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Program Number:

Correlation of MR based textural analysis parameters with MR tumor regression score and its potential role in predicting response to long course chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancers [LARC].

Author:Karthik Ganesan  Ankit Jain  Shivsamb Jalkote  Alam Shah  Slesha Bhalja  Balaji Ganeshan  Swarup Nellore  

Institution:Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College London  Sir.H.N.Reliance Foundation Hospital & Research Center  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:14:45  

Session Name:Pelvic Malignancies  

Program Number:1820  

Presentation Time:14:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 43