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Benign-Malignant Lesion Differentiation Using Functional ADC-Thresholding – Allowing Expert Radiologist Interpretation – Versus Conventional Thresholding Based on ADC Cut-Off Values

Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) for Breast MRI at 3.0T: A Comparison Between Four Observers with Different Levels of Experience.

Diagnostic Accuracy of High-Resolution Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted MRI for the Detection of Breast Cancer

Differentiation Between Malignant and Benign Cervical Tissue on the Basis of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Is Sensitive and Independent of the B-Value Combination Used for ADC Calculation.

High-Resolution, Fat-Suppressed, Diffusion-Weighted MRI of the Breast Using a Self-Navigated Multi-Shot Technique