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Feasibility of Free-Breathing Whole Heart Coronary MRA in Less Than 3 Minutes Using Combination of Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging and a 3D Radial Phyllotaxis Trajectory

Free-Breathing 3D Isotropic Whole Chest Non-Contrast MRA Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging and a 3D Radial Phyllotaxis Trajectory: A Feasibility Study

Non ECG-Triggered Self-Navigated 3D Radial Whole-Heart Cine MRI with High Spatial Resolution for Simultaneous Multi-Phase Coronary and Functional Imaging.

Post-Contrast Inversion Recovery Self-Navigated 3D Whole-Heart MRI for Combined Coronary Tree and Scar Tissue Visualization

Respiratory Displacement-Dependent Weighting of the Center of K-Space for Improved Image Quality in Self-Navigated Golden Angle 3D Radial Whole-Heart Coronary MRA