, Nii Okai
Adel, Bigit Den
Adem, Asha
Adesanya, Oludolapo
Adinoff, Bryon
Adler, Cal
Adluru, Ganesh
Adriani, Walter
Adriany, Gregor
Adsay, Volkan
Adusmilli, Madhavi
Aelterman, Jan
Afacan, Onur
Afshar, Ali
Afyouni, Soroosh
Afzal, Aneela
Aganj, Iman
Agarwal, Anupam
Agarwal, Khushbu
Aggarwal, Manisha
Aghaeifar, Ali
Aghetti, Agnes
Aghetti, Agnès
Aghi, Manish
Agosta, Federica
Agrawal, Madhav
Aguirre, Daniel
Aguirre-Reyes, Daniel
Ah-See, Mei-Lin W.
Ahlgren, André
Ahlgren, Ulf
Ahlman, Mark A.
Ahlström, Håkan
Ahmad, Md Wasi
Ahmad, Rizwan
Ahmad, Sung June Kim. Wasi
Ahmad, Zaki
Ahmadi, Mitra
Ahmadian, Alireza
Ahmadzai, Zohra M.
Ahmed, Hashim
Ahn, Hye Shin
Ahn, Kook Jin
Ahn, Kook-Jin
Ahn, Sangtae
Ahn, Sinyeob
Ahn, Sung Soo
Ahn, Younghee
Aho, Olli-Matti
Ahola, Susanna
Ahrens, Eric T.
Ahtinen, Helena
Ahveninen, Jyrki
Ai, Kai
AIBL Research Group, the
Aida, Noriko
Aidi, Hamza El
Aidoudi-Ahmed, Sallouha
Aiello, Marco
Aigner, Christoph Stefan
Aigrot, Marie-Stéphane
Aime, Silvio
Aisen, Alex
Aithal, Guru P.
Aitken, Andrew Peter
Aizenstein, Howard
Aizenstein, Orna
Aja-Fernandez, Santiago
Ajilore, Olusola A.
Akahane, Keiichi
Akahane, Masaaki
Akashi, Toshiaki
Akazawa, Kentaro
Akbaraly, Tasnime
Akbari, Atena
Akçakaya, Mehmet
Akcakaya, Mehmet
Akgun, Can
Akhadov, Tolibjon
Akhbardeh, Alireza
Akhondi-Asl, Alireza
Akin, Burak
Akin, Oguz
Akisik, Fatih
Akiyama, Yuji
Akram, Md. Shahadat Hossain
Aksenov, Daniil P.
Aksentijevic, Dunja
Aksoy, Didem
Aksoy, Murat
Al-Gizawiy, Mona
Al-Niaimi, Ahmed
Al-Rujaib, Mashael
Alagappan, Vijay
Alahmadi, Adnan
Alam, Nader Riyahi
Alam, Shirjel
Alameda, Luis
Alanen, Kalle
Alastruey, Jordi
Alberati, Daniel
Alberola-Lopez, Carlos
Alberola-López, Carlos
Albert, Mitchell S.
Alberti, Diego
Alberti, Paola
Albertine, Kurt
Alboni, Silvia
Albrecht, Christian
Albuquerque, Miguel
Aldag, Ina
Aldenkamp, Albert P.
Alderliesten, Thomas
Aldrian, Silke
Alecci, Marcello
Alejski, Andrew
Alessi, Marie-Christine
Alessi, Sarah
Alexander, Andrew K.
Alexander, Andrew L.
Alexander, Daniel C.
Alexander, Emma
Alger, Jeffry R.
Alhamud, A.
Ali, Rehan
Ali-Rahmani, Fatima
Alia, A.
Alibert, Charlotte
Alie, Nadia
Alink, Arjen
Aliotta, Eric P.
Aliu, Sheye
Alizadeh, Tooba
Aljabar, Paul
Alkalay, Ron Noah
Alkins, Ryan
Allegretti, Marcello
Allen, Bradley D.
Allen, Clare
Allen, Danny
Allen, Marek
Allen, Peter S.
Allen, Philip D.
Allen, Richard
Alley, Marcus
Allsop, Joanna
Ally, Brandon
Almekhlafi, Mohammed
Almquist, Scott
AlObaidy, Mamdoh
Alomair, Othman I.
Alon, Gad
Alon, Leeor
Alonso, Nashiely Sofia Pineda
Alpendurada, Francisco
Alperin, Noam
Alrujaib, Mashael
Alsaid, Hasan
Alshammari, Qurain
Alshikho, Mohamad
Alshuft, Hamza
Alsop, David
Altabella, Luisa
Altavilla, Amelia
Altbach, Maria
Alterman, Ron L.
Altes, Talissa
Altieri, Saverio
Altmann, Daniel
Altmeppen, Jan
Altorfer, Franziska C.S.
Altun, Ersan
Alvarez, Gonzalo A.
Álvarez-Linera, Juan
Alvarez-Linera, Juan
Amadon, Alexis
Amandine, Crombé
Amann, Michael
Amano, Yasuo
Amant, Frederic
Amarosa, Alana
Amati, Francesca
Ambarki, Khalid
Amemiya, Eduardo
Amemiya, Shiori
Ament, Katarina
Ames, David
Ametamey, Simon
Amidon, Gordon
Amidon, Gregory
Amies, Tom
Amini, Amir
Amirabadi, Afsaneh
Amirbekian, Bagrat
AmiriDoumari, Houshang
Ammini, Ariachery C.
Amor-López, Ana
Amorn, Allen M.
Amort, Laura
Ampanozi, Garyfalia
An, Hongyu
An, Jing
An, Junmo
An, Li
An, Zhongxu
Anaby, Debbie
Anagnostopoulos, Petros
Anagnostopoulos, Petros V.
Anashkin, Edward
Anblagan, Devasuda
Ances, Beau
Andellini, Martina
Andersen, Anders
Andersen, Erling
Andersen, Mads
Anderson, Aaron T.
Anderson, Adam
Anderson, Ashley
Anderson, Casey A.
Anderson, E. Mark
Anderson, Jeffrey
Anderson, Kevan
Anderson, Nicole D.
Anderson, Peter J.
Anderson, Stephan
Anderson, Thomas A.
Anderson, Valerie C.
Anderson-Sembach, Suzanne E.
Andersson, Jesper
Andia, Marcelo
Ando, Kiyoshi
Andre, Jalal B.
Andreisek, Gustav
Andreotti, Jennifer
Andres, Marilou
Andrews, Trevor
Andreychenko, Anna
Andrezejewski, Piotr
Andronesi, Ovidiu C.
Ang, Brandon D.
Ang, Kai Keng
Angeli, Stelios
Angelone, Leonardo
Angelsen, Anders
Anghileri, Elena
Ankenbrandt, William J.
Ankenbrank, Monika
Annarao, Sanjay
Annese, David
Annic, Philippe
Ansari, Sameer
Ansorge, Olaf
Ansorge, Richard E.
Anthony, Daniel C.
Antiga, Luca
Antozzi, Carlo
Antunes, Andre
Anzidei, Michele
Aoki, Chikashi
Aoki, Ichio
Aoki, Shigeki
Aoki, Takatoshi
Aoyagi, Kota
Aoyama, Nobukazu
Apostolova, Liana G.
Appenzeller, Philippe
Apprich, Sebastian
Apšvalka, Dace
Aquaro, Giovanni Donato
Aquino, Domenico
Arabi, Mohammad Hadi
Arai, Andrew E.
Arai, Hajime
Arai, Ken
Arakelyan, Karen
Araki, Rikita
Araneta, Maria Ferraris
Arani, Arvin
Aranovitch, Alexander
Araoz, Philip
Aras, Omer
Arasan, Durai
Arase, Yasuji
Araujo, David
Araujo, Ericky C.A.
Arbab, Ali S.
Arcaro, Chiara
Ardekani, Babak A.
Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Jan H.
Arefin, Tanzil Mahmud
Arena, Claudio
Arena, Francesca
Arfanakis, K.
Argibay-Quinones, Daniel
Argyridis, Ioannis
Arheart, Kristopher
Arias, Ana Claudia
Arias, Teresa
Arias-Mendoza, Fernando
Aribisala, Benjamin
Arichi, Tom
Arif, Hina
Arifin, Dian
Aristizabal, Orlando
Ariyurek, Cemre
Arlinghaus, Lori
Arlt, Felix
Arm, Jameen
Armitage, James A.
Armitage, James R.
Armitage, Paul A.
Armstrong, Brandon D.
Armstrong, Leanne
Arnett, Anne
Arnold, Antje
Arnold, Douglas
Arnoletti, Pablo
Arnts, Henk
Arolt, Volker
Aronen, Hannu
Aronovo, Maria
Aronsen, Magnus
Arora, Sandeep
Arpan, Ishu
Arpinar, Volkan Emre
Arridge, Simon
Arrigoni, Filippo
Arrubla, Jorge
Arsac, Véronique
Arsanjani, Reza
Arsava, Ethem M.
Arteaga, Daniel F.
Artemov, Dmitri
Arthurs, Owen J.
Artz, Nathan
Artzi, Moran
Arun, Arush Honnedevasthana
Arunachalam, Shivaram Poigai
Arunan, Vaitha
Arús, Carles
Arvanitis, Theodoros N.
Arya, Zobair
Aryal, Mahdava
Asad, Abu Bakar Ali
Asadi, Amran K.
Asai, Kuniya
Asano, Akihiro
Asayama, Yoshiki
Asbach, Patrick
Ascher, Susan M.
Ashab, Hussam Al-Deen
Ashinsky, Beth G.
Ashmore, Jonathan
Ashraf, Ahmed
Ashtari, Manzar
Ashton, Edward
Askren, Mary Kathleen
Aslam, Rizwan
Aslan, Sina
Asllani, Iris
Assaf, Yaniv
Assif, Benny
Assinck, Peggy
Assländer, Jakob
Astary, Garrett W.
Atalar, Ergin
Atanasijevic, Tatjana
Atanasova, Iliyana
Atanga, Pascal Alihnuii
Athavale, Prashant
Atifi, Michèle El
Atkinson, David
Atkinson, Kevin D.
Atlas, Scott
Atre, Ashwini
Attard, Gerhardt
Attenberger, Ulrike I.
Atthe, Bharath
Attye, Arnaud
Attygalle, Ayoma D.
Atzori, Matteo
Auboiroux, Vincent
Aubry, Jean-François
Audoin, Bertrand
Auer, Dorothee
Auerbach, Edward
Augath, Mark Aurel
Auranen, Toni
Aussems-Custers, Erica
Aussenhofer, Sebastian A.
Austin, Mark R.
Avants, Brian B.
Avdievich, Nikolai
Avdievitch, Nikolai
Avendaño, Carlos
Avisom, Malcolm J
Avison, Malcolm J.
Avni, Reut
Avram, Alexandru V.
Avventi, Enrico
Awad, Issam
Awai, Kazuo
Awojoyogbe, Bamidele Omotayo
Axel, Leon
Ay, Hakan
Ayache, Jad Bou
Ayad, Michael J.
Ayata, Cenk
Ayde, Reina
Aylett, Sarah E.
Aysola, Ravi
Azuma, Takashi
Azuma, Takeshi
Azuma, Yoshiharu
Azzabou, Noura
Azzapardi, Denis
Baatout, Sarah
Babalola, Kola
Babayeva*, Maryna
Babb, James
Babb, Jim
Babourina-Brooks, Ben
Babu, Ramesh
Babur, Muhammad
Bach-Cuadra, Meritxell
Bachani, Siraj
Bacher, Mario A.
Bachert, Peter
Bachevalier, Jocelyne
Bachman, Alvin H.
Bachoo, Robert
Bachschmidt, Theresa
Bachtiar, Velicia
Backes, Walter H.
Bacot, Sandrine
Badachhape, Andrew A.
Badal, James
Bade, Aditya N.
Badea, Liviu
Badve, Chaitra
Bae, Kyong Tae
Bae, Won
Baeck, Jong Su
Baeck, Jong-Su
Baecke, Sebastian
Baek, Hyeonman
Baete, Steven
Bagel, Jessica
Bagga, Deepika
Bagga, Puneet
Baggi, Fulvio
Bagher-Ebadian, Hassan
Baglin, Trevor
Baglio, Francesca
Baglio, Gisella
Bagnoli, Marina
Bagshaw, Andrew P.
Baheza, Richard
Bahrami, Naeim
Bahri, Dara
Bahri, Shadfar
Bai, Ruiliang
Bai, Yan
Bai, Ying-Ying
Baig, Tanvir
Bailey, David
Bailey, S.
Bainbridge, Alan
Bairdain, Sigrid
Bajwa, Awais Akbar
Bajwa, Hisham Z.
Bakeberg, Jason L.
Baker, Amanda
Baker, Jennifer H.E.
Baker, Kenneth
Baker, Rebecca
Bakhru, Akshay
Bakker, Chris J.G.
Bakker, Esther
Bakker, Jurriaan
Bakshi, Rohit
Bal-Theoleyre, Laurence
Balasubramaniam, Easswar
Balasubramanian, Mukund
Balchandani, Priti
Baldelomar, Edwin
Baldoli, Cristina
Balducci, Anthony
Baledent, Olivier
Balédent, Olivier
Balestrieri, Matteo
Bali, Maria Antonietta
Bali, Monia
Balidemaj, Edmond
Balietti, Marta
Balk, Lisanne J.
Ball, Daniel R.
Ball, Gareth
Ball, Iain K.
Ball, Vicky
Ballenger, Zachary E.
Ballesteros, Paloma
Balosetti, Clemence
Balteau, Evelyne
Baltzer, Pascal
Balu, Niranjan
Bamber, Jeffrey C.
Bammer, Roland
Bancroft, Laura W.
Bandettini, Peter
Bandettini, W. Patricia
Bane, Octavia
Banerjee, Modhurin
Banerjee, Sangeeta Ray
Banerjee, Suchandrima
Banerji, Anita
Bang, Eunjung
Bang, Oh Young
Bangerter, Neal
Bangiyev, Lev
Bankiewicz, Krystof
Banks, Joshua
Banks, Kelly
Banks, Tina
Bankson, James A.
Bankstahl, Jens P.
Bankstahl, Marion
Bannae, Shuhei
Bannas, Peter
Bannier, Elise
Banning, Adrian
Bansal, Navneeta
Banwell, Brenda
Banz, Nico
Bao, Faxiu
Bao, Jianfeng
Bao, Shanglian
Baqqal, Yasir
Bar-Shir, Amnon
Barabasch, Alexandra
Barajas, Ramon
Barakat, Nadia
Baraldo, Stefano
Baran, Caitlin
Barani, Igor
Barazany, Daniel
Barbé, Laurent
Barber, Anita D.
Barber, Thomas
Barbera, Graziano
Barbier, Emmanuel
Barboni, Piero
Barboriak, Daniel P.
Barbosa, Jeam Haroldo Oliveira
Barca, Laura
Barczewska, Monika
Bardoni, Alessandra
Bargallo, Nuria
Bargon, Joachim
Barhoum, Suliman A.
Barillot, Christian
Barishnikov, Koviljka
Barkauskas, Kestutis J.
Barker, Alex
Barker, Gareth
Barker, Peter B.
Barker, Simon
Barkhof, Frederik
Barkovich, A James
Barmet, Christoph
Barnes, Anna
Barnes, Samuel
Barnes, Stephanie L.
Barnett, Alan
Barnewolt, Carol
Barnouin, Yoann
Baron, Corey A.
Baron, Paul
Baroni, Ronaldo Hueb
Baroni, Simona
Barrick, Thomas R.
Barrio-Arranz, Gonzalo
Barrmeyer, Amelie
Barry, Jennifer
Barry, Robert L.
Barskiy, Danila A.
Bartelle, Benjamin B.
Bartels, L. Wilbert
Barth, C. M.
Barth, Eugene
Barth, Markus
Bartha, Janos
Bartha, Robert
Barthel, Henryk
Bartlett, David
Bartlett, Rachel M.
Bartley, Gregory K.
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda
Bartolomucci, Alessandro
Bartos, Robert
Bartsch, Andreas J.
Baruah, Dhiraj
Base, Karel
Baselli, Giuseppe
Basha, Tamer
Bashat, Dafna Ben
Bashir, Mustafa
Bashirullah, Rizwan
Bashoor-Zadeh, Mahdieh
Basile, Barbara
Bass, Brian J.
Basse-Lüsebrink, Thomas Christian
Basser, Peter
Bassett, Elwin
Bassett, Paul
Bassi, Roberto
Bastawrous, Sarah
Bastiaansen, Jessica A. M.
Bastianello, Stefano
Bastiani, Matteo
Bastin, Mark E.
Batalle, Dafnis
Batchelor, Tracy T
Batchelor, Tracy T.
Bates, Geoffrey
Bathen, Tone F.
Batjer, H. Hunt.
Batlle, Rosa Mach
Batra, Marion
Batrachenko, Anastasiya
Batson, Melissa A.
Battaglini, Marco
Battini, Roberta
Battiston, Marco
Baudewig, Juergen
Baudin, Pierre-Yves
Bauer, Jan S.
Bauer, Jochen
Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf
Baugh, Christine
Bauleo, Armando
Baum, Karl
Baum, Stefi
Baum, Thomas
Bauman, Glenn
Bauman, Grzegorz
Baumann, Elisabeth
Baumann, Philipp S.
Baumann, Tobias
Baumgartner, Christian
Baumgartner, Richard
Baumman, Philipp S.
Bause, Jonas
Baviera, Jose Maria Benlloch
Bawden, Stephen J.
Baxter, Gregory T.
Bay, Sylvie
Bayle, Dimitri
Bayly, Philip
Bayly, Philip V.
Bayram, Ersin
Bazalova, Magdalena
Bazan III, Carlos
Bazarov, Alexey
Bazin, Pierre-Louis
Beall, Erik
Beare, Richard
Beare, Richard Leslie
Beasley, T.
Beate, Steven
Beatty, Philip J.
Beaulé, Paul E.
Beaulieu, Christian
Beaumont, Marine
Beaver, Denise
Beaver, John D.
Becce, Fabio
Beck, Barbara L.
Beck, Julia
Beck, Michael J.
Beck, Nadine
Beck-Pancer, Devora
Becker, Christoph D.
Becker, Jan
Becker, Judith
Becker, Lena
Beckett, Alexander
Beckmann, Christian F.
Bedair, Reem
Bedekar, Devyani
Bedell, Barry
Bednarik, Petr
Bednarz, Bryan P.
Bedossa, Pierre
Beech, John
Beeckler, Christopher
Beeman, Scott
Beer, Meinrad
Beets-Tan, Regina G. H.
Befera, Nicolas
Begbie, Mark
Begovatz, Paul
Behar, Kevin L.
Behl, Nicolas G.R.
Behr, Volker C.
Behrouz, Gamzegul M.
Beiderwellen, Karsten
Beinart, Roy
Beissner, Florian
Beisteiner, Roland
Bejarano, Fabian Calixto
Bekku, Mitsuhiro
Bel, Arjan
Belch, Jill
Belcher, Annabelle
Beld, Ellis
Bell, Caleb
Bell, Laura
Bellani, Marcella
Bellgowan, Patrick
Belliveau, John
Bello, Lorenzo
Bellomi, Massimo
Belluscio, Leonardo
Belmonte, Gina
Beloeil, Jean-Claude
Beloueche-Babari, Mounia
Belov, Pavel
Beltramello, Alberto
Belzberg, Allan
Ben-Abraham, Ephraim I.
Ben-Eliezer, Noam
Benakis, Corine
Benattayallah, Abdelmalek
Bencardino, Jenny T.
Bendahan, David
Bendel, Peter
Benders, Manon J.N.L.
Bendl, Rolf
Bendok, Bernard
Bendotti, Caterina
Bendszus, Martin
Bénédicte, Gaborit
Benefield, Brandon
Benhamou, Marc
Benigno, Salvatore
Benitez, Amaia
Benitez, Andreana
Benítez, Ania
Benjamin, Jennifer
Benjamini, Dan
Benk, Christoph
Benkert, Thomas
Benkhedah, Nadia
Benndorf, Matthias
Benner, Thomas
Bennett, D. A.
Bennett, Jean
Bennett, Kate
Bennett, Kevin M.
Bennett, Nathan
Benotmane, Mohammed Abderrafi
Benson, Randall
Bentley, Rachel
Benveniste, Helene
Benzinger, Tammie
Beppu, Takaaki
Beqiri, Arian
Beque, Dirk
Bera, Geraldine
Berardi, Paola
Berdeaux, Alain
Bereiter, David A.
Beresford, Mark J.
Berg, Andreas
Berg, Sophie
Berg, Wendie A.
Bergamino, Maurizio
Berger, Allison
Berger, Francois
Berger, Mitchel S.
Berger, Moritz C.
Bergey, Gregory K.
Bergman, Richard N.
Bergsland, Niels
Bergsten, Peter
Berkovic, Samuel F.
Berliner, Christoph
Berlot, Rok
Berlow, Yosef A.
Berman, Avery J.L.
Berman, Benjamin Paul
Berman, Daniel
Berman, Jeffrey I.
Berman, Marc
Bermel, Robert
Bernard, Monique
Bernardi, Bruno
Bernarding, Johannes
Berndt, Dominique
Berner, Stephan
Bernhardt, Peter
Bernick, Charles
Bernstein, Adam
Bernstein, Jonathan M.
Bernstein, Matt
Berrington, Adam
Berry, Colin
Berry, Eleanor S K
Berset, Corina Mihaela
Bertaccini, Luca
Bertero, Luca
Berthault, Patrick
Berthel, Dominik
Berthet, Carole
Berthonneche, Corinne
Bertillson, Helena
Bertoldo, Alessandra
Bertolo, Silvia
Bertram, John F.
Besa, Cecilia
Besselink, M. G.H.
Besson, Pierre
Best, Quinn A.
Beste, Christian
Beuers, Ulrich H.
Beuf, Olivier
Beuzelin, Marie-Gabrielle
Beyea, Steven
Beyerlein, Michael
Beyers, Ronald
Beylergil, Volkan
Beyrau, Andreas
Bezerra, Raquel
Bezrukov, Ilja
Bezy-Wendling, Johanne
Bhadelia, Rafeeque
Bhadelia, Rafeeque A.
Bhagat, Yusuf A.
Bhagavatula, Sharath
Bhargava, Puneet
Bharti, Santosh
Bharti, Santosh Kumar
Bharucha, Adil E.
Bhat, Himanshu
Bhat, Venkatraman
Bhatia, Kanwal K.
Bhatia, Kunwar S.
Bhatia, Sahil
Bhatnagar, Deepak
Bhatnagar, Seema
Bhatt, Bhargav
Bhatt, Rupal
Bhattacharya, Debajyoti
Bhattacharya, Pratip
Bhattacharyya, Pallab
Bhattacharyya, Tulshi
Bhide, Shreerang A.
Bhogal, A.
Bhujwalla, Zaver M.
Bhuniya, Sankarprasad
Bhushan, Chitresh
Bi, Xiaoming
Bi, Zhongyuan
Biagi, Laura
Bian, Xiao
Bianchi, Andrea
Bianchi, Anna Maria
Bianchi, Giacomo
Bianchini, Claudio
Bianciardi, Marta
Biasiolli, Luca
Bibby, Becky
Bibby, Bo Martin
Biber, Stefan
Bickel, Stephan
Bidar, Abdel Wahad
Bidart, Marie
Bidinosti, Christopher P.
Biederer, Jürgen
Bieleveld, Pascal
Biemans, Barbara
Bieri, Oliver
Bierma-Zeinstra, S.M.A.
Biermann, Judith
Bierwagen, Alessandra
Biessels, Geert Jan
Biffoni, Mauro
Bifone, Angelo
Bignami, Fabio
Bihan, Denis Le
Bijlsma, M. F.
Biju, KC
Bilchick, Kenneth C.
Bilgic, Berkin
Bilgin, Ali
Biller, Armin
Billia, Michele
Billiet, Thibo
Billings, Jacob
Billingsley, Kelvin
Bills, Rodney
Bilston, Lynne
Biman, Birubi
Bin-Hafeez, Bilal
Binczyck, Franciszek
Bindl, Jakob
Bing, Yu
Bingman, Verner P.
Bini, Jason
Binkert, Christoph A.
Binnewijzend, Maja A.A.
Binter, Christian
Biondo, Vito
Birch, Malcolm
Birch, Rebecca
Birkl, Christoph
Birn, Rasmus M.
Birot, Gwénaël
Bisdas, Sotirios
Bisecco, Alvino
Bishop, Courtney A.
Bishop, Jonathan
Biso, Sylvia
Bisulli, Francesca
Biswal, Bharat B.
Biswas, Labonny
Biswas, Reni
Bito, Yoshitaka
Bittencourt, Leonardo Kayat
Bitton, Rachelle
Bittsansky, Michal
Bitz, Andreas K.
Bitzer, Andreas
Bivard, Andrew
Bizzi, Alberto
Bjornerud, Atle
Bjørnerud, Atle
Black, Alexandra
Black, Sandra E.
Blackband, Stephen J.
Blackledge, Matthew
Blackwell, Christopher
Blaimer, Martin
Blamire, Andrew
Blankestijn, Peter J.
Blasberg, Ronald G.
Blasel, Stella
Blasi, Valeria
Blazejewska, Anna
Blicher, Jakob Udby
Bloch, Karin Markenroth
Block, Kai Tobias
Block, Tobias
Block, Walter F.
Block, Wolfgang
Blockley, Nicholas
Bloem, Johan L.
Bloy, Luke
Bluemel, Trevor
Bluemink, Hanneke J. J.
Bluemke, David
Blum, Maximilian
Blumensath, Thomas
Blumenthal, Deborah T.
Bluml, Stefan
Blutsch, Beate
Blüher, Matthias
Blüml, Stefan
Boada, Fernando
Boardman, James P.
Boas, David A.
Bobek-Billewicz, Barbara
Bobko, Andrey
Boccardi, Marina
Bocchetta, Martina
Bock, Christian
Bock, Michael
Bock, Nicholas A.
Bockhorst, Kurt H.
Bodammer, Nils C.
Bodenhausen, Geoffrey
Bodi, Istvan
Bodini, Benedetta
Bodurka, Jerzy
Boehler, Quentin
Boellaard, Ronald
Boelmans, Kai
Boer, Vincent
Boere, Kristel W.M.
Boernert, Peter
Boesch, Chris
Boesen, Mari Elyse
Boffa, Cinzia
Boffa, Giacomo
Boffano, Carlo
Boffi, Alberto
Bofin, Anna
BogdanovJr, Alexei
Bogner, Wolfgang
Bogun, Frank M.
Bohlken, Marc M.
Bohr, Iwo Jerzy
Boisserie, Jean-Marc
Bojadzic, Nina
Bok, Robert
Bokacheva, Louisa
Bokstein, Felix
Bolan, Patrick J.
Bolar, Divya S.
Bolbecker, Amanda
Bolcaen, Julie
Bolding, Mark
Boldt, Julian
Bollmann, Steffen
Bolo, Nick
Bolster Jr, Bradley D.
Bomers, Joyce GR
Bommerich, Ute
Bonafe, Alain
Bonanno, Gabriele
Bonaz, Bruno
Bonduelle, Colin
Bonekamp, David
Bonekamp, Susanne
Bongers, Andre
Boni, Fabrizio
Bonington, Suzanne C.
Bonivento, Carolina
Bonmassar, Giorgio
Bonnemains, Laurent
Bonnier, Guillaume
Bonny, Jean-Marie
Bonow, Robert O.
Bontempi, Pietro
Bonuccelli, Ubaldo
Bony, Badrul Alam
Bony, Badrul Alem
Booij, Jan
Boone, Goldie R. E.
Bora, Girdhar Singh
Bordelois, Alejandro
Borenstein-Auerbach, Nofit
Boretius, Susann
Borga, Magnus
Borges, Alexandra
Borgwardt, Karsten M.
Borich, Michael
Borisch, Eric A.
Bornet, Aurélien
Bornstedt, Axel
Boros, Eszter
Borowiak, Robert
Borradori-Tolsa, Cristina
Borri, Marco
Borroni, Edilio
Borsic, Andrea
Borsodi, Florian
Borsodi, Florian Franz Erich
Borthakur, Ari
Bortulussi, Silva
Borzage, Matthew
Borzi, Alfio
Bos, Clemens
Bos, Pieter K.
Bosaily, Ahmed El-Shater
Boschetto, Davide
Boska, Michael D.
Boskamp, Ed B.
Boss, Andreas
Boss, Michael A.
Bosshard, John C.
Boström, Peter
Botelho, Marcos
Boterberg, Tom
Botnar, Rene
Botta, Mauro
Bottauscio, Oriano
Bottlaender, Michel
Bottomley, Paul
Bouazizi-Verdier, Khaoula
Boubela, Roland
Bouchard, Louis
Bouchaud, Veronique
Bouchlaka, Myriam N.
Boudiaf, Naila
Boudinet, Hélène
Boudreau, Mathieu
Bouhali, Florence
Bouhrara, Mustapha
Bouillot, Caroline
Boulant, Nicolas
Bouldi, Mélina
Boulic, Anne
Boulis, Nicholas
Boullier, Xavier
Bouls, David
Boult, Jessica K. R.
Boumezbeur, Fawzi
Bourdette, Dennis N.
Bourgeat, Pierrick
Bourne, Roger
Bouten, Carlijn CV
Boutin, Céline
Boutin, Robert D.
Boutry, Sebastien
Bouts, Mark
Bouvard, Sandrine
Bouvier, Julien
Bouvy, Willem
Bouwman, Job G.
Bouzerar, Roger
Bouzier-Sore, Anne-Karine
Bovens, Sandra M.
Bowden, David J.
Bowen, Chris
Bowman, Andrew W.
Bowtell, Richard
Box, Carol
Box, Gary
Box, James
Boxer, Matthew
Boxerman, Jerrold
Boyacioglu, Rasim
Boyd, Lara
Boyd, Roslyn
Boyes, Aaron
Boyle, Julianne M.
Bozin, Ivan
Bozinov, Oliver
Bozzali, Marco
Bracher, Anna-Katinka
Bradbury, Allison
Bradbury, David
Bradley, Daniel
Bradley, Jeanette
Bradley, Kristin A.
Bradley, William
Bradwell, Arthur
Brady, Martin L.
Braga, Lucia
Brain Development Cooperative Group, The
Braissant, Olivier
Brambilla, Laura
Brambilla, Paolo
Branca, Rosa Tamara
Branch, Craig A.
Brandeis, Daniel
Brandejsky, Vaclav
Brandner, Sebastian
Brandolini, Laura
Brandser, Eric
Brandt, Kathleen
Brandt, Robert
Branski, Ryan
Branzoli, Francesca
Bratasz, Anna
Brau, Anja
Brauckmann, Ole
Braun, Christian
Braun, Juergen
Braun, Kees P.
Braun, Marc
Bravo, Erin
Brechmann, Andre
Bredella, Miriam
Bredies, Kristian
Breeuwer, Marcel
Brehmer, Moritz
Breit, Hanns-Christian
Breithaupt, Mathies
Brem, Steven
Bremerich, Jens
Brendle, Cornelia
Brendler, Charles
Brenna, Greta
Brennan, David
Brenner, Daniel
Brenton, James D.
Brereton, Ian M.
Bresnen, Andrew
Bresson, Xavier
Breton, Elodie
Breuer, Felix
Breuer, Lukas
Breukels, Vincent
Brewer, Kimberly
Brey, William
Brice, Alexis
Brickman, Adam
Bridges, Mellena D.
Bright, Molly G.
Brightling, Christopher E.
Brimacombe, Kyle
Brindle, Kevin
Bringas, John
Brink, Wyger
Brinkmann, Inge
Brioso, Gerardo
Brisset, Jean-Christophe
Brittenham, Gary M.
Brittin, James J.
Britto, Joanne M.
Britz, Patrick
Brix, Maiken Kirkegaard
Brix, Martin
Broad, Kevin
Broadbent, David A.
Broberg, Craig S.
Brodsky, Ethan K.
Broersen, Laus M.
Broisat, Alexis
Bron, E.E.
Broni, Jessica
Bronzwaer, Anne-Sophie
Brookeman, James
Brookes, Matthew J.
Brooks, William M.
Broskey, Nicholas T.
Brotin, Thierry
Brougham, Dermot F.
Brouwer, Rachel M.
Brouwers, Bram
Brown, Adam J.
Brown, Gina
Brown, Gregory S.
Brown, Justin M.
Brown, Karen L.
Brown, Lenora
Brown, Louise
Brown, Mark S.
Brown, Peter B.
Brown, R Clark
Brown, Robert
Brown, Ryan
Brown, Stephen
Brown, Truman R.
Brownlee, Wallace
Bruce, Iain P.
Bruegger, Mike
Brugarolas, James
Brumann, Christopher
Brunello, Nicoletta
Brunisholz, Kim
Brunner, Alexander
Brunner, David
Brunner, Michael
Bruno, Mary
Bruno, Stefania
Bruns, Andreas
Bruzzone, Maria Grazia
Bryan, R. Nick
Bryant, Nathan D.
Brynildsen, Julia K.
Brüning, Thomas
Brynolfsson, Patrik
Bryskhe, Karin
Bubalo, Gordana
Buch, Karen
Buch, Sagar
Buchenberg, Waltraud Brigitte
Bucher, Hans Ulrich
Buchman, Thais
Buchthal, Steven
Buck, Alfred
Buck, Amanda K. W.
Buck, Jessica
Bucknor, Matthew
Buckwalter, Kenneth
Bucur, Adriana
Budde, Matthew D.
Budesheim, Eric
Buechert, Martin
Buehrer, Martin
Buenaventura, Andrea
Buettner, Christian
Buijs, Mathijs
Buist, Richard
Buitink, Stijn J.
Bull, Victoria
Bullmore, Ed
Bullock, Jared T.
Bulte, Daniel
Bulte, Jeff
Bulumulla, Selaka
Bunck, Alexander
Bunke, Juergen
Bunke, Jürgen
Buntkowsky, Gerd
Buonamici, Fabrizio Banci
Buonincontri, Guido
Buonocore, Michael H.
Burcaw, Lauren
Burger, Irene A.
Burgert, Mark
Burgess, Alison
Burgess, Shawn
Burgkart, Rainer
Burgmans, Saartje
Burgon, Nathan S.
Burke, Lauren
Burke, Mark
Burkhardt, Jan-Karl
Burns, Brian
Burns, Jeffrey M.
Burns, Sheila
Burns, Thomas G.
Burnside, Elizabeth S.
Burris, Nicholas Scott
Burstow, Darryl J.
Burtnyk, Mathieu
Busato, Alice
Busato, Fiorenza
Busch, Johanneke
Bush, Debbie
Bush, Emily C.
Bush, Emily Catherine
Bushara, Khalaf O.
Busieau, Pauline
Buss, Claudia
Busse, Franziska
Busse, Harald
Butcher, Ken
Butler, James P.
Butler, Jordan W.
Butman, John
Butscher, Adrian
Butt, Shamaila
Buxton, Richard
Buzek, Jessica
Buzzelli, Marc
By, Samantha
Büchel, Christian
Büchert, Martin
Bydder, Graeme
Bührer, Martin
Byrd, Richard
Bürk, Jonas
Byrne, Barry
Byrne, Christopher
Byrne, Danielle
Byrne, Nicholas
Byron, Kelly
Byun, Byung Hyun
Byun, Hong Sik
Byun, Nellie
Bähr, Oliver
Bär, Peter
Bär, Sébastien
Börnert, Peter
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise
Caan, Matthan
Caballero, Jose
Cabañas, Miquel E.
Cabella, Claudia
Cabral, Horacio
Cabral-Goncalves, Ines
Cabrera, E. Ehterami
Cabrera, M. D.
Cabus-Pinol, Gemma
Cachola, Goncalo
Cadman, Robert
Cadotte, Adam
Cadotte, David W.
Cady, Ernest
Cady, Nancy L.
Caeyenberghs, Karen
Caffini, Matteo
Caffo, Brian S.
Cagneaux, Maud
Cahill, Daniel P.
Cahill, Sean
Cahn, Wiepke
Cai, Chuangjian
Cai, Congbo
Cai, Honghao
Cai, Jianming
Cai, Jing
Cai, Kejia
Cai, Larry
Cai, Shifeng
Cai, Shuhui
Cai, Wenchao
Cai, Xiaoying
Cai, Youquan
Cai, Yu
Cain, John
Calabrese, Evan
Calabresi, Peter A.
Calamante, Fernando
Calcagno, Claudia
Caldeira, Liliana
Calderon, Paul
Calhoun, Vince
Calhoun, Vince D.
Callaghan, Martina
Callaghan, Martina F.
Calle, Daniel
Callot, Virginie
Caltagirone, Carlo
Calvo, Conrado J
Calzolari, Ferdinando
Camacho, Juan C.
Cambe, Joy
Cameron, Ian
Campbell, Bruce
Campbell, Jennifer S.W.
Campbell, Naomi
Campbell-Washburn, Adrienne E.
Campo, Camilo A.
Can, Emine
Canales-Rodríguez, Erick Jorge
Canals, Santiago
Canapè, Carolina
Canaple, Laurence
Candela, Xavier J.
Candès, Emmanuel
Canese, Rossella
Cannatà, Vittorio
Cannon, Tyrone
Cantow, Kathleen
Cantrell, Charles G.
Cantrell, Donald Robinson
Canty, David
Canu, Elisa
Cao, Kun
Cao, Maria D.
Cao, Mengqiu
Cao, Minsong
Cao, Peng
Cao, Shujing
Cao, Wei
Cao, Xi sheng
Cao, Xueming
Cao, Ya
Cao, Yue
Cao, Zhipeng
Cao, Ziyu
Capaldi, Dante P.
Capel, Cyrille
Capener, Dave
Capener, David
Caperna, Thomas J.
Capitini, Christian M.
Capitolo, Eleonora
Caporali, Leonardo
Capozzi, Andrea
Capra, Ruggero
Caprio, Sonia
Caprioli, Daniele
Capron, Thibaut
Capuani, Silvia
Capuano, A.
Carassiti, Daniele
Caravan, Peter
Carbo, Miriam
Carbone, Francesco
Carcellar, Fernando
Cardenas, Damon P.
Cardenas-Blanco, Arturo
Cardenas-Rodriguez, Julio
Cardoso, M. Jorge
Cardoso, Manual J.
Cardoso, Pedro
Carelli, Valerio
Carey, Leeanne
Carias, Mathew
Carinci, Flavio
Cario, Holger
Carl, Michael
Carle, Alexander
Carlhäll, C.J.
Carlier, Pierre G.
Carlier, Robert-Yves
Carlson, Cathy S.
Carlsson, Arvid
Carlsson, Maria L.
Carlsson, Åsa
Carlston, Kristi
Carluccio, Giuseppe
Carmichael, David
Carney, Paul
Carni, Marco
Caroline, Robic
Carollo, Antonella
Carpenter, Adam
Carpenter, Adrian
Carpenter, Jeffrey S.
Carpenter, Philip M.
Carpinelli, Giulia
Carr, J. C.
Carr, John
Carr, M.
Carrick, David
Carrillo-de Sauvage, Maria-Angeles
Carrington, Bernadette M.
Carrino, John A.
Carro, Eva
Carroll, Peter
Carroll, T. J.
Carson, Daniel
Carson, Robert P.
Carstens, Per-Ole
Caruthers, Shelton
Caruyer, Emmanuel
Carvajal, Catalina
Carvajal, Lucas
Carvalho, Joao L. A.
Casale, Maddalena
Casaleggi, Viviana
Casarano, Manuela
Casas, Hector Sanchez
Caseiro-Alves, Filipe
Caselli, Maria Cristina
Casey, Joseph E.
Cash, David M.
Cashman, Peter
Casiraghi, Letizia
Casjens, Swaantje
Caso, Francesca
Cassapi, Lynette
Cassara, Antonino
Cassidy, Maja
Casson, Ira
Castellano, Antonella
Castellano, Elly
Castellanos, Francisco X.
Castellaro, Marco
Castellazzi, Gloria
Castelli, Daniela Delli
Castelo-Branco, Miguel
Castets, Charles
Castillo, José
Castillo, Mauricio
Castrataro, Marianna
Castrillon, J Gabriel
Castro, Mario
Casula, Victor
Catalano, Carlo
Catana, Ciprian
Catani, Marco
Catanzaro, Giuseppina
Cates, Gordon D.
Cates, Jeremy
Cattin, Philippe C.
Cauley, Stephen
Cauli, Omar
Cavaletti, Guido
Cavaliere, Carlo
Cavallari, Michele
Cavallo, Joe
Cavarec, Fanny
Caverly, Robert
Caverzasi, Eduardo
Cavey, Ana
Cavin, Ian
Cawley, Niamh
Cayci, Zuzan
Cebotari, Serghei
Cebulla, Jana
Cecchetti, Serena
Cecconi, Pietro
Ceci, Pierpaolo
Celi, Monica
Celik, Hasan
Cellerini, Martino
Celnik, Pablo
Cenacchi, Elisa
Centeno, Maria
Centra, Michele
Ceravolo, Roberto
Cercignani, M.
Cerdán, Sebastián
Cerdan, Sebastian
Cerdán, Sebastian
Cernigliaro, Joseph G.
Cerqueira, Bianca Gonzales
Ceschin, Rafael
Cetin, Mustafa
Cetingul, Hasan
Cetingul, Hasan Ertan
Cha, Jang-Gyu
Cha, Jihoon
Cha, Soonmee
Chaabane, Linda
Chaarani, Bader
Chabert, Steren
Chacko, Vadappuram P.
Chacón-Caldera, Jorge
Chaddock, Gemma
Chadzynski, Grzegorz L.
Chae, Sun Young
Chae, Sunyoung
Chai, Joshua T.
Chai, Wen Yen
Chai, Wen-Yen
Chaiswing, Luksana
Chaiworapongsa, Tinnakorn
Chakravarthy, A Bapsi
Chakravarty, Mallar
Chalak, Lina
Challis, Edward
Chamberlain, Ryan
Chambers, Ann
Chambers, Setsuko K.
Chamoun, Roukoz
Chamuleau, Steven A.J.
Chan, Chun-Chung
Chan, Clifford
Chan, Danny
Chan, Dennis
Chan, Jonathan
Chan, Ka Fat John
Chan, Ka Man
Chan, Kannie
Chan, Kevin C.
Chan, Kimberly L.
Chan, Koon-Ho
Chan, Ling Ling
Chan, Po Lung
Chan, Po Lung Polo
Chan, Po-Hsiang
Chan, Queenie
Chan, Rachel W.
Chan, Russell W.
Chan, Shing Chow
Chan, Siwa
Chan, Sze-Liang
Chan, Wing P
Chan, Wing P.
Chandarana, Hersh
Chandra, Poodipedi Sarat
Chandra, Saurav B.
Chandra, Shekhar
Chang, Catie
Chang, Chen
Chang, Chia-Ling
Chang, Chin-Chen
Chang, Chun-Yen
Chang, Chun-Yuan
Chang, Di
Chang, Edward
Chang, Eric
Chang, Gregory
Chang, Hing-Chiu
Chang, Hugo
Chang, Jung Min
Chang, Kyu-Tae
Chang, Linda
Chang, Ming-Ching
Chang, Shaorong
Chang, Shixin
Chang, Silvia D.
Chang, Ting-Yu
Chang, Wei-Tang
Chang, Ya-Han
Chang, Yeun-Chung
Chang, Yishin
Chang, Yongmin
Chang, Yu-Chun
Chang, Yuchou
Chang, Yue-Cune
Chang, Yulin V.
Chang, Zheng
Channon, Keith
Chao, Tzu-Cheng
Chao, Tzu-Hao Harry
Chao, Yi-Ping
Chapman, Mark
Chapman, Sandra
Chapman, Victoria
Chappell, Michael
Chaptinel, Jerome
Chaptinel, Jérôme
Chard, Declan T.
Charles, Ned
Charles-Edwards, Geoff
Charlton, Jennifer R.
Charlton, Michael R.
Charney, Molly
Charroud, Celine
Chatelin, Simon
Chatnuntawech, Itthi
Chatterjee, Aritrick
Chatterjee, Neil
Chatterjee, Sudhanya
Chattopadhyay, Nibedita
Chau, Thomas CP
Chaudhari, Abhijit J.
Chaudhary, Ajay
Chaudhary, Kapil
Chaudhary, Rajeev
Chaudhary, Umair J.
Chauhan, Anil
Chauhan, Munish
Chaumeil, Myriam
Chavarria, Laia
Chavez, Tanya
Chawalparit, Orasa
Chawla, Sanjeev
Chazaud, Benedicte
Chazin, Shai
Che, Hung Sheng
Chebrolu, Venkata V.
Chechin, David
Chehade, Moussa
Chekmenev, Eduard Y.
Chelikani, Sudhakar
Chemello, Jonathan
Chemouny, Stephane
Chen, Albert P.
Chen, Bailiang
Chen, Bangbin
Chen, Bin
Chen, Bingyao
Chen, Bo
Chen, Ce
Chen, Chen
Chen, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Chi-Jen
Chen, Chia-Yun
Chen, Chiao-Chi V.
Chen, Chiao-Yun
Chen, Chun-jung
Chen, Chung-Ming
Chen, Danchin D.
Chen, David
Chen, Der-Yow
Chen, Elyssa
Chen, Fang-Hsin
Chen, Fei Yu
Chen, Feiyan
Chen, Feiyu
Chen, Gang
Chen, Guangyu
Chen, Gunag-Hong
Chen, Haibo
Chen, Hao
Chen, Haoxing
Chen, Henry Szu-Meng
Chen, Hongming
Chen, Hsin-Yu
Chen, Hsiu-I
Chen, Hsiu-Lin
Chen, Huijun
Chen, I-Jung
Chen, I-Wei
Chen, J Jean
Chen, Jeng-Wei
Chen, Jeon-Hor
Chen, Jian
Chen, Jingyuan
Chen, Jiu
Chen, Josephine
Chen, Jun
Chen, Jyh-Horng
Chen, Karen
Chen, Kevin T.
Chen, Kuan-Lin
Chen, Le
Chen, Lei
Chen, Li Min
Chen, Li-Fen
Chen, Lin
Chen, Liu Qi
Chen, Liyong
Chen, Lizhou
Chen, Luguang
Chen, Marcus Y.
Chen, Menglin
Chen, Min
Chen, Nan-Kuei
Chen, Qunzhi
Chen, Ran-Chou
Chen, Saherabanu
Chen, Shen-Hsing Annabel
Chen, Shiyang
Chen, Shiyue
Chen, Shuo
Chen, Shuzhong
Chen, Song
Chen, Tai-Been
Chen, Ting
Chen, Way Cherng
Chen, Wei
Chen, Weitian
Chen, Wen-Shiang
Chen, Xi
Chen, Xiangchuan
Chen, Xiao
Chen, Xiaodong
Chen, Xiaoxi
Chen, Xiaoyue
Chen, Xin
Chen, Ya
Chen, Yanni
Chen, Yao-Liang
Chen, Yasheng
Chen, Ying
Chen, Yiran
Chen, Yiyi
Chen, Yong
Chen, Yong-Sheng
Chen, You-Yin
Chen, Yu
Chen, Yu Fen
Chen, Yu-Chen
Chen, Yu-Chiang
Chen, Yu-Jen
Chen, Yuanxin
Chen, Yucheng
Chen, Yue
Chen, Yuhua
Chen, Yun bin
Chen, Yung-Chieh
Chen, Yunyun
Chen, Yushan
Chen, Zhensen
Chen, Zhifeng
Chen, Zhiwei
Chen, Zhong
Chen, Zhongwei
Chen, Zunqiu
Chene, Genevieve
Chenevert, Thomas L.
Cheng, Bochao
Cheng, Cheng-Chieh
Cheng, Cheng-Chieh Geo
Cheng, Chou-ming
Cheng, Hu
Cheng, Hua
Cheng, Hui-Yu
Cheng, Jian
Cheng, Jingliang
Cheng, Joe S.
Cheng, John Y.S.
Cheng, Joseph
Cheng, Kang
Cheng, Ke
Cheng, Kunrong
Cheng, Leo L.
Cheng, Li-Kai
Cheng, Menglin
Cheng, Shaokoon
Cheng, Shuangjuan
Cheng, Teng-Chieh
Cheng, Xiaoguang
Cheng, Yamei
Cheng, Yang
Cheng, Yeh-Hsiung
Cheng, Ying
Cheng, Zhenyu
Cheng, Ziliang
Chenoune, Mourad
Cheong, Chaejoon
Cheong, Dennis Lai-Hong
Cheong, Jeanie LY
Cheriyan, Angela T.
Cherrington, Alan D Diaz
Cherukuri, Murali
Chervakov, Pavel
Cheshkov, Sergey
Chesler, Naomi
Chetty, Indrin
Cheung, Sue
Cheung, Wing-Keung
Cheunsuchon, Pornsuk
Chew, Effie
Chew, Valerie
Chhabra, Avneesh
Chi, Andrew
Chia, Jon
Chia, Jonathan
Chiampi, Mario
Chiang, Chi-Shiun
Chiang, Chia-Wen
Chiang, Francisco
Chiang, Shih-Wei
Chiang, Stephen B.
Chiari, Catharina
Chiba, Hisae
Chico, Fernando
Chieh, Cheng Teng
Chien, Hsiang-Yun
Chien, Yi Ling
Chiew, Mark
Chigusa, Tomohiro
Chikop, Shivaprasad Ashok
Childs, Benjamin T.
Childs, Charmaine
Chin, Chih-Liang
Chin, Cynthia
Chin, Joseph
Chin, Karen
Chiou, Tzu-Cheng ChaoJr-Yuan George
Chirico, Erica N.
Chirinos, Julio A.
Chirizzi, Cristina
Chishti, Muhammad H.
Chitambar, Christopher R.
Chitamber, Christopher R.
Chitiboi, Teodora
Chittiboina, Prashant
Chiu, Hong-Yu
Chiu, Hsin-Hui
Chiu, Jack
Chiu, Su-Chin
Chmelik, Marek
Chmelík, Marek
Chmielewski, Witold
Cho, David Siu-Yeung
Cho, Eun-Suk
Cho, Gene
Cho, Gyunggoo
Cho, HyungJoon
Cho, Jae Jin
Cho, Janggeun
Cho, Kuan-Hung
Cho, Kyung Eun
Cho, Min Hyoung
Cho, Seung Hyun
Cho, Young-Ki
Cho, Zang-Hee
Chodosh, Lewis A.
Choe, Ann
Choe, Bo-Young
Choe, Chi-Un
Choi, Byung Ihn
Choi, Changho
Choi, Choong Gon
Choi, Dongseok
Choi, Garam
Choi, Hoon
Choi, Hyun Seok
Choi, In-Young
Choi, Jerri L.
Choi, Ji Soo
Choi, Jin Wook
Choi, Joon Yul
Choi, Joonsung
Choi, Narae
Choi, Sang-Han
Choi, Seongjin
Choi, Seung Hong
Choi, Seung-Hong
Choi, Sungmook
Choi, Uk-Su
Choi, Woo Suk
Choi, Woo-Suk
Choi, Yoon Seong
Choi, Young-suk
Choli, Morwan
Chonde, Daniel B.
Chong, Catherine
Chopra, Rajiv
Chorney, Elizabeth
Chou, Chen-Pin
Chou, Chen-Te
Chou, Chi-Che
Chou, Chia Chu
Chou, Kun-Hsien
Chou, Ming-Chung
Chou, Tzu-Yu
Chou, Ying-Hui
Choudhury, Lubna
Choudhury, Robin
Chouhan, Manil
Chow, Kelvin
Chowdhury, Alimul
Chowdhury, Golam M. I.
Chowdhury, Sayan Mullick
Choyke, Peter
Christ, Patrick
Christein, John
Christen, Thomas
Christensen, Douglas
Christensen, Gary E.
Christiaens, Daan
Christie, Isabel N.
Christodoulou, Anthony
Chronik, Blaine A.
Chu, Alan
Chu, Constance R.
Chu, Mei-Lan
Chu, Po Chun
Chu, Po-Chun
Chu, Renxin
Chu, Wen-Jang
Chu, Ying-Hua
Chu, Yiu-Ching
Chu, Zhengtao
Chuang, Kai-Hsiang
Chuang, Tzu-Chao
Chuck, Natalie
Chudnovskaya, Darina
Chugani, Anup Nirmal
Chugani, Diane C.
Chugani, Harry T.
Chugh, Sumeet S.
Chui, Stephen Y-C
Chui, Stephen Y-C.
Chung, Chen-Fang
Chung, Christine B.
Chung, Hsiao-Wen
Chung, Jae-Joon
Chung, Julius Juhyun
Chung, Jun-Young
Chung, Sohae
Chung, Tae-Sub
Chung, Ung-il
Chung, Wendy K.
Chung, Yiu Cho
Chung, Yiu-Cho
Chung, Yong Eun
Chung, Yuen-Li
Chupin, Marie
Chutinet, Aurauma
Chwang, Wilson B.
Ciarmatori, Alberto
Cibis, Merih
Ciccarelli, O.
Ciet, Pierluigi
Cifani, Carlo
Cifor, Amalia
Cimini, Annamaria
Cimprich, Bernadine
Ciobanu, Luisa
Cioni, Giovanni
Cirillo, Sara
Ciris, Pelin A.
Ciritsis, Alexander
Ciuchta, Jennifer L.
Claire, Corot
Clare, Stuart
Claridge, Timothy D W
Clark, Christopher A.
Clark, Daniel
Clark, David
Clark, H. Brent
Clark, Lisa
Clark, Robert A.
Clark, Toshimasa J.
Clarke, David
Clarke, Geoffrey D.
Clarke, Kieran
Clarke, Sharon E.
Clarke, William
Clasen, Stephan
Clason, Christian
Claussen, Claus D.
Clavijo, Carolina Arboleda
Clayden, Jonathan D.
Clement-Guinaudeau, Stephanie
Clément-Schatlo, Virginie
Clementi, Valeria
Clemmons, Paul
Cleppien, Dirk Ernst
Clerici, Mario
Clerici, Valentina Torri
Cleve, Marianne
Cleveland, Zackary L.
Cloonan, Lisa
Cloos, Martijn
Clough, Rachel
Clymer, Bradley D.
Cochlin, Lowri E.
Cochran, Elizabeth
Cocker, Myra
Coffey, Aaron M.
Cofield, Stacey S.
Cohen, Alexander D.
Cohen, Benjamin
Cohen, Laurent
Cohen, Ouri
Cohen, Wendy
Cohen, Yoram
Cohen-Adad, Julien
Cohn, Benjamin Goggio
Cokic, Ivan
Colasanti, Alessandro
Colditz, Paul
Cole, Mark A.
Coleman, Stephanie Lyn
Coles, Claire
Coles, Jonathan
Coletta, Christopher E.
Colgan, Niall
Colgan*, Niall
Coll, Jean-Luc
Collewet, Guylaine
Collier, Guilhem Jean
Colliez, Florence
Collinge, John
Collingwood, Joanna
Collins, Christopher
Collins, Christopher C.
Collins, Christopher M.
Collins, D. Louis
Collins, David J.
Collins, Emily C.
Collins, Jeremy D.
Collins, Louis
Colliot, Olivier
Colombi, Michele
Colombo, Bruno
Colon, Daniel
Colon-Perez, Luis Manuel
Colonna, Emily
Coman, Daniel
Combes, Anna
Comi, Giancarlo
Comment, Arnaud
Commowick, Olivier
Comoy, Emmanuel
Compter, Annette
Condliffe, Robin
Condon, Laura
Confalone, Giuseppina
Confalonieri, Paolo
Confavreux, Christian
Confort-Gouny, Sylviane
Cong, Fei
Cong, Linlin
Conlin, Christopher C.
Conlin, Sarah
Conn, P Jeffrey
Connell, Ian R.O.
Connelly, Alan
Connelly, Jennifer
Connelly, Kim
Conner, Ian P.
Connett, Rachel
Connolly, Luke
Connolly, Susan
Connor, James
Consolino, Lorena
Consortium, Simons VIP
Constable, R. Todd
Constantinescu, Cris S.
Constantinides, Christakis
Constantinou, Pamela
Contaldi, Carla
Contarino, Valeria Elisa
Conte, Antonio
Conti, Allegra
Conti, Giamaica
Contijoch, Francisco
Conus, Philippe
Conzen, Suzanne D.
Cook, Gemma R.
Cook, Philip
Cook, Philip A.
Cooke, Daniel
Cooksley, Renee
Coolen, Bram
Cooley, Clarissa Z.
Coombs, Anna
Cooper, Ella
Cooper, Mitchell
Cootes, Tim
Copen, William A.
Coppo, Simone
Coquery, Nicolas
Corbin, Nadège
Corcioni, Beniamino
Cordero-Grande, Lucilio
Cordes, Cristoffer
Cordes, Dietmar
Cordes, Jonas
Cordiglieri, Chiara
Córdoba, Juan
Corea, Joseph Russell
Corey-Bloom, Jody
Coristine, Andrew J.
Cormack, Robert A.
Cornea, Anda
Cornel, Erik B.
Cornfeld, Daniel
Cornier, Florence
Cornud, François
Corradini, Laura
Correia, Marta Morgado
Cortes, Joaquin Goni
Cortes, Maria
Cortese, Benjamin D.
Cortese, Filomeno
Cortese, Irene C. M.
Corteville, Dominique
Corteville, Dominique M R
Corum, Curtis
Corvol, Jean-Christophe
Cosottini, Mirco
Costa, Ana Sofia
Costa, Antonella
Costa, Daniel N.
Costagli, Mauro
Costes, Nicolas
Costi, Tiziana
Costigan, Carolyn
Coté, Simon-Pierre
Cottam, William J.
Cotton, Francois
Cotton, François
Couch, Marcus J.
Couch, Marion
Coull, Bruce M.
Coullerez, Geraldine
Coum, Amandine
Counsell, Serena J.
Coupaye, Muriel
Coupé, Pierrick
Courcot, Blandine
Couret, Michelle
Cousin, Emilie
Coutu, Jean-Philippe
Covassin, Tracey
Cover, Keith S.
Covington, Matt
Cowan, Brett
Cowie, Christopher
Cowin, Gary
Cox, David
Cox, Eleanor F.
Cox, Kay
Cox, Kelly
Cox, Nancy
Cox, Robert W.
Cox, Tim CS
Coxson, Harvey O.
Cozzone, Patrick J.
Crabtree, E
Craig, Michael C.
Crainiceanu, Ciprian M.
Cramer, Stig Praestekjaer
Crane, David E.
Crane, Jason C.
Craven, Alexander R.
Craven, Brent A.
Crawford, Robin A.
Crawley, Adrian
Cree, Bruce
Crelier, Gérard
Cremers, Daniel
Crémillieux, Yannick
Crescenzi, Rachelle
Crespi, Sofia Allegra
Cretti, Fabiola
Crezee, Hans
Crijns, Sjoerd
Crijns, Sjoerd P.M.
Cristiano, Loredana
Cristobal, Alexandra
Critchley, Hilary O.
Critchley, Hugo
Croall, Iain David
Croce, Lucia Della
Croisille, Pierre
Crombez, Deborah
Crompton, Jeff
Cron, Greg O.
Cronin, Matthew
Crosier, Rebecca
Cross, Albert R.
Cross, Anne H.
Cross, Ela Jane
Cross, Helen
Crowe, Elena
Crowe, Lindsey A.
Crowley, Michael
Crozier, Stuart
Crum, William
Cruz, Gastao
Csapo, Robert
Cuadra, Anai
Cuadra, Meritxell Bach
Cubitt, Christopher L.
Cudalbu, Cristina
Cui, Bao
Cui, Chen
Cui, Jiaolong
Cui, Min-Hui
Cui, Sophia
Cui, Xiaohong
Cui, Ying
Cui, Yong
Cui, Yue
Culea, Valeriu
Cullen-McEwan, Luise
Cullen-McEwen, Luise
Culver, Joseph P.
Cummings, Craig
Cummings, Diana
Cunningham, Charles H.
Cunningham, Eric
Cuntai, Guan
Cuppen, Inge
Cuppini, Lucia
Curcic, Jelena
Curcio, Raffaele
Curtis, M. Kate
Cutajar, Marica
Cutkosky, Mark
Cutrin, Juan Carlos
Cutrone, Michael
Cutter, Gary R.
Cuvellier, Sylvain
Cuvillon, Loïc
Cuvillon, Loic
Cyarto, Elizabeth
Cyckowski, Laura
Czech, Christian
Czisch, Michael
Czito, Brian
D'Agostini, Serena
D'Angelo, Egidio
D'Aquilla, Kevin
D'Arco, Felice
D'Arcy, James
D'Arcy, Ryan
D'Assignies, Gaspard
d'Esposito, Angela
d'Esterre, Chris
D'Haese, Pierre
D'Lima, Darryl
D'Lima, Darryl D.
D'Santos, Paula
D'Souza, Dany
D'Souza, Mira
D'Souza, Warren D.
da Silva, Nuno
da Silva, Nuno A.
da Silva, Nuno Andre
da Silveira, Leonardo E.
Daams, Marita
Dabaghyan, Mikayel
Dabek, Juhani
Dada, Michael Oluwaseun
Dadakova, Tetiana
Daducci, A.
Daemen, Mat
Daeubler, Bernd
Dafni, Hagit
Daga, Pankaj
Dager, Stephen R.
Dagher, Joseph
Daginawala, Naznin
Dagley, Alexander S.
Dahan, Albert
Dahdah, Jean
Dahl, MarJanna
Dai, Erpeng
Dai, Qingyi
Dai, Qingyu
Dai, Weiying
Dai, Yongming
Dai, Zhengjia
Dai, Zhuozhi
Daire, Jean-Luc
Dal-Bianco, Assunta
Dale, Anders
Dale, Brian
Daley, Scott
Dall'Armellina, Erica
Dalley, Jeffrey W.
Damal, Kavitha
Damato, Antonio L.
Damen, Frederick C.
Dammers, Jürgen
Damon, Bruce
Damon, Stephen
Damughatla, Anirudh
Daneshmand, Mojgan
Dang, Yi
Dang, Yuanyuan
Danhier, Pierre
Daniel, Bruce
Daniel, Laurent
Daniel, Luca
Daniele, Valeria
Daniels, Michael
Dannlowski, Udo
Daouk, Joel
Dapretto, Mirella
Darbera, Lys
Darji, Niravkumar
Darnell, Dean
Darqué, Alexandra
Darrah, Rebecca
Darrasse, Luc
Darrow, Robert D.
Daryaei, Iman
Das, Devashish
Das, Prasenjit
Das, Sunit
Das, Tuhin
das Neves Duarte, João Miguel
DaSalla, Charles Sayo
Dasenbrook, Elliott C.
Dash, Prasanta
Dash, Rajesh
Date, Shuji
Dathe, Margitta
Datta, Anjali
Datta, E
Datta, Keshav
Datta, Sushmita
Davatzikos, Christos
Davenport, Elizabeth
David, Anthony S.
David, Olivier
David, Price
Dávid, Szabolcs
Davids, Mathias
Davidson, Cristin D.
Davies, Andrew
Davies, Faith E.
Davies, N. P.
Davies, Rosey
Davis, Adam
Davis, Ben
Davis, Elysia P.
Davis, Scott V.
Daw, Najat C.
Daw, Stephen
Dawant, Benoit
Dawe, Robert J.
Dawkins, James
Dawson, Dana
Day, Brian L.
Day, Helen
Dayan, Michael
Daye, Dania
de Bever, Joshua
de Boer, Anneloes
De Bondt, Timo
de Bono, Johann S.
de Borst, Gert Jan
de Bruin, Paul
de Bruin, Paul W.
de Celis Alonso, Benito
de Champfleur, Nicolas Menjot
De Cobelli, Ottavio
de Graaf, Larry A.
de Graaf, Robin A.
de Greef, Martijn
De Groof, Geert
de Guzman, A. Elizabeth
De Haven Brandon2, Alexis
de Heus, Rianne
de Jong, Tom
De La Garza, Bryan H.
de la Rosette, Jean
de Lange, Eduard E.
De Langhe, Ellen
de Lara, Lucia Isabel Navarro
De Leo, Federica
de Leon, Mony
de Louw, Anton
De Luca, Alberto
De Luca, Cinzia
de Luis-Garcia, Rodrigo
De Marchi, Daniele
De Martino, Federico
de Mathelin, Michel
De Meo, Ermelinda
de Micheaux, Hugo Lafaye
De Nunzio, Giorgio
de Oliveira, Andre
de Oliveira, Icaro Agenor Ferreira
de Pasquale, Francesco
De Pisapia, Nicola
de Reggi, Max
de Ribaupierre, Sandrine
de Rochefort, Ludovic
de Rooij, Michael
de Rotte, Alexandra
de Ruiter, Michiel B.
De Santis, Silvia
de Schotten, Michel Thiebaut
de Seigneux, Seigneux
de Senneville, Baudouin Denis
de Silva, Ranil
De Sitter, Alexandra
de Sousa, Paulo Loureiro
de Souza, Nandita
De Stefano, Nicola
De Vis, J. B.
de Visser, Marianne
De Vita, Enrico
De Vos, Filip
De Vries, Helga E.
de Vries, Linda S.
de Vrieze, Erik
de Vrijer, Barbra
de Weerdt, Elwin
de Wilt, J.H.W.
De Zanche, Nicola
de Zubicaray, Greig
de Zwart, Jacco A.
Deagostino, Annamaria
Deahene-Lambertz, Ghislaine
Dean III, Douglas C.
Deasy, Joseph O.
Debacker, Clément
DeBeraridinis, Ralph
Deblaere, Karel
DeBoef, Brenton
DeBrosse, Catherine
Decelle, Emily A.
Dechent, Peter
Deckers, Roel
Decostre, Valérie
Decot, Heather K.
Decoville, Martine
Decrock, Elke
Dedieu, Nathalie
Deelchand, Dinesh
Deeley, Quinton
Dees, Debra
DeFina, Laura
Degani, Hadassa
Deh, Kofi
Dehaene, Stanislas
Dehghani, Hamid
Dehghani, M. Masoumeh
Dehkharghani, Seena
Deichmann, Ralf
Deisseroth, Karl
Deissler, Robert
Deistung, Andreas
del C Valdés Hernández, Maria
del Carmen Romero, Carola Jaquelina
Del Felice, Alessandra
del Pozo, Francisco
Del Re, Elisabetta
Del Rio, Alejandro Munoz
del Rosario Lopez Gonzalez, Maria
DelaBarre, Lance
Delacoste, Jean
Delatour, Benoît
Delattre, Bénédicte
DelBello, Melissa
Delgado y Palacios, Rafael
Delgado-Goñi, Teresa
Deli, Levente
Deligianni, Fani
Deligianni, Xeni
Dell, Katherine
Dell'Acqua, Flavio
Dell'Italia, Louis J.
Dell’Italia, Louis
Delmaire, Christine
Delon-Martin, Chantal
Delos Santos, Justin
Delos Santos, Romelyn
Delp, Scott L.
Delso, Gaspar
DeMarco, J. Kevin
Demarcy, Thomas
Demchuck, Andrew
Demir, Taner
Demirakca, Traute
Demirgoez, Doene
den Hartog, Anne G.
Denckla, Martha B.
Denecke, Timm
Deng, Min
Deng, Ming
Deng, Qinbo
Deng, Wei
Deng, Weiran
Deng, Xiang-Hua
Deng, Xiaotao
Deng, Yuqi
Deng, Zixin
Dengler, Reinhard
Denis, Séverine
Denison, Edward V.
Denison, Fiona
Deniz, Cem M.
Denney, Douglas R.
Denney, Rebecca
Denney Jr, Thomas S.
Dennie, Carole
Denswil, Nerissa P.
Denys, Damiaan
Deoni, Sean
Depaulis, Antoine
DePeralta, Danielle
Depew, Thomas
Depledge, Michael
Deprez, Emmanuel
Deprez, Sabine
Der-Torossian, Hirak
Deransart, Colin
Deriche, Rachid
Desai, Nisa
Desai, Shivani
Desai, Tina
Descamps, Benedicte
Desco, Manuel
Descoteaux, Maxime
Descovich, Martina
Deshmane, Anagha Vishwas
Deshmukh, Sandeep
Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Deshpande, Hrishikesh
Deshpande, Vibhas
Desiderio, Lisa
Desmond, Kimberly L.
Desmond, Patricia
deSouza, Nandita
Detante, Olivier
Dethrage, Lindsey
Detre, John
Deuchar, Graeme A
Deuster, Constantin V.
Deutschmann, Hannes
Devasahayam, Nallathamby
Deverdun, Jeremy
Devine, Wolfgang
Devinsky, Orrin
Devor, Anna
deVos, Soren
Dewal, Rahul
Dewdney, Andrew
Dewey, Blake
Dey, Chris
DeYoe, Edgar A.
Dezortova, Monika
Dhandia, Sagar
Dhar, Dipok Kumar
Dharmadhikari, Shalmali
Dharmakumar, Rohan
Dharssi, Shazia
Dheer, Yadvendr A.
Dhenain, Marc
Dhital, Bibek
Dhollander, Thijs
Di, Xin
Di Stefano, Anna Luisa
Diakos, Nikolaos A.
Diana, Khabipova
Diao, Yanjun
Dibb, Russell
DiBella, Edward
DiCamillo, Paul M.
Dicicco, Dane
Dick, Alexander
Dickens, Alex M.
Dickie, Ben R.
Dickie, David Alexander
Didehbani, Nyaz
Diederich, Chris
Diederichs, Gerd
Diehl, Beate
Diehl, Volker
Dieleman, Nikki
Dieringer, Matthias
Dierks, Thomas
Dieter, Sandra
Dietrich, Arne
Dietrich, Benjamin
Dietrich, Olaf
Digilio, Giuseppe
Dijkhuizen, Rick M.
Dik, Pieter
Dikaios, Nikolaos
Dikaios, Nikos
Diker, Sevda
Dillard, Christen
Dillon, Chris
Dimber, Rahul
Dimitrikov, Jordan D.
Dimitrov, Ivan
Dimov, Alexey
Dineen, Robert A.
Ding, Haiyan
Ding, Hueisch-Jy
Ding, Kai
Ding, Lei
Ding, Ning
Ding, Weiping
Ding, Xiao-Qi
Ding, Yao
Ding, Yu
Ding, Yu-Shin
Ding, Zhaohua
Ding, Zhaoping
Dinse, Hubert
Dinse, Juliane
DiNuzzo, Mauro
Diolez, Philippe
Dion, Elisabeth
Dionisio, Beatriz
Dipasquale, Ottavia
Dirks, Holly
Diserens, Gaelle
Disterhoft, John F.
Dittmann, Florian
Dittus, Kim
Divani, Afshin A.
Divekar, Vedashree V.
Divkovic, Evica
Diwadkar, Vaibhav
Diwan, Izzuddin
Diwanji, Tejan
Diwoky, Clemens
Dixon, Jennifer
Dixon, Mindy
Djamali, Arjang
Djemai, Boucif
Do, Chi-Wai
Do, Hung Phi
Do, Kim
Do, Kim Q.
Do, Loi
Do, Lois
Do, Richard K. G.
Do, Won-Joon
Doan, Nhat Trung
Doblas, Sabrina
Dobrota, Dusan
Dobson, Jon
Doche, Emilie
Dodd, Michael S.
Dodd, Stephen
Dodero, Luca
Does, Mark D.
Doganay, Ozkan
Doherty, William E.
Dolati, Parviz
Doll, David
Doll, Jennifer
Dolui, Sudipto
Domayer, Stephan
Domenici, Valentina
Domingues, Romeu
Dominguez-Viqueira, William
Domsch, Sebastian
Donahue, Manus
Donahue, Paula
Donativi, Marina
Doneva, Mariya
Dong, Fang
Dong, Li
Dong, Minghao
Dong, Shanshan
Dong, Tao
Dong, Xuebin
Dong, Ying
Dong, Zhengchao
Dongworth, Rachel K.
Donnola, Shannon
Doorenweerd, Nathalie
Dooyema, Jeromy
Doran, Simon
Dorey, Frederick
Dorez, Hugo
Dori, Yoav
Doria, Andrea
Doring, Thomas
Dormont, Didier
Dortch, Richard D.
Dosdall, Derek J.
Doshi, Ankur M.
Doshi, Hardik
Doshi, Susan
Dou, Weiqiang
Douaud, Gwenaelle
Douet, Vanessa
Dougherty, Robert F.
Douglas, Naomi H.M.
Douiri, Amin
Dovi-Akue, Philippe
Dovolilova, Eva
Dowell, Nicholas
Dowhos, Krista M.
Dowling, John P.
Downey, Katherine
Doyle, Lex W.
Doyle, Orla
Doyle, Scarlett
Draganski, Bogdan
Dragomir-Daescu, Dan
Dragonu, Iulius
Dragoo, Jason L.
Dragun, Duska
Drakesmith, Mark
Drakos, Stavros G.
Drangova, Maria
Drappatz, Jan
Drazanova, Eva
Drechsler, Susanne
Dregely, Isabel
Dreher, Wolfgang
Dresner, Alex
Dresselaers, Tom
Drevets, Wayne
Driehuys, Bastiaan
Drießle, Toni
Drivas, Peter
Drizdal, Tomas
Drobnjak, Ivana
Droby, Amgad
Drzymala, Robert E.
Du, Bin
Du, Fang
Du, Guangwei
Du, Jiang
Du, Jiaxin
Du, Mingying
Du, Minyi
Du, Ruixue
Du, Weiwei
Du, Yasong
Du, Yiping
Du, Yiqin
Du*, Xiaoxia
Duan, Qi
Duan, Yunsuo
Duan, Yunyun
Duan, Yutong
Duane, Gregory
Duarte, João
Dubois, Jessica
Dubois-Teklali, Fanny
Dubowitz, David J.
Dubuisson, Rose-Marie
Duché, Quentin
Duchesne, Simon
Duchin, Yuval
Duckett, Simon B.
Dudley, Jonathan
Duensing, Randy
Duerst, Yolanda
Duffin, James
Dufort, Sandrine
Duhamel, Guillaume
Duijndam, Adri
Duits, Remco
Dujardin, Martine
Duke, Eugene
Dula, Adrienne N.
Dulay, Mario F.
Dumas, Eve
Dumas, Julie
Dumez, Jean-Nicolas
Dumolyn, Caroline
Dumortier, Jerome
Dumoulin, Charles
Dumoulin, Serge O.
Dunay, William
Duncan, Ian D.
Duncan, James S.
Duncan, John S.
Dunn, Emily F.
Dunn, Janet
Dunn, Jeff F.
Dunn, Walter
Dunning, Allison
Duong, Timothy
Duprez, Thierry
Duràn-Mendicuti, Maria Alejandra
Durand, Emmanuel
Durand-Dubief, Françoise
Durand-Dubief, Francoise
Durant, Martin
Durhan, Gamze
Durst, Markus
Dusek, Petr
Dushpanova, Anar
Dutour, Anne
Dutruel, Silvina
Dutt, Anirban
Duval, Tanguy
Duvauferrier, Regis
Duvillaret, Lionel
Duyckaerts, Charles
Duyn, Jeff
Dvorak, Pavel
Dweck, Mark
Dwivedi, Durgesh Kumar
Dwivedi, Girish
Dwyer, Gerard E.
Dwyer, Michael G.
Düber, Christoph
Dydak, Ulrike
Dyke, Jonathan P.
Dymerska, Barbara
Dyrby, Tim B.
Dyverfeldt, Petter
Dyvorne, Hadrien
Düwel, Stephan
Dziegielewski, Claudia
Dzien, Piotr
Dzyubachyk, Oleh
Dzyubak, Bogdan
Dörr, Jan
Dössel, Olaf
D’souza, Maria M.
Earl, Helena
Earley, Christopher J.
Eaton-Rosen, Zach
Ebbers, T.
Eberhardt, Christian
Eberly, Lynn E.
Ebner, Thomas
Ecanow, Jacob S.
Eccles, Jessica
Eccles, Sue
Eccles, Suzanne A.
Edden, Richard
Eddleman, Christopher S.
Edelman, Robert
Edelmann, Michelle N.
Edelstein, Benjamin
Eder, Michael Werner
Edge, Deirdre
Edjlali, Myriam
Edlow, Brian
Edwards, A David
Egan, Gary F.
Eggebrecht, Adam T.
Eggenschwiler, Florent
Eggers, Holger
Eguchi, Kiyoshi
Ehman, Richard
Ehre, Camille
Ehrl, Jakob
Ehses, Philipp
Ehterami, S.
Eich-Höchli, Dominique
Eichhorn, Stephen
Eichhorn, Tim
Eichner, Cornelius
Eidelberg, David
Eikefjord, Eli
Eilaghi, Armin
Eixarch, Elisenda
Eklund, Anders
El-Sharkawy, Abdel-Monem M.
Elad, Michael
Elayaperumal, Santhi
Elbes, Delphine
Eldaly, Ahmed K.
Eldeghaidy, Sally
Elder, Christopher P.
Eldib, Mootaz
Eleswarpu, Chethanya N.
Elger, Christian
Elgeti, Thomas
Elhabian, Shireen
Eliassen, James
Eliat, Pierre-Antoine
Eliav, Uzi
Elise, De Roquefeuil
Ellegood, Jacob
Ellenor, Chris
Ellenor, Christopher
Ellermann, Jutta
Ellingsen, Øyvind
Ellingson, Benjamin
Elliot, Charlie
Elliot, Emilie
Elliott, Iris
Elliott, Mark
Ellis, Kathryn A.
Ellliott, Dawn M.
Eloyan, Ani
Elsarraj, Afaf S.
Elumalai, Malathy
Elverfeldt, Dominik
Emami, Kiarash
Emari, Mohammad
Emberton, Mark
Emblem, Kyrre E
Emblem, Kyrre E.
Emborg, Marina E.
Emek, Alp
Emerich, Philipp
Emery, Derek
Emery, Derek J.
Emir, Uzay
Emmanuel, Anton
Emoto, Miho C.
Emsell, Louise
Emungania, Olivier
Ende, Gabriele
Enescu, Monica
Engberg, Blake A.
Engelbach, John A.
Engelbrecht, Mark
Engelbrecht, Rainer
Englander, Sarah
Englander, Zoe A.
English, Martin
Englund, Erin K.
Engstrom, Craig
Engström, Maria
Engström, Mathias
Engvall, J.
Engvig, Andreas
Ennis, Daniel
Enomoto, Ayano
Enriquez-Navas, Pedro M.
Entezari, Pegah
Enzinger, Christian
Eo, Tae-Joon
Eoli, Marica
Epel, Boris
Ephrath, Yaron
Epperson, Neill C.
Epstein, Frederick H.
Eqlimi, Ehsan
Er, Fusun Citak
Erb, Michael
Erbetta, Alessandra
Ercan, Ece
Erceg, Gorislav
Erem, Burak
Ergun, Arif Sanli
Eriksson, Anna
Eriksson, Pia
Ernemann, Ulrike
Erni, Daniel
Ernst, Christina
Ernst, Matthias
Ernst, Thomas
Erricolo, Danilo
Ersland, Lars
Ertan, Koray
Erturk, M. Arcan
Eryaman, Yigitcan
Escartin, Carole
Eschbach, Frank
Eschelbach, Martin
Esen, Tarik
Eshaghi, A
Eskreis-Winkler, Sarah
Eslinger, Paul
Esmaeili, Morteza
Espagnet, Camilla Rossi
Espe, Emil K. S.
Espinosa, Jaclyn
Espinoza, Felipe
Espinoza, Paula
Esposito, Fabrizio
Ess, Kevin C.
Essig, Marco
Estkowski, Lloyd
Estroff, Judy
Etemad-Rezai, Roya
Etezadi-Amoli, Maryam
Ettenhofer, Mark L.
Euceda, Leslie R.
Eurelings, Lisa S M
Eustace, Stephen J.
Evan, I-Wen
Evangelou, Nikos
Evans, C John
Evans, Eleanor
Evans, Jennifer
Evans, Karleyton C.
Evans, Matthew RB
Evans, Simon L.
Evelhoch, Jeffrey
Everson, Lenore I.
Evia Jr, Arnold Moya
Ewing, James R.
Eykyn, Thomas R.
Eyre, Michael
Ezatti, Mojgan
Ezra, Martyn
Ezzati, Mojgan
Faas, Henryk
Fabbri, Emma
Faber, Cornelius
Faber, Holden M.
Fabryova, Eva
Facciutto, Marcelo
Fadda, Lucia
Fadeeva, Lyudmila
Fagan, Andrew
Faghihi, Reza
Failla, Cristina Maria
Faille, Dorothée
Fain, Sean
Fair, Merlin
Fairhurst, Janice
Fakhri, Georges El
Falck, John R.
Falcon, Carles
Falfán-Melgoza, Claudia
Falfan-Melgoza, Claudia
Falini, Andrea
Falkovskiy, Pavel
Fallone, B. Gino
Falvo, Elisabetta
Fam, Lillian Gabra
Fan, Audrey
Fan, Chun-Chieh
Fan, Guoguang
Fan, Shu-Juan
Fan, Wenjun
Fan, Xiaobing
Fan, Yang
Fan, Zhanming
Fan, Zhaoyang
Fanea, Laura
Fang, Chun-Hao
Fang, Jing
Fang, Qianqian
Fang, Sheng
Fang, Tian
Fang, Wenxue
Fanstone-Ferraresi, Kellen
Fantechi, Elvira
Faraco, Carlos
Farag, Adam
Farahani, Sahar
Faraj, Achraf Al
Faraji, Farshid
Faranesh, Anthony Z.
Farber, Joshua Michael
Farchione, Alessandra
Fareh, Jeannette
Farion, Régine
Farivar, Reza
Faro, Scott H.
Farquharson, Shawna
Farrar, Christian T.
Farrell, Eliane V.
Farrell, Peter M.
Farrer, Alexis
Farrher, Ezequiel
Fasanati, Charles
Fass, Henryk
Fasshauer, Mathias
Fatemi, Ali
Fatemi, Seyed Ali
Fatnassi, Chemseddine
Fatterpekar, Girish
Fattoretti, Patrizia
Faul, David
Faulkner, William
Faull, Olivia Kate
Favazza, Christopher P.
Favilla, Stefania
Fay, Francois
Fay, Michael
Fayad, Laura M.
Fayad, Zahi A.
Fazekas, Franz
Fazeli, Pouneh K.
Fazlollahi, Amir
Feblinger, Jacques
Fechner, Mandy
Fecteau, Shirley
Fedak, Paul W. M.
Federau, Christian
Federico, Antonio
Federspiel, Andrea
Fedorov, Andriy
Fehlings, Darcy
Fehlings, Michael G.
Fehlner, Andreas
Fei, Baowei
Feinberg, David
Feiweier, Thorsten
Fekete, Eva M.
Felblinger, Jacques
Felder, Jörg
Feldman, Michael
Feldman, Rebecca Emily
Feldmann, Daniel
Feldner, Matthew
Felek, Suleyman
Feliciano, Helene
Felisaz, Paolo F.
Feliz, Stefanie Perez
Fellgiebel, Andreas
Fellner, Claudia
Felmlee, Joel P.
Fenchel, Michael
Feng, Dai
Feng, Feng
Feng, Li
Feng, Wei
Feng, Xiang
Feng, Xue
Feng, Zhan
Feng, Zhao-Yan
Fennessy, Fiona
Feragen, Aasa
Ferguson, Marina S.
Ferizi, Uran
Fernandes, Carolina
Fernandez, Brice
Fernandez, Michael
Fernandez-Seara, Maria
Ferradal, Silvina L.
Ferraldeschi, Roberta
Ferrara, Thomas
Ferraretto, Marisa
Ferrari, Carina
Ferrari, Giulio
Ferrari, Michel
Ferrari, Victor
Ferrauto, Giuseppe
Ferrazzi, Giulio
Ferreira, Hugo A.
Ferreira, Joaquim
Ferreira, Pedro
Ferreira, Vanessa
Ferri, Lorenzo
Ferriero, Donna M.
Ferrucci, Luigi
Ferry, Pauline
Fessler, Jeffrey A.
Fetit, Ahmed E.
Fetoni, Vincenza
Feuillet, Thomas
Fichten, Anthony
Fichtner, Nicole D.
Fidler, Florian
Fidoamore, Alessia
Fiedler, Georg
Fiedorowicz, Jess G.
Fiehler, Jens
Field, Aaron
Fielden, Samuel
Fieremans, Els
Fierens, Igor
Fierstra, Jorn
Fieseler, Michael
Figiel, Henryk
Figini, Matteo
Figueiredo, Melina F.
Figueiredo, Patricia
Figueiredo, Sara
Figueras, Francesc
Filbey, Francesca
Filho, Oswaldo Baffa
Filippi, Massimo
Filippi, Miriam
Filippini, Nicola
Fillmer, Ariane
Filosa, Aldo
Filss, Christian
Finanger, Erika
Finkel, Mack
Finkel, Richard
Finlay, Paul
Finn, J Paul
Finnegan, Mary
Finney, Katie-Lousie
Finnilä, Mikko A.J.
Finocchiaro, Gaetano
Finsterbusch, Juergen
Fiorini, Silvia
Firat, Zeynep
Firmin, David N.
Firpo, Meri T.
Firth, Matthew
Fischbein, Nancy
Fischer, Anja
Fischer, Corinne
Fischer, Elmar
Fischer, Roland
Fischer, Stefan
Fischer, Urs
Fischi-Gomez, Elda
Fischl, Bruce
Fischmann, Arne
Fischmeister, Florian
Fishbein, Kenneth W.
Fisher, Christopher
Fisher, Corinne
Fisher, Corrine
Fisher, Elizabeth
Fisher, Joseph
Fisher, Martin
Fisher, Paul B.
Fisher, Ronald E.
Fitzke, Heather
Fiveland, Eric
Fjell, Anders
Fjøsne, Hans Erikssønn
Flament, Julien
Flanagan, Oisin
Flask, Chris A.
Flassbeck, Sebastian
Flechsig, Paul
Fleck, Robert J.
Fleet, David
Fleischer, Vinzenz
Fleiss, Bobbi
Fleming, John O.
Fleming, William
Flemming, Bert
Fleysher, Lazar
Fleysher, Roman
Flik, Gert
Flink, Evan
Flint, Jeremy J.
Flintham, Robert
Florack, Luc M.J.
Flores, Elsa R.
Flores, Julio Garcia
Flori, Alessandra
Florio, Tiziana M.
Florkin, Benoît
Floyd, Carlos
Floyd, Thomas F.
Flugstad, Nicholas A.
Flynn, Anita
Flyvbjerg, Allan
Flögel, Ulrich
Focke, Niels K.
Fogel, Evan
Foki, Thomas
Foley, Sonya
Folkerth, Rebecca D.
Follante, Clyve Konrad
Follmer, Robin L.
Foniok, Tad
Foniok, Tadeusz
Fonov, Vladimir
Fontana, Nunzia
Foo, Thomas
Foppa, Murilo
Forbes, Michael S.
Forbes, Sean
Ford, Andria L.
Forester, Brent
Forfar, Colin
Forkert, Nils
Forkert, Nils Daniel
Formaggio, Emanuela
Forman, Christoph
Formisano, Elia
Fornara, Manuela
Fornari, Eleonora
Foroutan, Parastou
Forouzan, Omid
Forsberg, Josefin
Forsell-Aronsson, Eva
Forsgren, Mikael F.
Forssell-Aronsson, Eva
Forster, Martin
Forsting, Michael
Fortin, Pierre-Yves
Fortney-Campione, Karissa
Foruotan, Parastou
Fossen, Benjamin
Foster, John
Foster, Paula
Foster, Tim
Foster, William M.
Fougère, Christian la
Fourie, Emily
Fournier, Margot
Fowler, Duncan
Fowler, Joanna S.
Fowler, Kathryn J.
Fox, Andrew S.
Fox, Eoin K.
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Michael
Fox, Robert
Foxley, Sean
Fraass, Benedick
Fracasso, Alessio
Frahm, Jens
Frampton, Ian
Francia, Giulio
Francis, Franto
Francis, Jane M.
Francis, Susan T.
Franckenberg, Sabine
François, Chantal
Francois, Chrstopher J.
Franconi, Jean-Michel
Francová, Pavla
Frank, Annette
Frank, Charles
Frank, Daniel García
Frank, Lawrence R.
Frank, Markus H.
Frank, Tobias
Franke, Gerlind
Frankland, Paul
Franklin, Cristal G.
Franklin, Tammy
Frantzen-Steneker, Marloes
Fraser, Karlene M.
Frassineti, Frédéric
Fratini, Michela
Frayne, Richard
Frederiksen, Jette
Frederiksen, Jette Lautrup
Freed, Benjamin
Freed, Melanie
Freeman, Alex
Freeman, Léorah
Freeman, Matthew S.
Freiburger, Sebastian
Freiman, Moti
Freimann, Florian Baptist
Freitag, Martin Thomas
Freitas, Catarina
Frenkel, Dan
Frenneaux, Michael P.
Frens, Maarten A.
Freschi, Fabio
Frese, Isabela
Frey, Stephen
Frezzotti, Paolo
Friboulet, Denis
Fricke, Stanley Thomas
Friebe, Michael
Friedel, Miriam
Friedli, Iris
Friedman, Kent
Friedrich, Janet
Friedrich, Matthias G.
Fries, Pascal-Henry
Friesen-Waldner, Lanette
Frijia, Francesca
Frijns, Catharina J.M.
Fripp, Jurgen
Frischknecht, Ulrich
Friske, Joachim
Frisoni, Giovann
Frisoni, Giovanni B.
Friston, Karl
Fritz, Benjamin
Fritzsch, Dominik
Froehlich, Johannes M.
Froehlich, Juerg
Froeling, Martijn
Froemming, Adam
Froh, Deborah
Frollo, Ivan
Fromes, Yves
Frosini, Daniela
Frost, Robert
Fruytier, Anne-Catherine
Frydman, Lucio
Frydrychowicz, Alex P.
Frye, Judson
Fu, Caixia
Fu, Fanrui
Fu, Hao
Fu, Yingli
Fu, Zening
Fu, Ziyuan
Fuchareon, Suthat
Fuchs, Alexander
Fuchs, Bryan C.
Fuchs, Katharina
Fuentes, David
Fuentes, Miguel
Fugate, Elizabeth
Fuh, Jong-Ling
Fujii, Hirofumi
Fujii, Hirotada G.
Fujii, Naotaka
Fujii, Satoshi
Fujii, Yuta
Fujikawa, Akihiko
Fujima, Noriyuki
Fujimoto, Koji
Fujimoto, Kyoko
Fujinaga, Yasunari
Fujisawa, Tetsuya
Fujita, Jun
Fujita, Nobuhiro
Fujiwara, Keiichi
Fujiwara, Sei
Fujiwara, Yasuhiro
Fukuda, Hiro
Fukuda, Keiichi
Fukuda, Mitsuhiro
Fukuda, Tetsuya
Fukui, Shigefumi
Fukuma, Yukiko
Fukunaga, Issei
Fukunaga, Masaki
Fukuyama, Hidenao
Fukuzawa, Kei
Fulford, Jonathan
Fuller, Lyanne
Fundana, Ketut
Fung, Maggie
Fung, Steve H.
Funk, Alexander M.
Furie, Karen L.
Furman-Haran, Edna
Furth, Emma E.
Furth, Susan
Furuta, Akihiro
Furuta, Toshihiro
Fushimi, Yasutaka
Fuster, Andrea
Fuster, Valentín
Fwu, Peter T.
Fütterer, Jurgen J.
Föll, Daniela
Förster, Alex
Gabata, Toshifumi
Gabbour, Maya
Gaborit, Gwenael
Gabos, Zsolt
Gabr, Refaat E.
Gabt, Refaat E.
GadElkarim, Johnson J.
Gadie, Andrew
Gaffney, David K.
Gaggl, Wolfgang
Gaglianese, Anna
Gagnon, Louis
Gagoski, Borjan
Gahramonov, Seymur
Gai, Neville
Gaillard, Sophie
Gaing, Byron
Gajári, Dávid
Gajawada, Gowtham
Gajdosík, Martin
Gajdosik, Martin
Gajdošík, Martin
Gal, Yaniv
Galante, Angelo
Galantucci, Sebastiano
Galassi, Francesca
Galazzo, Ilaria Boscolo
Galbán, Craig J.
Galbán, Stefanie
Galbiati, Susanna
Galbusera, Alberto
Gale, Eirc
Galea, Michael
Galeazzo, Ilaria Boscolo
Galiana, Gigi
Galinsky, Vitaly
Galis-de Graaf, Yvon
Galisova, Andrea
Gálisová, Andrea
Gall, Peter
Gallagher, Thomas Anthony
Gallardo-Pujol, David
Gallez, Bernard
Gallichan, Daniel
Gallinat, Jürgen
Gallo, Antonio
Gallo, Diego
Galloway, Graham J.
Galloway, Matthew
Galons, Jean-Philippe
Gambarota, Giulio
Gamez, Jeffrey
Gamlin, Paul
Gamst, Anthony
Gandhi, Sonia
Gandon, Yves
Gandy, Stephen J.
Ganepola, Tara
Ganeshan, Balaji
Gang, Niu
Gangi, Afshin
Ganguly, Milan
Ganjgahi, Habib
Ganji, Sandeep
Ganneau, Christelle
Ganzola, Rossana
Gao, Erzhen
Gao, Fabao
Gao, Fei
Gao, Feng
Gao, FuQiang
Gao, Jia-Hong
Gao, Jiahong
Gao, Jie
Gao, Katherine C.
Gao, Lifeng
Gao, Patrick P.
Gao, Song
Gao, Wei
Gao, Yabiao
Gao, YanHua
Gao, Yanhui
Gao, Yi
Gao, Ying
Gao, Yinzhu
Gao, Yurui
Garbow, Joel R.
Garcia, David Izquierdo
Garcia, Diego A.
Garcia, Eduardo Grande
Garcia, Jose L. Izquierdo
Garcia, Julio
Garcia-Frank, Daniel
García-Lorenzo, Daniel
Garcia-Polo, Pablo
García-Rodriguez, Sylvana
Gardener, Alexander G.
Gardner, Daniel
Gardner, Vance O.
Garello, Francesca
Garg, Mohan lal
Garg, Priya
Garg, Ravindra Kumar
Gargam, Nicolas
Garibotto, Valentina
Garimall, Sidyarth
Garnett, Martin
Garnon, Julien
Garnov, Nikita
Garpebring, Anders
Garratt, Jill
Garreffa, Girolamo
Garrett, Michelle D.
Garrett, Wesley M.
Garsed, Klara
Garteiser, Philippe
Garwood, Michael
Garyfallidis, Eleftherios
Garzotto, Mark G.
Gaspar, Delso
Gaspar, H. Bobby
Gasperini, Claudio
Gass, Achim
Gasston, David
Gast, Klaus K.
Gaston, Frank
Gatehouse, Peter
Gatehouse, Peter D.
Gatenby, Robert A.
Gati, Joseph S.
Gatidis, Sergios
Gattaz, Wagner Farid
Gatto, Rodolfo
Gattu, Ramtilak
Gau, Shur-Fen Susan
Gau, Susan Shur Fen
Gau, Susan Shur-Fen
Gaudes, César Caballero
Gaudet, Jeff M.
Gaudiano, Caterina
Gaur, Pooja
Gauthier, Claudine
Gauthier, Susan A.
Gavenonis, Sarah
Gazit, Dan
Gazit, Zulma
Gdaniec, Nadine
Ge, Yulin
Gedroyc, W. M. W.
Gee, Dylan
Gee, James
Gee, Michael S.
Geethanath, Sairam
Geffroy, Françoise
Geier, Oliver
Geiger, Julia
Geisel, Dominik
Geissler, Alexander
Gellermann, Johanna
Gelman, Neil
Genc, Sila
Gendelman, Howard E.
Genetti, Mélanie
Geng, Daoying
Geng, Peter
Geng, Xiujuan
Geninatti, Simonetta
Genovese, Mark C.
Gensler, Daniel
Gentchos, George
Georg, Dietmar
Georg, Petra
George, Ajax
George, Angela
George, Elijah
George, Joanne
Georgiadis, John G.
Georgieff, Michael K.
Georgiev, George I.
Geppert, Christian
Geraci, Stefania
Geraghty, Benjamin J.
Geraki, Tina
Geranmayeh, Fatemeh
Gerber, David A.
Gerber, Mathieu
Gerche, Andre La
Gerig, Guido
Gerlach, Johannes
Germain, Johanne
Germuska, Michael
Gershon, Timothy
Gersing, Alexandra
Gerst, Scott
Gerstenblith, Gary
Gerstner, Elizabeth
Geshnizjani, Nahal
Geurts, Alexander
Geurts, J.J.G.
Geurtsen, Gert
Geva, Tal
Geyer, Stefan
Gezgin, Sertan
Ghaderi, Halleh
Ghanouni, Pejman
Gharib, Ahmed M.
Gharib, Bouchra
Gharibans, Armen A.
Ghariq, Eidrees
Ghassemi, Rezwan
Ghatak, Somenath
Ghavim, Sima
Ghazouani, Abdelali
Ghedin, Piero
Gheorghe, Doro
Ghezzi, Angelo
Ghezzi, Catherine
Ghin, Leonardo
Ghisleni, Carmen
Gho, Sung-Min
Ghobrial, Eman
Ghodrati, Vahid
Gholipour, Ali
Ghose, Soumya
Ghosh, Arijit
Ghosh, Aurobrata
Ghosh, Karthik
Ghosh, Pritha
Ghosh, Rajat K.
Ghosh, Shantanu
Ghugre, Nilesh
Giacomini, Chiara
Giacomini, Eric
Giancardo, Luca
Giancola, Mark
Gianella, Anita
Giani, Guido
Giannì, Costanza
Gianni', Costanza
Giannini, Cosimo
Gianolio, Eliana
Gianoni, Martina
Giapitzakis, Ioannis Angelos
Giaquinto, Randy O.
Gibbard, Clare R.
Gibbons, Eric
Gibbs, Peter
Gibiino, Fabio
Gibson, Adam P.
Gibson, Eli
Giese, Daniel
Gieseke, Jürgen
Giezendanner, Stéphanie
Gifford, Aliya
Gifford, Aliya Diaz
Gijsen, Frank
Gijsen, Frank JH
Gil, Bo-mi
Gil, Stacy
Gilad, Assaf A.
Gilbert, Fiona
Gilbert, Guillaume
Gilbert, Josephine
Gilbert, Kyle
Gilbert, Mark R.
Gilchrist, Stuart
Giles, Lucia
Giles, Sharon
Gilhuijs, Kenneth
Gili, Tommaso
Gill, Andrew B.
Gill, David
Gill, Simrandip K.
Gillard, Jonathan H.
Gillen, Joseph
Gilles, Alina
Gilliam, Andrew D.
Gillies, Robert J.
Gilmore, John H.
Gilsanz, Vicente
Gilson, Wesley D.
Gimenez, Ulysse
Ginami, Giulia
Ginefri, Jean-Christophe
Ginet-Puyal, Vanessa
Gioia, Laura C.
Giorgio, Antonio
Giovannetti, Giulio
Giove, Federico
Girard, Erin
Girard, Gabriel
Girard, Olivier
Giraudeau, Céline
Giri, Shivraman
Giselbrecht, Stefan
Giskeødegård, Guro F.
Giulietti, Giovanni
Giustetto, Pierangela
Giwerc, Michelle Y.
Gjellan, Solveig
Glaser, Kevin
Glaser, Steffen
Glasier, Charles
Glass, John
Glatz, Andreas
Glaubitz, Benjamin
Gleeson, Fergus V.
Glenn, Martha J.
Glensman, Janice
Glickson, Jerry D.
Glide-Hurst, Carri
Glielmi, Christopher
Gliemli, Christopher
Glockner, James
Glover, Gary
Glover, Paul M.
Gluch, Laurence
Gluckman, Peter
Glunde, Kristine
Gmitro, Arthur
Gnahm, Christine
Gnerlich, Jennifer L.
Go, Vay Liang W.
Goa, Pål Erik
Goatman, Keith
Gobbo, Oliviero
Gobius, Ilan
Gochberg, Dainel F.
Goddu, Beth
Goebel, Rainer
Goense, Jozien
Goerke, Steffen
Goerke, Ute
Goerner, Frank
Goertz, Wolfgang
Goethals, Ingeborg
Gogbashian, Andrew
Gogoll, Karsten
Goh, Gladys Lo
Gojraty, Sattar
Gokan, Takehiko
Golak, Tom
Golay, Xavier
Gold, Garry
Gold, Stephanie L.
Goldberg, Ilya G.
Goldberger, Jeffrey
Goldberger, Joshua E.
Goldenberg, Larry
Goldfarb, James
Goldhaber, David M.
Goldhaber, Samuel Z.
Goldhawk, Donna E.
Goldstein, Benjamin I.
Golestani, Ali M.
Golestanirad, Laleh
Golfieri, Rita
Golkov, Vladimir
Golshani, Shokoufeh
Goluch, Sigrun
Gombar, Yulia
Gomez, Arnold David
Gomez, Christopher M.
Gomez, Edsel Daniel Peres
Gomez-Herrero, German
Goncalves, Miguel R.
Goncalves, Sonia Isabel
Gondin, Julien
Gondry, Catherine
Gondry-Jouet, Catherine
Gonen, Oded
Gonenc, Atilla
Gong, Enhao
Gong, Gaolang
Gong, Nan-Jie
Gong, Qiyong
Gong, Tao
Gonyea, Jay
Gonzalez, Eduardo G.
Gonzalez, R. Gilberto
Gonzalez, Silvia Lorrio
Gonzalez-Capizzi, Christian
González-Rosa, Juan Manuel
Goo, Jin Mo
Goodin, D
Gooding, Mark J.
Goodman, Beverly Tsai
Goodman, James A.
Goodnough, Candida L.
Goodnough, L. Henry
Goodrich, K Craig
Goodson, Boyd M.
Goodwin, Douglas W.
Goodwin, Jonathan
Gopal, Kamakshi
Gopal, Shruti
Gopalan, Venkatesh
Gopinath, Anand
Gopinath, Kaundinya
Gor'kov, Peter
Goradia, Dhruman
Goran, Michael I.
Gorantla, Santhi
Gordijenko, Olga
Gordji-Nejad, Ali
Gordon, Andrew Christian
Gordon, Isky
Gordon, Jeremy W.
Gordon, Kristiana D.
Gore, John C.
Gorenstein, David
Gorman, Joseph H.
Gorman, Robert C.
Gorman III, Joseph H.
Gorny, Krzysztof R.
Gosselink, Mark W. J. M.
Goto, Mariko
Goto, Masami
Goto, Sachiko
Goto, Takao
Gotoh, Makoto
Gotschy, Alexander
Gottlieb, Jens
Gotts, Stephen J.
Gottwald, Eric
Goubran, Maged
Gounaris, Elias
Gounis, Matthew J.
Gounot, Daniel
Gourine*, Alexander V.
Govaerts, Kristof
Govari, Assaf
Govind, Varan
Govindarajan, Sindhuja T.
GovindaRao, Arun
Gowland, Penny
Goyal, Abhishek
Goyal, Vivek
Gozzi, Alessandro
Graafen, Dirk
Grabner, Günther
Grabow, Benjamin
Grabow, Benjamin P.
Graedel, Nadine N.
Graessel, Andreas
Graesslin, Ingmar
Grafendorfer, Thomas
Graff, Christian G.
Graham, James
Graham, Melanie L.
Graham, Simon
Grainger, Andrew J.
Gralewski, Kevin
Gralla, Jan
Gramegna, Laura Ludovica
Gramoun, Azza
Grand, Sylvie
Grande, Andrew W.
Grande, Sveva
Grando, Higor
Graner, John
Graninger, Paul
Granke, Mathilde C.
Granlund, Kristin L.
Grant, Aaron K.
Grant, Ellen
Grant, Merida M.
Grant, Patricia Ellen
Grant, Samuel Colles
Granwehr, Josef
Granziera, C.
Grapentin, Christoph
Gras, Vincent
Grassedonio, Emanuele
Gratacos, Eduard
Gratz, Marcel
Grau, Georges
Graves, Edward
Graves, Martin
Gray, Calum
Gray, Stuart R.
Gray-Edwards, Heather
Graziani, Dominic
Grech-Sollars, Matthew
Green, A
Green, Gary G.R.
Greene, Kirsten
Greengard, Leslie F.
Greenleaf, James F.
Greenman, Robert
Greenwood, Carol E.
Greenwood, John P.
Greenwood, Robert
Greenwood, Tiffany
Greer, David
Greer, Peter
Gregan, Darren
Gregoire, Vincent
Gregori, Johannes
Gregorio, Enza Di
Gregory, T. Stan
Greil, Gerald
Greim, Helmut
Greiser, Andreas
Grenier, Baptiste
Grenier, Denis
Gressens, Pierre
Gretz, Norbert
Greve, Douglas
Grewal, Jasmin
Greydanus, David
Griffa, Alessandra
Griffanti, Ludovica
Griffeth, Valerie E.M.
Griffin, Julian L.
Griffith, James F.
Griffiths, John
Grigorov, Filip
Gril, Brunilde
Grimard, Guy
Grimm, Christoph
Grimm, John
Grimm, Robert
Grimm, Roger
Grin, Natalia
Grinberg, Farida
Gringeri, Concetta
Grinstead, John W.
Grisafi, Steven
Grisan, Enrico
Grisanti, Florencia
Grissom, William
Grist, Thomas
Griswold, Mark
Grobgeld, Dov
Grocott, Michael PW
Groden, Christoph
Grodzki, David
Groebner, Jens
Groenendaal, Floris
Groeschel, Samuel
Groome, Kirsten A.
Grooms, Josh
Groot, Huub J.M.
Groote, Inge R.
Grosdemange, Kerstin
Gross, Cornelius
Gross, David C.
Gross, Patrick
Gross, Simon
Grossman, Elan J.
Grossman, Robert G.
Grossman, Robert I.
Grossmann, Udo
Grosso, Michael
Grossová, Lucie
Grotegerd, Dominik
Grothe, Michel
Grouiller, Frédéric
Grouiller, Frederic
Grove, Olya
Groves, Adrian
Groves, Alan M.
Groves, Ashley
Gruber, Bernhard
Gruber, Harry
Gruber, Stephan
Gruell, Holger
Gruen, Marnie L.
Gruetter, Rolf
Grundschober, Christophe
Grundy, R.
Gruschke, Oliver
Grussu, Francesco
Grybowicz, Louise
Grüner, Renate
Gröger, Adriane
Gröhn, Olli
Grönqvist, Anders
Gu, Hong
Gu, Meng
Gu, Yajia
Guan, Min
Guan, Steven
Guariglia, Robin L.
Gudino, Natalia
Gudwani, Sunita
Guehring, Jens
Gueler, Faikah
Guérin, Bastien
Guerin, Bastien
Guetter, Christoph
Guglielmetti, Caroline
Guglielmo, Flavius
Guha, Aditi
Guha, Indra Neil
Guhaniyogi, Shayan
Gui, Laura
Guibaud, Laurent
Guichardet, Karine
Guidi, Maria
Guidon, Arnaud
Guidoni, Laura
Guillaud, Olivier
Guillin, Raphael
Guillot, Geneviève
Guillou, André
Guite, Kristie
Guizard, Nicolas
Gujral, Giriraj Singh
Gulani, Vikas
Gullapalli, Rao
Gullberg, Grant T.
Gulsen, Gultekin
Gulsun, Mehmet
Gumus, Serter
Gunn, Roger N.
Guns, Pieter-Jan
Gunter, Jeffrey L.
Gunther, Roland
Gunzinger, Jeanne M.
Guo, Di
Guo, Fumin
Guo, Guodong
Guo, Hua
Guo, Jia
Guo, Jing
Guo, Junyu
Guo, Lanting
Guo, Lea
Guo, Li
Guo, Ling
Guo, Qi
Guo, Qihao
Guo, Qiyong
Guo, Wensheng
Guo, Xiaodong
Guo, Yang
Guo, Yi
Gupta, Ajay
Gupta, Ashish
Gupta, Gaorav
Gupta, Himanshu
Gupta, Lalit
Gupta, Mamta
Gupta, Mamta Aryabhushan
Gupta, NavYash
Gupta, Pradeep Kumar
Gupta, Rakesh K.
Gupta, Sandeep N.
Gupta, Siddhartha Datta
Gur, David
Gur, Raquel
Gur, Ruben
Gur, Yaniv
Gurgen, Dennis
Gurler, Necip
Gurney-Champion, O. J.
Gussew, Alexander
Gustafsson, Oscar
Gutberlet, Marcel
Gutierrez, Daniel Rodriguez
Gutierrez, Juanmarco
Gutjahr, Fabian Tobias
Gutmann, Torsten
Guttmann, Charles RG
Gutzeit, Andreas
Guy, Joseph
Guye, Maxime
Guzina, Bojan
Guzman, Vanessa A.
Guzzardi, David G.
Gwilliam, Matt
Gwinner, Wilfried
Gülan, Utku
Güllmar, Daniel
Günther, Martin
Günther, Matthias
Güntürkün, Onur
Güttler, Felix V.
Gärtner, Clemens
Göbel, Katharina
Götschi, Stefan
Ha, Seunghoon
Ha, Tingting
Haack, Søren
Haacke, Ewart Mark
Haaga, John
Haakma, Wieke
Haarsma, Joost
Haas, Carola
Haas, Naomi
Haase, Axel
Habeck, Christian G.
Habib, Charbel
Habich, Aleksandra
Habl, Gregor
Hackney, David B.
Hadaschik, Boris
Haddad, Daniel
Hadigan, Colleen
Hadley, J. Rock
Haeberlin, Maximilian
Haemer, Gillian G.
Hafenstein, Susan
Hagberg, Gisela E.
Hagelstein, Claudia
Hagemeier, Jesper
Hagen, Jean-Pierre
Hager, Benedikt
Hagmann, Cornelia
Hagmann, Patric
Hahn, Andrew D.
Hahn, Horst
Hahn, Peter F.
Haider, Masoom A.
Haider, Masoom M.
Haije, Tom C.J. Dela
Haimerl, Michael
Hain, Elisabeth
Haindl, Michaela
Haishi, Tomoyuki
Hajdu, Stefan
Hajek, Milan
Hájek, Milan
Hajnal, Joseph V.
Haken, Bennie ten
Hakkarainen, Hanne
Hakyemez, Bahattin
Halbach, Van
Haldar, Justin P.
Hale, Joanne R.
Hales, Patrick W.
Haley, William E.
Hall, Emma L.
Hall, Judith E.
Hall, Matt G.
Hall, Theodore
Hall-Craggs, Margaret
Hallac, Rami
Hallack, Andre
Haller, Hermann
Hallett, Mark
Halligan, Steve
Hallin, Rolf
Halloran, Rafael O.
Halnon, Nancy
Halpenny, Darragh
Halperin, Henry
Halpern, Howard
Halter, Ryan J.
Halwani, Rabih
Hamaide, Julie
Hamamci, Andac
Hamann, Stephan
Hamasaki, Nozomi
Hambrock, Thomas
Hamedani, Hooman
Hametner, Simon
Hamida, Sami Ben
Hamidian, Hajar
Hamilton, Amanda
Hamilton, Gavin
Hamilton, Jesse I.
Hamilton-Craig, Christian
Hamm, Bernd
Hamm, Michael
Hammers, Alexander
Hamming, Arend
Hamming-Vrieze, Olga
Hammond, Robert R.
Hamnerius, Yngve
Hamou, Marie-France
Hampstead, Benjamin M.
Hamtaei, Ehsan
Hamy, Valentin
Han, Biao
Han, Dongyeob
Han, Dongyoeb
Han, Fei
Han, Hui
Han, Ivy W.
Han, Jijun
Han, Joon Koo
Han, May
Han, Miran
Han, Misung
Han, Mun
Han, Paul Kyu
Han, Wenwen A.
Han, Xu
Han, Yeji
Han, Yuchi
Han, Zhaoying
Hanakawa, Takashi
Hancu, Ileana
Hand, Jeff W.
Hand, Jeffrey
Handa, Ashok I.
Handford, Charles
Haneder, Stefan
Hanes, Justin S.
Hangel, Gilbert
Hanke, Nils
Hankins, Jane
Hankins, Jane S.
Hanks, Robin
Hanna, Michael G.
Hannecart, Adeline
Hannoun, Salem
Hanrahan, Christopher J.
Hansen, Brian
Hansen, Esben Szocska
Hansen, Kasper
Hansen, Line
Hansen, Michael S.
Hansen, Mikkel Bo
Hansen, Nienke
Hansen, Thomas P.
Hanske, Andrew
Hanson, Erik
Hanson, Lars
Hansson, Oskar
Hansson, Sverker
Hansson, Thomas G.
Hao, Chuanxi
Hao, Du Yong
Hao, Wen
Hao, Ying
Haq, Nandinee Fariah
Hara, Takuya
Harada, Kuniaki
Harada, Masafumi
Harada, Taisuke
Haraldsson, Henrik
Hardy, Christopher
Hardy, Peter A.
Hare, Hannah
Harel, Noam
Hargrave, D
Hargrave, D.
Hargreaves, Brian
Haridas, Seenu
Hariharan, Hari
Haris, Mohammad
Harisinghani, Mukesh G.
Harkins, Kevin D.
Harlev, Doron
Harmer, Jack
Harms, Lutz
Harnish, Phillip
Haroon, Ebrahim
Haroon, Hamied A.
Harouni, Ahmed A.
Harper, David G.
Harper, Jamie
Harper, Ronald M.
Harrell, John W.
Harrilla, Profka
Harrington, Deborah L.
Harrington, Kevin J.
Harris, Ashley D.
Harris, Jacqueline K.
Harris, Julia
Harris, Lisa M.
Harris, Neil
Harris, Peter C.
Harrison, Alexis
Harrison, Daniel M.
Harrison, Neil
Harrison, Neil A.
Harsan, Laura-Adela
Harsinghani, Mukesh
Harston, George
Hart, Corey
Harteveld, Anita A.
Harthi, Thahabah Mohammed Al
Hartkamp, N. S.
Hartlage, Gregory
Hartley, Ruth A.
Hartman, Rob
Hartono, Septian
Hartung, Dagmar
Hartwig, Axel
Harvey, Paul
Harvey, Peter
Has, Arzu Ceylan
Hasan, Usama
Hasanzadeh, Kabir
Hase, Takashi
Hashida, Masahiro
Hashimoto, Naoya
Hashimoto, Seitaro
Hashizume, Rintaro
Haskins, Mark
Haslam, Mark M.
Hassan, S. S.
Hassane, Abdelrahman
Hassanein, Azza S.
Hassanpour, Mahlega
Hassell, Jane
Hassing, Laurien
Hassler, Eva
Hasson, Uri
Hasty, Alyssa H.
Hata, Junichi
Hata, Nobuhiko
Hata, Yutaka
Hatakeyama, Hideo
Hatano, Taku
Hatanpaa, Kimmo
Hatay, Gokce Hale
Hatch, Neal
Hatiboglu, Gencay
Hatsukami, Thomas
Hattermann, Kirsten
Hattingen, Elke
Hattori, Nobutaka
Hatzoglou, Vaios
Haueisen, Jens
Haufe, William
Haukaas, Tonje H.
Hausegger, Klaus A.
Hausenloy, Derek J.
Hauser, Michael
Hauser, S
Hauser, Stephen
Hauser, Till-Karsten
Hautle, Patrick
Havel, Peter
Havens, Timothy J.
Haverich, Axel
Havrdova, Eva
Hawkes, David J.
Hawkes, Rob C.
Haxby, Jim
Hayashida, Minoru
Hayashida, Yoshiko
Haybaeck, Johannes
Hayden, Michael R.
Hayek, Brent
Hayen, Anja
Haykowsky, Mark
Hays, Allison G.
Hazell, Steve
Hazle, John
Hazlett, Heather C.
Hazra, Rohan
Hazrati, Lili-Naz
He, Bin
He, Hongjian
He, Jiabao
He, Jianghong
He, Jie
He, Le
He, Lili
He, Mu
He, Ning
He, Ping
He, Qing
He, Qun
He, Rui
He, Shushu
He, Ting
He, Xiang
He, Yi
He, Yong
He, Yonglan
Heacock, Laura
Head, Kevin
Hearshen, David
Heather, Lisa
Heba, Elhamy R.
Heba, Stefanie
Heberlein, Keith
Hébrard, Luc
Heck, Olivier
Heckemann, Rolf
Hectors, Stefanie JCG
Hedderich, Dennis
Hedgire, Sandeep S.
Heeren, Ron
Heerschap, A.
Heesen, Christoph
Hegde, Shashank Sathyanarayana
Hegedüs, Nikolett
Hegele, Robert A.
Hegi, Monika
Hegi, Monika E.
Heidemann, Robin M.
Heier, Linda
Heijmen, L.
Heijtel, Dennis F.R.
Heiland, Sabine
Heilbrun, Marta
Heilmeier, Ursula
Heim, Marius
Heindel, Walter
Heinemann, Axel
Heinrich, Andreas
Heinzer, Susanne
Heinzer, Suzanne
Heismann, Bjoern
Heismann, Björn
Heitjan, Daniel F.
Helbich, Thomas
Heldner, Mirjam Rachel
Helfer, Brooke
Hell, Erich
Helle, Michael
Heller, Theo
Helluy, Xavier
Helm, Lothar
Helmer, Karl G.
Helms, Gunther
Helpern, Joseph
Helpern, Joseph A.
Helton, Kathleen J.
Hemberger, Kathrin
Hemingway, Cheryl
Hendrickson, William
Hendriks, Arjan D.
Hendrikse, J.
Hendriksen, Jos
Henn, Nadine
Hennemuth, Anja
Hennig, Grant W.
Hennig, Juergen
Henning, Anke
Henninger, Benjamin
Henningsson, Markus
Hennink, Wim E.
Henriques, Rafael Neto
Henry, Brian
Henry, Pierre-Gilles
Henry, Roland G.
Henry, Thomas R.
Hentschel, Jan
Henzler, Thomas
Heo, Hye-Young
Hepburn, Susan L.
Hérault, Yan
Herbert, Joseph
Herbert, Martha
Herbin, Marc
Herbst, Michael
Herdener, Marcus
Herigstad, Mari
Hering, Jan
Herisson, Fanny
Herlihy, Amy
Herman, Peter
Hermann, Derik
Hermoye, Laurent
Hernandez, Daniel
Hernandez, Larry
Hernández, Maria C. Valdés
Hernandez, Maria-Clemencia
Hernandez-Andrad, Edgar
Hernandez-Garcia, Luis
Hernández-Tamamés, J. A.
Hernández-Torres, Enedino
Hernando, Diego
Herold, Volker
Herraiz, Joaquin L.
Herrera, Sheryl L.
Herrington, John D.
Herrmann, Karl-Heinz
Herrmann, Tim
Hershberger, Ray E.
Hershey, Tamara
Hersman, F. William
Hertenstein, Anne Dorothea
Hertz-Pannier, Lucie
Hervey-Jumper, Shawn
Hervo, Patrice
Herynek, Vit
Herynek, Vít
Herzig, Stephan
Herzka, Daniel A.
Herzog, Raimund I.
Heslin, Marty
Hess, Aaron
Hess, Christopher
Hess, Michael
Hesselink, Matthijs
Hetherington, Hoby
Hetrick, William P.
Hetts, Steven
Heuer, Eric
Heule, Rahel
Hey, Silke
Heydari, Bobby
Heye, Anna K.
Hezel, Fabian
Hidalgo, Mariela
Hiepe, Patrick
Higaki, Atsushi
Higashi, Masahiro
Higgins, David M.
Higuchi, Satomi
Higuchi, Toshihiro
Hikishima, Keigo
Hilbert, Tom
Hilborne, Sarah
Hilfiker, Andres
Hill, Craig L.
Hill, Deborah K.
Hill, Susanna
Hillenbrand, Claudia M.
Hiller, Louise
Hilliard, Nicholas
Himmelreich, Uwe
Hindley, Richard
Hines, Catherine D. G.
Hinks, R. Scott
Hinrichs, Jan
Hinton, Mark
Hipko, Scott
Hippe, Daniel
Hirai, Toshinori
Hirakane, Makoto
Hirano, Shigeki
Hirano, Yoshiyuki
Hirata, Hiroshi
Hirata, Satoshi
Hiratsuka, Shinnosuke
Hirose, Masanori
Hirsch, Nuria
Hirsch, Sebastian
Hirt, Lorenz
Hitchens, T. Kevin
Hitchner, Elizabeth
Hitti, Eric
Hiwatashi, Akio
Hnilicova, Petra
Ho, Charles P.
Ho, Chien
Ho, Kung-Chu
Ho, Leon C.
Ho, Ming-Kai
Ho, Pei-Shan
Ho, Siew
Ho, Yi-Ching Lynn
Hoad, Caroline
Hoang, Duc Ha
Hoang, Dung Minh
Hoang, Uyen
Hobbs, Theodore R.
Hobusch, Gerhard
Hock, Andreas
Hockings, Paul D.
Hodges, Craig A.
Hodgkin, Charlotte
Hodgson, John
Hodneland, Erlend
Hoef, Lawrence Ver
Hoehn, Mathias
Hoehne, Marko
Hoehr, Cornelia
Hoeks, Joris
Hoelscher, Uvo C.
Hoerr, Verena
Hoetker, Andreas M.
Hoff, Benjamin A.
Hoff, Michael N.
Hoff, Uwe
Hoffmann, Christian
Hoffmann, Jens
Hoffmann, Karl-Titus
Hoffmann, Stefan H.
Hoffmann, Werner
Hoffmayer, Kurt S.
Hofheinz, Frank
Hofman, Paul A.M.
Hofmann, Eugen
Hofmann, Heinrich
Hofstaetter, Jochen G.
Hofstetter, Lorne
Hofstetter, Lorne W.
Hofstetter, Shir
Hogan, Matthew
Hoge, Richard D.
Hoge, W Scott
Hogrel, Jean-Yves
Hohage, Thorsten
Hohenwalter, Mark D.
Hojo, Masato
Holbrook, Andrew
Holdsworth, David W.
Holdsworth, Samantha
Holiga, Štefan
Holladay, Bruce
Holland, Matthew
Holland, Scott
Hollander, William
Hollingsworth, Kieren G.
Hollingsworth, Neal
Holloway, Lois
Hollowood, Tracey
Holm, Sverre
Holmes, Holly
Holmes, J. Andy
Holmes, James H.
Holmes, Nataliya
Holmes, Nathan
Holmes, William M
Holmquist, Sofi
Holodny, Andrei
Holtorf, Megan L.
Holtrop, Joseph L.
Holtzman, David
Holzner, Markus
Homann, Hanno
Homma, Akihiro
Homma, Kazuhiro
Hommel, Marc
Honarmand, Amir
Honda, Hiroshi
Honda, Manabu
Hone-Blanchet, Antoine
Honer, Michael
Honeyfield, Lesley
Hong, Ji-Hong
Hong, Jia Shen
Hong, Jin-jie
Hong, Kwan Soo
Hong, Kyungpyo
Hong, L Elliot
Hong, Nan
Hong, Suk-Joo
Hong, Suk-Min
Hong, Sun Hwa
Hong, Sungtak
Hong, Taehwa
Hong, Xiaohua
Hong, Xin
Hong, Yu-Han
Honig, Stephen
Hoogduin, Hans
Hoogendam, Jaap P.
Hooijmans, Melissa
Hooker, Jacob
Hooker, Jonathan
Hooper, Stephen
Hope, Michael Douglas
Hope, Thomas
Hope, Tuva
Hopfgarten, Christina
Hopfgartner, Andreas J.
Hoppe, Michael
Hor, Pei
Hor, Pei-Herng
Horakova, Dana
Horch, Robert Adam
Hori, Masaaki
Hori, Saeka
Horinouchi, Takashi
Horkay, Ferenc
HormuthII, David A.
Horn, Felix
Horn, Michael
Hornamand, A Reza
Horneber, Elizabeth
Hornegger, Joachim
Horng, Debra E.
Hornsey, Emma K.
Horovitz, Silvina
Horrocks, Scott A.
Horska, Alena
Horsley, Alex
Horsley, Laura
Horstmann, Annette
Hort, Joanne
Hose, Rod
Hossain, Mosaddek
Hosseini, Akram A.
Hosseini, Mohammad-Parsa
Hossu, Gabriela
Hotca, Alexandra
Hou, Bo
Hou, Bob L.
Hou, Stephanie
Hou, Zhenghua
Houde, Jean-Christophe
Houghton, Andrea
Houston, Edward J.
Houston, Gavin
Houston, J Graeme
Howarth, Andrew
Howell, Josselyn
Howell, Leonard
Howells, Henrietta
Howes, Stuart
Howison, Christine
Hoy, Andrew R.
Hoy, Luke R.
Hoyos-Idrobo, Andres
Hricak, Hedvig
Hristova, Mariya
Hrovat, Alan
Hrovat, Mirko
Hsiao, Albert
Hsiao, Steven
Hsiao, Yi-Hsiu
Hsieh, Ching-Lin
Hsieh, Jen-Chuen
Hsieh, Li-Chun
Hsieh, Meng-Chi
Hsieh, Ming-Hsien
Hsu, Ai-Ling
Hsu, Chaohsiung
Hsu, Edward
Hsu, Li-Ming
Hsu, Pi-Yu
Hsu, Wen-Chiun
Hsu, Yi-Cheng
Hsu, Yi-Chih
Hsu, Yi-Hua
Hsu, Yun-Chin
Hsu, Yung-Chin
Hu, Bob
Hu, Changwu
Hu, Chun miao
Hu, Daoyu
Hu, De E.
Hu, Houchun H.
Hu, Hsiang-Wei
Hu, Hui-Hsin
Hu, Jingzhe
Hu, Juan
Hu, Junmei
Hu, Leland S.
Hu, Lingzhi
Hu, Nan
Hu, Peng
Hu, Shan
Hu, Wei
Hu, Xiaoping
Hu, Xiaoqing
Hu, Xinyu
Hu, Yanle
Hu, Ying
Hu, Yipeng
Hu, Yong
Hu, Yuxin
Hu, Yuzheng
Hu, Zhiqiang
Hua, Jianming
Hua, Jun
Hua, Yihe
Huang, Chien-Hsiang
Huang, Chuan
Huang, Chun-Hao
Huang, Diandian
Huang, Dongjie
Huang, Eric C.
Huang, Feng
Huang, Guan-Hua
Huang, Guo-Shu
Huang, Hao
Huang, Hsaio-Hui
Huang, Hua
Huang, Jer-Shyung
Huang, Jie
Huang, Jing
Huang, Kuo-How
Huang, Kuo-Lun
Huang, Li
Huang, Li Chun
Huang, Lian
Huang, Lin-Yi
Huang, Manli
Huang, Mingming
Huang, Sheng-Min
Huang, Shiliang
Huang, Sung-Cheng
Huang, Susie Y.
Huang, Susie Yi
Huang, Teng-Yi
Huang, Wei
Huang, William
Huang, Xiaoqi
Huang, Xiaoshan
Huang, Xuemei
Huang, Yaw-Bin
Huang, Yi
Huang, Yihui
Huang, Yimei
Huang, Yining
Huang, Yu-Huei J.
Huang, Yuan
Huang, Yuexi
Huang, Yun-An
Huang, Yung-Hui
Huang, Yuqing
Hubbard, Anne
Hubbard, Penny L.
Huber, Gerhard
Huber, Kendra M.
Huber, Klaus
Huber, Laurentius
Huber, Maxime
Huddleston, Daniel
Hudetz, Anthony G.
Hudson, Judith
Hudson, Melissa
Hudson, Robert H.
Huelnhagen, Till
Hueper, Katja
Huethe, Frank
Huettner, Andrew M.
Huettner, James E.
Hugdahl, Kenneth
Hughes, Alec
Hughes, David
Hughes, Emer
Hughes, John
Hughes, Julie
Huhndorf, Monika
Hui, Edward S.
Hulette, Christine
Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, Christina A.
Hulst, Hanneke
Humbert, Frederic
Humes, David J.
Humphries, Paul
Hung, ChiaChun
Hung, Jin-Jie
Hung, Mei Lee
Hung, Pai-Chuan
Hung, Sheng-Tsai
Hung, Shih-Han
Hung, Yeung Sam
Hunter, Karl
Hunter, Sally
Hurd, Ralf E.
Hurdman, Judith
Hurley, Michael
Hurley, Samuel A.
Hurtado, Daniel
Husain, Nuzhat A.
Hussain, Hero
Hussain, Nehal
Hussain, Tarique
Hussey, Erin
Huston, John
Huston, Joseph W.
Huston III, John
Hutcheson, Nathan L.
Hutchinson, Charles
Hutchinson, Elizabeth
Hutchinson, Peter
Hutten, Ryan
Hutter, Diane
Hutter, Jana
Huttinger, Ryan
Hutton, Brian
Huttunen, Joanna K.
Huuse, Else Marie
Huwer, Stefan
Hwang, Dosik
Hwang, Jiyoung
Hwang, Ken-Pin
Hwang, Tzung-Jeng
Hwu, Hai-Go
Hwu, Hai-Gwo
Hyacinthe, Jean-Noël
Hyare, Harpreet
Hyde, James S.
Hyder, Fahmeed
Hüllebrand, Markus
Hüllner, Martin
Hylton, Nola
Hynynen, Kullervo
Hüppi, Petra
Höfflin, Jens
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Høydal, Morten A.
I-Chih, Tan
Iacconi, Chiara
Iadanza, Antonella
Ianni, Julianna
Iannotti, Giannarita
Ibanez, Carlos
Ibarrola, Danielle
Ibrahim, El-Sayed H.
Ibrahim, George M.
Ibrahim, Ibrahim
Ibrahim, Tamer
Ichijo, Katsutoshi
Ichikawa, Shintaro
Ichikawa, Tomoaki
Ide, Satoru
Ider, Yusuf Ziya
Idier, Jerome
Idiyatullin, Djaudat
Idris, Mohammed M.
Ielacqua, Giovanna Diletta
Iffrig, Elizabeth
Iidaka, Tetsuya
Iima, Mami
IJff, Dominique M.
Ikeda, Debra
Ikeda, Hitoshi
Ikenaga, Satoshi
Ikink, Marlijne Elisabeth
Iles, Andrew
Illing, Rowland
Illingworth, Chuck
Ilmoniemi, Risto J.
Iltis, Isabelle
Im, Geun Ho
Im, Kiho
Im, Yeiji
Imai, Hirohiko
Imai, Yutaka
Imam, Shaikh
Imamura, Yoshiaki
Imaz-Roncero, Carlos
Immerman, Igor
Imray, Christopher
In, Myung-Ho
Inamura, Shinya
Inanami, Osamu
Inati, Souheil
Ind, Thomas J.
Inder, Terrie E.
Infante-Duarte, Carmen
Ingle, R. Reeve
Inglese, Matilde
Inglis, Ben
Ingo, Carson
Ingrisch, Michael
Innocenti, Claudia
Ino, Kenji
Inoue, Takashi
Inoue, Tomio
Instrella, Ron
Inuggi, Alberto
Inui, Keisuke
Ioannou, Yiannis
Iordanescu, George
Iordanescu, Gheorghe
Iordanova, Bistra
Iorio, Egidio
Ipek-Ugay, Selcan
Iqbal, Zohaib
Iraji, Armin
Irarrázabal, Pablo
Ireland, Christopher
Irfanoglu, M Okan
Irungu, Benson
Irvine, Mike
Isabey, Daniel
Isaias, Ioannis
Isbrandt, Dirk
Iseki, Hiroshi
Ishi, Keiichiro
Ishihara, Daichi
Ishihara, Makiko
Ishii, Hisato
Ishii, Masaru
Ishikawa, Hironobu
Ishimura, Rieko
Ishkanian, Fazilat
Islam, Haisam
Ismail, Ozama
Ismail, Tevfik
Isoda, Haruo
Isoda, Hiroyoshi
Isogai, Jun
Isono, Sachiko
Issa, Ammar
Istvan, Vince
Itagaki, Hiroyuki
Italiaander, Michel
Itatani, Ryo
Ito, Hiroshi
Ito, Katsuyoshi
Ito, Kenji
Ito, Kosuke
Ito, Takayuki
Itoh, Toshio
Ittermann, Bernd
Ittyerah, Ranjit
Ivancevic, Marko
Ivanov, Dimo
Ivarsson, Tord
Ives, John R.
Iwadate, Yuji
Iwamoto, Seiji
Iwamoto, Shigeto
Iwasaki, Kenyu
Iwata, Hiroo
Iwata, Kathryn
Iyer, Srikant Kamesh
Izadpanah, Kaywan
Izquierdo-Garcia, David
Izquierdo-Garcia, Jose L.
Jablonowki, Robert
Jablonska, Magdalena
Jack, Clifford R.
Jack, Sandy
Jack Jr., Clifford R.
Jackman, Sarah
Jackman, Warren M.
Jackowski, Marcel P.
Jackson, Alan
Jackson, Edward F.
Jackson, Graeme
Jackson, Greg
Jackson, Kimberly
Jackson, Laurence
Jackson, Liz
Jacob, Desmond
Jacob, Mathews
Jacobs, Igor
Jacobs, Michael A.
Jacobs, Russell
Jacobson, Steven
Jacoby, Christoph
Jacquemyn, Yves
Jacquier, Alexis
Jaeggi, Edgar
Jafar, Maysam
Jafari-Khouzani, Kourosh
Jaffray, David
Jagadeesan, Bharathi
Jagannathan, Naranamangalam R.
Jager, Rolf H.
Jahan, Reza
Jahani, Jeiran
Jahanian, Hesamoddin
Jahng, Geon-Ho
Jaillard, Assia
Jain, Divya
Jain, Rajan
Jain, Rakesh K.
Jain, Varsha
Jais, Pierre
Jajamovich, Guido Hugo
Jakacki, Regina
Jakary, Angela
Jakob, Peter
Jakoby, Björn W.
Jalilian, Farhang F.
Jambawalikar, Sachin
Jambor, Ivan
James, Anthony
James, C. David
James, Judy R.
Jameson, Charles
Jamin, Yann
Jan, Hengtai
Jan, Ning-Juan
Jang, Albert
Jang, Hyungseok
Jang, Jinhee
Jang, Jinseong
Jang, Kyung Eun
Jang, Kyung Mi
Jang, Mijung
Jang, Moon Sun
Jang, Moon-Sun
Jang, Taichang
Jang, Yun-Jin
Janich, Martin A.
Janiczek, Robert L.
Janke, Andrew
Janke, Jutta
Jankowitz, Rachel C.
Jann, Kay
Jannin, Sami
Janowski, Miroslaw
Jansen, Cees F.J.
Jansen, Diane
Jansen, Jacobus
Jansen, Jacobus F.A.
Jansen, Olav
Jansma, Bernadette
Janssen, Barbara
Janssen, Henk
Janssens, Sharon
Jao, Terrence R.
Jarjour, Nizar N.
Jarman, Joshua J.
Jarman, Joshua P.
Jarosz, Jozef
Jarrett, Michael
Jarvis, Kelly
Jaschke, Werner
Jasinski, Krzysztof
Jaspan, T.
Javid, Samad
Jaw, Twei-Shiun
Jawad, Abbas F.
Jayapalan, Manivannan
Jayasundar, Rama
Jayatilake, Mohan
Jayson, Gordon
Jbabdi, Saad
Jeannie, Cheong LY
Jech, Robert
Jeffree, Rosalind Lindy
Jehna, Margit
Jelenik, Tomas
Jella, Pavan Kumar
Jellus, Vladimir
Jellúš, Vladimír
Jen, Kuang-Yu
Jen, Mu-Lan
Jenabi, Mehrnaz
Jenkinson, Mark
Jenniskens, Sjoerd FM
Jensen, Andres
Jensen, Jens H.
Jensen, Jensen H.
Jensen, Pernille R.
Jensen, Rasmus R.
Jeon, Eun-Young
Jeon, Ju Hyeon
Jeon, Pyoung
Jeon, Tina
Jeong, Daniel
Jeong, Dayae
Jeong, Eun-Kee
Jeong, Gwang-Woo
Jeong, Ha-Kyu
Jeong, Hye-Jin
Jeong, Hyun-Jeong
Jeong, Jeong-Won
Jeong, Joon-Sup
Jeong, Kyle
Jeong, Woo Chul
Jereczek-Fossa, Barbara A.
Jerome, Neil P.
Jerschow, Alexej
Jesmanowicz, Andrzej
Jespersen, Sune N.
Jeukens, Cécile
Jeurissen, Ben
Jewells, Valerie
Jezzard, Peter
Jhang, Syue-Yu
Jhaveri, Kartik S.
Jhaveri, Komal
Ji, Bing
Ji, Jim Xiuquan
Ji, Qing
Ji, Xunming
Jia, Baixue
Jia, Feng
Jia, Guang
Jia, Hao
Jia, Lu
Jia, Yanglong
Jia, Zhiyun
Jia-hui, LI
Jian, Yang
Jiang, Caroline S.
Jiang, Chunxiang
Jiang, Dengrong
Jiang, Haoxiang
Jiang, Hongwei
Jiang, Ian
Jiang, Jindai
Jiang, Jing-Jing
Jiang, Kai
Jiang, Ke
Jiang, Lihong
Jiang, Limiao
Jiang, Longzhi
Jiang, Lu
Jiang, Ri-Feng
Jiang, Shu-Fen
Jiang, Tianzi
Jiang, Wei-Jian
Jiang, Wenwen
Jiang, Xiuyuan
Jiang, Xu
Jiang, Xuexiang
Jiang, Yue-Ming
Jiang, Yulei
Jiang, Yun
Jiang, Zhao
Jiao, Sen
Jiao, Yun
Jie, Gao
Jiménez, Beatriz
Jin, Changfeng
Jin, Chenwang
Jin, Erlei
Jin, Eunsook
Jin, Jin
Jin, Jiyang
Jin, Moonsoo
Jin, Ning
Jin, Seong-Uk
Jin, Tao
Jin, Zhaoyang
Jin, Zhengyu
Jingyun, Wu
Jirak, Daniel
Jirák, Daniel
Jirholt, Johan
Jirik, Radovan
Jiru, Filip
Jissendi, Patrice
Jo, Hang Joon
Jo, Jun-ichiro
Job, Constantin
Job, Dominic E.
Jobe, Alan H.
Jobst, Bertram
Jochimsen, Thies H.
Jochym, Pawel T.
Jodoin, Pierre-Marc
Joe, Bonnie
Joe, Eun-Hae
Joe, Eunhae
Joel, Suresh E.
Jog, Amod
Jog, Mayank
Johansen-Berg, Heidi
Johansson, Lars
Johayem, Anass
Johnson, Aaron J.
Johnson, Aime
Johnson, Callen
Johnson, Casey P.
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Curtis L.
Johnson, Ethan M.
Johnson, G. Allan
Johnson, Glyn
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Peter S.
Johnson, Sean P.
Johnson, Sterling C.
Johnson, Thomas W.
Johnston, Leigh A.
Johnston, Megan E.
Johnston, Michael V.
Johnstone, Robert
Johst, Sören
Jolly, Douglas
Jolly, Marie-Pierre
Jonas, Eduard
Jonckers, Elisabeth
Jones, Chris
Jones, Craig
Jones, Derek
Jones, Edward C.
Jones, Ella
Jones, John
Jones, Kyle M.
Jones, Richard A.
Jones, Stephen E.
Jones, Terence
Jones, Warren
Jonkman, Laura
Joo, Bio
Joo, Ijin
Jordan, Benedicte F.
Jordan, Caroline D.
Jordan, David W.
Jordan, Kesshi
Jordan, Lori
Jordan, Veronica Clavijo
Jordanova, Kalina V.
Jorge, Joao
Josan, Sonal
José, Marques P.
Joseph, Gabby
Joseph, Matthew
Joseph, Wout
Josephs, Oliver
Joshi, Anand
Joshi, Biswas
Joshi, Rohit
Jou, Tiffany
Joubert, Ilse
Joudiou, Nicolas
Jouet, Pauline
Jovicich, Jorge
Joy, David
Joyce, Eimear Ann
Joyner, Alexandra L.
Jr, Abraham Padua
Jr, Francisco Donato
Ju, Shenghong
Juan, Chun-Jung
Juchem, Christoph
Juchems, Markus
Jucker, Beat
Jue, Thomas
Juge, Lauriane
Juhasz, Csaba
Juhasz, Kolman
Julià-Sapé, Margarida
Juliano, Sharon
Jun, Hua
Jun, Xin
Junck, Larry R.
Jung, Bernd
Jung, Da Jung
Jung, Jin-Young
Jung, Ki-Hye
Jung, Mi Sook
Jung, Paul
Jung, So Lyung
Jung, So-Lyung
Jung, Won Beom
Jung, Yeon Sung
Jung, Youngkyoo
Jungraithmayr, Wolfgang
Jupp, Bianca
Juras, Vladimir
Juresic, Ewa
Just, Nathalie
Juto, Jan-Erik
Juttukonda, Meher
Jönsson, Lars
Kaaouana, Takoua
Kaarmann, Nina
Kabasawa, Hiroyuki
Kabayashi, Michiko
Kabbasch, Christoph
Kadayakkara, Deepak
Kadbi, Mo
Kaden, Enrico
Kadlececk, Stephen
Kadoya, Masumi
Kageji, Teruyoshi
Kaggie, Joshua
Kahn, Rene S.
Kahn, Sarah
Kahn, Thomas
Kaichi, Yoko
Kainz, Wolfgang
Kaiser, Jarred M.
Kaiser, Jeffrey
Kaji, Tatsumi
Kajihara, Nao
Kajitani, Tsutomu
Kaka, Shwan
Kakar, Puneet
Kakeda, Shingo
Kakegawa, Takashi
Kakkad, Samata
Kakkar, Lebina Shrestha
Kalavagunta, Chaitanya
Kalaycian, Raffi
Kalb, Bobby
Kalcher, Klaudius
Kaldis, Philipp
Kali, Avinash
Kalin, Ned H.
Kalinowska, Aleksandra
Kalinski, Pawel
Kalisch, Tobias
Kalita, Katarzyna
Kallai, Ilan
Kallapur, Suhas G.
Kallehauge, Jesper Folsted
Kallenberg, Kai
Kalloo, Aadi
Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree
Kalt, Gabriela
Kam, Yoonseok
Kamagata, Koji
Kamata, Mitsukazu
Kamberger, Robert
Kamel, Ihab
Kamiya, Kohei
Kamiya, Kouhei
Kammerer, Jean-Baptiste
Kampf, Thomas
Kamson, David O.
Kan, Enci Mary
Kan, Hermien
Kan, Hirohito
Kanagaki, Mitsunori
Kanakia, Shruti
Kanal, Emanuel
Kanao, Shotaro
Kanata, Naoki
Kanazawa, Takashi
Kanda, Yumiko
Kandala, Sampath Telikicherla
Kandasamy, Sivakumar
Kandel, Benjamin
Kaneda, Takashi
Kaneko, Jun
Kaneko, Yasuhito
Kaneko, Yukio
Kanfi, Shani
Kang, Daehun
Kang, Daniel W.
Kang, Hakmook
Kang, Hochul
Kang, James
Kang, Jian
Kang, Jongeun
Kang, Liyi
Kang, Min-Kyoung
Kang, Shih-Tsung
Kangarlu, Alayar
Kanhere, Nikhil
Kanki, Akihiko
Kannengiesser, Stephan
Kansagra, Akash P.
Kansal, Preeti
Kantak, Pranish
Kanwischer, Adriana
Kanzaki, Suzu
Kao, Hung-Wen
Kao, Jennifer
Kao, Yu-Chieh Jill
Kapetanakis, Andrew
Kaplan, Richard
Kappelle, Jaap
Kappelle, L. J.
Kappos, Ludwig
Kaprealian, Tania
Kapur, Payal
Kapur, Tina
Kara, Firat
Karahanoglu, F. Isik
Karaman, M. Muge
Karampinos, Dimitrios
Karczmar, Gregory S.
Kardatzki, Bernd
Kardoulaki, E. M.
Karimi, Hirad
Karimi, Shima
Karimpoor, Mahta
Karis, John P.
Kariyasu, Toshiya
Karl, Anke
Karlsson, Anette
Karlsson, Magnus
Karmonik, Christof
Karner, Manuela
Karpuk, Sergei
Karul, Murat
Karunanayaka, Prasanna
Kasahara, Kazumi
Kasenburg, Niklas
Kashiwagi, Yuuto
Kasibhatla, Rakesh
Kasparov, Sergey
Kasper, Lars
Kaspick, Steven
Kassai, Masamori
Kassai, Yoshimori
Kassar, Zaid
Kassay, Akram
Kassner, Andrea
Kasten, Jeffrey Adam
Kataoka, Kazunori
Kataoka, Masako
Kataoka, Tatsuki
Katayama, Motoyuki
Kate, Mahesh
Kato, Masaru
Kato, Roberta
Kato, Yoshinori
Katoh, Tsutomu
Katrien, Vandoorne
Katsaros, Vasileios K.
Katsarou, Agapi
Katscher, Ulrich
Katschnig-Winter, Petra
Katsikatsos, Giorgos
Katsuki, Asuka
Katsumata, Yasutomo
Katsura, Masaki
Katz, Seth
Katz-Brull, Rachel
Kau, Thomas
Kaufman, David
Kaufmann, Joern
Kaulisch, Thomas
Kaur, Prabhjot
Kaur, Tanzeer
Kaushik, Sandeep
Kaushik, Suryanarayanan S.
Kavanagh, Eoin
Kawabata, Yoshihiko
Kawadler, Jamie M.
Kawaguchi, Atsushi
Kawaguchi, Hiroshi
Kawahara, Seiya
Kawai, Kenji
Kawai, Makiko
Kawai, Yuko
Kawaji, Keigo
Kawakami, Fumi
Kawamitsu, Hideaki
Kawamura, Junko
Kawano, Go
Kawashima, Akira
Kawashima, Shinya
Kay, Richard
Kaye, Jeffrey A.
Kaye, Stan
Kayvanrad, Mohammad
Kaza, Evangelia
Kazan, Samira
Kazem, Mohamed
Kazerooni, Anahita Fathi
Kazmierczak, Philipp Maximilian
Kazumata, Ken
Keall, Paul
Kearney, Hugh
Kearney, Leighton
Keating, Brian
Kechagias, Stergios
Kechris, Katerina J.
Kecskemeti, Steven
Keebler, Molly
Keefe, Stephen
Keegan, Jennifer
Keenan, Caroline D.
Keenan, Kathryn E.
Keenan, Kelly
Keene, Kimberly
Keil, Boris
Keilberg, Petra
Keilholz, Shella
Keith, Graeme A.
Keizer, Henk
Kellawan, J. Mikhail
Kelleher, Shannon
Keller, Brad
Keller, Margaret A.
Keller, Marianne D.
Keller, Sarah
Keller, Simon Sean
Kelley, Douglas A. C.
Kellman, Peter
Kellner, Elias
Kells, Adrian
Kelly, Claire E.
Kelly, Kevin T.
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Thomas
Kelm, Nathaniel D.
Kemp, Graham J.
Kemper, Valentin G.
Kendall, Giles
Kendrick, Keith Maurice
Kendrick, Michael
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, John
Kennerley, Aneurin
Kenning, Lawrence
Kenny, Gavin
Kent, Jerillyn S.
Kentgens, Arno
Kenton, Nathaniel
Kenyhercz, William
Keough, Michael B.
Kerbel, Robert
Kerl, Hans Ulrich
Kermeen, Fiona
Kerr, Adam
Kerr, Simon
Kersemans, Veerle
Kershaw, Jeff
Kershaw, Lucy E.
Kersten, M. Elias
Kerwin, William
Keserci, Bilgin
Keshari, Kayvan R.
Kessels, Alfons G.H.
Ketharnath, Dhivya
Kettenmann, Helmut
Kettler, Mark
Kettritz, Ralph
Kettunen, Mikko
Keupp, Jochen
Kfoury, Abdallah
Khalifa, Ayman M.
Khalifé, Maya
Khalighi, Mehdi
Khalighi, Mohammad Mehdi
Khalilzad-Shargi, Vahid
Khalpey, Zain
Khan, Ahmad Raza
Khan, Ali R.
Khan, Altaf
Khan, Imad S.
Khan, Khayam
Khan, Muhammad Ayaz
Khan, Nematullah
Khan, Rihan
Khan, Sarah N.
Khan, Wasim
Kharbanda, Raj K.
Khariwala, Samir S.
Khatamian, Yasha
Khatib, Dalal
Khlebnikov, Vitaliy
Khokhar, Kashif
Kholmovski, Eugene
Khoo, ChinMeng
Khoo, Eric Yin Hao
Khoo, Michael C.K.
Khosa, Faisal
Khramstov, Valery
Khurana, Sandeep
Khushu, Subash
Kia, Elahe
Kiang, Karrie Mei-Yee
Kichikawa, Kimihiko
Kickhefel, Antje
Kida, Ikuhiro
Kida, Katsuhiro
Kidane, Tesfaye
Kido, Aki
Kido, Ayumu
Kidwell, Chelsea S.
Kiefer, Berthold
Kieffer, Brigitte
Kiely, David
Kiely, Deirdre
Kieslich, Matthias
Kihlberg, Johan
Kijowski, Richard
Kikuchi, Kazufumi
Kilgas, Phillip
Kiliaan, Amanda J.
Killestein, Joep
Kilner, Philip
Kilroy, Emily
Kilsdonk, Iris D.
Kim, Bohyoung
Kim, Bom-yi
Kim, Bum-soo
Kim, Byung-joon
Kim, Byungmok
Kim, Chang
Kim, Cho Rong
Kim, Chorong
Kim, Daehong
Kim, Daeun
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Do Young
Kim, Dong Joon
Kim, Dong-Hyun
Kim, Eugene
Kim, Eui Jong
Kim, Eun Ju
Kim, Eun-Hee
Kim, Eun-Kyung
Kim, Eung Yeop
Kim, Eunju
Kim, Gab Chul
Kim, Gwang-Won
Kim, Hee Joon
Kim, Hee Kyung
Kim, Hee-Kyung
Kim, Ho Sung
Kim, Hwi-Yool
Kim, Hye Jung
Kim, Hyeonjin
Kim, Hyug-Gi
Kim, Hyun-joo
Kim, Hyung
Kim, Hyung Joong
Kim, Hyung-Jin
Kim, Hyunju
Kim, Hyunki
Kim, In Seong
Kim, InSeong
Kim, Insoo
Kim, Jae Hun
Kim, Jae K.
Kim, Jae-Woong
Kim, Jeong Kon
Kim, Ji Young
Kim, Jin Ah
Kim, Jinsuh
Kim, Jiwon
Kim, Joo Hee
Kim, Joong Hee
Kim, Joshua
Kim, Jung Hwan
Kim, Junseok
Kim, Keon Ha
Kim, Kyeong Ah
Kim, Kyeong Min
Kim, Kyoung Nam
Kim, Kyoung-Nam
Kim, Mimi S.
Kim, Min Jung
Kim, Min-Jung
Kim, Min-Oh
Kim, Mina
Kim, Myeong-Jin
Kim, Pan-Ki
Kim, Paul J.
Kim, Sang Jun
Kim, Sang-Young
Kim, Se Hoon
Kim, See Hyung
Kim, Seong Hyun
Kim, Seong-Eun
Kim, Seong-Gi
Kim, Soo-Yeon
Kim, Soyeon
Kim, Suhkmann
Kim, Suk Jae
Kim, Sun Mi
Kim, Sun Yong
Kim, Sung June
Kim, Sungheon
Kim, Sungjun
Kim, Tae
Kim, Tae-Hoon
Kim, Tae-Jeong
Kim, Taeho
Kim, Yaena
Kim, Yang-Tae
Kim, Yeo-Eun
Kim, Yi Kyung
Kim, Yoon-Chul
Kim, Young Kon
Kim, Young Ro
Kim, Young-Bo
Kim, Young-sun
Kimberly, William T.
Kimbrell, Vera
Kimmlingen, Ralph M.
Kimura, Fumiko
Kimura, Hirohiko
Kimura, Kazunari
Kimura, Tokunori
Kinchesh, Paul
Kindgen, Sarah
King, Andrew
King, Ann D.
King, Kevin F.
King, Michael
King, Sarah L.
King, Scott B.
Kingsley, Peter B.
Kinkel, R.P.
Kinkel, Revere Philip
Kinoshita, Manabu
Kinoshita, Toshibumi
Kipfelsberger, Monika Christina
Kipfer, Hal D.
Kirby, Miranda
Kirchner, Thomas
Kirkham, Alex
Kirkham, Fenella J.
Kirov, Ivan
Kirpensteijn, Jolle
Kirsch, Stefan
Kiruluta, Andrew JM
Kiryati, Nahum
Kiselev, Valerij G.
Kishimoto, Riwa
Kishimoto, Shun
Kissinger, Kraig V.
Kister, Ilya
Kitagaki, Hajime
Kitaguchi, Hitoshi
Kitajima, Kazuhiro
Kitajima, Mika
Kitamura, Narufumi
Kitchen, Jason
Kitou, Yoshihiro
Kittivittayakul, Switt
Kitzler, Hagen
Kitzler, Hagen H.
Kiyama, Sachiko
Kizaki, Yuuki
Kjems, Jørgen
Kjorstad, Asmund
Kjørstad, Åsmund
Klaassen, R.
Klarhöfer, Markus
Klassen, Rosemary
Klatt, Dieter
Klaver, Peter
Klaver, Roel
Klawiter, Eric
Kleesiek, Jens
Klein, Andrew
Klein, Charlotte
Klein, Denise
Klein, Michael
Klein, S.
Klein, Saskia
Klein, Stefan
Kleinloog, Rachel
Klibanski, Anne
Kliewer, Mark A.
Klijn, C. J.M.
Klika, Karel D.
Klimas, Michael
Klimes, Iwar
Klin, Ami
Kline, Richard
Klix, Sabrina
Klockenkemper, Samuel W.
Klohs, Jan
Klomp, Dennis
Klose, Uwe
Klotz, Laurence
Klömpken, Steffen
Klöppel, Stefan
Knake, Susanne
Knapp, Karen
Knapp, Stacey
Knebel, Fabian
Kneeland, J. Bruce
Kniemeyer, Horst-Wilhelm
Knight, Daniel Steven
Knight, David C.
Knight-Greenfield, Ashley
Knight-Scott, Jack
Knirsch, Walter
Knobloch, Verena
Knol, Dirk
Knoll, Florian
Knopman, David S.
Knopp, Michael V.
Knutsen, Andrew
Knutsson, Hans
Knutsson, Linda
Knyazeva, Maria G.
Ko, Bookyung
Ko, Cheng-Wen
Ko, Guen Bae
Ko, In ok
Ko, Yu-Ting
Koay, Chen Guan
Koay, Cheng Guan
Kobayashi, Kuninori
Kobayashi, Michiko
Kobayashi, Naoharu
Kobayashi, Satoshi
Kobayashi, Tetsuo
Kober, Franck
Kober, Tobias
Kobes, Joseph E.
Kobus, Thiele
Kocevar, Gabriel
Koch, Giacomo
Koch, Kevin
Kochunov, Peter
Kocian, Roman
Kocsis, Pál
Koda, Shuichi
Kodibagkar, Vikram
Kodiweera, Chandana
Koegl-Wallner, Mariella
Koellisch, Ulrich
Koelsch, Bertram L.
Koenig, Katherine
Koenig, Thomas
Koesters, Thomas
Koetz, Kristin
Kofahl, Anna-Lisa
Koff, Matthew F.
Kogan, Feliks
Koh, Chia-Lin
Koh, Dow-Mu
Koh, Jun Seok
Koh, Tong San
Kohama, Steven G.
Kohi, Maureen
Kohl, Peter
Kohl, Waldemar
Kohler, Max
Kohlschmitt, Robert
Kohn, Orly
Kokabi, Nima
Koken, Peter
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
Kokuryo, Daisuke
Kolandaivelu, Aravindan
Kolb, Rupert
Kolbitsch, Christoph
Koliaki, Chrysi
Kolind, Shannon
Kolipaka, Arunark
Kolkovsky, Alfredo Liubomir Lopez
Kollasch, Peter
Kollefrath, Anna
Koller, Brigitte M.
Koller, Chris
Kollewe, Katja
Kolli, K. Pallav
Kollias, Spyros
Komai, Yutaka
Komaki, Yuji
Komarlu, Rukmini
Komi, Masanori
Komishke, Bailey
Komlosh, Michal
Konar, Amaresha Shridhar
Kondo, Norihiro
Kondoh, Yasushi
Kondziolka, Douglas
Konety, Badrinath
Kong, Lan
Koniar, Brenda
Konin, Gabrielle P.
Koning, Wouter
Kono, Atsushi K.
Konofagou, Elisa E.
Konrad, Carsten
Konrad, Kerstin
Konstan, Michael W.
Konstandin, Simon
Kontos, Despina
Kooi, Eline
Kooi, Eline ME
Kooi, Marianne Eline
Kooijman, Hendrik
Koonjoo, Neha
Koopmann, Matthias
Koopmans, Peter
Koopmeiners, Joseph S.
Kopanoglu, Emre
Kopeinigg, Daniel
Koptyug, Igor V.
Korangath, Preethi
Koren, Gideon
Korenic, Stephanie
Koretsky, Alan
Korn, Matthias
Korn, Natalie
Kornak, John
Kornienko, Valeriy
Korogi, Yukunori
Korosec, Frank
Korporaal, Johannes G.
Korte, James
Korteweg, Mies A.
Korvink, Jan
Korzeniewski, S.J.
Korzowski, Andreas
Kos, Sebastian
Kosaka, Nobuyuki
Koschutnig, Karl
Kose, Katsumi
Kostic, Vladimir S.
Kostis, William J.
Kosugi, Takashi
Kotamraju, Venkata R.
Kotecha, Mrignayani
Kotek, G.
Kotek, Jan
Kotrotsou, Aikaterini
Kottman, Matt
Kotzka, Jörg
Kou, Zhifeng
Kouji, Takahiro
Koundal, Sunil
Kousi, Evanthia
Koutcher, Jason A.
Koutraki, Georgia
Kovanlikaya, Arzu
Kovanlikaya, Ilhami
Kovanlikaya, Wen zhen ZhuIIhami
Kovner, Rothem
Kovtunov, Kirill V.
Kowalik, Grzegorz
Kox, Stefanie
Koyama, Atsuhisa
Koyama, Hisanobu
Koyasu, Sho
Kozai, Takashi
Kozawa, Eito
Kozerke, Sebastian
Kozlov, Mikhail
Kozlowski, Piotr
Kraemer, Nils
Kraemer, Thomas
Kraff, Oliver
Krafft, Axel Joachim
Kraft, Monica
Kraft, Robert A.
Krainik, A.
Kraitchman, Dara
Kramer, Christopher M.
Kramer, Harald
Kramer, Robert
Kramer, Ulrich
Kramme, Johanna
Krasensky, Jan
Kratochvíla, Jirí
Kraus, Dennis
Kraus, Oliver
Krause, Benjamin W.
Krawiecki, Jacqueline
Krebs, Michael
Krebs, Nikolaus
Kreig, Thomas
Kreinest, Michael
Kreis, Roland
Kreitner, Karl Friedrich
Kremechutzky, Marcelo
Kremenchutzky, Marcelo
Kremser, Christian
Krestin, Gabriel P.
Kretzschmar, Martin
Kreutner, Jakob
Krieg, Thomas
Krieger, Steffen N.
Kriegeskorte, Nikolaus
Kriegl, Roberta
Krieter, Oliver
Krishna, Murali
Krishnamachary, Balaji
Krishnamurthy, Lisa C.
Krishnamurthy, Narayan
Krishnamurthy, Narayanan
Krishnamurthy, Uday
Krishnamurthy, Venkatagiri
Krishnamurthy, Venkatesh
Krishnan, Anuradha
Krishnaswamy, Rupa
Kristensen, Martin Colliander
Krittayaphong, Rungroj
Kriz, Jan
Krizan, Jiri
Kroeker, Randall
Kroenke, Christopher D.
Kroeze, Hugo
Krohn, Marit
Krongold, Mark
Kroop, Susan F.
Krssak, Martin
Kruchevsky, Natalia
Krueger, Frank
Krueger, G.
Krueger, Paul
Krug, Roland
Kruger, Stanley J.
Kruggel, Frithjof
Kruit, Mark C.
Krull, Kevin R.
Krum, Tiana
Krumbein, Ines
Krumpolec, Patrik
Krupa, James Lee
Krupinski, Elizabeth A.
Kruse, Scott
Krustrup, Peter
Krzyzanowska, Agi
Krägeloh-Mann, Ingeborg
Krämer, Martin
Krämer, Nils A.
Krämer, Philipp
Ku, Min-Chi
Kubach, Miriam Rabea
Kubal, Wayne
Kubala, Eugen
Kubassova, Olga
Kucejova, Blanka
Kuceyeski, Amy
Kucharczyk, Walter
Kuchinsky, Kyle
Kuchling, Joseph
Kuder, Tristan
Kudo, Kohsuke
Kuehn, Simone
Kuehne, Andre
Kugel, Harald
Kugel, Jennifer
Kuhara, Shigehide
Kuhl, Christiane
Kuhlmann, Michael
Kuhn, Felix
Kuijer, Joost
Kukach, Miriam Rabea
Kukuk, Markus
Kukurova, Ivica Just
Kukurová, Ivica Just
Kulikova, Sofya
Kulkarni, Mangesh
Kullberg, Joel
Kullmann, Walter H.
Kumagai, Fumitaka
Kumagai, Hiroshi
Kumamoto, Etsuko
Kumar, Anand
Kumar, B.S. Hemanth
Kumar, Deepak
Kumar, Dushyant
Kumar, M Jerald Mahesh
Kumar, Manoj
Kumar, Pawan
Kumar, Prithvi Shiva
Kumar, Rajeev
Kumar, Rajesh
Kumaragamage, Chathura
Kumaran, S. Senthil
Kumaran, Senthil
Kumari, Archana
Kumazawa, Seiji
Kumita, Shinichiro
Kundu, Prantik
Kuniharu, Oka
Kunimatsu, Akira
Kunimi, Mitsunobu
Kunitomi, Yuuki
Kunkel, Tina
Kunnen, Britt
Kuno, Hirofumi
Kunz, Nicolas
Kunz, Patrick
Kuo, Anderson Houyun
Kuo, Chen-Yuan
Kuo, Duen-Pang
Kuo, Li-Wei
Kuo, Phillip H.
Kupelian, Patrick
Kuperman, Joshua
Kuplicki, Rayus
Kupriyanov, Dmitry
Kurdiová, Timea
Kurhanewicz, John
Kuribayashi, Hideto
Kuribayashi, Sachio
Kurita, Tomoka
Kurniawan, Nyoman
Kuroda, Kagayaki
Kuroda, Yoshiaki
Kurozumi, Masahiro
Kurtzberg, Joanne
Kuru, Timur H.
Kuruvilla, Sujith
Kurz, Felix Tobias
Kurzendorfer, Tanja
Kurzhunov, Dmitry
Kusagiri, Koki
Kusahara, Hiroshi
Kusanagi, Shunsuke
Kushner, David
Kuster, Niels
Kuster, Pascal
Kutsumi, Hiromu
Kuzma, Nicholas N.
Kvernby, S.
Kvernby, Sofia
Kwak, Semin
Kwee, Thomas
Kwok, Ka-Wai
Kwok, Wingchi Edmund
Kwon, Jeongmin
Kwon, Kie Tae
Kwon, Oh In
Kwon, Seongtae
Kwong, Jessica
Kyathanahally, Sreenath Pruthviraj
Kyei, Kwame
Kühn, Simone
Künnecke, Basil
Kyotani, Katsusuke
Kyriazi, Stavroula
Kyriazis, Angelos
Küstermann, Ekkehard
Küstner, Thomas
Kåresen, Rolf
Kähkönen, Esa
Köcher, Simone
Kögler, Carsten
Köhn, Claudia
Köllisch, Ulrich
Köstler, Herbert
Labadie, Christian
Labelle, Hubert
Lacerda, Luis
Ladd, Mark E.
Ladner, Travis R.
Ladwig, Mechthild
Lafaye, Pierre
Lafleur, Scott R.
Lafontaine, Denis
Laforêt, Pascal
LaFrance, Stephanie J.
Lagadec, Matthieu
Laganà, Maria Marcella
Lagemaat, Miriam W.
Lagendijk, Jan
Lagerstrand, Kerstin
Lahna, David L.
Lahrech, Hana
Lahti, Adrienne C.
Lai, Alice B.
Lai, Chih-Ching
Lai, Hsin-Yi
Lai, Jia-Chin Wade
Lai, Marta
Lai, Nicola
Lai, Peng
Lai, Ping-Hong
Lai, Po-Hsiang
Lai, Stephen Y.
Lai, Yongchuan
Lai, Youzhi
Lai, Yunyao
Laidlaw, David H.
Lainhart, Janet
Lairez, Olivier
Laistler, Elmar
Laitinen, Teemu
Lajoie, Isabelle
Lajous, Hélène
Lake, David
Lake, David S.
Lakhotia, Subhash C.
Lakshmanan, Karthik
Lalande, Alain
Lally, Peter J.
Lalush, David
Lalys, Florent
Lam, Adrian
Lam, Ching
Lam, Fan
Lam, Mie Kee
Lam, Shing Chun Benny
Lam, Wang
Lam, Wilfred
Lam, Wilfred W.
Lamalle, L.
Lamalle, Laurent
Lamanna, Jason
Lamar, Melissa
Lamb, Hildo J.
Lamb, Peter
Lambert, Brenda
Lambert, Matthew
Lambert, Simon
Lamerichs, Rolf
Lamers, Luke J.
Lamichhane, Santosh
Lammentausta, Eveliina
Lammertsma, Adriaan A.
Lampinen, Björn
Lan, Hanchao
Lan, Tsuo-Hung
Lanagan, Michael
Lancaster, Jack L.
Lancaster, Luke
Landau, Heather
Landheer, Karl
Landini, Luigi
Landman, Bennett A.
Landow, Alec
Landtblom, Anne-Marie
Laney, Nina
Lanfermann, Heinrich
Lang, Ning
Langer, Robert
Langguth, Peter
Langham, Michael C.
Langhammer, Romy
Langkammer, Christian
Langley, Jason
Langlois, Jean-Baptiste
Langner, Soenke
Langseth, Karina
Lanier, J. Matthew
Lanier, Matthew
Lansdown, Andrew
Lansdown, Drew
Lanz, Bernard
Lanz, Titus
Lanza, Gregory
Lanzardo, Stefania
Lao, Yi
LaPierre, Cristen D.
Larkin, James R.
Larkin, Timothy
Larrat, Benoit
Larry, Cai
Larsen, Rasmus
Larsen, Ryan J.
Larson, Andrew
Larson, Paul
Larson, Peder
Larsson, Christopher
Larsson, Elna-Marie
Larsson, Henrik BW
Lascialfari, Alessandro
Lascola, Chris
Lasic, Samo
Lassau, Nathalie
Lassmann, Hans
Latal, Beatrice
Latifoltojar, Arash
Latson, Larry
Lattanzi, Riccardo
Lau, Angus Z.
Lau, Condon
Lau, Joanne
Lau, Justin Y. C.
Lau, Peter
Laub, Gerhard
Lauenstein, Thomas C.
Lauermann, Peer
Laule, Cornelia
Laun, Frederik
Launer, Lenore J.
Lauper, Josiane
Laurent, Sophie
Lauro, Peter
Laustsen, Christoffer
Lautenschlager, Nicola T.
Lauze, François
Lauzon, M. Louis
Lavallée, Mariette
Lavin, Begona
Lavini, Cristina
Laviola, Giovanni
LaViolette, Peter S.
Lavrova, Oxana
Law, Benjamin King Hong
Law, Christine
Law, Meng
Lawless, Richard
Lawrence, Natalia
Lawrence, Theodore S.
Lawrenz, Marco
Lawton, Michael T.
Layec, Gwenael
Laymon, Charles M.
Layton, Kelvin J.
Lazar, Mariana
Lazarus, Cathy
Lazeron, Richard HC
Lazeyras, François
Lazich, Ivana
Lazovic, Jelena
Le, Jesse
Le, Yuan
Le Deley, Aurelie
Le Louër, Julien
Leach, M. O.
Leahy, Richard
Leapman, Richard
Leavitt, Mark
Lebedeva, Irina
Lebel, Robert Marc
Lebois, Alice
Lebron-Zapata, Lizza
Leclerc, Xavier
Lecocq, Angèle
Lecoeur, Jérémy
Lecommandoux, Sebastien
Lederman, Robert J.
Ledger, Araminta E. W.
Ledig, Christian
Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste
Ledwig, Michael
Lee, Byeong-Yeul
Lee, Casey Y.
Lee, Chanhee
Lee, Chih-Wei
Lee, Choong Heon
Lee, Chulhyun
Lee, Da Hye
Lee, Daniel
Lee, Daniel C.
Lee, Daniel Y.
Lee, Danny Kyejun
Lee, Do-Wan
Lee, Dong Ho
Lee, Dong-Wook
Lee, Dongwook
Lee, Esak
Lee, Estee
Lee, Gang Ho
Lee, Gangchea
Lee, Gregory
Lee, Han-Sol
Lee, Hansol
Lee, Hedok
Lee, Herng-Sheng
Lee, Ho Yun
Lee, Hong-Hsi
Lee, Hongpyo
Lee, Hoonjae
Lee, Hsu-Lei
Lee, Hui Joong
Lee, Hung-Maan
Lee, Hye-Jeong
Lee, Hyo Min
Lee, Hyunyeol
Lee, Jae Sung
Lee, Jae-Seung
Lee, Jaehyuk
Lee, Jean
Lee, Jeong Min
Lee, Ji Young
Lee, Jihyun
Lee, Jin-Moo
Lee, Jing-Huei
Lee, Jong Eun
Lee, Jong-Hwan
Lee, Jong-Yeon
Lee, Jongho
Lee, Joon-Sung
Lee, Joonsung
Lee, Ju-Hyun
Lee, Jung Hee
Lee, Jung-Hoon
Lee, Justin
Lee, Juyoung
Lee, Karen
Lee, Katherine J.
Lee, Kyle
Lee, Kyoung-Min
Lee, Kyu Yup
Lee, Kyung Mi
Lee, Lisa E.
Lee, Madonna
Lee, Mi Hee
Lee, Mi-Ji
Lee, Min Sun
Lee, Namgyun
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Percy
Lee, Phil
Lee, Raymond
Lee, Sang Han
Lee, Sang-Rae
Lee, Sangwoo
Lee, Seung Hwan
Lee, Seung-Koo
Lee, Seung-Kyun
Lee, Shiou-Ping
Lee, Shwu-Hua
Lee, Sonia
Lee, Soo Chin
Lee, Soo Jin
Lee, Soo Yeol
Lee, Sooyeon
Lee, Stephen
Lee, Steve
Lee, Swee Shean
Lee, Taehyeong
Lee, Ting
Lee, Tongkeun
Lee, Tsong-Hai
Lee, Vincent K.
Lee, Virginia M.-Y.
Lee, Vivian S.
Lee, Wayne
Lee, Whal
Lee, Wing Sum
Lee, Woojin
Lee, Yi-Hsiung
Lee, Yoojin
Lee, Young Han
Lee, Yueh Z.
Lee, Yun-Ju
Lee, Yung Seng
Lee, Yunjung
Leemans, Alexander
Leeper, Dennis B.
Lees, Andrew J.
Lees, Christoph
Leewood, Alan
Lefebvre, Joel
Lefort, Thibaud
Lefrançois, William
Leftin, Avigdor
Leggio, Maria
Legius, Eric
Lego, Denise
Leguerney, Ingrid
Lehenkari, Petri
Lehericy, Stephane
Lehman, Constance D.
Lehmann, Thomas
Lehner, Frank
Lehnert, Martin
Lehotska, Viera
Lei, Du
Lei, Hao
Lei, Hongxia
Lei, Zi-Min
Leibfritz, Dieter
Leibovitch, Emily
Leigh, Jason
Leigland, Lindsey A.
Leiner, Tim
Leinhard, Olof Dahlqvist
Leinwand, Sarah
Leipsic, Jonathon
Leistritz, Lutz
Leitão, Helena S.
Leite, Ana Paula Klautau
Leite, Claudia da Costa
Leite, João Pereira
LeKaye, H. Carl
LeLouer, Julien
Lemasson, Benjamin
Lemberskiy, Gregory
Lemieux, Louis
Lemieux, Susan K.
Lemkaddem, Alia
Lemke, Clark
Lenglet, Christophe
Lenhard, Stephen Clark
Lenkinski, Robert
Lentschig, Markus
Lentzsch, Suzanne
Lenz, Philipp
Leon, Christine
Leon, Pedro Miguel Itriago
Leonardi, Nora
Léonce, Estelle
Leong, Alex TL
Leong, Kin Men
Leoni, Renata Ferranti
Leopold, David A.
Leow, Alex D.
Leow, Melvin K-S
Lepetit-Coiffé, Matthieu
Lepore, Natasha
Lepore, Stefano
Leporq, Benjamin
Leppert, David
Leppert, Ilana
Lepsien, Jöran
Lerch, Jason
Lerche, Mathilde
Lerski, Richard A.
Les, Andrea S.
Lesage, Frederic
Lesbats, Clémentine
Leslie, Anoushka
Lesurtel, Mickael
Létourneau-Guillon, Laurent
Leung, Andrew Yue-Yun
Leung, Doris G.
Leung, General
Leung, GK
Leung, Jackie
Leung, Lam-Ming
Leung, Lana
Leung, Steve
Leupold, Jochen
Leurent, Claire
Leurgans, Sue E.
Lev, Michael H.
Lev-Cohain, Naama
LeVan, Pierre
Levar, Nina
Levenson, Richard
Leveque, Geoffrey
Levesque, Ives R.
Levin, Bonnie
Levin, Craig S.
Levin, Kenneth
Levine, Evan
Levman, Jacob
Levy-barazany, Hilit
Lew, Si Kang
Lewandowski, R. J.
Lewin, Jonathan S.
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, Anthony V.
Lewis, Glyn
Lewis, Mechelle M.
Lewis, Melinda M.
Li, Alex X.
Li, Alvin F.
Li, Anqi
Li, Baojun
Li, Bin
Li, Bo
Li, Changzhong
Li, Cheng
Li, Cheng-He
Li, Cheng-Ta
Li, Chenxia
Li, Chun-Xia
Li, Chunmei
Li, Chunxia
Li, Cun
Li, David
Li, Dean Y.
Li, Debiao
Li, Diabao
Li, Fei
Li, Feiyu
Li, Guang
Li, Guobin
Li, Haidong
Li, Hao
Li, Hua
Li, Huanjie
Li, Jian
Li, Jianjun
Li, Jianqi
Li, Jianxin
Li, Jiehua
Li, Jin
Li, Jing
Li, Jinqi
Li, Jinze
Li, Jun
Li, Ka-Loh
Li, Kaiming
Li, Ke
Li, Kuncheng
Li, Lei
Li, Li
Li, Liang
Li, Lili
Li, Limin
Li, Lin Z.
Li, Lingjiang
Li, Linqing
Li, Longchuan
Li, Lu-Ping
Li, Matthew Daniel
Li, Meng
Li, Ming
Li, Mingyan
Li, Mingyi
Li, Ni
Li, Ningzhi
Li, Pei-Cheng
Li, Qiyue
Li, Quanzheng
Li, Rui
Li, Rupeng
Li, Shi-Jiang
Li, Shiguang
Li, Shihong
Li, Shizhe
Li, Shuo
Li, Sonia P.
Li, Steve
Li, Tao
Li, Tengfei
Li, Tie-Qiang
Li, Wei
Li, Weiguo
Li, Wen
Li, Wenjing
Li, Wenjun
Li, Wing Wa
Li, Xia
Li, Xiang
Li, Xiang-Rong
Li, Xianglong
Li, Xianjun
Li, Xiao-ting
Li, Xiaofei
Li, Xiaojuan
Li, XiaoTian
Li, Xiaozhen
Li, Xin
Li, Xin-Mi
Li, Xingyu
Li, Xiufeng
Li, Xu
Li, Xuesong
Li, Ya
Li, Yan
Li, Yang
Li, Yanjun
Li, Yanyah
Li, Yanyan
Li, Yao
Li, Ye
Li, Yifan
Li, Yimei
Li, Yu
Li, Yuan
Li, Yuancheng
Li, Yuanyuan
Li, Yuchao
Li, Yuguo
Li, Yunduo
Li, Zhao
Li, Zhen-Hui
Li, Zhihao
Li, Zhiqiang
Li, Zhitao
Li, Zhixin
Li, Zhoujian
Liang, Ai Leng
Liang, Ai-Leng
Liang, Biling
Liang, Chengzhen
Liang, Chi-Wei
Liang, Dong
Liang, Hsiao-Fang
Liang, Huei-Lung
Liang, Kun
Liang, Muh-Lii
Liang, Peipeng
Liang, Sugai
Liang, Xia
Liang, Xiaoyun
Liang, Y X.
Liang, Zhi-Pei
Liang, Zhifeng
Liao, Huijun
Liao, Huijun Vicky
Liao, Steve M.
Liao, Weiqi
Liao, Xuhong
Liao, Yen-Peng
Liao, Yi
Liberman, Gilad
Libutti, Steven K.
Licht, Daniel
Liddle, Elizabeth B.
Liddle, Peter F.
Lidouren, Fanny
Lieberman, Frank S.
Liebeskind, David S.
Liebig, Thomas
Liebig, Thorsten
Liebmann, Daniel
Liem, Madieke
Lien, Shu-Hua
Lietzmann, Florian
Lieu, Patricia
Liimatainen, Timo
Likhite, Devavrat
Liljenbäck, Heidi
Lillaney, Prasheel
Lim, Ahnate
Lim, Heeseung
Lim, Jason Chu-Shern
Lim, Johan
Lim, Nae Jung
Lim, Reina
Lim, Ruth
Lim, Sang Moo
Lim, Seong Yong
Lim, Wei Yang
Lim, Yongwan
Lin, Ai-Ling
Lin, Alexander
Lin, Amy
Lin, Chao-Chun
Lin, Che-Min
Lin, Chen
Lin, Chia-Wei
Lin, Chien-Yuan
Lin, Chih-Hung
Lin, Ching-Po
Lin, Chung-Chih
Lin, Doris D.M.
Lin, Eddie
Lin, Fa-Hsuan
Lin, Fuchun
Lin, Geng-Hong
Lin, Guoxing
Lin, Jian
Lin, Jiunn-Lee
Lin, Jolinta
Lin, Lian-Yu
Lin, Liangjie
Lin, Meng Kuan
Lin, Ming-Huang
Lin, Mu
Lin, Muqing
Lin, Pan
Lin, Po-Yu
Lin, Run
Lin, Sheng-Huang
Lin, Shih-Yen
Lin, Shing-Jong
Lin, Sung-han
Lin, Tsen-Hsuan
Lin, Wei-Ching
Lin, Weili
Lin, Y.C.
Lin, Yan
Lin, Yanqin
Lin, Yi-Ru
Lin, Yi-Wei
Lin, Ying-Chia
Lin, Yu Chun
Lin, Yu-Shi
Lin, Yung-Ya
Lin, Yuting
Linde, Angel J. Perez
Lindeboom, Lucas
Lindegaard, Jacob Christian
Lindemeyer, Johannes
Linder, Nicolas
Lindley, Marc D.
Lindquist, Martin A.
Liney, Gary
Ling, Wen
Ling, Xueying
Lingala, Sajan Goud
Lingesh, Smera
Lingvay, Ildiko
Link, Thomas
Linsenmeier, Robert A.
Lionetti, Vincenzo
Liouta, Evangelia
Lippolis, Vanessa
Lips, Irene M.
Lipson, Jafi
Lipsø, Kasper Wigh
Lipton, Michael L.
Liptrot, Matthew
Liserani, Matteo
Liska, Adam
Liszewski, Christine
Litjens, Geert
Litt, Harold
Littin, Sebastian
Little, Charles A. E.
Little, Jane
Little, Ross
Litwiller, Daniel
Liu, Alexander
Liu, Aofei
Liu, Bin
Liu, Bo
Liu, Chen-Chung
Liu, Cheng-Liang
Liu, ChengKang
Liu, Chi Wai
Liu, Chih-Min
Liu, Chih-Ming
Liu, Chunlei
Liu, Collin
Liu, Dapeng
Liu, Dian
Liu, Ding
Liu, Dong
Liu, Dongdong
Liu, Duan
Liu, Enzhao
Liu, Fang
Liu, Feng
Liu, Garry
Liu, Gin-Chung
Liu, Guanshu
Liu, Guoxiang
Liu, Haining
Liu, Hao Li
Liu, Hao-Li
Liu, Hesheng
Liu, Ho-Ling
Liu, Hongjun
Liu, Horng-Huei
Liu, Hu
Liu, Hua
Liu, Hua-Shan
Liu, Hui
Liu, Ji-Hong
Liu, Jia
Liu, Jiaen
Liu, Jie
Liu, Jin
Liu, Jing
Liu, Jinhuan
Liu, Ju
Liu, Jun
Liu, Junmin
Liu, Kao-Lang
Liu, Kecheng
Liu, Li
Liu, Limei
Liu, Manju
Liu, Peilu
Liu, Peixian
Liu, Peiying
Liu, Pu Tzu
Liu, Qi
Liu, Qiang
Liu, Qiegen
Liu, Qingwei
Liu, Saifeng
Liu, Shuwei
Liu, Songtao
Liu, Sung-Chieh
Liu, Tai-Ying
Liu, Thomas
Liu, Tian
Liu, Tianming
Liu, Ting
Liu, Wei
Liu, Weiguo
Liu, Wentao
Liu, Xiang yi
Liu, Xiao
Liu, Xiaofeng
Liu, Xiaojia
Liu, Xiaoli
Liu, Xiaolin
Liu, Xiaoyi
Liu, Xin
Liu, Xinyang
Liu, Yaou
Liu, Yi-Jui
Liu, Yihui
Liu, Yijun
Liu, Yikang
Liu, Yilin
Liu, Yilong
Liu, Ying
Liu, Yingmin
Liu, Yuchi
Liu, Yuqing
Liu, Yutong
Liu, Zhe
Liu, Zheng
Liu, Zhongming
Liu, Zungang
Livne, Micha
Lizak, Martin J.
Lizarbe, Blanca
Ljungberg, Maria
Llopis, Eva
Lloyd, Michael
Lloyd, Steven
Lloyd, Tom
Lo, Chun-Yi
Lo, Eng
Lo, Glady G.
Lo, Huan-Chu
Lo, Wei Ching
Lo, Wei-Ching
Lo, Yu-Chun
Lobatto, Mark E.
Lobo, Lianne
LoCastro, Eve
Loddenkemper, Tobias
Lodhi, Muhammad Asad
Lodi, Raffaele
Loeb, Jeffrey
Loebel, Franziska
Loecher, Michael
Loeckx, Dirk
Loeffler, Ralf B.
Loening, Andreas M.
Loew, Wolfgang
Loggia, Marco
Logothetis, Nikos
Loh, Wai Yen
Lohezic, Maelene
Lohman, Joost
Lohman, Joost A.B.
Loi, Hoi Yin
Loktyushin, Alexander
Loloyan, Shirleen
Lomas, David
Lombardi, Massimo
Lommen, Jonathan
Londarskiy, Dmitriy V.
Long, Justin
Long, Li-Ling
Long, Niamh
Long, Xiaojing
Long, Zaiyang
Longaker, Rita
Longo, Dario Livio
Lonser, Russell R.
Loomba, Rohit
Loparo, Kenneth A.
Lope-Piedrafita, Silvia
Lopes, Renaud
Lopes-Pereira, Patricia
Lopez, David
Lopez, Hector Sanchez
Lopez, Maria Yanez
Lopez, Ramona
Lopez-Larrubia, Pilar
Lordier, Lara
Lorenc, Kamil
Lorence, Andrew
Lorente, David
Lorenz, Kathrin
Lorenz, Ramona
Lorenzato, Cyril
Lories, Rik
Lorrio, Silvia
Losey, Aaron
Loth, Francis
Lother, Steffen
Lott, Donovan
Lotz, Anne
Lou, Xin
Louapre, Celine
Louat, Fanny
Loughney, Lisa
Louie, Angelique
Louzoun, Yoram
Loveless, Mary E.
Lovering, Richard M.
Lovestone, Simon
Lovis, Jordan A.
Low, Daniel
Low, Gavin
Low, Russell N.
Lowe, Mark
Lowry, Martin
Loyer, Virginie
Lozano, Andres M.
Lozen, Andrew
Lozupone, Emilio
Lu, Aiming
Lu, Chien-Hung
Lu, Chin-Tien
Lu, David Y.
Lu, Hai
Lu, Hanbing
Lu, Hanzhang
Lu, Huanxiang
Lu, Jia
Lu, Jianhua
Lu, Jianping
Lu, Jie
Lu, Jing
Lu, Jonathan Y.
Lu, Jun
Lu, Kun
Lu, Lan
Lu, Ming
Lu, Minjie
Lu, Nan-Han
Lu, Pu-Xuan
Lu, Su
Lu, Xi
Lu, Xiaoguang
Lu, Xuelian
Lu, Yiping
Lu, Yonggang
Lu, Zheng-Rong
Lu, Zhong Kang
Lublin, Fred D.
Luby, Marie
Lucano, Elena
Lucca, Francesca
Luciani, Anna Maria
Luciano, Mark
Ludwig, Kai D.
Ludwig, Ute
Luechinger, Roger
Luger, Anton
Luh, Wen-Ming
Luhar, Aarti
Lui, Fausta
Lui, Su
Lui, Wei
Luijten, Peter
Luijten, Peter L.
Luijten, Peter R
Luijten, Peter R.
Luk, Wayne
Lukas, Vanessa
Luksch, Thomas
Lumata, Lloyd
Lund, Torben E.
Lundberg, Peter
Lundbom, Jesper
Lundell, Henrik
Lundervold, Arvid
Lundgren, Steinar
Lundström, Elin
Lungu, Angela
Lungu, Codrin I.
Luo, Bing
Luo, Jian
Luo, Jie
Luo, Jieying
Luo, Qingfei
Luo, Wei
Luo, Xue
Luo, Yu
Luong, Michel
Luong, Richard
Lupo, Janine M.
Lupu, Mihaela
Lurie, Brett
Lurie, Daniel
Lustig, Michael
Lustig, Micheal
Lutey, Barbara A.
Luttje, Mariska P.
Lutz, Norbert W.
Lux, François
Luz, Sandra
Lv, Jun
Lv, Mengye
Lv, Peilin
Lycke, Sara
Lückerath, Christian
Lüdemann, Lutz
Lygate, Craig
Lykowsky, Gunthard
Lynch, John
Lynch, Mary Ellen
Lynch, Sharon G.
Lynch, Stephen
Lyon, Alexander
Lyon, Jon J.
Lyons, Scott
Lythgoe, David J.
Lythgoe, Mark F.
Lyu, Jingyuan
Lyu, Mengye
Länne, Toste
Lätt, Jimmy
Löscher, Wolfgang
Lønning, Per E.
Ma, Benjamin
Ma, Bo
Ma, C. Benjamin
Ma, Chao
Ma, Chuangxin
Ma, Da
Ma, Dan
Ma, Heather T.
Ma, Jie
Ma, Jing
Ma, Jingfei
Ma, Ke
Ma, Lijia
Ma, Lin
Ma, Liya
Ma, Lu
Ma, Qy
Ma, Richard
Ma, Ruoyun
Ma, Weijing
Ma, Xiaodong
Ma, Xiaoxian
Ma, Yajun
Ma, Yuhan
Maarouf, Adil
Maas, Mario
Maas, Marnix
Mabray, Marc
Macaluso, Emiliano
Macauley, Mavin
Macchi, Silvia
Maccloud, Rebecca
MacDonald, Alison
MacDonald, M. Ethan
Macey, Paul M.
Macfarlane, Jennifer
MacGillivray, Tom
Macgowan, Christopher K.
Machado-Vieira, Rodrigo
Machan, Lindsay
Machida, Yoshio
Machol IV, Jacques A.
Machts, Judith
Macícek, Ondrej
MacIntosh, Bradley J.
MacKay, Alex
Maclaren, Julian
MacLellan, Christopher
Macleod, Kay
Macnaught, Gillian
MacPherson, L
MacPherson, L.
MacPherson, Lesley
Macrae, I Mhairi
Macura, Katarzyna J.
Macura, Slobodan I.
Mada, Marius
Madan, Akshay
Maddage, Rajika
Maddu, Kiran K.
Madelin, Guillaume
Mader, Irina
Maderwald, Stefan
Madewell, John
Madhankumar, Achuthamangalam
Madhra, Mayank Serge
Madhu, Basetti
Madhuranthakam, Ananth
Madore, Bruno
Madsen, Kristoffer
Maeder, Philippe
Maedler, Burkhard
Maedler, Kathrin
Maes, Frederik
Maganti, Kameswari
Magat, Julie
Maggioni, Eleonora
Magill, Arthur W.
Magin, Richard
Magland, Jeremy F.
Magnani, Giuseppe
Magnano, Chris
Magnitsky, Sergey
Magnollay, Lise
Magnotta, Vincent
Magnuson, Matthew E.
Magnusson, Peter
Magometschnigg, Heinrich
Magon, Stefano
Magrath, Patrick
Maguire, Albert
Maguire, Mahon L.
Mahdi, Abbas Ali
Maher, Elizabeth
Mahmood, Zohaib
Mahmoudi, Fariborz
Mahone, E Mark
Mahrooghy, Majid
Mai, Roberto
Mai, Zhenhua
Maier, Florian
Maier, Karl
Maier, Stephan E.
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Maieron, Marta
Maillard, Louis
Maillard, Philippe
Maiman, Dennis J.
Mainero, Caterina
Maintz, David
Maior, Luis Alberto Souto
Mair, Ross W.
Maitra, Anirban
Maître, Xavier
Maj, Luke
Majeed, Waqas
Majerova, Jitka
Majigsuren, Mungunkhuyag
Majoie, Charles
Majumdar, Angshul
Majumdar, Shantanu
Majumdar, Sharmila
Majumdar, Shreyan
Majundar, Angshul
Mak, Henry Ka-Fung
Makanyanga, Jesica
Makarov, Edward
Makharia, Govind
Maki, Jeffrey H.
Makki, Malek
Makovac, Elena
Makris, Andreas
Makropoulos, Antonios
Maksimovic, Jane H.
Maksymowicz, Wojciech
Malá, Aneta
Malago, Massimo
Malaisrie, S. Chris
Malamas, Anthony S.
Malamateniou, Christina
Maldjian, Joseph
Maldjian, Joseph A.
Malhotra, Anil K.
Malhotra, Hardeep Singh
Malik, Shaihan
Malis, Vadim
Mallett, Christiane
Mallow, Johannes
Malloy, Craig
Malloy, Mary C.
Malm, Jan
Malpica, Norberto
Maltbie, Eric
Malucelli, Alberto
Malucelli, Emil
Malyarenko, Dariya
Malycha, Peter
Mamata, Hatsuho
Mammoser, Aaron G.
Man, Carina
Manber, Richard
Mancini, Laura
Manda, Kailash
Mandava, Sagar
Mandelkow, Hendrik
Mandell, Daniel M.
Mandelstam, Simone
Mandeville, Emiri
Mandeville, Joseph B.
Mandhani, Anil
Mandija, Stefano
Mandl, Rene
Mandry, Damien
Manduca, Armando
Manfredi, Riccardo
Manganotti, Paolo
Mangeat, Gabriel
Mangia, Silvia
Mangin, Jean-François
Mangraviti, Antonella
Manhard, Mary Kate
Mani, Laila Yasmin
Mani, Merry
Mani, Venkatesh
Manigbas, Elaine
Manivannan, Niranchana
Manka, Robert
Mankad, Kshitij
Manktelow, Anne
Manly, Jennifer J.
Mann, Karl
Mann, Philipp
Manners, David Neil
Manning, Keefe B.
Manning, Liliann
Manning, Warren J.
Mannion, Elizabeth
Mannucci, Silvia
Manoach, Dara S.
Manogaran, Praveena
Manor, Brad
Manset, David
Mansor, Latt
Mantegazza, Renato
Manthati, Vijaya L.
Manton, David
Manzanedo, Eva
Mao, Cuiping
Mao, Deng
Mao, Hui
Maraganore, Demetrius
Maramraju, Sri Harsha
Maraviglia, Bruno
Marban, Eduardo
Marbán, Eduardo
Marchand, Antoine
Marchenko, Yevgen
Marchetta, Elisa
Marchione, Joseph
Marciani, Luca
Marco, Elysa
Marco, Valentina Di
Marco-Rius, Irene
Marcone, Alessandra
Marcus, Charles
Marcus, J. Tim
Maréchal, Bénédicte
Mareci, Thomas
Mareels, Iven M. Y.
Marek, Jaroslav
Marenco, Stefano
Mareyam, Azma
Margolis, Daniel
Margolis, Nathaniel E.
Margulis, Vitaly
Maria, Naomi Santa
Marina, Nephtali
Marinazzo, Daniele
Marinelli, Luca
Marini, Claudia
Mario, Carlo Di
Mario, Denis
Marjanovic, Josip
Marjanska, Malgorzata
Markiewicz, Erica
Markl, Michael
Markoe, Arnold
Markos, Farouk
Marks, Leonard
Markuerkiaga, Irati
Markun, Leslie
Marle, Jason
Marlow, Neil
Marmiroli, Paola
Maroldi, Roberto
Marotta, Giorgio
Marque, Sylvain R.A
Marquering, Henk A.
Marques, Jose
Marra, Camillo
Marrakchi-Kacem, Linda
Marro, Kenneth I.
Marrouche, Nassir
Marrufo, Oscar
Marsac, Laurent
Marschar, Anja M.
Marschner, Henrik
Marshall, Andrew
Marshall, Helen
Marshall, Kathleen
Marshall, Lynley V.
Marshall, Olga
Marsman, Anouk
Martarello, Laurent
Marteijn, Marloes
Martel, Anne L.
Martel, Dimitri
Martens, Luc
Martens, Michael
Martí, Gracián García
Martí-Bonmatí, Luis
Martien, Katherine
Martikainen, Miika
Martin, Adrian
Martin, Alastair
Martin, Bryn A.
Martin, Conrad
Martin, Conrad Steven
Martin, Diego
Martin, Douglas
Martin, Melanie
Martin, Nancy
Martin, Nicholas
Martin, Patricia
Martín-Fernández, Marcos
Martin-Recuero, Ana Belen
Martine, Nain Dit Ducret
Martinelli, Jonathan
Martinelli, Vittorio
Martinez, Gary
Martinez, Myriam Diaz
Martinez-Maestro, Miguel
Martínez-Maestro, Miguel
Martinez-Malo, Vanesa
Martinez-Santiesteban, Francisco M.
Martinisková, Marie
Martino, Adriana Di
Martins, Karine Minaif
Martirosian, Petros
Martius, Sebastian
Martuzzi, Roberto
Marty, Benjamin
Maruyama, Katsuya
Marx, Joel
Marx, Michael
Mary, Kan Enci
Marzola, Pasquina
Mascali, Daniele
Mascini, Nadine
Mash, Eugene A.
Mashimo, Tomoyuki
Maslak, Edyta
Mason, Emily
Mason, Graeme F.
Mason, Ralph P.
Mason, Sarah A.
Massacesi, Luca
Masselli, Gabriele
Massey, Luke
Massire, Aurelien
Massot, Philippe
Master, Viraj
Mastropasqua, Chiara
Mastropietro, Alfonso
Masui, Takayuki
Masumura, Makoto
Masutani, Yoshitaka
Mata, Jaime
Matalanis, George
Mateescu, Gheorghe
Matei, Deliu V.
Matej, Radoslav
Mateo, Joaquin
Mathalon, Daniel H.
Mathew, Blessy
Mathewson, Kory W.
Mathieu, Axel P.
Mathieu, Jean-Baptiste
Mathur, Ruchi
Matloub, Hani S.
Mato, Virginia
Matoba, Hiroki
Matos, Celso
Matros, Markus
Matson, Gerald
Matsuda, Hiroshi
Matsuda, Tetsuya
Matsuda, Tsuyoshi
Matsui, Hitoshi
Matsui, Osamu
Matsumoto, Shingo
Matsumoto, Sumiaki
Matsumoto, Tatsuhiko
Matsumura, Akira
Matsumura, Yoshio
Matsunaga, Nami
Matsuo, Kayako
Matsuo, Masayuki
Matsuoka, Yuichiro
Matsushita, Akira
Matsuura, Yuka
Matsuzaki, Kenji
Matsuzawa, Daisuke
Matt, Eva
Mattay, Raghav
Matthew, Shona
Matthews, Lucy
Matthews, Paul
Mattioli, Flavia
Mattrey, Robert F.
Mattson, Mark P.
Matwiy, Jarod
Matzat, Stephen
Mauconduit, Franck
Maudsley, Andrew
Maunder, Adam
Maurer, Matthew
Maurizi, Lionel
Mauro, Rebuzzi
Maus, Jens
Maxien, Daniel
Maximov, Ivan I.
Maxwell, Ross J.
Mayenfels, Friederike
Mayer, Dirk
Mayeux, Richard
Mayhew, Stephen D.
Mazaheri, Yousef
Mazerolle, Erin L.
Mazumder, Ria
Mazzaro, Andrea
Mazzoli, Valentina
McAdams, Carrie
McAdams, Holman Page
Mcbride, Olivia
McCallum, Michelle
McCarley, Robert William
McCarthy, Karen
McCarthy, Patrick
McCarville, Mary B.
McClure, John
McClymont, Darryl
McColl, Brenden
McComb, Christie
McComb, Gordon
McConnell, Michael V.
McCormack, David G.
McCreary, J. Keiko
McCulloch, Chuck
McCurdy, Colin M.
McCurdy, Victoria
McDonald, Claire
McDougal, W. Scott
McDougall, Mary
McDowell, Amy
McElcheran, Clare
McEvoy, Andrew
McEvoy, Andrew W.
McGann, Christopher J.
McGarry, Matthew D.
McGarvey, Jeremy
McGavern, Dorian B.
McGee, Kiaran
McGill, Laura-Ann
McGivney, Debra
McGonigle, David
McHugh, Damien
Mchugh, Robert
McIntosh, Anthony Randal
McIntosh, Elissa
McIntyre, J. Oliver
McIntyre, Richard
McIntyre, Scott
McIver, Jon
McKenna, Mary C.
McKenney, Jesse
McKenzie, Charles
McKinney, Brent
McKinnon, Graeme
McLean, Mary
McLin, Valérie A.
McMahon, Jacinta M.
McMahon, Katie
McMahon, Laura E.
McMahon, Michael
McMillan, Alan
McMillan, JoEllyn
McMorrow, Jason
McNab, Jennifer A.
McNeal, Gary
McPhee, Kelly C.
McRobbie, Donald
McVeigh, Elliot R.
McVicar, Nevin
McWalter, Emily J.
Mead, Simon
Meadowcroft, Mark David
Meakin, Jude
Meakin, Susan
Meaney, James F.
Meani, Alessandro
Mebarki, Mouniya
Mechling, Anna
Meci, Oltion
Medved, Milica
Meersmann, Thomas
Meerwein, Christian
Mehemed, Taha M.
Mehndiratta, Amit
Mehrabian, Hatef
Mehrens, Hunter
Mehta, Bhairav Bipin
Mehta, Mitul
Mehta, Neha
Mehta, Rita S.
Mei, Chang-Sheng
Mei, Xunbai
Meier, Dominik
Meier, Martin
Meier, Timothy
Meijer, Gert J.
Meijer, K.A.
Meineke, Jakob
Meinhardt, Marcus
Meintjes, Ernesta M.
Meinzer, Hans-Peter
Meissner, Jan Eric
Meissner, Jan-Eric
Meissner, Markus V.
Mekkaoui, Choukri
Mekle, Ralf
Melbourne, Andrew
Mele, Francesco
Melie-Garcia, Lester
Melin, Karin
Melkus, Gerd
Mellema, Daniel C.
Mellet, Philippe
Meloni, Antonella
Melsaether, Amy
Meltzer, Herbert
Melzi, Roberto
Même, Sandra
Même, William
Menchise, Valeria
Mendelow, David
Mendes, Jason
Mendoza, Gonzalo
Mendoza, Michael Anthony
Menegaz, G.
Meng, Dewen
Meng, Xiaoyan
Meng, Yuguang
Meng, Zi Jun
Mengel, Michael
Mengesha, Tirusew Tegafaw
Menini, Anne
Menni, Anne
Menon, David
Menon, Kannan M.
Menon, Rajiv G.
Menon, Ravi S.
Mens, Giel
Menth, Jillaina L.
Mentlein, Rolf
Mentzel, Hans-Joachim
Menut, J.-B.
Menys, Alex
Menza, Marius
Menzel, Marion I.
Merali, Zamir
Mercader, Nadia
Merchant, Milton
Merchant, Naeem
Merchant, Samer Sarfaraz
Merckel, Laura G.
Mercredi, Morgan E.
Mercuri, Michele
Merener, Martin Miguel
Merhar, Stephanie L.
Meriaudeau, Fabrice
Merisaari, Harri
Merkel, Bernd
Merkle, Elmar M.
Merkle, Hellmut
Merlet, Isabelle
Merlet, Sylvain
Merrill, Robb
Merritt, Matthew E.
Mertins, Alfred
Merugumala, Sai
Merz, Andrea L.
Merz, C. Noel Bairey
Meshksar, Arash
Meskaldji, D.E.
Mesri, Hamed Y.
Mess, Werner
Messina, Maria Josè
Messiou, Christina
Messroghli, Daniel R.
Metcalf, Stephen
Metens, Thierry
Methner, Carmen
Metoki, Tsuyoshi
Metz, Luanne
Metzger, Gregory
Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia
Meuillet, Emmaneulle J.
Meulenbelt, Ingrid
Meulenbroek, Olga
Meuli, R.
Mewis, Ryan
Meyer, Anke
Meyer, Christophe
Meyer, Cord
Meyer, Cord Bastian
Meyer, Craig
Meyer, Dan E.
Meyer, Esther
Meyer, Heiko
Meyer, James
Meyer, Joel R.
Meyer, Tanja
Meyerand, M. Elizabeth
Meyers, Sandra M.
Meyerspeer, Martin
Mezer, Aviv
Mezzanzanica, Delia
Mi, Peng
Mi, Yue
Miao, Xinyuan
Miao, Yanwei
Micallef, Caroline
Michael, Andrew
Michael, Navin
Michaeli, Shalom
Michaelides, Christos
Michaelis, Thomas
Michailovich, Oleg
Michel, Christoph
Michel, Eric
Michel, Valériane
Michels, Lars
Mickevicius, Nikolai J.
Mickey, Bruce
Middione, Matthew J.
Middleton, Devon M.
Middleton, Michael
Middleton, Ryan
Midiri, Massimo
Miehle, Konstanze
Mies, Carolyn
Mieszawska, Aneta J.
Miettinen, Tuukka
Mignion, Lionel
Miguel, Porto
Mikami, Yoko
Mikami, Yoshiki
Mikati, Abdul Ghani
Mikati, Mohamad
Mikkelsen, Mark
Mikkelsen, Tom
Mikulis, David
Milani, Jonas
Milani, Sina
Milans, Soledad
Mildner, Toralf
Milham, Michael P.
Millar, David
Miller, Andrew H.
Miller, Chris
Miller, Cory T.
Miller, D.H.
Miller, F.
Miller, G Wilson
Miller, Grady
Miller, James V.
Miller, Jeffrey H.
Miller, Karla
Miller, Michael
Miller, Patti
Miller, Richard
Miller, Robyn
Miller, Wilson
Milles, Julien
Milliner, Dawn S.
Millward, Jason M.
Millward, Niki Zacharias
Milman, Brian
Milner, Jaques S.
Min, Jung-Whan
Min, Zhigang
Minagawa, Nobuko
Minalga, Emilee
Minami, Manabu
Minarikova, Lenka
Minati, Ludovico
Mingarelli, Marco
Minn, Heikki
Minn, Il
Minnekhanov, Anton
Minthon, Lennart
Miquel, Marc
Miragoli, Luigi
Mirakhur, Anirudh
Miranda, Diego A.
Miraux, Sylvain
Mirkes, Christian
Mironchik, Yelena
Mirsadraee, Saeed
Mirzazade, Shahram
Misaki, Masaya
Mischi, Massimo
Miserocchi, Anna
Mishkovsky, Mor
Mishra, Arabinda
Mishra, Pravin Kumar
Mishra, Virendra
Misic, Bratislav
Mispelter, Joel
Missere, Massimiliano
Mistretta, Charles A.
Mistry, Nilesh
Mitchell, Donald
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Joseph Ross
Mitchell, Patrick
Mitra, Jhimli
Mitsias, Panayiotis
Mitsouras, Dimitrios
Mitsuharu, Miyoshi
Mittal, Pardeep
Miyagi, Ryo
Miyajima, Masakazu
Miyaki, Yusuke
Miyamoto, Susumu
Miyamoto, Yoshihito
Miyasaka, Toshiteru
Miyata, Hajime
Miyata, Tomoko
Miyati, Toshiaki
Miyati, Tosiaki
Miyazaki, Hiroyuki
Miyazaki, Isao
Miyazaki, Keiko
Miyazaki, Mitsue
Miyazaki, Shohei
Miyoshi, Kunihiro
Miyoshi, Mitsuharu
Mizuhara, Kazuyuki
Mizuki, Kenichi
Mlynarik, Vladimir
Moberg, Valerie E.
Moccaldi, Melanie
Mocco, J
Mochel, Fanny
Mocking, Steven
Modarai, Bijan
Modat, Marc
Modi, Pooja
Modi, Shilpi
Modic, Michael T.
Modo, Michel
Modvig, Signe
Mody, Swati
Moeller, Steen
Moenninghoff, Christoph
Moerel, Michelle
Moerman, Kevin M.
Moestue, Siver Andre
Moffat, Bradford A.
Mogaldea, Alexandru
Mogatadakala, Kishore
Mogatadakala, Kishore Venkata
Moghaddam, A. Nasiraei
Moghaddam, Mohsen Shojaee
Moghaddam, Shiva Shojaei
Moghari, Mehdi H.
Mogilner, Alon
Mohamed, Feroze B.
Mohammad, Imran
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Mohammed, Imran
Mohammed, Kabir
Mohan, Geetha
Mohan, Suyash
Mohandas, Gokhuldass
Mohanty, Samarendra
Moheet, Amir
Mohl, Brianne
Mohler III, Emile R.
Mohsin, Yasir Q.
Moiola, Lucia
Moisan, Anaïck
Mojahed, Hamed
Mok, Kelvin
Mokhtari, Fatemeh
Molina, Elena
Molina, Elena Molina
Molina, Miguel
Molinari, Filippo
Molinari, Francesco
Molinari, Marco
Molino, François
Moll, Frans L.
Molloy, Erin
Moloney, Brendan
Molteni, Erika
Momosawa, Rei
Momoshima, Suketaka
Moncelet, Damien
Monfort, Morgane
Monge, Frederik
Monney, Pierre
Monnier, Maryline
Monohan, Elizabeth
Monorchio, Agostino
Monroe, Jeffrey
Monsch, Andreas
Monssen, Jan Anker
Montalban, Xavier
Monteagudo, Eva
Montesinos, Paula
Montgomery, Blake K.
Montgomery, Noel D.
Montie, Eric
Montomoli, Cristina
Monu, Uche
Monu, Uchechukwuka D.
Moodalbail, Divya
Moody, Katherine
Mooiweer, Ronald
Mookerjee, Raj
Moon, Brianna F.
Moon, Chan Hong
Moon, Chung-Man
Moon, Hee Jung
Moon, Lily
Moon, Sung
Moon, Sung Kyoung
Moonen, Chrit
Moonen, Rik PM
Mooney, Karen
Moons, Lieve
Moore, Anna V.
Moore, Brian E.
Moore, Caroline
Moore, Emma
Moore, Liz
Moore, Sandra L.
Moore, Stephen M.
Moore, Wayne
Moore, William
Moosvi, Firas
Moots, Paul L.
Mora-Vieira, Luis F.
Moradi, Farshad
Moradi, Hamed
Moradi, Mehdi
Moran, Catherine J.
Morana, Giovanni
Moraschi, Marta
Morbiducci, Umberto
Morea, Veronica
Moreira, Andre
Moreland, John
Morelli, Maria Elisa
Morency, Felix
Moreno, Christophe
Moreno, Courtney C.
Moreno, Karlos
Moreno, Lucas
Morfini, Gerardo
Morgan, Alexandra R.
Morgan, Benjamin R.
Morgan, Catherine
Morgan, Desiree
Morgan, Gareth J.
Morgan, Paul S.
Morgan, Veronica
Morgan, Victoria L.
Morgia, Chiara La
Mori, Harushi
Mori, Masaki
Mori, Noriko
Mori, Susumu
Mori, Yuki
Morich, Michael A.
Morisaka, Hiroyuki
Morishima, Yosuke
Morisi, Rita
Morissette, John
Morita, Koichiro
Morita, Kosuke
Morita, Yoshiaki
Morita, Yoshinori
Moroz, Ekaterina
Moroz, Jen
Morozov, Darya
Morrell, Glen
Morris, David M.
Morris, Douglas
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, H Douglas
Morris, Herman D.
Morris, Norman
Morris, P Pearse
Morris, Peter
Morris, Peter G.
Morrison, Courtney K.
Morrison, William
Morrone, Maria Concetta
Morrow, Janet
Morrow, Jasper M.
Morrow, Monica
Morse, Caryn
Morse, David L.
Mortazavi, Amir
Mortazavi, Farzad
Mortimer, Peter S.
Morton, Kathryn A.
Moscatelli, Marco
Mosconi, Elisa
Mosconi, Matt
Moseley, Michael
Moser, Amy Rapaich
Moser, Ewald
Moser, Helene
Moser, Urs
Moskowitz, Chaya
Mossa-Bosha, Mahmud
Mossadeghi, Bijan
Mossahebi, Pouria
Mostofsky, Stewart H.
Motaal, Abdallah
Motolese, Eduardo
Motolese, Ilaria
Motosugi, Utaroh
Mougenot, Charles
Mougin, Olivier
Mouiha, Abderazzak
Mounier, Remi
Mountford, Carolyn
Mountz, James
Mouri, Feryel
Mousavi, Pedram
Moussata, Driffa
Moussavi, Amir
Moustaghfir, Fatima Zzahra
Movsas, Benjamin
Moy, Linda
Mrozik, Christian
Msika, Simon
Mu, Xin
Mu, Yunfeng
Mucci, Adele
Mucelli, Roberto Pozzi
Muckley, Matthew J.
Mudie, Deanna
Mueggler, Thomas
Mueller, Bryon
Mueller, Edgar
Mueller, Gisela C.
Mueller, Jeffrey
Mueller, Karsten
Mueller, Lars
Mueller, Mark
Mueller, Wade M.
Muftuler, L Tugan
Mugler III, John
Mugler III, John P.
Muhle, Max
Muhlert, N.
Muir, Eric
Mukasa, Akitake
Mukherjee, Pratik
Mukhopadhyaya, Ashok K.
Mulas, Gilberto
Mulcahey, MJ
Mulder, Willem J. M.
Mulholland, Thomas
Mulkern, Robert
Mulkey, Sarah
Muller, Arnaud
Muller, Robert N.
Mullick, Rakesh
Mullinger, Karen
Mullins, Paul Gerald
Mummy, David G.
Mun, Seong K.
Munasinghe, Jeeva
Munechika, Jiro
Muniz, Jose A.
Muñoz, Camila
Munoz, Camila
Muñoz, Loreto
Muñoz-Delgado, Jairo
Muñoz-Moreno, Emma
Muntoni, Francesco
Mura, Joaquin
Muradyan, Iga
Muradyan, Naira
Muragaki, Yoshihiro
Murai, Yasuo
Muramatsu, Kazuhiro
Muramoto, Yasutake
Muraro, Paolo
Murase, Takenori
Murase, Tomokazu
Murashima, Mai
Murat, Sebastien
Murata, Katsutoshi
Murayama, Shuhei
Murbach, Manuel
Murdoch, James B.
Murgasova, Maria Kuklisova
Muriel, Durieux
Murnane, Kevin
Muro, Isao
Murphy, Declan G.
Murphy, Kevin
Murphy, Matthew
Murphy, Philip
Murphy-Boesch, Joseph
Murray, Kathryn
Murrell, Donna
Murry, Charles E.
Musacchia, Joseph J.
Musi, Gennaro
Musicco, Massimo
Mussi, Thais C.
Mustafi, Devkumar
Muthupillai, Raja
Muthurangu, Vivek
Mutsaerts, Henri J M M
Muzi, Mark
Muzic, Raymond F.
Myers, Kristin
Myint, Esther
Müller, Christoph
Müller, Dirk K.
Müller, Katharina
Müller, Roland
Myrick, Craig
Mårtensson, Johanna
Mårtensson, Magnus
Mädler, Burkhard
Möllenhoff, Klaus
Möller, Christiane
Möller, Harald
Mörchel, Philipp
Nabatame, Kuniaki
Nabuurs, Christine
Nacev, Aleksandar
Nachman, Adrian
Nadakuditi, Rajesh R.
Nadar, Mariappan
Nadav, Guy
Naegele, Joseph
Naegelin, Yvonne
Nael, Kambiz
Nagahata, Morio
Nagahiro, Shinji
Naganawa, Shinji
Nagane, Masaki
Nagaoka, Tomoaki
Nagaraja, Sanjoy
Nagarajan, Rajakumar
Nagarajan, Vijayasarathi
Nagasaka, Tatsuo
Nagel, Armin
Nagelmann, Nina
Nagle, Scott
Nagpal, Seema
Nagy, Zoltan
Nahhass, Omar M.
Naidu, Padmaja
Naik, Arpana
Naik, Arpana M.
Naim, Frederic Ben
Nair, Govind
Nair, Veena A.
Naish, Josephine
Naito, Hiroaki
Nakagami, Ryutaro
Nakai, Kei
Nakai, Ryusuke
Nakai, Toshiharu
Nakajima, Iwao
Nakamura, Jun
Nakamura, Katsumi
Nakamura, Kazuhiro
Nakamura, Kunio
Nakamura, Masanobu
Nakamura, Masaya
Nakamura, Ryuichi
Nakamura, Tomoya
Nakanishi, Atsushi
Nakanishi, Katsuyuki
Nakanishi, Norifumi
Nakanishi, Yuto
Nakashima, Jonathan
Nakashima, Tsutomu
Naldi, Ilaria
Nam, Yoonho
Namimoto, Tomohiro
Nanayakkara, Lakshan
Nanba, Takamasa
Nandwana, Sadhna
Nandy, Rajesh R.
Nanga, Ravi Prakash
Nango, Nobuhito
Nannepaga, Suraj
Nanz, Daniel
Napadow, Vitaly
Napiletzki, Sylvia
Napoli, Alessandro
Napolitano, Antonio
Narang, Indra
Narasimhamurthy, Anand
Narayana, Ponnada A.
Narayanan, Divya
Narayanan, Sridar
Narayanasamy, Prabagaran
Nardo, Lorenzo
Narita, Yoshitaka
Narkhede, Atul
Narra, Vamsi R.
Narsude, Mayur
Nasel, Christian
Nashölm, Peter
Nasonova, Elena
Nasrallah, Fatima
Nassenstein, Kai
Nataraj, Gopal
Nateras, Oscar S. E.
Nath, Kavindra
Nathanielsz, Peter W.
Nathoo, Nabeela
Natsuaki, Yutaka
Nau, Amy C.
Nau, Thomas
Nauerth, Arno
Naulin, Jérôme
Naumann, Ulrike
Naumova, Anna V.
Navarro, Maria E.
Navarro, Miguel
Navath, Suryakiran
Navid, Fariba
Navon, Gil
Nawabi, Danyal H.
Nayak, Amritha
Nayak, Krishna
Nayar, Kritika
Nazareth, Ryan
Nazarian, Saman B.
Nazem-Zadeh, Mohammad Reza
Nazem-Zadeh, Mohammad-Reza
Neal, David
Nealon, Nancy
Near, Jamie
Nebel, Mary Beth
Nederkoorn, Paul
Nederveen, A. J.
Nedjati-Gilani, Gemma
Needham, Maurice A.
Neelavalli, Jaladhar
Neema, Mohit
Neeman, Michal
Neff, K. Wolfgang
Negahdar, MJ
Neggers, Bas
Neggers, Sebastiaan F.W.
Negri, Viviana
Neher, Peter
Nehrer, Stefan
Nehrke, Kay
Neidert, Marian C.
Neil, Jeffrey J.
Neill, Meaghan
Nejad-Davarani, Siamak P.
Neji, Radhouene
Nelissen, Jules L.
Nelissen, Koen
Nelson, David S.
Nelson, Marvin D.
Nelson, Michael D.
Nelson, Michael T.
Nelson, Sarah J.
Nemcek, Albert
Nemni, Raffaello
Nencka, Andrew S.
Nencka, Andrew Scott
Nerio, Christopher
Nesteruk, Krzysztof
Nestor, Peter
Nestrasil, Igor
Neto, Gérson Santos
Neto, Octavio Marques Pontes
Netra, Rana
Nettles, Carrie
Neu, Corey P.
Neubauer, Andreas
Neubauer, Stefan
Neuberger, Thomas
Neubert, Ales
Neufeld, Esra
Neufeld, Richard
Neuloh, Georg
Neumaier, Michael
Neumann, Adam R.
Neumann, Daniel
Neumann, Heiko
Neumann, Jan Oliver
Neumann, Markus
Neumayer, Bernhard
Neuner, Irene
Neuwelt, Edward A.
Neveu, Marie-Aline
Nevo, Erez
Nevo, Uri
Newbold, Kate
Newbould, Rexford D.
Newby, David
Newcombe, Virginia
Newell, John
Newitt, David
Newman, Michael
Newman, Sharlene
Newstead, Gillian
Newton, Allen
Newton, Julia
Neyt, Sara
Nezafat, Maryam
Nezafat, Reza
Ng, Amanda
Ng, Jason
Ng, Kia Min
Ng, Kian Chye
Ng, Peter
Ng, Thian C.
Ng'andwe, Eddie
Ngammuang, Busakol
Ngu, Sharon
Nguyen, Christopher
Nguyen, Dan
Nguyen, Hien
Nguyen, Huyen T.
Nguyen, Kim-Lien
Nguyen, Thanh
Nguyen, Thi Thoa
Nguyen, Tra-My
Ni, Wendy W.
Nicholas, Richard Stephen
Nicholls, Francesca J.
Nichols, Thomas
Nicholson, Andrew David
Nickel, Marcel Dominik
Nickerson, Lisa D.
Nickisch, Hannes
Nicolai, Emanuele
Nicolai, Jodi Robin
Nicolas, Emilien
Nicolay, Klaas
Nicole, Pascal
Nicoletti, Giuseppe
Nicolini, Carlo
Nie, Binbin
Nie, Shuming
Nielles-Vallespin, Sonia
Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik
Nielsen, Mads
Nielsen, Matthew
Nielson, Jon-Fredrik
Nieman, Brian J.
Niemann, Markus
Nieminen, Miika T.
Nien, Fang-Yu
Niendorf, Thoralf
Nies, Cordula
Niesporek, Sebastian C.
Niess, Fabian
Nieuwoudt, Donne
Nieuwstadt, Harm
Nievelstein, Rutger Jan
Niibori, Yosuke
Nijenhuis, Robbert J.
Nijhof, Wouter
Nijsen, Johannes Franciscus
Nikolaou, Konstantin
Niks, Erik
Niles, David J.
Nilsson, Anders
Nilsson, Kent Ronald
Nilsson, Markus
Ning, Jia
Nio, C. Y.
Niranjan, Arun
Niranjan, Balu
Nishida, Kaori
Nishie, Akihiko
Nishie, Akihiro
Nishihara, Takashi
Nishii, Tatsuya
Nishikawa, Masami
Nishikido, Fumihiko
Nishikori, Akira
Nishimura, Dwight
Nishimura, Kazuo
Nishio, Hiroaki
Nishio, Mizuho
Nishioka, Christopher
Nishiyama, Kouya
Nishiyama, Nobuhiro
Nishizawa, Mitsuo
Nisonger, Sarah
Nissan, Noam
Nissi, Mikko
Nistler, Jürgen
Nitatori, Toshiaki
Nitta, Shuhei
Nittka, Mathias
Niu, Chen
Niu, Zhendong
Niwa, Tetsu
Nixdorf, Donald R.
Nixon, Terence W
Nixon, Terence W.
Njiwa, Josiane Yankam
Nocetti, Luca
Noda, Tomohiro
Noda, Yasufumi
Noden, Victoria
Noehren, Brian
Noeske, Ralph
Nogle, Sally
Noguchi, Takeshi
Nojiri, Ryuji
Noll, Douglas
Nomura, Koichiro
Nomura, Takakiyo
Norbeck, Ola
Nordbeck, Peter
Nordberg, Jessica
Norddin, Narina
Nordhøy, Wibeke
Nordio, Andrea
Nordmeyer-Maßner, Jurek
Norén, Bengt
Noritaka, Seino
Norlund, Layne
Norman, Jane
Norman, Luke
Normandin, Marc D.
Norquay, Graham
Norris, David
Northington, Frances J.
Norton, Isaiah
Noseworthy, Michael D.
Notardonato, Lucia
Notohamiprodjo, Mike
Nouizi, Farouk
Nour, Sherif G.
Noureddine, Yacine
Novak, Jan
Novak, Marianne J U
Novak, Vera
Novakovic, Kristian
Novek, Jennifer
Novikov, Dmitry S.
Nowak, Johannes
Noworolski, Susan
Nowotny, Peter
Nozaki, Atsushi
Nozaki, Taiki
Nozawa, Kumiko
Nuara, Stephen
Numan, Wouter
Numano, Tomokazu
Nummenmaa, Aapo
Nunes, Patricia Maria
Nunes, Rita
Nutting, Christopher M.
Nuyts, Johan
Nyberg, Sandra
Nyenhuis, John
Nyman, Jeffry S.
Nyström, Fredrik H.
Nägele, Thomas
Nägga, Katarina
Nöth, Ulrich
Nöth, Ulrike
Nørregaard, Rikke
O'Brien, Kieran
O'Brien, Terence
O'Callaghan, James M.
O'Connor, James PB
O'Dell, Michael
O'Donnell, Brian F.
O'Flynn, Elizabeth AM
O'Gorman, Ruth
O'Halloran, Rafael
O'Hanlon, Charles
O'Kane, Patrick
O'Keeffe, Sylvia A.
O'Meara, Celia
O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan
O'Neil, Michael J.
O'Neill, David P.
O'Neill, Michael
O'Sullivan, Michael J.
Oakes, Terrance R.
Obara, Makoto
Obara, Satoshi
Obata, Takayuki
Oberacker, Eva
Oberhuber, Alexander
Oberley, Terry D.
Obertino, Silvia
Obmann, Sonja M.
Oborski, Matthew J.
Obsitnik, Branislav
Ochi, Hisaaki
Ochi, Junko
Ochi, Tomoko
Oda, Seitaro
Odéen, Henrik
Odening, Katja E.
Odille, Freddy
Oehmigen, Mark
Oei, E.H.G.
Oergel, Anja
Oerlemans, Chris
Oerther, Thomas
Oesingmann, Niels
Oevermann, Anna
Oezerdem, Celal
Ofen, Noa
Ogasawara, Athushi
Ogasawara, Kuniaki
Ogawa, Akira
Ogawa, Masashi
Ogawa, Seiji
Ogg, Robert J.
Ogino, Testuo
Ogino, Tetsuo
Ogo, Takeshi
Ogren, Jennifer A.
Ogris, Kathrin
Oguz, Ipek
Oguz, Kader Karli
Oh, Chang Heun
Oh, Jiwon
Oh, Jung Hun
Oh, Junh Hun
Oh, Karen
Oh, Se-Hong
Oh, Sehong
Oh, Sung Suk
Ohgiya, Yoshimitsu
Ohliger, Michael
Ohmoto-Sekine, Yuki
Ohno, Kohji
Ohno, Koji
Ohno, Naoki
Ohno, Tsuyoshi
Ohno, Yoshiharu
Ohrmann, Patricia
Ohtomo, Kuni
Ohtuka, Chigumi
Ohya, Ayumi
Oida, Takenori
Oikonomidis, Ioannis Vogiatzis
Oishi, Kenichi
Okada, Tomohisa
Okamoto, Ruth J.
Okamura, Teppei
Okano, Hideyuki
Okano, Hirotaka James
Okanovic, Melisa
Okazaki, Takashi
Okeer, Emre
Okell, Thomas
Oki, Hodaka
Okuaki, Tomoyuki
Okuda, Shigeo
Olafsson, Valur
Oldfield, Edward H.
Oler, Jonathan A.
Olesen, Oline V.
Olesik, John
Oliva, Isabel
Oliver, Ruth
Oliver, Seb
Oliver-Taylor, Aaron
Olivito, Giusy
Ollinger, John
Olmer, Merissa
Olson, Marram P.
Olson, Matthew L.
Olthoff, Arno
Onay, Aslihan
Onaya, Hiroaki
Ong, Frank
Ong, Henry H.
Ong, Melissa M.
Onishi, Natsuko
Onoda, Yui
Onu, Mihaela
Ooi, Melvyn
Ooi, Melvyn B.
Ooishi, Naoki
Oomens, Cees W.
Oosterveer, Frank
Opel, Nils
Oppelt, Ralph G.
Oppenheim, Catherine
Oran, Omer Faruk
Orasanu, Eliza
Orbach, Darren B.
Ordidge, Roger
Orduna, Juan
Oredsson, Stina
Oren, Roni
Orend, Karl-Heinz
Orije, Jasmien
Orlando, Tomas
Orlikowski, David
Oros-Peusquens, Ana-Maria
Orosz, Ariane
Orr, Harry T.
Ortiz, Ernesto
Ortiz, Eva Alonso
Ortiz, José Luis
Ortiz-Nieto, Francisco
Ortman, Sarah
Orton, Matthew R.
Orzada, Stephan
Osakabe, Chiharu
Osamu, Abe
Osborn Jr., John W.
Oshinski, John
Oshio, Koichi
Osiak, Anna
Oskolkov, Nikita
Osman, Sherif
Ossher, Lynn
Ostertag, Derek
Ostrem, Jill
Osunkoya, Adeboye O.
Osztroluczki, Andras
Ota, Hideki
Otaduy, Maria Concepcion Garcia
Otake, Yosuke
Otazo, Ricardo
Othman, Shadi F.
Oto, Aytekin
Otomi, Yoichi
Ott, Harald C.
Ott, Martin
Otte, Ralf
Otte, Willem M.
Otto, Jens
Ou, Xiawei
Oudeman, Jos
Oudry, Jennifer
Ouriadov, Alexei V.
Ourselin, Sebastian
Ourselin, Sebastien
Outtrim, Joanne
Ouyang, Austin
Ouyang, Cheng
Ouyang, Han
Ouyang, Jingsong
Ouyang, Jinsong
Ouyang, Minhui
Overall, William R.
Overduin, Christiaan G.
Overduin, Christiaan O.
Overweg, Johan A.
Owen, Joseph W.
Owen, Julia P.
Owens, Christopher
Oyama, Nobuyuki
Oyamada, Yoshihiro
Oz, Gulin
Ozaki, Kumi
Ozaki, Masanori
Ozaki, Osamu
Ozaki, Shiro
Ozarslan, Evren
Ozdemir, Safa
Ozhinsky, Eugene
Ozturk-Isik, Esin
O’Donnell, Patricia
O’Muircheartaigh, Jonathan
O¡¯Leary-Moore, Shonagh K.
Paasonen, Jaakko
Pacey, Allan
Paci, Cristina
Padberg, George
Padgett, Kyle
Padhani, Anwar
Padormo, Francesco
Paech, Daniel
Paek, Mun Young
Pagani, Elisabetta
Pagano, Joseph J.
Page, Lydia Le
Pagel, Mark
Pagnier, Anne
Pahernik, Sascha
Paiboonsukwong, Kittiphong
Pajares, Gonzalo
Pal, Saikat
Palace, Jacqueline
Palaniyappan, Lena
Palaniyappan, Naaventhan
Palasis, Susan
Paldino, Michael J.
Palesi, Fulvia
Paley, Martyn
Pallini, Roberto
Palm, Fredrik
Palma, Alessandra
Palmer, Susan
Palmer, Vanessa L.
Palmqvist, Sebastian
Palombo, Marco
Palpant, Nathan J.
Palú, Alessandro Dal
Pampel, André
Pamplona, Gustavo
Pan, Huay-Ben
Pan, Jullie
Pan, Jullie W.
Pan, Li
Pan, Min
Pan, Wen-Ju
Panagiotaki, Eleftheria
Panandiker, Atmaram Pai
Panara, Valentina
Panchuelo, Rosa Sanchez
Panda, Anshuman
Panda, Swayamprava
Pandey, Abhishek
Pandey, Chandra M.
Pandit, Prachi
Pandya, Sneha
Panek, Rafal
Pang, Benison
Pang, Jianing
Pang, Yong
Pangalu, Athina
Panicek, David M.
Panigrahy, Ashok
Pannek, Kerstin
Pannetier, Nicolas
Pannicke, Enrico
Pantano, Patrizia
Pantelic, Milan
Panych, Lawrence P.
Paolicelli, Rosa C.
Papachatzaki, Maria
Papadaki, Annie
Papademetris, Xenophon
Papadopoulou, Fotini S.
Papadopulou-Rosenzweig, Maria
Papanastasiou, Giorgos
Papas, Klearchos K.
Papavassiliou, Efstathios
Papazoglou, Sebastian
Papinutto, Nico
Papoti, Daniel
Papoutsis, Konstantinos
Paproki, Anthony
Paquette, Michael
Paradis, Valerie
Parasoglou, Prodromos
Pardini, Matteo
Pardo, Carlos A.
Pardo, José Angel Pineda
Pardon, Marie Christine
Parekh, Mansi
Parent, Maxime J.
Parhizkar, Samira
Parikh, Nehal A.
Parisi, Laura
Parivash, Sherveen
Parizel, Paul
Park, Chang Sub
Park, Daniel
Park, Danny
Park, Denise
Park, Denise C.
Park, Eun-Ah
Park, Gregory Hyung Jin
Park, Hyun-Jin
Park, HyunWook
Park, Ilwoo
Park, Jae Mo
Park, Jaeseok
Park, Jane H.
Park, Jang Woo
Park, Jang Yeon
Park, Jang-Yeon
Park, Ji-Ae
Park, Jinha M.
Park, Jinil
Park, JoAnn
Park, Keith
Park, Larry
Park, Mi-Suk
Park, Shin-Eui
Park, Suhyung
Park, Sung-Hong
Park, Sunghong
Parker, Chris C.
Parker, Christopher S.
Parker, David
Parker, Dennis
Parker, Donna
Parker, Geoff
Parker, Kim
Parker, Laurence
Parker, William A.
Parkes, Harold G.
Parlier, Pauline
Parmar, Hemant A.
Parra, Andres
Parra-Robles, Juan
Parraga, Grace
Parrish, Todd B.
Parshad, Rajinder
Parsons, Helen
Parsons, Mark
Partanen, Ari
Partridge, Savannah C.
Parzy, Elodie
Paschke, Nadia
Pascoe, Leona
Pascual, Belen
Pasin, Moreno
Pasquier, Renaud Du
Pasterkamp, Gerard
Pasternak, Ofer
Pastor, Catherine
Pastor, Maria
Pataky, Rozi
Patay, Zoltan
Patel, Anant Bahadur
Patel, Hardik
Patel, Hima
Patel, Kamlesh Babulal
Patel, Roshani
Patel-Lippmann, Krupa
Pathak, Arvind P.
Patil, Sujata
Patil, Sunil G.
Patil, Uday
Patriat, Remi
Patrice, Menegon
Patrick, P. Stephen
Patterson, Andrew
Patterson, Steve
Pattinson, Kyle T.S.
Patz, Samuel
Patzwahl, René
Paudyal, Ramesh
Paul, Dominik
Paul, Friedemann
Paul, Jan
Pauli, Chantal
Pauliah, Shreela S.
Paulides, Maarten
Paulides, Margarethus M.
Paulin, Gregory
Paulsen, Jane S.
Paulsen, Keith D.
Paulus, Daniel H.
Paulus, Emily M.
Pauly, John
Pauly, Kim Butts
Pautler, Robia G.
Pautler, Steven
Pavan, Matteo
Pavlina, John M.
Pavlovskaya, Galina
Pawela, Christopher P.
Payaping, Theeraphol
Payne, Allison
Payne, G S.
Payne, Stephen
Pearl, Monica
Pearson, Andrew D J
Pearson, Jack Tristan
Pearson, Randy
Pecchi, Emilie
Pechman, Kimberly R.
Peck, Kyung K.
Pedersen, Anya
Pedersen, Erik Morre
Pedersen, Michael
Pedley, Barbara
Pednekar, Amol
Pedoia, Valentina
Pedro, Fernandez-Funez
Pedrosa, Ivan
Peel, Anna
Peel, Sarah
Peet, A. C.
Peeters, Ronald
Pegan, Katarina
Pei, Mengchao
Pei, Yu-Cheng
Pekar, James J.
Peláez-Brioso, Gerardo
Pelled, Gadi
Pelled, Galit
Peller, Michael
Pelletier, Daniel
Pelletier, Jean
Pellicer, Ruben
Pellikan, Stefanie
Pellissier, Sonia
Peltier, Scott J.
Pena-Fernandez, Elena
Peñaranda, Nicolás
Pendl, Tamara
Pendse, Douglas Andrew
Pendse, Mihir
Penet, Marie-France
Peng, Chen Guang
Peng, Cheng-yu
Peng, Chenguang
Peng, Hsu-Hsia
Peng, Qi
Peng, Shin-Lei
Peng, Shuai
Peng, Weijun
Peng, Wenjia
Peng, Xi
Peng, Yahui
Peng, Yun
Penna, Augusto La
Penna, Stefania Della
Pennell, D
Pennell, David R.
Pennell, Dudley
Penner, Jacob
Pennet, Marie-France
Penzkofer, Tobias
Pepe, Alessia
Peper, Eva
Peperhove, Matti
Pépin, Jérémy
Pepin, Kay
Perani, Suejen
Pereira, Joao M. S.
Pereira, Philippe L.
Perera, Warren
Pérez, Eduardo Barragán
Perez, Juan Pablo Rigla
Pérez-Carro, Rocío
Perez-Carro, Rocio
Perez-Lopez, Raquel
Perez-Torres, Carlos
PerezLopez, Raquel
Perie, Delphine
Perkins, Kevin
Perkins, Thomas G.
Perkins, Tom
Perles-Barbacaru, Teodora-Adriana
Perlman, Jeffrey M.
Pernot, Mathieu
Peron, Jean Pierre S.
Perreard, Irina
Perret, Thomas
Perri, Carol Di
Perri, Roberta
Perrier, Anne-Laure
Perrone, Daniele
Perry, Gilbert
Pertschuk, Daniel
Perumal, Jai S.
Peruzzo, Denis
Pesaresi, Ilaria
Pesch, Beate
Peschke, Peter
Pesola, Chiara
Pesola, Marko
Pessoa, Luiz
Pester, Britta
Pestilli, Franco
Peter, Veronika
Peters, Amy L.
Peters, Andrew
Peters, Dana
Peters, Douglas G.
Peters, Gail
Peters, Nicky H.G.M.
Peters, Robert
Peters, Ronald
Peters, Terry
Petersen, E. T.
Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Justin
Peterson, Richard
Peterson, William T.
Petersson, Sven
Petibon, Yoann
Petiet, Alexandra
Petiet, Anne
Petitmangin, Gregory
Petkovska, Iva
Petr, Jan
Petracca, Maria
Petralia, Giuseppe
Petri, Susanne
Petridou, Natalia
Petrinovic, Marija M.
Petropoulos, Labros
Petrovic, Andreas
Petrovic, Igor
Petrovic, Katja
Petsas, Nikolaos
Petzold, Johannes
Peuna, Arttu
Peyrat, Jean-Marc
Peyronnet, Remi
Peyssonnaux, Carole
Pezzullo, Giovanni
Pfannenberg, Christina
Pfefferbaum, Adolf
Pfeifer, Charlotte
Pfeiffer, Harald
Pfeuffer, Josef
Pfirrmann, Christian W.A.
Pflugi, Silvio
Pfrommer, Andreas
Pfueller, Caspar
Phal, Pramit
Pham, Diane
Pham, Dzung
Pham, Thanh Trang Cao
Phang, Adeline
Phielix, Esther
Philippe, R.
Philippens, Marielle
Philips, Bart
Philips, Wilfried
Phillips, Joanna J.
Phillips, Jonathan
Phillips, Kimberley
Phillips, Michael
Phillips, Raquel
Phinikaridou, Alkystis
Phua, Kok Soon
Pi, Zhouyue
Piana, Roberta La
Piazza, Gregory
Picaud, Julien
Piccini, Davide
Piccirelli, Marco
Piccirilli, Eleonora
Piccone, Connie
Pichardo, Samuel
Pichler, Bernd J.
Pichumani, Kumar
Pickhardt, Perry J.
Pickles, Martin
Pickup, Stephen
Picot, Paul
Pidikiti, Rajesh
Piechnik, Stefan K.
Piedzia, Weronika
Piel, Joseph E.
Pieper, Russell O.
Pier, Kelly St
Pierce, Iain
Pierce, Iain T.
Pierpaoli, Carlo
Pietras, Johan
Pietrini, Pietro
Pietro, Giulia Di
Pievani, Michela
Piferi, Peter
Pijnenburg, Yolande
Pike, Gilbert Bruce
Pilar, Ara Alconchel
Pilatus, Ulrich
Pilla, James J.
Pilleul, Frank
Pineda, Federico D.
Pineda, Jose A.
Pinel, Philippe
Pinho, Daniella
Pini, Giorgio
Pinker, Katja
Pinker-Domenig, Katja
Pinkham, Amy
Pinnaduwage, Dilini S.
Pinney, Kevin G.
Pins, George
Piontkewitz, Yael
Pipe, James G.
Pirko, Istvan
Pirpamer, Lukas
Piryatinsky, Irene
Pitiot, Alain
Pitkänen, Asla
Pitre-Champagnat, Stéphanie
Pitt, David
Pittard, Simon
Pittau, Francesca
Pittella, José Eymard Homem
Piven, Joseph
Piyapittayanan, Siriwan
Piyasena, Chinthika
Pizer, B. L.
Pizurica, Aleksandra
Pizzella, Vittorio
Pizzini, Francesca
Pizzorni-Ferrarese, Francesca
Pizzorusso, Tommaso
Plank, Lindsay
Plante, Elena
Plassard, Andrew J.
Plasschaert, Ellen
Plata, Juan Camilo
Platas, Diana
Platt, Tanja
Platzer, Patrick
Plaumann, Markus
Plaza, Begoña Lavin
Pleger, Burkhard
Plein, Sven
Plenge, Esben
Pleshko, Nancy
Pless, Miklos
Pletikos, Mihovil
Pletnikova, Olga
Plichta, Marie-Charlotte
Plotnik, Adam
Pluchino, Stefano
Pluim, Josien P.W.
Plum, Michael
Plumb, Andrew
Plummer, Charlesa
Po, Chrystelle
Poddar, Ankur
Poddar, Sunrita
Podo, Franca
Poelmann, Rob E.
Poelmans, Jennifer
Poetter, Richard
Poggi, Luisa
Pogrebniak, Katherine L.
Poh, Christina
Pohar, Kamal S.
Pohlmann, Andreas
Pohmann, Rolf
Poigai, Shivaram
Poil, Simon-Shlomo
Poirier-Quinot, Marie
Pokorney, Amber
Pol, Hilleke E. Hulshoff
Polacek, Hubert
Polanec, Stephan
Polanska, Joanna
Polanski, David
Polaskova, Pavlina
Polders, Daniël L.
Polimeni, Jon
Polimeni, Jonathan
Polimeridis, Athanasios G.
Pollack, Alan
Pollack, Ian
Pollaro, James
Polley, Thomas W.
Polli, James
Pollmann, Steven I.
Pollock, Sean
Poloniato, Antonella
Polterauer, Stephan
Poluektova, Larisa Y.
Pomeranz, Christy
Pomper, Martin G.
Ponder, Katherine P.
Ponsaerts, Peter
Pontesilli, Silvia
Ponzo, Fabio
Ponzo, Viviana
Poojar, Pavan
Poole, Charles
Poole, Michael
Pooley, Robert A.
Poot, D.H.J.
Pope, George
Pope, Whitney
Popel, Alexander S.
Popescu, Stefan
Popescu, Veronica
Poplawsky, Alexander
Popov, Sergey
Poptani, Harish
Porambo, Michael
Porcari, Paola
Porcelli, Margherita
Porporato, Paolo E.
Porro, Carlo A.
Portegies, Peter
Porter, David
Porter, Marie-Claire
Portet, Florence
Portnoy, Sharon
Poser, Benedikt
Posey, James
Positano, Vincenzo
Posnansky, Oleg
Possanzini, Cecilia
Posse, Stefan
Post, M Judy D
Pothayee, Nikorn
Potter, Hollis G.
Potter, William
Potters, Wouter V.
Poublanc, Julien
Pouladi, Mahmoud A.
Pouliot, Jean
Poulsen, Cathy
Poupon, Cyril
Poupon, Fabrice
Pourfathi, Mehrdad
Poutanen, Matti
Pouwels, Petra
Povázai, Katalin
Povazan, Michal
Považan, Michal
Powell, Andrew J.
Powell, Ceri
Powell, Jonathan
Powell, Kimerly A.
Powell, N. M.
Powell, Tracy E.
Power, Carl
Powers, Alex
Powers, William
Pownder, Sarah
Poyer, Florent
Poynton, Clare
Poynton, Clare B.
Pozsgay, Zsófia
Pozzilli, Carlo
Prabhakaran, Shyam
Prabhakaran, Vivek
Prabhu, Sanjay P.
Prabhuswamy, Madhu Sudan Muguru
Pracht, Eberhard D.
Pradhan, Subechhya
Prados, Ferran
Praet, Jelle
Prah, Melissa
Prakash, K.N. Bhanu
Pramanik, Priyanka P.
Prasad, Gautam
Prasad, Pottumarthi V.
Prasad, Sambhu
Prasad, Sanjay
Prasloski, Thomas
Prato, Frank S.
Prats-Galino, Alberto
Pratt, Ronald
Pratt, Stephen JP
Prckovska, Vesna
Preboske, Greg
Preibisch, Christine
Preitner, Frederic
Prekins, Kevin
Prendergast, Bernard
Prentice, Paul
Presseau, Caroline
Preti, Maria Giulia
Prevost, Valentin
Prevrhal, Sven
Preziosa, Paolo
Priatna, Agus
Priba, Lukasz
Price, Anthony N.
Price, David
Price, Richard J.
Priem, Bram
Priest, Andrew
Prieto, Claudia
Prina-Mello, Adriele
Prince, Jerry
Prince, Martin
Prinsen, Hetty
Prior, Malcolm J.W
Prisk, G. Kim
Pritchard, Susan
Procissi, Daniel
Procissi, Daniele
Proctor, Evelyn
Profka, Harrilla
Proisy, Maia
Prompers, Jeanine J.
Pronin, Igor
Protti, Andrea
Protti, Nicoletta
Provenzano, Elena
Proverbio, Alessandro
Pruessmann, Klaas
Pryweller, Jennifer R.
Ptito, Maurice
Puce, Aina
Puchner, Stephan
Puckett, Lindsay
Puelles, Victor G.
Pugmire, Brian
Pugnaire, Julien
Pujara, Akshat
Pujol, Sonia M. A.
Pulini, Stefano
Pullens, Pim
Pulwicki, Alexandra
Pungavkar, Sona
Punt, C.J.A.
Punwani, Shonit
Purandare, Nitin
Puranik, Amrutesh
Purcell, Ryan
Purdy, Julia B.
Purevjav, Enkhsaikhan
Purfürst, Bettina
Purmal, Colin
Purnell, Carson
Purnell, Jonathan Q.
Purohit, Maulik P.
Purvis, Lucian A. B.
Puthumana, Jyothy
Puts, Nicolaas
Pyatigorskaya, Nadya
Pysarenko, Kristine
Pörtner, Hans-Otto
Qi, Fulang
Qi, Haikun
Qi, Huixin
Qi, Shun
Qi, Xiaoyang
Qi, Yi
Qi-yong, Guo
Qian, Chunqi
Qian, Tianyi
Qian, Wenshu
Qian, Yongxian
Qiang, Beiping
Qiao, Min
Qiao, Yuan
Qiao, Zhongwei
Qin, Qin
Qin, Wei
Qin, Xulei
Qing, Kun
Qing, Yang
Qiu, Bensheng
Qiu, Deqiang
Qiu, Lihua
Qiu, Maolin
Qiu, Siyou
Qiu-ju, LI
Qu, Feifei
Qu, Xiaobo
Quadrelli, Scott G.
Quarles, C. Chad
Quast, Christine
Quattrini, Angelo
Quattrone, Aldo
Queiroz, Marcelo
Quek, Swee Tian
Quesson, Bruno
Quest, Rebecca
Quetscher, Clara
Quick, Harald H.
Quigley, Andrew P.
Quigley, Brian
Quinn, Anthony G.
Quinn, Matthew P.
Quirk, James D.
Quist, Brady
Quota, Alessandra
Qureshi, Ayaz
Qureshi, Nagmi
Qutaish, Mohammed
Raad, Roy
Raad, Roy A.
Raaijmakers, Alexander J.E.
Raatschen, Hans-Jürgen
Rabiner, Eugenii A.
Rabrait, Cécile
Rachakonda, Srinivas
Racine, Caroline A.
Rackayová, Veronika
Rackley, Craig
Rackwitz, Lars
Rad, Hamidreza Saligheh
Rad, Kamiar Rahnama
Rad, Shahrokh Abbasi
Radau, Perry
Radbruch, Alexander
Radcliffe, Jerilynn
Radjenovic, Aleksandra
Radomski, Marek
Radoul, Marina
Radovanovic, Ivan
Radue, Ernst-Wilhelm
Raffard, Gérard
Raffelt, David
Ragan, Dustin K.
Raghavan, Raghu
Ragheb, Hossein
Ragunathan, Sudarshan
Rahimi, Mahdi S.
Rahman, Ayesha
Rahman, Mahajabin
Rahmouni, Alain
Rai, Prashant K.
Rai, Yogita
Raimondi, Sara
Raimundo, Miguel
Rainwater, Orion
Raison, Maxime
Raj, Ashish
Raj, Ganesh
Rajaei, Jennia
Rajagopal, Akila
Rajagopal, Lakshmi
Rajan, Usha
Rajapakse, Chamith S.
Rajaram, Smitha
Rajaraman, Chittoor
Rajasekaran, M. Raj
Rajender Reddy, K.
Rajendran, Reshmi
Rajiah, Prabhakar
Rajkumar, Vineeth
Rajsiglova, Lenka
Raju, G. Praveen
Rakhra, Kawan S.
Rama, Paolo
Ramachandra, Sowmya
Ramachandran, Sarayu
Ramadan, Saadallah
Ramakrishnaiah, Raghu
Ramalho, Joana
Ramalho, Miguel
Ramamonjisoa, Nirilanto
Raman, Fabio
Raman, Mekala
Raman, Steven
Raman, Subha V.
Raman, Venu
Ramanan, Sriram
Ramanan, Venkat
Ramani, Ramachandran
Ramasawmy, Rajiv
Ramautar, Jennifer R.
Ramb, Rebecca
Rambo, Mary
Ramirez, Marc S.
Ramirez, Mark S.
Ramm, Robert
Ramnegård, Marie
Ramos, Ana
Ramos-Cabrer, Pedro
Ramsay, Elizabeth
Ramsey, Nick
Ran, Xu
Rana, Poonam
Rancan, Giaime
Rand, Scott D.
Randazzo, William
Randisi, Francesco
Randle, Ashley
Randtke, Edward
Rane, Swati
Rangarajan, Janaki Raman
Rangwala, Novena
Raniga, Parnesh
Ranjan, Ravi
Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe
Ranjit Singh, Kavita Kaur
Ranslow, Allison N.
Rao, Ashish
Rao, Jianghong
Rao, Madhwesha Rama
Rao, Raghu
Rao, Stephen M.
Rapacchi, Stanislas
Rapalino, Otto
Raphael, Claire E.
Rapp, Joseph
Rasche, Volker
Raschke, Felix
Rashid, Shams
Rata, Mihaela
Ratai, Eva M.
Raterman, Brian
Rath, Jakob
Rathee, Satyapal
Rathi, Yogesh
Rathore, Divya
Rathore, Ram Krishna Singh
Ratib, Osman
Ratiney, Helene
Ratiney, Hélène
Ratnanather, Tilak
Rattan, Mantosh S.
Rauch, Stefan
Raufman, Jean-Pierre
Rauscher, Alexander
Rautiainen, Jari
Raval, Shailesh
Raven, Erika P.
Ravesh, Mona Salehi
Ravi, Harshan
Ray-Chaudhury, Abhik
Raya, Jose G.
Raynaud, Jean-Sébastien
Rayner, Melanie
Rayner, Tammy
Rayoo, Rinku
Rayz, Vitaliy L.
Razavi, Reza
Razmilic, Dravna
Razzoli, Maria
Re, Marta
Re, Thomas J.
Rea, M.
Rea, William
Ream, Justin
Reber, Jonas
Recht, Lawrence
Recht, Michael P.
Reckless, Ian
Reckziegel, Diane
Recla, Monica
Reddick, Wilburn E.
Reddy, Damodar
Reddy, Narendra
Reddy, Rashmi
Reddy, Ravinder
Reddy, Srinevas
Redei, Eva E.
Redl, Heinz
Redler, Gage
Redlich, Ronny
Redlinger, Colleen
Redolfi, Alberto
Reed, Damon
Reed, Galen
Reeder, Scott
Rees, D. Aled
Reese, Shannon
Reese, Timothy G.
Reese, Torsten
Reetz, Kathrin
Rega, Marilena
Regan, William Donald
Regatte, Ravinder
Regli, Luca
Regnault, Timothy RH
Regnery, Sebasitian
Rehm, Patrice
Rehner, Robert
Reich, Daniel S.
Reichardt, Wilfried
Reichenbach, Juergen Rainer
Reid, Bruce B.
Reid, Scott
Reijman, Max
Reilly, Mary M.
Reimão, Sofia
Reimer, Enrico
Reineri, Francesca
Reinhardt, Julia
Reinhold, Caroline
Reinsberg, Stefan A.
Reinthaller, Alexander
Reischauer, Carolin
Reischl, Gerald
Reiser, Maximilian F.
Reisert, Marco
Reishofer, Gernot
Reisig, Gregor
Reisinger, Dominik Maria
Reiss, Peter
Reiter, David A.
Reiter, Robert E.
Reitz, Matthias
Reiß-Zimmermann, Martin
Remis, Rob F.
Rempp, Hans Jörg
Rémy, Chantal
Ren, Fuquan
Ren, Gang
Ren, Jimin
Renaud, Pierre
Renella, Pierangelo
Reneman, Liesbeth
Reni, Gianluigi
Renisch, Steffen
Renne, Giuseppe
Renne, Julius
Renne, Salvatore L.
Rennings, Andreas
Renvall, Ville
Rerich, Eugenia
Resetar, Ana
Ress, David
Restaino, Gennaro
Restivo, Matthew C.
Retico, Alessandra
Rettmann, Dan
Reuss, James
Reutens, David C.
Reuter, Françoise
Reuter, Martin
Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia
Revillard, Jérôme
Reville, Marie-Claire
Reyes, Denise
Reyes, Jose
Reyes, Mauricio
Reyhan, Meral L.
Reykowski, Arne
Reynaud, Olivier
Reynolds, Andrew R.
Reynolds, Rebecca M.
Reynolds, Steven
Rhiem, Kerstin
Rho, Jong
Ribeiro, André Santos
Ribeiro, Ludmila
Ribeiro, Mario
Ribes, Delphine
Ribot, Emeline J.
Ricci, Alessandro
Ricci-Vitiani, Lucia
Riccitelli, Gianna
Rice, Scott
Richard, Edo
Richards, Linda J.
Richardson, Arlan
Richardson, Mark
Richardson, Simon
Richiardi, Jonas
Richter, Ernst J.
Richter, Joseph P.
Richter, Nicolas
Rico, Audrey
Ricotti, Valeria
Riddell, Angela
Rider, Oliver
Ridgway, Ged
Ridout, Ashley
Riedel, Marissa
Riederer, Stephen J.
Riedl, Valentin
Riedy, Gerard
Rieger, Jan
Rieger, Johannes
Riek, Kerstin
Rieke, Viola
Riemer, Frank
Ries, Mario
Riffe, Matthew J.
Righi, Valeria
Righini, Andrea
Rigolio, Roberta
Rigsby, Cynthia
Rijpma, Anne
Rikkert, Marcel G.M. Olde
Riley, Hilary
Riley, Jonathan
Rilo, Horacio L.
Rinaldi, Pasquale
Rinaldi, Rita
Ring, Janine
Ringe, Kristina Imeen
Ringenbach, Alex
Ringer, Avi
Ringman, John
Rink, Kristian
Rinkel, Gabriël JE
Rioux, James A.
Ripley, David P.
Ripley, Erika M.
Rispoli, Joseph
Rispoli, Vinicius C.
Risterucci, Céline
Ritchlin, Christopher
Riva, Marco
Riva, Nilo
Rivera, Debra S.
Rivera-Rivera, Leonardo A.
Rivlin, Michal
Rivoire, Julien
Rizi, Rahim
Rizk, Elias
Rizwan, Asif
Rizzitelli, Silvia
Rizzo, Giovanna
Rizzo, Giovanni
Roach, David
Roach, Dwayne
Roalf, David
Roayaie, Sasan
Robb, Fraser
Robbins, Jessica
Robbins, Joan
Robbins, Peter A.
Robert, Benjamin
Robert, Philippe
Robert, Turner
Roberts, Emily
Roberts, Jeanette
Roberts, John
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, Thomas A.
Roberts, Timothy P.
Robertson, Nicola
Robertson, Scott H.
Robichaux-Viehoever, Amy
Robin, Arthur
Robin, Sandra
Robinson, Aaron
Robinson, Delbert G.
Robinson, Joshua D.
Robinson, Philip
Robinson, Simon
Robinson, Simon P.
Robinson, William H.
Robison, Ryan K.
Robitaille, Nicolas
Robledo, Brenda
Robson, Matthew
Robson, Philip M.
Robson, Siân E.
Rocca, Maria A.
Roceanu, Adina
Roch, Jean-Amedée
Roche, Alexis
Rock, Benjamin
Rockall, Andrea G.
Rockel, Conrad
Rodegher, Mariaemma
Roden, Michael
Rodeo, Scott A.
Rodgers, Christopher T.
Rodgers, Ciara
Rodgers, Zachary B.
Rodi, Timo
Rodionov, Roman
Rodrigue, Karen M.
Rodrigues, Paulo
Rodrigues, Tiago
Rodriguez, Alfredo O
Rodriguez, D.
Rodriguez, Daniel
Rodriguez, Dima
Rodriguez, Joe
Rodriguez, Pavel
Roebroeck, Alard
Roethke, Matthias C.
Rofsky, Neil M.
Rogers, Baxter P.
Rogers, James A.
Rogers, Toby
Rogers, William E.
Roggenhofer, Elisabeth
Rognmo, Øivind
Rognsvag, Guro K.
Rohling, Kenneth
Rohling, Robert
Roifman, Idan
Roig, Eulalia Serés
Roine, Timo
Roivainen, Anne
Rojas, Donald C.
Rojas, Rafael
Rojkova, Katrine
Rokem, Ariel
Roland, Joerg
Roland-Hill, Christopher
Rolandelli, Susan
Roldan, Alejandro
Roldan-Alzate, Alejandro
Rollins, Nancy
Romagnoli, Cesare
Roman, Gustavo C.
Romanasco, David
Romani, Gian Luca
Romano, Anthony
Romanzetti, Sandro
Romascano, David
Romero, Carola Jaquelina
Romero, Norma B.
Romero, Roberto
Romero-Giménez, Jordi
Rommel, Eberhard
Romolo, Melanie Moccaldi
Romu, Thobias
Ron, M.
Ronen, Itamar
Ronen, Sabrina M.
Rong, Rong
Rong, Song
Ronot, Maxime
Rooney, Bill
Rooney, William
Roopchansingh, Vinai
Roos, Justus E.
Ropele, Stefan
Ros, Mirco
Ros, Piedad
Rosa-Neto, Pedro
Rosand, Jonathan
Rosander, Johannes
Rosano, Caterina
Rosas, H. Diana
Rosas, Herminia Diana
Rosas, Humberto
Rose, Chris
Rose, Stephen
Roseboom, Patrick H.
Rosen, Allyson
Rosen, Bruce
Rosen, Mark
Rosen, Matthew S.
Rosenberg, David R.
Rosenberg, Jarrett
Rosenberg, Jens T.
Rosenberg, Joseph
Rosene, Douglas
Rosenholm, Jessica M.
Rosenkrantz, Andrew
Rosenthal, Frank
Rosi, Antonella
Ross, Brian D.
Ross, Chris D.
Ross, Thomas J.
Rosser, Anne E.
Rosset, Sara
Rossi, Cristina
Rossi, Giuseppe
Rossiter, James
Rossman, Milton
Rossman, Phillip
Rosso, Rosellina
Rost, Natalia S.
Rostami, Jamshid
Roth, Christopher
Roth, Marguerite
Roth, Theodore L.
Rothard, Joerg
Rothe, Michael
Rothman, Douglas L.
Rotile, Nicholas
Rottbauer, Wolfgang
Rottner, Kurt
Rotzinger, David
Roujol, Sebastien
Roujol, Sébastien
Rousseau, Cameron
Roussel, Tangi
Rousset, Florian
Rovaris, Marco
Rovira, Alex
Rowan, Janet
Rowe, Christopher C.
Rowe, Daniel B.
Rowland, Laura
Roy, Bhaswati
Roy, Michelle
Roy, Nicole
Roy, Raja
Roy, Snehashis
Roychaudhury, Ronjabati
Roys, Steven
Royston, Thomas J.
Royuela-del-Val, Javier
Rozenholc, Yves
Roßner, Stephan
Ruan, Weiwei
Ruangwattanapaisarn, Nichanan
Ruaud, Jean-Pierre
Rubin, Brian
Rubin, David A.
Rubio, Amandine
Rubio-Gozalbo, Estela
Rucco, Matteo
Rudà, Roberta
Ruddy, Terrence
Rudge, Peter
Rudin, Markus
Rudko, David A.
Rudrapatna, Suryanarayana Umesh
Rueckert, Daniel
Ruegger, Christoph
Ruf, Matthias
Ruggiero, Vito
Ruh, Alexander
Ruigrok, Ynte M.
Rukat, Tammo
Rummeny, Ernst J.
Rumpel, Helmut
Rumple, Christopher R.
Runci, Daniele
Rund, Armin
Runge, Jurgen H
Runge, Jurgen H.
Runge, Val Murray
Runz, Armin
Ruoslahti, Erkki
Ruppert, Kai
Rupprecht, Sebastian
Ruschke, Stefan
Ruset, Iulian
Rush, Elaine
Rushforth, Dave
Rusinek, Henry
Ruskin, Jeremy N.
Russ, Brian E.
Russek, Stephen E.
Russell, Doozie
Russman, Barry
Rusted, Jennifer M.
Rusu, Cristian
Ruth, Thomas
Rutherford, Mary
Rutkowski, Joseph V.
Rutt, Brian
Ruttorf, Michaela
Rutz, Tobias
Ruzicka, Evzen
Ruzicka, Filip
Ruzza, Marta
Ryan, Christopher W.
Ryan, Colin
Ryan, Matthew
Ryan, Timothy M.
Rückert, Martin A.
Rydlo, Jan
Rydtoft, Louise Munk
Ryeom, Hunkyu
Rügge, Christoph
Rühli, Frank
Rühli, Frank Jakobus
Ryoo, Sookyung
Rytsar, Romana
Ryu, Chang-Woo
Ryu, JaeKyun
Ryu, Kyung-Nam
Ryu, R.
Ryu, Samuel
Ryu, YeunChul
Ryznarova, Zuzana
Rzanny, Reinhard
Rösler, Manuela
Rørvik, Jarle Tor
S, Sendhil Velan
Sá, Rui Carlos
Saad, Nael E.
Saad, Ziad S.
Saal, Lao
Saalbach, Axel
Saam, Tobias
Saarakkala, Simo
Saba, Kamal
Sabati, Mohammad
Sabatini, Umberto
Saberi, Shahram
Sabin, Shea A.
Sablong, Raphaël
Sablong, Raphael
Sabri, Osama
Sachs, Jan
Sack, Ingolf
Sack, Markus
Sacolick, Laura
Sadananthan, Suresh Anand
Sadat, Umar
Sadeghi, Neda
Sadeghian, Farnoosh
Sader, Roula Bou
Sadikot, Abbas F.
Sadovnick, Dessa
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Saedon, Mahmud
Saeed, Maythem
Saekho, Suwit
Saemann, Philipp
Safronova, Marta M.
Saga, Tsuneo
Sagar, Devi
Sagar, Rajesh
Sagaram, Smriti
Saggu, Raman
Sagiyama, Koji
Sagoo, Ravjit Singh
Sah, Rani G.
Saha, Debabrata
Saha, Indrajit
Saha, Prakash
Saha, Saikat
Sahin, Mustafa
Sahlberg, Kristine Kleivi
Sahm, Felix
Sahoo, Prativa
Sahraian, MA
Sahul, Raffi
Sai, Syouei
Sai, Victor
Saigal, Gaurev
Saiki, Makoto
Saillet, Sandrine
Saini, Namita Singh
Saint-Jalmes, Herve
Saito, Keita
Saito, Kuniaki
Saito, Nobuhito
Saiviroonporn, Pairash
Sajib, Saurav ZK
Sajja, Balasrinivasa R.
Saka, Burcu
Sakadzic, Sava
Sakaguchi, Rena
Sakahara, Harumi
Sakai, Akira
Sakai, Koji
Sakai, Takamasa
Sakaie, Ken
Sakamoto, Masahiko
Sakamoto, Ryo
Sakashita, Naotaka
Sakashita, Tomohiro
Sako, Wataru
Sakuma, Hajime
Sakurai, Junki
Sala, Evis
Sala, Sara
Salameh, Najat
Salas, Rachel E.
Salas, Rodrigo
Salat, David
Saleem, Kadharbatcha S.
saleh, Habib Al
Salem, R.
Salerno, Michael
Salgaonkar, Vasant
Salibi, Nouha
Salle, Francesco Di
Sallustio, Giuseppina
Salmeron, Betty Jo
Salmon, Carlos Ernesto Garrido
Salo, Elli-Noora
Salo, Raimo
Salomir, Rares V.
Saloner, David
Salter, Bill J.
Salusky, Isidro
Salustri, Carlo
Salvado, Olivier
Salvatore, Elena
Salvatori, Cristina
Salvi, Richard
Sam, Kevin
Samaille, Thomas
Sames, Martin
Samiotaki, Gesthimani
Sammet, Steffen
Sammi, Manoj K.
Samoudi, Amine
Sampath, Smita
Samson, Rebecca
Samsonov, Alexey
Sanacora, Gerard
Sanal, Hatice T.
Sanches, Marsal
Sanches-Rocha, Liana Guerra
Sanchez, Brenda
Sanchez, Carlos Zaragoza
Sanchez, Clemente Cobos
Sánchez, Juan D.
Sanchez, Violeta M.
Sanchez-Gaytan, Brenda L.
Sánchez-Gaytan, Brenda L.
Sanchez-Lopez, Hector
Sánchez-Montañés, Manuel
Sanda, Martin G.
Sanda, Yoshihiro
Sandberg, Kristian
Sander, Christin Y.
Sandlund, John T.
Sandman, Curt A.
Sandow, Nora
Sandrasegaran, Kumaresan
Sandre, Olivier
Sands, Jeff M.
Sanes, Dan H.
Sanganahalli, Basavaraju G.
Sangill, Ryan
Sangregorio, Claudio
Sanguinetti, Gonzalo
Sanjuán, Julio
Sankai, Yoshiyuki
Sankaranarayanan, Vanitha
Sankhwar, Satya Narain
Sano, Hiromi
Sano, Katsuhiro
Sano, Motoaki
Santa, Tomofumi
Santamaria, Gorane
Santarelli, Maria Filomena
Santarriaga, Stephanie
Santelli, Claudio
Santhanam, Priya
Santin, Mathieu
Santin, Mathieu David
Santini, Francesco
Santoro, Nicola
Santoro, Roberta
Santos, Antônio Carlos
Santos, Juan M.
Santosh, Celestine
Santyr, Giles
Sanz-Cortes, Magdalena
Saotome, Kousaku
Saouaf, Rola
Sapiro, Guillermo
Sapkota, Nabraj
Sappey-Marinier, Dominique
Sarah, Bank
Saranathan, Manoj
Sarashina, Takeo
Saraswathi, Smitha Ravindran
Sardana, Vrinda
Sardanelli, Francesco
Sarikaya, Basar
Saritas, Emine
Sarkar, Sagari
Sarkar, Subhendra N.
Sarlls, Joelle
Sarma, Manoj K.
Sarou-Kanian, Vincent
Sarracanie, Mathieu
Sarrls, Joelle E.
Sartorius, Alexander
Sarv, Janeli
Sarver, David
Sarwar, Azeem
Sasaguri, Kohei
Sasaki, Hiroki
Sasaki, Makoto
Sasayama, Takashi
Satake, Mitsuo
Satchithananda, Keshthra
Sati, Pascal
Sato, Hiroshi
Sato, Jiro
Sato, K.
Sato, Ken-ichi
Sato, Kimihiko
Sato, Masahiko
Sato, Ryota
Sato, Saori
Sato, Shuji
Sato, Syuji
Sato, Takanori
Sato, Yuiko
Sato-Akaba, Hideo
Satoh, Kimihiko
Satoru, Ide
Satriani, Fabio Ginnari
Sauer, Frank
Sauer, Grit
Saunavaara, Jani
Saunders, Dawn E.
Saunders, Justin
Saver, Jeffrey L.
Savitz, Jonathan
Savvopoulos, Fotis
Sawano, Seishi
Sawiak, Stephen J.
Saxe, Michael
Saxena, Rohit
Saxena, Sandeep
Saybasili, Haris
Sayin, Ozan
Saykin, Andrew J.
Sbarbati, Andrea
Sbardella, Emilia
Sbrizzi, Alessandro
Scarpace, Lisa
Scelfo, Danilo
Schabel, Matthias
Schad, Lothar
Schadewaldt, Nicole
Schaefer, Betsy
Schaefer, Martin
Schaefer, Pamela W.
Schaefers, Gregor
Schaeffter, Tobias
Schaer, Marie
Schaer, Michael
Schafer, Scott
Schaffer, Paul
Schaffhauser, Martin Herbert
Schahbasian, David
Schaible, Thomas
Schakel, Tim
Schalkx, Hanke
Schaller, Benoit
Schar, Michael
Scharpf, Marcus
Schaudinn, Alexander
Schawlb, Jason M.
Scheaffter, Tobias
Scheel, Michael
Scheenen, Tom
Scheffer, Ingrid
Scheffler, Klaus
Scheidegger, Milan
Scheiffele, Peter
Scheinost, Dustin
Schell, Jean-Baptiste
Scheltens, Philip
Schenck, John F.
Schenetti, Luisa
Schenk, Geert
Schepkin, Victor D.
Scherer, Harald
Schermers, Bram
Scherrer, Benoit
Scheurer, Eva
Schewzow, Kiril
Schiavi, Emanuele
Schick, Fritz
Schiebler, Mark L.
Schiefer, Johannes
Schieke, Moira C.
Schiff, Isabelle
Schiff, Nicholas
Schifitto, Giovanni
Schild, Hans
Schillak, Scott
Schilling, Franz
Schilling, Lothar
Schimdt, Holger
Schindele, Andreas
Schinhan, Martina
Schirda, Claudiu
Schirmer, Sophie
Schiros, Chun
Schlabeck, Mona
Schlaeger, Regina
Schlamann, Marc
Schlegel, Felix
Schlemmer, Heinz Peter
Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter
Schlichting, Ellen
Schliebs, Reinhard
Schloegl, Matthias
Schluep, Myriam
Schlumm, Torsten
Schluppeck, Denis
Schlögl, Haiko
Schmainda, Kathleen M.
Schmand, Ben
Schmechel, Stephen
Schmid, Albrecht Ingo
Schmid, Daniel
Schmid, Florian
Schmid, Marinus
Schmid, Sophie
Schmid, Thomas
Schmidt, Christoph
Schmidt, Diethard
Schmidt, Ehud J.
Schmidt, Holger
Schmidt, Jochen
Schmidt, Johannes F. M.
Schmidt, Lorenz-Peter
Schmidt, Maria
Schmidt, Matthias
Schmidt, Michaela
Schmidt, Nils O.
Schmidt, Philip
Schmidt, Regine
Schmidt, Reinhold
Schmidt, Rita
Schmidt, Tony Manfred
Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias
Schmieder, Anne
Schmiedeskamp, Heiko
Schmierer, Klaus
Schmithorst, Vincent Jerome
Schmitt, Benjamin
Schmitt, Peter
Schmitter, Daniel
Schmitter, Sebastian
Schmitz, Alexander
Schmitz, Georg
Schmitz-Peiffer, Henning
Schnabel, Freya
Schnabel, Julia A.
Schneider, Julie A.
Schneider, Jurgen E.
Schneider, Jürgen E.
Schneider, Rainer
Schneider, Torben
Schneider, Wolfgang
Schneider-Kolsky, Michal
Schnell, Susanne
Schnider, Patrick
Schober, Patrick
Schoenberg, Stefan O.
Schoene-Bake, Jan-Christoph
Schoenfeld, Christian
Scholl, Timothy
Scholvinck, Marieke L.
Scholz, David Johannes
Scholz, Jan
Schomburg, Helen
Schouten, Judith
Schrader, Jürgen
Schrage, William G.
Schram, Miranda T.
Schraml, Christina
Schramm, Georg
Schrans, Debby
Schrantee, Anouk
Schrauben, Eric
Schrauth, Joachim Hermann Xaver
Schrauwen, Patrick
Schrauwen-Hinderling, Vera
Schreiber, Adrian
Schreiber, Laura
Schreuder, Floris
Schreyer, Edward
Schroeder, Matthew P.
Schroeter, Aileen
Schroeter, Matthias L.
Schröder, Julia
Schröter, Aileen
Schubert, Florian
Schubert, Gerald
Schubert, Tilman
Schuetz, Irene
Schuff, Norbert
Schuleri, Karl H.
Schulte, Rolf
Schultz, Gerrit
Schultz, Lonni
Schultz, Robert
Schultz, Thomas
Schulz, Heinrich
Schulz, Jenni
Schulz, Jessica
Schulz, Jörg Bernhard
Schulz-Menger, Jeanette
Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter J.
Schuman, Joel S.
Schumann, Gunther
Schunck, Wolf-Hagen
Schuppert, Mark
Schurz, Mark
Schuster, Christian
Schwab, Felix
Schwab, Peter
Schwab, Richard J.
Schwab, Simon
Schwaiger, Markus
Schwalb, Jason
Schwalm, Miriam
Schwan, Stefan
Schwartz, Daniel L.
Schwartz, Michael L.
Schwarz, Adam J.
Schwarzbauer, Christian
Schwarzer, Michael
Schwarzl, Andreas
Schweitzer, Mark E.
Schweizer, Renate
Schweizer, Tom
Schwenzer, Nina
Schwerin, Susan
Schwerter, Michael
Schweser, Ferdinand
Schwimmer, Jeff
Schwitter, Juerg
Schüler, Dorothee
Schütz, Tatjana
Schäfer, Andreas
Schäfers, Klaus P.
Schäffter, Tobias R.
Schänzer, Anne
Schär, Michael
Schönberg, Stefan O.
Schönfeld, Christian
Schönnagel, Björn
Schöpfer, Johanna
Scifo, Paola
Sclocco, Roberta
Scola, Elisa
Scott, Andrew
Scott, Andrew David
Scott, Greig
Scott, Serena J.
Scott, Suzanne
Scotti, Alessandro
Scratch, Shannon E.
Scurr, Erica D.
Scurria, Stephen
Sdika, Michaël
Seah, Stephanie
Seal, Marc
Seale, Helen
Seaquist, Elizabeth R.
Sebastiani, Piero
Sebastien, Ballet
Sébrié, Catherine
Sedlacik, Jan
See, Teik Choon
Seebacher, Veronika
Seeber, Derek A.
Seeck, Margitta
Seed, Mike
Seeger, Matthias
Seeliger, Erdmann
Seenu, Vurthaluru
Seethamraju, Ravi
Seevinck, P R.
Segars, William Paul
Seginer, Amir
Segkhoonthod, Khoonsake
Sehm, Bernhard
Seiberlich, Nicole
Seidl, Zdenek
Seif, Maryam
Seifert, Alan C.
Seifert, Frank
Seifritz, Erich
Seiler, Stephan
Seiler, Stephen
Sein, Julien
Seino, Shinya
Seki, Shinichiro
Sekiguchi, Tatsuya
Sekine, Tetsuro
Sekiya, Kotaro
Seko, Shota
Selnæs, Kirsten M.
Selzman, Craig H.
Semaan, E.
Semaan, Edouard
Semelka, Richard C.
Semenova, Natalia
Semeraro, Leonardo
Semeraro, Vittorio
Semmineh, Natenael
Semmineh, Natenael B.
Semple, Scott
Sen, Debajit
Sena-Esteves, Miguel
Senador, Danielle
Senanayake, P Kanthi
Sendai, Fusako
Senders, Max
Seneca, Nicholas
Senegas, Julien
Senesac, Claudia
Sengupta, Saikat
Sennet, Charlene
Senseney, Justin S.
Seo, Hyunseok
Seo, Jeehye
Seo, Youngseob
Sepehrkhouy, Shahrzad
Sequeiros, Roberto Blanco
Serafini, Luciano Neder
Seramani, Sankar
Serano, Peter
Sereno, Martin I.
Serganova, Inna
Serkova, Natalie J.
Serra, Andrea
Serra, Laura
Serra, Sonia Colombo
Serrao, Eva
Servais, Laurent
Sesi, Anait
Sestan, Nenad
Set, Pat
Sethi, Arjun
Sethi, V.
Seton, Hugh
Setsompop, Kawin
Settles, Marcus
Seuberlich, Torsten
Seunarine, Kiran K.
Seurin, Marie-Jose
Seuwen, Aline
Sevelda, Florian
Sforazzini, Francesco
Sha, Long
Shaghaghi, Hoora
Shah, Ajay
Shah, Dipan J.
Shah, Disha
Shah, N. Jon
Shah, Nikita Rakesh
Shah, Parina
Shah, Prediman K.
Shah, Sameer B.
Shah, Sanjiv
Shah, Sudhin
Shah, Tariq
Shah, Vijay H.
Shah, Yash S.
Shah, Zarine K.
Shaha, Ashok R.
Shahinfard, Elham
Shaida, Nadeem
Shaik, Asma Sultana
Shajan, G
Shajan, G.
Shakil, Sadia
Shamim, Mohammad
Shams, Zahra
Shamshiri, Elhum
Shan, Baoci
Shan, Dai
Shanbhag, Dattesh
Shanbhag, Sujata M.
Shang, Hong
Shankar, Ananth
Shankar, L Ravi
Shankar, Varsha
Shankaran, Seetha
Shankaranarayanan, Ajit
Shanmugan, Sheila
Shanmuganathan, Kathirkamanthan
Shao, Jiaxin
Shao, Kuo-Fang
Shao, Lingxiong
Shao, Tingting
Shao, Xingfeng
Shao, Yu
Shapiro, Brian P.
Shapiro, Erik M.
Shapiro-Feinberg, Myra
Sharif, Behzad
Sharma, Ankeeta
Sharma, Anuj
Sharma, Deepika
Sharma, Gaurav
Sharma, Puneet
Sharma, Sakshi
Sharma, Samir D.
Sharma, Sanjay
Sharma, Shweta
Sharma, Uma
Sharman, Michael
Shattuck, David
Shaw, Dennis
Shaw, Greg
Shaw, Martin
Shazeeb, Mohammed S.
Shchepin, Roman V.
Shea, Colin
Shea, Jill
Shea, Steven M.
Sheerin, Fintan
Shefchik, Daniel L.
Shehata, Michael
Sheikh, Khadija
Sheldon, Ann
Shellikeri, Sphoorti
Shelton, Richard C.
Shemesh, Noam
Shen, Chao-Yu
Shen, Chunyan
Shen, Dinggang
Shen, Guohua
Shen, Hui
Shen, Jun
Shen, Kaikai
Shen, Qiang
Shen, Wen
Shen, Wu-Chung
Shen, Xia
Shen, Xilin
Shen, Yimin
Shen, Zhiwei
Sheng, Ke
Sheng, Min
Shenkar, Robert
Shenton, Martha E.
Shepherd, John H.
Shepherd, Timothy
Sheriff, Sulaiman
Sherman, Janet C.
Sherratt, Neal
Sherry, A. Dean
Sherry, Dean
Sheth, Vipul
Shetty, Nandita
Shetty, Thripthi
Sheu, Alexander
Shi, Changbin
Shi, Changzheng
Shi, Da
Shi, Dapeng
Shi, Fan
Shi, Jie
Shi, Jingjing
Shi, Kaining
Shi, Wei-Xing
Shi, Xianfeng
Shi, Xinwei
Shi, Xiutao
Shi, Yongjin
Shi, Yongmei
Shi, Yu
Shibata, Sayaka
Shibata, Shinsuke
Shibata, Yuka
Shibukawa, Shuhei
Shigeno, Keiji
Shigeru, Mayumi
Shigeta, Takashi
Shih, Andy Y.
Shih, Shian-Jiun
Shih, Yao-Chia
Shih, Yen-Yu Ian
Shijo, Katsunori
Shim, So-Yeon
Shim, Yun M.
Shimada, Hitoshi
Shimada, Yoshiya
Shimakawa, Ann
Shimaoka, Toru
Shimauchi, Akiko
Shimizu, Eiji
Shimizu, Hironori
Shimizu, Kazuhiro
Shimizu, Kodai
Shimizu, Tatsuya
Shimonaga, Tomokazu
Shimony, Joshua S.
Shin, David D.
Shin, Hee Jung
Shin, Jaewook
Shin, Joseph
Shin, Kyung-Min
Shin, Lewis
Shin, Peter
Shin, Sang-Joon
Shin, Soo Hyun
Shin, Taehoon
Shin, Wanyong
Shinmoto, Hiroshi
Shinotoh, Hitoshi
Shiodera, Taichirou
Shiradon, Sneha
Shirai, Toru
Shiraishi, Yoshiaki
Shiran, Hadas
Shirato, Hiroki
Shirzadi, Zahra
Shishegar, Rosita
Shivkumar, Kalyanam
Shmueli, Karin
Shonnard, Matthew
Shoobridge, Jennifer
Shooshtary, Samaneh
Shortt, Christine
Shrestha, Manoj
Shrivastava, Devashish
Shroyer, Kenneth R.
Shu, Hao
Shu, Ni
Shu, Yunhong
Shubayev, Oleg
Shuhendler, Adam J.
Shui, Wan-Pin
Shukelovich, Alexey
Shukla-Dave, Amita
Shulkin, Barry L.
Shultz, Sandy R.
Shultz, Sarah
Shumen, Joshua R.
Sibley, Christopher
Sibson, Nicola R.
Sica, Christopher
Siddiqui, Ata
Siddiqui, M. Salim
Siddiqui, Salman
Siddiqui, Sarmad
Sidhom, Mark
Sidhu, Meneka K.
Sieg, Jürgen
Siegert, Thomas
Siemonsen, Susanne
Sieren, Jessica C.
Siero, Jeroen
Sierra, Alejandra
Sigal, Ian A.
Sigalov, Alexander B.
Sigfridsson, Andreas
Sigmund, Eric
Sigovan, Monica
Sijbers, Jan
Silani, Vincenzo
Silbert, Lisa C.
Silcock, Judith
Silva, Afonso
Silva, Alvin C.
Silver, David Lawrence
Silverman, Stuart G.
Silvernagel, Joshua M.
Silvilairat, Suchaya
Simak, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Sime, Patricia
Simioni, Samanta
Simko, Jeffry
Simmonite, Molly
Simmons, Andrew
Simoes, Rui V.
Simon, Aaron
Simon, Aaron Benjamin
Simonetti, Orlando
Simonetto, Douglas A.
Simonis, Frank F.J.
Simonsen, Helle
Simonsick, Eleanor M.
Simpson, Ivor
Simpson, Mary
Simpson, Richard J.
Simpson, Robin
Simrén, Yvonne
Sims, Robert D.
Sinclair, Christopher
Sinclair, Kevin J.
Sinforiani, Elena
Singel, Deb
Singer, Harvey S.
Singer, Robert
Singh, Aditya
Singh, Alok Kumar
Singh, Anup
Singh, Gulzar
Singh, Kavita
Singh, Krish D.
Singh, Namita
Singh, Rashmi
Singh, Sadhana
Singh, Susan G.
Singh, Vimal
Singhal, Aneesh B.
Sinha, Arvind Kumar
Sinha, Bimal
Sinha, Shantanu
Sinha, Usha
Sinibaldi, Raffaele
Sinkus, Ralph
Sinnecker, Tim
Sinusas, Albert J.
Siow, Bernard M.
Sirasanagandla, Shyam
Sirlin, Claude
Sitek, Arkadiusz
Sitharaman, Balaji
Sitter, Beathe
Siu, Deyond
Sivarajan, Muraleedharan
Six, Joseph S.
Sizonenko, Stéphane V.
Sjaastad, Ivar
Skare, Stefan
Skedzielewski, Tinamarie
Skelton, Michael
Skinner, Jack T.
Skinner, John
Skiöldebrand, Didrik
Skloss, Timothy
Skoch, Antonin
Skolnick, Gary
Skorka, Tomasz
Skrap, Miran
Skurdal, Mikjel J.
Skårdal, Kristine
Slavin, Glenn S.
Slevin, Nicholas J.
Sloan, Richard P.
Smailagic, Amir
Small, Scott A.
Small, William
Smart, Sean
Smedby, Örjan
Smeets, Ann
Smeets, Dirk
Smesny, Stefan
Smink, Jouke
Smit, Henk
Smith, Alberto
Smith, Alex
Smith, C. Patrick
Smith, David
Smith, Elliot Charles
Smith, Fiona
Smith, Gerard
Smith, Jan
Smith, Kenneth
Smith, Laura
Smith, Laurie
Smith, Lorna
Smith, Maree
Smith, Martin P.
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Matthew M.
Smith, Matthew R.
Smith, Michael J.
Smith, Michael R.
Smith, Peter Mark
Smith, Robert
Smith, Robert Elton
Smith, Robert X.
Smith, Seth
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Zachary M.
Smits, Loek P.
Smits, Maarten Leonard
Smits, Marion
Smulders, Naomi
Smyrk, Thomas
Smyser, Christopher D.
Smyth, Matthew D.
Snoussi, Karim
Snow, Michael G.
Snyder, Abraham Z.
Snyder, Bradley
Snyder, Carl J.
Snyder, Sandy
So, K F.
So, Po-Wah
Soares, Ana Francisca
Soares, Jair C.
Sobczyk, Olivia
Sobesky, Jan
Soderlund, Karl
Sodickson, Dan
Sodickson, Daniel K.
Soffietti, Riccardo
Sofue, Keitaro
Soga, Shigeyoshi
Soh, Jian Rui
Soher, Brian J.
Sohlin, Maja
Sohn, Chul-Ho
Sohn, Michael
Sohn, Sung-Min
Sohn, Sungmin
Sokolska, Magdalena
Solaiyappan, Meiyappan
Solana, Ana Beatrix
Solana, Ana Beatriz
Solanky, Bhavana
Solbach, Klaus
Solberg, Timothy
Soldan, M. Mateo Paz
Soleimanifard, Sahar
Soliman, Abraam S.
Solin, Arno
Solis, Sergio E.
Solomon, Eddy
Solomon, Justin
Solomon, Richard
Solovey, Igor
Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid
Soman, Salil
Somandepalli, Krishna
Sommer, Graham
Sommer, Karsten
Sommer, Stefan
Sommer, Wieland
Sommer, Wolfgang
Son, Hyeok-Woo
Son, Jeong Pyo
Son, Jong Bum
Sonato, Nicolo'
Song, Allen W.
Song, Hee Kwon
Song, Hee-Kwon
Song, Ho-Taek
Song, In Chan
Song, In Chin
Song, Jie
Song, Kwang
Song, Kyu-Ho
Song, Ming
Song, Ruitian
Song, Sang-Eun
Song, Sheng-Kwei
Song, Xiaolei
Song, Xiaopeng
Song, Xubo
Song, Yan
Song, Yang
Song, Yi-Qiao
Song, YoungKyu
Song, Zhuang
Sonkar, Abhinav Arun
Sonmez, Ahmet E.
Sonnabend, Michael
Sonnay, Sarah
Sonveaux, Pierre
Sorace, Anna G.
Soravia, Leila
Sorce, Dennis
Sorensen, A. Gregory
Sorensen, Thomas S.
Sorkness, Ronald L.
Sorrell, Vincent L.
Sorrentino, Sajoscha A.
Sorvari, Juhana
Sosnovik, David E.
Sossi, Vesna
Sotelo, Julio
Sotgiu, Antonello
Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N.
Sotozono, Hidemitu
Soucek, Karel
Souiai, Mohamed
Soulier, Elisabeth
Soulier, Olivier
Sourbron, Steven
Sours, Chandler
Sousa, João M.
Sousa, Rafael T.
South, Andrew P.
Soutome, Yoshihisa
Souza, Richard
Sowa, Gwendolyn
Spampinato, Maria Vittoria
Spaniel, Filip
Spann, Bryan M.
Spano, Barbara
Sparrow, Sarah
Spear, John Thomas
Speck, Oliver
Speier, Peter
Speirs, Andrew
Spence, Jeffrey
Spencer, Richard G.
Sperl, Jonathan I.
Spicer, Clair
Spicher, Nicolai
Spielman, Daniel
Spiller, Robin
Spincemaille, Pascal
Spinelli, Laurent
Spiro, John E.
Spittle, Alicia J.
Spiwoks-Becker, Isabella
Spliet, Wim G.M.
Spottiswoode, Bruce
Sprague, Stuart
Spreafico, Roberto
Sprenger, Christian
Sprenger, Till
Sprenger, Tim
Sprengers, André M.J.
Springer Jr., Charles S.
Sprinkart, Alois Martin
Sprinkhuizen, Sara
Spunt, Sherri L.
Squarcina, Letizia
Squires, Alexander
Sreenivasan, Karthik R
Sreenivasan, Karthik R.
Srinivasan, Priti
Srinivasan, Sharda
Srinivasan, Subashini
Sriram, Renuka
Sritanyaratana, Nade
Srivastava, Amit K.
Srivastava, Shatakshi
Srour, Hussein
St-Jean, Samuel
Stachs, Oliver
Staempfli, Philipp
Staewen, Terrell D.
Stafford, R. Jason
Stafford, Randall B.
Stagg, Charlotte
Stahl, Christina
Stahl, Vanessa
Stainsby, Jeffrey A.
Stakheev, Dmitry
Stalder, Aurelien
Stambuk, Hilda E.
Stamm, Aymeric
Standara, Michal
Stanescu, Teo
Stang, Pascal
Stanicki, Dimitri
Stanisz, Greg J.
Stanisz, Martin P.
Stankoff, Bruno
Stankovic, Iva
Stankovic, Zoran
Stanley, David
Stanley, H Eugene
Stanley, Jeffrey
Stara, Riccardo
Starck, Göran
Starcuk Jr., Zenon
Starewicz, Piotr
Stark, Adam
Stark, Jennifer A.
Starobinets, Olga
Starr, Philip
Staruch, Robert
Statum, Sheronda
Steckner, Michael
Stecko, Timothy D.
Steeden, Jennifer Anne
Steeg, Patricia
Steele, Heather
Steenwijk, Martijn D.
Stefan, Wolfgang
Steffen, Ingo
Steffener, Jason
Steffens, Thomas G.
Stehlik, Joseph
Stehning, Christian
Stehouwer, Bertine L
Stehouwer, Coen D.A.
Steidle, Guenter
Stein, Elliot
Stein, Samuel A.
Steinbach, Joachim
Steinbach, Lynne
Steinberg, Jeffrey David
Steiner, Barbara
Steingoetter, Andreas
Steinmetz, Sarah
Steinseifer, Isabell K.
Steketee, Rebecca ME
Stelzeneder, David
Stemkens, Bjorn
Stempel, Michelle
Stenger, V. A.
Stenzel, Martin
Stepanov, Pavel
Stephenson, Mary
Stepniewskwa, Iwona
Stergiopulos, Nikolaos
Stergiopulos, Nikos
Stern, Darko
Stern, Robert A.
Stern, William
Stern, Yaakov
Steudel, Thomas
Steuwe, Andrea
Stevens, Markus F.
Stevens, Tynan
Steventon, Jessica J.
Steward, Christopher
Stewart, Brian
Stewart, Neil J.
Stickle, Yun-Jeong
Stieltjes, Bram
Stikov, Nikola
Stiles, Jane
Stiller, Detlef
Stinson, Eric G.
Stippich, Christoph
Stirling, Brian David
Stirling, J. James
Stirnberg, Rüdiger
Stirrat, Colin
Stitzel, Joel
Stock, Ann-Kathrin
Stockebrand, Malte
Stockley, Elizabeth G.
Stockmann, Jason P.
Stoddard, Marcus
Stoeck, Christian T.
Stoeckel, Bernd
Stoecker, Tony
Stoegerer, Eva Maria
Stoermer, Robert
Stoffel, David
Stojadinovic, Strahinja
Stoker, J.
Stokes, Ashley M.
Stokland, Eira
Stollberger, Rudolf
Stolz, Katharina
Stomrud, Erik
Stone, Alan J.
Stone, Lael
Storer, Lindsey
Storey, Pippa
Stormann, Jeremy
Storti, Silvia Francesca
Stout, Jeffrey N.
Stoyanova, Radka
Straathof, Chiara
Strakowski, Stephen
Stranjalis, George
Strasser, Bernhard
Straub, Volker
Straumann, Dominik
Strauss, Bradley H.
Stravinos, Theano
Strazzer, Sandra
Strecker, Ralph
Strecker, Ralph Markus
Streitberger, Kaspar Josche
Streitberger, Kaspar-Josche
Stretton, Jason
Strickland, Patrick
Strigel, Roberta M.
Strijkers, Gustav
Strobbe, Daniela
Strobel, Norbert
Stroes, Erik S.
Stroh, Albrecht
Stroh, Thomas
Stroink, Gerhard
Stromillo, Maria Laura
Stroszczynski, Christian
Strother, Megan
Strudwick, Mark
Strugnell, Wendy
Strumia, Maddalena
Strunk, Clara Tabea
Strunk, Dirk
Struthers, Allan
Strzoda, Daniela
Stuber, Garret D.
Stuber, Matthias
Stuckey, Daniel J.
Studholme, Colin
Stueber, Carsten
Stufflebeam, Steven
Stumpf, Christopher
Stumvoll, Michael
Stupic, Karl F.
Sturdza, Alina
Styner, Martin
Ståhlberg, Freddy
Stöcker, Tony
Stølen, Tomas
Su, Jason
Su, Mao-Yuan Marine
Su, Min-Ying
Su, Tanja
Su, Tung-Ping
Su, Wen
Su, Yi
Su, Zihua
Suarez, Pilar Dies
Subashi, Ergys
Subburaj, Karupppasamy
Subgang, Anne
Subramaniam, Arun
Subramanian, Sankaran
Suchy, Mojmir
Sudhyadhom, Atchar
Suemitsu, Masaaki
Sueoka, Kazuhiro
Suero-Abreu, Giselle A.
Suetens, Paul
Suever, Jonathan
Suga, Mikio
Sugahara, Kazuki N.
Sugar, Linda
Sugimori, Hiroyuki
Sugimoto, Naozo
Sugimura, Kazuro
Sugimura, Masayoshi
Sugiyama, Masataka
Suh, Ji-Yeon
Suh, Jin-Suck
Suh, Kyung Jin
Suhail, Mohammed
Suhara, Tetsuya
Sui, Binbin
Sui, Yi
Suidgeest, Ernst
Sukstanskii, Alexander L.
Sukumar, Saraswati
Sukumar, Subramaniam
Sulik, Kathleen K.
Sulikowska, Aleksandra
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Robert K P
Sumer, Suna
Sumkin, Jules
Summers, Paul
Sumner, Petroc
Sumpf, Tilman J.
Sun, Aiqi
Sun, Bin
Sun, Binjian
Sun, Hao
Sun, Haoran
Sun, Hongfu
Sun, Huaiqiang
Sun, Jessica
Sun, Jie
Sun, Liqun
Sun, Peng
Sun, Phillip Zhe
Sun, Qinli
Sun, Ruo-Ning
Sun, Shu-Wei
Sun, Wei
Sun, Wenli
Sun, Xianping
Sun, Xiaojun
Sun, Xiaoyu
Sun, Xichao
Sun, Yi
Sun, Ying-shi
Sun, YongLiang
Sun, Yuhao
Sun, Zhaoli
Sun, Zhaoyong
Sunaert, Stefan
Sundarakumar, Dinesh K.
Sundaram, Padmavathi
Sundararaman, V. K.
Sundaresan, Rajagopalan
Sundgren, Pia
Sung, Dong-Wook
Sung, Kyung
Sung, Yul-Wan
Sunshine, Jeffrey
Suo, Shiteng
Suo, Xueling
Suri, Asif K.
Surowiec, Rachel K.
Surrentino, Emiliano
Sussman, Marshall S.
Suszynski, Thomas M.
Sutoh, Chihiro
Sutton, Bradley
Sutton, Elizabeth J.
Sutton, Richard
Suyama, Jumpei
Suzuki, Hideo
Suzuki, Masayuki
Suzuki, Michimasa
Suzuki, Yuichi
Suzuki, Yuriko
Svedin, Bryant T.
Sveinsson, Bragi
Svejda, Jan Taro
Svenningsen, Sarah
Svensson, P-A
Svetel, Marina
Svärd, Daniel
Svärd, Rebecka
Swaab, Janie
Swanson, Scott D.
Sweeney, H. Lee
Sweeney, John
Sweeney, Kristie
Sweeney, Lee
Sweitzer, Michael
Swensson, Jordan K.
Swift, Andrew
Swift, Andrew James
Swift, Andy
Swisher, Christine Leon
Sydow, Karl
Symms, Mark R.
Symonds-Tayler, Richard
Syms, R. R. A.
Syms, Richard
Sündermann, Simon H.
Syre, Stefanie
Szalai, Gabor
Szalay, Aladar A.
Szczepaniak, Edward W.
Szczepaniak, Lidia S.
Szczepankiewicz, Filip
Szekeres, Trevor
Szendroedi, Julia
Szeremeta, Frederic
Szeszko, Philip R.
Szeverenyi, Nikolaus M.
Szmulewitz, Russell Z.
Szomolanyi, Pavol
Szulc, Kamila U.
Särkkä, Simo
Søgaard, Lise Vejby
Sønderby, Casper Kaae
Tabassum, Shamshia
Tabatabaei, Shahin
Tabesh, Ali
Tabet, Naji
Tabrizi, Sarah J.
Tachi, Masaki
Tachibana, Atsushi
Tachibana, Yasuhiko
Tachrount, Mohamed
Tachsidis, Ilias
Tack, Cees
Tadic, Tony
Tafur, Monica
Tagge, Ian
Tago, Yoshiyuki
Tahayori, Bahman
Taheri, Arman A.
Tahon, Florence
Tai, E. Shyong
Taimen, Pekka
Tak, Sungho
Takado, Yuhei
Takagi, Ryo
Takahara, Taro
Takahashi, Akihiro
Takahashi, Atsushi M.
Takahashi, Emi
Takahashi, Jun C.
Takahashi, Junji
Takahashi, Mamoru
Takahashi, Masahiro
Takahashi, Masaya
Takahashi, Masayasu
Takahashi, Satoru
Takahashi, Tetsuhiko
Takahata, Akiko
Takakusagi, Yoichi
Takamatsu, Shin
Takamine, Sachiko
Takasu, Miyuki
Takasumi, Hideaki
Takatsuji, Marina
Takayama, Yuki
Takayama, Yukihisa
Takebayashi, Satoshi
Takeda, Minako
Takeguti, Tomoyuki
Takehara, Yasuo
Takei, Naoyuki
Takemura, Atsushi
Takeuchi, Mayumi
Takizawa, Masahiro
Takizawa, Osamu
Tal, Assaf
Tal, Omer
Talagala, Lalith
Talbot, Neil C.
Talbot, Thomas
Tallaj, Jose
Tallberg, Joakim
Talwalkar, Jayant
Tam, Fred
Tam, Leo
Tam, Roger
Tamada, Daiki
Tamada, Tsutomu
Tamames, Juan Antonio Hernández
Tambalo, Stefano
Tamez-Pena, Jose
Tamir, Jonathan I.
Tamnes, Christian
Tampieri, Donatella
Tamura, Chiharu
Tamura, Hajime
Tamura, Manjula K.
Tan, Ek T.
Tan, Eng King
Tan, Francisca Marie
Tan, Huan
Tan, Jule
Tan, Li-Hai
Tan, Mui Hong
Tan, Nelly
Tan, Rusan
Tan, Samantha Y.Y.
Tan, Yee Ling
Tan, Zhengguo
Tan, Zihu
Tanabe, Kenneth K.
Tanaka, Ayuko
Tanaka, Chuzo
Tanaka, Hisashi
Tancredi, Felipe B.
Tanderup, Kari
Taneja, Samir S.
Tanenbaum, Lawrence N.
Tang, Chaohui
Tang, Fangfang
Tang, Hao
Tang, Jun
Tang, Ning
Tang, Pei-Fang
Tang, Richard
Tang, Shuyu
Tang, Wanjie
Tang, Wei
Tang, Weinan
Tang, Xiangyu
Tang, Yi-Ting
Tani, Chihiro
Taniguchi, Yo
Tanimoto, Akihiro
Tanimoto, Daigo
Tann, Oliver
Tanter, Mickaël
Tantisatirapong, S.
Tao, Qian
Tao, Shengzhen
Tao, Xiuli
Tao, Yuehui
Taoka, Toshiaki
Taouli, Bachir
Tapani, Sofia
Tapanya, Monruedee
Tapper, Sofie
Taquet, Maxime
Taracila, Victor
Tarantino, Umberto
Tarasek, Matthew
Tardieu, Marion
Tardif, Christine
Tariq, Maira
Tariq, Umar
Tarnawski, Rafal
Tarnutzer, Alexander A.
Tarroni, Giacomo
Tarumi, Takashi
Tasaki, Atsushi
Taso, Manuel
Tassali, Nawal
Tateishi, Emi
Tateishi, Souichirou
Tatsuno, Satoshi
Tauhid, Shahamat
Taunton, Jack
Tautz, Lennart
Tavano, Valentina
Tavarekere, Nagaraja
Tavassoli, Ehsan
Tavazzi, Eleonora
Taviani, Valentina
Tax, Chantal M.W.
Taxt, Torfinn
Tay, Hui Chien
Tay, Yi Lin
Tayari, Nassim
Tayfun, Cem
Taylor, Alexander John
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Andy J.
Taylor, Christopher
Taylor, Graham P.
Taylor, Jennifer M.
Taylor, Margot J.
Taylor, Meredith Ireene
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, N. Jane
Taylor, Paul A.
Taylor, Reggie
Taylor, Roy
Taylor, Sarah
Taylor, Stuart
Taylor, Valerie
Taylor, William Robert
Taylor-Robinson, Simon
Tazoe, Jun
Tchatat, Doryssema
Tchistiakova, Ekaterina
Teague, Kent
Teague, William
Techawiboonwong, Anaree
Techawiboonwong, Aranee
Tedeschi, Gioacchi
Tedeschi, Gioacchino
Tedesqui, Gustavo
Tedoldi, Fabio
Tee, Michael
Tee, Sui Seng
Tee, Sui-Seng
Tee, Yee Kai
Teeter, Matthew G.
Teeuwisse, Wouter
Tegenthoff, Martin
Teh, Irvin
Tei, Lorenzo
Teich, Douglas L.
Teichgräber, Ulf
Teipel, Stefan
Teixeira, Rui Pedro A. G.
Tejos, Cristian
Telkki, Ville-Veikko
Temme, Sebastian
Tempany-Afdhal, Clare M.
Tempelmann, Claus
Teng, Gao-Jun
Teng, Zhongzhao
Tennekoon, Gihan
Tennstadt, Annette
Tennyson, Caroline G.
Teo, Roy
Teo, Wei Peng
Teodorescu, Roxana
ter Voert, E.G.W.
Terada, Masaki
Terada, Yasuhiko
Terao, Yasuyuki
Terasaka, Shunsuke
Terasawa, Hiroaki
Terayama, Koshi
Terayama, Yasuo
Terekhov, Maxim
Terpstra, Melissa
Terreno, Enzo
Teruel, Jose Ramon
Terwindt, Gisela M.
Tesch, Michael
Teschemacher, Anya G.
Tessem, May-Britt
Tessier, Jean
Testa, Claudia
Testud, Frederik
Tettamanti, Marco
Tetzlaff, Wolfram
Teuschl, Andreas
Tewarie, Prejaas K.
Tewes, Susanne
Tha, Khin Khin
Thacker, Jon
Thacker, Neil
Thai, Kevin
Thajudeen, Anees
Thakkar, Kathy N.
Thakur, Sunitha
Thali, Michael
Tham, Ivan WK
Than, Nandor Gabor
Thate, Nick
Thawait, Gaurav
Thayyil, Sudhin
The, Irvin
Theberge, Jean
Thedens, Daniel
Theilenberg, Sebastian
Theilmann, Rebecca
Theisen, Daniel
Thelen, Darryl G.
Thelwall, Peter
Theodoridis, Karolina
Theret, Marine
Thévenot, Julie
Thiagalingam, Aravinda
Thian, Yeeliang
Thian, Yiliang
Thiaudiere, Eric
Thiaudière, Eric
Thielemans, Kris
Thielscher, Axel
Thierfelder, Kolja
Thierry, Nathalie
Thiessen, Jonathan D.
Thiesson, Sarah
Thimmappa, Nanda D.
Thimmappa, Nanda Deepa
Thind, Kundan
Thiran, J.P.
Thirion, Bertrand
Thiruvenkadam, Sheshadri
Thng, Choon Hua
Thoeny, Harriet C.
Thoma, Christian
Thomas, Andrew W.
Thomas, Anke
Thomas, Binu P.
Thomas, Carole D.
Thomas, Charlotte
Thomas, Cibu P.
Thomas, David
Thomas, Michael Albert
Thomas, Monique
Thomas, Neil R.
Thomas, Owen
Thomas, Paul
Thomas, Reena P.
Thomas, Reuben
Thomas, Steven
Thomas, Tourdias
Thomas-Ramos, Galen
Thompson, Alan J.
Thompson, Deanne K.
Thompson, Garth
Thompson, Gerard
Thompson, Jeff
Thompson, Paul
Thompson, R. Terry
Thompson, Richard B.
Thomson, Louise
Thongborisute, Wanvipa
Thorens, Bernard
Thorne, Bradford RH
Thornhill, Rebecca E.
Thornton, John
Thornton, Michael
Thornton, Rachel C.
Thornton, Victoria L.
Thorwarth, Daniela
Thostenson, Kaely
Thotala, Dinesh K.
Thrippleton, Michael J.
Thulkar, Sanjay
Thürling, Markus
Thönneßen, Heike
Tian, Jie
Tian, Jinfeng
Tian, Qiyuan
Tian, Sijie
Tian, Yuan
Tiberi, Gianluigi
Tiberi, Gianni
Tibiletti, Marta
Tiefenböck, Thomas
Tiepolt, Solveig
Tihanyi, Károly
Tiitu, Virpi
Tijssen, Rob
Tillement, Olivier
Tillmanns, Christoph
Timbie, Kelsie F.
Timm, Kerstin
Timmers, Inge
Timmers, Silvie
Tinelli, Emanuele
Ting, Samuel T.
Tintera, Jaroslav
Tintoré, Mar
Tinuper, Paolo
Tipirneni-Sajja, Aaryani
Tirkes, Temel
Tischler, Brian
Tisdall, Dylan
Tisell, Anders
Tissier, Renaud
Tivarus, Madalina E.
Tiwari, Vijay N.
Tiwari, Vivek
Tiwari, Yash Vardhan
Tjalf, Ziemssen
Tjan, Bosco
Tjoumakaris, Fotios
Tkac, Ivan
Tkach, Jean
Tkacz, Jaroslaw
To, Xuan Vinh
Toarmino, Camille
Tobia, Michael
Tobias, William A.
Tobisch, Alexandra
Tobón, Silvia Hidalgo
Todd, Nick
Toews, Matthew
Tofts, Paul S.
Togao, Osamu
Togashi, Kaori
Toglia, Joan
Togni, Paolo
Toi, Masakazu
Tokarev, Julian
Tokuda, Junichi
Tomasi, Dardo
Tomasino, Barbara
Tomassini, Valentina
Tomita, Yasuhiko
Tomiyama, Hiroyuki
Tomiyama, Noriyuki
Tomlinson, Dale
Tomlinson, Jeremy W.
Tommerdahl, Mark
Tomsic, Michael
Toncelli, Alessandra
Toney, Glenn M.
Tong, Frank
Tong, Jiayin
Tong, Karen A.
Tong, Li
Tong, Ricky
Tong, Tong
Tonnelet, Romain
Tonon, Caterina
Tonoyan, Aram
Tonyushkin, Alexey A.
Toosy, Ahmed
Tooyama, Norihiro
Topgaard, Daniel
Topping, Geoffrey
Toppino, Antonio
Toro, Roberto
Torrado-Carvajal, Angel
Torrao, Helena
Torrealdea, Francisco
Torres, Enedino Hernández
Torriani, Martin
Torso, Mario
Tortorella, Paola
Toschi, Nicola
Tosetti, Michela
Toth, Ferenc
Toth, Michael
Toth, Vivien
Totman, John J.
Totterman, Saara
Tourbier, Sébastien
Tourdias, Thomas
Tournier, Jacques-Donald
Toussaint, Jimmy
Towbin, Jeffrey
Townsend, David W.
Townsend, Raymond R.
Towse, Theodore F.
Toyofuku, Fukai
Tozer, Daniel J.
Tozer, Gillian
Traa, Willeke A.
Traboulsee, Anthony
Traini, Tonino
Trakic, Adnan
Tramm, Brandon
Trampel, Robert
Tran, Bob
Tran, Catherine
Tran-Gia, Johannes
Trantzschel, Thomas
Trapp, Bruce D.
Trattnig, Siegfried
Trautner, Peter
Trawick, Mary Lynn
Tremoulheac, Benjamin
Trenell, Michael
Trezise, Jack
Triantafyllou, C
Trifan, Gabriela
Trinh, Huong
Trinkaus, Kathryn
Trinks, Johan
Tripathi, Manjari
Tripathi, Mukesh
Tripathi, Rajender Prasad
Triphan, Simon
Triplett, William
Triulzi, Fabio
Trivedi, Richa
Troakes, Claire
Troalen, Thomas
Trompke, Gabriele
Troncoso, Juan
Tropp, James
Tropres, Irene
Troter, Arnaud Le
Trotier, Aurélien
Trouard, Theodore
Troxell, Megan L.
Trueman, Rebecca
Truhn, Daniel
Truica, L. Sorina
Truijman, Martine
Trujillo, Paula
Truong, Milton L.
Truong, Trong-Kha
Trzasko, Joshua D.
Träber, Frank
Tsaftaris, Sotirios
Tsai, Fong Y
Tsai, Leo L.
Tsai, Pei-Jung
Tsai, Ping-Huei
Tsai, Shang-Yueh
Tsai, Yu-Chen
Tsang, Adrian
Tsao, Jeffrey
Tsarapkina, Dina
Tse, Desmond H Y
Tse, Ronald
Tse, Zion
Tsekos, Nikolaos V.
Tseliou, Eleni
Tseng, Chieh-En Jane
Tseng, Issac Wen-Yih
Tseng, Po-Chuan
Tseng, Po-Jung
Tseng, Wen-Yih Isaac
Tseng, Yao-Hui Elton
Tseng, Yu-Sheng
Tsien, Christina I.
Tsiouris, Apostolos John
Tsoumakidou, Georgia
Tsoumpas, Charalampos
Tsoumpas, Charalampous
Tsuchida, Masahiro
Tsuchida, Tatsuro
Tsuchihashi, Toshio
Tsuchiyama, Katsuki
Tsuji, Akihiro
Tsuji, Hiroshi
Tsukabe, Akio
Tsukamoto, Kei
Tudisca, Chiara
Tudorache, Igor
Tudorica, Alina
Tudorica, Luminita A.
Tuemmler, Burkhard
Tuite, Paul
Tuli, Richard
Tunariu, Nina
Tunç, Birkan
Tunc, Birkan
Tuncali, Kemal
Tuncer, Asli
Tung, Roderick
Tunnicliffe, Elizabeth M.
Tunón, Patrik
Tuor, Ursula I.
Tuovinen, Noora Pauliina
Turati, Laura
Turco, Simona
Ture, Ugur
Turkheimer, Federico E.
Turley, Dallas C.
Turnbull, Benjamin
Turnbull, Daniel H.
Turnbull, Lindsay
Turner, Gregory Harrison
Turner, Robert
Turner, Walker J.
Turski, Patrick
Tusor, Nora
Tuttle, R. Michael
Tweedle, Michael F.
Twieg, Donald B.
Twieg, Michael
Tyagi, Ritu
Tyan, Yeu-Sheng
Tyblova, Michaela
Tybulewicz, Victor LJ
Tyburn, Jean-Max
Tyler, Betty
Tyler, Damain J.
Tymofiyeva, Olga
Tyrankiewicz, Urszula
Türkbey, Baris
Tyszka, J. Michael
Tzschaetzsch, Heiko
U-King-Im, Jean-Marie
Uberti, Mariano G.
Ublinskiy, Maxim
Uchida, Koji
Uchikochi, Masato
Uchikoshi, Masato
Uchino, Akane
Uchinomura, Satoshi
Uchiumi, Tomomi
Uchiyama, Daiji
Uddin, Md Nasir
Uecker, Martin
Ueda, Hitoshi
Ueda, Kazuhiko
Ueda, Yu
Ueno, Kenichi
Ueno, Tomohiro
Ueno, Yoshiko
Ugarte, Vincent
Uggeri, Fulvio
Ughratdar, Ismail
Ugorji, Chinyere O.
Ugurbil, Kamil
Uh, Jinsoo
Uhrig, Lynn
Uitdehaag, Bernard M.J.
Ukropcová, Barbara
Ukropec, Jozef
Ulfarsson, Magnus
Ullmann, Jeremy F. P.
Ulloa, Jose L.
Ulrich, Xialing
Ulrici, Johannes
Ulucay, Deniz
Uludag, Kâmil
Ulug, Aziz M.
Ulyanova, Anna
Umathum, Reiner
Umeda, Masahiro
Umehana, Masaki
Umemoto, Yuya
Umene-Nakano, Wakako
Umeoka, Shigeaki
Umezawa, Eizou
Umutlu, Lale
Unal, Orhan
Unan, Mahmut
Unsal, Aylin
Upadhyay, Deepti
Uppuganti, Sasidhar
Urayama, Shin-ichi
Urbach, Carsten
Urban, Jillan
Urbanski, Marika
Urben, Sebastien
Urbina, Jesús
Urbina, Shannon
Urdaneta, Mario
Urgošík, Dušan
Uria-Avellanal, Christina
Uria-Avellanal, Cristina
Uribe, Sergio
Urquia, Lindsey
Urschler, Martin
Ushijima, Yasuhiro
Uslenghi, Piergiorgio
Usman, Muhammad
Usui, Hikaru
Uto, Tomohiro
Utsunomiya, Daisuke
Uwano, Ikuko
Uyama, Naoto
Vachet, Clement
Vachon, Celine M.
Vaclavu, Lena
Vaessen, H. H.B.
Vahedipour, Kaveh
Vahle, Anne-Kristin
Vaidya, Manushka V.
Vaidya, Manuskha V.
Vail, Thomas
Vaillant, Fanny
Vajkoczy, Peter
Vajuvalli, Nithin N.
Vakil, Parmede
Valabregue, Romain
Valaparla, Sunil K.
Valavanis, Antonios
Valdivia, Abiel F.
Valdivia, Fernando
Valenti, Melanie
Valentino, Maria Lucia
Valenzuela, Waldo Enrique
Valeri, Gianluca
Valerio, Massimo
Valette, Julien
Valette, Pierre-Jean
Valkovic, Ladislav
Vallée, Jean-Paul
Vallejo, Johana
Vallier, Anne-Laure
Vallone, Antonino
Valsasina, Paola
Valverde, Israel
Van, Andrew
Van, Anh
van Amerom, Joshua
van Asten, Jack J.A.
Van Audekerke, Johan
Van Audenhaege, Karen
van Baalen, Sophie
van Bavel, Ed
Van Beers, Bernard
van Bel, Frank
van Bentum, P. Jan M.
van Berckel, Bart N M
Van Bijnen, Loeka
van Boxtel, Martin P.J.
van Breugel, Johanna MM
van Buchem, Mark
van Bussel, Frank C.G.
van Cauteren, Marc
Van Criekinge, Mark
van Daalen, Tim
van Dalen, Jan Willem
van de Bank, Bart L.
van de Haar, Harm J.
van de Heyning, Paul
van de Kamer, Jeroen
van de Lindt, Tessa N.
van de Looij, Yohan
Van de Moortele, Pierre-Francois
van de Veerdonk, Marielle
Van De Ville, Dimitri
van de Weijer, Tineke
van den Berg, Cornelis A.
van den Berg, Nico
van den Berg, Sandra
van den Bergen, Janneke
Van den Bergh, Bea
van den Bosch, Maurice
van den Brandt, Ben
van den Brink, Johan
van den Heuvel, Martijn P.
van den Hoff, Jörg
van der Flier, Wiesje
van der Geest, Rob J.
van der Graaf, Marinette
van der Grond, Jeroen
van der Heide, Uulke
van der Heijden, R.A.
Van der Hoorn, José W.A.
van der Kemp, Wybe J. M.
van der Kolk, Anja G.
van der Kouwe, Andre
Van der Linden, Annemie
van der Lugt, Aad
van der Marel, Kajo
van der Meer, Johan N.
van der Paardt, Marije P.
van der Steen, Ton
van der Tol, Pieternel
van der Toorn, Annette
van der Veen, Jan Willem
van der Velden, Tijl
Van der Weerd, Louise
van der Werf, Abe
van der Worp, Bart
van der Zwaag, Wietske
van Diessen, Eric
van Dijk, Anouk
van Dijk, Bob W.
van Eijk, Julia
van Engelen, Baziel
van Gelderen, Peter
van Gorkum, Robbert
van Gorp, Jetse S.
Van Hecke, Wim
van Heeswijk, Ruud B.
van Herck, Ilse
Van Holen, Roel
van Houdt, Petra
Van Houten, Elijah EW
van Kalleveen, Irene Maria Louise
van Laarhoven, H. W.M.
van Leeuwen, Bo S.
van Leeuwen, Judith
Van Leeuwen, Maarten S.
Van Leuven, Fred
van Lier, Astrid
van Lieshout, Johannes
Van Massenhoven, Sofie
van Middelkoop, M.
van Mourik, Tim
van Nimwegen, Sebastiaan Alexander
Van Ombergen, Angelique
van Ooij, Pim
van Oorschot, Joep
van Oostenbrugge, Robert
van Opstal, Annemarieke M.
van Os, Jan W.M.
van Osch, Matthias
van Rhoon, Gerard
Van Rompaey, Vincent
van Rooden, Sanneke
van Rossum, Peter S.N.
Van Ruijssevelt, Lisbeth
van Schijndel, Ronald A.
Van Steenkiste, Gwendolyn
van Stralen, Marijn
van Tiel, Jasper
van Tienhoven, G.
van Tilborg, Geralda A.F.
van Uden, Mark J.
Van Valkenburgh, Blaire
van Veenendaal, Tamar M.
van Veluw, Susanne J.
van Vulpen, Marco
van Westen, Danielle
van Wingen, Guido A.
van Zijl, Peter C. M.
van Zwet, Erik
Vande, Greetje
Vandekar, Simon
Vandenberg, Scott
Vandenborne, Krista
Vandenbulcke, Mathieu
Vander, Luce
Vanderheiden, Anna
Vandesquille, Matthias
Vandoorne, Katrien
Vandsburger, Moriel
Vanduffel, Wim
Vaneckova, Manuela
Vanegas-Arroyave, Nora
Vangel, Mark
Vanhevel, Floris
Vanhove, Christian
VanMeter, John
Vannesjö, Johanna S.
Vannest, Jennifer
Vannucci, Luca
VanSlooten, Ashley
Vappou, Jonathan
Varadarajan, Divya
Varadarajan, K.S.
Varallyay, Csanad
Vardoulis, Orestis
Varela, Gabriel
Varentsova, Anna
Vareth, Maryam
Vargas, Maria Isabel
Varley, Joanna L.
Varma, Gopal
Varon, Daniel Mauricio
Varosanec, Mihael
Vartanian, Tim
Vasanawala, Shreyas
Vasavada, Megha
Vaseghi, Marmar
Vassallo, Irene
Vasudev, Naveen S.
Vasung, Lana
Vaughan, David
Vaughan, J.Thomas
Vaughan, Thomas
Vavasour, Irene
Vazquez, Alberto T.
Vazquez, Fabian
Veeraiah, Pandichelvam
Veeraraghavan, Harini
Veerubhotla, Ram
Vega, Josh
Veggiotti, Pierangelo
Vegh, Viktor
Vehtari, Aki
Veit-Haibach, Patrick
Velagapudi, Chakradhar
Velan, S. Sendhil
Veldhuis, Wouter
Velikina, Julia
Veloz, Alejandro
Veloz-Baeza, Alejandro
Veltien, Andor
Vemireddy, Vamsidhara
Vendhan, Kanimozhi
Venkatanarayan, Avinashnarayan
Venkatasubramanian, Palamadai N.
Venkatasubramanian, Shanker
Venkatesan, Ramesh
Venkatesh, Sudhakar
Venkatesh, Vimla
Venkatraman, Talaignair
Venturi, Luca
Veraart, Jelle
Verbree, Jasper
Verdaasdonk, Rudolf
Verdugo, Alejandro Matias Pino
Vergès, S.
Vergun, Svyatoslav
Verhaar, J.A.N.
Verhamme, Camiel
Verhey, Frans RJ
Verhoye, Marleen
Verkman, Alan S.
Verloh, Niklas
Verma, Ajay
Verma, Ajit K.
Verma, Amit
Verma, Divya Ratan
Verma, Gaurav
Verma, Ragini
Verma, Sanjay K.
Vermathen, Martina
Vermathen, Peter
Vermeeren, Günter
Vermonden, Tina
Vernickel, Peter
Verreet, Tine
Verret, Jean-Marie
Verschuuren, Jan
Versluis, Maarten
Versteeg, Adriaan
Vertes, Petra
Verweij, Bon H.
Vesek, Jeff
Vesek, Jeffrey
Vesek, Jeffrey J.
Vesey, Alex
Vester, Markus
Vettukattil, Riyas
Vial, Yvan
Viallon, Magalie
Viands, Amanda
Viano, David
Vicari, Marco
Vick, Ralf
Victor, Taracila
Victor, Teresa
Vidailhet, Marie
Vidoni, Eric D.
Vidorreta, Marta
Vieillot, Delphine
Vielhaber, Stefan
Vielma, Juan
Viergever, Max A.
Viessmann, Olivia
Vigano', Sara
Vigen, Karl K.
Vignaud, Alexandre
Vigneau-Roy, Nicolas
Vigneault, Davis
Vigneron, Daniel B.
Vijay, Harrini
Vijayakumar, Sathya
Vik, Viktor
Vilgrain, Louis
Vilgrain, Valerie
Vilgrain, Valérie
Villablanca, Pablo J.
Villalpando, Raul
Villanueva, Mark
Villanueva-Meyer, Javier
Villemagne, Victor L.
Villena, Jorge F.
Villien, Marjorie
Villoslada, Pablo
Villringer, Arno
Vincent, Dousset
Vincent, Trevor J.
Vincenti, Gabriella
Vinci, Valentina
Vincken, Koen L.
Vinckenbosch, Elise Marie
Vingara, Lisa Karstens
Vinicola, Vincenzo
Vink, Aryan
Vink, Eva E.
Vinnicombe, Sarah
Vinogradov, Elena
Viola, Angele
Violas, Xavier
Vionnet, Laetitia
Viprakasit, Vip
Virgincar, Rohan S.
Visanji, Naomi
Visaria, Rachana
Vischi, Gianluca
Visser, Eelke
Visser, Fredy
Viswanath, Varsha
Viswanathan, Akila N.
Vitali, Paolo
Vite, Charles H.
Vitek, Jerrold
Viti, Vincenza
Vivian, Diana
Vlooswijk, Marielle CG
Vo, An
Vo, Katie
Vo, Nam
Voet, Nicoline
Voets, Natalie L.
Vogel, Hannes
Vogel, Patrick
Vogel, Wolfgang
Vogel-Claussen, Jens
Vogelstein, Bert
Vogl, Wolf Dieter
Vogt, Bruno
Vohlen, Alexandra
Voigt, Otilia
Voisin, Pierre
Voit, Thomas
Vojnovic, Boris
Volk, David
Volkov, Yuri
Volkova, Eugenia
Volkow, Nora D.
Volland, Nelly A.
Volle, Emmanuelle
Vollmayr, Barbara
Vollstaedt-Klein, Sabine
Volovick, Alex
Voltzenlogel, Virginie
Volz, Monica
Volz, Steffen
von Busch, Heinrich
von Deuster, Constantin
von Elverfeldt, Dominik
von Kienlin, Markus
Von Morze, Cornelius
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico C.
von Schulthess, Gustav
von Schulthess, Gustav K.
von Spiczak, Jochen
von Sternberg, Nicholas
von Sternberg, Nicholas C.
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Vonk, Anton
vonMorze, Cornelius
Voogt, Ingmar
Voogt, Marianne J.
Voon, Valerie
Voorn, Pieter
Vorburger, Robert S.
Vos, Eline K.
Vos, Frans
Vos, Pieter C.
Vos, Sjoerd B.
Vosicky, Jim
Voskrebenzev, Andreas
Voss, Henning
Vosselman, Maarten
Vosshenrich, Jan
Vossough, Arastoo
Voura, Evelyn B.
Vrenken, Hugo
Vresilovic, Edward J.
Vronski, Dmitri
Vu, An
Vuck, Andrea
Vuichoud, Basile
Vuissoz, Pierre-André
Vulliemoz, Serge
Vulliémoz, Serge
Vunckx, Kathleen
Vuolo, Luisa
Vural, Metin
Vyas, Urvi
Vyssotski, Alexei
Völker, Michael
Völker, Veronika
Wacheul, Ludivine
Wachowicz, Keith
Wachsmuth, Lydia
Wacker, Frank
Wada, Takeshi
Waddell, Jaylyn
Waddell, Kevin
Wade, Trevor
Wadghiri, Youssef Zaim
Wadsworth, Chris
Waehnert, Miriam
Wager, Tor D.
Wagner, Claus
Wagner, Elizabeth
Wagner, Manfred
Wagner, Mary B.
Wagnerova, Dita
Wahl, Hannes
Wai, Yau Yau
Wai, Yau-Yau
Waiczies, Helmar
Waiczies, Sonia
Wakatsuki, Mariko
Wakayama, Tetsuya
Wakefield, Jennifer C.
Waki, Yukimi
Waks, Matt
Walczak, Piotr
Wald, Lawrence
Waldman, Adam
Walker, Christopher M.
Walker, Jane
Walker, Lary C.
Walker, Lindsay
Walker, Matthew C.
Walker, Michael
Walker, Thomas
Walker-Samuel, Samuel
Walkley, Steven U.
Wallace, Toni
Wallin, Diana
Wallis, Matthew G.
Walsh, David A.
Walter, Glenn
Walter, Martin
Walterfang, Mark
Walters, Blake R.
Walther, Markus
Walvick, Ronn
Walzer, Sonja
Wan, Qian
Wan, Xin-hua
Wandell, Brian
Wang, Anfei
Wang, Anna M.
Wang, Bin
Wang, Bing
Wang, Bo
Wang, Chao-Ying
Wang, Charlie Yi
Wang, Chengbo
Wang, Chengjia
Wang, Chengyan
Wang, Chenkun
Wang, Chu-Fang
Wang, Chun-Kun
Wang, Chung-Hsin
Wang, Chunlin
Wang, Ci
Wang, Cuiyan
Wang, Da
Wang, Dah-Jyuu
Wang, Danny J.
Wang, Dinghui
Wang, Dingxin
Wang, Dingxing
Wang, Dongxin
Wang, Eun-Kyung
Wang, Feng
Wang, Fu-Nien
Wang, Guan
Wang, Guangbin
Wang, Guoying
Wang, Haichen
Wang, Haifeng
Wang, Haonan
Wang, Haonon
Wang, He
Wang, Hongchen
Wang, Hongmei
Wang, Hui
Wang, Hui-Yu
Wang, Hung-Hsuan
Wang, Jian
Wang, Jian-Xiong
Wang, Jianli
Wang, Jiazheng
Wang, Jing
Wang, Jinnan
Wang, Jiongjiong
Wang, Jiun Jie
Wang, Jiun-Jie
Wang, Kai
Wang, Kaiyu
Wang, Kang
Wang, Keran
Wang, Lei
Wang, Leiming
Wang, Lian
Wang, Liang
Wang, Lihong
Wang, Lin
Wang, Linyuan
Wang, Liya
Wang, Luke Y.-J.
Wang, Luning
Wang, Meiyun
Wang, Mengxing
Wang, Nian
Wang, Peng
Wang, Ping
Wang, Qiu
Wang, Rong
Wang, Rui
Wang, Ruopeng
Wang, Sha
Wang, Shanshan
Wang, Shi
Wang, Shiyang
Wang, Shumin
Wang, Silun
Wang, Supin
Wang, Wei
Wang, Weimin
Wang, Wen-Tung
Wang, Winfred
Wang, Woan-Chyi
Wang, Xiao
Wang, Xiaoen
Wang, Xiaoke
Wang, Xiaoyan
Wang, Xiaoying
Wang, Xijin
Wang, Xin
Wang, Xinzeng
Wang, Xunzhang
Wang, Xuxia
Wang, Yalin
Wang, Yang
Wang, Yanhua
Wang, Yanlu
Wang, Yanwei
Wang, Yi
Wang, Yi-Xiang
Wang, Yimeng
Wang, Yixiang
Wang, Yong
Wang, Yu
Wang, Yuan
Wang, Yuancheng
Wang, Yun
Wang, Yun-Ming
Wang, Yuqing
Wang, Zan
Wang, Ze
Wang, Zhe
Wang, Zhen
Wang, Zhen Jane
Wang, Zheng
Wang, Zhiqun
Wang, Zhiyue J.
Wang, Zi
Wansapura, Janaka
Wantanajittikul, Kittichai
Warach, Steven
Ward, Aaron
Ward, B. Douglas
Ward, Christopher J.
Ward, Eric J.
Ward, Rabab
Ward, Rebecca
Ward, Sally L.Davidson
Wardlaw, Joanna M.
Warfield, Simon
Warlick, Chrisopher
Warnecke, Gregor
Warnert, Esther A. H.
Warnking, J. M.
Warnock, Geoffrey
Warntjes, J.B.M.
Warntjes, Marcel
Warren, Daniel S.
Warren, Lois A.
Warren, Vincent B.
Warsi, Mohammed A.
Wartella, Karin
Wary, Claire
Washio, Toshikatsu
Wasielewski, Marie
Waskiewicz, Nicole
Wassenaar, Peter
Wassermann, Demian
Wassong, Carolyn
Wastling, Stephen
Watanabe, Keita
Watanabe, Mika
Watanabe, Rieko
Watanabe, Takashi
Watanabe, Yasuharu
Watanabe, Yasushi
Watanabe, Yusuke
Watanebe, Yoshiyuki
Waterton, John C.
Watkins, Amy
Watkins, Ronald D.
Watson, Charles
Watson, Geoffrey
Watson, Robert E.
Watson, Yvonne
Watt, Fiona
Wattjes, Mike P.
Watts, Lora Talley
Watts, Richard
Waugh, Shelley
Wavhold, Kristine
Waxmann, Patrick
Wayte, Sarah
Weaver, David
Weaver, John B.
Weavers, Paul T.
Webb, Andrew
Webb, Becky
Webb, Bridgette
Webb, Corey D.
Webb, Richard
Webb, Taylor
Webb, Taylor D.
Weber, Bernd
Weber, Christian
Weber, Daniel
Weber, Ewald
Weber, Hans
Weber, Jörg R.
Weber, Marc-André
Weber, Stefan
Weber-Fahr, Wofgang
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Webster, Lindsey
Wech, Tobias
Wecker, Didier
Wedan, Steve
Wedeen, Van J.
Wedeen, Van Jay
Weegman, Bradley P.
Weekes, Colin D.
Weglarz, Wladyslaw P.
Wegrzyk, Jennifer
Wehrl, Hans F.
Wehrli, Felix
Wehrli, Suzanne L.
Wei, Fu-Chan
Wei, Janet
Wei, Juan
Wei, Lai
Wei, Li
Wei, Li-Na
Wei, Long
Wei, Pei-Shan
Wei, Wei
Wei, Xing
Wei, Zhiliang
Weibel, Stephanie
Weidemann, Gerd
Weidenhagen, Rolf
Weidner, Meike
Weigel, Matthias
Weiger, Markus
Weihusen, Andreas
Weiland, Elisabeth
Weiler, Florian
Weinans, Harrie
Weinberg, Irving
Weiner, Howard L.
Weiner, Ina
Weiner, Michael W.
Weingärtner, Sebastian
Weinreb, Jeffrey C.
Weinsaft, Jonathan
Weir, Nick
Weir-McCall, Jonathan
Weis, Jan
Weis, Jared A.
Weiskopf, Nikolaus
Weiss, Clifford R.
Weiss, Craig
Weiss, Kilian
Weiss, Marcel
Weiss, Pierre
Weiss, Robert G.
Weiss, Ruth
Weissbrot, Joseph
Welch, E Brian
Weller, Daniel S.
Wells, Jack
Wells, Rebecca
Wells, Shane A.
Wells, William M.
Wells III, William M.
Wells^, Jack A.
Wels, Winfried S.
Welsch, Götz
Welsh, Christopher Lee
Welsh, Liam
Welte, Tobias
Welter, John
Welton, Thomas
Welz, Anna
Wemmie, John A.
Wen, Chih-Jen
Wen, Jie
Wen, Ning
Wen, Patrick Y.
Wen, Qiuting
Wen-Yih, Tseng Isaac
Wendt, Thomas G.
Weng, Dehe
Weng, Jian
Weng, Jun-Cheng
Wenger, Elisabeth
Wenhui, Yang
Wentland, Andrew
Wentzel, Jolanda
Wentzell, Jordan
Wenz, Frederik
Wenz, Holger
Wermer, Marieke J H
Werner, Anne
Werner, Beat
Wesa, Amy
West, Catharine M.
West, Kathryn L.
West, Malcolm A.
West, Sharon
Westborg, Johan
Westin, Carl-Fredrik
Westlye, Lars
Westphalen, Antonio
Westrich, Geoffrey
Wetscherek, Andreas
Wetterling, Friedrich
Wettstein, Joseph G.
Wever-Pinzon, Omar
Wey, Hsiao-Ying
Wezel, Joep
Whalen, Paul J.
Wharen, Robert E.
Wharton, David
Wharton, Samuel
Wheeler, Debra
Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia A.M.
Wheelock, Muriah
While, Peter T.
Whisenant, Jennifer G.
Whishaw, Ian Q.
White, David M.
White, Jacob
White, Mark J.
White, Mathew
White, Nate
White, Richard
Whitehead, Gregory
Whiting, Nicholas
Whitley, Chester B.
Whitlow, Christopher
Whitnall, Barry
Whitsett, Jeffrey A.
Whittingstall, Kevin
Whyte, Moira
Wichmann, Werner
Wick, Wolfgang
Wickline, Samuel
Widek, Thomas
Wieben, Oliver
Wieczorek, Joanna
Wiens, Curtis
Wiesauer, Karin
Wieseotte, Christian
Wiesinger, Florian
Wiesmann, Maximilian
Wiesner, Hannes M.
Wiest, Roland
Wiestler, Benedikt
Wiethoff, Andrea
Wiggermann, Philipp
Wiggermann, Vanessa
Wiggins, Christopher
Wiggins, Graham
Wiggins, Richard
Wighton, Paul
Wijkstra, Hessel
Wijlemans, Joost
Wijnen, Jannie
Wijtenburg, S. Andrea
Wild, Jim Michael
Wild, Judith
Wildberger, Joachim
Wildes, Flonne
Wilhelm, Michael J.
Wilkens, Paul
Wilkins, Bryce
Wilkinson, Graham
Wilkinson, Ian
Wilkmann, Christoph
Will, Olga
Will, Susanne
Willcocks, Rebecca
Willen, Elizabeth
Williams, Ashley
Williams, Brynne
Williams, Craig A.
Williams, Donald S.
Williams, Guy
Williams, Kathleen Anne
Williams, Kaye J.
Williams, Michelle
Williams, Philip E
Williams, Steven C R
Williams, Suzan
Williamson, Peter
Willoquet, Georges
Wilm, Bertram
Wilman, Alan H.
Wilmes, Lisa
Wilmink, J. W.
Wilson, Brent D.
Wilson, David John
Wilson, David L.
Wilson, David M.
Wilson, Diane U.
Wilson, Gregory J.
Wilson, Ian
Wilson, James M.
Wilson, Katharine J.
Wilson, Lora A.
Wilson, Mark
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, Neil
Wilson, R. S.
Wimmer, Nicole Zurcher
Winalski, Carl S.
Winchell, Adam M.
Windhager, Reinhard
Windischberger, Christian
Windschuh, Johannes
Winfield, Jessica M.
Winkler, Simone
Winston, Gavin P.
Winter, Jeff
Winter, Lukas
Winter, Patrick
Winterbottom, Andrew
Wintermark, Max
Winters, Kerryanne
Wintersperger, Bernd J.
Wirestam, Ronnie
Wisco, Jonathan
Wise, Richard
Wise, Richard G.
Wise, Richard J.S.
Wiseman, Frances
Wisner, Dorota
Wisnieff, Cynthia
Wisnowski, Jessica
Wissmann, Lukas
Wit, Ferdinand
Withey, Stephanie B.
Witjes, Fred
Witjes, Julia
Witmer, Kory P.
Witschey, Walter R. T.
Wittbrodt, Michael J.
Witten, Ilana B.
Witzel, Thomas
Wnorowski, Amelia
Woehr, Jordan
Wohlfarth, Katrin
Wohlwend, Martin
Woitalla, Dirk
Wojcinski, Alexandre
Wojno, Ted H.
Wojtkiewicz, Joanna
Wokke, Beatrijs
Wolber, Jan
Wolf, Dominik
Wolf, Johanna
Wolf, Maya
Wolf, Maya B.
Wolf, Susanne A.
Wolf, Ursula
Wolff, Steven D.
Wolfson, Tanya
Wolinsky, Jerry S.
Wollstein, Gadi
Wolters, Martijn
Woltjer, Randall L.
Wolzt, Michael
Wong, Alan
Wong, Chi Wah
Wong, Chun-Sing
Wong, Chung Ki
Wong, Cynthia
Wong, Edward K.
Wong, Eric
Wong, Eugene
Wong, Ho-Fai
Wong, Jasin
Wong, John H.
Wong, Koon-Pong
Wong, Maxwell L.
Wong, Oi Lei
Wong, Sau May
Wong, Terence Z.
Woo, Dong-Cheol
Woo, Eung Je
Woo, Mary A.
Woo, Myung-Kyun
Wood, Emily T.
Wood, John C.
Wood, Joshua
Wood, Kimberly H.
Wood, Sossena
Wood, Tobias C.
Woodard, John
Woods, Jason
Woods, Mark
Woods, Sarah M.
Woodward, Rosemary
Woodward, William
Woolf, David K.
Worters, Pauline
Worthoff, Wieland A.
Wortmann, Lars Grosse
Wosik, Jarek
Wottschel, Viktor
Wrede, Karsten H.
Wright, Alan
Wright, Alexander C.
Wright, David K.
Wright, Graham
Wright, Katherine L.
Wright, Margaret
Wright, Steven M.
Wu, Allan
Wu, Bing
Wu, Can
Wu, Changwei W.
Wu, Chen-Hao
Wu, Chen-Hua
Wu, Chin-Lee
Wu, Cho-Kai
Wu, Dan
Wu, Deng-Chyang
Wu, Di Leo
Wu, Ed X.
Wu, Edzer L.
Wu, Eric Z.C
Wu, Eric Z.C.
Wu, Gaohong
Wu, Guangyu
Wu, Guorong
Wu, Helen
Wu, Holden H.
Wu, Huanhuan
Wu, Hui
Wu, Jianrong
Wu, Jingyun
Wu, Jue
Wu, Lianming
Wu, Min
Wu, Ming-Long
Wu, Ming-Ting
Wu, Mingming
Wu, Minjie
Wu, Ning
Wu, Ona
Wu, Pei-Hsin
Wu, Qi-zhu
Wu, Renhua
Wu, Samuel
Wu, Shandong
Wu, Shou-Cheng
Wu, Shulin
Wu, Tai-Wei
Wu, Teresa
Wu, Tingting
Wu, Tzai-You
Wu, Vin-Cent
Wu, Vincent
Wu, Wen-Chau
Wu, Wenchuan
Wu, William E.
Wu, Xi
Wu, Xia
Wu, Xiaodong
Wu, Xiaoping
Wu, Yi-Chun
Wu, Yijen L.
Wu, Yijing
Wu, Yin
Wu, Ying
Wu, Yu-Chen
Wu, Yu-Chien
Wu, Yu-Te
Wu, Zhe
Wu, Ziyue
Wuerfel, Jens
Wullimann, Mario F.
Wunderlich, Arthur Peter
Wunderlich, Silke
Wundrak, Stefan
Wurfel, Brent
Wurnig, Moritz
Wuyts, Floris
Wyatt, Cory
Wylezinska-Arridge, Marzena
Wülker, Christian
Würslin, Christian
Wyrwicz, Alice M.
Wyss, Michael
Wåhlin, Anders
Xavier, Violas
Xi, Yin
Xia, Ding
Xia, Fei
Xia, Ling
Xia, Rui
Xia, Yang
Xia, Ying
Xiang, Qing-San
Xiao, Fenglai
Xiao, Gang
Xiao, Xue
Xiao, Yuan
Xiao, Zeping
Xiaoying, Wang
Xie, Guoxi
Xie, Jin
Xie, Jingping
Xie, Karen
Xie, Luke
Xie, Sheng
Xie, Victor B.
Xie, Yibin
Xie, Zhiyong
Xin, Hong
Xin, Lijing
Xin, Sherman Xuegang
Xin, Yi
Xin, Zhang
Xing, Haoynag
Xing, Xu
Xing, Yue
Xiong, Jinhu
Xiong, Qiang
Xiong, Wei
Xu, Bo
Xu, Dan
Xu, Di
Xu, Dongxiang
Xu, Duan
Xu, Feng
Xu, Hao
Xu, He N.
Xu, Huihui
Xu, Jiadi
Xu, Jian
Xu, Jianrong
Xu, Jun
Xu, Junzhong
Xu, Ke
Xu, Lele
Xu, Qizhong
Xu, Ran
Xu, Robert
Xu, Ruxiang
Xu, Shunliang
Xu, Su
Xu, Tian
Xu, Wenlong
Xu, Xiang
Xu, Xiao
Xu, Yanfeng
Xu, Zhan
Xuan, Yang
Xue, Huadan
Xue, Hui
Xue, Lian
Xue, Luo
Xue, Rong
Xue, Wenzhe
Xue, Yanjie
Yablonskiy, Dmitriy
Yachi, Katsuya
Yacoub, Essa
Yadav, Brijesh Kumar
Yadav, Nirbhay
Yadav, Santosh K.
Yahmed, Anis Ben
Yahya, Atiyah
Yakubovich, Doron Cohn
Yaligar, Jadegoud
Yamada, Akari
Yamada, Akira
Yamada, Kei
Yamada, Kentaro
Yamada, Kiyofumi
Yamada, Masayuki
Yamada, Naoaki
Yamada, Shigehito
Yamada, Takashi
Yamada, Takuma
Yamada, Yoshitake
Yamagata, Hitoshi
Yamaguchi, Masayuki
Yamaguchi-Sekino, Sachiko
Yamamoto, Akira
Yamamoto, Akiyoshi
Yamamoto, Etsuji
Yamamoto, Tatsuya
Yamamoto, Toru
Yamamura, Jin
Yamashita, Fumio
Yamashita, Koji
Yamashita, Rikiya
Yamashita, Shuhei
Yamashita, Yasuyuki
Yamashita, Yuichi
Yamaya, Taiga
Yan, Bin
Yan, Feng-Xian
Yan, Gen
Yan, Ji-Geng
Yan, Jianhua
Yan, Lirong
Yan, Xinqiang
Yan, Xu
Yan, Zhiping
Yan, Zhiyu
Yan-Go, Frisca L.
Yanagawa, Toru
Yanagimachi, Noriharu
Yanasak, Nathan
Yanev, Pavel
Yanez, Felipe
Yang, Alice
Yang, Alicia
Yang, Baolian
Yang, Bin
Yang, Chendong
Yang, Dal Mo
Yang, Dal-Mo
Yang, Dewen
Yang, Donghan
Yang, Feng
Yang, Guang
Yang, Hong
Yang, Hongyi
Yang, Hsin-Jung
Yang, Jian
Yang, Kayong
Yang, Keren
Yang, Li-Kuang
Yang, Lily
Yang, Liqin
Yang, Phillip C.
Yang, Pinchen
Yang, Qi
Yang, Qihua
Yang, Qing X.
Yang, Qiong
Yang, Ran
Yang, Ray
Yang, Runze
Yang, Seung-Wook
Yang, Seungwook
Yang, Shang-Yi
Yang, Shaolin
Yang, Shih-Hsien
Yang, Tae-Young
Yang, Tsung-Lung
Yang, Wensha
Yang, Xiangyu
Yang, Xing
Yang, Xuedong
Yang, Yanchun
Yang, Yang
Yang, Yihong
Yang, Yingli
Yang, Zhengyi
Yang, Zhili
Yang, ZhiYing
Yankeelov, Thomas
Yano, Keiichi
Yano, Kojiro
Yano, Ryutaro
Yao, Jiabin
Yao, Jianliang
Yao, Katherine
Yao, Li
Yao, Ming
Yao, Yi-Hao
Yao, Yihao
Yao, Zhen
Yap, Pew-Thian
Yarnykh, Vasily L.
Yasar, Temel K.
Yaseen, Mohammad A.
Yasokawa, Kauzuya
Yasokawa, Kazuya
Yasuda, Masanori
Yasui, Hironobu
Yatabe, Teruyuki
Yates, Paul
Yatham, Lakshmi N.
Yau, Jeffrey M.
Ye, Allen Q.
Ye, Chenfei
Ye, Deju
Ye, Feng
Ye, Frank Q.
Ye, Jintang
Ye, Jong Chul
Ye, Patrick
Ye, Ping
Ye, Yongquan
Ye, Zhiqian
Yeatman, Jason D.
Yee, Judy
Yee, Morgan
Yeh, Chien-Lin
Yeh, Chih-Kuang
Yeh, Chun Hung
Yeh, Fang-Cheng
Yeh, Lee-Ren
Yeh, Ping-Hong
Yeh, Tzu-Chen
Yellon, Derek
Yellon, Derek M.
Yen, Cecil C.
Yendiki, Anastasia
Yeo, Desmond
Yeo, Lami
Yeoh, Chooi Sum
Yeom, Kristen
Yergatian, Charles
Yerly, Jerome
Yerys, Benjamin E.
Yetisir, Filiz
Yeung, David K.
Yeung, Serena Y.
Yeung, Timothy Pok Chi
Yi, Li
Yiallourou, Theresia I.
Yiannakas, Marios
Yildirim, Muhammed
Yildiz, Ali
Yiliang, Thian
Yin, Bo
Yin, Fang-Fang
Yin, Hong
Yin, Kaiming
Yin, Larry
Yin, Li
Yin, Meng
Yin, Ting
Yin, Yingying
Yin, Ziying
Ying, Karen
Ying, Kui
Ying, Leslie
Yip, Eugene
Yli-Ollila, Heikki
Yodo, Kenji
Yokoo, Takeshi
Yokosawa, Suguru
Yokose, Masatomo
Yokoyama, Kazumasa
Yokoyama, Kazunari K.
Yokoyama, Kenichi
Yoneda, Tetsuya
Yoneyama, Koji
Yoneyama, Masami
Yoneyama, Taku
Yong, V. Wee
Yoo, Hyoungsuk
Yoo, Shi-Joon
Yoo, Yeon Hwa
Yoon, Choon-Sik
Yoon, Daehyun
Yoon, Huisu
Yoon, Hyun Suk
Yoon, Jeong Hee
Yoon, Joon-Shik
Yoon, Ra Gyoung
Yoon, Soon Ho
Yoruk, Umit
Yoshida, Daisuke
Yoshida, Mariko
Yoshida, Ryoko
Yoshida, Seigo
Yoshida, Shinichi
Yoshida, Takashi
Yoshihara, Hikari A. I.
Yoshikawa, Takeshi
Yoshimine, Toshiki
Yoshimura, Reiji
Yoshinaga, Naoki
Yoshinaga, Sosuke
Yoshioka, Hiroshi
Yoshioka, Tatsuya
Yoshioka, Yoshichika
Yoshiura, Takashi
Yoshizawa, Saori
You, Hui
You, Zhigang
Young, Alistair
Young, Helen
Young, I. R.
Young, Ian
Young, Kymberly
Young, Robert J.
Yousry, Tarek
Yousuf, Ambereen
Yu, Alice
Yu, Bolang
Yu, Donghyun
Yu, Fang
Yu, Gang
Yu, Hei Shun
Yu, Hon
Yu, Hongyue
Yu, Huijun
Yu, Jeong-Sik
Yu, Jianhua
Yu, Qiaowen
Yu, Risheng
Yu, Siu Ki
Yu, Songlin
Yu, Tao
Yu, Tsang-Chu
Yu, Wei
Yu, Xin
Yu, Yichao
Yuan, Chun
Yuan, Han
Yuan, Hongyang
Yuan, Huishu
Yuan, Jianmin
Yuan, Jing
Yuan, Kai
Yuan, Lin
Yuan, Qing
Yuan, Yonggui
Yuan, Ziqiang
Yuan, Ziqin
Yucel, Meryem A.
Yue, Chunxian
Yue, Yong
Yueh, Bevan
Yuen, Tom Wing Cheung
Yui, Masao
Yumiao, Zhang
Yumul, Roya
Yun, Bo La
Yun, Hongmin
Yun, Jihyun
Yun, Seong Dae
Yun, Tae Jin
Yun, Yeow Ling
Yun, Zhao Ling
Yung, Andrew
Yung, Wing-Ho
Yung-Chin, Hsu
Yusa, Takeshi
Yushanov, Sergei
Yushkevich, Paul A.
Yuzuriha, Naoya
Yvonne, Kathryn
Zaaraoui, Wafaa
Zabow, Gary
Zacà, Domenico
Zaccagna, Fulvio
Zacharoulis, Stergios
Zachoval, Roman
Zackowski, Kathleen
Zafonte, Ross
Zaharchuk, Greg
Zahn, Katrin
Zahneisen, Benjamin
Zaid, Musa
Zaiss, Moritz
Zaiss, Mortiz
Zaitsev, Maxim
Zakian, Kristen L.
Zamora, Marta
Zanchi, Marta G.
Zandomeneghi, Giorgia
Zanette, Michela
Zanetti, Marcus Vinicius
Zani, Michele
Zanjanis, Sepher
Zapf, Antonia
Zara, Jason M.
Zarate, Natalia
Zarghamravanbakhsh, Parnian
Zaric, Olgica
Zarrin, Sarah
Zauber, Elizabeth
Zauber, S.Elizabeth
Zavaliangos, Antonios
Zbyn, Stefan
Zech, Christoph J.
Zeffiro, Thomas A.
Zehender, Manfred
Zeimpekis, Konstantinos
Zeineh, Michael
Zeisig, Vilia
Zelaya, Fernando O.
Zemel, Babette
Zemskov, Aleksey
Zeng, Haifeng
Zeng, Peng
Zeng, Xiangzhu
Zeng, Ying
Zenge, Michael
Zerbi, Valerio
Zerr, Inga
Zevenhoven, Koos C. J.
Zha, Wei
Zhai, Guihua
Zhan, Liang
Zhan, Wang
Zhan, Yang
Zhang, Bei
Zhang, Bida
Zhang, Bing
Zhang, Bo
Zhang, Gary Hui
Zhang, Guishan
Zhang, Haibo
Zhang, Han
Zhang, Hong
Zhang, Huailing
Zhang, Huawei
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, Huiying
Zhang, Jeff L
Zhang, Jeff L.
Zhang, Jevin W.
Zhang, Jiangyang
Zhang, Jianhua
Zhang, Jianye
Zhang, Jianyi
Zhang, Jie
Zhang, Jilei
Zhang, Jiming
Zhang, Jin
Zhang, Jing
Zhang, Jingwei
Zhang, Jinjin
Zhang, Jue
Zhang, Kaihua
Zhang, Ke
Zhang, Kuan
Zhang, Le
Zhang, Lei
Zhang, Lejie
Zhang, Liandi
Zhang, Liang
Zhang, Lijuan
Zhang, Lili
Zhang, Lin
Zhang, Miao
Zhang, Min
Zhang, Ming
Zhang, Minming
Zhang, Myron
Zhang, Nan
Zhang, Nanyin
Zhang, Ning
Zhang, Qianqian
Zhang, Qinwei
Zhang, Qiong
Zhang, Qiuli
Zhang, Rong
Zhang, Rui
Zhang, S.
Zhang, Shanrong
Zhang, Shelley Hualei
Zhang, Shengwei
Zhang, Shi-Jun
Zhang, Shijun
Zhang, Shuixia
Zhang, Shun
Zhang, Shuo
Zhang, Surong
Zhang, Tao
Zhang, Tianjing
Zhang, Ting
Zhang, Wei
Zhang, Weijuan
Zhang, Weiwei
Zhang, Wenjing
Zhang, Xiangsheng
Zhang, Xiao-peng
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaoliang
Zhang, Xiaomeng
Zhang, Xiaotong
Zhang, Xiaowei
Zhang, Xiaoxia
Zhang, Xiaoyong
Zhang, Xin
Zhang, Xingxing
Zhang, Xue
Zhang, Xuebin
Zhang, Yajing
Zhang, Yan
Zhang, Yao
Zhang, Yaping
Zhang, Yi
Zhang, Yong
Zhang, Yu
Zhang, Yudong
Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Yumiao
Zhang, Yunyan
Zhang, Yusheng
Zhang, Zhang
Zhang, Zhaoqi
Zhang, Zhe
Zhang, Zheng
Zhang, Zhenyu
Zhang, Zhi-jun
Zhang, Zhiguo
Zhang, Zhijun
Zhang, Zhiying
Zhang, Zhiyong
Zhang, Zhongping
Zhang, Zhongwei
Zhang, Zhuhua
Zhang, Zhuoli
Zhang, Zihao
Zhang, Ziheng
Zhang, Zuoquan
Zhao, Bin
Zhao, Bo
Zhao, Dawen
Zhao, Feng
Zhao, Jiang
Zhao, Kai
Zhao, Li
Zhao, Ling-Yun
Zhao, Ming
Zhao, Qun
Zhao, Sha
Zhao, Shihua
Zhao, Tiejun
Zhao, Wenguo
Zhao, Xiaodan
Zhao, Xiaojie
Zhao, Xihai
Zhao, Xinxin
Zhao, Xuna
Zhao, Yansong
Zhao, Yilin
Zhao, Yujuan
Zhao, Zhoushe
Zhe, Liu
Zhen, Zipeng
Zheng, Dandan
Zheng, Hairong
Zheng, Jie
Zheng, Junting
Zheng, Lei
Zheng, Lin
Zheng, Shaokuan
Zheng, Wang
Zheng, Wei
Zheng, Xiang
Zheng, Yuan
Zhong, Jianhui
Zhong, Jianping
Zhong, Jinglian
Zhong, Liang
Zhong, Weixiong
Zhong, Xiadong
Zhong, Xiaodong
Zhong, Xinran
Zhou, Bin
Zhou, Biyun
Zhou, Dong
Zhou, Feng-lei
Zhou, Fuqing
Zhou, Heling
Zhou, Iris Y.
Zhou, Jinyuan
Zhou, Rong
Zhou, Shibin
Zhou, Wei
Zhou, Xiangmin
Zhou, Xiangzhi
Zhou, Xiaohong Joe
Zhou, Xiaopeng
Zhou, Xin
Zhou, Yan
Zhou, Yihang
Zhou, Ying
Zhou, Yongxia
Zhou, Zechen
Zhou, Zhen-Yu
Zhou, Zhengwei
Zhou, Zhenyu
Zhou, Zhuxian
Zhou-she, Zhao
Zhu, A.
Zhu, Chengcheng
Zhu, Dan
Zhu, David C.
Zhu, Hai-Dong
Zhu, Haitao
Zhu, Haoqin
Zhu, He
Zhu, Huabin
Zhu, Jiang
Zhu, Jinxia
Zhu, Kangrong
Zhu, Linlin
Zhu, Min
Zhu, Shenghua
Zhu, Tong
Zhu, Wen-Zhen
Zhu, Wenjun
Zhu, Wenlian
Zhu, Wenzhen
Zhu, Xiao-Hong
Zhu, Xiaoping
Zhu, Xu
Zhu, Xucheng
Zhu, Yan
Zhu, Yanan
Zhu, Yanchun
Zhu, Yanjie
Zhu, Ye
Zhu, Ying
Zhu, Yinghua
Zhu, Yudong
Zhu, Yue-Min
Zhuang, Jiancheng
Zhuang, Xiaoxing
Zhuo, Jiachen
Zhuo, Jingwei
Zhuo, Yan
Zi-heng, Zhang
Zia, Mohammad
Ziegler, Susanne
Zielman, Ronald
Ziener, Christian H.
Zientara, Gary P.
Zijlstra, Frank
Zilberti, Luca
Zilles, Karl
Zimmer, Claus
Zimmer, Fabian
Zimmer, Luc
Zinn, Kurt
Zipp, Frauke
Ziupa, David
Ziv, Etay
Zivadinov, Robert
Zivkovic, Irena
Zmudka, Jadwiga
Zoelch, Niklaus
Zoellner, Frank
Zoga, Adam
Zola, Stuart
Zoller, Heinz
Zoltani, Keve
Zong, Xiaopeng
Zoratto, Francesca
Zotev, Vadim
Zou, Chao
Zou, Qihong
Zou, Xiaodong
Zou, Yunpeng
Zsido, Gerald A.
Zu, Zhongliang
Zucca, Ileana
Zucchelli, Mauro
Zuehlsdorff, Sven
Zuley, Margarita L.
Zuluaga, Maria A.
Zun, Zungho
Zuo, Panli
Zuo, Zhentao
Zur, Yuval
Zurek, Magdalena
Zviman, M. Muz
Zviman, Menekhem M.
Zwanenburg, Jaco
Zwanzger, Peter
Zwart, Christine M.
Zwart, Nicholas R.
Zwick, Stefan
Zylka, Patrick
Zynger, Debra
Zürcher, Nicole R.
Zöllner, Frank G.
Öhrström, Lena
Öhrström, Lena Maria
Öz, Gülin
Özbay, Pinar Senay
Özcan, Alpay
Özen, Ali
Ørting, Silas N.
Østergaard, Jakob Appel
Østlie, Agnes
Author Last Name
Absolute Beginners Guide to Neuroimaging Methods
Acquisition Methods
Advanced Brain Tumor
Advanced Brain Tumor 1
Advanced Brain Tumor 2
Advanced Cartilage Imaging
Advanced Diffusion Acquisition
Advances in Human PET-MRI
Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia
Animal Models Brain
Animal Models Multiple Sclerosis
Animal Models of Brain
Animal Models Stroke & Blood Brain Barrier
Applications of Ultra-High Fields
Array Coils & Systems
Arterial Spin Labeling
Artifact Game Show: Ciao Artefatti!
Artifacts Correction
Bamboccioni: Powerful, Promising MR Techniques that Have Yet to Leave Home- Challenges to Widespread Clinical Adoption
Body DWI/ MRS/ Female Pelvis Pregnancy
Body MRI
Body MRI: How We Do It
Body: Diabetes/DWI/IMRS
Body: GI
Body: Kidney/GU
Body: Pelvis/Kidney
BOLD Modeling & Physiology
Bone Tumor Imaging
Bone, Tendon & Ligament
Brain Cancer
Brain Integrity with Trauma & Aging
Breast Cancer: Clinical & Technical
Breast Cancer: Clinical
Breast Cancer: Clinical & Technical
Breast Cancer: Technical
Cancer Preclinical Animal Studies
Cancer Preclinical Studies: Cells & Animals
Cancer Preclinical: Animal Studies
Cancer Preclinical: Cells to Animals
Cancer: Cells, Biopsies & Biofluid
Cardiac Function, Perfusion & Tissue Characterization
Cardiac MRA: A Dialogue Between a Radiologist & a Physicist
Cardiac MRI: A Dialogue Between a Radiologist & a Physicist
Cardiac MRI: Clinical Challenges
Cardiovascular MRI at 3T & Beyond
CEST & MT Contrast
CEST Contrast: Methods & Applications
Clinical & Translational Cartilage MRI
Clinical Cancer MRI: Case Based
Clinical Cancer: Therapy Response, Perfusion Permeability, Ex Vivo, Education
Clinical Imaging for Engineers & Scientists
Clinical Prostate Cancer
Clinical Utility of CEST in Oncology: The CEST Debate
Clinical Utility of MRS in Oncology: The MRS Debate
Clinical Utility of PET-MRI in Oncology: The PET-MRI Debate
CNS Connectivity: The MR Connectome
Combined Educational & Scientific Session: Cerebrovascular Reserve
Combined Educational & Scientific Session: Diabetes & Muscle Imaging
Combined Educational & Scientific Session: Osteoporosis Hybrid Imaging
Combined Educational & Scientific Session: PET-MRI & Whole Body MRI
Contrast Enhanced MRA
Diabetes & Fat Metabolism
Diabetes & Misc.
Diffusion Analysis
Diffusion Applications
Diffusion Biophysics & Microstructural Imaging
Diffusion Biophysics & Microstructure
Diffusion Biophysics & Microstructures
Diffusion Controversies
Diffusion Goes Mad
Diffusion in the Body
Diffusion Models
Diffusion Tractography
Diffusion: Acquisition Strategies
Diffusion: Acquisition Strategies
Diffusion: Applications
Diffusion: Novel Acquisition
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Phantoms & Validation
Dynamic Imaging
Dynamic MSK Imaging
Efficient Trajectories
Electromagnetic Tissue Property Mapping
Electromagnetic Tissue Property Mapping: Applications
Electromagnetic Tissue Property Mapping: Challenges & Solutions
Electromagnetic Tissue Property Mapping: Methods
Emerging Brain Techniques
Emerging Cardiovascular Imaging Techniques
Emerging Spine Techniques
Emerging Techniques & Image Processing
Epilepsy & Brain Modulation
Everything You Wanted to Know About Magnetic Susceptibility & Why It Is Important
Exciting RF: Mapping, Design & Applications
Fat Quantifications in MSK Imaging
Fat Suppression, Separation & Quantification
Female Pelvis/Fetal/GI
Fetal & Pediatric Neuroimaging
Fetal/Neonatal/Pediatric MRI
fMRI & Electrophysiology
fMRI Acquisition & Analysis Methods
fMRI: Acquisition & Optimization
fMRI: Activation
fMRI: Beyond BOLD
fMRI: Clinical Applications
fMRI: Image Analysis
fMRI: Neuroscience
Focused Discussion: Microstructure from all Angles
Functional Connectivity
Functional Connectivity: Clinical & Preclinical
Functional Connectivity: Methods & Clinical Applications
Functional Connectivity: MRI Measures of Spontaneous Fluctuations in Intrinsic Networks
Gradients, Shims, Magnets & Field Monitoring
Head & Neck Imaging
Head, Neck & Spinal Cord
Hepatobiliary 1
Hepatobiliary 2
Hepatobiliary/ Abdominal Imaging Techniques
High Field Strength 7T MSK Imaging
Hot Topics in Body MRI
How Other Modalities Compare/Compete/Complement: Choose Thy Weapon
Hyperpolarized Agents, MEMRI & Gene Tracking
Hyperpolarized Contrast Agents
Hyperpolarized Gas Imaging
Hyperpolarized MR: C-13 & Others
Image Processing & Analysis
Image Reconstruction
Image Reconstruction from Sparse Data
Imaging Acquisition & Reconstruction
Imaging Metal Implants
Imaging of Cancer: Beyond Anatomy & Morphology
K-Space Sampling Trajectories & UTE Pulse Sequences
Lung & Mediastinum
Lung & Mediastinum MRI
Magnet Technology- Where we came from, where we are, where we are going to
Magnetic Susceptibility: Towards Clinical Application
Magnetization Transfer
Magnets, Gradients & Shimming
Methods En Vogue: How Have They Fared Over Time?
Methods for Motion Correction
Molecular Imaging
Molecular Imaging & Spectroscopy
Molecular Imaging: MEMRI, Cell Tracking, etc.
Molecular Imaging: New Mechanisms & Techniques
Molecular Imaging: New Agents & New Targets
Motion Correction
Moving Magnetization in Milano: NOE, APT & CEST
MR Engineering
MR Engineering: RF & Other
MR Guided HIFU
MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians
MR Physics for Physicists
MR Safety
MR Safety & RF Arrays
MR Systems Engineering
MR-Guided Electro-Physiology Procedures
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
MR-Guided Interventions 1
MR-Guided Interventions 2
MR-Guided Interventions: Techniques & Acquisitions
MR-Guided Needle Interventions & Beyond
MRI Neurography & Plexus Imaging
MRI of Professional Athletes
MRI of Sports Related Injuries
MRS & Other
MRS Animal Models & Isotopic Tracers
MRS Methodology
MRS Methods & Applications
MRS Multinuclear & Other
MRS of the CNS 2
MRS of the CNS I
MS in Gray Matter
MS In White Matter
MSK Misc.
Multi-Band Methods
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 1A
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 1B
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 1C
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 1D
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 2A
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 2B
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 2C
Multidisciplinary Neuroradiology, Part 2D
Multimodal fMRI
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle: Structure & Function
Musculoskeletal System: Emerging Techniques
Myocardial Function
Myocardial Function & Perfusion
Myocardial Function: Technical Developments
Myocardial Perfusion
Myocardial Tissue Characterization
Neuro Developmental & Pediatric Disorders
Neuro MRS
Neuro: Applications
Neuro: Brains or Bust
Neuro: Cancer & MS
Neuro: Methods
Neuro: Other
Neurodegeneration (Not AD Dementia)
Neurodegenerative Disease
Neurodegenerative Disease & Movement Disorders
Neurodegenerative Disease (Not Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia)
Neuroscience Clinical Applications of fMRI
Non-Array RF Coils, Dielectrics & Waves
Non-Cartesian Imaging
Non-Contrast Enhanced Coronary & Peripheral MRA
Non-Gaussian Diffusion
Non-Proton MRS
Normal Ageing Brain
Normal Brain Anatomy
Normal Brain Physiology
Normal Brain Physiology & Developing Brain
Normal Brain Physiology by BOLD
Normal Brain Physiology by MRS & Other Modalities
Normal Developing Brain
Novel & Early High Field Human Imaging
Novel & Targeted Contrast Agents
Novel Applications of Compressed Sensing
Novel RF Coil Concepts
Nuts & Bolts of Advanced Imaging
Nuts & Bolts of Advanced Imaging: Break-Out Groups to Work on Exercises on Reconstruction or Parallel Transmission
Obesity & MRI
Pancreas & Biliary
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Transmit Methods & Hardware
Perfusion & Permeability
Perfusion & Permeability: Contrast Agent Methods
Perfusion & Permeability: Applications
Perfusion in the Brain, Heart & Body
PET-MRI Engineering & Methods
Post-Treatment Brain Evaluation
Powerful Acquisition & Reconstruction Techniques
A Practical Guide to MR Safety
Preclinical Cancer Imaging
Presurgical Brain Mapping
Prostate Cancer
Psychiatric Disorders
Pulmonary MRI/ GI
Pulse Sequence & RF
Pulse Sequences & Contrast Mechanisms
Quantitative Biomarkers of Diffuse Liver Disease
Quantitative Imaging & Modeling: Modeling Function with Contrast Enhancement
Quantitative Imaging & Modeling: Modeling MRI Contrast from the Cellular Microenvironment
Quantitative Imaging & Modeling: Modeling Structure with Relaxation
Quantitative Methods in Musculoskeletal Tissues
Quantitative Techniques
Reconstruction & Processing Methods for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Relaxation: All Flavours
Relaxometry: Applications
Renal & Male Pelvis
Renal Imaging: Development & Applications
Resting State fMRI
RF Arrays & Related Technology
RF Coils, Waveguides & Dielectrics
RF Design & Mapping
RF Engineering: Coils
RF Modelling & Safety
RF Safety
Spectroscopic Acquisition
Spinal Cord
Spine Imaging
Stroke 1
Stroke 2
Stroke: Clinical Applications & Predictive Modeling
Stroke: MRA & Vessel Wall Imaging
System Components & Field Control
T1/T2 Relaxometry
Technical Advances in Cardiovascular Imaging
Thermometry & Thermotherapy
Thermotherapy & Thermometry
Thinking Outside the Black Box: A Self-Help Guide to Neuroimaging Analysis
Tractography Connectivity
Translational Pathways & Validation - Cool Image: Now What!?
Translational Pathways & Validation:Molecular Biology: Validation with Molecular Biological Methods
Translational Pathways & Validation:Sorting Cells & MEMRI Validations: Flow Cytometry & Manganese in Beta Islets
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury & Educational
Tumor Perfusion & Permeability: Applications
Tumor Therapy Response: Preclinical & Clinical
Tumor Therapy Response: Clinical & Preclinical
UHF Engineering: Coils, Hardware & Methods
Ultra High Field for Human Application
Ultra-High Magnetic Field Diffusion, Perfusion & Functional MRI
Unique Acquisition Strategies 1
Unique Acquisition Strategies 2
An Update on fMRI
Vascular MRI: Clinical Challenges
Velocity & Flow
Velocity & Flow Imaging
Velocity & Flow Quantification
Vessel Wall Imaging
Vessel Wall Imaging & Emerging Technologies
When MRI Became the Gold Standard
Young Investigator Award Presentations