Radiographers Reporting Cardiac MRI Scans
Kevin Strachan1
1Nottingham University Hospitals, United Kingdom


Within the constantly changing landscape of cardiac imaging, traditional roles and expectations are being re-evaluated. Reporting CMR studies has, until now, fallen exclusively within the remit of imaging consultants. This presentation aims to consider the expanding role of the radiographer within this area by reflecting upon the journey of the UKs first CMR reporting radiographer. As well as providing insight into the challenges, methods and ratification process. There will be discussion about the ongoing benefits to patients, service and Radiographers. Finally, there will be consideration of further expansion towards a truly multi-professional service and future opportunities for advancement


Within the constantly changing landscape of cardiac imaging, traditional roles and expectations are being re-evaluated. Reporting CMR studies has, until now, fallen exclusively within the remit of imaging consultants. This presentation aims to consider the expanding role of the radiographer within this area by reflecting upon the journey of the UKs first CMR reporting radiographer. As well as providing insight into the challenges, methods and ratification process. There will be discussion about the ongoing benefits to patients, service and Radiographers. Finally, there will be consideration of further expansion towards a truly multi-professional service and future opportunities for advancement.


I would like to acknowledge the tireless work of my colleagues within radiology and cardiology at Nottingham University Hospitals. Without whom none if this would be possible. In particular, Dr Mike Sosin, Dr Bara Erhayiem and Dr Said Habib


Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)