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A 32-channel transmit/receive radiofrequency head coil for 7T UHF MR

Amide proton transfer (APT) MRI is a predictor of survival and progression in high-grade glioma patients

Brain-component mapping with Inversion-Recovery bSSFP

Denoising of Z-spectra for stable CEST MRI using principal component analysis

Denoising of Z-spectra for stable CEST MRI using principal component analysis

Fat corrected APT-CEST in the human breast at 7 Tesla: application to mamma carcinoma and dependency on menstrual cycle

Fat corrected APT-CEST in the human breast at 7 Tesla: application to mamma carcinoma and dependency on menstrual cycle

Joint multi-contrast Variational Network reconstruction (jVN) with application to Wave-CAIPI acquisition for rapid imaging

Quality assurance of 8-channel transmit/receive switches for a 32-channel transmit/receive system at 7T UHF MRI

Quantification of brain perfusion using dynamic glucose-enhanced MRI