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CAIPIRINHA-DIXON-TWIST (CDT) – Volume-Interpolated Breathhold Exam (VIBE) – a New Technique for Fast Time-Resolved Dynamic Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Abdomen with High Spatial Resolution

Calculation of Optimal TI Value for 3D LGE-MRI of the Left Atrium

Calibration of Cerebral Blood Oxygenation and Perfusion MR Imaging in Mice by Invasive Micro Probe Measurements.

Calibration of Confounder-Corrected R2* for Liver Iron Quantification at 1.5T and 3T: Preliminary Results

Calibration of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Using T1-Based Steady-State CBV (Bookend Technique) and Vascular Space Occupancy (VASO): Comparison with Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling