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Quantification of Metabolites in HR-MAS Spectra of Human Prostate Biopsy Tissues Using ERETIC and the QUEST Algorithm

Quantification of Myocardial Strain at Early Systole in Mouse Heart: Restoration of Undeformed Tagging Grid with Single Point HARP

Author:Wei Li  Jia Zhong  Xin Yu  

Session:Cardiac Image Processing  

Quantification of Pancreatic and Hepatic Fat Using Gradient Echo MRI – Comparison of a Spatial-Spectral Excitation Technique with In/Opposed-Phase Imaging

Quantification of Reactive Hyperemia in the Femoral Artery and Vein by MRI-Based Blood Oximetry

Quantification of SNR and G-Factor for Parallel MRI: Universal Application to Image-Based and K-Space-Based Image Reconstructions