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Displaying 1 - 5 of 7
Author:Richard D. Dortch Thomas Yankeelov Mark D. Does
Session:Relaxometry & Quantitation
Author:Daniel C. Colvin Mark D. Does Zou Yue C. Chad Quarles John Gore Thomas Yankeelov
Session:Diffusion Imaging of Tissue Microstructure
Author:Chunming Li Zhaohua Ding Mary M. Zutter John Gore Thomas Yankeelov
Session:Tissue Segmentation & Localization
Author:C. Chad Quarles Sunil Narayan John Gore Thomas Yankeelov
Session:Perfusion & Permeability: Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Methods
Author:Thomas Yankeelov E. Brian Welch Anuradha Chakravarthy Robert Lee Darla Freehardt Ingrid Mayer Ingrid Meszoely Mark Kelley Julie Means-Powell John Gore
Session:Breast MRI: Optimizing & Predicting Outcomes