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Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in a Murine Liver Cancer: Complementary Assessment with MR-Elastography and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging

Does the Presence of Micro-Vasculature Alter the Dispersion Properties of Shear Waves? a Rat Aortic Ring Model at Multiple Frequencies Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography.

Gadoxetate-Enhanced MRI in Rats with Liver Cirrhosis: Comparison Between Functional Liver Parameters Obtained with Deconvolution Analysis and Compartmental Models as Markers of Hepatocyte Transporter Expression

Quantification of Liver Steatosis in Morbidly Obese Patients: Comparative Performance of Low-Field Open MRI and Steatotest

Temperature-Controlled Isotropic Diffusion Phantom with Wide Range of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients for Multicenter Assessment of Scanner Repeatability and Reproducibility