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Optimisation and validation of numerical simulation methods for parallel-transmit MRI near a hip implant at 7T

Author:Aurelien Destruel  Ewald Weber  Kieran O'Brien  Feng Liu  Markus Barth  Stuart Crozier  

Institution:Siemens Healthcare Pty Ltd  The University of Queensland  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Simulating RF Safety & SAR  

Program Number:4168  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 143  

SHARQnet - Sophisticated Harmonic Artifact Reduction in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Author:Mathias Olsen  Morten Larsen  Matilde Kristensen  Mads Pedersen  Lasse Østergaard  Kieran O'Brien  Christian Langkammer  Markus Barth  Steffen Bollmann  

Institution:Aalborg University  Medical University of Graz  The University of Queensland  Siemens Healthcare Pty Ltd  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:14:45  

Session Name:QSM  

Program Number:4931  

Presentation Time:14:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 38  

Small field of view 2D spatially selective RF excitation diffusion tensor (DTI) imaging of the kidneys: initial experience in healthy controls and patients with Type 2 diabetes

The Classical Description & System Overview

Author:Daniel Stäb  

Institution:Siemens Healthcare Pty Ltd  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Date:Saturday, 11 May 2019  

Session Time:08:00  

Session Name:Physics for Physicists  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:09:00   

Room Number:Room 520A-F  

Computer Number: