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Muscle functional oxidative capacity varies along the length of healthy tibialis anterior
Andreas Boss1, Linda Heskamp1, Mark Jacobus van Uden1, Lauren Jean Bains2,3, Vincent Breukels1, and Arend Heerschap1

1Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Traditional PCr recovery experiments are performed in a non-localized way, while skeletal muscle is not homogeneous. In this study we performed localized 31P-MRS using a ladder-shaped 31P-phased array receive coil optimized for the tibialis anterior and found a pronounced variation in the rate of PCr recovery after isometric exercise along the length of this muscle in healthy volunteers. In addition, we observed similar regional differences in the time-to-peak signal intensity of muscle functional MRI obtained after exercise in the same volunteers. The reasons for this strong functional gradient along the tibialis anterior remain, however, to be elucidated.


Although muscle is not homogeneous, the rate of phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery after exercise as a correlate of the muscle’s oxidative capacity is traditionally determined in a non-localized way. Fiber type distribution varies within muscles, including the tibialis anterior (TA), in which the proportion of glycolytic type II fibers increases towards the distal portion of the muscle1. Therefore, we hypothesized the rate of PCr recovery would vary along the length of this muscle in healthy volunteers. In addition, muscle functional MRI (mfMRI) was applied using T2*-weighted GE-EPI imaging to examine muscle recruitment and to assess the kinetics of the post-exercise signal intensity response2.


Subjects: 10 healthy male young volunteers (29±3y, 79±9kg, BMI: 23.1±2.6kgm-2).

Hardware: A home-built ladder-shaped 31P-phased array receive coil consisting of 5 individual coils (size:4x4.5cm each, total size: 4x20cm, signal-localization through the limited sensitivity profile of the elements) was positioned on the right TA. For 31P-transmission and 1H-imaging, a 1H/31P birdcage coil (Rapid) was used. A home-built ergometer with visual feedback of applied force was used during isometric dorsiflexion of the foot.

Study-design: Each volunteer underwent 2 experimental sessions performed inside the 3T MR-scanner (Siemens TIM Trio). The first session served to determine the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and for habituation to set-up and exercise. During the second session, 31P- and 1H-imaging was first performed at rest. Thereafter, T2*-weighted GE-EPI images (TE=29ms, TR=1s) from 5 transversal slices (3mm), corresponding to the centre of each 31P-coil were obtained during 1min of rest, 40s of isometric contractions (60%MVC), and 15min recovery. Afterwards, 31P-MR spectra (pulse-and-acquire, 500ms hard pulse, FA=48°, TR=2s, 2 averages/spectrum, 1 spectrum/coil-element) were obtained during 30s rest, 40s isometric contractions (60%MVC, SUBMAX), and 5min recovery. Finally, 31P-MRS was obtained for 16min during an incremental exercise to exhaustion (EXH) starting at 10%MVC, increment:+10%MVC/30s.

Post-processing: mfMRI: For the post-exercise period, two ROIs surrounding the dorsiflexors, i.e. TA and extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and a third ROI surrounding the calf and peronei (C) were drawn. Average signal intensities for the 3 ROIs and time-to-peak (ttp) for the dorsiflexors were computed. 31P-MRS: AMARES/jMRUI was used for spectral fitting (Lorentzians). PCr recovery was fitted to a monoexponential model using matlab:PCr(t)=PCr0+PCr(ekPCr×t) where kPCr: the recovery rate. pH at the end of exercise (pHendex) and minimum pH (pHmin) were determined from the chemical shift-difference between inorganic phosphate (Pi) and PCr.


Isometric exercise: Average maximal force was 200±24N (SEM). The force during mfMRI and SUBMAX was 59±0.5% and 59±0.4%, respectively. Average time to exhaustion during EXH was 165±7s.

An example of the 31P-results from one volunteer is shown in Fig.1. While the depletion of PCr and pHendex during SUBMAX was similar, these parameters varied slightly, but significantly between elements in EXH (Fig.2). The kPCr varied significantly along the length of TA, being lower in distal compared to proximal regions during both, SUBMAX and EXH (Fig.3). Average post-exercise mfMRI indicate that both TA and EDL (but not C) were recruited (Fig.4). The ttp for TA varied significantly with slice and correlated with ttp for EDL (Fig.5A/B). Moreover, ttp TA significantly correlated with the half-time of PCr recovery (t1/2PCr, Fig.5C).


By using two separate MR-techniques, 31P-MRS and 1H-mfMRI, we observed remarkable metabolic differences along the length of the TA in healthy volunteers. The kPCr was approximately twice as high in proximal as compared to distal parts in the muscle. This within-subject variation is higher than what was previously observed for TA when comparing untrained with endurance-trained subjects3, or sprinters with distance-runners4 using traditional surface coils. Moreover, ttp in the mfMRI was significantly slower in distal parts compared to proximal parts and it was significantly correlated with t1/2PCr. Such a correlation, however for single-slice EPI-acquisitions, has previously been reported2. Osmotically driven water shifts from the intracellular (short T2*) to the interstitial compartment (long T2*) as a result of a rapidly decreasing metabolite concentration (overall reaction: Pi+Cr→PCr), may be the main reason for the initial post-exercise signal increase observed in mfMRI2,5, which also explains the tight correlation of ttp and PCr-recovery time. pHendex and pHmin were similar between coil elements during SUBMAX (Fig2A), indicating that pH is not the main reason for the pronounced variation in kPCr and ttp along the length of TA. Differential intra-muscular fiber-type distribution1, or varying O2-supply due to heterogeneous capillary density could, however, potentially explain the functional gradients presently observed.

CONCLUSION: A strong gradient in functional oxidative capacity was found in healthy tibialis anterior. This may reflect regional variation in the metabolic/biomechanical demands of everyday activities on this muscle.


The volunteers are thanked for their time and dedication!


1. Wang LC et al., J Anat. 2001;199:631-643.

2. Schmid AI et al., NMR Biomed. 2014; 27: 553-560.

3. Larsen RG et al., J Appl Physiol. 2009;107:873-879

4. Crowther GJ et al., Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002;34:1719-1724.

5. Damon BM and Gore JC., J Appl Physiol. 2005;98:264-273.


Fig.1. Results of 31P-experiment in one volunteer from coil-elements E1 (distal, left), E2 (middle) and E5 (proximal, right). A: Overlay of 31P/1H-imaging, indicating that the majority of the 31P-signal arises from TA. B: Spectra at the end of submaximal exercise (bottom) and end of recovery (top) with the kinetics (C).

Fig.2. Relative PCr-depletion, pH at the end of exercise and minimum (pHendex, pHmin) for submaximal (SUBMAX, A) and incremental exercise to exhaustion (EXH, B). PCr-depletion (spearman r=0.40, p=0.004) and pHendex (r=0.29, p=0.04) are correlated with coil-number, i.e. vary slightly along the length of TA, during EXH. Results are means±SEM.

Fig.3 The PCr recovery rate constant (kPCr) of individual volunteers for elements E1 to E5 after submaximal (SUBMAX, A) and exhaustive exercise (EXH, B). C: Correlation of kPCr for SUBMAX vs. EXH. D: pHendex is not the main reason for the variation in kPCr between elements.

Fig4. Average post-exercise mfMRI signal of 10 volunteers from slices corresponding to coil elements E1 (distal), E3 (middle) and E5 (proximal). (Error bars omitted for clarity). Both, tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL), are recruited while the calf muscles (C) are not. First 600 of 900s are shown.

Fig5. Time to peak (ttp) from the 1H-mfMRI-experiment in tibialis anterior (TA) correlates with slice-number (=coil-number), i.e. varies along the length of this muscle (A). ttp in TA is strongly correlated with ttp in extensor digitorum longus (EDL, B). PCr half-recovery time (31P-MRS) is correlated with ttp in TA (1H-mfMRI).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)