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Comparison of Spatial Interpolation and Inpainting Methods for Estimation of Bad Fittings in Chemical Shift Imaging Data

Spiral-MRSI and tissue segmentation of normal-appearing white matter and white matter lesion load in relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis.

Super-resolution 3D MRSI for Mapping 2HG and Tumor Metabolism in Patients with Mutant IDH Glioma

Towards absolute quantification of brain metabolites using Electronic REference To access In vivo Concentrations (ERETIC) for MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)

Using an AC/DC Coil to Improve the Line Width and Lipid Suppression for measuring 2HG in Glioma Patients at 3T

Whole-brain high resolution 3D MRSI for measuring 2HG and tumor metabolism in mutant IDH glioma patients