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Session Type:

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Detection of a Central Defect in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlates with a Tumor Scar and Lower Tumor Proliferation Rate

Author:Yue Zhang  Payal Kapur  Qing Yuan  Ananth J. Madhuranthakam  Ingrid Carvo  Sabina Signoretti  Ivan Dimitrov  Yin Xi  Katherine Wicks  Jeffrey Cadeddu  Vitaly Margulis  James Brugarolas  Ivan Pedrosa  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Tumor Perfusion & PermeabilityApplications  

Program Number:3875.   

Presentation Time:16:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI of the Liver Using Automated Navigator Tracker and Prospective Navigator Correction

Author:Takao Goto  Shiro Ozaki  Yuji Iwadate  Kunihiro Miyoshi  Koji Uchida  Hajime Kitagaki  Hiroyuki Kabasawa  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Hepatobiliary II  

Program Number:4112.   

Presentation Time:11:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Model Parameters from Different Regions Within the Vascular Wall of Carotid Plaques: Comparison with Histology

Dynamic Distortion Correction with Standard Single-Echo EPI: Development of the Method for Multi-Channel Coils at 7T and Accuracy in the Presence of Substantial Motion.

Author:Barbara Dymerska  Benedikt A. Poser  Markus Barth  Siegfried Trattnig  Simon Daniel Robinson  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Artifacts & Correction II  

Program Number:3770.   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Dynamic Off-Resonance Magnetic Field Monitoring and Correction Using Proton Field Probes

Author:Ying-Hua Chu  Yi-Cheng Hsu  Shang-Yueh Tsai  Wen-Jui Kuo  Fa-Hsuan Lin  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Hybrid Systems, Gradients & Monitoring  

Program Number:3088.   

Presentation Time:14:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall