Sajith Rajamani1, Harsh Kumar Agarwal1, Jeremy Heinlein2, and Ramesh Venkatesan1
1GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India, 2GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
MRI is the most common Musculo-skeletal MRI [1]. It is a non-invasive tool
for the evaluation of disorders such as meniscal, ligamental, soft tissue, bone
and bone marrow injuries and abnormalities. Acquisition of a high-resolution
and high-quality MRI is key to boost the confidence of the radiologist in
diagnosis. In this manuscript we have presented how radial MRI, commercially
referred to as PROPELLER (GE)/ BLADE (Siemens)/ MULTIVANE (Philips) etc. parameters, patient positioning
and immobilization can be adapted for the available hardware such as receiver
coil to yield high-resolution and high-quality knee MRI.
MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique for the evaluation of meniscal,
ligamental, Soft tissue, bone and bone marrow injuries or abnormalities [2] For detecting specific meniscal and chondral lesions, MR Arthrography is the
gold standard, but it is invasive.[3] According to the American
College of Radiology (ACR) guidelines, the field of view (FOV) for standard
knee sequences should be less than or equal to 16cm except for the evaluation
of extended detected or suspected abnormality.[2] An optimized high
resolution, high quality mri knee protocol is important to enhance the diagnostic
Dedicated coils are needed for
knee MRI; however, many centers may not have it and they will use medium or
large surface coils. Sometime for the ease of workflow, large field of view coils
such as torso coil is used for data acquisition of knee. Typically, Cartesian sampling
is used as a readout method. Use of smaller field of view with respect to the
size of receiver coil increases the probability of wrap-around or aliasing
artifact.[4] Some of the tricks to address the issue of ghosting
artifact arising from pulsation of popliteal artery as well as the aliasing is
to change the phase encoding direction to superior-inferior with phase oversampling
in case of sagittal plane. Slight Knee flexion, wherever tolerable or feasible
inside the coil, can be used during positioning with Cartesian readout for
avoiding few of the artifacts such as Annefact. But the intended clinical
evaluation dictates the knee positioning during the scanning. We present data
acquisition with radial k-space sampling using PROPELLER (GE) which is commercially available in both 1.5T and 3T
scanners to be utilized to generate high resolution and high-quality knee MRI. Methods and Results
study was conducted per a protocol that was reviewed and approved by an IRB for
data acquisition on volunteers for experimental purposes including on
commercial MRI scanner using commercially released software. The data was
acquired using GE Signa HDXT 1.5T MRI scanner using HD T/R Knee coil over the
right knee. We break our suggestion among two groups:
High Resolution: For sagittal
and coronal planes, popliteal artery pulsation forces us to choose phase
encoding along the superior-inferior direction. In this case, without phase
oversampling, wrap-around artifact is observed in cartesian readout but, Radial
mri does not have wrap-around or ghosting artifact from popliteal artery
pulsation hence, high-resolution artifact free knee data can be acquired.
High quality has two parts, SNR and artifacts. For SNR, radial sampling
oversamples the central k-space therefore it is most optimal for SNR per unit
time. For the same acquisition time when compared to Cartesian (Figure1 a &
b), PROPELLER (Figure1c) has improved image quality and motion robustness as
the center k-space is acquired again and again as shown in Figure 2. The
repeated acquisition of central k-space is used to suppress any motion artifacts
that appear due to insufficient immobilization.[5]
Annefact [6] (commonly also called the cusp or star artifact), which is not present in the
dedicated knee coil but can become a significant problem in the non-dedicated
coils such as large surface coil and body coil. The removal of annefact can be done
by several methods.[7] We observed the use of Nex=2 with RF phase
cycling is the most common way to remove annefact but it is associated with
doubling of the scan time which may not otherwise be required such that
sufficient snr present in the image. Radial does not have this issue and can be
used for this purpose. Figure 3 shows the data acquired using the extreme case
large FOV coil which is the body coil. annefact is not present in PROPELLER
readout.Conclusion and Discussion
We observed that Radial k-space
sampling shows artifact free images without phase oversampling. Scan time of
radial sampling is comparatively longer but the provision to apply parallel
imaging techniques such as ARC (GE), GRAPPA (Siemens) reduces the scan time to
half with acceleration factor (R) of 2. On top of that, recent advances in
acceleration such as compressed sensing, which is a method of incoherent
subsampling rather than uniform subsampling can be incorporated into the radial
sampling with advanced deep learning-based reconstruction to produce high
quality images.[8] Optimizing the knee joint protocol with radial
readout can be useful for generating high-resolution, high quality knee images
to enhance diagnostic confidence.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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