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Displaying 36 - 40 of 4369
Author:Michael Lustig
Session:NIBIB Plenary Session on Innovations in Imaging: How Compressed Sensing will Change the World of MR
Author:Moti Freiman Jeannette M. Perez-Rossello Michael J. Callahan Mark Bittman Stephan D. Voss Robert V. Mulkern Simon K. Warfield
Session:Body Diffusion
Author:Joshua D. Trzasko Armando Manduca
Session:Image Reconstruction
Author:Bretta Russell-Schulz Cornelia Laule David Li Alex MacKay
Session:Normal Developing Human Brain
Author:Julien Bouvier Florence Tahon Irène Troprès Omer Eker David Chechin Jean-François Le Bas Alexandre Krainik Emmanuel Luc Barbier
Session:Neurovascular Diseases