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4D Real-time BOLD MRI in Genetically Engineered Mouse Brains with Acute Hypoxia Challenge

Author:Anthony Christodoulou  George Gabriel  Cecilia Lo  Yijen Wu  

Institution:Cedars-Sinai Medical Center  University of Pittsburgh  Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:16:45  

Session Name:Experimental Models of CNS Disease: Functional/Spectroscopy  

Program Number:3202  

Presentation Time:16:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 38  

Fetal Brain-Heart-Placental Interactions with Acute Hypoxia Challenge in Genetic Mouse Models of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome with in utero 4D Dynamic MRI

Author:Anthony Christodoulou  George Gabriel  Cecilia Lo  Yijen Wu  

Institution:Cedars-Sinai Medical Center  University of Pittsburgh  Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:15:45  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging  

Program Number:4069  

Presentation Time:15:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 40  

Regional and Lateralized Cortical Thickness Measurement in Children and Adolescents with Complex Congenital Heart Disease: Effects of Age, Gender, and Ciliary Dysfunction

Author:Thomas Lampl  Aurelia Sahel  Julia Wallace  Nancy Beluk  Vincent Lee  Cecilia Lo  Ashok Panigrahy  Rafael Ceschin  

Institution:University of Pittsburgh  UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Pediatric - Ain't Misbehaving on Purpose  

Program Number:0041  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Regional and Lateralized Cortical Thickness Measurement in Children and Adolescents with Complex Congenital Heart Disease: Effects of Age, Gender, and Ciliary Dysfunction

Author:Thomas Lampl  Aurelia Sahel  Julia Wallace  Nancy Beluk  Vincent Lee  Cecilia Lo  Ashok Panigrahy  Rafael Ceschin  

Institution:University of Pittsburgh  UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Poster: Pediatric - Ain't Misbehaving on Purpose  

Program Number:0041  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 41  

The Relation Between Nasal Nitric Oxide and Neurocognitive Outcome is Mediated by Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Adolescents and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease

Author:Vincent Schmithorst  Ashok Panigrahy  Philip Adams  Cecilia Lo  

Institution:UPMC Pittsburgh Children's Hospital  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Pediatric - Ain't Misbehaving on Purpose  

Program Number:0044  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

The Relation Between Nasal Nitric Oxide and Neurocognitive Outcome is Mediated by Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Adolescents and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease

Author:Vincent Schmithorst  Ashok Panigrahy  Philip Adams  Cecilia Lo  

Institution:UPMC Pittsburgh Children's Hospital  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:09:15  

Session Name:Poster: Pediatric - Ain't Misbehaving on Purpose  

Program Number:0044  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Plasma 44