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1H MRS and Hyperpolarised 13C MRS Assays of Pyruvate-Lactate Exchange in SW1222 Cancer Cells In Vitro

Autophagy Induced by DCA Treatment, PI3K Inhibition or Starvation Results in Reduced Pyruvate to Lactate Exchange Observed by DNP 13C-MRS.

Bayesian Estimation Improves Plasma Volume Repeatability with Compartmental Modelling of DCE-MRI Data

Diffusion Model Complexity Reduces Repeatability in Multiple B-Value DWI Fitting : Impact of Tumour Volume and Fitting Methodology in a Phase I Clinical Trial Setting

An Exploratory Open-Label, Non-Randomised, Single Centre Methodology Study to Compare Dynamic Contrast Enhanced CT and MRI as Markers of Changes in Vascular Activity Mediated by a Positive Control Agent (Cediranib), a Potent Inhibitor of VEGF-Driven Angio