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MR Imaging of Current Vector Fields Induced by TDCS

Author:Luis Hernandez-Garcia  Jonas Schollenberger  Eric Michielssen  John Jonides  Doug Noll  

Institution:University of Michigan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:14:30  

Session Name:fMRI: Acquisition & Artefacts  

Program Number:3935  

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 81  

MR Inversion Recovery Simulation and Scanning of Subjects with Focus on White Matter Lesion Contrast Optimization

Author:Øystein Gadmar  Anne-Hilde Farstad  Berit Elstad  Piotr Sowa  Wibeke Nordhøy  

Institution:Oslo University Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:14:30  

Session Name:Novel Neuroimaging Methods  

Program Number:2979  

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 161  

MR Linac: Implementations & Challenges

Author:Johan Overweg  


Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Date:Saturday, 11 May 2019  

Session Time:08:00  

Session Name:MRI Systems Engineering  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:15:30   

Room Number:Room 516AB  

Computer Number:

MR measurement of T1 relaxation time and fat signal fraction of the pancreas: Association with HbA1c values

Author:Mayumi Higashi  Masahiro Tanabe  Katsuyoshi Ito  

Institution:Yamaguchi University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:13:45  

Session Name:Pancreas/GI  

Program Number:1660  

Presentation Time:13:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 53  

MR neuroimaging and pons proton spectroscopy in type 1 narcolepsy

Author:Stefania Evangelisti  Claudia Testa  Laura Gramegna  Fabio Pizza  David Manners  Elena Antelmi  Lia Talozzi  Claudio Bianchini  Giuseppe Plazzi  Raffaele Lodi  Caterina Tonon  

Institution:University of Bologna  IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Treasure Chest of Neuro Gems  

Program Number:2614  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 141  

MR radiomics analysis in predicting the pathological classification and TNM staging of thymic epithelial tumors

Author:Gang Xiao  Wei-Cheng Rong  Zhong-Qiang Shi  Xiao-Cheng Wei  Wen Wang  Yu-Chuan Hu  Guang-Bin Cui  

Institution:Ge Healthcare  GE Healthcare  Tangdu Hospital  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Lung Power  

Program Number:0010  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

MR radiomics analysis in predicting the pathological classification and TNM staging of thymic epithelial tumors

Author:Gang Xiao  Wei-Cheng Rong  Zhong-Qiang Shi  Xiao-Cheng Wei  Wen Wang  Yu-Chuan Hu  Guang-Bin Cui  

Institution:Ge Healthcare  GE Healthcare  Tangdu Hospital  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Poster: Lung Power  

Program Number:0010  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 10  

MR Safety Watchdog for Safe Active Catheters: Wireless Impedance Controller with Real-time Feedback

MR Safety Watchdog for Safe Active Catheters: Wireless Impedance Controller with Real-time Feedback

MR Spectroscopic Changes in Infants Exposed to Prenatal Opioids: A Pilot Study

Author:Caroline Rae  Danielle Christmas  Ian Wright  John Feller  Mohamed Abdel-Latif  Sara Clews  Janet Falconer  Julee Oei  

Institution:ANU  Neuroscience Research Australia  University of Wollongong  UNSW  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:MRS Clinical Application  

Program Number:2537  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 64  

MR spectroscopy of 2-hydroxyglutarate in patients with brainstem tumors in vivo

Author:Changho Choi  Vivek Tiwari  Zhongxu An  Sandeep Ganji  Michael Levy  Edward Pan  Elizabeth Maher  Toral Patel  Bruce Mickey  

Institution:Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  UT Southwestern Medical Center  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Pitch: Brain Tumor  

Program Number:0896  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

MR spectroscopy of 2-hydroxyglutarate in patients with brainstem tumors in vivo

Author:Changho Choi  Vivek Tiwari  Zhongxu An  Sandeep Ganji  Michael Levy  Edward Pan  Elizabeth Maher  Toral Patel  Bruce Mickey  

Institution:Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  UT Southwestern Medical Center  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:16:45  

Session Name:Poster: Brain Tumor  

Program Number:0896  

Presentation Time:16:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 6  

MR spectroscopy to assess decreased tumor choline as a marker of response to choline kinase inhibitors

Author:Claire Kelly  Clementine Lesbats  Sofya Osharovich  Arthur Taylor  Violaine See  Edward Delikatny  Harish Poptani  

Institution:Centre for Cell Imaging  University of Liverpool  University of Pennsylvania  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cancer Detection & Monitoring  

Program Number:2392  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 94  

MR thermometry guided RF hyperthermia in the head and neck region – does the new MRcollar affect the imaging?

Author:Kemal Sumser  Tomas Drizdal  Juan Hernandez-Tamames  Gerard van Rhoon  Gennaro Bellizzi  Margarethus Paulides  

Institution:Czech Technical University in Prague  Erasmus MC  Erasmus MC - Cancer Institute  Technical University of Eindhoven  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:MR System, Characterization & Tuneup  

Program Number:1598  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 165  

MR to pseudo CT conversion:  Combining Deep-Learning and Analytical Image Processing

MR Visualization of Macrophages’ Damage in Response to X-Irradiation by Detecting Intracellular SPIO Deposition

Author:Masayuki Yamaguchi  Kazunobu Ohnuki  Kenji Hotta  Hirofumi Fujii  

Institution:National Cancer Center  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:16:45  

Session Name:Molecular & Metabolic Imaging: Technical Developments & Novel Applications II  

Program Number:4351  

Presentation Time:16:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 151  

MR Yesterday & Today: An Historic Perspective

Author:Chris Boesch  

Institution:University Bern  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Date:Saturday, 11 May 2019  

Session Time:08:00  

Session Name:Physics for Physicists  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:08:00   

Room Number:Room 520A-F  

Computer Number:

    MR-assisted PET motion correction improves tumor-to-background and contrast-to-noise ratios in a phantom study with ground truth reference

    Author:Sihao Chen  Cihat Eldeniz  Richard Laforest  Hongyu An  

    Institution:Washington University in St. Louis  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Motion Correction: Non-Brain  

    Program Number:4495  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 123  

    MR-based Radiomics Signature to Discriminate Different Pathologic Grade of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Author:Ying Zhao  Ailian Liu  Jingjun Wu  Jingjing Cui  

    Institution:Huiying Medical Technology Co.  the first Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Liver Lesions: Diagnosis, Characterization & Monitoring  

    Program Number:1684  

    Presentation Time:13:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 79  

    MR-derived both ventricular volumetric analyses with a semi-automatic threshold-based segmentation algorithm in congenital heart diseases: Head-to-head validation in human heart model.

    Author:Yoshiaki Morita  Wataru Ueki  Yoskue Hayama  Naoaki Yamada  Hideki Ota  Tetsuya Fukuda  Kei Takase  

    Institution:National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center  Tohoku University hospital  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:17:00  

    Session Name:Myocardial Function & Deformation 2  

    Program Number:2172  

    Presentation Time:17:00   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 48  

    MRF Dictionary Calculation and Visualization using GPU Compute Shaders

    Author:Andrew Dupuis  Dan Ma  Mark Griswold  

    Institution:Case Western Reserve University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Optimization of Quantitative Mapping Techniques  

    Program Number:4532  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 161  

    MR-Guided Pharmacological Intervention: Creating Causal Capabilities for fMRI

    Author:Walter Block  Rasmus Birn  Miles Olsen  Samuel Hurley  Ethan Brodsky  Abigail Rajala  Caitlynn Filla  Alan McMillan  Andrew Alexander  Rick Jenison  Luis Populin  

    Institution:University of Wisconsin - Madison  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:fMRI: Preclinical  

    Program Number:1054  

    Presentation Time:09:03   

    Room Number:Room 511BCEF  

    Computer Number:

    MRI artifact simulation for clinically relevant MRI sequences for guidance of prostate HDR brachytherapy

    Author:Ellis Beld  Marinus Moerland  Max Viergever  Jan Lagendijk  Peter Seevinck  

    Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Non-Thermal Interventional MRI  

    Program Number:3843  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 164  

    MRI assessed dysmotility and texture analysis in the terminal ileum and small bowel: A pilot study comparison between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients with bloating and healthy controls

    Author:Ruaridh Gollifer  Alex Menys  Natalia Zarate-Lopez  Dave Chatoor  Anton Emmanuel  Stuart Taylor  David Atkinson  

    Institution:UCL  University College London Hospitals  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Pitch: Emerging Body Imaging Technologies & Their Translation  

    Program Number:0710  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    MRI assessed dysmotility and texture analysis in the terminal ileum and small bowel: A pilot study comparison between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients with bloating and healthy controls

    Author:Ruaridh Gollifer  Alex Menys  Natalia Zarate-Lopez  Dave Chatoor  Anton Emmanuel  Stuart Taylor  David Atkinson  

    Institution:UCL  University College London Hospitals  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Poster: Emerging Body Imaging Technologies & Their Translation  

    Program Number:0710  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Plasma 45  

    MRI assessment of glymphatic function in the non-human primate brain

    Author:Ian Tagge  Steven Kohama  Theodore Hobbs  Jeffrey Pollock  Thierno Bah  Jeffrey Iliff  William Rooney  

    Institution:Oregon Health & Science University  Oregon National Primate Research Center  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Flow in the Brain  

    Program Number:2556  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 83  

    MRI Assessment of Sex Differences in APOEe4 Knock-in in Rat Brains

    Author:Loi Do  Aarti Mishra  Adam Bernstein  Marc Lindley  Chidi Ugonna  Nan-kuei Chen  Roberta Brinton  Theodore Trouard  

    Institution:university of arizona  University of Southern California  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Diffusion in Disease  

    Program Number:3603  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 96  

    MRI changes of pubic symphysis injuries in primiparous women

    Author:Piaoe Zeng  Jianyu Liu  Yan Zhou  

    Institution:Peking University Third Hospital  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Pelvis: Rounding Out the Bottom  

    Program Number:4049  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 20  

    MRI Differentiation of Morel-Lavallee Lesions from Prepatellar Bursitis

    Author:Stephen Broski  Justin Friske  

    Institution:Mayo Clinic  Mayo Clinic  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Muscle 2 & Other MSK  

    Program Number:1351  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 93  

    MRI Discriminates between the Aged and Aged Diabetic Brain of Rats

    Author:Guangliang Ding  Michael Chopp  Lian Li  Li Zhang  Esmaeil Davood-Bojd  Qingjiang Li  Min Wei  Zhenggang Zhang  Quan Jiang  

    Institution:Henry Ford Hospital  Oakland University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Experimental Models of CNS Disease: Functional/Spectroscopy  

    Program Number:3211  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 47  

    MRI Driven Augmented Reality Image-Guidance Platform for Myocardial Cell Delivery

    Author:Mitchell Doughty  Jill Weyers  Xiuling Qi  Graham Wright  Michael Laflamme  Nilesh Ghugre  

    Institution:Sunnybrook Research Institute  University Health Network  University of Toronto  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Non-Thermal Interventional MRI  

    Program Number:3836  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 157  

    MRI Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    Author:Pei-Hsin Wu  Ana Rodríguez-Soto  Erin Englund  Michael Langham  John Detre  Richard Schwab  Andrew Wiemken  Felix Wehrli  

    Institution:University of Pennsylvania  University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Neurovascular 1  

    Program Number:2669  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 21  

    MRI features of the third ventricle subventricular zone suggest differing optic pathway glioma pathology for neurofibromatosis type-1 and sporadic paediatric cases

    MRI flow and volume quantification with internal validation and correlation to Fick and thermodilution catheterization derived values in pulmonary hypertension

    Author:Lindsey Crowe  Anne-Lise Hachulla  Stéphane Noble  Paola Soccal  Maurice Beghetti  Frédéric Lador  Jean-Paul Vallée  

    Institution:Geneva University Hospital  Medicine Faculty of the University of Geneva  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:30  

    Session Name:Pitch: Flow & Vessel Imaging  

    Program Number:0452  

    Presentation Time:13:30   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    MRI flow and volume quantification with internal validation and correlation to Fick and thermodilution catheterization derived values in pulmonary hypertension

    Author:Lindsey Crowe  Anne-Lise Hachulla  Stéphane Noble  Paola Soccal  Maurice Beghetti  Frédéric Lador  Jean-Paul Vallée  

    Institution:Geneva University Hospital  Medicine Faculty of the University of Geneva  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:14:30  

    Session Name:Poster: Flow & Vessel Imaging  

    Program Number:0452  

    Presentation Time:14:30   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Plasma 3  

    MRI for Selection of Patients for Shunt Surgery & Follow-up

    Author:Karin Kockum  

    Institution:Östersund Hospital, Umeå University  

    Session Type:Weekday Course  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: The Role of MRI  

    Program Number:

    Presentation Time:14:15   

    Room Number:Room 516C-E  

    Computer Number:

    MRI guided hierarchical sectioning and stitching of brain blocks for alignment of digitized histology to corresponding MR images

    Author:Sethu Boopathy Jegathambal  Kelvin Mok  David Rudko  Amir Shmuel  

    Institution:McGill University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Improving Definition & Reducing Artifacts  

    Program Number:4690  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 147  

    MRI investigation of neurodegeneration in subacute SCI and its relation to functional outcome

    MRI of the prostate using a two-channel phased-array endorectal receive coil compared to phased array coil acquisition

    MRI Off-Resonance Analysis Correlates with Histology Necrosis Observations in Failed Total Hip Arthroplasty

    Author:Kevin Koch  Juan Liu  Matthew Koff  Hollis Potter  

    Institution:Hospital for Special Surgery  Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin  Medical College of Wisconsin  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:MSK Techniques & Development: Other MSK  

    Program Number:1415  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 157  

    MRI Powered and Triggered Current Stimulator for Concurrent Stimulation and MRI

    Author:Ranajay Mandal  Nishant Babaria  Jiayue Cao  Kun-Han Lu  Zhongming Liu  

    Institution:MR-LINK LLC  Purdue University  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:00  

    Session Name:Novel MR & MR-Compatible Technology  

    Program Number:0270  

    Presentation Time:16:36   

    Room Number:Room 512A-H  

    Computer Number:

    MRI prediction of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis in children

    Author:Yue Gao  Qiang Liu  Qi Li  Jiazheng Wang  Shinong Pan  

    Institution:Liaoning Electric Power Center Hospital  Philips Healthcare  Philips Healthcare  Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University  University of Cambridge  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:09:15  

    Session Name:Value of MRI  

    Program Number:3669  

    Presentation Time:09:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 163  

    MRI pulse wave profiles of cerebral arteries

    Author:Henning Voss  Jonathan Dyke  Douglas Ballon  Ajay Gupta  

    Institution:Weill Cornell Medical College  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:16:45  

    Session Name:Cerebral Vessel Imaging  

    Program Number:3247  

    Presentation Time:16:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 83  

    MRI quantitative assessment of neonatal hyperbilirubin brain damage

    Author:Meng Xiaoli  Wei Xiaocheng  Zhang Lei  Ren Zhuanqin  Yang Ruwu  

    Institution:Baoji Municipal Central Hospital  GE Healthcare China  XIAN XD GROUP HOSPITAL  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

    Session Time:15:45  

    Session Name:Pediatric Neuroradiology: Little Brains  

    Program Number:3023  

    Presentation Time:15:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 31  

    MRI radiomics features for characterization of RCC subtypes

    Author:Daniela Said  Stefanie Hectors  Eric Wilck  Ally Rosen  Alp Tuna Beksaç  Ketan Badani  Bachir Taouli  

    Institution:Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai  Universidad de los Andes  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Pitch: Emerging Body Imaging Technologies & Their Translation  

    Program Number:0700  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    MRI radiomics features for characterization of RCC subtypes

    MRI Relaxometry based Liver Iron Content Determination: Comparing Gradient-Echo R2* and Spin-Echo with respect to Age and Gender

    Author:Arthur Wunderlich  Valeria Mauro  Meinrad Beer  Stefan Schmidt  Holger Cario  

    Institution:Ulm University, Medical Center  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:13:45  

    Session Name:Liver Fat, Iron, Perfusion & Function  

    Program Number:1764  

    Presentation Time:13:45   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 161