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Estimation of Fiber Packing Correlation Length by Varying Diffusion Gradient Pulse Duration

Author:Hong-Hsi Lee  Gregory Lemberskiy  Els Fieremans  Dmitry Novikov  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2016  

Session:Diffusion: Microstructure  

Program Number:2021   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:

Validation of Surface-To-Volume Ratio Derived from Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo on a Clinical Scanner Using Anisotropic Fiber Phantoms

Author:Gregory Lemberskiy  Steven Baete  Martijn Cloos  Dmitry Novikov  Els Fieremans  

Session Type:Electronic Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, May 9, 2016  

Session:Diffusion at the Cutting Edge  

Program Number:0013   

Presentation Time:11:45   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theatre, Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Plasma 13