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Motion Correction of High Temporal 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Pancreatic Cancer - Preliminary Results

MR Elastography for the Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Does Histological Necroinflammation Influence the Measurement of Liver Stiffness?

Non-Invasive Investigation of Exocrine Pancreatic Function Using Cine Dynamic MRCP with a Spatially Selective Inversion-Recovery (IR) Pulse

Normal Range and Reproducibility of Multi-Frequency MR Rheology of Healthy Liver at 3.0T MRI

Physiological Bile Flow in the Extrahepatic Bile Duct: Evaluation with Cine-Dynamic MR Cholangiopancreatography and a Spatially Selective Inversion-Recovery Pulse