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Continuous Bone Density Measurement for Simultaneous MR-PET Attenuation Correction Using Water- And Fat-Suppressed Projection Imaging (WASPI)

Author:Chuan Huang  Jinsong Ouyang  Timothy G. Reese  Yaotang Wu  Georges El Fakhr  Joseph J.H. Ackerman  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Novel & Hybrid Systems  

Program Number:0411.   

Presentation Time:14:54   

Room Number:John Bassett Theatre 102   

In Vivo Pulse Sequence Design for Acceleration of T2 Mapping Using Compressed Sensing with Patch-Based Low-Rank Penalty

Author:Dong-wook Lee  Sung-Hong Park  Chuan Huang  Eung Yeop Kim  Jong Chul Ye  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Quantitative & Model-based Image Reconstruction  

Program Number:3700.   

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall