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Citrate Production in Prostate Cancer Metastasis Cell Lines LNCaP and VCaP

Author:Frits van Heijster  Vincent Breukels  Kees Jansen  Jack Schalken  Arend Heerschap  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2016  

Session:Heteronuclear MRS  

Program Number:3958   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Computer 27   

Glutamatergic Production of 2HG in IDH1-Mutant Tumor Cells Is Retained by Glutamate Import in Glutamine-Free Medium

Author:Tom Peeters  Vincent Breukels  Krissie Lenting  Sanne van Lith  Arno van Rooij  Remco Molenaar  William Leenders  Arend Heerschap  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, May 12, 2016  

Session:Cancer Metabolism & Metabolomics  

Program Number:0840   

Presentation Time:11:18   

Room Number:Room 331-332   

Computer Number:

Muscle Functional Oxidative Capacity Varies Along the Length of Healthy Tibialis Anterior

Author:Andreas Boss  Linda Heskamp  Mark van Uden  Lauren Bains  Vincent Breukels  Arend Heerschap  

Session Type:Electronic Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, May 10, 2016  

Session:MSK: The Most Powerful Hour  

Program Number:0365   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theatre, Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Plasma 3