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Author:Phoebe Evans Bernard Siow Ian Harrison Ozama Ismail Yolanda Ohene Payam Nahavandi David Thomas Mark Lythgoe Jack Wells
Institution:UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology University College London The Francis Crick Institute
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Session Time:08:15
Session Name:Diffusion: Neuro Applications
Program Number:3432
Presentation Time:08:15
Room Number:Exhibition Hall
Computer Number:Computer 94
Author:Yoojin Lee Adam Kettinger Bertram Wilm Ralf Deichmann Nikolaus Weiskopf Christian Lambert Klaas Pruessmann Zoltan Nagy
Institution:ETH Zürich Goethe University Frankfurt Hungarian Academy of Sciences Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology University of Zürich Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Artefact Correction
Program Number:3407
Computer Number:Computer 69